PAGE ETOLTT rEDFOHD MATE TOEBTOE, MEDFORtr, OREGON, "UTDN'ESD'AT. OCTOBER' '18. '1933 - Outrageous Fortune trsOPSlH: Caroline Leigh M found, quite by accident, the oouam h had ttared vat drowned. He is Jim Randal but he hat lost hit memory. Gradually they pleet to pether bilt from tht pant. And Carolint learnt that Jim it claimed by Ketta Riddell at her husband, and that Ketta tayt Jim hot stolen tht Van Berg tmeraldt and Mhot Elmer Van Berg. Jim tan rt tntmber nothing about It, excepting drinking with Van Berg and tee ing the tmeraldt. He teart the po lite may have hit fingerprint! llnfclito Mm with tht crime. Chapter 31 HOUSEBREAKERS CAROLINE nm nearer, pressing against him as If she could pro tect him from this something which threatened. Whatever It waa, he ni Jim, and hen. She had a pat- donate conviction that (he could keep him safe whatever happened. "There's another bit about the emeralds. I can tee them under the light. I can't see Elmer only his band under the light and the emer alds hanging from It eight of them, with little pearl chains between (hem 'like a kid's green beads.' Carolina put ber arms round him "Don't, darling I" "Do you think I shot him?" "No!" said Caroline, In a quick fierce voice. "She said I did to get the emer alds." "That woman T" "Tea, Nesta. She satd Jim Rid dell shot him and took the emer alds. She was In It too. And he hid the emeralds and went off up to Glasgow by the Alice Arden only be never got there, because she was jrrecked." "What has that got to do with you?" said Caroline, still In that new fierce voice. "She says I'm Jim Riddell." "You're notl Why should you be?" "I don't know Caroline, I don't know." She felt a shudder pass over him. "If I could remember but I cant remember." You will." He was silent. Ber words went echoing through the empty spaces of his mind: "Remember remem ber you will remember." They re peated themselves endlessly and died away. Suppose he didn't re member. There was a six weeks gap In his life. Suppose he never re membered what had happened In those six weeks. Suppose he did re member. Suppose he had really shot Elmer van Berg "Yon didn't!" said Caroline. She pressed against him and laid her cheek to his. "Jim darling don't go all away by yoursolf. Talk to me, We'll find a way out." He put hor arms awuy from him, "Suppose there's no way out Sup pose 1 did It." Caroline sat back a little. She put her bands In her lap and lifted her face to the sky. She had a clear, un troubled look that was very comfort ing. She spoke softly and steadily, as It she were reasoning with a child. "Why should you have shot him, darling?" , "I don't know I was there I re member drinking with him" "You wouldn't have shot him with out reason. You don't Just so about shooting people tor nothing nobody does." "The emeralds are not exactly nothing." "That's rubbish!" The words were touched with a light scorn. "Is It?" "Yea, It Is you know It Is, really, Jim. Do you romombor anything at all about that Nests woman?" "No." "Well, 'wouldn't you have. If you bad married her?" "I don't know." His voice sounded bopeleas. "She didn't touch a chord? I mean, sometimes you meet a total stranger and you don't know where they come from or who they are, but something goes click Inside you and you feel as It you knew them. You didn't feel anything like that?" HE laughed grimly. "I loathed her," he said. "So did I." said Caroline happily. Well, there you are If you loathed her. you wouldn't have married her." There was rather a horrid pause. Then he said, "Perhaps I loathed her because I married her." Carolina cried out quickly. "Oh, you didn't!" The silence fell again. She had to break It herself. "Jim, listen I've got an Idea. You can look up your signature In that registry office. No, It's not your sig natureIt cant be! It's Jim Rid dell's signature. You can look It np, and then you'll know that It Isn't yours." "Or that It Is. "It lsn'tl You can take the first train tomorrow " "That's Just what I can't do." 'Why can't you?" "Because I gather that the police are looking tor me." "You?" "Jim Riddell or Jim Randal I don't know which." "Why should it be yon?" aaid Caroline. "My dear, I waa there we've got to face that. I was there, and I saw the emeralds. I don't think I'm In a position to walk Into that registry office and ask to see the entry of Jtm Riddell's marriage." "I could," said Caroline quickly. "You mustn't get mixed up In It." "There won't be anything to mix me the registrar won't know me from Adam." He put his head In his hands for a minute, trying to get through the dull fatigue which clogged his thoughts. "I don't want you to have anything to do with It I'm too tired to think properly but you're not to get mixed up with this you oughtn't to be-here." She put her arms round him again. "You'll come home with me I'll make you a lovely bed on the sofa." "No I can't" . "Because of us, or because of you ?" "Both. I'll get In here somehow. I shall be all right" Caroline laughed. "The back door key Is under a loose stone In the yard Mrs. Led ger always puts It there. She comes up once a week to light fires and air the house. Robort said she'd better when he heard you wore coming home. She says the key Is too 'drat ted heavy to traipse up and down with.' This was one of her days, so the kitchen will be nice and warm." Jim felt a curious thrill of antici pation as they skirted the house and came Into the dark yard behind It There was no moonlight here. The shadow of the house lay across It like a fold ot black cloth. Caroline caught his hand and drew him lightly on. Presently she was feeling with her foot A stone tilted. She stooped. and came up with the key. She put It in his hand, cold and heavy, and hs opened the door. IT7HATEVER else he had forgot ten, he had not forgotten the ways of the house In which he had grown up. He took Caroline by the arm and walked along the pitch dark passage to tho kitchen without so much as a false step. Caroline found matches and lit a candle end. Mrs. Lodger had stuck It into one of the old brass candle sticks. The yellow light showed the brass turned bronze with streaks of verdigris. The kitchen was warm and pleasant There was ash still hot In the range, and a line full ot blan kets had been wound up on a pulley and hung Just clear of their heads. They look like ghosts," said Caro line under her breath "sheeted ghosts. I don't think I like thorn very much." But Jim was pulling them down. "They'll make a good bed," he said. Caroline gave a faint shriek. "I saw two cockroaches! You can't sloep here!" 'Til go Into the study." "There's nothing for you to eat. I'll run home and get you something." I bought things in Ledllncton. I've got plenty left" Oh" said Caroline. She stood a minute; then she said, speaking rather fast "Could yon get along till tomorrow evening?" 'Oh yea." 'Because I don't think I'd bettor come up In the daytime someone might see me. People have most awfully sharp eyes when you don't want them to. Will you be alt right till then?" Of course I shall." All right then I'd bettor go." She came up to him and leaned towards him across the blankets. "Jim you'll be here? You won't go away will you? Swear?" All right." You won't go without seeing mo? You won't Just vanish? Because I couldn't bear It You won't?" He shook his head. Caroline flung her arms round his neck, held hint for a moment In a tingling clasp, and ran out ot the kitchen and along the black pas sage. Her footsteps rang on the stone, and the door shnt (Copyright, Jill, J, B. llpptneort Oo.) PRETTY BOY SHOT OKLAHOMA CITY. Oct. 18 fAP) Charles (Pretty Boy) Floyd, a name pretty well crowded out of Ok lahoma's crime news by the "ma ohine gun" Kellys and Harvey Bailey, was back today, linked with a story of wounds and a spurned offer to surrender. Gov. William H. (Alfalfa Bill) Mur ray, said the desperaao had offered to "give fclmself up" through an em issary after a atate operative had wounded him In a gun fight near Coalgatt, Okla., several weeks sgo But the surrender offer, said Murray, was on the condition the state would not seek the death penalty. "I couldn't make a deal like that," the governor added. "We'll get him. though." Rubber Is used for more than 300 parts In manufacturing of some au tomobiles and trucks. SPECIAL SESSION TO C0ST$25,000 SALEM, Oct. 18. AP) Oregon's 20-day special session of the legis lature will cost around 135,000, of ficials estimated. The formal proclamation calling the legislators to meet in an extra ordinary session November 30 will be Issued Saturday by Governor Julius L. Meier, It was announced at the executive department. State department officials said the work of arranging the bouse and sen ate chambers for the session would get under wsy within the next few days. More than 5,000 applications were filed for 60 positions on the newly organized Ohio state highway patrol. Indiana unemployed relief rolls de creased 8.2 per cent In August, as compared with July. Caroline turns deUetlvs, tomorrow. About 10 3 per cent of Ohio's roads are surfaced for all-weather use as compared with the national average of 04 per cent, Sunflower seed Is being grown on a commercial scale near Clarendon, Texas, for chicken feed. i S'MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE PICTURE BOOK 'm By gluyas williams I523 ; ' 5 r &i-Jl- JrWrBiJ ) OPENSUPMEVV' PlCfURE 806k 61 IHTO SLIGHT WttCOtflft 6It6 COftPlETElY 8&ILEP UP yjuet IT CD i1ki't X iOMe-rJifciN a? (TArCa T4trri'RlT Tims, i Pnr& 7 ) ! DOK5 HE 'POESH'T WWff 1c- ItelR EWN6 It JOESN'T CARE foR friE IfcSflT LSI j Fl ) TRIES ItARINfePAfcE BUT ITS SPEKWi. "mvk WfOrl JbyTbeBoUBynIa,) J StUSSSS . 10-lg (Copyright, 193S. by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) TAILSPIN TOMMY Mail Plane Overdue! By GLENN CUAFK1N and UAL FOBBESX In&WlWfflfflffi WRAcSLe2,S 86 1 feaMvou&TRMMSM f?8!??? PfKW T. "S "r wtAW " 4 COS H T rJrlrlJ?..? jM'wh I ? ?ISr,V AOR YOUR JWMm HacOINS 6R0UNI6.1O BUT 1 Ooil&T IF IT'S FROM enouSIMIG. jET(SQ.EAT W THAT'S. YOU OO ABOUT VW7EReS S0MCTH NS NIGHT OUT fflffH JP uc SHOULD 7 ANYTH1N& To unapV sinpe us iktMi " ,A Ttwl THIS NIGHT jyyJMyAjfr ABOUT FCYINeT eJIMCC YOUR 3mMImuMmWM, W HAVE B6E4 A ABOUT? THKBLEi 6L IIlS CUCF SCOTTj NOT SO RYiNs,T0MMV.ZL THE MAIL THAT RETURN FROM yirSW? HERE TOErATY ZlA A STRaNS SouTrt jhaT talSo VlZJ IZWl SOOD U S?MAc Eialc MWMWI j?TTS CA HAVANA WK1 mTKItcS ao. 45& SRoSSS "J$8 MILUR Tl WY7flSSSI sSuArJtv WMMMmh MlTH' S?iW2aviR WJ0mmh.x ?V0U Mm m aw davis sub-station SS ?-rtra WWlMMjuwmrT- S flBS? ftwJmZI POT7' "p his motor 4MhhL mat et bucking aho us says M?wmmltvtMMiiffljk BOUND TO WIN The Butler' Story By EDWIN ALGER THEY ARE INDEED, Vtl GRANT YOU THAT. BUT IT VMASNT THEM I WAS THINKIM' OF UOrG AFTER THEY'D ALL. LEFT, DISCHARGED,! TOOK A VMBl.L,I'GUESS WHEDID?MY,MV,BViT Y OH, I MIGHT AS VMELL1 HE SURE 19 A QUEER 1 BUMPSON.W TELA. YOU i ONE I BUT NO QUEERER, 1 THOSE S BLIMPSOMiTHAT H I SUPPOSE , THAN) I MOUNTAIN B MisTeR Also some op the other a people Itt urcN jmr 2. 'vw&ooingi yw7Ta turn about the lv Itr ft in,. !. 1 fcl fc'.y.ll VHI VrgS- MIGHTY DISTURBED 1 WAS BV VNHAT I FOUND A SHORT MAM AND Pi TALL ONE WERE WORKING, ir7irv luoci mcirs CAR. STARTED THEY VSI&Kte Or4 The HOAD J UjT BEYOND THE WALL- fcOopyriiht 1933. by. The aril Syrnuof, lnc HAD THEV BEEN GUESTS AT THE WEDDING ? OF THAT VM NOT SURE, FOR THERE: VNERE S.O MANV GUESTS, BUT THEY HHU B6EN VHOVMLlNiQs AROUND LOJONIE, LONG AFTER THE GUESTS HAD 6QNB OF THAT 1 AIM SURE, BECAUSE: X SAW THEM 1 THE NEBBS That's Telling Him . 1 Mr., By SOL HESS LUEJJL-. UJUJTFVtrS llun ii v., . ARC AKJD UJHAT pvf o jm mr -rov,. . TO MA.KE FOLKS TWlMK YCXJ ARE ,VOU1.Lj University of Utah oftlrlsl ao cepted a gold nugget found by a IT- yrnr-oia gin as part payment on ner tuition. California now has a SI 0.000 fund I to be used to pay rewards for the arrest of kidnappers. NOW ITS UP VtZZl f TO YOU f MY &OOOKJE35 ! LOOlilT WIMUE"S jfH MOW DID YOU f MO, I'VE. ALIUAVS BEEkJ A UWtSBfcU Jr .NJL- hKK- r 1 NJ" UKt Ht WMO raeaaHBjsj l-ir-,1 UVI VUHMT V DIU n.lJ WMTINJC IIY TIMt I BOMtOOUn.H6 AXIKJT- NjgDOQ-y UIFFgREMI If, m 1J e OIO MOJJ I MIAJWU VU1TH OKUIWAI? PEOPLE.) I B TMAIO we WAS SIX MONJTWS AGO AWDHE m3 Cl l VAAS F5EEIO A 5WOLO ME LOMQ YOU (SO UJITW V vjumoY- rf woBorw mcrropjiiT sm 1 v;iikii mLKiu' -rr- s v ajou ill tfll vrv i uiun r V MOMTWS FTOMIiet5r-- r-rJ N U VnOORSELF?A-- rVlOU ARE vrrTf 1 D" kjs" " BRINGING UP FATHER R r . , . By Ueorge McManus ljTi A ( 1 JU,THAV6TOOET 1 I I OH OEAR-IT ONTHC M'MO-K I 1 I HUH1. HS DOKNT KNOW I ' fl I I I Yt NOM-TMWS The I WflV f o SOME COBNEO BEEF BUT THCRt IT COUNT l it ME- I VsI,M 1 H&O OROWEO I COUNT- HE COME IM I iV I' -L SJ CASSOCK- OEVIATE-I'LL HAVE TO CORNSO BUK IMTEAD OF I ABOUT THREE TIME?, A, I 1 fNSVTWTI'1160 ORDE SOMETHING KLE- j -J - TH1 CHICKEN- 1 VOMOER PI WK FOR "reoITeF i f VrT REiTAORAMT- J j PTHATtTHECOOMT? ) I P AMDABSAGE Lrflr frWMM TtfegaS i WTPiE rWltiTw twSllo- r t,r- i itii i i.ij,i-riiua.- a i 11 1 r ' lj " " " rr,t M , aV 1WIII sr M eT W m -m asM . . h III -il There's No Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation