IPZOE EIGHT HrEDFORI? ItkTL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", THTRSDAY, XOYE'NrBER 2, 1933. Outrageous Fortune BYXOPX18: Susie rm Berg ytat haa told Carolina Leigh that her husband, Elmer Van Berg, and Jim ttandal quarreled the night Elmer uas shot, and the tcmnus Van Berg emeralds were stolen. Susie believes the quarrel teas over her, because the had made bar husband jealous ot Jim iust as a ioke. Caroline, vho loves Jim, does not believe Jim that Van Berg, although Jim Mm selt cannot be sure, since his mm orv has left him. Caroline, in the darkness of a terrible storm, stum bles into a room and hears the voice ol Ke.ua Riddell. It is Kesta who declares Jim is her husband! Chapter 8t ' THE SEANCE A N-OTHE-R voice answered, Nesta's, . "Tea,, the storm's iolna; oyer. If 11 draw down, river no.w." 'Caroline had'.nerer heard this voice before, op any quite like It It reminded her of a fly In treacle, ora. voice heard In a thick muffling -fog. It had a' peculiar 'soft toneles'aneet- that blurred the words, and the pitch never varied. "Then we'd better get on with It,' said Kesta. "That last crash put ma Tight off but I shall have a train to catch presently, and I've got to know about Jim before I go." Caroline had taken another step, but these words halted her. She had not meant to listen, but when Nesta eald, "I've got to know about Jim, she knew that she was going to lis ten. If there was anything to know about Jim, she was going to know 1L She heard the soft sound of some one moving, and the gurgle of wa ter or eoae other liquid. The smooth toneless voice said: "Look Into the pool." "What shall I see? Suppose I don't see anything." This was Nesta. "I don't say you'll see, nor what you'll see there's no saying. If you don't see nothing, there's no harm done. Look In the pool." Silence fell on the room a ourl- bus silence, enclosed by the sound of restless, hurrying wind and dis tant thunder. It was like the still place at the center of the storm. Caroline edged forward and looked round the screen. , The room was full of a half light except for one bright patch a light directed downwards upon a bow of dark blue glass which appeared to be full ot Ink. It was about the size of a hyacinth bowl, and It stood on a stool with a worked cross-stitch top. . On one side of this stool Nesta Riddell was kneeling, and on the other, In a low armless chair sat a plump elderly woman. This must be the other Caroline Caroline Bus soil, Nesta Rlddoll's cousin, the housekeeper at Packham HalL She had a pale fiat face, pale and plump, and a tight curled fringe of faded hair controlled by a not. Her hands lay In her lap. She leaned for ward over them, watching Nesta. There was no sound In the room at all, and the sound of the wind and the thunder was drownec In a steady downrush of rain. Time did not seem to pass; It stood still. Caro line stood still, with her hand on the edge ot the screen. She looked at Nesta, and Nesta looked Into the bowl of Ink. ALT at once the silence broke. Nesta said In her hard voice: "I can't see anything but fog." "Sometimes the tog oomes first," aflld Caroline BusselL "Maybe It'll clear away." "There's nothing but fogl" Nes ta's voice awns fretful. She Jerked back suddenly on to her heels. '"There's nothing but tog going up and down like wavos It makes me giddy. I'm lot going to look any , more, I didn't come all the way here ito do the thing myself either." Caroline Bussell spoks In her smooth voice. "Tou've not got the patience It needs patience. And you mustn't have your thoughts all churned up neither you might as well go stir ring up the mud In a pond and then expect to see clear to the bottom." "Do It yourself!" said Nesta sulk lily. "That's what I cams here for, It il could do It, I'd have done It at home, and no need to come all this way." Caroline Bussell leaned down and iook up the bowl of Ink. She set It In' the hollow ot her lap and 'drew. the lamp so that tho'llght-shone upon It." All her , movements- were ., slow, ' smooth, and 'noiseless. The light from the lamp shone down on the' bowl ot Ink and on two pale, plump bands and a fold of smooth brown LOS ANGELES. Nov. . P Pn eho Augustm Villa, 31 -year -old son of the late Mexican guerilla general, vat adjudged Insane today and Su NOW IS THE TO BUY skirt Kesta Riddell was just