P'A'GE SEYE3 You Can't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here BEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY,- OCTOBER 23, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WANT to eel) your noma) Want to get tld ot a few odd ana andj In nousehold tumishings Do you need tools tot four gar den? , . An inexpensive Want-AO ua the Mall mount Classified Page will nod the answer to mesa and man; other perplexing problems. H-re Are the Rates: Per word first insertion He (Minim mo 36o) Bach additional inaerUon, pet word lc (Minimum I0c Per lint pet month, without copy change , ,,,11.26 75 Phone LOST AND rOCNO LOST 5x7 tarpaulin on E. Jackson. Sailing or Mae St. Return to 1018 Stevens. Reward. LOST If dog missing, call 1518- "wanted miscellaneous WANTED '28 or "27 model T roadster. closed type. Address Rt. 4, Box 3M. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Phone 869-R. Thlbault. WANTED Electric radio. Must be reasonable. Box 268, Tribune. WANTED 5 to 10 acres to farm on shares. Write Rt. 1, Box 63, Med lord. WANTED If you have an Underwood or Royal typewriter, In first-class condition, you are not using and want to rent to high school stu Vnt. or want to sell same, address J. D Mall Tribune. WILL care for elderly sick people In my home. Phone 437-X. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medtord Bargain House. 27 N. Orape St Tel 1062. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES & RAD1AI0B8. ALUMINUM BRASS, COPPER at unk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN BOUSE 27 No Orape Tel 1082 FOB ItKNl DOUSES FOR RENT Room, outside entrance, new modern home, garage. Phone 789. AVAILABLE Nov. 1, 1124 W. Main. First Insurance Agency. Tel. 10S. After 6, 1670. FOR RENT 847 E. 9th. 39 No. Peach. 1025 W. 9th. 818 Newtown. 830 No. Holly. First Insurance Agency. After 8, 1870. FOR RENT 5-room modern house, close in, furnished. Tel. 788. Pal mer Muslo House, MODERN S-room house, til. phone 847-R. TOR RENT To responsible tenant only, one of the most convenient amsll, comfortably furnished homes In Medlord. Keany must oe ewo to be appreciated; 22.50. water Said. Near end of pavement on ast Main, 24 Highland Drive. Come evenlnga. FOR RENT 5-room house, furnished for 2 families; 20, water paid; 2 garages. Phone 1382-J. roR RENT 7-room house. 412 So. Oakdale. Phone 750-7. HOMES FOR RENT Call 698. For RENT -unfurnished. Homes, furnished or Brown 4 White. HOUSES HO. aia.to and ait, water paid; wood range Phone 106. FOR RENT 7-room modern home, 8 bedrooms. C. A. DcVoe. 523-J-2. FOR RENT 3-room modern furnished house, 315 So. Peach. Inquire next door. FOR RENT Modern house, 8 rooms snd smsll sleeping porch, unfur nished, electrlo range. Inquire 264 Beatty St. rOR RENT New modern 4-room house, with basement. Redden lc Co. FOR HUNT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apts. 625 No. Riverside FOR RENT Attractive apt- private entrance. 518 So. oatdaie. FOR RENT -room duplex apart ment, electric refrigerator and ranee, breakfast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 442 or call W A. Gates at Groceteria. FOB BENT BOAUD AMD BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 716 B Main Rates very moderate rOB HENT HJK.NISHtD KOOM3 ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Orape. TOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS RANCH FOR RENT 80 acres, about 40 ncrex summer faUow. for grain 4 Pa:m Block. Phone 17, or 1104-L after 5 p. m. rou cxt riA.NGB rOR SALE OR TRADE Drag ssw or tak. part wood. 1 ml. So. Phoenix. b See Hsynes. tXCHANOE wood for pullets, tur7S or whst hare you. W. Hstton. Cen tral Point. TOR SALE OR TRADE White electric sewini machine for lht sUa. Box Sii, T.-iou-a. rOB EUHAfiOB BEA1, C8TATB FOR SALE In Central Point, best buy In the county. 5 -room up-to-date bungalow with 3 lots, on paved street, near school. Easy terms, or win trade. What hare you) Box 431, ' Tribune. EXCHANGE 8-room modem house on half acre of good truck garden land. Just east of Portland city lim its, close to through pared high way. Exchange equity for Medford or acreage. Inquire 19 N. Fir. FOB ALT. HEAL ESTATE when you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. FOB SALEHOMES FOR 6ALE Best buy in the county, o-room up-to-date bungalow witn 2 lots, on paved street, near school. Easy terms, or will trade. What have you? Box 431, Tribune. HOME near school. Phone 1232-W. tOB SALE MUSICAL I.NSIBUMKNIS FOR SALE Few band Instruments for beginners. Good bargains In used instruments. Phone 798-Y. FOR SALE Trumpet. A slightly used Buescher at a price to ecu. pnone 7UB-Y. FOR SALE Trombone In esse. Good lor beginner. Only 10. Tel. 798-Y. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 large young bucks & 60 pigs. c. J. Haas, Route central Point. FOR SALE 5 young heifers and one year-oia nun; good etocx. c. m Howell. Griffin creek. FOR SALE 14 head milk cows. Large brick house end of Perrydale Ave. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 3 dozen mixed White Leghorn Ostralorp. 511 E. Mae St. FOB SALE M1SCEIXANEOUB GOOD used heating stove for aale. Inquire 109 s. atn. FOR SALE At a big discount, new heavy-duty tractor disk. John Hoim- er, central point. SACRIFICE 2-karat diamond ring, best cash offer takes It. Box 1159, Tribune. FOR SALE Nells on trees cheap, no worms or scale. Phone 19-F-21. GROUND Barley, 81.15 cwt. Med ford seed oe Feed to. FOR SALE Hay, wheat, barley and corn. c. A. Devoe. Tei. S23-J-2. FOR SALE Apple wood, 11.50 a tier. Rogue Kiver uo. rnone 1400. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes: terms If desired. AU . makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N Bartlett ATTENTION STOCKMEN For sale, alfalfa bay in tack. Feeding space can be provided if desired. Rogue River Co., Phone 1366. FOR SALE Hungarian vetch aeed. Phone 633-J-4. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone 912-J. HODGEN - BREWSTER'S LAYWELL EGG MASH, ai.90 cwt. Contains milk and Nopco cod liver oil. Med ford Feed & Seed Co WHOLE Eastern Corn, 61.35 cwt. Med ford Seed & Feed Co. Warehouse 4th and Bartlett. Store 309 East Main St, FOR SALE: Grapes and grape Jules. AiJO mil VUICJUU. EGG MASH, 61.65 cwt. & Peed Co. Medford Seed A NEW DAIRY FEED. 61.25 per sack. Medford Seed 4: Feed Co. MILLRUN, 0o per sack. Seed & Feed Cv. LOWER FEED PRICES Ask our prices on grain and feed. Medford Seed & Feed Co. Warehouse 4th and Bartlett. Store 309 East Main. FOR SALE Apples, several varieties. W. J, Oebhard, Oentral Point. GRAPES and fresh' grape Juloe for sale. Clarkson, Tel. 610-R-l. FALL SEEDS and Seed Grains at lower prices. Medford Seed & Feed Co. DELICIOUS APPLES Fancy and ex tra fancy, priced to sell. See Evan son at the Big 7 Warehouse. FOR SALE Nash Conv. Coupe In good mechanical condition; good paint and rubber; bedroom set. like new. 415 Arcadia Court. Tel. 317-W. FOR SALE Delicious apples, any (trade, looee or faced and filled. 60c and up. Sgobel A Day, So. Fir. FOR FALL PLANTTNO order now Special prices on all Nursery Stock to November 1. W. B. Crause, Nur seryman, 628 so. Fir St., Medford. FOR SALE All kinds of apples. 132-L. Tel. fUH 8 AUS AUTOMOBILES, BETTER USED CARS. NO CASH DOWN If Your old car eovera down payment. Buy a ear with a Written Guar antee. Our finance rates are Tery reasonable. Down pavment. 1031 Cher. J-door Sedan.lloo.00 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe 125.00 1P10 Chev. Standard Coupe. g5.00 1B29 Ford Sport Coupe. 50.00 1928 Chrysler con. coupe.. 75.00 1929 DeSoto Sedan 100.00 Compare our cars with others aud then buy. ARMSTRONO MOTORS. INO. 38 No. Riverside. OUSINtSS OPPOKTLNI1TIES rOR SALE Interest in gold some Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Bis pay uncorered- Box H. Phoenix. Oregon. PERSONAL OIPTED CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist Truthlul advice on buslneM. love, marrlsne. Rainbow Auto Camp, cso.u . MISCELLANEOUS ASHLAND FOR HEALTH Convsles- cent home, facing park and Llthla water; open to all patients, board ers, oabln renters. 153 Granite St., Ashland, Ore. PAINTING, p&perhanglng and tinting Lowest prices, Mr. Bennett, Tel. 833-W. Authorized Frlgtdalre Service. Other makes rep. Tel. 427: nighu sos-T BUSLNESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 82 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert Wtndow dealers. LET OEOROB DO IT Tel 1172 House cleaning Flow Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Fire Extinguishers. 'FYR - FYTER" Fire Extinguishers. Automatic fire alarms, recharging, Inspecting. V. A. Bower, 337 No Oakdale. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONET ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per montn on un paid balance No other charges See W E. Thomas, 46 South Central, ground floor Craterlan Theater Bldg. State License No. 3-157. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in souineru Oregon. Printing of all kinds: book binding; loose -leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing Unes. 26-30 N. Grape Phone 75 Fainting and raperhauging. M. A BLISS Painting and paper hanging Tel. 646-W 813 8 Grape Transfer. EADS TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Offlco 1015 No Central. Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RF INKING TRUCKING CO Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. 11) No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving ' equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside. Phone I044-X. LEU&L NOTICES No. 13771 Treasury Department Office of Comptroller of the Currency Washington. D. C septemoer u, inaj Whereas, by satlefactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been made to appear tnat -mroioro National Bank." In tbe City of Med ford, in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, has compiled with all tbe provisions of tbe Statutes 01 tbe United states, required to be complied witb before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking: Now, therefore, 1. J. F. T. O'Connor. Comptroller of the currency, do here by certify that "Medtord National Bank," in the City of Medford, in the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, is authorized to commence tho business ot Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one Hundred snd Sixty nine ot the Revised Statutes of the Un.ted States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal ot office this eleventn day of September. 1933. (Seal of the Comptroller ot the Cur rency. Treasury Department.! (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR, Liquidation Notice, The Medlrod National Bank located at Medford in the State of Oregon ts closing Its affairs. All note-hoi dure and other creditors are hereby noti fied to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. Dated Sept. 30, 1033. GEO. T. FRET, Cashier. Reorganization Notice. Medford National Bank. Medford National Bank located at Medford in the State of Oregon re ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep tember 11, 1933. and commenced bus iness September 12, 1933. Tbe new bank ts a continuation of the old baxk excepting that It la organized under tbe Banking Act of 1933, and haa an entirely new Capital of 100. 000 00. Dated Sept. 20. 1S38. GEO. T. FRET. Cashier. Notice of Sheriff, Sale By Vlrture of an execution on Fore closure duly issued out of and under tbe aeal of the circuit Court ot tne State of Oregon, In and for the Coun ty of Jackson, to me directed and fated on the 29th day of September, 1933. In a certain action therein, wherein The state of Oregon. rep.-e-eented and acting by the World War Veterans' State Aid Commission as Plaintiff, recovered Judgment agalnat Calvan N. Evans, sometimes known ss C N. Evans snd Betty Evans, nus btnd and wife. John H. Denlson ar.4 Reba F. Denlson. husband and wife. Delroy Oetchell and Alice M Oetchell. bueband and wile, tne aerenasnis. for the sum of Two thousand six hun dred fourteen and 33-100 12614 331 with Interest at 0 per annum from December 8. 1931 with costs snd dis bursements tsxed st Twenty-four and BC-100 (124 80) Dollars, and the fur ther sum of One hundred fifty and no-100 (1150.00) Dollars, ss attorney's fees, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerx's office of said Court tn said County on tbe 39th day of September, 1933. Notice la hereby iflven ttist. pursu ant to the terms of the ssld execu tion. I will on tle 4th day of No vember. 1933. st 10:00 o'clock a, m, at the front door of the Courthouei In the City of Medford, in Jackson County. Oreson. offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the hleheat bidder, to satisfy aald Judgment, together with the oosts of this asle, subject to redemption as provided by law. all of the rlht, title and interest that tne ssld defend ants. Cslvsn N Evens, sometimes I known ss c N Evans and BUv Ev. lam, haabaiid and wife, John U. bsnl- son and Reba F. Denlson, husband snd wife, Delroy Getchell and Alice M. Getchell, husband and wife had on the 34th day of February, 1926, cr now have In and to the following described property, situated In tile County of Jackson, Slate of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot five (5). Block two (2), Sum mit Addition to the City of Med tord, County of Jackson, Stste of Oregon. Dated this 30th day of September. 1933. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By Olga E. Anderson. Deputy. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County. First National Bank of Medford, Ore gon, a National Banking Associa tion, Plaintiff, vs. J. O. Cass and GUHe Cass, husband and wife; F. E. Etsert and E. F. Elsert, also all other parsons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, eatate. Hen or lntereat in or to the property described herein. Defend ente. To each and all of the above named Defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon you and each of you are hereby raquirea to appear and answer the Complslnt of the Plaintiff on file nerein against vou. or otherwise nlesd thereto, within four (4) weeks trom the date of the first publication of this Summons. You are hereby notified that if vou fall to appear and answer the Com plaint of the Plaintiff as required herein, or otherwise nlesd thereto. Plaintiff will take a Decree against you for tho relief demanded In said Complaint, which Is succinctly stated loiiows: A Judgment snd decree foreclosing the Plaintiff's mortgage on property situated snd being In the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, and de scribed ss follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the point of Inter section of the North line of Stewsrt Avenue and the Westerly line ot the Pacific Highway In Section 31, Township 37 South of Rangs 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, and trom said point running thence Northerly along said Westerly line of said Paclflo Highway 260 feet; thenco Westerly at right angles to the Easterly line of the right-of-way of the O. it c. Railroad Company, thence Southerly along aald line of said right-of-way to the Northerly line of Stewart Avenue; thence East along ssld North line of said Stewart Avenue 35 feet more or less to the point of beginning. This Summons Is published In the Medford Mall Tribi ne, Medford, Ore gon, by order of the Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above entitled vourt, ouiy made on the 20th day of October, 1933. The date of the first publication of snie eumrnona is uctoDer 23, 1933. BOGGS & BBNGTSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ins aasi Main street. Medford, Oregon. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23 (AP) The 'arm credit administration an nounced today that farm debt con emotion committees nad been ap pointed In 15 states and that several other states had announced they In. tended to set up such groups. The committee will attempt to bring aoout voluntary compromises be tween farmers and their creditors when the Indebtedness by the tor mer Is regarded as excessive. PAY AS YOU RIDS Have your car repaired on time. Low Finance Rate. ARMSTRONG MOTORS INO. Mail Tribune Daily across L Coa urn late i. Sunken fence L Dull brown lih yellow 11 Conceal II. Male offspring 14. Talk enthu siastically 1R. pTeM 16. Ha vine the leaflets on each aide of the stem 1ft. Water bottlea 20. Pltrhers 21. Metal flask 2. Fathers 26. Turf 27. Mountain la Alaska SO. Has confidence tn It Twisted around: Tar. S. Still its. Anj not 17. Correct Zt. f?et free 40. Tableland! IX. River In Poland 47. Superintends 0. Persia B0. Hhort latter 51 Kant Indian tree Solution of Saturday's Pun la AllEiAlTlrlAiRPslQlDlA & R i a$2d lANApVLk m E RiuH ItIorale a t rTl& sBsm IE l l s mmKL8oP e Nsfea LOG A! N JR A V 1 N EDO A RilMiikE T Sffl J 06 MOL aQ P 1 Nlf g F A M E END HSlwA N jgfo R I V K S SjqH sIhTT V ElR E R AlS IE Sl yJs e i!I s ne S Ll A L 1n1 gQB l TjP EIS E" V A OlEMTJSiA nJsJP 0 R I I A REfjaote AT'EfE LI A A.lIpIsHHi IlIeisMpIeieir BS. Cavera M. Hum 8. Malt bersrajre 65. Cahhaff salad DOWN I. Stylish 3. Italian eel a S. Heent 4. HoMingi at bridge ' P I3 I WM I6 I7 WM ' ' m m gr ml - mm -W mm WWM' " WWW, mmm --Jmmm 111 W Jit 36 zzttlzwliz 6Jt" - sSM I I Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE. Oct. 23. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zimmerman of a runti Phm were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith Tuesday. Jacksonville unit of the health as sociation held a successful baby clinic la tbe old court house. Dr. Drum mond and Mlaa Blanche Rune: were assisted by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Manna. Mrs. O. R. Chapman of Roseburg wan visiting friends and relatives one day last week. Mrs. O. X. Maxwell waa calling on friends here Sunday evening. Paul Ken worthy and Carl Mua grove left by truck for Portland Wed nesday to bring back a load for Geo. Backus. Mrs. Ed Whitley and Infant daugh ter returned to their home near the Opp mine Thursday. Mrs. R. R. John son of Medford attended the Ladles' Aid social Thursday. Mrs. Paul Kenworthy left Wednes day for her girlhood home In Inde pendence, Kansas, to visit relatives for a time. A birthday party was held In the church parlors Thursday by the Ladles' Aid for Mrs. Alice TJlrlch and Mrs. Ernest Longley. Jhmes V. Forbes left the early part of Inst week for the Klamath potato fields. He reports fine weather there now. Mrs. Roy McConochle and son. Vir gil Swanson and wife were calling on Mrs. Swanson s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield, Tuesday. The missionary society will meet with Mrs. Fred Flck October 28. Trail TRAIL. Oct. 23. (Spl.) Lieuten ant and Mrs. Girth were dinner guest Monday of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bayers. Lieutenant Girth has been transferred from the Elk Creek CCC camp to the Wine Olass camp and all will be sent to Southern California soon. Denl Middlebusher. who haa been aulte stok with bronchial pneumonia at the CCO camp on Elk creeK much better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrlman and aona, Ray and Lee. called on Mr. Dolph Olsen and family Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blasse have returned to Trail and are getting ready for business at their old stand after an absence of several years. Mrs. Ralph Watson and Mrs. Bill Burke were shopping In Medford Sat urday. Ernie Ernst's mother of Kansas City, who haa been visiting here for a month, left for her home Friday. Mr. Ernst plans on leaving for east ern Oregon to hunt Elk soon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johnson of Sunset on the Rogue accompanied by her son, Clare, left for Southern Cali fornia to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamberlln will have charge of the Sunset during their absence. . . Notice. Protect the birds. Get your "No Hunting, No Trespassing" signs at tbe Job Department of the Mall Tribune 28-30 N. Grape. Cross-Word Puzzie 10. Stats posi tively It, Bottoma of streams 17. Unnecessary 1. Stronghold 23. Qoddens of dawn . P Iff pen 24. Anger 25. Deep wagon track 7. Reverent won der 28. Animal's haunt 28. Ray further si. fc'in 11. First std In poisoning 19. Disclose 8S. ffcarcer 39. Pafltsgewar between seats 49. Bcene of a bat tle In the world war II. Cry of the an efent hac chanali 42. Bristle 44. River In Russia 45. Molten rock 44. Afresh 43. Greek letter a. Tree with ?ulverlng eaves I. Reiser. T. Mauachusetti cape I. Delineated I. Quantity per unit of time Willow Springs WILLOW SPRINGS, Oct. 33. (Spl.) A pleasant surprise party was held October 17, at Harry Elden's on his birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in games and dancing. Those present were Vera Davis Elsie Harrison, Harriet Sparrow, Ruth Rams trom. Frances and Wylamee Par ker and Carl Ranis trom. Howard Diet rich, Roland Blrkholz, Marlon Caster, Charles Taylor and the honor guest, Harry Elden. Mr. and Mrs. John Catey are soon to return to their home place tn the Pine Drove. They have been living for a number of years on the old Jacksonville road. Mrs. W. K. Parker and daughter were Sunday dinner gueaU at the H. N. Edwards home In Medford. Horace Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson. Is attending high school at the Benson school In Port land. Axel Benson family Is moving from the Oaklelgh ranch to Its own ranch near the Howard school. Miss Fran ces Benson Is attending high school In Medford. Mrs. A. H. Clements and her father, Mr. Dnvls spent Monday with Mrs. Percy Thomas of Foot creek. The occasion was Mrs. Thomas' birthday. Robert and Vernon Fields are spending a week In eastern Oregon deer hunting. Mrs. W. B. Harris u Improving after a week's Illness. Mrs. R. C. Brophy and small daugh ter, Roberta Lee, who spent ths sum mer with Mrs. Brophy's mother, Mrs. W. K. Parker, left