PXQE TWO IfEDFORD IIATL TRTBUXE, jrEflFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER X9, 1933 JUNIOR HIGH SET FORVICTORYOVER GLENDALESQUAD Heotlo Struggle Assured Be tween Old Rivals Pro" ceeds For Athletic Fund. WRESTLING lASTiNIGHT MM ford Junior High Bull Dogs arlll haw nm Af thslr tOUKbeftt fOOt- U battles of the kuod when they meet th oienaaie nign scnuui tie local field Friday afternoon at Qlendal has a wonderful team for a secondary high achooi ana nas already defeated tha Ashland Junior high achooi, composed of freahmen and sophomores, in two games, ui t-. lru.a.1 lunlnr hish has also de tha Aahtsnri ar.hOOl and tY 1 little higher acora than did Olen- dala: ao aa comparative scorn w should be able to give a good ac- thmMivM. with the ex ception of a few minor Injuries, the local boys are in gooa oontmion ana are "rarln' to go." This will be the n...tt ama. In na mn seasons With Olendale high, tha Medford Juniors being on tne iong ena u wio mv In two of the three games already played, and tha team this year Is determined to chalk up another Tic ory. Tha Bull Dogs showed up well laat jrrlday afternoon in a gams against tha Tiger Cubs of the local high achooi. Although the Cuba very greatly outweighed the Bull Dogs, they were unable to soore till late In tha third quarter, when Kroschel, playing left end for the high school, blocked a punt on the Junior high 85 yard line. The call rolled over the goal line and Kroschel fell on It lor a touchdown. The try for a point also wsa successful, making the score 1-8, the Bull Dogs having scored in the second quarter when EtUnger, quarterback. Intercepted a forward pass and ran 60 yards for a touch down. The Juniors failed to make tha extra, point. The student body ta hoping for a large crowd tomorrow not only be cause they expect a real football game but they are making a drive to secure funds to buy some new equipment for the team, wftleh U desperately in need of It. Already a large number of student body tickets have been sold. Quite a number of tana interested In the junior high have purchased season passes and aome apeclal donations have been given, but there la atlll a consider able amount needed to buy the new outfits; so It Is hoped that every one interested in these boys, a large number of whom will go to high school next year, is urged to attend the- game tomorrow (Friday) alter- . The probable starting lineup for local Doye is: oieiie ana vuvor, ends; Tuttle and Oordon, guards; Hayes, center; Santo and Campbell, tackles; Luman and Lltrtll. halves; Boyd, fullback; and Sttlngcr, quar ter. ' PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 18. (AP) After losing the first fall In the mam event of last night's wrestling program here, Billy Edwards, 188. Kansas City, took the next two w win the match from Pat Bellly, aoa, Boston. Rellly won tha opening fall with a body slam in minutes. Edwards took the second in 12 minutes with a headlock and the deciding fall with a eerles of flying tacklee In all minute, Noel Franklin, 151, Portland, and Buddy Edwards, 14S. Kansas City. Billy's cousin, were given a draw In the eeml-wlndup. Toby Christiansen. 17S, Portland, won on a foul from Bailor Franc, 179, San Diego. Bunny Martin, 145, Seattle, took one fall and the opener from Bob Anderson, 144, Oklahoma City. BOWLING Fights Rosenbloom Novem ber 3 For Title Street Brawl With No Purse Is Recounted. Lineup of teams for the Elks' bowl ing tournament beginning Mondsy, October 33rd: Everett Brsyton, captain; Boy Pru It. Ernest Smith. Walter Love, E. E. tr-ll.. Tt-H a ..'av TWftHftr 37. 80: November 10, 15. 31, 37; December 8 Oeo. Eads, captsln; Bill Rose, oiar- u.hIjI n-Am Tit T V a DatesOctober 37, 81; November . 17, 33, as; Decemoer a. John Moffltt, Doc Wright. Normsn White. Dates October 34, 80; No vember 8, 13, 34, 30; December 5. jack OllI captsln; we waiaon, u. nat T W UniDetttl W. M. W. nnuutiwii ..-is- Clemenson. Dates October 34, 81; November 10. 14, u; uwtmow a, . fllan ShArntnntt. rimtain: OeO. GStOS, Jerry Jerome, Herb Strang, Co'.e animal nub October 33: Novem ber 1, 7. 15, 30, 39; December' 4. Carl Bowman, captain: ai Hourwaj, Vlnr Rtranff. Walter Olmsceld. Dates October 33; No vember 3. 8, 13. 31, ueceiiiDrr nankin AATHalln: ClaUdS Say- lor, I. P. Andres, Eugene Orr. Earl York.. Dates oc toner ao; nuviuuw 1, 8, 14, 33; December 5. TI niianthat ntln! KOhald nuau v... . , DeVore, B. L. Sanderson, J. O. Thomp son, Harry Predette. Dates October 35; November 3. 7, 17, 34; December 1, 8. Mali Tribune. O. Pun! 181 134 134 433 P. Lounsberry 171 l7 109 637 ... ISO 178 181 408 H. Halght IT. 300 160 18 547 J. Murrey Handicap 83 83 83 908 854 893 3823 Domestic Laundry. J. Moore 143 153 189 430 J. V. Watson 143 180 143 448 Lee Wsteon 181 170 140 600 W. Heath 149 185 139 473 O. Pabrlck 183 181 134 478 Hsndlcsp M J3 03 891 931 804 3826 Thursday. October 10: Elks vs. Tour Office Boy. STREET SIGNS AS 1934 SEALS BOSS 0F WILLWVIETTE 11 HURTS DIM CHANCE SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19. W) Charles "Qabby" Street, algned aa manager of the San Francisco Mis sions, will have "complete control" of the Pacltlo Coast league baseball club, Joseph Bearwald, president, said Here today. Bearwald, who announced Street had algned a one-year contract, aald the former world's championship manager of the St, Louis Cardinals will com to San Francisco early next year to take charge of the club for the 1934 season. "He will be In complete charge, Bearwald aald; "I Intend to obtain for him such player as he wants and are available." The Missions, one of Baa Fran Cisco's two home Coast league teams, finished seventh In the 1933 pennsnt race for the eight-club circuit. They led the league in hitting, however. Bearwald aald he will meet Street at the annual minor league meeting at oslveaton, Tex, next month to discuss plana tor building up the club. Comoetent Ladles' Barber at Bo' man's. 18 6. central. Phone 57 for appointment. Aladdin Lamp iimr nat. in f AV Ready to MAun tA" atttatrvthins. the Willam ette University Bearcat play Colum bia university in portiana loniorivn afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The halfback battle between Nehl m r-nlttmhlm and OraVM of Willam ette Is anticipated by the fans. Both are triple threaters, though Oraveo Is not the regular Bearcat kicker. With several first stringers on n tnlnratl ltaf f?nrh "Knee" Keens SStd he would try to discover lew back- field talent on hla squad. Cannaay. negro halfback, la definitely out of the game and Olson, fullback, may not play. Dribble and Kaiser, reg ular ends, are also out with Injuries. aefceaa (slM4si xJBaaexW y HtifrmtMm X. I X AWC afli I D CWClrtUt Complete Line Now Displayed AT HubbardBros.Inc. Main sn4 Rl-.tri.lrle TIGER RESERVES TO GET CALL-IN TILT SATURDAY First String Bunged Up .Over-Confidence Fades And Old Fight Returns By EDWARD J. NEIL (Associated Preaa Sports Writer.) NEW YORK, Oct. 19. P) Mickey Walker, the toy bulldog from New Jersey, msy be getting old a fighters go. Ring light have glared down on him a welterweight champion, middleweight king, heavyweight title contender. The bright light of other places have shone on him Just as long, leav ing him an expert both In the ways of the rlna snd the wsywsrd. He light Msxey Rosenbloom, who like wise haa achieved some fame In both directions, for the light hesvywelght title In Madison square Garden, No vember 3. Now Mickey 1 willing to eonceae Rosenbloom'a reputation ss a prize fighter. A champion, naturally, atands for progress among the cauliflowers. But as a fiowerlng bloom among the primroses, Rosenbloom, he Insists, cennot qualify. "Harry