PXGE SEVEJJ 1 You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here ilEDFOHD HATE TRTBmsE, fEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER "19, 1933 1 Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WANT to tell your Borne? Want to get rid of a few odds eno ndJ In nousebold lunushlngsv Oo you a sod tool! lot rout (U lent . . An inexpensive Want-Aa in the Mall mount classified Page wili and the answer te mesa and many otnei petplexlni problem. H re Are the Rates: Pet word im insertion (Minim am 36c) EacB additional Insertion, per word (Minimum 100) omw una omt month, without -lc n change 81-28 75 Phone 1 LOST AND POUND t LOST Reward tor return of or for A information leading to recovery of I I rubber-tired sac It truck taken from . . . . . . iinnil.it Warn. our Barien est. -' ,.i painted dark green, wheela aolld rubber. Monarch Seed Co. IjOST Peter, a black Scotch terrier with limp in right hind leg. Call A. s. V. Carpenter, 334-R-3. lost Yellow Persian kitten. Re ward for return to 39 summit Ave. TeL 1169. POUND 3 stray sheep. Owner pay for ad. Facklam Farms, R. 1. Box 300, Central Point, Ore. LOST Lady's black coat with fur collar. Reward. Please notify Juanlta Travis, 3393 E. 15th St.. Eugene, Ore. LOST If dog missing, call 1618. WANTED SITUATION POSITION wanted by first-class hotel baker. Box 614, Tribune. HEAD of large family wante work, any kind. Will take odd pieces of fur niture or anything of value as pay Box 607, Tribune. WANTED MIHUEIXANEOUS 'WANTED Good used bicycle. 333 S. WILL PAY 15 for 8 or 4-room fur nished house. Box 430, Tribune". wiNTF.o Electrlo radio. Must be reasonable. Box 268, Tribune. ! WANTED Electric radio. Must be I reasonable. Box 268, Tribune. WANTED To buy used standard typewriter, cheap, box .ao, itioumu. WANTED To borrow 81200. from 3 to 5 years; real estate accuri.j. - 432. Tribune. TO LEASE 25-h.p. atesm eijglne In good condition, box rnuuuo. ! WANTED 5 to 10 acres to farm on shares, write ki. i. , .wen ford. WANTED Farm, tree rent for one year, privilege of buying. o vu, Tribune. WANTED If you have an Underwood i or Royal typewriter, In flrst-clase 5 condition, you are noi usuig 1 want to rent to high school stu- I dent, or want to sell same, address ; J. D- Mall Tribune. WILL care for elderly sick people In j my home. Phone 437-X. ! wanted Household (roods, stoves tools or what have you Meaioro Bargain House. 27 N. Orape St. Tel 1062. JTJNl. WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES to RAU1A1UBO. AbUBUwu- BRASS, COPPER unk ol all descriDtlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 NO. Orape Tel 1062 FOB BENT HOUSES i AVAILABLE Not. 1. 1124 W. Main. I1 T1- IninrnnAi AffencV. Tel. 105. First Insurance Agency. After 5. 16,0. I FOR RENT 847 E. th. 82 No. Peach. 102S W. th. 918 Newtown. 820 No. Holly. First Insurance Agency. Tel. 108. After 8, 1670. B-ROOM cottage, partly furnished. 402 No. Oakdale. "OR RENT At once, Ideal modern 6-room unfurnished bungalow. In tip-top condition; has built-in fea tures, heatrola, electric water beat er, new linoleum on kitchen, bath room and pantry floors, laundry with tubs, garage, wood-house: family with small children need not apply. Drive by and see property. 719 West Ilth. Inquire next door. FOR RENT 8 furnished houses; , water; 89. 810. 812 bummlt. ; FOR RENT 5-room modern house. j close in, furnished. Tel. "88. Pil : mer Music House. FOR RENT Modern house. 8 rooms and small aleeplng porch, unfur nished, electric range. Inquire 394 Beatty St. MODERN home, basement heating plsnt, oil burner, fireplace, 2 bain 's rooms. 4 sleeping rooms. 2-car gar l age. will lease tz-c one year. O. S. 1 Buttertleld. . FOR REN"! -'A house, wri J Co. Nv Modern 4-room bA.K-rcer.;. Redden to FOR RENT 5 r'v.rn -lem house, 820.00. furalsied. m unfurnish- J ed. Keya at 21.1 Aro . FOR RENT 7-KXm m v-..-bedrooma. C. A. D- FOR RENT 3-room c xlt.-r house, 319 So Peacli 1 door. u-nianed ..;.- next rOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT 7-room house, 411 So. Oakdale. Phone 760-V. Homes for rent call 894. POr RENT Borne, lurnlabed or unfurniahed. Brows to Whit. HOUSES HO. (1280 and 16. water paid: wood range Phone 105. rOB BENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Attractive apt, private entrance. 818 So. Oakdale. POR RENT i-room duplei apart ment, electrio refrigerator and range, breakfast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 442 or call W. A. Oatea at Qroceterla. FOB RENT IIOAKIi AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 716 8. Main Rates very moderate. FOR BENT FHBN1SHI.D BOOMS ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Orape. rOB EXCUANOB FOR TRADE "36 Chevrolet truck for car or cowa. Inquire Bac, Browns boro store. FOR TRADE--1-S acre on South Peach for horses, cows, tractor, truck or chickens. Box 435, Tribune. WANTED To trade car for furniture. 137 No. central. Tel. 1059. FOB BXCHANOB REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Ranch for subur ban store or modern home, box 434. Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE House ond lot: garage, chicken house, city water and lights. A sacrifice. Sick ness. Box 441, Tribune. EXCHANGE 5-room modern house on half acre of good truck garden land. Just east of Portland city lim its, close to through paved high way. Exchange equity for Medford or acreage. Inquire 19 N. Fir. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown to White. FOB SALE HOMES FOR SALE Best buy In the county. 3-room up-to-date bungalow with 2 lots, on paved street, nesr school. Easy terms, or will trade. What have you? Box 431. Tribune. FOR SALE Attractive modern 6 -room house. 2 acres alfalfa, new chicken house, double garage and wood house, concrete floors, fruit trees. Call owner for terms. Phone 498-Y. HOME near school. Phone 1232-W. FOR SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Band instruments, new and used. Some real bargains. Tel. 708-Y. s FOR SALE Trumpet in case, at 20. Phone 798-Y. BABY GRAND, like new, fine condi tion. Save over one-half, will ac cept your old Instrument aa part payment; aa per week nana.es. Cllne Piano Co., Main and Riverside BALDWIN PIANOS Complete line; many bargains. Before purchasing . any piano represented aa being Baldwin merchandise, for your own protection, consult your local AU THORIZED, EXCLUSIVE BALDWIN dealer, for correct orlces. snd nsmes of plsnos In the Baldwin line. BAL.UWIN fjawj onurrs, 26 SO. Grape St. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2500-lb. team and har ness, 876 cash. Call 1559. FOR SALE 1 work and 2 saddle horses. Call Jacksonville 88-F-3, alter 7. FOR SALE 14 head milk cows. Large brick house end of Perrydale Ave HORSES See them at work In the field and know what you Ret. Birds. eye Ranch, 6 miles north of Gold H11L FOR SALE 8 pair foxes at sacrifice Box 407, Tribune. FOB SALE POULTBV FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pullets, 8 months old. 60c eacn. m. j Randall, Phoenix-Jacksonville road, FOB SALE DOGS AND PETS FOR SALE 2 Pointers. 2 Shepherds, 1 hound. Dr. stone. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE All kinds of apples. 132-L. 1 DOUBLE bed spring and mattress. 1 bureau, 1 dresser, cheep, or win trade for 2 trunks and suitcases. Phone 1318-Y. FOR SALE Pump, hose, engine and bucket for mining; also canvas ca noe, fine for sport. R. I. Box 330. Jacksonville-Phoenix road, except Saturday. R. E. Hay. POR SALE Furniture, rugs, bedding. Inquire at Fountain Lodge. TRAILER HOUSE with bed and bullt lns: 0 screened windows: telescopes automatically against wind resist ance. Less than half price. Tel. 36S-W. FOR SALE Oood used violin and trumpet: very reasonable. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 26 S. Orape. OROUND Barley. 11.15 cwt. Medford Seed & Feed Co. ORAPES and fresh grape Jutee for ssle. Clarkson, Tel. 610-Tt-l. FOR SALE Hay, wheat and ear corn. Harvey C. Chase, Beall Lane. FALL SEEDS lower prices. Co. and Seed Grains at Medford Seed es Peed POR SALE Apples, several varletlea W. J. Oebhard, Central Point, BOO MASH. II 65 cwt. . & Peed Co. Medford Seed A NEW DA1RT FEED, 1.3S per sack Medford Seed at Peed Co. MILLRITN. 0c per sack. Seed ek Peed Cv. Medford LOWER FEED PRICES Ask our prlcei on grain and feed. Medford Seed Ac Feed Co. Wsrertouse 4t.h and Barllelt. Store 309 East Main. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 7' ' X V nig. 417 King. HODGEN - BREWSTER'S LAVWELL BOO MASH, 81.90 cwt. Contalna milk and Nopeo cod liver oil. Med ford Feed to seed Co. FOR SALE Real cane ayrup. Bring your cans: 3 gals, or over, can fur nished. No syrup Friday eve or Saturday. I. w. Sample. Pioneer road, Phoenix. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN USED TOOLS 1 walking plow 1 spring tooth A used tractor plows 4 used tractor duo narrows 1 lsree cider mill ' Used sprayers and tractors of all a mas. HUBBARD BROS.. TOO. WHOLE Eastern Corn, $l.3&-cwt. Med ford Seed 8s Feed Co. Warehouse 4th aud Bartlett. Store 300 East Main St. FOR SALE: Grapes and grape Juice. The Dell Vineyard. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE Hay. wheat, barley and corn. C. A. Devoe, Tel. 323-J-a. FOR SALE Apple wood. 81.50 a tier. Rogue River Co. Plione Ubo. FOR SALE Used sewing machine, all makes; terms if desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co.. 24 N. Bartlett FOR SALE .30-30 Savage rifle, good condition, shoots very accurate Price 817.50. Address 417 N. Oakdale. ATTENTION STOCKMEN For aale, alfalfa bay in tack. Feeding space can be provided If desired. Rogue River Co., Phone 1366. FOR SALE Hungarian vetch seed Phone 623-J-4. FOR SALfc AUTOMOBILES. BETTER USED CARS. NO CASH DOWN If vour old car covers down payment. Buy a car with a Written Guar antee. Our flnancft rates axe very reasonable, Down payment. 1931 Chev. 2-door J5edan.w...100.00 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe 125.00 IB30 cnev. standard coupe oa.ro 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 30.00 1928 Chryler Conv. Coupe.. 75.00 1929 DfSoto Sedan 100.00 Compare our cars with others attd wen buy. ARMSTRONG; MOTORS, INC. 3B Mo. Riverside. FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet coach, small mileage, new car guarantee; 1931 Ford town sedan, air wheels; real buy. Trade accepted and easy terms. Pierce-Allen Motor Com pany. Phone 150. BUSINESS OHVORTUNI1TIES FOR SALE Interest tn gold mine. Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Big pay uncovered. Box 93. Phoenix. Oregon. PERSONAL GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist. Truthful advice on business, love, marriage. Rainbow Auto Camp, cabin 3. MISCELLANEOUS ASHLAND POR HEALTH Convales cent homo, facing park end Llthla water; open to all patients, board ers, oabln renters. 153 Granite St., Ashland. Ore. PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting. Lowwt prices. Mr. Bennett, Tel. 835-W. Authorized Frigidalre- Service. Other makes rep. "Tel. 427; nights 905-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 0, No. 33 North Central Are. upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty Fire Extinguishers. - "FYR - PYTER" Fire Extinguishers. Automatic fire alarms, recharging. Inspecting. V. A Bower. 327 No Oakdale. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano. Height Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc 318 Liberty Bldg. Money te Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per monjb on un paid balance. No other oharges. See W. ft Thomas, 46 South Central, ground floor Craterian Theater Bldg. State License No. 8-157. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Beat equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds: book binding: loose -leal ledgere. and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales sups and everything in the printing lines. 26-30 N. Orape. Phone 76. Painting and raperbangtng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tal. 646-W. 813 8. Grape. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER e. STORAOE CO Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 318 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RF INKING TRUCKING CO Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reaeonaole price. Ill No- Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock miring eq-i'.pmfn Trices right 619 North Riverside. Phone 104-X LEGAL NOTICES No. 13171 Treasury Department Office of Comptroller of the Currency Washington. D C September 11. 1933 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned; It bas been made to appear that "Medford National Bank." in the Otty of Med ford. in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, bas compiled with, all the provisions of the Statutes ol the United States required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the busineas of Banking; Now, therefore. I. J. F. T. O'Connor. Comptroller of the Currency, do here by certify that "Mediord National Bank." in the City of Medford. in the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, Is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one Hundred snd Sixty nine ox the Revised statutes ox ins Un:ted States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this eleventh day of September. 1933. (Seal of the Comptroller of the cur rency. Treasury Department.) (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR. Liquidation Notice. The Medirod National Bank located at MedXord tn the State of Oregon is closing Its affairs. All note-holdurs and other creditors are hereby noti fied to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. Dated Sept. 30, 1933. GEO. T. PREY, Cashier. KeorKonfzatton Notice. Medford National Bank. Medford National Bank located at Medford in the state of Oregon re ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep temoer ii, 1933. and commenced bus lnesa September 12. 1933. The new bank is a continuation of the old bank excepting that It is organized under the Banking Act of 1933. and has an entirely new Capital of stQO. ooooo. bated Sept. 20. 1933. GEO. T. FRET. CasMer. Warrant Call. School District No. 81. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemp tion of warrants Nos. 814 to 344 In clusive. Interest will cease on Oct. 20th, 1933. Warrants payable at Med ford National Bank, Medford, Oregon J. S. SMITH, Clerk, School Dlst No. 91. Butte Palls, Ore. Climax CLIMAX Oct. 19. (Spl.) Frank Hurst has completed a barn at Cen tral Point for Oscar Hanson and Is now building a house In Central Point for L. H. Wertz. Prank Kemp and Mr. Tucker of the forest service have been making a map of this territory the psst week. Mrs. Zelda Hurst and Ora Com stock went to Medford Friday after noon. Mrs. Ollle Mee and small daughter and friends of Medford visited Mrs. Meda Comstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Procter of Per- slst brought a . load of lumber to the Werte ranch Tuesday And re mained overnight, Sam Coy tiss his .corn crop har vested. Mrs. A. J. Ortssom has been stay ing at Central Point the past two weeks. Mennifee Charley was a recent vis itor at Climax. Mrs. Wslter Charley and two sons, Boyd and Lincoln, visited Mrs. Arlen Millard of Wellen Tuesday. O. P. Bllllnjs and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Billings, daughters, Laura and Miss eJan, of Ashland spent Sunday at tne wertz home. Walter Boyd and Lincoln Oharley have been shucking corn for Bam coy. Everyone Is thankful for the good Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L formerly I. Serpents 9. Diocese H. Heavy cord 13. Strike with the palm 14. Slouan Indlaa 15. Greedy 16. One who lives st another's expense 1ft. Japanese coin 19. Take brick openly 20. Imbibes 22. Time long rne rtf. strong winds 28. finnk up 10. Writing Imple ment tl. Dwells H.t. Cut off Hi. Adult hail St. Tit:, of sd riress s. Noblemsa 39. Kim 41. Make tardy 4. Warden 45. Droop In the Solution of Yesterday's Punle SlMlAlDilC!Al';rlElR A S HUGElAOAiL AVE A MO Sll O Bp A L I. T HlE G I R A H bTi P E D 5 REN E we" fTj HE F. TY OWE jAlLI B I lORE D E BIA RC A B AlRlE T SPA R SjFPOT HlElRjS TAXI ffW 0 0 11V0E AN jL fE"N S D"N ' L E Rjf L Y jfRIAlHislUElpI 51. Continent 52. Automobile M. Circle 24. Seed con tains BS, Attempt M. Patiate middle It. Came Into view 7. Snare 1 2 3 Y wm i4 i7 ia w r-r m m , j m 3 if ' 729 n Tl 33. 34. llll-l LSI .JJk. 'lid iLAi -iiii . ir H weather we are havlnr- To date, there have ben light frosts but not enough to damage llowers or vege tables. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Werts left Wed nesday for their home In Anderson, Cel., after a summer's visit with rel ative In southern Oregon STATEOFFiCER OF P.T.A.U Mrs. Q. C. English, state psrllamen .n nl n n nn .Inn. D.HIif.aa.lin. asarvl tlon. was guest spe.ker Tuesday at I the meeting of the city council, held here at the home of Mrs. T. P. Tollef eon. Covered dish luncheon was served to 30 members from the Junior j Madison. Wis.: A. E. Winter of Cht hlgh school. Washington and JacJtson j Edward Winter of Madison, and th. thrs. nffuu. ..i.h trm ! Mrs. Augusta Anderson of St. Paul. state and national congress of Parent- Teachers. Mrs. English praised the work being csrrled on !n Medford and comoll- I mented the president, Mrs. Arthur Short, upon the manner in which the meeting was conducted. I Mrs, Eldon Dry sd ale was chosen as delegate from the city council to at tend the state convention to be held In Salem, October 34 to 37. The pos sibility of securing the state conven tion for Medford In 193S was discuss ed and Mrs. "Dry ed ale was Instructed to extend the invitation after consult. lng with the state officers. It has been eleven yesrs since the state con vention came to Medford. Reports given from the schools showed that parents are actively In terested in the welfare of all children. Washington and Jackson schools are completing plans for serving school lunches In accordance with the cus tom of past years. Jackson school recently held a "pound party," and many Items of food were turned Into the kitchen. The Junior high Parent -Teachers are working for a membership award this year. At each state convention silver loving cups are awarded the schools having the largest percentage of parents enrolled in membership, also for the greatest Increase In mem bership over the preceding year. The junior High Parent-Teachers are working for the latter award, and since the final report must be In the Portland office by October 30, all par ents were urged to pay their dues at once. Both Jackson and Washington an nounced "Daddy's nights" to be held In November. The next meeting of the city council will be held on the third Tuesday In November at tho home of Mrs. 8. A. Kroschel. Taklng the school census, whtch must be completed one month earlier this year than In previous years, was started In Medford thla morning. Workers In the field are KatherlKe deddis, Prue Angle Piatt, Nora Klrk patrlck and Minnie Bryant. All persons within the ages' of four and 20 years are Included In the census, whether married or single. Those away from Medford attending colleges are also Included In the cen sus If their parents reside here. Real estate or insurance leave 1' to Jones. Phone 096. . ' Cross-Word Puzzie t. Poplar tree 6. Blowa down 7. Sunshade 8. Reach acroni 9. Bno run oer 10. Devour 11. Sheep 17. I'en 19. Ooen Up 21. Color 83. Tyrant 24. Coarse frail tern Jit. Purpoaei 2(i, Recreational contest 27. In bed 29. Arctic ZZ. Asiatic Russia ii. Cooking vessel 17. h sorry for one'a mlido Inifi 49. Piece out 42. Rhelf 44. Auditory organa 4ft. Opera by Verdi 47. Labor for breath 41. Deed 49. KqualltT 60. Move with a lever II. Quick te tears DOWN 1. A! t. Wander 1. Disproportion atiljr tall and ilender 4. Spread for drying CALLED 10 REST Otto Winter, prominent business maji of Ashland for the , last 42 yesrs, died Wednesday morning short ly after 7 o'clock at hla home In that city, after an Illness of two weeks. Otto Winter was born July 17. 1802. at Sauk City. Wisconsin, a son of Rev. and Mrs. Henry A. Winter. Reverend Winter wss for many years l.T,, "IT Wisconsin. Otto Winter was one of ten sons and daughters, four of whom survive. ' They are Herman Winter, Mr. Winter came to Ashland In tn winter of 1889-90 as an organl- r 'or the order or itauway ieieB- raphers. and was snowed in ior tnree weeks here. During that winter ne met Bertha Elizabeth Russell of the prominent pioneer Russell family. He left Ashland at the end oi three weeks but returned in 1891 and married Miss Russell in March of that year. Four children were born to this union, all of whom survive: Margaret Winter Brown of Glendale, Calif... Hortense winter Bourne of Oakland, Calif., Paul Rus sell Winter of Klamath Falls and Francis Hill Winter of Glendale. Calif. The sons and daughters and their wives and husbands have been in Ashland during their fathers Illness. Mr. Winter was for twenty year owner of the Opera House grocery which was located at the corner now occupied by Nininger'a Cafe. Services' which will be held Fri day afternoon at the Presbyterian cjiurch will be conducted by Knights Templar. 10 FLOOD DECLARES Rf OF v Concluding an extensive investiga tion of the derailment of the Golden State Limited, transcontinental train of the Southern Pacific, near Tucum- carl, N. M., on August 29, which re sulted In the death of eleven per sons, a board of Inquiry haa Just made known Ha findings, declaring the tragedy was caused by "unpre oedehtel flood waters aggravated by sire and location of a highway bridge." ThrouRh the testimony of numer ous witnesses, Including residents of the region, state highway engineers, end rallrosd employes, the board of Inquiry learned that the flood which undermined the east concrete abut ment of the 210-foot steel girder bridge causing It to collnpae under the weight of the locomotive, wss the hlgheat ever known In that local ity, being six to ten feet above any previous high water mark. The board of Inquiry found that every precaution ,had been taken to guard the safety of the train during the heavy storm. Orders had been given the train crew to proceed with caution, and at the time of the de railment the train was traveling only about 20 mllea an hour, while a speed of 60 miles an hour Is normally permitted over the bridge. Represen tatives of the Interstate commerco commission attended and assisted In the Investigation. National Guard Bulletin Board Orders were Issued tnls week by the adjutant 'general's office an nouncing the promotions of Private Donald W, Nellson and Eugene Orr to the rank of corporal. It haa been found ""necessary to discharge 12 members of Company A who are at the present time In CCO csmps and unable to attend the regular weekly drills. In Tiew of these vacancies which have been created a spirited campaign Is being carried on for recrulta and from tne way enllst.nenta are coming In it is expected thst the company win again be filled up and have a wait ing list before long. Corporal Donald W. Nellaon has been selected from Company A to take the competitive West Point e amlnatlon which will be held at Portland November 1. In anticipation of an active fall and winter season the club rooms In the armory are being put In ihape attain and It la expected that the club rooms will hum with actlvltlea aa soon aa bad weather sets In. The billiard and pool tables are being worked over. A few additional pieces of furniture are needed In the club room as are also books and msgeslnea and contributions of these would be most welcomely received. During the next month there will be a number of chsngea made In the non-commissioner personnel Of the company, occasioned by three sergeants end two corporals having moved away from Medford. Compet itive try-outs for these vacancies are now being held. Plans are under way to organise five or six-piece orchestra In the company and scouts are out trying to enlist a good plno player. If the orchestra can be organised It la hoped that a weekly dance can be held In the Armory. Notice. Protect th. birds Oet your "No Hunting. No Trespassing" signs at trie Jot Department of the Mill Tribune 8-30 N. Oript. Noisy Presses of Little Rock Paper Cut Rent Income LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Oct. 10 (AP) An Injunction to stop the presses of the Arkansaa Democrat was asked for In a suit filed In chsncery court here today by the owners of a building adjoining the newspaper plant. They alleged that the noises from the presiies constituted a nuisance which" prevenied the renting of offices In the building, serosa a narrow alley. Courthouse News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co- 131 E Sixth Street! Circuit Court. John B. H. Leyen assumes the busi ness nsme of "Del Rogue Seed and peed." 8. L. Allen assumes the busineas name of ''Blue Front." Mrs. George Warner withdraws from the busineas conducted under tho business name of "Cresta Villa Club." Elizabeth Deuel, Albert E. Orr, Oer- trade E. Weeks assume the business name of "Del Rio Orchard." Leonard C. Pettlt assumes the busi ness name of "Acme Motor service." S. Jones vs. John M. Vergeer, Saron H. Vergeer: attachment. J. H. Cooley vs. Medioro Fear vo. foreclosure. Jackson County Butldlng and Loan Assn. vs. waiter H. Leverette et ai; foreclosure. Estate of M. P. Hanley, deceased: Drobste. Independent Order of Odd Pellowa vs. J. M. Culpepper et al; to quiet title. Mary S. Rudd vs. O. Hugh Oillmore et al: strict foreclosure. Anna P. Reed vs. Chester O. Mul fcollen et al: foreclosure. Barbara B. Jennings vs. Raipn a. Jennings; divorce. Fred sturgl vs. Duffy Lumber Co., Inc.: for money. Estate of Mary M. Dunn (dec.): admitted to probate. Marriage Licenses. Homer J. Craig and Edna Io. San lord Pattoa and Rosemary Downte. Lothar W. Spross and Marjorle D Crandall. George Hutchlna and Lillian Mil hoan. Everett V. Carter and Ann M. Borm- han- . John Wesley Mills, Jr., and Doro thea A. Roat. Ray B. Edwards and Sybil B. Cas ter. j. D. rraaier end Dixie Brown. Real Estate Transfers willlum Davla et ux to D. B. Mil' lard W. D. to N',$ of BWV4 of NWK of Sec. 24, Twp. 3B 8., R. 2 W. D. E. Millard et ux to C. W. Davla Deed to N',4. of SW!4 of NWH of Seo. 24. Twp. 88 S., R. 2 W. United State, to Heirs or tan a. Palmer Patent to BW'. of SWV4; E of 3W14 of Seo. 31. Twp. 38 S.. ano NE'. of NW' of Sec. . Twp. 9 S.. all In R. 2 W.. Prank B. Cooper et ux to Emuj a. Hall W. D. to tract In Seo. 7, Twp. 38 8.. R. i W. A. D. Andrews et ux to Jamea D. Brown et ux W. D. to S!4 of NW'i of NW'4 of Seo. 22, Twp. 35 S., lying on west aide of Crater Lake high way. Wm. Blege to T. P. Carrier W. D. to part lot 10, part lots U and 12, block 2 of Lundgren's Bub, Jackson ville, and tract adjoining on west. Fred O. Sander et ux to State of Oregon W. D. to lot 8. north 8!4 feet of lot 4, block 8, Olson Add. to Medford. Clyde A. Richmond et ux to 0. A. Whlllock W. D. to tract tn lot 18. block 8, Park Add. to Medford. M. M. Welch to C. M. Martin W. D. to NE'4 of SE14 of SCO. 10, Twp. Kate B. A. Carlson to Timber Pro ducta Co. W. D. to WVi of SE',4 of 8eo. 34. Twp. 30 S., R. I W. William Lewis to Bills O. Scott W. D. to lot I; SEl's of NE'.i E'4 of BE', Of Bee. 8: part of NE14 of NEVi of Sec. , all in Twp. 83 8.. R. 2 B. Henry A. Bonkosky et ux to Jessie Metttier Q. O. D. to lot 1, block 83, City of Jacksonville. Porter J. Neff et ux to Blsnche N . Cartode (undivided half Inetrest) W. D. to lot 1, block 22, City of Med ford, except southwesterly 28 feet thereof. Irvln T. Bebb to Btste of Oregon W. D. to lot 12 V4 block 69, City of Medford. Audry L. and Thomas C. Plynn to P. P. Allen et ux W. D. to tract in block 32, Extension of Siskiyou Helirhta Add. to Medford. City of Medford to Amanda M. I"ahl W. D. to lot 18, Parker Place Add. to Medford. Sheriff to Jackson County Bldg. & Loan Assn Sheriff deed to lot T, block 8, Berrydale Add. to Medford. Sheriff to Jackson County Bldg. es Loan Assn. Sheriff deed to lot t block 2, Amy to Harbaugh Add. to Central Point. Sheriff to Jackson County Bldg. to Losn Assn. Sheriff deed to pert of lot 8. block 2. MIgnus Bub. to Med ford. Sheriff to Jackaon County Bldg. Loan Assn Sheriff deed to lot 9, block 4, Crowell Add. to Medford, Sheriff to Jackson County Bldg. to Loan Assn. Sheriff deed to S, of lots 8, 8. 7 and 8, block 20, City of Medford. . C. O. Chapman et ux to First In surance Agency Q. O. D. to tract In DLO NO. Twp 37 8., R. 2 W. Clarlbel I. Mcen et vlr to First In surance Agency Q. O. D. to land In DLO 80, Twp. 87 8., R. 3 W. Sheriff to Jackson County Bldg. to Loan Aasn. Sheriff deed to lot 8 block 8, Highland Park Add. to Med ford. Roy R. Heckathom et ux to Henry Earl Soulee et ux W. D. to lot 18. Hlght Bub. to Medford. Roxllna L. Jackson to L. L. De shaver W. D. to 1 acre In DLO 43, Twp. 39 B , H1I. rv.r the benefit of Medford'a busl nee men and women, a course In pub lic speaking Is being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, with the or iginal meeting thla evening In the publlo apeaklng room on the second floor of the Senior high school. Ralpn R. Bailey, Sfnlor high school faculty member, will be Instructor. The school has donated the use of the facilities for conducting this clssa. and It la honed that a number of local pepole will take advantage of the course, those In charge stated. The program, which Manager A. H. Banwell has arranged,, will be open to the general public, end not Just members of the Chamber of Com merce. Both men and women who are In terested In a practical course In pub lic speaking will compose the member ship of the class. Mr. Bailey has announced thai special attention will be given each Individual, for the particular type of training In which he is Interested. Special emphasis will be placed on club and organization apeaklng. and as a result of the course the Chamber of Commerce expecte to establish a, apeakers bureau. The system to b. used, Mr. Bauer stated, la the same aa used by Dale Carnegie, In his course for the Bsnk ers' institute, which he has taught for more than 25. years. The Instruction will Include busi ness English, vocal and word study. construction and preparation of talk, and the technique of presentation. A amsll fee will be charged for the course, end those who wish to Join are requested to get In touch with Mr. Banwell at the Chamber of Com merce, or attend tonight's meeting at the school. 4- BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 10. (AP) Es tablishment of friendly relations with. Russia "would enable us to deal more satisfactorily with other Paclfle states, including Japan," Senator William E. Borah declared today In an address to the Boise Junior col lege student body. Moreover, he eald, "If this conn try were on friendly relations wltft Russia, It would Improve possibilities of disarmament.' "Russia has the most substantial government growing out of the world war," the senator continued, adding that the natton "Is in possession of the greatest natural resources of any nation In the world." The closer capitalistic government la brought Into relationship with communism, he said, the more rap Idly communism will recede. "We gain nothing by botng aloof, he said, "and by recwmlltlon we gain needed trade, for Russia la the greatest potential undeveloped mar ket for goodi from the united States, Wfrllo we are holding aloof, other na tions France, Poland, Italy, Ctreat Britain are - enlarging thetr trade agreements. 'According to newspaper dis patches," he said, "a few months ago Japan Indicated to the United States t.iat the presence of our navy In the Pacific was disturbing. Had we been on entirely friendly relatione with Russia, It would hsve placed us in a better position to deal with the en tire Paclflo situation. FEDERAL PROJECT PORTLAND. Oct. 19 ( A denlsl that there can be any Just criticism of the Oregon office of the publlo works administration because of de lay In the forward progress of fed eral projects under the program, was) Issued here Wednesday by C. C. Hock ley, state engineer for the adminis tration. "This office has the best staff It If possible to get six capable and ef ficient engineers who are equipped to handle the applications and check the projects." Hockley declared. "All of them have been working far Into the night to handle these applica tions." , He a14 strict regulations prohibit the Oregon office raaktn announce ments as to what projects have been acted on. All such announcements must come from Wsshlngton, D. O. "The entire basis of the work le the relief of unemployment," he con tinued. "Wa do all we can to fur ther the plan of the administration. Already we have received 188 app'.i. cations for project. In Oregon, total ing about 878.000.000.' "On no oooaeton." Hockley added, "has the state advisory board caused a delay In the transmitting of ap plication to Waehlngton, but ha passed upon them the day they were received from the state engineer." Crosley Radio Ileadguartirs Don's Radio ft hop Phone 6M 42S E. Main BORAH PICTURES I RECOGNITION OF RUSSIA BENEFITS J