for their home In Burns Tuesday. Ralph Kellogg, eon -In-law of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richmond, and friend were here from Seaside visit ing the Rlchmonds. While hers the men enjoyed a successful buck hunt. O. S. Blackford has been quite se riously 111 with flu, but la somewhat improved. Miss WUda Richmond la also suffering with the same malady. Bible Study class waa held at Mrs. Sam Andersons Wednesday afternoon and a special meeting waa held at Mrs. W. B. Harris' on Thursday. ( Eden Precinct EDEN PRECINCT, Oct. 33. (Spl.) Mr. O. M. Cour.ce of O'Brien, Ore., and daughter, Mrs. L. 0. Hussey of Cave City, wore called to Klamath Fall Thursday on account of her eon being very ill. They were accom panied by Mr. and Mra, A. O. Crouy, former resident south of Phoenlv. The partlea atopped for a short visit here. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Peck ham of Ruch were here Baturday looking at the Evan Reamea place oa Wagner creek, with a view to renting it. The Peckhams lost most of their house hold goods In the Jennings bouse, which was burned In August. Mrs. Mary O. Corey spent two daya with Mra. Bell Shearer the llret of this week and they visited Mrs. Addle Barneburg. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. Milter the flrnt of the week were Mr. and Mrs. Chinaworth of West Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Jermathall of Ashland. Mrs. Donna Graffea snd Mrs. Ed monla Anderson of North Phoenix were shopping in Medford Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Dyp.borg of Sacramento returned home Saturday after spend ing a few days In the valley attending to bualneaa In connection with her father's ranch west of Medford. Anderson Creek ANDERSON CHEEK, Oct. 33 (Spl.) Mrs. James Mays and Edward Smith spent Thursday In Ashlsnd on business. Mr. and Mra. Prank Marquess were In Medtord Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oreen were out to the valley Sunday. Mrs. Jack Holtman was In Medford Thursday. Mrs. James Maya called on Mra. Oeorge McAnally Tuesday. Jsmes Msya and daughter, Ruth, are picking applea near Phoenix this week. Edward Smltht) has been suffering with Infection In his arm this week. Mr. Henry la hauling out wood this week. Prank Casey waa out to tha Talley Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. S. Ollmora of as Horth Orange street hsa received the "Lesd ershlp Diploma" after completing I flveyenr course of study taught by nlns different ministers of the Prea byterlan church. The diploma la tha highest recognl' tlon that tha Presbyterian church of the V. S. A. offers to Ita leaders at the present time. The work, received In different rhools, comprised the following studies: Child psychology, principles of teaching, Old and New Teatsment, message of Christian religion, tserh Ing work of the church, specialisa tion work In adolescent depsrtment, psychology methods and admlnl.tra- tlon, with church administration, and recreational leadership In the elective group. Mrs. ntlmore Is genersl superinfn dent of the Pnnbyterlan church school. ANNOUNCE ROSE '. : S .. -.f" . i wmssmi Ha A full rigged ship of flowers atop a pedestal of bloasoma waa used by these aallorattea to announce the theme for the annual Tournament of Rosea floral parade In Pasadena, Cal Jan. 1, 1934. "Tales of tha Seven Seas" will be told by floata. Mary Lewis Is at tha left and Merrla Booth (upper) and Rewena S. Cook, right (Associated Presa Photo i In Memoriam Of Mrs. Ernestine Bostel, beloved Central Point woman, who passed away at her home here October 14, 1033. By Mollis P. Holmes, A friend of over 30 years atandlng. What sweeter thing can I say at the end, Than this that we've lost a dear, true friend? We are left sad and lonely, but our loss Is your gain, Por you've gone to a home where there's no sulferlng or pain. A crown with a big star tor a mother noble and true Awaits you in the land where soon . we hope we'll sll Join you. The sons and friends who mourn you and find It hard to live Will find great comfort In the worda tha Master has to give I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you; To you my dear ones left, Z will com. fort your hearts bereft." The rosea have died and faded away, the leaves are falling too; But still my plant In the rock garden blooms In sweet memory of you. Tou gave ma the plant one beautiful day When the birds were singing and life wss gay. The aun waa shining, tha sky waa blue, I never thought then that we'd lose you. Those happy days of auld lang ayne, Will linger with me for all time. Farewell dear neighbor, and truest friend, Tou were loyal to all unto the end, We are but human, we mourn, you know Even though we know that He willed It so. But your sons and friends when their tears have dried Can ever look on your life with the greatest pride, And know that you ever sought to bring, To us sll, tha best of everything. Love and laughter, cheer and auch, Tea, of everything, you've given us overmuch. And now may your long aleep be peaceful and still In your beautiful resting place at Jacksonville. 1 Lake Creek LAKH CRVT.K, Oct. 93. (Spl.) ixt creek community Mub met with Mrs. Ted Hoefft, Octobar 18. Mrs, Mack was present and demonstrated the use of eggs In the menu. Among thoae present were: Mrs. Mary Moore, Mrs. Allle Par low, Mrs. E. Farlow, Mrs. Augusta Seefleld, Mrs. Bdlth Jones, Mrs. Anna Short, Mrs. Lave me Peon, Mrs, Ethel Hoefft. Mrs. Mar giiertt Pech, Mrs. Margaret Ntias baum, Mrs. Myrtle Charley, Mrs. Ma bel Stanley, Mrs. Amy drlssom, Mrs. Minnie Fox, Mrs. Ells Meyer and tho Misse Julia and Helen Sid ley and Mr. Hit Myr. Tha nxt meeting will be at Mra. J. L. Rohrer's at Brownsboro. Mlas The) ma Moore of Medford spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Moore. Donald Orlgahy spent Saturday and Sunday in Medford, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. CiilberUon were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Chte fieftf!d. Raphael Gardner sabred wood last week for tho Hoefft brothers. H. X sen, A. U Pech. H. Tonn, Herb Orlssom snd John Watch. Oregon Weather. Occasional rain tonight and Tuea day; cooler Interior tonight; strung southerly winds offshore; oocaalon.il galea today and tonight, Real estate 01 msurancv teart t1 (9 joae, f boas euft. . TOURNEY THEME V 1 THE GRANGE Talent Grange. Talent Orange held a aoclal meet ing Thursday the 10th. An applica tion for membership was received from Mrs. Iota Miller. Mr. and Mrs. O. o. Maust and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ward of the Phoenix Grange were visitors. Mr. Maust gave a short report on the National Grango Master Louis J. Taber's lecture at Klamath Falls. Home-coming night for Talent Grange has been set for November 10. Everyone pleaeo keep this In mind. Pomona Orange will hold, Its next meeting at Talent, October 38. A coverer dish luncheon will be served at noon. AU Talent grangers are urged to attend the carnival at Phoenix, Wed nesday evening. October 33, and sup port their contestant, Miss Sylvia Logan, In the popularity contest. Cards, dancUig snd s box supper closed the evening. Muslo for the danco was furnished by Mr. and Ray Schumacher. The home economics committee) sold the boxes for 13 cents each, and the money received will be used for supplies for Pomona luncheon. . Eagle Point Grange Eagle Point Orsnge met tn regular session October 17. During the busi ness hours the educational committee had Professor C. 9. Davles speak on the merits of the county unit system of school management. I. R. Kline gave a report on agricultural pro Ject. A good sum was realized on tha old- time dance given laat Saturday night. Program by tha lecturer. Sister Julia Davles, waa much enjoyed and consisted of pantomime acta by tha school children, portrsylng the Ufa of Hiawatha. The lecturer also announced that on the night of October 38 there would be an evening of entertainment free to all, consisting of a program containing the comlo play, entltlod "The Podunk Express," and other fea tures, also recreational games, ate. Tha H. E. club will meet at tha Orange hall October 25 and the Roxr Ann H. E. club wilt be Invited. Every body la requested to bring a pie. PAY AS YOU BIDE Have your care repaired on time. Low Finance Rate. ARMSTRONO MOTORS. WO. 4 Phone 141. Wa will haul away youi refuse. City Sanitary Service. 1 Accused as Kelly Aid fci:.iJi ArettaiiUt tz f-i.rJ.1 Joseph Bergl (above), auts dealer of Cicero, III,, waa charged by federal officials In Chicago with harboring George " Machine Gun " Kelly and hit wifa before their capture in Memphis. A warrant alleging obstruction of justice waa iiaued against him. (Associated Pre.sa Photo) .