'3 SrEDFORD ilAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, ORF.aONT, STTXDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1933. PAGE THREE Local and Personal lp from Hilt Fred Bayll of Mont Creat ranch at Hilt, Cel., was a busi ness visitor here yesterday. Down from Trail Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pence of Trail were business oallers In Medford yesterday. Mrs. Watson Leaving Mrs. Gladys Watson Is leaving tor the north to accept a position In Portland. Down from Phoenix Among ranch ers attending to business matters In Medford yesterday was Bert Stancltff of Phoenix. Puts Up Ball William 8 harm, ax rested Thursday night by city police on charges of drunkenness, put up $10 ball Saturday. t In Medford Saturday-John D. Hoist, forester for the Rogue River national forest, was In Medford Saturday from Camp No. 2, near Butte Falls. Bothering Chickens Carl Bennett of 843 South Grape street Informed city police Saturday morning that an attempt was made at 1:15 a. m., Sat urday to steal his chickens. On Scenic Tour Delroy Getchell, who Is making a scenic trip along the Rooseve't highway with friends, la expected to return here tomorrow. They left Medford Friday. Fowler Conducts Show R. O. Fow ler, county agent, spent yesterday in the Sams Valley district conducting a chicken and garden show, in which 4-H club members are participating. Mrs. Norman Here Mrs. Fred Nor man of Portland arrived In Medford Saturday morning to Join her hus band, who Is bailiff here for the southern Oregon term of federal court. Finds Son Clifton Baker, negro porter on the Shasta, reported yester day that his son, Reuben Baker of Berkeley, Calif., who left home some time ago, has been located at New Orleans. Mrs. Harris Here Mrs. L. D. Harris of Red Bluff, Cal., is visiting in Med ford this week and will be accom panied on her return south by Mrs. Leona Whlsnant and her young grandson. On Vacations Otto DeJarnett and William Catey, clerks at the local post office, are on their vacations, at this time, as are R. B. Swan and Earl Scrlpter, carriers. Scrlpter Is In the central Oregon country deer hurut To Oet Instruments Palmer Music and Electric store will receive a ship ment of new and used band instru ments from San Francisco next Tues day, according to an announcement Saturday by C. H. Isaac. This ship ment will meet the demand for In struments for band students in the schools of this city. V To Conduct Shop Mrs. Violet Dale y has announced that she will maintain the Daley barbershop located In the Allen hotel, and plans to be at the . shop each day to take charge of the business matters. W. I. Derrick and H. Schermerehorn are employed In the shop at the present time, Mrs, Daley stated. To Leave Town Eugene O'Halloran, 48, arrested at a local confectionery about 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, on charges of being drunk In a public place, was sentenced to ten days In the city jail, or leave town immeaia tely. He was taken before Judge A D Curry Saturday morning. O'Halloran said he would leave town. Ho had bottle of bay rum, and two padlocks in his pockets at the time he was arrested. Wilson at Marsh field Mayor B. M. Wilson left yesterday for Marshfleld on business and will be back In his office again Monday. Ulrlch In Ashland Lewis TJlrich of Medford was In Ashland Friday regis tering unemployed for relief Jobs this winter. Ashland Dally Tidings. Apply for License Miss Sybil Enid Caster of Phoenix and Ray E. Edwards of Medford applied for a license to wed Saturday at the county clerk's office. Undergoes Operation Mrs. R. F. Sloneker who underwent a major op eration at the Sacred Heart hospital Wednesday morning, is reported to be in an improved condition. Skyrman Returns Harry Skyrman has returned 'to Medford from Port land and Salem, where he attended to business matters last week. He made the trip north by plane. Move to Medford Captain and Mrs. Harold D. Stow, who have been at the Kerby CCC camp, are moving to Med ford, where Captain Stow will be with the district headquarters staff. Dr. Pa.sk e Home Dr. C. H. Paske has returned from spending several weeks In California, devoted to post graduate work, and will be In his dental office again Monday morning. Have Strong Team The practice tilt Friday evening between the senior high school's second team and the Junior high school eleven was barely won by the senior high group, the score being 7 to 6 at the end of the game. i i Meet at Courthouse The regular monthly meeting of the county ex- J tension committee will be held Mon day afternoon at two o'clock in the county home demonstration agent's j office in the courthouse. Mrs. MabM C. Mack will be in charge. i Child Injured Gordon Allard, five- year-old son of Mrs. Billy Barclay, suffered a bruised hip Saturday morn- : ing, when he was struck down by the j automobile driven by W. H. George , of San Francisco, a former Medford resident. George's report shows that the child ran directly in the path of j his automobile. Arrest Suspects Two youths, giv ing the names of Ben Snuffln and Er nest Llngren of Pasadena, Calif., were , arrested Friday morning by Ashland city police, as suspects In connection with a- burglary at Yreka Thursday evening. It was learned here. Sheriff A. S. Calkins telephoned Captain Lee M. Bown of the state police here, who called the Ashland officers. The Nys were arrested a short time later. Sues for Divorce Barbara' E. Jen nings Friday filed suit for divorce in circuit court against Ralph G. Jen nings, charging that he treated her in a "cruel and Inhuman manner." S'hr ' requests that the defendant be re quired to pay a third of his monthly salary through the clerk's office each month until the sum of 600 has been paid, and also asks $100 attorney's fees. Taken to Portland Mrs. Violet Hutchinson of the Klamath Indian reservation, was taken to Portland Saturday morning on the Shasta by United States Marshal and Mrs. John Day. where she will be held in the Multnomah county Jail. Mrs. Hutch inson has been bound over to the federal grand Jury with her husband, on charges of possession of liquor on the reservation. They were bound over by U. S. Commissioner Bert Thomas of Klamath Falls. Her hus band, Cy Hutchinson will be taken to Portland next week. DRAMATIC CLUB PLANS SERES OF PLAYS FOR AT Dramatic work tor the ensuing year at the Medford high school is now underway. Mrs. Qlenna Mae Early, advisor (or the Dramatlo club, has already sent to Sussex. England, for a play they may give for the Christmas program of this year. A series of four plays are also to be given this year for pay assem blies. These will be under the dir ection of Rslph Bailey, but mem bers of the Dramatic club are the probable choice for the various roles of these plays. The yearly Senior play la also under the direction of Mr. Bailey. Last year all but two of the roles of the Senior play were filled by members of the Dramatic club. This Is not a requirement of the Senior play. The Dramatlo club Is presided over by Dolph Jamea as president. Mar guerite Boyle, secretary-treasurer; Bob Sherwood, property manager, and Harold drove, stage manager. Nineteen of last year's thirty-four members were graduated last June, now leaving fifteen members, which all but one of these Is to be grad uated this June. Only one Sopho more was taken In last year, Mild red Drury. Tryouta for new members arc to be held In about two weeks. Xn charge of the try-out program Is Mildred Drury. Betty Thorndyke has charge of the committee for newcomers. Those petitioning for membership are: Mary Powell, Kath erlne Ford, Carlyn Jane Hill, Olen na Mlnear, Mildred Buckles, Betty Purdln, Dorothy Buchter, Phoebe Desn, Jane Israel, Coral Burton, Rosemary Bishop, Mary Cummlngs, Doreen Elwood, Margaret Younger, Pauline Champlln, Lois Kimball. Bar bara Holt, Ruth Pitch, Rattle Baugh. Alleen Latham. John Koppen, Hasel Cowan, -Thelma Fowler, Constance Cormsny. Phyllis Pulton, Constance Moore, Betty VUm, Ellen Belts, Ed Valuer, Frank Full, Amy Elliot, Vir ginia Llndley. Wanda Wyant. and Patricia Young. BIRTHS Born to Mr, and Mrs. Chaa. Friend of rout 2, a daughter, weighing 1 pounds, at the Sacred Heart hospi tal Saturday, October 14c FELON CELLS FOR Tl NABBED HERE Captain Lee M. Bown received word from The Dalles that the grand Jury had Indicted Sidney Joseph, 63, and John W. O'Malley, alias George Doyle. 