Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 29, 1933, Page 9, Image 9

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You Can't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here
Try a
WMTl to tel) youi nom.l Want
to jot rid 31 a low odds and
,nda in oousenotd lurniaaini:s
Jo you oeed i foul jar-
ion? . An moxpenalre Want-AO
in the Ua rrtbuno Classified
Ptgo will find the answei te
ibess and many othoi porploxlnj
H re Are the Rates:
pot word tirst uuortlo
(Mlnimuno ioc)
EacB addition! Insertion.
Minimum 10c)
Per lino pot month, wltaout
I Jo
copy changes
i Olen OaK ComUjJ.
ZZwDr-. must prove property;
also pay lor adv.
JTsi gray EOOK'
velt school. Phonel436-X
Call S27 Austin.
Rm, lSard and email wage. Rel
er?ea. Box n73Trlbm
' . l,.nlnff OP
I ADY wlshe worn. nuu'r-
SMTwTth boy hlSii Khool ago
rjTTsluposltlOT "a coo
o- aistant In restaurant or boA
cood worker, will work for lew at
start.. Phone 75 or write Box 313.
Tribune. i .
CURL, experienced in general house-
lamlly. Excellent relerences,
d res Box KF. Mall Tribune.
TTnted- -Respectable mlddleagei
" 2n to do housework 12 MjduH.)
In exchange for good home. B
715. Tribune.
SEVERAL choice openlnw In country
kud town, for reliable men or wo
men. No capital or experience re
quired Writ, Mr. Thomas. Supt,
426 Third St.. Oakland. California.
MN WANTED to supply CUSM'me"
with famous Watkln. Product In
Medtord. Business established, eatn
ws average 25 weekly, pay sta.ts
mediately. Write J. R. Watkln.
Company. 4524 Hollls St., Oakland.
NEW classes forming. Special low
rate, now on. Earn while you learn.
AK for Free Diesel booklet. Diesel
Power Engineering Schools. 3320
. 20th St.. San Francisco. Americas
' nre.ltest System of Practical Dlese.
vTTTxVed private tutor. Must like
traveling. Call at 58 Merrick's Auto
WNTED 90-degree ft'ar reduction
box. 20 to 1. Tel 401-n-l.
WANT transportation to Los Angeles
o- an Francisco. Will share expense.
1102. Tribune.
WANTED Shetland pony,
price. Box 711 Tribune.
WANTED To buv model T Ford,
cheap. Call 413 Plum, evenings.
WANTED Two used pianos a', once.
Will give extra allowance on any
UPRIGHT PIANO traded In tomir-
26 So. Grape.
WANTED Good used p:ino upright
must he reieonah.e sntl In gooc
Box 705. Tnbune.
WANTED An equipped ranch on
snares. Box Phoenix. Ore.
', ANTED A few tons ol stock beets
or carrot. Adolf Scliulz. Beagle
c:i:'.J nurse. Rates reasonable. Mr,
r.obert Sheehan. Talent.
WANTED To lease Mrm on crop
h-..:. Rcfere-ccs firn:he3. W. H
S.iearln. En:e Point. Ore.
PvpEVirS; to southern
California Ndv. 1. want return
,.h D'.rtn inii.x. Ms Tram
VNTF.D Electric radio. Must be
rf..oaab.e. Bex 388. Tribune.
WANTED If you have an Underwood
or Koval typewriter, in Ilrst-cla
condition, you are not using and
want to rent to h'xh a--::oo', tu-ri-;-t.
or want to a?il same, addrej
j D.. Mail Tribune.
v ; IX care for e'.dcr'.v s:-k peop'.e in
: -.y r-.-r! e. P.or.e 437-X.
RANTED H-'U?hOd goods, stores
too. or wast nve yo'J Merord
B-a:n House. 27 N Grape St Te.
t pay sasa fur JtTNK dAlTERIESb
A R i I I A 1 JK8 ALLUl.NU.-S
BHAivs F?FTR ft funk Of ail
MSDFtD 9.tiK3Ai HOC6
11 i:il 14
p-OR BEST Now S room Hevieo witn
1 acre land, improved, on fipruu:
Street and Valloy View Drive. See
arover Cook on proporty or phone
833 MINNESOTA Furnace heald
5 rooms and e'.aiwd aim room, tire
place, garitee, newly painted. Ap
ply Room 203 Copco Bldg.
FOR REJiT Furnished 8 room houao;
alao lights and water. 8 per month.
Phone 4-F-3.
FOR RENT Completely and o'.ator-
ately furnished 5-room atucco noma
only 25 nor month. Knight 1c
Darnell. 19' No. Bartlett.
FOR RENT Modern B-room hotlse.
partly lurnlshed. Inquire 264 Beatty
FOR RENT--Modern furnished S-room
house and Rarape. reasonable, at
812 South Riverside.
FOR RENT. SALE 3-room house, fur.
nlahed, water. 813 Summit.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished house.
410!, Hamilton St.
FOR RENT Furnished house, mod
ern, an. phono 1569-L.
FOR RENT Residence at 600 8. Oak
dale. Owner. O. V. Myers, N. Pa
cific highway. Tel. 25B-J.
FOR RENT Modern furnlsiiod 4
room house. 511 Park Ave.
6-ROOM modern house, new and
clean, at 147 No. Holly. 25 per
month. Lok at it. Adults only.
FURNISHED 4 rooms and breakfast
nook. Spanish type house; $22.60.
Phono 1382-J.
AVAILABLE Not. 1. 1124 W. Main.
First Insurance Agency. Tel. 105
After 5, 1670.
MODERN 3-room house, All.
FOR RENT 7-room house, 413 So
Oakdale. Phone 750-Y.
POI RENT Home, furnished or
unfurnished. Brown & White.
HOUHR8 M0. Ola SO and tit. water
paid; wood range Phone 105.
FOR RENT 7-room modern homo, 3
bedrooms. 0. A. DeVoe, 523-J-2.
FOR RENT New modern 4-room
house, with basement. Redden 4s
FOR RENT Room, board. 153 N. Oak
dale. HOARD AND ROOM at 716 E Main
Rates Tory moderate.
ATTRACTIVE room. 404 8 Orapo.
RANCH FOR RENT 80 acres, about
40 acres summer fallow, for grain
4 Palm Block. Phono 17. or 1104-L
after fi p. m.
WANT TO RENT 3 or 8 room furn
ished apartment, close In. Box 1163,
FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt.
324 Haven.
SMALL furnished heated apt. 1st
floor or elevator, close. Box 737.
FOR RENT Apta. 525 No. Rlveralde
FOR RENT Attractive apt., private
entrance. 618 So. Oakdale.
FOR RENT 4-room duplex apart
ment, electric refrigerator and
range, breakfast nook, furnace
otherwise unfurnlsiied. Phone 442
or call W. A. Gates at Groceteria.
POfin 0n,7 about l", miles
uOUU from Mdford on a good
road; excellent soil, sp'en
dld view of valley; 3 acres; about
one acre In clover, family orchard,
balance In cultivation; 3-room
house, electric lights, chicken
house. Total price $800 cash.
GHftftn 80 .ores: about 18 acres
0 n C U U In alfalfa, about 35 acres
In grain and corn; fenc
ed with Page woven wire: good road:
well for Irrigation: family or:h.iro;
5-room home, eood bsrn and chick
en house. Price reduced from
87 000 to $1200 for Immrdlnre sale.
err. charles a. wing aoency.
INC.. 109 E. Main Street.
Only about 114
WHEN you think of real estate, think
of Brown ds White.
GOOD wood ranee 20. will take part
wood. Route 4. Box 164.
sey cow. freh In few day. Henrv
Croiicher. De Barr Ave., one mile
north Medford.
WILL TRADE 9-month -oM heifer or
pulleta for dmall all-electric radio
1297 Sunset Ave.
FOR SALE 160 acre timber land. 25
miles from Ashland: 2,300.000 fret
assorted timber; w:;i exchange: ar.j
orr conj'.riered. 812 Mfrchon'a
Exciianze Bid?., San Francisco. Cal.
EI.FCVniC STOVE, for cox. fnrm 1m
p'em'r.ta or what n.we you. Box
679, Tribune.
! FOR SALE OR TRADE Whit e'.e!trlc
wing machine for llfiht aedin
WILL TRADE 31 A. good bottom land,
clear, aa down payment on larger
ranch or would consider clear resi
dence in Medford. Olen Brenner,
owner, 100 West Main St.. Medford
Must a:i at once. A real investment
.:r, cash. Terms and trade. Q.
T. L.fram. K.arnatii Fails. Ore.
FOR SALE In Centra! Point. b"t
b iv in tl-.e county, 5-room Hjp-:o-
da;e bur.jilo ;th 2 lo'a. on pavd I
s-reot, near s:r.oo.. Easy tern, or
w:;i trade. What have you? B-;x 431.
EXCHANOE 5-room modem houo
on bslf acre of gooc truck garden
land, J'st east of Portland city llm-
lti, clcce to through paved hih
w7 ExhMifc- eq.iliv or Mc-ilord
o; 4aea, 19 Ta,
1800 40 A. S' room house, fireplace.
barn, !trs. other outbuildings, 2
wells, 7 A. cult . plenty v ood. Mar
ket road, school bus. electricity
available. $200 down. Bsl. easy. W.
R. Lamb. nt. 1, Box 133, Central
Point. Oregon. i
FOR SALE New modern furnished 3
rooms and sleeping porch. 01330
Make your own terms. Tel. 1382-J.
HOME near school Phono 1232-W.
Baby Grands, Studio
and Standard Upright Pianos, new
and used, many of them half price
and less. Several repossessed plsnca
some like new, to bo sold for the
balance due. Price aa low aa Mo
69. 183 and up.
m A n down delivers any upright
355 DD In your home; easy terms
w on balance.
Hurry down for best selection. Free
Main and Riverside.
FOR SALE Mallard ducks, cheap
Phone 771. J. H. WooldrlUge.
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red cock
erels, selected and tested for breed
ing from high producing stock
Priced moderate. Cummlngs Poul
try Ranch, 5 miles out Midway
road, central point Rt. 1.
FOR SALE Turkeys. Mammoth
Bronze breeding stock. Can fur
nish unrelated hens and torn of
heavy boned strain. See sample of
our birds In Monarch Seed Co.
retail store window. Hens .4, toms
8. W. E. Hammel. Eagle Point. Ore.
FOR SALE Cows, helfera and calve.
E. B. Lucas. Beagle. Ore.
FOR SALE hots, feeder. 1 mile
from Beagle. Inquire Mr. Swanson.
Beagle Postofflce.
FOR SALE 1 team young mare. 1400
lbs. 1 ml. East Same Valley Store.
John Ouggan.
TOOOENBINO billy for sale or trwle
by X. Wldmer, ti miles up Butte
rails Read. '
FOR SALE 3 Dure boar pigs. 160
lb, each; ready for service. E. J.
White, R. F. D. I, Medtord.
FOR SALE Younj Guernsey bull,
registered. E. K. Anderson farm.
FOR SALE One team mule and har
ness. -i mile west Phoenix on Cozy
Nook rsnch.
FOR SALE Young Guernsey bull,
registered. E. K. ylderson Farm.
FOR SALE '27 Chevrolet coach, guar
anteed oerfect condition; new tires.
new battery; ready to go. Very
cheap for quick sale. 807 South
FOR SALE 1926 S'ar coupel new
tire; cheap.- 1040 w. utn.
Good Used Cars
No Cash Down
. If your old car will make the 'down
60-Day Written Guarantee. Low Prices.
1933 Plymouth 6 Sedan.
1931 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan.
1928 Dodge Club Sedan.
1930 Chevrolet Coupe.
1931 Chevrolet Sport Coupe.
1920 Oldsmoblle R. S. Coupe.
1929 Ford R. S. Roadster.
1928 Chrysler Conv. Coupe.
1929 Bulck Stand. Coupe.
19H0 Willys 2-door Sedan.
1927 Chrvaler 60 Sdan.
11128 Ford 2-door Sedan.
1930 Bulck Sport Coupe.
38 N. Rlveralde.
DIABETICS Seattle man finds com
plete relief in severe cases with
simple natural method after special
ist failed. No needles, no starvation.
Ail letter answered. N. H. .Boies.
321 Bayvlew Bidg., Seattle.
I BUY gold and loan money. Cecil
Jennings, corner Front and Main.
home, facing park and Llthla
water; open to all patients, board
ers, can in renters. 133 Granite 3t
Ashland. Ore.
Authorlrcd Prlldalre Senrloe. Other
make rep. Tel. 427: nighta 905-Y
FOR SALE Forriion belt pulleT' Huo
bard Brothers.
FOR SALE-Wood ran with oo:l.
and wood atove. 20 S. Tir.
FOR &ALF Electric ironer and atanrt
35 00. .-hafrr Ectrlc Workt, lit1
E. 6th St.
CORN 30o and per hundred. W.
E Allen, Phoenix Garage or ranch
1 mile south of Phoenix.
SPECIAL -tube. arreen crld console
j radio, '22.50; 7-tube Croeley con
i aoie. with twreen grid t'lbe, '25.
Dorrs Radio Service, 423 Eat Main.
FOR SALE G'.l'.fnian electric radio.
ood aa nw. Tei. 44i-W.
FOP. SALE Mariner, and household
grtodn. cheap. Jes E.dr;dp?, phone
COSCORD OR.?ES Last of season.
208 Clsrk St.
One pound, or 10 tori. fi;i or trade
for wood, cow, calves, pigs, gram,
fence post, fencir.e, lumber, or
what you got. M. Hol'.later, 4 mile
south Talent.
O. V MYKPJf RANCH for Bennett
apples. None betrr fc- c-joir
snd ua nox. Also Sp:e. Nw
tona and W.neaap. North on O.d
pAc.fic huhwsy. Telephone 2S8-J
FOR .SALE V.'wl rr-x a'O'e and
wood 20 aSo Fir, upv.a.:a.
; ron SALE fiaiwar pea-hen at the
ralho-m ranch, l m.le southwest of
sCRincEr 2-karat diamond ring, j
i b,,t CM 0rer takes H. Box 1153.!
Tribune. '
i -, .-ljr-,,',-,J-,l-,
, FOR SALE Ha--'. ..ea tz.l '
C, a. ytV, t
FOR SALE Apple wood, 11.90 a tier.
Rogue Kiver Co. Phono Moo.
FOR SALE Used sewing machine. tU
make; term If desired, au
make rented and repaired. White
Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N Bartlett
FOR SALE Hungarian fetch seed
Phono 823-J-4.
FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser
and teaming. Phono 912-J.
FOR SALF Grapes and grape Juice.
The Oell Vineyard.
FOR SALE Apple, several arlotie
W. J. Gebhard. Central Point.
FOR SALElnterest tn gold mine
Partner wanted with somo cash to
operate B:g pay uncovered. Box 93.
Phoenix. Oregon.
Truthful advice on business, love,
marriage. Rainbow Auto Camp
cabin 3.
Abstract a.
of Title. Title Insurance Room a
and 5. No. 83 North Central Ave.
Abstract of Title and
Title Insurance. The
only complete Tide
System In Jackson
Expert VVtndun Cleaners.
House cleaning Flour Waxing Ori
ental Rug Cleaning, specialty.
Fire Extinguishers.
FYR-FYTER" Fire Extinguisher.
Automatic, fire alarms, recharging.
Inspecting. V. A. Bower. 327 No
Money to Lend.
Three per cent per month on un
paid balance No other charges See
W E. Thomas. 46 South Central.
. ground floor Craterlan Theater
BIdg. State License No. 8-157
Job Printing.
Beat equipped plant in southern
Oregon. Printing of all kind: book
binding; loose -leaf ledger, and
blank, billing systems, duplicating
cash sales slips and everything In
the printing lines. 28-30 N. Orapo.
Phone 75
Painting and Paperhanglng.
M. A. BLISS Painting and paper
hanging Tel. 646-W. 313 S Grapo
Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 316
Prices right. Service guaranteed.
fer and storage. We baul anything
at a reasonable prloa. Ill No. Fir
Street. Phono 332.
era and movers. Special livestock
moving equipment. irlcea right
619 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X
NO. 13771
Treasury Department
Office of Comptroller of the Currency
Mail Tribane Daily
t. Quickness of
or riiicorn
T. Kind of fine
13. Withdraw
14. Ancient nam
of the Span
ish itenln
aula lft. Advertisement
14. full hehind
17. Drlnkfnu
I. Correct: colloi.
19. Ruler of Tunia
!L. Mixed rain and
a now
:). Cucknollk
24. Faints
3fi. Nevcrtheleaa
if i. Symbol (or
21. 7ea
3 1, Formal dla
coura S. Mixture
Solution of Yesterday's Puxzl
Olf A LA B e oS i VTA
A R AmPKvmi O RT
pIlIa yTas a jM r TTa
-p A s .ft0 E --M'LR Aif
63. Player at Chil
dren's games
M. Fprrad to dry
M. Wlttlrlfm
bl. Broad tlior
c.fhfare: ahbr.
T. Wish
i, Tnr,''"'aa
C2. ILi),- an In
fusion DOWN
t. Asiatic nattv
j ;
tn irfr,t
. Minpla
41. nior: a
42. Dine
44. Fn of Jn-lih
4F, Timber tree.
47. Division of a
48. Pronoun
72 3 5 15 37 3 w op z
; M
s !
6 4i0 ,. 4? ;,,. 4 & &
''." ''
Washington. D 0.. September 11. 1933
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence
presented to the undertogned. it na
been made to appear that "Medford
Katlonal Bank." In the City of Med
ford. In the County of Jackson and
State of Oregon, na complied with
all the provisions of the Statute 01
the United States required to be
complied with before an association
shall be authorized to commence the
business of Banking;
Now. therefore. 1, J. p. T. O'Connor.
