MEDFORD II'AJL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THTJRSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1933 pxge EiGirr Portland Englnter PORTLAND, Oct. 19. VP) O. Law. gaard, city engineer for the paat la years, whose removal has been by the city council, late yesterday submitted his reslgnetlon. to become effective Jsnusry 1. An aaslstsnt. L. houM tour through ths nsw plsct. Bakery supply touts representatives who have inspected the bulMlng ae en that It la the finest end moet modernly equipped bakery of Its slse on the Pacifio coast . The building wae designed by Frank Clark, local architect, and la an example of the new type of srchl. tecturo which dominated world'e fair building at Chicago. An eflectlre modem color acheme of black, Hirer and white baa been uaed In both the Interior and exterior finishes. Oean Dow will operate a new cof will opes to the public Saturday morning. The new service atatlon unit recently completed by Rod Wat re will also participate In the grand opening program. Medical Society Hears Mussel Poison Talk The Jscksoa County Medical soc iety met laat night at the borne of Dr. Wm. W. p. Holt and an lntr eattng paper was given by Dr. B. W. Sleeter on the subject of mussel poisoning, particularly pertinent at this time. Dr. Wm. Rebec, formerly of this city, now of Del Monte. Calif., was present and gave an Interesting talk on medical findings. Be waa a guest At the clos of the program, re freshmets were served end sn In formal discussion enjoyed. I WAT AS TOTJ RID Haw your car repaired on time Low Finance Rate. An ear of corn with three eobe a. Apperson, will succeed him. fee ahop In the bakery building and grown under the same shuck vaa ex of Dr. A. F. M. Kress. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. Medical Specialists Survey Cases At Invitation Of County Unit Yesterday. n Lucky Purchase Brings Sale Prfc e Far Below Regular I - f& Children, unable to walk children, unsble to talk others, suffering from results of disease. Injuries and ner vous dUordors, were smiling again last night In their homes In sll parts of Jackson county, all because Dr. Richard B. Dlllehunt and Dr. Henry Dixon came to Medford yesterday. Filling young minds with a hope pf recovery, showing weak legs the way to strength, ana neer fall In i to pause and recognize a "regular fellow," the two well known apeclal tats of the University of Oregon med ical school gave their time to the ex amination of 109 children In the; clinic Jield at the Alex Sparrow memorial. Dr. Dlllehunt, orthopaedic special ist and dean of the University of Oregon medical school, examined more than 50 children. Dr. Dixon, head of the psychiatry and neurology department of the school, Interviewed more than MO, the Increase In num ber over last year denoting an Im portant growth in health work In Medford and Jackson county. Invited to- Medford sgaln by the Jackson County Medical society and tfi Jackson County Public Health association, the two men cared for two types of cases. Dr. Dlllehunt, who has operated on a number of local children at the Shrine hospital, checked the pro gress of his pntlents, and examined many others for bone surgery needs and adjustments of braces. Dr. Dixon also checked on cases encountered last year and examined new one for nervous disorders and speech defect. He pronounced the follow-up work In cases encountered last year as more effective and more consistent In Medford than In any other place In tfie state. The follow-up work In the local school was reported by Miss Louise Baaford of the Medford faculty. Many children were given remedial measures to aid In overcoming cer tain defects and help In determining the typea of nervous disorders, the proper treatment and the proper lines of follow-up work for each. The cases brought In from the county were arranged by Blanche Runels and Sybil Walker, county Jhealth nurses, and the Medford school cases by Ruth Swsnson Dod aon, school nurse. Discussing the cllnlo today and Its accomplishment, Medford SchooUSu perlntendent B. H. Hedrlck stated that he felt that Uie children ot Medford and Jackson county were unusually fortunate In being ex tended the services of two such spe clsllst without cost. Particularly significant, ha stated, la the growt,,i or the work of Dr. Dixon, which is no less Important than that of Dr. Dlllehunt, but much less understood In the past., Dr. Dlllehunt, who does the oper ating at Vie Shrine hospital, Is rap Idly becoming recognized as one of the most distinguished bone special ist In the nation, Mr. Hedrlck add ed, emphasising again Jackson coun ty's good fortune in being given the services of the two men. L A number of visiting physicians went through, the clinic yesterday while the specialist were working, among them Dr. Wm. Rebec of San Mateo, Dr. James C. Hayes, Dr. A F. W. Kresse. Dr. Flnley and Dr. Honey of thia city. County School Superintendent O. R. Bowman and members of the county court were also visitors. Miss Mildred Csrlton, president ot the health association, and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter recolved and cata logued the cases with th assistance of Dr. C. I. Drummond and mem bers of the health unit. Patients were brought to the cllnlo by Mrs. David Rosenberg. Mrs. 8prague Rle gel and Miss Harriet Sparrow, com posing the motor corps. iiiil I 1 YSST We found this remarkable group way back in R n I Jf & ;j mw checks 11 V April! The price seemed right so we bought! J I ifK I f ' 1 ! I 1 hand shaped lapels rHWiXm V I think, BRAND NEW authentic Fall styles ... CCT 1 1) 1 lv ' ' &i pi I'wMwWi.. I exceptional woolens ... approved patterns be- , VV - "Sl l I ill WfMMmm if a ing shown in Ne wYork's better Bhops and at if jm)) I I IPi 'MmMmmvL l Wf Ward's now only $16.95. Save on your suit or f f W Wm iMliiV a WP Coatn0wl U I 11 CKSmm (AV U V J J I HAJDFELEDFRONTS fWdffiTri IWV A ' 7a twic ExeeiWrdy tailored. TO coots: Big. handsome, barlf V Si U. .. 01Z I I f MM HP ilMwi lVA nswiea, .. coab, In approved fall rtvil w 10. TOO I It K ; IflaSBMSp! h II snch s yoo'd expect at mocb. PopnI 'ngl breasted and " ris in Wook I II I M i JKMsiS'tfW ' n w 1 higher prices. New checks, doable breasted models! Sporty LI' I t SwttHKRfSffi U ' 1 m smart pUids, chsJk tnpes..sll polo types! New raglan types! ' SJ I wlMfIlS ill Mpensiv patterns! All modela. Tweeds. Meltons and fleeces. "V P' - HI New Rayon Slips I .upturn tH. tU T.f.t , Blas-cu, Jm- for$ pRiMSf Bright, Fuzzy Wool Dresses 4? I mi 1 F FLUHRER BAKERY L&st mlnuU prepKrattoiu wtr b. iti(c nuhed to completion tod ay t th new Pluhrrr bukrry at Blith and Holly which will formally open for public Inspection this week end. The new bakery building la the ' largest construction project complet- , ed in the city this year and la evl- ' denoe of the faith of the owners In the future of southern Oreson. A number of features are planned for the grand opening celebration which will be held all day Saturday and It Is expected that thouaanda of people will avail themselves or the opportunity of making an open HaSHE TOLD WORN-OUT HUSBAND SUK crmld hav rrprofchtvl him lor hi hi ot irmprr h "t In" roiiiilaint. Htit viwly ttw tnw in hi If cntirnt roUl., hi "Istatrd out." 'on rdpf" mnrii tton lie xtiv ttwihlr lw hriw-K hud whipped. I'onstipttionl Hie ' ifiK ini Nff lure's Rem erty), m the d iMt. h frit lik KrrHr alert, prppv. rlKerlut HR th tafe.drpi-TrftaWf, all- rrriii' iiiiiivT Ana cxrro nvr mot at irrrillv, thor. oufihly, naturally It ttim ulatrthe c hminitive rvl toromplete,ruiar luncnoning Non hstbit- lorminr, i ry a hoi. 2Sc at druuuu'. iiTIIftlC" Quick r-l-l loc ', ,rT TUMS lion. tv-wfltHrm. War Breathtmtting , Low Price $coo Popular New York girls are giving them the "rush" of their lives. They buy 'em in every color. So soft, warm and cozy grand for snappy October rlnys. Flash them, later, as a riot of colpr tinder a sober coat. Football col ors. Misses' sizes. Seefftrm.4TOVCEJ m For A Cor DC Current Compact, Portable, 5-Tvbe MIDGET RADIO $3 DOWN 94 Monthly. Plus Mimll carrying chnrgc.. $10.93 cah Midget In site Oeei than half eoblc (t weight only U lhi.) hut gigantlr in power. Of It distance police rails too. S u p e r-Pymmie treker for rich, true tonet LICENSED BY R. C A AND HAZELT1NE U W DO oo saw I iereV Fall Shexhtl Full-Fashioned SILK HOSE 69c pr. TWl lorriy new shir ts Gka Creats" (r twmy 000 oc your (aa frocks. Sasoky crer rc1 Dwrn and th very aaw taupsat Sheer or so-rice, patM tniia, eradk foot, dVmbi toes o4 beela. Wear Ward hotel Women's Pajamas Ohsrmlngl 1 or 3 pleos fast color pajamas. A 4 Q All sires J) 1 1 J7 Flanelette Gowns Women'sl Striped or plain; 79c long. All III Rayon Lingerie Woman's bloomers, psntle. ihortles, step-in OQ snd vests OsC Fall Waist Suits Boys', girls'. Heavy weight rib- . 59c bed cotton 9 to 8, eaeh Boys' .Unionsuits Medium weight cotton, ankle length. Grey. CQ rull cut sJlC Boys' Cords Corduroys, colleKetsn and ele phant shades. Full cut. $1.49 Cuffs. sixes a to is Boys 14-In. Hi-Cuts Moi'cssln toe, oil treated farm proof uppers. $2 93 Men's Sweaters Men's all wool sport costs. Brown or Oxford ' f A Q Heather . V 1 .Hi Cotton Work Socks Sitr thread woven Into toe and heel for extra r wear, pair 1 vC Men's Moleskin Coats S6 Inches longl Bheep-llned collar. Tough and nn warm ipl.yO Men's "101" Overalls Extra hravr S-ounr denim; Bsck-yoa-s sty'.. 1 Q Serviceable I sj 1 . 1 .7 Men's Unionsuits 10 wooL Rlb-knlt, ankl $1.19 length. S9 to Men's Unionsuits ankl length, 89c Rssvy-weight, rlb-knlt. 36 to 19 Whipcord Breeches Sturdy S-oa. Lao . swq bottoms. Tan J 1 s I 7 Men's 16-In. Hi-Cuts Two stout oak leather soles. txtra outsMI com position top sola.. $3.49 All-Silk Flat Crepe ' klMIr' 1 - aw I OC yd. An aweortjnefit of rich, gloving prints to start 80s son stupping ont smart fall frocks on sight! WoVe al ready done some snrpphrg oarselvea. on price they're worth far more! New tweed-hlKe and stipple patterns. 38 inches wide, and every inch one of the best values that TanTshas of. fered. Come early! Prices May Go Higher! Buy Warm-as-Toast 5 Wool Blankets SI 98 I Pa if (16x90 In che Eu f eck price wt etaWaneiuf Dn t eVAat Boy NOW? 5 wool, woven tin wiA genoata con yen cotioo foe etretirtS wit hoot wtiML pounda lltreeHiicJi Baem hsTDtjni. PawtaslsV 70 x 80-inch Cotton Blanket $1.59 pair All Wool Plaid Blankets $5.98 pair "TP Ivory and Green Porcelain Enameled STOVE VALUE! With Asbestos Insolation $5950 ULijrrni W Down. W.SO monthly. Small csrrlng chsrge. This steel range Is built to last for years. The front Is beary east-Iron, the rest of the ranie heay gauge steel with asbes tos Insulation for retaining hest and saving furl. The big IS" oven ha an accurate heat Indicator and Is a proved A-l baker. For, beauty and eay cleaning the range ts full porcelain enameled. Heat 2 to 4 Rooms On Foe Porcelain PR III Easily Save M one Enameled Circulating WOOD HEATER Saw two wwya! Tm. br heatirag more space. Air is J sj drawn hi from flooc and circmlated throcarh the top. Seeotad, by bsirnittg lowMet wood. The hrawr steel and rawt-iroei heating nnit is one of the best made. And there's a special hinged grill on top of the heater to permit rookinst The entire cabinet is porcclsiu eniiueled in rvJt jiwat pot re. Lain nnish. Wards Are Scoring On These Ketc Sport and Dress GOATS $ir.95 $1 095 XI. Football games... business . . . shop ping . . . Ward's coats are cap turing cheers for their swagger fitted lines, their smart woolen fab rics and their mart fashion details! Sports coals in ttceedt or novel ties. Ores coats, fur trimmed. In both women' 1 and misses' sites. Guaranteed 12 Months! Ward Riverside Winter King BATTERY $4 2C with old haltcrr Don't get caught with an old bat tery too weak for winter. Get River side before prices go up. 12 mo. guarantee. Ward's Famous Economy Motor Oil Worth Double the Low Price RunRife OIL 9c Ot. t S ' CM A record low price for hit.h quality oil. RunRiie Oil ii refined from hih grade crude. 2 snd 5 gallon csns. KVi H Ccr. Til UVi M) J W WaVa IKAJ UVJ U KZJ Vy UVAJ Lzp u3 u VA7 rAjlKS 117 South Central Medford, Oregon Phone 286