MEDFOED MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1933. PAGE FIVE Local and Personal From Klamath Sergeant R. fl.i Davis at the Oregon state poitce 1 in Mediord today trom Klamath Pal's to testify In federal court. VUit In Ashland Mies Mildred Patterson nd Mr. 0, T. Sweeney were among Medford people visiting friends in Ashland Friday In Medford Today Jack Mclaugh lin of the Brie Railway company and Ur o Grady are business Tlaltora here today, having arrived on the Ore gonlan. Bicycle stolen Harold croucher. who 'reside, on DeBarr avenue, re ported to the city police that hU b. Jyol, waa stolen from the Rosy thea ter Saturday night. Flue Fire The city fire department a call to the Karmel Korn rt Main street Sunday morning at U o'clock to extinguish a flue fire. No damage resulted. n.norta Accident B. V. Carter of i.hi.nd filed an accident report at the city police elation today concern ing a collision near Talent Sunday evening at 7:30 o'cloclt. u,.,,iin- Tmtnr Major Clare H . ,.-t... mmm&nder of the CCC headquarters for the Medford district, U spending today In the Klamath late district, hunting ducks. Child tost Victor Malkemus, 18-months-old son of Rev. and Mrs: B. tf.Hrmua. was found by city po- TT' oivrlie and Fifth street .,nM. tallowing a report th5 he had run away. i... i, week-end Bob Bmmene, junior in pre-medlc. at the Ontver stty of Oregon, was here to spend the weeK-end witn nis u.. -.wmmens, who left last night for visit in the east. ..... in 411ft A fire in the alley back of Mann's department store w extinguished Sunday aiternoon . "20 o'clock by the city fire depart ment without any damage w iv . . . ...... u. Simon Mr. And Mrs. Hick Kim. had as week-en gueate Mrs. of Yreka. Cel., Mrs. Kim.', sister, and also Melville Stone, jr., and wife or osn Stme la a nephew of Mrs. Klme. Tricycle Missing-Mrs. Pred Brand, of 1M Tripp street filed . . report witn from tne yara - night. - Home Mr. and Mrs. B. of Memora of Dr. ana . Orants Pass Dally and refreshments Gregory award N. Bywater at their Beacon Heights home. Courier. Meet Tonight The B"" . .... nt vrein Ware will ?' "V,. tales' hall tonight at 7:30 o'clock, it was "oud, Say. The auxiliary wlU hold a . M party at 8 p will be served, .,f H.rder's The Women of -,t Wednesday at 1 rrrlMr.. B. B. Harder, at her f rvA st&ae road, for a Irml. Mr.. W. A. White,. w: and Mr.. George Henselman will be "!" ant hostesses. Orocerle. gtolen-Orocer. and fruit rm the back porch or the H W. Kobblns home at 909 West Fourth street, aome. time . nnilm were advised ilia told officer, that the back screen had been cut. ... .. - nMe. and Mr- W. H Geo7, and .mall son BlUy ofA!. med. Cal.. ar. guest, in ... j ura. .1. B. Brault. Mr. George .. .Hr here as the for iZ manager of the Southern Oregon Gsa corporation. Postpone Meeting - The Women. Missionary society of the s" byterian church will 1 not meet Mrnor row, a. the funeral for M s. wm b, held then. The meeting la to be conducted Thuradsy afternoon, Octo ber 19. at i o'clock, at the V. W. o. a parlors. s fin, who reside, at 513 west street, this morning brought to the Geti Pheasant John Ysune vu among the ucceui pheasant hunt er jeettrday, who got two bird, Holraer in City John Holmer d the Prospect district vu riittor Is Medford thU morning, conferring wttb Chambcir of Commerce official. Get Marriage LIrenw A marriage Ucenae was applied for S& turd ay by Ray E. Edward and Sybil Enid Cu ter, both of this city. Teacher Group Meets There will be a meeting Friday at Huch at 3 o'clocx of the teacher study group, whics will take vtp the study of tne Oregon Rural School manual. Two Deer Killed Two deer were killed, by local hunters yesterday in the Qreensprlngs mountain section. W. Christian brought in a four- point buck, weighing 171 pounds, and John WoJf a three-point buck. Dltorce Decrees Granted The cir cuit court granted a number of da- crees of divorce tday. Among them were the cases of Lucille B. Poster Clifford B. Foster; John L. Casev Josephine Casey; Faye Hoot vj William Root; Elizabeth May Ander son v. Carl Russell Anderson, and Mario O. Johnson m Marvin W, Johnson. Speak In AMilunti U. Senator Fred Stelwer of Oregon haa accepted ifaa invitation of the chamber of com-; merce to be the honored guest at a banquet given ai the Lithia hotel, Thursday, October 19. at 1 p. m., according to the Ashland Tidings, Everyone la Invited to attend the banquet. Including Democrats and Republicans, chamber of commerce members and non-members. Goodman Gets Fine In the case of the State of Oregon vs. OrvJHe Good man, on a charge of falling to report aa auto accident, a fine of 5 and costs of S4.S0 was imposed by Judge W. R. Coleman m justice court this morning. Goodman, who was with A, Zumwalt when their car crashed Into a telephone post on the Jackson ville road, entered a plea of guilty. The case against Zumwalt, who was not at the wheel, was dismissed. Talent Youths Fined Keith Ar- graves, Ed Learning and John Kelt?, all of Talent, arrested yesterday by state police for hunting without 4- censes, were fined 25 and $450 costs, each, in justice court here today. when they appeared before Judge W R. Coleman. They were given sis months during which to pay the fines, and their guns were taker and will be held until they purchase bunting licenses, the court stated. DAMAGE SUIT IN FEDERAL COURT Now at Holly 1 HEAD CEMENT PLANT MANAGER V0ICESPR0TEST (Continued trom renje One) company live, referring to the ce ment plant. 1 At Attorney Cleland's request toe j commissioner withdrew his invitation to Thompson to apeak. The attorney stated that the case la now In litiga tion, and aa the cement company was talking of going Into competition, he felt under the circumstance, that It ;wrnCK!n MM;on. take the .tend. He said counsel would I "" m Mahoney of KtalMtn "The Torch Singer.- with Claua- fuU th, -. ,mpany'. filNl Ppearare at the hear- etto Colbert In a really wicked role. ld fer tt commission at the ore- "" od -W th" he would 1. now playing at the Holly theater. WmJ present the rustlers tor in city at a Rlcardo Cortei, Dald Manners, ty- it.r, who has been with the rmb- t5n "', ootng most of the irork lie service corrunlsslon and the public i lth the city attorney appear- utllltle commission for about 14 ! ln tmm xlm to time. Work sheets concerning the JUam-1 atn electrical dinslon aiiomvd i;j SOe on tne genera) station and working operations, wall, the land was listed ! at According to divisions, the report showed: Boge Btwr dlrlslon, 50.000; Klamath Falls, .9000 and iUamata Ftll inter Olviiion, 600. OuplIcatJora In the Rogue RSrsr dl Tislon working report were charged by Lester, who (save figures for this sec tion 1.9a.83. with an additional J8M7, and .50000 being duplicat ed. The UsMng for the Taluatlon of the Klamath Fills tftrlsion was 131 962. Uelaood W. Van Scoyoc of Portland who has been conducMng the Copco Investigation acre for the past 8ij months In behalf of the commission, was scheduled to give minute Cart. In me duplications and errors at the dia Bobertl and Baby IHoy support Miss Colbert. "One Sunday Afternoon," featuring Gary Cooper, come, to the Holly Wednesday. 1 Suit of Roy Hick, acatnst the Cali fornia-Oregon Power company for gioo.000 alleged damages, sustained in an accident near Bonanza last Sep tember was started In federal court this afternoon. The damage suit of B. R. Warner against the Forest Lumber company which has been tinder way for a week. waa voluntarily non-suited this morn ing. Warner sought 25.000 dsmsges for alleged Injuries sustained in boiler action. ASHLANDREALTOR STRICKEN ON TRIP SlLVi;.l SCREEN REVIEW By Mary - Grelner Kelly. It's a knock-out argument for Mia Hot-Cha to band the older genera tion. And if Grandma, still insists that girls didn"t act that way, take; her to see "The Bowery, the cine- i ma's loudest horse-laugh on the nineties. The Twentieth century pro duction opened to a large and en thusiastic house at Hunts Craterlaa yesterday. A regular mulligan-stew In enter tainment, it contains everything from bar-room ballads to water-front free-for-alls to make Grand-pa feel at home and give Junior new fuel for the battle of the generations. In addition to all this there is V.'ally Beery and Jackie Cooper, the screen's most touching pair doisg some of the things they did la The Champ only la a different way. There is a romantic triangle running throughout and contributing some beautiful moments, between Saloon Keeper Wally Beery, lovely Fay Wtay. and Gambler George Baft, There ia that funny gal, Pert Kelton, funnier than ever, as the raucous-voiced cho rine of the Bowery's moat popular saloon. And tn sharp contrast (pardon tne pun) there Is a hatchet-armed Car rie Nation doing a virtuous clean-up in a big way. So bring the family there is something tn this picture for everybody. years, told that the object of the en gineering department was to make a finding as to certain duplications, and errors which crept into the final order. Upon the request by the commis sion for Copco to furnish net addi tions from October 1915 to the company furnished gross additions, which, tn figures, amounted to about 7t,00S in retirements that had not been named, the engineer testified. Two forms of gross additions were submitted to the commission by the company, he said, and actual addi tions on the company's books revealed that certain retirements had taken place and not reported to the com mission. The gross, be said, was ac cepted by the commission, as net. Engineer Letter then presented let ters showing the correspondence be tween J, C, Thompson, tiien secretary for the power company at Sao Fran cisco, and the public service commis sion at Salem, Additions listed by the power com pany between October 18, 1913 and June 30, 1914, were eH.203.59. The records do not show that any Investigation was made and no action on the part of the commission was taken. The report, "Lester said, "in cluded $18,000 operating property.1 In connection with the water rights allowed at Klamath Falls, an amount totaling $20,600 was added twice. Such evidence came from the old working sheets of the former commis sion, Lester testified. The sheets bear ing the corrections could not be found, he said. Ko appearance w filed by the city of Medford, Attorney Frank P, Par rell stating that no action concerning it had been taken by the city council. Stated CcBToeation of Cra ter lake chapter No, 32, R A, M . Tuesday, Oct. 17'h at 1 ;30 p, m. Visitor In vited. L. C. STEWART, H P Gm ALDE.N, Secretary, HARDER TALKS TO LIONS LUNCHEON B, S. Raider, pmsMent of (he first National bans. guest sseaxer at today's luncheon of the Lions club at the Hotel Holland. Choosing "In flation" aa his subject, be traced the history of such a mm bac to pre war days. Inflation fee stated, was adopted to some extent in 1M6 aftd J2S and the country his since Known credit Inflation. He ex pre. wo a doubt that the United States erouSd ever adopt currenrr inflation. Another guest at toe tuncneoo to day iraa Major Washburn of Junction Cr. who It here Inspecting const guard artillery with Major Walter W, Abbey. Cart Stuart, vita-president of ttie flub, presided at the meeting and J. Verne Shng! was program chair man for the day. largest per centaurs of setMne lefMsssourt for were to the r registration at the University of i; gineermg and gtadutata achoola. Hurry! It Ends Tomorrow Don't Trifle Willi Coughs Don't Ie them get a strangle rwW Hht terms atucklf. CreaniuUlon combines the 1 best helps known to modern science. Powerful but harm less, Plesssnt to take. So rartotlcs Your own druggist Is authorized to refund your money on the spot it ro cough or cold to not relieved by Creamutelsn. edT4 II 1! Big Executive Coming To Rial to Rlcardo Cortea, Richard Bennett, Elizabeth Young and Sharon Lyrme head the featured cast of "Big Ex ecutive, exciting drsma which re lates the Intimate secrets of a young financial wizard, coming to the Hlal- to theater tomorrow. The picture Is a graphic Interpre tation of the lives led by multimil lionaires, their struggle for fame and wealth on the street supposed to be paved with gold Wall Street. Inti mate glimpses of their private lives are depicted In Interesting fasltion. and the action moves swiftly through skyscrapers , magnificent yachts, mountain estates, and town houses. Man TTioune iu . . of which was made up - . et approximately 30 the same stem. They f . now on display at the Chamber of Commerce Tm on Parade-The Royal Ben' train of the Medlwd l-J" Scottish -railway, which j nscenW exhibited at the Century of Progre exposition in Chicago, l! i be open a?s,n mncrfattherd street ststlon on Sunday, octooer ... 4ccldrnt-Ia Edith Stra- carrots. Orln Daniel Payne, 82, head of the Ashland Realty company and one of j tum .t-nrtl.nt,hril the city's most prominent business Mrvtces wm htM 4t hf m)a Um pie in Ashland Wednesday aiternoon Ashland Sunday morning with P. S, Provost and had just started to work on the boat, when he fell over. Pro vost tried to revise him but found ail efforts futile. Dr. F, Q, Swedes burg waa summoned from Ashland and pronounced him dead. Mr. Payne la survived by his widow, Emma Payne, to whom he was mar ried m this city m 1&29, He also Funeral rOO LATE ID CLASSIFY CASH PAID for men a eecoodhena suits, odd soacs. aess 'and shoes Will a Wilson 3a N Front St. TRASS for horses or cows, good Ford- son tractor. Box 207, Tribune. THREE-ROOM house, close In, quire 2J Almond. FOR SALE Salway peaches, cheap. Absolutely the last. H mil west Vosrblea Crossing. .... LOST Rebeksh pin. between Chris tian church and Id Mistletoe. TOMATOES One more delivery Wed nesday. Klamath potatoes, ti.25 and S1.75 per 100 while they last. Phone 1059. FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet coach, small mileage, new car guarantee; 1S31 Ford town sedan, air wheela; real buy. Trade accepted and easy terms. Pleroe-Allen Motor Com pany. Phone ISO. hOST Kevs In dark leather son t tamer. Tel. ail-J-4. WANTED Girt for housework. Call 3W Mo. Holly. men, died suddenly yesterday of heart attack, while at Hiatt Pratrie j at 3 .39 ociock. dam, wnere ne nao gone to bring nis boat in for duck hunting. He left PA1HT1HO, paperhanglng and tinting. Lowest prices, Mr. Bennett, Tel. 834-W. FOR RBWT 8 acres, house, barn, lots of berries, acres alfalfa, 1 sere Ladlno clover: 10 per month. Knight 4s. Darnell. 1 No, Bartlett. ! VOUKG MAN to learn a business, about 15 week to start; promo tion when qualified. State expert, enee, age and phone cumber; also address. Box S87, Tribune. PLAYING TODAY and TOMORROW TUESDAY tr-ra They're GRAND! MARVELOUS! JOIN THE CROWDS AND LAUGH, TOO! WAtleXCI CCORCE JACKt e-V 1 t lrb. PLUS "Paramount News" "Souvenirg'' Also Bnappy Comedy "On Awful Night" ifi frMii j diisA melt uh1 tltft tt irtfc CsVhU j lxme4.btvt . , jto ont vndi juttd f j Colbert es th girl with Are in her voic. ice in her heort .. BICAR0O CORTEI I DAVtD MAnflESS ftYDA SOBERTi wt BABY UROY E. SSe. Kiddles We 3 ..ENDS a Cold Sooner u It with Someone Ysu loo) GARY COOPER TJNE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" PERT Sj KELTON l - f MR Sha at "!; (G22HIL33II 3 tl TT.' Klclttlrs. 19c SOUTHERN 0REG0K S FINEST Wednesday HLbig SIMS , of "ami tow legs" mi Paiflyli Jathw vsntej a I: :rr . . . and avhat he foi was i he eest bHI thing . m tom boy . . , llerf ... jay and mis-: liirvou. PROVtP BY 2 GENERATIONS BCA PEIIFECT SOCSB I eport "'-"- city hn of Tripp re. .VK-.---iud a. ,.r. M f. R- Kbrton u- pouce that he, ' w th tnat arivc. - - - (.lock, Bueene. Saturday ereninj , at 8 o clock. north ot the asm. ... u She ch.rged that the Norton car . euttlnc on the wrons sld. of tne hlghwsy. Bull. Fall. W-t"S W. Bureh and Sherman Waer of w Church o! ood hare jurt auccessful two .' in Butte rails. In tn " . church. Soul, were .ared meo ciaimeo, ma ; - - ,iuia Thtv mae Ul th ewigeUiU wlU M line &is. AdU. Alflnit Hlkers-W' to - W added danger of Pick.n up h itch biker, brought about by the fact three escsped Inssne men " m-n.n, i-ned a warnms W , rnotor i,-. raeaedtnt- alrlni rides to peop.s sicr.i the nnwj. Ends Tonlle Edmund I,oe Victor MclAglen, I,upe Veles In "HOT PEPPER" Tue. Kate Smith in HELLO EVERYBODY" (riend. ' . there for a and era asked to re"-" meetln, later. After a .ho Ends Tonltt, Lion?! Barry mor in "SWEEPINGS" Tawdar and Wednesday DOUBLE FEATURE Something New tnder the Sea In "SAMARANG" Aio tiloria Jiaanwn In "Perfect Understanding'' Two Full Length Feature. For th Price of On lorai olflcers tne n-n-j.. - klu.h. ;sers w one of the hardest things to fight, m spue of a rigid law m lng such an action Illegal. The law p'.sce. a penalty of on cs's giring rides to hltrh-.tlkrr.. w. penalty is up to the Judjnirnt ol th: msg-strate. Oranl. Pass Courier, FUEL OIL Any Kind Ant Ammifil Medford Fuel Co. 11?1 N. Central. Tr!. 631 1 L , SvWC tAlfWM Mill MAMI1TM 1 ! V I . a. HUKCH ft'ltlR MMCHKAIW 1 ft how. at m Mat. .... 15c I Commg Wed., Oct. IS Jjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl , 1: 'I f.Slfi J til B V'M 1 1:00-9:00 . Kiddle ,,, 10c W iav Coming Tomorrow! , 'rS jf v u Li : u vL i. f A PIRATE f ' L (n y&Sl fStl VI&MJ i ;'-'fI - 1"' WiV- J P St) Funeral Held Here U rtAjl " Ml -llf HEN you m troubled nd dwtrwted It i I'Snl 1231 fl aVaw i ifcllL W by grief it ti . comfort t know that if ' -I l ' "all ti Cf IT f ' ' h tori f ervicti for your lov.d em will I J .TI mm i j h. carried out Wtinirly her.. , hi executive I . i $1 - CONGER N ! M '"A.oViV;?? j FUNERAL PARLOR U J I WEST MAIN AT NEWTOWN 111 tilt,,. I nnPABYbtS! HI m nv lit; fvm WALT DISNEY'3 r" "Three Little Plgw fff "' featuring Xl7r ' S "Ifho'i Afraid et th rAr..r.:. aHjMMkaaaakW ataaasglaW'.detr ixu&t PANCE! Tonight And His 11 -PIECE COLORED ORCHESTRA AT THE FAIRGROUNDS Vaudeville! Soup! Dances! TMi orchestra direct from SwMt'g EaUroom in Oakland, The West' Orteit Colored Mnsieal Entertainers, Men 40c Ladies 25c Dancing from 9;00 to 1j00