Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 02, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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In Action Here Saturday
(By Harold Orove.)
' - r J ulinnVl nrA anilltll lfl
of fto lnvsds the Eugene high school .
... v.. lPrL
gnairon m w ...
day night, atartlng at 7:30.
Eugene boasts a veteran Hne and a
comparatively heavy backfield. Seven
member of the line are veteran of
last year's team which Invaded Med
ford and were turned back by a score
f ia to 0. The backfleld U the
tame a that of last year, according ;
to the reports received here. i
The Medford boys left this morning !?
at 11 o'oloclc and will have one work- :
out on Hayward field before their
game tomorrow night. Coach Burgh
er's selection for the trip Includes
Bob Hlnman, Ed Benett, Sam Kro
schel and Ed Simmons, ends: Joe
Pelroe, Pat Shaw, Bob Fowler and
Burdette Kindred, tackles; Bill Pren
tice, Ronald Baker, Keith Estes and
Galen Knox, guards; Ma OlUnsky,
Russell Brown, "Blondy" Lewis and
Olaf Severson, halfbacks; Alan Oeb
hardt, Bill Bates and.Stari Kurizman,
full backs; -Tommy -White, quarter
back. Johnny Millard, manager, will
also accompany the ' team. " .
Medford football fans are taking
keen Interest In the game scheduled
for Van Scoyoo field here Saturday
between the Southern Oregon Nor
mal school and Marin unlor college,
of Ban Rafael, Cal. Tickets went on
sale yesterday and the advance de
mand Is an Indication of the appre
e'HMon of local grid followers in be
ing given opportunity to see college
football on the local field.
Marin college boasts one of the
best teams In the San Francisco Bay
area, having won the championship
tvtea in the last three years. The
eollege turns out players who are
aierlT snapped up by such Cal if or-
nla Institutions as California, Santa
Clara and St. Mary's.
Coach Hobson's Sons have been go.
inn well this season, chalking up i
7-to-0 win over the University of
Oregon frosh at Klamath Palls last
Saturday for their latest victory.
Tickets for the game, which starts
at a:l, are on sale at the Toggery
and Office Supply store.
It ; f JJ"-rJs7' z P
(u ' ' . ELMER BROWN "'
A, ' ' 'I ALf t '
Sherwood -Oates,
Jerome ......
Strang, Herb
Elks' Tourney
. 1st 2nd 8rd Total
157 344 HOB 610
,,,,, 181 191 308 B80
144 143 140 438
b 141 103 145 470
138 1B4 1HO duo
,,, 08 88 08 a
Totals ' 887 1083 008 3008
1st 2nd 3rd Total
Rankin. 300 165 104 569
Baylor 184 184 164 602
Orr. Eugene 167 151 136 444
York 120 128 136 301
Andres 65 155 155 466
m-.- 08 98 00 aw
Some of Coach llownnl Hobson's SONS who will oppose the powerful
Marin Junior College eleven of San Unfurl. Calif., on Von Scojoc field
here Saturday afternoon. The game Is scheduled to start Bt 2:15 p. m.
P. A. T,
Am predicted, Jack Kirk, "the cad
dies' favorite, won the P, A. T.
golf tournament at the Medford club
laat week end, but tie didn't do it
in the expected fashion. This tour
nament, a handicap affair, bad been
marked throughout by close matches,
a new record for extra-hole contests
being registered, Kirk and P. West
were the finalist and they started
out In characteristic form, neck and
neck for the first 18 holes, with
Kirk only one up. The first nine
holes of the second round on Bun-
day were just as close. Kirk being
able to do np more than bold his
one-hole 4ead. On the last nine,
however, something happened and the
caddies' favorite, with his 18 handi
cap to West's 30, proceeded to put I
.on the pressure, knocking over a I
series of pars and finally winning,
six up and five to play, with West
trying hard tjut far In the rear.
This closes the regular, tournament
season at the local club, wltti Hank
Prlngle, the sputnern prego.n title.
holdr and Kirk, the winner, of. the
coveted P-. A. T. .tropHy; Mrs. Dave
Woby, the woman's -champion,, while
R: W. Rujil re.talns his honor as 'the
"chafriplon."dub." Members', however, are 'playing reg
ularly, at the cluti in. spite of- the
rainy weather, with wln'ter rules. In-
'force the.' past ten days.
Don Clark, chairman -of the tour
nament committee, plans to ioiiow
Au'gie Johnson's example, and stage
informal' week end contests through
out the' year, 'with wide range of-
livestock and 'Commodity, prizes, and'.
Informal . entertainment. 'features. The
great advantage of ; local, gol't Is that
play Is possible p'racically' Sfl.S'.dayfi'
or the, year.
"- ? :
iA,p 'm 8 hrjne. Stated, .Session.
j-'niian xempie. mee.w at:
Masonic nail, Asniang;
Prldajr evening, Novem
ber 3rd, in .stated ses
sion. Routine and nthnr
Important business regarding the win--ter.
ceremonial. All Shrlners Invited.
Refreshment after sension.
ALBISRT'K. dAsa', Potent'a'te..
R. B. DETRIOK, 'Recorder.
1 VA'
tolsts who drive on the wrong side of
the street, do so at their own risk,
and that If anything happens they
are liable to suit for damages.
Woodrow Wilson refuses to recog
nize Mexican rebel government.
Medford Elks break ground for erec
tion of a temple on North Central.
(Continued irom page one)
cause the Tammany opposition has
A new order has been Issued on
the use of airplanes by.fOvernment
officials. At first Mr. Roosevelt broke
up the practice of letting officials
Joy-fide In army and navy planes.
Now the order has been modified
somewhat to permit certain legltl'
mate trips.
Tou cannot find many surface signs
of the depression on Washington
streets these days. The hotels have
been overcrow&'.ed since March 4. pan
handling has almost ceased; theaters
are hanging out the standing room
only signs for ttie first time since
1920. A legitimate stage drama drew
(22,jb0 at the box office here last
Flight 'o-Time
iMatora aha JaclfsoD Count)
Histury rrom the; Piles 01 l'he
Mall Tribune of to and 10 Vear
.S'ovemfier 1023.
(It was Friday)
Andrew eldifess, local rrriqing man,
'1& offlje he saw one. of the DeAll
tremoYits. In trHs city last vjeekt
Nash Qrlll to be renovated and
opened under new management.
Ashland defeate Medford, 44 to 0
In a one-elded game at Ashland Sat
urday. There was little display oz
spirit by the local team ana iney
played listlessly.
"The Chocolate 8oldler" will appear
soon at the Page.
Election of officers will be neld
Friday nlht at the meeting of the
Boxy Ann Orange, and all members
are urged to be In attendance.
The first and second degrees wiU bs
conferred on several candidates at the
same meeting, and plans have been
made for a pleassnt session, marking
the opening of the winter season.
Returns rrom Portland Deputy
United States Marshal 0. 0. Wells
returned to Medford on the Oregonlan
today from Portland, where he took
Roy U Hughes of Aihlsnd. chsrged
with using the malls for attempted
extortion. Hughes has entered a plea
of not guilty.
FOR OVER 30 YEARS Medford' s Leading Men's Store
PjbsQifflc& sjvam'pa. 45y the. usual-1
flrSt c$ ttte rtrtinth dfel.lverle"flr.
efijbys. toMrtl?t
rep'l.t'e. of tli cqla.
Permanent'waves t'nat are soft and'
lustrous. Call 737-J." Prevost's Beau
ty .Shop.
SMffMfa JtrfkU .lp? -the-rpas.t.
iil.n.e SioftiTs.
Ed'c.iT ftal.lfey pdu ft r.y. reisJersNWeonTe;
hlghci prices for eggs.
Enle' P.oln'e Gl.?lfc clu.6 rnlS -a--
veir successful! yeaf.
Ne. .Bajjtlsi
'cated- 'Sunday.
cTi'ur.'th' .6, ibVi
I 1
in- .1, -mmt w.-s'sAfawMBWu.
Build Oregon
Never before aave Oregon people had a greater.,
reason for favoring Oregon-Made products . . .
Home trade builds home industries-boos-ts home
payrolls-takes care of our 6wn unemployment
and speeds recovery for the entire state-. Fuif-Ul
YOUR obligation tp your- neighbors- a,nd y-our.s.elf .
T.n;E..,Ttt YEARS. AGQ.'.TOIj'Ay.
Ndvember 2; 19l3.
City .pbllce anribunce thatlady au-
Oregon Gity Flannel 'SMrts-.
Pendleton Wcolen- Mills P-ur-e Virgin
Wool Overcoats and- lounging.
Solumbia .Knit Pure Virgin- Wool.
Sweaters, mad"e-iii Portland.
Ball leather.. Go's, BleWsi -madia iri-'Pofite
.George. lawttRc'e leatri-er GWtiSv vm
in Portland.
Gleason Clove mahuTa,ct"u'r.ed: in:-S:$leJn5
regpn's Diamond Jubilee Medford, June 3, 1934
80S 870 883 205S
Bowman and Quenther roll Friday
night. .
Burleigh Grimes
Fired By Cards
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2. (AP) Burleigh
Grimes, who has been throwing plt
bslls and making faces at National
league batters lor the last IB years,
waa out of a Job tody.
The Cardinals announced' that
Grimes, one of ths last of the moist
ball pitchers, has been given hts un
conditional release.
Washington High
Trims Grant 14-0
PORTLAND, Not. a. (AP) Tommy
Collins. Washington high flashy full
back, flew through a sea ot mud and
water to a pair of touchdowns at
Multnomah stadium last night,
which, combined with an automatic
safety, gained on a Orant fumble,
gave Washington a 14-0 victory over.
the Orant Generals and placed Eldon
Jenne's Colonials within a step of the
1033 Portland prep title.
(Associated Press Sports Editor,)
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. a. (IP)
Nobre Dame's football coaching prob
lems, agitating the best minds of the
university and lta alumni ever since
the death of Knute Kenneth Rockne,
have not yet been completely solved.
sundry and conflicting reports to tho
contrary notwithstanding.
For the time being Hunk Anderson
Is being given full support In tho
attempt to achieve some recovery
from this year's dismal start, par
ticularly In the cllma games with
Southern California and Army, the
two arch rivals of the Irish. Thero
Is no secret now, however, that this
Is Hunk's last year as head coach and
that steps already have been taken
to install another alumnus of the
Notre Dame system in charge of the
1D34 aquad.
Although for obvious reason no of
ficial confirmation Is forthcoming as
to any and all prospective changes,
here are the salient features devel
oped from reliable sources:
1. Jesse Harper, rounder oi me
Notre Dame system and the sponsor
of Rockne, will remain at least one
mc.e year as athletle director. Longer'
If he desires,- and will pick the next
a. Noble E. Klzer, one of the "Sev
en Mules" of 1623-34, who opened
the holes for the famous "Four
Horsemen." and now head coach at
Purdue, stands at the head of the
list of coaches favored to succeed
Anderson. He may be under contract
8. Elmer Layden, fullback of the
"Four Horsemen," and now head coach
at Duquesne university, may be In
duced to return as backfleld coach.
although he Is reluctant to do so.
4. A big wing of the alumni or
ganisation still favors the selection or
James H. Crowley, another "Horse
man," for the head coaching assign
ment, despite the fact he now has a
three-year contract w'lth Fordham.
5. The name of James Pholan,
former Notre Dame quarterback, now
coaching at the University of Wash
ington, and Edward P. (Slip) Madl-.
gan of St. Mary's, ons of the early
Rockne pupils, also havo been olosely
associated with the talk about. An
derson's suocessor.
branches of their work. Nearly every
subordinate Orange In the county
was represented: A fine musical pro
gram followod fche executive session,
after which supper was sorved In the
dining room. The regulnr Grange
meeting will be held November 3, at
which time election of offlcera will
take place. A good attendance la
Mrs, L. D. Stevenson and son left
this week for Los Angeles to spend
the winter and will leave In the
spring for Alaska to Join Mr. Steven
son, who is engaged In a mining
project there.