Oreb," algha Mlcxey, rev erently, "there was a man. "I fought him 16 of tne Hugnrsi rounda anyone ever lived through In the Polo grounds In 1825. I thought I won. but they Rave him the de cision, and when It was over I headed for Broadway and a lobster shop J knew. I was all bunged up. "In walked Oreb as soon as I was settled, and he had a girl with him. Ha Instated that I Jolp hla party. Then when we were through he want ed to go dancing. I had to go along. Either that or iigm mm an again. "We must have dsnced for hours. In fact, we danced so long Harry's girl dlssppeared. Finally It waa get ting light and w atumbled out into the morning air. "All of a sudden Harry grsbbed me by the back of the neck. Up to that time we hsdn't mentioned the fignt. '"I Just wsnt to show you I csn lick you any time, anywhere. I'm go In to alve you another walloping right now,' he aald. Before I could even argue' he squared off and made a rush for me. "I etenned back and let him have a left hook on the chin aa he came in, and he etaggered some but came right back, swlglng both hsnas. m a second we were all over the atreet a ran cams running down the aide- ,.ik o,inina hie nlght.atlck. I saw hina lift it hiarh over his head. "h.vp i vu at him. Tm Mickey ur.iw and that'a Harry Oreb. We're Hint kiddlna a little. Don't hit us.' well, there's the morning new' papers full of the fight we'd had the night before In the ball park, and of all the people in New York who had n't heard about It we have to pick nn.. this oolllceman. He didn't hit . hut ha' bundled us off th block viefn Harrv could get at him, I shov ed him into a cab and told the drlvor to take him home. "I we Juat geotlng Into bed when tv m ntoin ranff. ""Mickey." ssys Oreb at the other I'm eorry for wnai i ju om. (By Harold Grove.) With half the men on the first string out of practice because of ln Juries, Medford high school footbsll plsyer settled down to their last hard practice before the game with Marahfleld, which will be played on VanScoyoc field Saturday afternoon. The spirit on the Red and Black squad Is the best that has been ahown here In the past three years. If the Red and Black ever had an over confident feeling they have certainly lost it now, Judging from the actlona of the players. The prima donnas are not so much so. Ronald Baker, guard, was slightly injured In the Crescent City gam. but Tuesday, when a hard practice i called, he happened to twist hla body, causing It to hurt. He was given an examination and It was found that he had a badly sprained muscle In bis bock. Burdette Kindred, husky tackle. Is out of the lineup because of an In jured shoulder. He received the in Jury In Saturday's game with Cres cent City. Ed Bennett. Medford star end, waa on the wrong receiving end when he received a torn muscle during isas Saturday's skirmish. He haa been going regularly to a doctor for treat ments and It la very vaeue that be will be able to etsrt the gsme against Marshflold. Stan KunJiman, the boy who snow ed promise last Saturday of stardom Is troubled witn an oia injury, He I being troubled with ft "chaney horse" again. Keith Estes, , 180-pound guard, had th doc' o. k. on his knee, but he soon found that hi knee was still little week. He has been practic ing ft little on It, but It 1 not def initely knows whether be will par ticipate In Saturday's encaunter. Lloyd Hammacx, center, another boy with an Injured knee, found that his knee waan t aa strong aa it cou:a be. He may or may not be ID the Uneun Oaturdey. The verdict will probably be "may not.- Mia knee la still very weak. Alan Oebhardt, tne raring, tearing fullback, has not had much of ft chance to show hi ability so far this season. During the first game of the season Al sprained hla ankle and haa been laid up ever since. Leo Ohelardl (Leaping Leo) in au probability will not be permitted to dress for Saturday's gsme because of an operation. Leaping Leo was taken to the doctor's off.e on th morning of October 14, and right then and there hla tonsils were extracted. He has not been seen around the high school building since then, according to Coach Burger, What l left of the squad Is in good shape. The reserves have developed Into a hard fighting aggregation, uar- wln K. Burgher doe not predict vic tory, but he will assure Medford fans that the Tiger will fight like "tigers." Coaoh Fred Osborn and hla Pirates, consisting of 30 men, are expected to arrive in Medford late Friday. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin to Go If iron fl eur tnd mak sod th world looka punk, don't iwUow lot of ulU, mlu M-ftl wtr, oil, UuUy candy or chawing (um mod npwt thtm to mkki you niddeiily wet ud buoyant and full ol unahiaa. For thoy can't do It. They only moTt tha bowel tnd a tnera movement doesn't get at the cause, Tha reaeon (or your down-end-out feeling If your liver. It should Dour out two pound of liquid bile Into your oowtl daily. II this bile I not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It Just decays to the bowels. Gsa btoata up your stomach. You have thick, bed tasta and your breath la foul, ikio often breaks out In blemishes. Your head ernes and you feel down and out. Your whole System is poisoned. It takes those food, old CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get thee two Kunds of bile flowing freely and tnske yon il "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable attracts, amasing when It come to maklrg the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver plUi. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pillt. Look for the name il R A, Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red Vi ar label. Reseotaaubstitute.25catdrug Jl but don't forgt I can lway lick you 1 guea maybe he could, at that. But thta Roeenbloom . . . Py no attention. He doeen't either smoke or drink." PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 10. (AP) Jefferson high came back laat night after their defeat by Qrant, to over come Commerce 18 to In the Port land lntersoholsstlo football race. Both teams gave fine exhibition of hard tackling and clever offensive work, but the blue and gold Inter ference mowed down the Commerce ends when It needed yardage for scoring plays. MEDICAL ADVICE IJ you ttfjnf to sa . keep the bowel action regular and comfortable t - a. . a aa , , . muitu consupmea speiis as rare as com 8 wp. j . avoid danger of bowel strain use a liquid laxative a, w SAVINGS FRIDAY SATURDAY . MONDAY OCT. 20-21 and 23 Low Prices Plus Dependability You get more than Low Prices at Pay'n Takit. You get Dependable Foods backed and guaranteed by a dependable com-pany. Coffee Values Unequaled in Quality Edwards Dependable Vacuum Packed Quality Air Way Blended from Brazilian Coffee Coffee Pound . 19C Pound can 25C o Pounds 55c zPoundcan 49c Can constipation be overcome? "Year" sav mrdirnl men. "Ye.il" declare thousands who have followed their advice and know. You ire not apt to cure your constipation with salts, pills and tablets, or any habit-forming cathartic. But you ran overcome this condition just by senile regulation with a suitable liquid litxative. Dr. Catiwttri Syrup Ptpsln has the arfrage prrson's botvels just at rnjular at clotwork in a Jew wttks' time. Why Hospitals use a liquid laxative The dose of a liquid laxative caa be measured. Tlie action ran be controlled. It tomis no habit; ynu need not take a "double dose" a day or two later. Aor will H irritate the kidneys. The right liquid laxative will bring a perfect movement, with no discomfort at the time, or afterward. The wrong rnthartic may' keep ynu constipated as long a you keep on using ill In buying any laxative, rend the