Comptroller of the Currency, do here
by certify that "Medford National
Bank." in the city of Medford. in the
Ckiunty of Jackson and State of Ore
gon, ta uthoriKcd to commence the
buslnes of Banking a provided In
Section Fifty-one HunJinl and Sixty
nine of the Revised Statute of the
Un.ted States.
In testimony whereof, witness my
hand and seal of office thl oleventa
day of September. 1933.
(Seal of the Comptroller of the Cur
rency. Treasury Department I
(Signed) J, F. T O'CONNOR,
Reorganization N'uttee.
Medf vd National Bank.
Medford National Bank located at
Medford In the State of Oregon re
ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep
tember 11, 1933. and commenced bu.
mes September 13. 1933,. The new
bank is a continuation of the old
bank excepting that It la organized
under the Banking Act of 1933. and
ha n entirely new Capital of 100.
000 00
Dated Sept. 20. 1933.
C-EO. T. FREY, Caahlor.
Liquidation Notice.
The Medfrod National Bank located
at Medford in the State of Oregon 1
closing It affairs. All note-holdurs
and other creditors are hereby noti
fied to present the notes and other
claim against the association for
Dated Sept. 30. 1933.
GEO T. FREY. Cashier.
St. Mark'it Episcopal
Corner Oakdale and Fifth
Holy communion, 8 a. m.
Sunday school. 10 a. m.
Holy communion, 11:15 a. m.
Full r.Mjwl Cluirrh
11 Newtown Street.
Sunday school at 0:45 a. m.
Morning worship at 11, Rev. L. W,
Jaeger apeaklng. Suject, "Chrlitlana1
Relation to the World."
Evening evangelic tic, 7:30. Sub
ject, "Someone la Coming". Who?
Service win conclude each night
through tlila week at 7:30. Othera
are enjoying these services, why not
you? Evangelist L. W. Jaeger will be
Young people's service Sunday at
S p. m.
First Baptist Church
W. H. Eaton, minister
0:46 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Morning worship.
8:30 p. m Young people's devo
tional groups.
7:30 p. m. E.enlng service.
Sunday is Rally pay at this church.
Many rally features will bo In evi
dence at every service and In every
department. In the morning pro
gram the Sunday school will figure
prominently with special music, dra
ma and stunts. The evening hours
will bring rally sessions In the B.
Y. P. V. groups and In the eveulng
worship. Special featurea will be pro
vided by the young people. The
pastor will. In response to request
of his people, again speak on "The
Second Coming of Our Lord."
You will find a cordial welcome
at this church. Come and see.
Cross-Word Puzzie
10. 100 squara
meters of
land t
11. City fn BwlU-
11. New Zealand
10. A lanffuar
XL 8nakellka flah
21. Entertainers
?y or tha sun
27. Steps for
croailng a
21. Ancient eecla
win venae)
29. Action at law
30. Lxpnae to
S2. Public vehicle
23. Jfpnneaa
mtaaiira of
4. Flnlflh
36. rmductt)
31. Kellna
4. Oravri
4. Anifi
i-. Lt It ffand
47. Air: comb.
. Varleiy
ift. Kaitenr
(1, Precedinf
M. Peiama
5. Front of the
M. Therefore
CO. Tou and I
ft, Grant, aa ter
ritory 't nott of
4. F'-fre,it
iova: var.
Ciod of lova
a. Kirently
7. Vera of two
t. Border
9. Pet diminutive
of Mar-
Main Street Methodist Church South
N. D. Wood. Pastor
Service for the week ft follow:
6 30 p. m, Young People meeting.
The pastor will be at Williams Creek
for the eleven o'clock service Sunday.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m . prayer vrv
Ice and soni; practice.
Medford Coinpiinr of Jehovah's
Yt Itnesse
The Medford Company of Jen-wan'
Witnesses are broadcustlng a lecture
by Judge Rutherford over KMF.D er.
ery Sunday morning from 10 to 10:15.
These lecture are given by electri
cal transcription and will bo repealed
on Thursday at 4 p. m.
Jehovah Witnesses meet for study
every Sunday morning at 10 30 at
103 Mistletoe street and every Thurs
day afternoon at. 3 o'clock at 737
South Central avenue. All Interest
ed In Watch Tower Bible study are
Knur-square Ohuwh
3w North Bartlett
P. W. Cameron, paator
Sunday morning. 8:45. Sunday
rchool; it o'clock, morning aervlca
Crusaders meeting 6:30 p. m.
Evening aervtce. 7:45.
Wednesday night, 7:48, pray
Friday night. 7:45. Bible study.
Women iw for needy Wednesday
afternoon, 3 to 5.
Commissary open Tuesday and
Thursday. 3 to fi p. m.
Your presence will be appreciated.
riiurch of the Niutu-ene
John T. LaRose. Pastor.
"Silver Jubilee Bally Day" In the
Sunday school at 0:45. The goal for
this service today Is 300. The ri
valry between the different classes
Is very keen. The winner gets die
"stiver Jubilee banner. Bettor hurrj
If you are to be one of the 300.
The pastor will speak at the morn
ing worship service at 11. on "Yester
day Today Tomorrow."
Young People's society meeting at
0:30 Sunday evening. A apodal Ju
bilee service la plsnned for this Sun
day evening, featuring Mr. Paul Cul
bertson of Berkeley. Cal, aa the spe
cial apeaker.
Evening evangelistic service at
7:30. The pastor will speak on "The
Sinner's Saviour."
Midweek prayer meeting In the
church Wednesday evening at. 7.30.
The subject for next Wednesday is
"When to Expect a Revival."
You are welcome hero.
First Church of rhrlat. Scientist
Authorized branch of The Mother
Church. The First Church of Christ,
i Scientist, In Boston. Ma,
j Services ore held every Sunday at
!I1 o'clock, church edifice. 312 North
Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Oct
ober 20: "Everlaatlnir Punishment."
Sundny school at 0:30. Appllcanta
under the ago o( twenty may bo ad
mitted. Wednesday evening meetings, which
Include testimonies of Christian
Science healing, at 8 o'clook.
The reading room, which 1 lo
cated at 401 In the Medford build
ing, I open daily from 7 a. m. to
8 p. m., except Sundays and holi
days. The Ilbrlrlan Is In attendance
from 10 to 4. at which tlmo the
Bible and all authorised Christian
Science literature may be read, bor
rowed or purchased.
The public. 1 cordially Invited to
nttend the service and visit the
reading room.
Church of Christ
Tha Church of Christ meet avery
Lord's Day at the assembly hall on
Wt?st Main atreet, Central Point at
10:30 o'clock for public worship. Tha
leaaon under consideration on Octo
ber 29 will bo Tim. 3. At this hour
wo alao havo an Inspiring song aerv
lce, the communion and contribu
tion and prayer service. The public
la cordially Invited to bo with ua
every Lord's Day.
On November 13 tho church la ei
pecttng to begin a series of meetings.
Evangelist Alva Johnson of Turkey.
Texea, will havo charge and comes
highly recommended. During the
meetings a question box will be near
the door and anyone having Bible
questions In which ho la Interested
la Invited to place- them In the box
and Mr. Johnson will answer and
diactwa all questions. An Inspiring
song service will begin at 7:30 each
evening followed by the sermon on
Mine Important. Bible subject.
No eolleotions.
Plea? plan to be present each eve
ning and bring your Bible.
Other announcements will be made
First Prehvter1an Chiirrh
William J. Howell, mlnletor
Bible school, 9:4fl We have a fine
school and know that you will an
Joy It. Como along and bring the
11 a. m. Morning worship. Ser
mon: "Jesua Chrlat, tha Hope of
the Wo.w." ritoaic by tha
'hoir under the direction of Mrs.
Elsie C. Strang. Mrs. Donald 8. Llb-
b;r, organist.
Prrlude "Villon" Rhelrberger
Offertory "Intermerxo" Rnera
poatlude "Grand Chorus".. Oulltmart
Anthem "Semi Out tho Llght"..
Solo "Like As a' Heart Dealreth"
, Allison
Soloist, Mra. Ray Edwin.
Evening musical service. 7 10 p. m.
Prelude "Autumn Nleht mebblna
Invooaticm Lut,ian Clement.
Scripture Dlmsr Wright.
Chorus "I Waited for tho Tird
Maurlne McClura Duncan, soprano
Trio "Pralsa Te" from Atllla... Verdi
Elsie C. Strang, soprano
A, J. MDonough, tenor
Don Newbury, basso
Solo "I Thank Thee, O My Father"
w Iproao
Mrs. F. E. Nandla, soloist
Solo "Meditation" from Thais..
Ml m Marjorle Paley. violinist
Solo "Consider tha Llllea'..Blschoff
Roht. C. Wright, baritone aolotst
Bolo "I Know That My Redeemer
Liveth" ... nandet
noinia., Mlaa Otar Burnett, soprano
Chorus "Tli a Pilgrims Chorus"
from Tnnhaur Wagner
Advent rhr1t1an Church 1
Intersection of Jackson, with Fir
Orace M. Thurtnan, Clerk.
Bible school, 9 45 a. m.
rreachlng at a a. ny, also at 7;30
p. m.
Wm. E. Snider, long time evangel
ist, and prophetic lecturer and able
preacher, will be here November fi
and hold for probably over Nov. 13.
Apostolic. I'alth Mission
43 North rront Street
Announces special services:
Sunday morning at 10:30.
Sunday evening; at 7:30.
Tuesday. Thursday and rrldajr eve
nings at 1:4S. Rer. C. H. Rodman,
evangelist, from Portland. Ore., will
be present. EvotiRellstlc service,
personal testimonies and Bible
Truths expounded In all Its full
ness. Everybody welcome. No collection
aver taken.
Won fnsllsh Lutheran Church
Fourth Street, at Oakdale Avenue
Oeo. P. Ksbele. D. D . pastor
10 . m Sunday school. Classe
for all.
11 a. m. Reformation festival
service. Sermon: "The Greatest Re
formation." Anthem bv choir under
the direction of Mrs. Frona Herrled:
"I Love To Tril the Story." by Her
man von Berg.
7:00 p. m Luther League. Topic:
"Lutherans Around the World."
Leader. Earl Pedersen.
Monday. 8 p. m.. Hallowe'en party
In the church parlors.
Wednesday. 7:30 p. m Non-Da-nomlnatlona
Bible Students' Fellow
ship Bible Hour, to which all are
Invited regardless of creed. Topic:
"Heeding the Vole of the Church."
Those with no other local church
home are cordially Invited to our
services and meetings, and more than
Pint Christian Church
Ninth and Oakdalo Sti.
W. R. Baird. Minister
Bible achool at 9:45 a. m.,
Qcntner. superintendent.
L. O.
Everyman' Bible clans in court
house auditorium at 9:45. Miaa Elea
nor Curry will be the class soloist.
Morning worship begin at 10:53.
Quartette, "Who Could It , Be,"
Hsrkneas, Rffia Yeoman. Virginia
Gregory. L. Q. Oentner, J. Klrkpatrlck.
Sermon by 0. H. Hilton of Oranta
Christian Endeavor at 6:30.
Evening evangelistic service at 7:30.
Anthem, "Abide With Me," Petrle.
Sermon by the pastor "Precious
Promises of Christ." This la a aer
mon you will enjoy. A gift will be
presented to the ono finding tho meet
promises of Christ, aa recorded in tha
four Goppelo. I
Mid-week evangelistic service on
Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30.
Subject next Wednesday evening,
"What Must I Do to Be Saved?" Ev
eryone la Invited.
PhoenK Presbyterian Church
Rntph S. Petarson. pastor. J. O.
N. Poling, church school u perl n ton
ne nt.
Church school, 10 a. m. Worship
service for Sunday In charge of Mia
Lottie Watklns.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser
mon theme: "Tho Church, a Field
or a Force?" This servlco will ba
In the nature of a resume of thtnga
accomplished during the paat year
and of goals aot for tha future.
Since this Sunday marka tha be
ginning of the aeeond year of tha
pant or', association with this church,
he will nw the same sermon theme
and text used on his first Sunday,
one year ago. There will be re
ception of members.
Christian Endeavor societies, 6:30
p. m.
Evening worahlp. 7:80 p. m. Ser
mon theme: "A Christian's Use of
Personal Liberty." Special music by
young Peoples choir under leader
ship of Mrs. Carpenter.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30
p. m. Continuation of the atudy of
Tou will meet with a cordial wel
come at all service.
First Methodist Churrh
West Mnln and Laurel Street,
Joseph Knotta, Minister.
Sundny school at 0:46 a. m. Mr.
E. J. Newman, superintendent. Every
one should attend aoma Sunday
school. If you are not attending
elsewhere, you will bo welcoma In
Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Ser
mon theme, "Peace, Teace: Whn
There la No peace." Anthem by
tho choir and & aolo by Mrs. W, O.
Tho Dpworth League and the Tn
termed late League will meet at 6.30
p. m.
Evening worship at 7:30. A rous
ing service U planned. Fine song
service led by Mr. Clarence Meeker.
Ry request, Mr. Clarence Meeker and
W. O. Andrews will sing the old fa
vorite .hymn, "Ashamed of Jesus."
Tho pastor will preach on the theme.
"Church People Who Are Ashamed
of Jesua." He will also answer the
following questtons:
1. Can a church member bo eter
nally lot?
3. If Joining a church does not
assure one of e'ernal salvation, why
Join a church?
a. Why do churches allow hrpo
crltea to remain members?
4. Why do ao many different
churches claim to be the ony true
The first quarterly conference of
thU conferenro yor will be held on
Tuesday evening at 7:30.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30
p. m.
. ft.
"During Dr. Em men' absence In thi
eut. Dr. Howard N. Bywater. eye, ear,
nose, and throat surgeon, will be in
his office at Oranta Peas to attend
anyone needing hie services. Dr. By
water Is rated aa one of the best men
tn his line on the coast.
Protect the birds Get your No
Hunting. No Trespassing" in ?t t-
'K D:r-""ut of the Mali Tribune
38-30 N. Orape.
Dr. C. H Paako will resume Ms
practice of Dentistry at 310 Liberty
on the
Day's News
POTATO buyera generally, aa noted
In thia column yesterday, do
llevo prlcea will bo higher later on.
and are advising grower not to sell
at present prices.
HAT U en odd"i it nation, mora
or less without precedent In ro-
ent marketing history. Why doe
it exist?
If buyera bellevo prlcoa will bo
materially higher later, why do they
not seek to buy NOW, at exlatlnf
low prices, and tell later on at
HIOHER prices, thus making a hand-
somo profit at tho grower'a expervMf
Theao are questions that naturally
occur to ua.
- 4
THIS appears to be tho anavwi
No money, or at least very 11U
tlo n.oney, 1 available thl year for
speculation. Buyera cant borrow
money to speculate on, and with
very few exceptlona their own cash
reserves havo been used up In th
disastrous experiences of tha paa
few years.
So they havo to operate along from
daya to day. turning their mono
over aa rapidly aa poaslbl.
THE potato market ha boon de
clining steadily for nearly ft
month. In apt to of a national crop
that Is enough short of normal con
sumption to Insure reasonably strong
demand at fair prlcea.
It haa been declining because
growers, unable to borrow the money
with which to harvest their cropo,
have been compelled to rush eup
piles onto tha market In order to
get harvesting money.
This movement haa eramped tha
early markets, creating tho appear
anco of a surplus Instead of a short
age, and aa a natural result of this
sltutlon prloea nav fallen.
"that na been tough on
tough on the
A i
grower. But It haa been tough
on the buyer alao. aa you will see
If you examine the situation closely
The buyer cant got the money
this year with which to speculate
that la to aay, BUY AND HOLD. In
the belief that prlcea will be higher
later. He has to sell as soon ts he
buys, la order to got tho money with
which to buy more.
When be Is selling on a falling
market, he LOSES by whatever
amount the market drops while' his
cars are rolling to market.
SO, you eee, the buyer la anxious
to see the steady drop tn prices
arrested, so that he can at leaat get
as much for his potatoes when they
arrive at the marketing point as he
paid for them at the producing
point, He ts even more anxious to
see the price turn upward, so that
he may hope to realise a profit while
the care are rolling to market.
So, believing that this year's re
lationship of supply to demand Justi
fies prices higher than those now
ruling, he advises the grower to HOLD
Inatead of selling, thus withholding
supplies from the market end stif
fening prices.
What he advises Is sound busi
ness for himself as well as for the
WB havs beenhearlng for years,
from numerous sources, that all
-peculation la a CURSE, and that
growers would be Immensely better
off If It were stamped out.
Is that true?
IffELL, ve have a pretty food op
W portunlty to Judge for ourselves
this year whether or not speculation
is s curse, for there Is mighty little
of It, due to the fact that money
to speculate on Is scarce and hard
to get.
The results, so far as tha potata
market Is concerned, haven't been
any too pleasing at leaat so far.
TKB truth Is that within reason
able limits speculation is ft good
thing, because It reflects the Judg
ment of able and well Informed buy
ers as to the relationship between
supply and d:marul and makes
available AT ONCB whatever price,
this relationship Justifies.
This year, because of lack of
money or credit, there ta little of
no speculation, and so we era see
ing the early potato market swamp
ed with offerings that would nor
mally be taken by tha speculators
and fed to the markets In such
manner as not to break the price in
the race of ft abort supply.
Even tha speculator has hla uses.
Officers snd chevalier f C-ma
5u.joa no, 19, P. M., I. O. O. P.. re
requested to meet at Conger Funeral
Parlors at 3 p. m. Sunday, October 39,
to attend funeral of our departed sla
ter. Lady Josephine Hall. Full dress