MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, fEDFORD, PRECOX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933. PAGE FIVE j rnnrni pt nni n ' l"1,,""1 pnn t hays for sally h- mco,it wh ,v worici ,,ir death clinched for roit'"-who nmimi1 Hirry - 'keed rnwiF rapk ,," "mmmion 16 11 h Kr A ao-ealled economy ,ct-oi the Injua- 1 C "H " NttU W"tiBAOK champion, ha. returned from a vac.. rUlvLunO I bULU ssih .nde;uh,t,'r.''''r WHEN JUDGE relents rtincmg nudt, th. assessor's slayer ln Ketaon nom. Jltn. H 1M1. Th. with old ability .PP.nt., t ..,. n. h. penalty to 10 days us tho houao of court held that Fort. premedltat- "Keed" triumphed over Joe Ohnouly, nmi UlllTrn HI! CHICAQO, Nov. a. (UP) 8ally correctlon. MlM Rand posted S1800 SN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. (UP) ertly klll6(l Nelson nopg to profit MONTREAL. Nov. 3 (AP) Kid St. LouU lightweight, In I 10-round I In I Uullulrn lilu BroXen windowi glazed By rrow- Band will not eerve year In Jell for bond and announced eh will ap- The etate aupreme court today af- by hla life lnaurance. after a love Chocolate, the Cuban who holda the battle here last night with practically Ui I II III I LPl Ull orldge Cabinet WorU. "Indecent exposure." Judge Joaeph peal. firmed a sentence of death on Olaude affair with Nelsons wife. recognition of the New York etate no trouble. PfflCCOAST Precipitation Cycles and Sea Temperatures Used in Making Forecast Cold Like 1921-22 Indicated A GIGANTIC "STORE" serving millions from coast to coast . . no wonder -WARDS SAVE YOU MONEY! LA JOLLA, Cal. (UP) A cold, dry winter wu forecast for the Pacific coaat during the coming season, upon the basis of studies by the Scrip pa Institution of Oceanography here. In the Institution's forecast, par ticular attention was paid to five natural rainfall regions ln California and two in Oregon, not including the eastern elopes, but representing a Tarlety of elevations, distances from the coast and latitudes ranging from San Diego to Portland. Precipitation cycles and sea tern , per a tu res were used ln making the forecast. The Institution's report said: "The long cyole of about 25 years U now rising to a crest, due probab ly fcefoie 1940. However, while the gcieral .rend ln precipitation may be upward, more reliable Indications for one season should follow from the prominent short five-year cycle nJ the difference between the late sunxrter sea surface temperature and thwt of the previous winter. "A study has Just been made ol irow these two factors, working to p gather, have Influenced the seasonal sairrfall ln the past at each of the selected regions. Although the tem perature, relation Itself points to a moderate excess, this Is the low point itt the flneyear cycle, which factor appears te dominate. "Accordingly, all of the evidence joints to less than average precipita tion during 1933-31 at all of the regions and even less than that of last season as well, except in the Sinta Barbara and Huntington lake areas. The values of the seasonal precipitation thus calculated range from about 60 per cent to 85 per cent of the tfvernge. "During the next three months subnormal temperatures may be ex pected, but the estimates Indicate d I ferences less extreme than were experienced during the summer. In general, & temperature trend toward that of the 1021-22 season Is Indi es ted ." The Institution recalled Its fore cast Issued last October, which pre dicted less precipitation than during the previous year, and found Its conclusions to have been borne out. 0 111 STARTS NOV. 6TH Each member of Crater Lake Poet 833, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the minted States has been appoint ed a "committee of one" to obtain 40fl new recruits. This plan, devised !F eommander Canfleld will result In an Increased local membership of eJJO as a contrrbutlon to the nation wide V. P. W. veterans' defense rally t be spnsereC by tfcat organization t&tween NravemSer 6tii end June 30th, to announcing, te campaign plans Sr the local V. F. W. unit at a spec tfA meeting held November 1, at 'M Eitgleji Hnl. Csxunawier Canfleld told the menvbeM the veterans' defense wK-y was conceived by newly elected 0BmmelCT:-!n-CSlef James E. Van -Bmdn as tie first step ln a major eouoter-aetacli against the forces that obtained passage of the economy act during the last se&slon of congress. "Our post quota has been assigned jj by National Chief of Staff A. D. Vandfervoort," Commander Canfleld Mi the members. "Similarly, defin ite quotas have been assigned each post and each state department throughout the country. Filling these quotas will put ln our hands a wea pon of great potential strength and power with which to combat those anti-veteran forces which sponsored the economy act. "It Is up to the Veterans of For eign Wars and other veteran groups to Join together for the purpose of repealing this Iniquitous act. It la our Job unless we do It, It will not be done. We know, more surely than anyone else can know, of the trag- Dance Sets SlkCnptl $1.29 LA Good quality. ,A V trimmed with 'i - 1 Silk Hose Shr or Service 69 uGoldncresUw Smart colors, hill fashioned, pare silk. Pleoi tope. Lingerie Flme Rayon! 