Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 02, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Medford Mail Tribune
"Emvont m Soutlurn Owm
Rudt uw Hall rrlbun'r
Osil) Cterpt StMurdi)
rubluhed Of
lft-2f'3V H fU 8L
lit) UK HI A UUHL, Bdttor
An Utdepaodtot Nanptpw
Enteral u ucuoa elm nutta it Utdord.
Ortsoo, uoder Act of Utreb 8, 18T9.
Bf Mall -in AdfiDCC
Daily. 1J raar 15. Ou
Dalit, iti nonlba s.TB
DaJij. ow nootb U
Si Carrier la Adane Medford. AifaUod,
JaUsonrllJa, Cerrtraj Point, Pboealx, TaJtot, Gold
Hill and on tuctmn.
DaJlj. on rur 16. Ou
Dalit, tlx nontbs 9.20
Daily, om tnooti) .60
All term, eto lo tdraoca.
Officii) papar of tbt Cltj of Madford
Official oaper of Jactaoo Com. it.
Becelrliif Hull UaMd Win Serrlea
lba AaaoelaUd Pran to tielwiTtlj antltlad to
Uw ma for oudUuUod of ill oewi dlipatebaa
credited to It or otherwlit credited lo into paper
tod alM to tbe local oewt publlibed barelo.
AU rlfbta 'or publlcatloo of icwctoJ dlipatba
baralo ax Alio reaened.
Adtertlflnt BeorMeatattiea
Omttfl 10 Nn York, Cbleaco, Oatrolt, Ian
rrucUco lot Angela Seattle Portland.
Ke Smudge Pot
By Artmu Parry
3600 couple were married simul
taneously Monday In Borne, under
orders of Mussollno and auspices of
the Fascists. Tbe results 'a this
city, would be .1000 ahlvarees, ,and
is horrible to contemplate.
WhliVm mttmr fflnMl Will ha 11.60
Sinker? He
will have-a chanai to drive hi auto,
as well as ! .
SHelf theory that th. return
of bonded liquor win reduce the i
txea. and nroduce neiTect auto drlv- I
taxes, and produce perfect auto drlv-
era. Is open to argument. 8ome hold I
thst an SO mile per hour vehicle and
80-rod hootcn win not co-oramaie.
it they do not. the widrning of the
Main Stem will have to give way lor
cvclone cellars, and pedestrians to
avert the cemetery, or the hospital,
will, have to be as ascrobatlc as
(Press Dispatch)
R-K-O troupe; which hss wstcb
ed two polar beara pacing back
and forth In their narrow cages,
panting with the heat, today la
singing the praise of Francis
Lederer. The Czeoho-Blovaklan
star hss bought the bears front
the studio and will ship them
back to Alnska to be freed on
their native Ice fields. This hu
mane gesture Is costing Lederer
$600 plus cost of shipment.
The GalshevlkU have started 6r
Ing their brushed sweaters, which
seed combing. The brushed sweater
comes In all colora. with a alx-weeks
growth of whiskers. They are smart,
nalvett. chic, ultra, moderne, and
okayed by the NRA administrator.
A hlnd-Ure blew out alongside the
Del Oetchell hank Wed. pm. and
sounded like a bandit had shot the
(Hdllne Del Norte Triplicate.) He
probably wouldn't be happy,' If he
was poor.
A balloon floated over the city
yesterday, at about the right height
for wages, snd what one has to sell.
The Hallowe'en havoc was of a
very low order, and not as cyclonic
as In the good years and Indkatea
that our vandals are not a hale
and hearty, as they should bs.
srs era loose
friends of the farm-
again, currying the
farmer for votes,
A. tine combination these daya la
an OSC. alumnus, and a Democrat,
the aame container, who thinks
thst the one. football, eleven, the
President, and the NRA, are being
treated unfairly, unjustly, and un
Amerlcsnly. It tha special session of ths legis
lature; convenes and adjourns, with
out a recurrence of the Rogue River
fish bill, it will have fulfilled Its
destiny, even If It accomplishes noth
ing. A local piscatorial enthusiast
announces, that he feels "the toscln
should be sounded again on the sub
ject." THE IIMdllT OF MUSE
(Bullion, Tea, Times)
Tha wild woman, which waa
ao well played by Mra. Roy Bull
Ington was declared to be the
best psrt of the entertainment;
her wild horrid look sjtd her
terrific yslls sent tn women and
children running and screaming
from her booth. Both men and
women declared they had never
seen her equsl in anyone's big
The authorities seem to thluk lht
parent should know, as well as sing.
"Ol Wheie Is My Wsndertng Boy
Tonight?" and, at the asm Urns
manifest Interest In the whereabouts
of dsughU.-. The officials say that
the 1633 youth, Ilk the old-fashioned
youth, is abls to resist everything
but temptation, and with gasoline
can get to It quicker.
Authored Msytaj; Service.
Bakes rt paiied. phona 100.
The Slaughter of Elk
V1,K the protests of eastern Oregon sportsmen, an open
' season on elk was declared by the last Oregon Legis
lature. What these sportsmen said would happen, has happened.
The elk were slaughtered like rabbits. Affadavits have been
pouring into headquarters of the state game commission, show
ing that not 30 per cent of the elk. killed were ever brought in.
The carcasses are rotting in the wilderness, and there is no
attempt to estimate the number of wounded animals, dragging
themselves around to die lingering deaths, or become helpless
victims of predatory animals.
TPHE passage of this open season law was a mistake; from
the standpoint of sportsmanship and the protection of
wild life, a crime. But it does no good to complain now, the
barm has been done, the 1933 slaughter is water over he
Two things however SHOULD be done. First, no more
open seasons fpr elk in this state should be declared. Second,
a thorough investigation should be held and every effort made
to-bring these, flagrant violators of the game laws to justice.
A WANTON greed is at the
bars, released a mob of mercenary killers who, under the guise
of sportsmen, disregarded every consideration but the wanton
lust of slaughter. Though elk meat at this time of the year,
which is the mating season, is not desirable; elk teeth always
have a ready sale. So scores of bulls were killed, the heads cut
off or just the teeth extracted, and the remains left for the
scavengers and vultures.
These money grubbers were
getting was good, regardless
or what happened to less unscrupulous sportsmen in the years
to come. They considered no one but themselves, and as a
result, experts declare that the policy of wild life protection
of 25 years as far as elk are concerned; has been undone.
Greed, greed, greed, we
that most of the ills of this
analysis, to this vicious and
' i C PEAKING of greed what a
fnrmoi Prpoirlflrif t-hm niiaai. V n . n m o 1 Viv,lr nMgHri.
I Not ft h(ad man as men t?0-
j not even a law breaker. But a
jwh the getting was good,
ed to others, or to ' the profession he represented,
nnn .
unr,ru, UKliJiD 1
No, Mr. Wiggin, was not a
, ... , , , , , . , , .
dld. he hd the best legal advice money could buy. But he
WAS a law evader, that is, he didn t violate the letter of the
law, which is all that counts with the courts, but he did violate
It is, for example against the law for a bank to trade in its
own stock. But it is not against the latv for an outside cor
poration to do so. Whereupon President Wiggin, gathered his
family, song, daughters and son-in-laws around him, organized
them into corporations, and traded in Chase stock, until he
directly and indirectly had cleaned up $10,000,000.
As John Kelly points out in
Oregonian, "Capital Pageant Review," this was only one op
eration. At the same time "thrifty Wiggin was drawing down
anything he could get from a miscellaneous assortment of
corporations, ranging from $300 a month to $10,000 a year,
and on top of these he had his salary raised to $200,000 a year,
when he was publicly insisting that wages in general be re
duced. Even when forced to retire, he had his own bank pro
vide him with a pension of $100,000 per year, though recently
tins pension was rescinded, after, not before, the fact became
generally known I
AND like his co-banker Mr.
Wirrrrirt fauna nnlhinn
'pb- itlWnK i,i iiuo, uuimug uuiiuHiiy im
proper. He was merely playing the game as it. had been played,
as the law allowed it to be played, only, being a man of un
questioned ability and shrewdness, he played it a LITTLE bet
ter! That's all.
And now Mr. Wiggin is very
be held up to such publio scorn, and with his fellow club-mates
on the "street" is accusing President RooBevelt of playing
politics, and. treacherously flirting, with the "REDS" in his
determination to drive the money changers from the temple."
President Roosevelt is really the best friend hie financiers
like Wiggin have, for he believes
property, and' the preservation of the capitalistic system, as a
system, which is tho only hope the type Wiggin represents has.
Roosevelt merely intends to make that system honest, and fair,
and just, adjust it so to speak to the ideals and principles of
democracy, instead of letting it go hog wild and eventually
destroy it.
This program will nocessitato
unsocial Rreed that the Wiggins
possioie tne outrageous salaries and private grafts, that the
Higher Ups, in frenzied finance, have been able to grab; it
will result in a rMional and proper redistribution of wealth
in simple terms, less money for the few and more money for
the many.
This is the Roosevelt Program. And if the Wieuins snd
Reeds and Mcllons could see a few inches before their noses,
they would realize it is the program they should be working
night and day to advance, instead of trying to thwart and
overthrow. They should be busy putting their own house in
For we repeat, it is their only hope, snd the onlv hone of
the system they represent, for
doesn't do the job, someone like
man, will I
Kfllr nhv III Little Noreen Ann
Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward O. Kelly, who has been 111 for
the past several daya, waa repotted
in a allhtly Improved condition yes
terday. he will have to remain in
bed for at least two weeks, however.
back of such outrages. With
going to get theirs while the
of what happened to the game,
are inclined, to think at times,
life of ours are due, in the last
primitive trait in human nature.
spectacle this Albert H. Wiggin,
As tar as can be determined
man who was out to get HIS,
REGARDLESS of what happen
law breaker. For everything
his interesting column in the
Reed, of Dillon and Reed, Mr.
in k! .
much grieved that he should
in the sanctity of private
the elimination of the sordid
rrrfsnt; it will render im-
if someone like Roosevelt
Huey Long, or Emms Gold.
To Hate rarnlral The Sams Vsl
ley school has announced a carnival
Mday evening, Novemixr a. which
will open at 8 o'clock. The public
la twins: Invited for the ocssion.
which th, student promts, to be
quit ea lutein! nf.
Personal Health Service
By William Brady, M.D.
sicneo letters pertaining u pertunai aettita ana aygien oot to dU
m diuifuoau) 01 treatment., wUj o acuwweo 07 Ur tirad) u a lUmpco
ell-addred enfelupcj ocIimcu letters inuuld oe artist ano written 10
1 nit. Owing to tne tar-Re oumhet ol let ten received only a ie can 0 ana
wered bent No reply can 0 made to queries out conforming to instructions
address Dr. William Brady. 264 Kj caraino, tfewlej Uiiia, Cai.
In a contribution to the medical
press a throat specialist who has had
considerable experience with tonsU
fafr-v' --- aiainermy ieiec-
"In child ren
the surgical
method is the
operation of
The doctor
states arbitrarily
what Is a debat
able quest Ion.
Not every physic
ian who attempts
'to employ dia
thermy (electro-coagulfttton) or the
extirpation of tonsils or for other
operations Is. capable of using the
method successfully In young chil
dren. But certainly some physicians
succeed with the method In the cases
of children from, five to 12 years of
sge. It Is mainly a question of the
child's training jome cljlldren will
sit in the dentist's chair and permit
the dentist to treat their teeth, put
In filling's, etc. Others have been
brought' up dlfferjently and It la dif
ficult or Impossible to manage them.
A child Who will submit to ordinary
dental treatment may make Just as
good a patient for diathermy extirpa
tion of the tonsils, provided the phy
siclan is skilful, patient and blessed
with the knack of handling children
and gaining their confidence.
The specialist means removal o:
the tonsil by dissection or by the gull,
lotlne and snare, In short the old
Spanish custom, when he speaks of
the "surgical" method. But in fact
the diathermy or electro-coagulation
method la a "surgical" method, and
Indeed the physician who uses It
successfully requires rather more skill
than Is needed to do the old-fash-
toned operation.
But this throat specialist who re
ported hla experience to the medical
profession was iparently not too well
informed about the effecta of dla
thermy or Its particular value. He
describes one case, the only serious
case of hemorrhage following one
of his treatments. He used hemoatats
(artery clamps) In a futile effort to
stop the bleeding. Had he been more
familiar with the uses of diathermy
ne would not have wasted time that
way. Finally, he says, he lightly co
agulated the bleeding point and the
bleeding ceased. Incidentally, there
la rarely any bleeding at all when
diathermy Is skilfully used.
One of the most lmpresslv. func
tions of diathermy Impressive at
least, to the brass throat surgeons
who still lay back their long ears
and bray that the "electric" method
Is no good, doesn't "get" all the ton
sil, etc., Is that It has proved the
best bet for stopping such bleeding
after the standard tonsillectomy. Not
lew oia-time throat Burgeons have
3y O. O. Mclntyte
NEW YORK, Nov. a. Theodore
Roosevelt, 2nd., seems matured and
agreeably seasoned by knocking around
W9 the world. He has
lost w h a t to
many was ban
tam bravado and
cock - sureness,
coming back to
town quietly
from his Philip
pine post and
slipping Into
To Intimates
Is "Th e Little
Colonel" and
when occasion
demands h a a
much of his sires flair for fiery fo
rensic. His most amazing experience
was In the wilds of Afghanistan,
where he waa received by the swar
thy Hill Tribes of whom Kipling so
delightfully wrote.
He found them in cutaways and
other Bond stmt swank, alighting
from their airplane, turning on the
radio, asking their butlers to shake
up cocktails and discussing Hitler
and Babe Ruth in Oxford accents. He
saw flivvers driven by mad mullahs
In derbies who consulted wrist
At a Persian banquet It waa re
gretted the young Aga Ben Hassan,
fastest stepper in all Teheran, waa
absent. It appeared he hed renounc
ed all social activities since he had
hot hla mother, "But," sighed a
friend, he will get over it when
proper time of lamentation passes."
The Washington Square Intelli
gentsia are In hot debate again as
tn UhAthr AhMk amAT tL-nitA hla fa.
mou works. leading the cons are
wnvpr nerioro ana J?sepn AUSIAnoer.
They are 1lrm in their opinion that
Edward de Vere, the seventeenth
Earl of Oxford, Is the rer: author.
The East Side's Laurel and Hardy
nre "Wireless Louie" Zeltner and
"S'ltch" McCarthy. They present a
human comedy only the sidewalks of I
the Ghetto could apawn. Zeltner is I
a news-tlpster who brlnss hi, hot;
ones to the ottic, instead ot tele-1
phoning, and It was Prank O'Malley
w,tio bestowed the "Wireless." "Stitch"
Is a cross-eyed ball bondsman, a ssl-1
low, little twisted man Zeltner. a six-
rooter can. a -num.n pretee .' Add-
ini: ' liven tangled." j
Among earrTest itudents of Dick-!
n. In Am.rlra I. Un. T. r.rrf.n
of all literary trades and a master of !
several. He read all of Dickens by i
tne time ne was IB and has reread
him downs of times since. Nobodv
ginning of an Incident he cannot
repeat to the finish. Oddly enough,
his favorlt book of the moderns Is
On ot th, Aigh spots ot aluumen
been rescued from their waywardness
by seeing this happy effect of dia
thermy In a case of such uncontrol
lable hemorrhage following the old
Spanish custom. Diathermy is pre
eminently the method for persons
who bleed too freely.
The specialist who made this report
does seem to consider tbe diathermy
method the method of choice In poor
surgical jlsks, the aged. In cases
where the patient cannot lose any
time from his work or business . . .
Boy, take all my time -you want,
but give me the diathermy method
wl.en my tonsils must be removed,
for I don't like sere throat at all.
Castor Oil Has Some Cse Maybe
The Hollywood lady who told you
about her auccess In driving away
mice and gophers by glowing a caator
bean tree on the premises and acat
terlng the beans about the ground
. . . I have read In some magazine
that castor beans drive away moths
and that tte seeds if eaten are a real
polssn for rats and mice. M. J.
Answer Thank you. Perhaps other
reaUers tcUl give us. ttfetr experience
with It. mtii all. everything that
grows must have some. Use in the
In Your Eye.
Ben Told brushing castor oil along
the edges of the eyellda on the soots
of the lash'3 will Increase the growth
of the eyelashea. Aiy harm In using
it so? A. J. B.
Answer No. Gastor oil Is soothing
to an Irritated eye. Please report
what effects you obtain with It.
Take a Breather.
What la the deep breathing atunt
which you prescribe for so many
troubles? E. W. P.
Answer I do not recommend "deep
breathing." Perhaps you refer to
Belly Breathing. That is described
In the booklet "The Art of Easy
Breathing." Send a dime (not
.stamps) and a atamped envelope
bearing your address, and ask for
the booklet.
Is It good hygiene to take a morn
ing shower beginning with hot and
a fast cold finish? A. M.
Answer Yes, If you enjoy It and
feel good after the shower.
The Ills Called Rheumatism.
I understand you have a treatment
for chronic disabling rheumatism . . .
A. E. F.
Answer I haven't. Send a dime
(not atamps) and a stamped enve
lope' bearing your address, and ask
for the booklet "The Ills Called Rheu
matism." It gives the best sugges
tions I can offer about treatment.
(Copyright, 1933,- John F. Dllle Co.)
Ed Note: Readers wishing to
communicate with Or. Brady
should send letters direct to Dr.
William Brady. M. O., 265 El Ca
mlno. Beverly Hills. Ca.U
Is a place called "Cohen's" In the
Jumble of Hester street, nearest In
alcoholic depravity to "The Doctor's,"
whose "third rail" libations and rear
flop room were part of Park Row for
so long. The slummer for $3 can
set-'em-up to the house at Cohen's,
and, like those wlggly things that
squirm up from an old lifted rock,
the room will fill. The lips of regu
lars are blistered from drinking un
adulterated hellflre called "Bowery
smoke." Three ahots and drinkers
stiffen, dead to the world.
Thingumbobs: Alan Dale's daugh
ter is conducting a column in a
Long Island newspaper as "Alan Dale
Jr." , . . Katherlne Brush cannot
plot a novel without first selecteing
the title. , . . Samuel Insull would
always sit when he had to go back
to the house for anything. . . , But
evidently It did no good. . . . Joe
Cook has one chill dinner a week.
. . . Luchow's Is rumored planning
to occupy a huge site on Madison
avenue In t,he '50s. . . . James Madi
son, long a writer of vaudeville skits,
Thousands have Ended
their Bowel Worries
by. taking this
Can constipation actually ke over
come? "Yes I" say medical men.
"Yes I" say the many thousands
who have followed Inert- advice
and Ano(t).
You arc not likely to cure vour
constipation with snlts. pills, tablets
or anv of the habit-forming cathar
tics. But you con correct this con
dition bv gentle regulation with a
suitable liquid laxative.
This is the way many men and
women have made their bowels as
regular as clockwork in a very
short lime.
First: select a
i properly prepared
liquid laxative. Second: fake the
dose you find suited to your system.
Third: gradually reduce the dose
until bowels are moving of their
own acccra.
SimnI(,, ,,., tt? And j, work,;
The rllflhl lquid n,,ive hrjnf.,
'ho",ul;'h o''1 '',lon 'hout
!''"S Pl'vca liquia
laxative (one wnicn is most widely
used for both adults and children;
nir pepsin. Dr. Caldwell'
Svnin Pensin is a prescription, and
perfectly safe. Its laxative action
la publishing a quarterly for collect
ors in California.
When Benny Rubin waa a raga
muffin of the Ghetto sidewalks a
Lady Eiountlful visiting Hester street
asked ;if she might Join their games.,
"Sure," said Benny, "come on to de
dock. We're gettln" ready to slug
Ungual brevity of moderns is em
ployed in their most breathless mo
ments. On the steps of the Blltmore
a young couple gazing In mutual ad
miration while a cab waited. "Oke
or "he hesitated. "Oke," ahe said, and
aa they Jumped Into the taxi he aald
to the- driver: "Marriage license bu
reau." I have been thinking today there
never was such a glorious time In
the nation's history for grandma
again to murmur her favorite sigh:
"What'a to become of the world?"
(Copyright, 1933, McNaught Syndi
cate, Inc.)
on the
Day's News
OREGON, according to .the depart
ment of agriculture, plants one-
thJrtleth of one per cent of tie Unit
ed States cdrn acreage, but grows
one'twentleth of one per, cent ofr the
totSfcl bushels harvested.
In other words, production of corn
per acre In Oregon la ABOVE the av
erage for the UnltedStata.
NLY a few yean, ago,, we were
told that corn COULDN'T BE
GROWN in Oregon.
People have a lot of queer ideas
about what can't be done, don't they? j
ANOTHER thought: i
Where would this world be now
If it had followed always the leader- 1
ship of those who say "it cant be ;
done" and never the leadership of ;
those who say "it CAN be done."
HpHIS is the answer: The world '
still be hack in the days of Ne
anderthal man, and we would be get- j
ting our food with a club.
THINGS are in a
right now, and
frightful mess
lot of people
are making slurring remarks about
this modern civilization of ours, con
tending that It la pretty much of a
With all its faults, this modern
civilization of ours Is PAR AHEAD
of any civilization the world ever saw
OUR great trouble, at the present
moment, Is over-production
especially of food. As a result, prices
of food to the producer are. disas
trously low. !
But for thousands of years the
trouble that constantly faced man
kind, the grisly, spectre always lurk
Ing In the background, was FAMINE.
As between over-production and
famine, over-production Is far pref- ;
AS A matter of fact, we are men- !
aced by over-production only
because development of the machin
ery of distribution has failed to keep
pace with the machinery of produc
tion. If everybody in the world could
there would be no such thing as ' ;
4 ' I
LETS put it In another way: ;,
If everybody could exchange j
what he produces, including his la
bor on fair and equal terms for what
everybody else produces, there would
be no such thing as over-production.
In that happy event, the more we
advice! J
the dose can be measured, and
action controlled. Pills and tablets
containing drugs of violent action
are hard on the bowels.
If there are children in your
household, don't give them any fnd
form of laxative, but use a health
ful, helpful preparation like syrup
pepsin. Its very taste will tell you
it is wholesome, and agreeable to
the stomach. Delightful taste, and
delightful action; there is no dis
comfort at tho lime, or after. Ask
your druggist for Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin, all ready to take.
A Frank Statement Concerning
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
We believe the use of pills
and tablets containing
mineral drugs is rapidly giv
ing way to gentle regulation
of the bowels with a liquid
We believe Dr. Caldwell's
original prescription of fresh
herbs, pure pepsin, and senna
is the ideal family laxative.
And we JrnoM it is a safe
preparation for children and
expectant mothers because
it does not cause bowel strain
or irritate the kidneys.
produced tha more we would HAVE
that Is to say, the greater would be
our prosperity.
BUT let's
get back to corn and
Oregon, aa you have- just read, pro
duces one -twentieth of one per cent
of all the corn grown In the United
States. Not a very large share, but
It corresponds roughly with our per
centage of tho total hogs. v
Oregon, according to the depart
ment of agriculture, produces one
half of one per cent of all the hogs
grown In the country.
Corn and hogs, you see, go to
gether. You don't have to tell a
Middle Western farmar that. He
knows It.
OR some
time past, the Pacific
Coast has
consumed more hogs
than It has produced. Hence bhe
Pacific Coast producer has received
the corn belt price PLUS the freight
to the Pacific Coast.
This condition will continue to ex
ist, theoretically at least, as long aa
the Pacific Coaat consumes ONE HOG
more than It produces. Whenever
the Pacific Coast produces one hog
more than it consumes, ks producers
will receive the coco bsvt price LfiSS
the freight. ,
Hhe thing, for us to de, quite ob
viously, is to keep our production of
hogs- slightly under our consump
tion. Oregon Weather
Unsettled tonight and Friday; prob
ably rains north portion, cocler east
The Satonlfiwncuwwn Mmttll
o n
portion tonight; moderate west to
northwest wind ofishore.
.Medford Couple Mr. and airs. C.
D. Wood of Medford were In Grants
Pass Tue&ay shopping snd on busi
ness, the Grants Pass Courier staU-s.
And You'U Jump Out of Bed in
the Morning RaruV to Go
II you (eel icur ant) nick sad the vorid
looks punk, don't iwallow a lot ol ealts, min
eral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing turn
and expect them to make you suddenly sweat
and buoyant and full of unanine.
For they can't do It. They only move the
bowela and a mere movement doesn t get at
the cause. The reason for your down-and-out
feeling is your liver. It should pour out two
pounds of liquid bile Into your bowels daily.
If this bilo is not flowing freely, your food
doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels.
Gas bioaU up your stomach. You have a
thick-bad tate and your breath Is foul,
skin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head
aches and you feel down and out. Your whole
system is poisoned.
It takes those good, old CARTER'S
LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get these two
pounds ot bile flowing freely and make you
Feel "up and up." They contain wonderful,
harmlMS. gentle vegetable extracts, amazing
when It co rues to making the brie now freely.
But don't ask lor liver pills. Ask for Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Look for the name J$A.
Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red
label. Reaenta.subsitute.25cat-drug
Korea. O 131 C. M. Co.
Sweltsh Massage Hours 2 to 5
Corrective bxerciset By Appt.
Oscar S. Nissen, F.X.
Physical Therapeutics
Formerly Director and Instructor
Mnunffp npni Boston CltV HOfD.
538 E. Main St. Medford, Ore..
. I
Here they are
radio's Bar
on Munchausen
and the one and
only "Schnoz
zle"' Durante
crashing the
campus and
mingling with
the college cut
ies in the year's
funniest pic
ture! 1
Ted H-ea!jj
4 Ifrasj-o-Wsv.
Today and