Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 05, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week
Edited by
Eva Nealon Hamilton
Unttanfuarmlnc at
w w M ..1 . M . . .
Seattle Singer sets INew York
Critics On Ear With G Sharps
University Club
Will Be Tuesday
The mJor event of the coming
week, socially speaking, preceding the
Armistice holiday, will be the home
winning t the University club, open.
Ing In the new location, 1000 West
Main etreet.
Members, their famUles and frlende
will gather there Tueaday evening tor
dinner t 7:30 o'clock, with bridge
and dancing to follow.
The part week ha been rather gay
with a continuation of Hallowe'en
parties, Informal entertaining and
general revival 01 mwira i
comings and golnga of local folk and
. Mrs. W. F. Blddle, Sr, returned the
first of the week from a visit in me
esst, Including a motor trip through
the New England atatea and Canada.
Mr. and Mro. Ralph W. Page of
Plnehuret. North Carolina, vlalted
Mr. and Mra. Robert W. Ruhl during
the paet week, leaving Wedneaday for
Ban mnclaco via the Redwood high
way. Mr. Page, who la the eldest
ion of the late Walter H. Page, am
bassador to Great Britain during the
Wilson administration, la making a
motor trip throughout the country.
In the Interest of a large newspaper
ayndlcate In tne east.
Mr. and Mra. F. Coming Kenly,
who have been spending the past
month at their river lodge the "Neru,"
returned to Medford and are now at
their winter place In the Valley View
Mrs. T. B. DanleU was nostees re
.r,ilv at three lovely luncheons, ai
which chrysanthemums were used In
tihh dncoratlona and about the
rooms. She entertained Wedneaday.
Friday and Tuesday and luncheon
was foUowed each day by three tablea
of contract bridge.
A large wedding of the autumn will
be solemnized this week at the Sacred
Heart Cathollo church, when Mlas
Dorothy Ness, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas H. Neaa of Roseburg and
LaVeme Hawn. son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Hawn of Eugene, are married
Thursday by the Reverend Francli W.
Members of the bridal party were
announced last week.
Dinner Enjoyed at
vancoma Inn.
Mrs. Holmea and Mra. Brown were
hostesses to members of the Banna
club Thuraday evening at dinner at
Waucoma Inn.
Plana Completed
For Guild Bazaar
Plana were completed Friday by the
members of St. Mark's Guild for a
bazaar and card party to be held at
the parish house December 8.
. The committee for the event Is
composed of Mrs. Frame, Mrs. 0.
Xakln, Mra. M. M. Herman and Mra.
lu O. Taylor. Mrs. McDougall and
committee will hold a card party at
the pariah house Wednesday evening,
November 18. Prlrea will be awarded
In contract, auction and Abo.
The next meeting will be held at
the pariah houae November 10. Tea
will be served by Mrs. M. M. Hermsn.
Not In the memory of the oldest critics of Qotham had anyone be.
fore eung to them In Q Sharpe above High C but Virginia La Rae of
Seattle, 25 year old member of the Chicago Opera Comparjy, reached
this note In her New York debut. But despite her unueual range, im
provement in tone and stage presence le needed before she can becom
a atar( they aald. (Aasoclated Preaa Photo) m
Mrs. Wilson Gives
Reames Chapter
Officers Dinner
Mra. Cave Hostess
' To P. L. Club
Mra. Mary cave and her slater, Mra.
Kan Hulbert, of Roseburg entertained
members of F. 1. club at the tormer'a
home at 106 Elm atreet last Tuesday
evening. Their home waa attractively
deoked In- Hallowe'en decorations.
During the evening Hallowe'en games
ware enjoyed by all after which re
freshments were served.
Those present were: Bease Thomp
son. Lucille Cave, Edna Hllderorand,
Viola Aldredge, Ethel Humphrey,
Oeorgla Heas, Oeorgtanna Hussong.
Marian MellLn, Jean Jennings and the
ntrthday Party ' ' ,
Ilonora Two
A birthday party waa given In
honor of Mlna Myrtle Kelty and
Rubin WUke by Mra. O. w. Thurston
on Saturday evening. The Hallowe'en
motif waa used In the decorations.
Present were: Mr. and Mra. Jack
Kelty, Mr. and Mrs. Oerffie Schuler,
Mrs. Emma Wilson, Mrs. Emma Amy,
Mra. Cora Sheehan, Mrs. Olive Main,
Mtasea Edna Nosier, Jessie Nosier,
Fa ye Ackley, and Messrs. Richard
Evanalcer, Bob Kelty, Robert Moore,
James Ackley, Earl Blrrisall, Clareure
Correlaon, Ollbert Amy and the hoa
toas, Mrs. Thurston and the honor
guests. Miss Kelty and Mr. WUke.
Mra. Addle Wilson, worthy matron
of Reamea chapter, entertained off!'
cers and Installing officers of the
chapter at 0:30 dinner at her home
on South Rlveralde Friday evening.
Yellow tapera and yellow chrysan
themuma formed the table decora
tions and the same autumnal flowers
were iwd In profusion about the
rooms. Place cards carried the O.
E. s. emblem.
. Following dinner, bridge was play
cd with Mrs. Kate Young and Mra. S.
Ralph Dlppel receiving honors for
the women and Dr. Dlppel and Dr.
Standard for the men.
Mesdamre Wolf
And Klein Hostesses.
Mrs. Wolf snd Mrs. Klein were
hostesses to the Pythian club, at
the home of the latter on Tuesday
evening. Bridge and BOO were played,
prices being won by Mrs. Hetmroth
and Mra. Moffatt. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mra.
Fisher on Tuesday, November 14. I
Mrs. Meeker Has
Party for Staff
On Tuesday evening the ladles of
the M. M. Department store staff
were entertained with a Hallowe'en
party by Mra. O. A. Meeker at her
home on North Baretlett street.
The rooms were colorful In deco
rations of marigolds, autumn leaves
snd Jack-o'-lanterns. Ghosts and
witches added to tha festive event
The evening was spent playing Hal
lowe'en games, which were enjoyed
by an present, alter which refresh.
menta were aerved.
Guests were Mesdamea Murray, Cur.
tie, Satterlee, Pursel, Calder. Brandon,
Bluings, smith, Davla, Hemphill,
Root, Elliott, Rush and Mlasee Whit
aon, Oathea and Walker.
Past Matrone to
Play Bridge Monday.
Past Matrons of Reamea chanter
will meet Monday, November 0, at
the Masonic temple. Bridge playing
win oegin at 1 o'clock, and the com
mittee for the affair Is composed of
Mesdamea Charlea Woods, Thompson,
Galller and Fowler. All past matrons
are cordially Invited to attend.
IT IS NOT A DYE, but an absolutely pure
perfectly harmless mascara
Do not confuse MayhelUne mascara with eye
lash dyu. Maybclline ii simply a harmless
water color that Instantly darkens and beau,
lines the eyelashes. It has been used con
sistently for sixteen years by million! of
women In all pans of tha world with absolute
ssfety and ytisfaction. Insist on genuine
MayhelUne cjclash darkensr and be assured
of absolutely harmless, non-smarting, tear
proof mascara. Black or Brown, 75c.
Sold by Reputable
Toilet Goods Dealers
Throughout the World
Miss B ammer Is
Bride at Wedding
in Southern State
In the Bluefteld, West Virginia,
Pru Is found the announcement
of a southern wedding of Interest
to many Medford people, as the bride,
Mlai Pauline Pepper Brammer. la a
graduate of the local high school and
a charter member of the local chap
ter of tha Children of the American
The press report reads:
"MIas Pauline Pepper Brammer,
this city, and Mr. Walter R. Matthews
of Lamar, Ala., were married October
1 at Bristol, Tenn., formal announce
ment of the marriage having been
maae here last evening. The bride,
who la widely known for her beauty
and charm. 1s a daughter of Mr. J.
W. Brammer, of Buchanan, Va. She
Is a sister of Misses BUIle, Blanche
and Ruth Brammer, and a niece of
Miss Pearle Brammer, this city. She
hss been a resident of Bluefleld four
years, being connected with the offi
ces of Dr. John McGuIre, In the Peery
"Mr. snd Mrs. Mstthews are leav
ing this morning for a honeymoon
trip. News of the man-lane Is of
particular Interest, on account of
the popularity of the bride and
The bride Is- a granddaughter of
josepn js. repper. The Peppers were
the first people to settle west of the
Blue Ridge mountains In Vlrelnla.
Their lands were grants from King
George, II. Mrs. Matthews gradu
ated from the Medford high school
four years sgo and Is a niece of Mrs.
Nancy Pepper Crews of this city.
Mrs. Pnrne Plant
Stay In Oakland.
Mrs. Mary E. Payne. plans to leave
Medford soon for Oakland. Cel., where
she will spend the winter with her
Mlsf McKuer's "
Talks Enjoyed.
Several members of the Women's
Missionary society of the Presbyte
rian church here motored to Ashland
Thursday, where they were guests of
that missionary socfety to hear a lec
ture by Miss Esther McRuer of New
York, representative of the Women's
National Board of Missions.
The speaker gave an Interesting
review of her work, speaking par
ticularly of condltlona In Cuba. I
Following the lecture tea waa '
served by the Ashland Missionary so-
clety, completing a very plesssnt
afternoon. '
Mr 8, Solinsky I a
Luncheon Hostess
Mrs. E. C. Solinsky was hostess
Wednesday at luncheon at her home
on Queen Anne Wednesday, enter
tatnlng for Mesdamea Martin Palmer,
Ray Edwin, John R. Sargent, D. S.
Llbbey, Belderllnden and W. E. Rob.
Luncheon waa followed by bridge.
Miss Williamson
Honored Here.
Miss Louise Williamson, who Is a
guest here from Salem of Mr. and
Mra. Lloyd Williamson, was honored
Thursday at a party given by Mrs.
Pythian Sisters
Plan Dinner Dance.
The Pythian Sister and Knights
of Pythias are sponsoring a dinner
dance Wednesday evening at the
Knights of Pythias hall, to which
the publlo is Invited. Dinner will
be served at 6:30 o'clock, and danc
ing will follow at 9:00.
Music for dancing will be played
by Dynge's orchestra.
Alpha Delta Class
Entertained Thursday.
The Alpha Delta class of the Chris
tian church Bible srhool waa delight
fully entertained at the home of
Mrs. J. T. Davis, Thursday afternoon.
The business session was presided
over by the rlass president, Mrs. C.
M. Hon..
Names were drawn for the Polly
Anna rlub for the coming year and
relief for a needy family waa provided.
During the social hour games.
Btunte and contests were enjoyed and
refreshments served by the commit
tee. Hallowe'en Party Given
For Smedley Children.
Mrs. Earl Smedley entertained with
a Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening
for her children, Helen and Leonard
Smedley. Those Invited were Vir
ginia Hally, Edna Dale, James Elliott,
Richard Mole, George Rohrer, Mrs.
McDonald. Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Lt-
tle Howard Rogers and Robert New-J
Mrs. Arthur Rogers assisted In
decorating the house with corn stalks,
pumpkins, witches, bats, etc. The
house was beautifully decorated with
orange and black curtains with table
to match.
The guests were aerved refresh
ments, carrying out the samo color
schemes. Games were played and
prizes awarded the winners and
lowest losen.
Football Draws
Many to Eugene
for Homecoming
These days are football days and
Medford folk are football minded,
Judging from the number of people
spending this week-end In Eugene
for the University of Oregon home
coming and the general exodus prom'
lsed for next week-end, when Oregon
plays Oregon State in Portland.
Among members of the younger set
attending the games In Eugene were:
Misses Dorothy Burgess, Phyllis Phy
thlan, Joyce Banish and Dorothy
Gore. Miss Burgess was guest there
of her grandmother and the other
three misses were entertained at Phi
Mu sorority by Mlas Gore's sister,
Mlas Grace Burnett also attended
homecoming on the campus as guest
of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Burnett-
Others enjoying campus life for the
short period were Misses Betty Psske,
Betty Vilm, Virginia Lindley, Amy
Elliott and Barbara Holt, who mo
tored north with Mr. O. L. Lindley;
Misses Margnrlte Boyle, Suzette Sten-
nett, Marjorle Paley. Patricia Car-
Ion, Georgia Webb, Louise Elrod, June
Davis, Elizabeth Esaon, Patricia Smltn,
LaMurle Beck, Irene Anderson, Helen
Allison, Margaret Ward and Dorothy
Burgess, snd Messrs. Alan Hubbard, !
John Dickson, Paul Dorf. Dick Shreve,
Glen Fabrlck, Dick Sleeter, John Sni
der, Bob Ottoman, Johnny Millard,
Forest Ward. Billy Ryan. Bill Lumrm,
Ralph Cowglll, Harlen Wood, Marlon
Llttrell. Bernard Matthews, Earl Har
rison. Hoke Curtis, LeRoy Williams.
Adrian Fraley, Melvln Faber. Bob
Rlndt, Sam VanDyke, and Harold
Grove, who was guest of his sister.
Mrs. J. J. Cberlmonee at Cottage
Orove. '
Mrs. Klrkpatrlck
HftAtes; to Club,
Mrs. P. J. Klrkpatrlck entertained
the Oak Grove Neighborhood club on
Wednesday with 10 members present,
Mrs. L. D. Mlnear of Ashland waa a
Mrs. Lundy, president, gave re
port on the number of garments made
and delivered to needy children.
It was planned to have a food
shower Thanksgiving week for an
unfortunate family. Each member
responded generously.
The afternoon was spent In sewing.
Refreshments were served by the
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. W. H. Roberts on
November 16.
Clever 32-Piece Set
42-Piece Dining Set
$ 5 2 s
The Greatest Dish
Value In Town
lu .'la 1
" LT
4 'AX
Vv -
County snd School
Warrant Accepted
On Purchiue
Good Food
the Smile of
Good Health
Good food and good health go hand In hand especially to
this true of meats, the best source of proteins for growing
Meat hard to chew, Is hard to digest and seldom Is it chewed
sufficiently by a child. While to a degree supplying the
necessary proteins, tough meat is a greater menace to health,
indigestion, mal-nutrition and a general undermining of
health may result.
Good meat, especially beef, is necessary and essential to the .
health of children. Even that should be properly cared for
until at its best.
That is why we have added the big automatically controlled
holding cooler where from 30 to 40 fine steers are held until
they are at their best.
That is why we safeguard with every super-sanitary pre
caution. ,
Why our meat cutters do not handle money.
Why our meat cases are automatically hold at low tem
peratures. Why meat are parchment wrapped for protection on the
way to your home.
Why our meat cutters must have a good health certificate
from a physician.
F ood Means Good or Bad Health, and Good
Food Is Cheaper Than Medicine
-sf "
Miss Moore Among
Phi Beta Pledges
Miss Marian Moore, University o
Oregon student from Medford, has
been pledged to membership in Phi
Beta, national honorary sorority, It
was announced by the organisation ,
Membership m Phi Beta is extended
to women students talented in music.
and prominent In campus music ac
tivities. Only 16 were pledged this
Miss Moore la ft freshman and ma
joring In music. She is affiliated
with the Alpha Gamma Delta soror
ity. Mrs. Frohbarh Honored
By Club Members.
Members of her card club feted
Mrs. H. O. Frohbach at her home
Thursday, arriving unannounced to
Join her In celebrating her btrthf.ay
anniversary. Luncheon was prepared
by the guests and followed by bridge.
Honors were held by Mrs. George B.
Alden and Mra. J. H. Butler.
Present were Mesdames Hubbard,
Herman, Stennett, Mnasdam, West,
Alden, Butler end Frohbach.
nallowe'en Party
Enjoyed, Iluwonr Home
A Hallowe'en party was given last
Monday evening at the home of Geor
giana Hussong for the members of
F. L. club and their guests.
A short informal business meeting
was held and plaruT and activities of i
the club for the coming winter ;
months were made. After the busl-;
ues meeting, Hallowe'en games and1
other amusements were enjoyed by all :
until a late hour after which delicious
refreshments were served by the hos
tess. Members present Including guests
were: Georglanna Hussong, Lucille
Cave. Jean Jennings, Edna HUder-
brand, Besse Thompson, Ethel Hum
phrey, JVloIa Aldredge, Georgia Hess,
Marian Mellln, Dorothy Armstrong,
and Nelda Eberhard, who Is visiting j
here from Lakevlew, Oregon.
The next business meeting of the 1
club, will be held at the home of Jean :
Jennings on. Vancouver avenue, No- j
vember 13th.
Reamea Chapter
To Meet Wednesday.
The regular meeting of Reames
Chapter, O. fi. S., will be held Wed
nesday evening at the Masonic halL
Dollars For You
Let me sell your Household
Goods and Furniture for CASH
Jack. Co. Bank Bid. Phone 1144J
Chiropractic and Physlotberaphy
Oregon License 264
California License 3029
12 Yean in Medford. Ore.
Gardner Drugs
x 6 Enlargement
with each roll oi
(Urns printed.
You'll want to look nice for
the Armistice Parties. Make
an appointment now for a
at the
Mabel Foague Lillian Fuhl
Phone 1526
A Special Value
J ,, , This smart
and lorvicMbl platter and serving felt set is one of th
best values we have ever offered. . Of good design, heavily
iilverplated and convenient in size 14 inches in length,'
Extremely useful too, for Cold Meats, Salads, Hors d'Ouvres,
Cakes, Sandwiches, and many other purposes that will occue
to you.
Reg. $9.75 value.
Special price now.
Super Food
50c Turkey Dinner 50c
From 11 to 8
The Stora X HrpT Wtadlni Rlnft
White Rose
Wedding Rings
Radiant ai Diamonds
Larry Schade