hhel. If li contains a doubt ful drug, doo'l take il. II you don't know what is in it, don't chance it. The contents of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is stated plainly on the label; fresh herbs, pure pepsin, active senna. Its very taste tells you syrup Fiepsin i wholesome. A delight ul taste, and delightful action. Safe for expectant mothers, and children. Drugstores have it. ready fur use, in big bottles. THE TEST: Thli test hat proved to many men and women that their trouble waa not "weak bowels," but etrong cathartics! First i select a properly prepared liquid laiadre. Second i Take tha dot you rind autted to your ayatem. Thlrdt gradually reduce tha doe until bowels are moving of their own accord. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup repel n haa tha highest atandlng among liquid laxatives, and la tha one generally used. Rolled Oats Milk Cheese Beans Tobacco Cookies Quick or Reg ' Max-l-nmm or Libby'i. Tall Can ladino. Made of Local Milk Recleaned Reds 9 lb. bag 37c 4 cans 25c pound 18c 5 pounds 27c pound can 75c Old Fashioned Ginger Snaps 2 pounds 25c FLOUR SAVINGS BLUE SEAL Guaranteed Hard Wheat Flour DUCK Family Blend Flour 491b. bag $1 89 '49 lb. bag $1 79 MARKET SPECIALS Morrell'i Pride Half or Whole.. - - Armour's Star Half or Whole1"' 0 iV Hams Mince Meat N0M Better Cott&fve Cheese Made fresh v Pot Roast Prime SUer Becf lb. 9Vc Rib Steak w each 7Vc 2lb9 COME SHOP AND SAVE 113 NO. CENTRAL , I Hsrrr Demetral. veteran grsppler, displayed great ferocity to take the Irlst fall In tne main event at the Armory last night with Jack Kogui. a series of butts save Kosut the sec ond fall. Demetral was so keen for battle in the imai fall mat the same process put him out of commission in less than a minute. Pete Belcaetro won with butts from Dr. Napoleon DeVore ol Parle, In two atralsht falls. COAL Clean Ill-Heat Order Now at Summer Prices Medford Fuel Oo. 112J N. Central. let nt Help yourself . . . and the other fellow Way PATHFINDER Supertwist Cord Tire PRICES COMPARED WITH ONE YEAR AGO Sir Todsj'il'rici ' Sin Today's Price 4.40-21 SS.55 osonlrlSe 4.50-20 6.00 openly 1o 4.50-21 6.30 op only 20c 4.75-1'' 6.7Q iws?7e 5.00-19 $7.20 sown 18c 5.00-20 7.4S 5.25-18 8.10 down 25c 5.50-1") 9.40 ae ctunqe 1 -NBA, dowa 3b I "Hi.":' I . I js tier I This is a business proposition. You get more mileage by getting new tires in win ternew rubber wears longer on cool roads -almost twice as long. You can get Goodyear Tires today at prices which are still at almost exactly the same levels as they were a year ago and when you buy Goodyear Pathfinders you get tires 30f better in mileage than they were last year. That's a mighty good set of reasons for buying now but here's another. You'll help to keep men at work and that's the biggest problem right now if you want to keep times getting better. 77 SAFER- and that's not all Nor GoodTtu All'Wcitbtm stop your oar 77 quicker Una old. imtothwOTD liret md ffjieaW than any othtr tin ? unj.I!yoowaatuen.oc tifety md Qailirr, yoo want tha world firit choice the Good.- year All-Weather. Pneea atari at $7.20 Medo'd Service Station 'YOUR TIRE SHOP'VC. C. FURNAS, Prop Main and Pacific Highway Phone 14 MANUFACTURED ON THE PACIFIC COAST ' ''' ' Housekeeping is unexciting work ot best . . . why moke it border by dark kitchens, cup boards, closets, cellars? It doesn't pay to grope in the dark. Lamps cost only half what they did six years ago. Electric light costs only one one-hundredth as much as the some omount of light from candles. Improper light ing makes the children's school-work harder. A new -type floor lomp floods the entire room with shadowless light or serves os the conventional reading light ... or both. Made by severol manufacturers, it is for sale ot your dealers. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY