SfEPFORD MAIL TRTETTNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1933 PAGE THREE BOASTS SALES FOR BENEFIT PICTURE Medford hinh school football rally reached Its climax last night at the Chamber of Commerce with a aale of a great number of tickets for the Medford football benefit show to be held October 25 at Hunt's Craterlan theater. "Saturdays Millions" Is the film to be shown. This picture is special football film Just produced. This rally, planned by Dr. Robert E. Lee. chairman bf the civic affairs committee, was held In conjunction with the benefit show to be held October 25. at Hunt's Craterlan thea ter. The master of ceremonies, C. 35. Top" Gates, introduced the program with a short speech. The committee In charge is: Dr. Robert E. Lee, chairman; H. VanHoevenberg. three years an all-Amertcan football play er: Coach D. K. Burgher, director of athletics at Medford high school; Dr E. W. Durno, former Bedford high school coach; W. S. Bolger. president ' of the Chamber of Commerce: George Hunt, donating the theater; John C. Mann, owner of Mann's department store; C. E. Gates of Gates Auto com pany, and A. H. Banwell, manager of the Chamber of Commerce. The theater Is donated by George Hunt, owner of Hunt's Craterlan and Rlalto theaters. Mr. Hunt furnishes the theater and has acquired the mo tion picture that will be shown. The money received from this show will go directly to the buying of new foot ball equipment for the local football squad. The posters that are posted at vari ous points in the city, are donated by the Medford Printing company. The theater tickets are donated by the Klocker Printing company. The stand on which "Pop" Gates, Dr. R. E. Lee, E. w. Durno, D. K. Burgher. H. VanHoevenberg. W. S. Bolger. George Hunt and A. H. Banwell stood was donated by the city of Medford Those who purchased tickets are: The Standard Oil Co.. J. C. Penney Co.. J. Vern Shanjle. Economy Gro ceteria, Dewey Hill of Prospect, Dr. E. W. Durno, Dr. R. E. Lee. Klwants club, Snlder's Dairy and Produce Co.. Lions club, city employes, postofflce employes, high school faculty. Office Stationery and Supply Co.. Mann's Department store. Neon Sign Co Walter Leverette and L. D. Porncrook. The Medford hlsh school football team will meet Marshfleld Saturday. In one of the most crucial games of the season. City Superintendent Fred Scheffel left Medford last night for Portland to confer with Engineer C. C. Hock ley regarding Bedford's application for federal funds for installation of the proposed new sewage plant here. Medford'a application left here some time ago for approval of the state engineer and request for Its continuance' to Washington, D. C, was approved by the city council in regu lar meeting. Frankle McBrlde, well-known radio entertainer in the east, la one of the featured members of Jess Stafford's entertainers who are coming to Med ford this evening to present ft half hour musical act preceding the dance at the Oriental Gardens, starting at 9 o'clock. Stafford, head of the band and en tertainers, was the featured trombon ist in the late Herb Wledoft'a dance band, and following the leader's death, Stafford took up the leadership and has built up a large unit of star players. He has done motion picture work with Buddy Rogers, and has played many months at the Palace hotel, broadcast over staiton KPO, and has recorded for Brunswick as well. Stafford will be welcomed to Med ford by Mayor B. M. Wilson. Why Get Up Nights? Drink lots of water and mlk. Not much tea or coffee. Eat plenty of fruit and non-starchy vegetables. Not much meat and starches. Use a bladder laxa tive to drive out the impurities and excess acids which cause the Irrita tion that wakes you up. Take Juniper oil. buchu leaves, etc., called BU RETS f5 gr. tablets) the bladder laxa tive. 25c at all druggists. Works on bladder similar to castor oil on bowel. Aftr four days If not satisfied, go back and get your money. If you are bothered, frequent desire, burning, getting up nights, you are bound to feel better after this cleansing. Sold bv Heath's Dru$ Store. Jarmtn Drug Store. SWEIMiT FUEL OIL Any Kind Any Amount Medford Fuel Co. 1122 IS. Central. Tel. 631 Society and Clubs Edited by Eoa Nealon Hamilton Guild Tea Welcomed On Social Calendar ' lany members of local society are looking forward to the bridge tea, to be sponsored tomorrow by St. Mark's Altar Guild of the Episcopal church, in' the women's club rooms of the city hall, which offer ample and tn vltlng space for such an affair. Card playing will begin at 2 o'clock and an Invitation Is extended all women who enjoy an afternoon at the bridge table. The committee for the tea la com posed of Mrs. Jack Porter, chairman: Mrs. Porter J. Netf. Mrs. Aletha Vaw ter, Mrs. John Moffatt and Miss Mar Jorle Kelly. Mrs. Moffstt snd Miss Kelly will make reservstlons for those who wish to telephone them. Heckmans Entertain , Guests This Week ' .' Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Heckman have as guests this week at their home in Corning Court, Dr. Heckman's neph ew, Paul Heckman. and Mrs. Heck man of Greenville, Pa. They arrived by motor last Saturday, continuing west after a visit to the world's fair. They motored to Crater Lake Mon day with the Heckmans of this city, and enjoyed the trip around the rim. the weather being unusually pleasant for October. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weaver and chil dren, Sally and Robert, of LaGrande, are also guests In the valley this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weaver of Sams Valley, and the Heckmans. They plan to spend two weeks here. Mrs. Weaver Is remembered as the former Caroline "Heckman. Mrs. Bates Entertains At Bridge Wednesday Mrs. Clarence Bates of 112 Laurel street entertained Wednesday at bridge, Inviting friends In for two tables at cards. Playing was followed by luncheon. Talent p.-T. A. Meets Friday -an,, lav kliainjkca m0tt.inV ft the Talent P.-T. A. will be held Friday afternoon at a ociock in me wnwui auditorium. All parent are urged to t present. Obituary Nellie Eaton Nellie Eaton, devoted wife of Da vid R. Eaton, passed away at her residence In the Galls Creek district. near Gold Hill, early Thusrday morn ing after being ill a very short tlmo Having come to Oregon 22 years ago she had made her home on Galls Creek the entire time. Born Febru ary 22, 18B1, in Wisconsin, &he was at the time of her passing 72 years of age. She leaves besides her hus band, David, one son, Ray R. Eaton, of San Francisco, Cal.; also a sis ter, Mrs. Delia Davis, of Medford, and two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral services in charge of the Perl Funeral Home will be announced at a later date. 4 ' Chevalier In Holly Premier The premier showing of "The Way To Love," with Maurice Chevalier as Francois, happy-go-lucky poet, phil osopher and advertising sandwich man of the sidewalks, whose greatest ambition Is to be a guide and who lives to make others happy, opens at the Holly theater Saturday. Advance reports say- this picture, which will not be released from the studio until Friday, the day before It opens in Medford, is very much different from the usual Chevalier film. There Is a continual flow of laugh provoking incidents against a background of music and romance. The cast includes Ann Dvorak. Ed ward Everett Horton, Arthur Plerson, Minna Gombell and John Mlljan, Gary Cooper, in real life a shy, retiring type, plays the part of a hat twisting, small-town sheik and den tist In "One Sunday Afternoon." now playing at the Holly. However his bashful love-making la Interspersed with several free-for-all scraps, a wrestling match and other highly matlc moments. In Frances Fuller, recently recruit ed from the New York stage. Para mount has a combination of Helen Hayes and Janet Gaynor. Small, sparkling, intensely dramatic. Miss Fuller has all the attributes of a new screen find. Oregon growers used 9.600 cords of fuel wood annually for the drying of hops. BALDWIN PIANOS . Complete Line New And Used Pianos Before purchasing sny piano repre sented as being Baldwin merchan dise, for your own protection, con sult your local AUTHORIZED EXCLUSIVE BALDWIN DEALER, for correct prices, tnd names of pianos In the Baldwin line. -Baldwin Piano Shoppe ? So. drape Surprise Party Honors Hemstreets Honoring the tenth wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hem street, friends of the couple called at their home, 511 Pennsylvania avenue. Tuesday, and pleasantly surprised them. The couple were presented with many lovely gifts. Cards were enjoyed, after which refreshment were served. Present for the affair were the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hemstreet. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Whillock, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol loway. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Gilford. Mrs. Ed Payne and daughters, Juan Ha and Doretha, Mrs. Lee Allen, Mrs. Mary Payne, Mrs. Maud Stlckel, Le Regan Allen, Richard Payne and Hu bert Gifford. Reception for Lincoln Teachers Is Tomorrow Members of the teaching staff of the Lincoln school will be honored to morrow evening at dinner and a re ception planned by the school service club. A southern style chicken din ner will be served at o'clock. Mrs. Hugh Scovel wil act as dinner chairman and table entertainment will be under the direction of Mrs. Chas. Luman, Mrs. Arthur Adler and their committee. The patrons of the school and the general public ape in vited to the reception, which will fol low diner. The program for the even ing will include a short address by Superintendent E. H. Hedrtck. St. Mark's GutlT To Meet Friday TV. a raoiilnn mnmtina ftf Hfc. Mark's Guild will be held at the Parish house Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'ciock. All members are urged to attend as important business matters are to be discussed. Tea will be served by Mrs. A. F. Stennett. Royal Neighbors To Meet Tonight Neighbors, their families and friends are Invited to the social session or the Royal Neighbors lodge, scheduled for this evening at 7:30 o'clock. A short business session will precede the gathering. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tur- pin of Phoenix, a son, weighing sev en pounds, 14 ounces, at the com munity hospital last night. Heads Lauiidrvmen. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 19. OP) Charles E. Wilson of Des Moines was elected president, end S. W. Lawrence of Portland, Ore., was named vice president of the National Associa tion of Laundry Owners, at their 15th annual convention which ended here last night. ' The Weather Oregon: Occasional rains tonight and Friday; rnoderate temperature; fresh to strong southwest wind off shore. A NATI OlgLY mi tn. v Lrti by Ml WEEK END SEE THESE VALUES Like New. Floor Samples and Store Used Pianos Also deveral uprights token In on Bnhy G3 Uprights, Grands, Player Pianos Pay Only $1.00 per Week CLINE PIANO CO. Cor. Main and Riverside - FREE DELIVERY I New Feed Prices Eastern Yellow Corn '. ....per cwt. $1.35 Cracked Corn . per cwt. 1.45 Ground Corn per cwt. 1.45 Ground Barley per cwt. 1.15 Millrun, 80 lbs per k. .90 Rolled Barley, 70 lbs per k. .90 Wheat ...per cwt. 1.50 F. E. Samson Co. KMED Broadcast Schedule Friday 8:00 Breakfast News. 8:06 Musical Clock. 8:15 -A Peerless Parade. 8:30-Shopplng Guide. 8:45 The Royal Club. 9 :00 Friendship Circle. 9:30 Morning Melody. 9:45 Home-makers Bureau. 10:00 U. 8. Weather Forecast. 10:00 Eb and Zeb. 10:15 Radio School of Cookery. 10:30 Musical Notes. 10:45 Vignettes. 11:00 Tiie Magic Hour. 11:15 Martial Music. 11:30 The Grants Pass Hour. 11:45 Along Style Street. 12:00 Mid-day Review. I 12:15 Radio Rendezvous. 12:30 News Flashes. 12:30 Monarch Melodies. 12:45 Popularity. 1 :00 Sundowner. 1:15 Varieties. 2:00 Classified Adltion of the Air. 3:00 Prospective Diet League. 3:15 A Tour of San Francisco. 3:20 Songs for Everyday. , 3:30 KMED Program Review. 3:35 Music of Old. 4:00 Cocktail of Music. 4 :30 Masterworks, 4:45 Si and Elmer. 6:00 Cecil and Sally. 5:15 Holly-Time. 5:30 Merland Tollefson. 6:45 News Digest. 8:00 Medford Theatre Guide. 6:15 Sports and Fishing Flashes by Al Plche. 6:20 Remote Holly-Time. 7:00 The Hawk. 7:15 Popular Parade. 7:30 Chandu the Magician. 7:45 Special. 7:50- 8:00 "Song of My Soul." Damages amounting to (10,000 were granted Ray Hicks In his suit In federal court against the California Oregon Power company, when the jury reported a verdict late last night. Hicks had asked $100,000 for dam ages allegedly sustained in an acci dent near Bonanza last September. The suit of J. P. Crowder,' admin istrator for Harry Crowder, for 675, 000 damages against the California Oregon Power company, began in fed eral court this morning and was con tinuing this afternoon. The plain tiff claims that Crowder met death in an accident near Merrill, for which the power , company was responsible. Help Kidneys If poorly functioning Kidneys and! Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervouanew, Rheumatic Pafns, Stiffness, Burning, Smarting, Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor's Prescription CyBtexSiu-tez) fmjtztf V rM.UBlflx y"? up or money rsc back. Only 76 at druggists. $10,000 AWARD TO HICKS BY JURY FAMOUS BEERcfcfcf ITS THE ART OF PROPER AGEING that provides Rainier's rich, delicious flavor. RAINIER BREWING CO,lNO, San Francisco aftng bmr to roe Wmsi nwle Urtimt bnwry to the West SPECIAL Grand Pianos. Alt guaranteed under our 2 year exchange plait. $350 Nugent $49.00 375 Victor 79.00 395 Wellington (like new) 135.00 450 Lester 145.00 Orer 40 fine pianos to choose from, STILL UNDECIDED CCO district headquartera an nounced today that arrangements are being made lor the 330 recruits be- Ing sent to the four camps In the Los Angeles district to entrain from Klamath Palls Instead of Medford. They win probably leave next Tues day, according to present plans. no information as to the dates of registering new recruits has been re ceived from here, Lieutenant Robert T. Frederick, adjutant, said today. It is expected, .however, that the quotas will be filled according to counties, which, under that system. will leave but few vacancies In Jack- 1 Not Just Another PillTo Deaden Pain But a wonderful modern medi cine which acts upon the conditions which CAUSE the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and less each month. PERSISTENT USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores. Small size 50 1. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS FOR RELIEF AND PREVENTION OF PERIODIC PAINS "Hansen" Sport GLOVES Flared cuffs, button trim, wash able suedette and felt, and all the Fall colors. What more do you ask of Gloves? - Ten styles In this big shipment. And the price la only $1 95 Adrienne's Toiletries 25c Armunds Face Powder 19 9I.0D Jergens Lotion 73 Pints Dorlot Almond Cream ....39 - 10c Bost Tooth Paste 5 SI.OO DJer-Klas Talcum 49 Remedies 4 or. Pure Castor Oil 15 Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh..49 l noi. s or. Aspirin 5 30o Groves Bromo Quinine ....19 1 l.b. Pure Epsom Salts 10 , $1.50 Agralax Mineral Oil & Agar 59c Prartlral Kerned for Constipation 35c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 23c Cake Lifebuoy Hoap Free son county. About 03 per cent of recruits tor tho last six months re mained In service In this section. All Medford district camps wilt be housed in frame barracks during the winter and are equipped with bath and clothes drying facilities. The MUST NOT SKID NOR Ilpil- THEY MUST LAST LONGER THAN TIRES EVER LASTED BEFOREI THEY MUST SELL FOR THE SAME llwW V PR,CE AS ORDINARY TIRESI - 5.25-18 . . $8.10 ; 5.50-19 . . 9 4 Jfl '-T y Those rere our demands In developing our new Fatigue-proof tires. And wo went far beyond any thing ever done before in tire building. We completely redesigned tire treads making Fatigue-proofs 95 more non-skid than the next best leading make. We made the treads bigger, deeper and thicker. Wo perfected Vltallued Rubber for the treads entirely new vulcanizing agents and processes for unheard-of new non-skid mile age. Then, these tires must not blow out they must outlast all other tires. We discovered a new kind of cotton Corfcacrew. It "never lets go Jenunnnim SAM JENNINGS, Prop. Opposite Nat. Phone 223 ASSOCIATE DEALERS Crater Lake Service Station I Rainbow Auto Camp Service fl03 East Main I North PncINc Highway Deaver and McCurley Phlpps Auto Park Service Jack son mid Riverside OIsLY Western Thrift Store 125 East Sixth Street (Next to Wurts' Gift Shop) 1 Friday, Saturday Spocials Sales Everywhere Check them at Western Thrift Our Every day prices beat them all Bring your list to Western Thrift and be assured of the low est prices on Fresh Quality Merchandise. $1.25 Ahsorbine Junior 4-oz. $1.00 Listerine Antiseptic Pure Milk of Magnesia Pints 19; Quarts 37 $1.00 Colonial Dames Toiletries , 79 25c Woodbury's Castile Soap (pure) -10 25c Utility Sprayers (hand pump type) 15 lOo Williams Mt. Horeb Palm Soap .. ...G tot 25 75c Baume Analgesique (French formula) 31 This is but a small part of the values obtainable at Western Thrift daily All Prices Cut Prices. MEDFORD 'S ORIGINAL CUT-RATE STORE Era" ms m try, si construction of these buildings has aided reduction of the unemployed here, with 113 skilled laborers being employed, outMde of the CCC men. Phone 542. We will haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. S'i - SPRIlUGFSEE. 1 and Monday Selling size - -S9 - -57 . Just Arrived Hot Water Bottles, Syringes Choice selection 39 to $1.29 Tresh ftuaranteen" Quality The ladies of the Sacred Heart church are conducting a Rumma; sale Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 31, in whillock BIdg., 317 W. Man. Dance at Lake Creek Orange hall, 1 Saturday night. Butte Falls orchestra. BLOW OUT! We found a Way under tons of pressure to force nure rubber compounds right into the weave, making plies practically Indestructible. We per fected absolute Laboratory Control of every material and process to build this supreme new quality Into every Fatigue-proof. As a final safe guard, we punish Fatigue-proof at day and night,' on the world's toughest testing grounds. Non-skid safety, blow-out safety, unheard-of long life, no extra price don't ba satisfied with just one feature. Get them all. EXTRA SERVICE Rims cleaned and straightened. New tires properly mounted so they revolve true with wheel. You will like our service. Tobaccos lOo Dial Tobacco 2 for 15$ Flat BO'S Old Gold Cigarettes 24 Bo Hurley-Burley Tobacco 3 for 10 10c G. Washington Tobacco 3 for 20 Bo Cremo Cigars 3 Sundries 10c Rite Rite Auto. Pencils 5 80c Dr. West's Tooth Brush 29 250 Kreemoff Tissues 15 Makes hosiery run-proof. 25o Slik 5e Zorlte 6 for 25 Absorbs Ice Box Odors 10c RJR Advertiser 2J oz. Tobacco 2 for 15c Week-Knd Special Only Gillette-Probak and Auto Strop Razor Blades Everyday Price 19 Phone 833. 229 N. Riverside 125 EAST SIXTH ST.