irEDFOHn MATL TKIBUXE. MEPFORO. OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1933. PAGE NTNE "Pilgrimage" Rialto's Drama "The Bowery" on Craterian Bill TARTS J I V . . ft 1 L:...-.A. Norman Foster and Marian Nixon are two lovers In "Pilgrimage," whose romance Is shattered by a misun derstanding neither of them could avoid. The picture has been widely praised for It humaneness of story and for the fine acting of its feat ured players, having even been com pared with the great "Humoresque." It plays today and tomorrow at the Rlalto theatre. Chevalier Coming IS CALLED BY DEATH Mm. X Him 11 '(eall. HJ J ir nilinisiiinfl "The Bowery," a luaty atory of the and boss of the Bowery, whose heart nineties, plays at the Craterian the atre tor three days, starting today. Little Jackie Cooper and Wallace Beery are re-unlted for the first time since their memorable "The Champ." George Raft Is also featured along with Fay Wray and Pert Kelton. "The Bowery" has Beery as the tough Cuck Conners, saloon keeper Is as big as his hulk; Raft Is Steve Brodie, who made Brooklyn Bridge famous. Little Jackie has the role of Swipes. There's John L. Sullivan and the famous Carrie Nation. There are rival Connors-Brodie volunteer fire brigades that battle with brick bats, brass -ku neks, and black-Jacks as the fire burns merrily. And there's Brodlc's famous Jump. til 11 ASHLAND, Oct. 14. (Spl.) Addi son David Helms, well-known mem ber of one of Ashland's pioneer fami lies, died Friday at his home at the Klamath Junction after a long Ill ness. Addison David Helms was born at Denver, Colo., May 12, 1863, but had lived in or near Ashland for the last 60 years. Mr. Helms had long been a re spected member of the community in which he lived, and will be mourn ed by many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Helms were married in 1888, and Jiad since that time I'.ved In Ashland and at their Klam ath Junction home, spending 35 years at the latter place. During the last five years they had lived In California throughout the win ters. He leaves to mourn his death his widow and one son, Addison David Helms, Jr., of Ashland. Another son, I Donald, died in 1913. Mr. Helms was a regular attend-1 ant at the Christian church and was ! a member of the Woodmen of the World. Funeral services will be announced later. Interment Is to be at Gold Hill. LIONEL BARRYMORE IN STUDIO DRAMA "Sweepings," a composite fictlon Ized history of the founders of for tunes and their frivolous offspring, opens at the Studio theater today with Lionel Barrymore in the title role. He gives one of his greatest char acterizations, it Is said, as the foun der of a fortune whose tottering old age is blasted and made miserable by the scapegrace escapades of his children, Dr. C. H. Paske will resume his practice of Dentistry at 310 Liberty Bldg., beginning Oct. 16. Phone 533 "HOT PEPPER" ON ROXY SCREEN TODAY Edmund Lowe and Victor McLag len, famous for their roles of Quirt and Flagg. portray these characters In "Hot Pepper," depicting their ad ventures as Broadway Beau Brum mels and owners of rival night clubs where they, fight over women amid scenes of gay revelry. "Hot Pepper' opens at the Roxy today. Lupe Velez enacts the leading feminine role and El Brendel plays a comedy part. CI Ives Worthless Check The Cin- derellA shop reported to the city po' lice the last of the week that a worth ies check, made out to Mrs. Ethel Harmon, and signed Otto J. Barnes, was presented there In payment for a dollar purchase. The check was for $7 and was endorsed "Mrs. Ethel Har mon. 333 Edwards St." A similar check for $8 was reported by the Medford Furniture and Hardware store Sat urday, and police were notified that others had been turned in at the Flr National bank. Shows 1:45-3:30 7:00-9:00 Today and Mondays Maurice Chevalier Is comlrs to the Holly next Saturday, October 21st. In b premier showing of hla very lntest comedy hit. "The Way to Love." Clautlctte Colbert in "The Torch 6ln?er." Is now the Holly's attrac tion. A Phone 543 We'll haul away you refuse City sanitary Service RCA rEMT.CT SOLNtl Starts TODAY rnnttmtmu Show 1:30-11 7 a n i I? The BELLY LAUGH this cock-eyed world needs most Flagg and Quirt fight and frolic through the night clubs on the trail of voluptuous Lupe Velez Idmund Victor LupeVele El BrcnrieJ i.4V.4fftlH THE QUEST OF A GREAT LOVE Wl DO OUR MJIt p-'jtd tlx Mm k simple story simply told . . . but with the sweep and power that make great pictures GREAT ! Filled with romance and laughter and pathos that spring from the heart . . To every one who holds Love sacred and beautiful, this picture will be an unf orgetable experience 1 with HENRIETTA CROSMAN HEATHER ANGEL NORMAN FOSTER MARIAN NIXON ' .:-:-- -a ( ADDED- Cartoon "Who Killed Cock Robin?" Novelty "Two Hundred Fathoms Deep" Pathe Newsreel Shows at 1:45-3:30 "tOO 9:00 H2S SOUTHERN OREGON'S FINEST THEATRE Mats. ... 25c lives. . . . 35c Kiddies . 10c UNTIL TUESDAY NIGHT oanng Ah, the Good Old DaysfWherT the Ladies Stepped Up to the Bar With an AxeJ Chuck Connors! Bowery big shotf Swaggering swell! Swipes, the newsboy, wise in the ways of men before his time! Steve Brodie, the guy who took a chance! Lucy, flower of Five Points! AH thrown together in a great picture of a great day! ... A roaring panorama of the days "When You and I Were Young, Maggie "! No Raise in Prices, Talk bout your modern gangrv; ttcrat Say, those l,t(l Lord Funt- leroy would : havo violets pinned on them by the boys who gathered at "Five Points" on the Bowery. V ft i'3 6c. I ! V ''W,)"'W,W)'W.r'W'1"-' IT rirn ' " ft. , See Pert Kelton, the '98 saloon aoubrette and her ham-hipped-balloon-busted bunch of chorines, contaminating the souls of the Bowery blades with their hot-cha "Can-Can" Dancel .... The days of nickel beer, singing waiters, knock 'era down and drag 'em out dance halls, and the tenderloin district that echoed to "See what the boys in the back room'll have" You'll love it! mimawmi u miihhmiiii nirxiiioj ALIO tb nof. it si:i:m scri:i;n sono .... Mvs