a shad ow now, Caroline began to feel afraid. The time seemed endless before Caroline Bussell spoke, swaying forward a little. "Ask the fog Is lifting Nesta knelt up. The movement brought her almost to the edge ot the llj;ht again. "Where's Jim? That's what I want to know. Where is he?" Caroline Bustisll began to apeak slowly and monotonously, "I see the fog lifting waves breaking a ledge on a cliff he Is on the-ledge " "What's the good ef that? That's tht part I know! Come down to pres ent day! Where Is he now?" Carolina Bussell put np her hand. Then she leaned over the bowl of Ink. Her brooch caught the light She spjbke agalni "Windows blue windows up to the celling and down to the floor no, that's curtain blue narrow like silts windows like silts narrow one, two, three, four I'm In the middle of the room I must turn round one, two, three, four, five five narrow windows like silts" Caroline felt eold water run down her spine. Caroline Bussell wasn't looking Into the Ink pool now. The bowl was In her lap, but her hands had fallen; they hung straight down at her aide 'Ike pale, heavy weights. She had lifted her head, and sat stiff ly upright with her eyes fixed on some point above Nesta'a head. The light that struck upwards showed her eyes pale and set Her Hps hard ly moved as she spoks. "Five windows like slits That was the Blue Room at Hale Place. She had said blue. How did shs know? Cold drops kept running down Caroline's back. "Is he there? Can yon see him?" Nesta's voice was low but Insistent "No not there." i "What room Is It? Why do you see It If ha'i tin rharV "He has been there I can feel him there I am In the room I am turning In the room I am counting the windows one, two, three, four, five live windows like silts and blue ourtalns now the fireplace deep hearth china candlestloks one of them Is broken I think he broke It now the door I am still turning he came through the door fear jumped out at him and he ran away I am turning again there Is a bed set back In the wall head piece, footpleces, and four posts the bed draws him It he reaches It no, not yet not now because of the other" NESTA leaned closer. "What rnnm In It? WW a It? Why do you keep on describing It? Where Is It?" Caroline Bussell sat silent "Can't you see where It Is? Y6u haven't told me anything at all." Eight green stones " said Carolina Bussell, Nesta mads an abrupt movement "Where are they? In that room! Are they In that room?" "Eight green " She swayed a little, stiffly like a figure carved lh wood. "Eight green atones five windows like slits I am counting the windows " "You've counted them I" said Nes ta angrily. "You don't need to start all that agalni Get back to the stones! Where are the eight green stones?" Caroline Bussell swayed from side to side. The white ot her eyes showed all round the . Iris. Her voice dragged. ' 'Five windows blue count one, two, three, four, Ave hearth door bed " Where are the emeralds?" ssld Nesta in a furious whisper. Caroline Bussell gave a violent start She said In a loud, heavy voice, "He's alive," and the bowl of Ink tilted orir. The Ink ran down over her brown skirt soaking Into It The bowl slipped off her lap and broke. Kesta Jumped up with an angry exclamation, but after that one vio lent start Caroline Bussell sat quite still, blinking her eyes. She did not seem to notice the Ink that was soaking Into her dress. After a mo ment she said In a bewildered voice: "Dld-you know that he was alive?" Caroline took three steps back wards and opened the door. The dark winding stair was before her. She went-down halt a dos'en steps on tiptoe, holding 'her breath, and then ran as ltithere, werewolves be-, hind; her. (Copyright, Id J- Ji B L'lpp'lnco.t't Oat). Qareilnt.. Monday,-'tnvsstlflatse. a sacral 'rtltflna-pUca. , perior Judge Thomas Gould ordered him committed to the state hospital at Norwaik. Physicians rtported he was suffering from dementia praeeox. He was taken Into custody Monday in complaint of Ma guardian, Henry Seldner, who told the authorities that Villa, since hs recently signed a con tract to play In a motion picture depicting hla fathera' career, had act ed strangely. TIME tr i ii ii EVERYWHERE SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I.-(JP) The Pacific Telphon-j company re S'MATTER POP TAILSPIN TOMMY (Tou-D IV WitWml r &X'PB:R,MeMT! I 'To VieiMT ACtl'P FA- J- yJYex-rTi C-HrP'-rtlfooN-D J i ( YtT -SrOOUDETR. Jj I ' .tfTj6?6 Lif j mom Look ) YfvSjf N x. "T : fOHP r H feVSI'-l? f1 nSHARD TO SAY, BUTMONkv OlDrlf MEAN TRV sSgv YMC 7"Z b"bo5t! ArVet lCf AHAI" i DOU6TAUOUT SUCK 5 BORH FLYER. AN O W &JWk j ' BOUND TO WIN Hurricane Island By EDWIN ALGER Sf OF COURSE! I'M SETTING V TcTTuiR I f PRecei'! THAT'S rTTTHPTrfeW RJI AHEAD OF MV STORV-- ITS OFcPUSJtrARGe-oTSH.HSPIMG TjRSl- OLLftRSIN CLAIMS AND LOW US A VMHY MY COMPAt-47, THHTRoPICaOmMM W HURRICANE SLAISD--THATSrL NAi.eg.EVER'YROjglCAU. Uri)eiBPAT AN UNSOLD AMOUNT OF BUSINESS- LINe IS GOING TO POTAND X M: NHERE YOU'LL HAVE TO GO F,!WS"T-- I fl3T6iNt5WElte , ANOjElTHEVyTAKES NHEtjl PE??LeHP SOMETHING, YOU AM COMPELLED, BECAUSE Jmuu 1 DOVSIN IN THE VMEST INDIES', YOU I ON.REfe8T(TOr35pi!sJI,sllT OrE KtJiOV, Th'sV Ufte TO A IK N OVJVOUR HON EST Y, ttJALL RGHT, ' KNOW--ANDTHIS lSTHEREASOTlJlB HAVEf,THREEulMt?ENSE XrVAREHOUSeS EXPECT THAT IT WANDVKM OETERMINATIONJ rrvf UNCLE NAT, A BEN, VJHTY YOU'LL. HAV6 TOGO 11 AfotegOMlTBE DA I BOUGHT TAG.' VJJILL REACH ITS ITDOESM'T, 1 AMD LOYALTY, TO WaiwHENDO LL055715E jf-v, DONN THERE y JI COMPANY THEr?e DESTINATION '.iM THEY TRY A CALL ON YOU T .YOU WAIST THE NEBBS-A BargaTi. " By SOL HES f Yccee Just the persom Y 1 oosrr iaoj ajjvtvums s kjow, Ltr me tell stx S(5ie.TiMG.VCTtU ..IrnWi I'll swow that1 oio'ctAa'vJMBo "S. ' ' 1 VWWOT TO -Jee. CAM I TMAT IS WORTH LESS TWOW V THIS HUSBAWO OP VOUCS COMES 7L5OUK)OS I MAKE A DEAL, FOB. MIM ITS CHEAP 1 HAve a pew Miuuresi Tie but ip it was J &.aik.i..o3, for a dworce.osk w beasomable) If i could Ivf anspnL OP YOUR. TIME ? VALUABLE, VOU COU-O WIM iqoOO AMD DOMTTAKd VJ0 ME V 1 lUi ntln oZ .5 J Sf , ' '.CTZ VSTWAVS ITS A CEMT LESS TMANJ TOO. j ??7W J' V kluf'S'ul SSr ' '' BRINGING UP FATHER WCUL-MAYOE MAC.CI6 1 RIGHT HAVIN OUR fjON S FRIENDS taPE3SD THE OA.V WITH HIM ITTL KEE.OHIM IN THE HOUEANYWAT- I r j &' l' There's No Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation ports total consolidated operating revenues for the company and Its associated corporations amounted to 65,081,68S In the first, nine months of this year a substantial drop from the 72.020.934 In revenues ot the corresponding period of 1933. Net income In the first nine months was S10.352.129 this year, compared with Iia.330.oe3 last year. The net earnings thus far this year - Getting The Lay Of COUt-CCiE IT HMk Rh tMsra fell short of dividend requirements by -,460,374, or somewhat farther from the mark than In the 1933 pe riod, when the deficit after divi dends was 1938,187. Notice. Protect the biros. Get your "No Hunting, No Trespassing" signs at the lob Department of the Mall Tribune 28-30 N. Orape. By C. M. PAYNE The Land! for cotinNe' SAKE - WHAT f THAT?! BOUNDS LIKE A R.IOT- $jnAv fee. Oral Bikala dja ttxnU i E WASHINGTON, Nov. . (IP) Jimmy Durante "schnozzle" has MtTTH RAI1S WWfH HAS BEN PUT VERY 10W IN HIS MIND Iglgjgtft H-3. (CbpTrigm; 1S33. by brought him such popularity thst be is trying to copyright his name even against use on foods and watches. A string of long numbers at the copyright offloe tell ihs effort of Durante. Already registration number S07. 558 of October 31. 1933, protects him on jig saw puzzles and other games. Pending are his applications 339, 778 on Jewelry: 339,775 on foods: Stars it stspiaai$&. BEEN CCf OH tttiE AlRtNb All KsV, 5 SOUS RFCffi MAKES WE SNrm 6 SURE $HTS dUSf ftftWS 16 fi&CtfV BM WHEtf BECOMES CCMXCEV THAT JfcSSEF5-6Y ARE rescues party. teos wife td wait a miit- Vtt WHH HE SHAKES (BTTS&F AKP &Q The Bell Bymfeata, Inc.) -XII.K HfcT I I l.?L?l 4 THESES TWO UEC Orr ) t:::i tX I Pf lW THB PIANO ALREADY. A mm 339,774 on clothing, snd 339,777 en watches and wstchfobs. Copyright officials said those pend- i lng might reach their final stages before the end of the year. 1 t Photos 10. few dsys only. Pessley Studio, opp. Roily theater. Dance at Lake Creek Grange hall Saturday night. Butte Falls orchestra. Ely GLUT AS WILLIAMS ffthtE vvfttTifte ran her st&Ncs oh poara, atiP-j me, caw to air m RHlOVtS BER IH. tM StSE OH SUftTfte NEW IvHOVBi WINDOW AO. EltKlNb, AND OTtriES A VERY BRO CCAJ) By GLENN CUAFFIN and HAL FORBES! By Geor ge MMaftu, MAGGIE-THOftiEi COL.Ue5E BOTi ARE PH.AVIN' FOOT-&ALU. IN THE; BAftajOre Ar THEYRS LlfelN' ME. FEJ. THE. CiAL-L. r ira