50c Tailored wets and hloomen. novelty panties. Regular sizes. Panty Dresses Save at Wardd 59e Tabfast Broad cloth o r print percales. Puffed sleeves. 1 to 3. Boys Oxfords Black CaH Grab 1 .98 pr. drain leather Insole. Oak lea ther out sole, rubber heel. Sport Coats MWoolUntt '1.49 Men's brews heather or ox ford sweater well tailored. M 10 46. Vahw! Soft Whlto for Boor Outing Flannel at Heal f Savins! IOC yd. Buy plenty for winter needs. 36 Inches wide, right In weight and warmth for baby's cloth ing. Soft , . , will not Irritate. Plaid Blankets Staple Cotton $1.59 pr. N a tie ncl I 7 k n wn hern "Flee ydowo blanket 7CK80 Inch six. Men's Gloves 9c - Hortehlde palm work glove with Spanish leather cuff. Tan only. ttur-able. Piara Marqahetf In Prftciflo StrU CURTAINS 59C pair thai aiieer, dear, "npenai' look wo vest into curtain. Cream d ten. Generoinly cut. Thrilling Stales and Saving! New Furred Winter Loats 'rs For Women or Misses SI695 We never know from day to day how long the price will stay this low! Right now it's an opportunity fop rare savings ! S m i r t, r i e h ty furred, slim-bodird models that will look- as well next year as thiss Man-ehuria-n Wolf (Dog), Sealine, French BeaTe'r trims. Black and: new winter colors! Big., Burly, Winter, Wegiftj. Overcoats Ward-Wearing Meltons and Fleeces 14 7$ fnt aside S2S coat. Theneometo Ward's, boy a nat ty fine coat, and save the h Serened Ward's oenred through uwmllw of hard work thai truly remarkable group! Single and dotshle breasted sy4e superbly tailored, warmly lined with long-wearing ray ons! Poio types belted types. A value assortment in sizes for every body. Bines, browns, new greys- Men I TWO Leather, Soles! Wear Heavy Black Elk Work Shoes $249 Oik leather middle sole heavy composi tion outer aole nailed and sew ed construction. Real Service and Savings I Warm Sheep-Lined Moleskin Coat Foil 36-inck length. Knit wrislietA, b i g, warm sheenakin collar and lin ing. Muff pnekv eta. Brawn. Thousands Buying! Radio's Newest Achievement start h fil Qtl&fii ;i-W41I 7i 'H ' ll tf . til "Send more radios" Is the frantic call of Ward stores. DoJ mand for Instant Dialing has all but swamped the factory. Firs( shipments have been sold in a few days. Everyone's talking about it! No wonder! It's the quickest tuning method known. No more numbers to remember. Dial the way you think, direct to station call letters. , 12 -Tube Console Licensed by R. C. A. and Hazeltlne 0n,y s7oo B DOWN $79 95 cash (7.80 monthly plus small carrying charge Looks and Sounds All-Electric! Self-contained Battery Radio sAoo II DOWN $.1 monthly plus carrying charge. S36.95 canh Lowest price we know for Mich a radio 1 Powerful, se lective 6-tube Super Hetero dyne circuit. Automatic tuba control maintains correct voltage on tubes. Longlife "A" battery. Copper clad' chassis! Low price, yes! But that isn't half the story. Rei) gardlcss of expense, we have put into this set everyj known advancement in the radio industry. Added our own exclusive Instant Dialing and KroMatic Tuner. Had the cabinet designed by one of America's foremost designers. Walnut veneer selected by hand for perfect matching. Truly' money can't buy a finer radio. And Ward's price is at least $50 less than it would be if Wards did not sell so many! Save on This 7 -Tube A.C MANTEL sAoo Hr down $5 monthly plus email carrying charge. $32. gs eaah Tune with Instant Dial ing! Prevent fading with the Automatic Volumt Control. Enjoy rich na turaltoneof Super Dynamic Speaker. Get distance, police calls, with sharp selectivity! lkn,J by.R.CA. RADIO A Big Ward VM Vcrd's Suede Cloth Sh.ris for Men Priced S Law! Thidt, w a t a fabric, dooMed across shouldei yokel Interlined eollar; sleevt fyg Full ent two pockets. Hardwood-Lacauer 5-Pc. Breakfast Set $1395 Dropleaf table with stainproof lacquered top. Leaves raise to seat 6 people. Fonr Windaor style chair. .. Choice of Irory or green enamel, or natural anS brown. Ideal for Temporary Uses Wards Low-priced Roll Roofing Si 25 I 8S-ll. mil. Corerf 100 q. ft. Made of good roofing felt, saturated and coated with asphalt. Easy to put on. All yoa need is a knife and a hammer. Complete with nails and cement for laps. Do it yourself, save . labor cost! Liquid Asbestos Roof Cement, 63o ffaL Tested for hardest wear! Super Service Wardoleum Rugs $795 1 8xl too 3,000,000 foot steps failed to wearout a Super Service R n gl The heavy enamel surface is waterproof and stainproof! Washboard Action, Tool Wards 24 Gallon Electric Washer .. SA795 T I is now Does a whole week's wash for 4 people in Vi hoar. Centla washboard action gets clothes much whiter. Only small carrying charge On deferred payment. MONTGOMERY WARD 117 South Central Phone 286 J Cz Li """