November 8 the ladles' of the brick
church will hold their monthly party
at the home of Mrs. Guy Tox.
Members of the Woman's Relief
Corp are urged to be present at the
next regular meeting, November 3; as-
the Inspector .will be present.
Frank Smith of Portland, en-route!
to San Franclsoo, stopped In Central'
Point for a-brief visit Monday night i
with his sister, Mrs.- O: E.' Smith, and
family. ' i
T- -H ' .
Ates . In 'Ashland1' ' Roscoe. Ates:,
Hollywood'' movie- star, accompanied
by two ladles, registered-his; Csdlllac
car, which ' was 'driven by a negrov
chauffeur, at the. chamber of; com-..
merce :'of flea yesterday (Tuesday;).
Ashland Dally .Tidings. . ,
Central Point
CENTRAL POINT, Nov. 8. (Spl.)
Central Point Grangers enjoyed the
Pomona meeting held In then hall
Tuesday night, at which t'me Stat
Master Ray W. Oil! of Portland, State
Secretary Bertha J. Berk of Albany,
State Lecturer Marin FIlnt-McCall of
Salem and Oeorge A. Palmlter, drill
master, apoka on the respective
Notice of Appointment of. Adinlnli-
triitor, ' '.
Notice-Is hereby 'given that on. the .
11th day of October, 1033; the' County
Court for Jackson County, Oregon,.
sitting In probate snd In the matter
of the estate of M. F. Hanley, de
ceased, duly appointed the under
signed M. F. Hanley, Jr., as the Ad
ministrator of the estate ot said de
ceased, and that lie thereafter quali
fied as such, and Is now tne oiuy
sppolnted, qualllied and acting Ad
ministrator of said estate.
All those having claims against said
eetatd will present the same to the
undersigned with proper vouchers at
413 Liberty Building, Medford, Oregon.
Dated November 1st, 1033.
As Administrator of the Estate
of M, F. Hanley, deceased.
Medford- Made .Batteries.,
18 Mb. Guar. s$5
flechnrgeV our rijake!. SSe
Electrical'- specln'M't 111
Arm'sfuro ItewrmiuYs, '
. Battery Seryice
I.V!? Nb. Riverside. Phone 390
Call 76 For
Any Kind Any Amount
Quick, liependable servlca
Truckmen and Farmers Attention!
Do you believe In fairplny?
Do you wish to carry the burden of taxation for. industrial hogs?
If you bolieve in equity and opportunity to try and make a living for
yourselves and families, come to the mass meeting at tho
Saturday Evening, 8 P. M., Nov. 4 ,
Our speakers will uncover the lnjuitice of the "Motor Transportation Act."
Pd. adv.
Jackson County' Branch Truck Owners'
and Farmers' Protective Association.
I OsM .lllRfclTAOV CAI -17' j-kf
Siiijj! " jl -l!!? Hl
i fiiiir? rw mm .mmnm
I lin Mxifcm MmM. Skfe KJt 'Mfflff I
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I ! EULY-SPin-NX;FIEUJ Fatigtie-pjroofs -fTMafl 21 '"fc '
I I. , em'Ii'ri'dy 6 OUTSTANDING FEATURES V- -fiS'W
ii' I founi ii. pother tiros made. Yon'll fWWS. S&L 'TSk
i Coma in today-wo'd like to .how JK TttM JtJ llrTTW. lKfi5
a 5 n w rmmr'iMMAW
We Pay
For Good Used
Even If your old tires still have
some service left in them it will
pay you to ride on new, safe
tires. . , . Don't risk old, slick
and dangerous tires lot them
pay part toward sturdy, safe
Kelly-Springfields. It's an In
vestment in Service and Safety.
Opposite Nat Sam Jennings, Prop. Telephone 223
Deaver & McCurley
Phlpps Auto Park Service
Jarkson and
Crater Lake Service Station
sot F-ast Main
Rainbow Auto Camp Service
North raeltte HIjhws.T
Rod Waters
Opposite ttA Office
1 ,