47, on charges of burglary not In a dwelling and that the two had been sentenced. O'Malley was given 214 years In the Oregon state penitentiary, and Joseph five years. upon pleas of guilty. The two were arrested hare a few weeks ago, as were Mrs. Ruby Jos eph and her 17-year old son Rich ard Hamilton, all charge, with the same offense. No disposition has been made of their ca&es. Captain Bown said. Both Joseph and O'Mal ley are escapes from the Texas penitentiary. NEW LOCATION Prince Auto Electric 104 No. KHers.de Expert Armature Itewlndlng Generator-Starter Exchange BsassMSiiBBi' hot COTTON STRIKE LEADER IN PARLEY SriXy i?, v'rt 1 c gm "I. b. ncnun iicw o' me rcniEcgtiii mission ana t-eroy uoraon, Corcoran strike leader, conferring on developments In the California cotton strike situation. Nearly 10,000 strikers are out In the San Jos quin valley. Gordon was later held for Investigation. (Associated Press Photo) K The HexM S ore THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 19, 20, 21 n EST SI PHARMACY rhamai Stare If ,. II UKnid MrM 19 rrtzxx lariafli tnia1 it "urn and ! Wfondtitr1 'Mrakre aatfltW -t MtscrsltMortutt "thcOiivhcf. UniledDniofa wCd Ul. I I The Original Mi 31 Antiseptic An all around antiseptic, mouth wash, gargle, deodorant. ' 50c, 2 for 51c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Cleans. Deodorizes. 2 for 51c Rubbing Alcohol The very best Rubbing Alcohol that can be produced. No medicine chest is complete without it, 39c, 2 for 40c PERMEDGE SWEDISH STEEL RAZOR BLADES Slickest shave you ever hod. He guninntee every blade. Package of 5 2 pkgs. for 26c Liggets Sweet Milk Chocolate Half Pound Cakes 20c. 2 for 21c Milk Magnesia Relief from Oas, Cnnntlpatlnn. Indication, Over-Acldlty of Stomach. 39c, 2 for 40c Theatrical Cold Cream An excellent cleansing cream. One pound tlm 75c, 2 for 76c V'VlvWjliM a at r i c ASft PURE TEST EPSOM SALTS A very pure Epanrn Salts. Crystalljed three times. 1 pound Tins, 2 for 26c i pound Tins, 2 for 16c Cold Tablets Now Is the time to lay In jour winter tupplt. 25c. 2 for 26c j The condition of this sale are such that all purchases must be CASH. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS RECEIVED, NO FREE DELIVERY. HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES 35c Analgesic Balm . $1.00 Agarcx . 20o Bnrtc AcM ..... ftoc Cherry Itnrk Cough Syrup , 25o Castor OH $1.00 Cod Llrer Oil '45c Cream Tartar 25c Cascnra Comp. Pills Hw 50c Dyspepsia Tahlets . 25c Essence Peppermint ...... 25c Glycerin Supp. Infant , 35c Glycerin Supp. Adult 25c Glycerin . 35c Mttle Liver Pills . 25c Merrurochrome 25c Mentholntcd White I 50c Peroxide $1.00 Peptona .. 25c Soda Mint Tahlets . 15c Spirits Camphor 10c Senna Leaves ......... 25c Tine. Iodine ........... 25c Inc Ointment m.M TOILET ARTICLES i for $1.01 ... 2 for 21c -. 2 for 51o 2 for 20o 2 for $1.01 2 for 2iic 2 for 2(10 2 for Blc 2 for 2lc 2 for 2c 2 for 86c 2 for 2c , 2 far :lc H 2 for 20o 2 for 2(lc .... 2 for 51c 2 for $1.01 2 for 2flc 2 for lflc 2 for llo 2 for 20c 2 for 20c 50o Mldnlcht Cleansing Cream , 50c Midnight Vnntshlng Cream . 35c Jasmine Cleansing; Cream 35c Jnsmlne Cold Cream 50c Jonteel Cold Cream 50c Jonteel Vanishing Cream 35c Cream of Almonds . 7."Vo Theatrical Cold Cream 50o Illasol 25o llahy Cream $1.00 Sharl Face Powder , 50c Jasmine Face Powder 75c Orchid Face Powder 50c Georgia Kose Face Powder .... $1.00 Georgia Kose Body Powder . 25c Violet Dulce Talc, .................... 25c Lavender Talc. ..w..... 25o Stag Talc. 25c Gentlemen's Talc. 25c Perfumes Ass't. 50c Klenzo Cocnanut Oil Shampoo . 00c 03 Hair Tonic BOo llrllllantlne 25c Hexnll Shaving Cream M 50c Kexall shaving Lotion 50c .Ml 31 Shaving Cream 25o Razor Blades 50o Klenzo Dental Cream . 50o Ml 31 Tooth Paste 35c Antiseptic Tooth Powder . 50c Denture Adhesive Powder . 25o Itcxall Tooth Paste 50o Klenzo Liquid 25c Jontccl Soap loo Jasmtno Soap 25o Germicidal Soap M 10c Almond Cocoa Sonp m.. 15c Elkay's Hand Soap 2 for Bio 2 for Sic 2 for 10c 2 for 3(!o 2 for Sic . 2 for Bio t for 30c 2 for 70c 2 for Bio 2 far 20c . 2 for $1.01 2 for nio . 2 for 7flo . 2 for Blc . 2 for $1.01 2 far 200 2 for 20o 2 for 20c 2 far 20c . 2 for 2c 2 far Bio 2 for 61o 2 for Bio 2 for 20o 2 for Slo 2 for Bio 2 for 20c 2 for Slo 2 for Blc 2 far 300 2 for 510 2 for 200 2 for Bio 2 for 20c 2 for llo 2 for 2o . 2 for llo 2 far lflc FOOD PRODUCTS 45c Tea, Black or Green . 20c Cocoa H 25c Baking Chocolate . 25c Beef Cuhes 35c Vanilla Kitrart 25c Lemon Fxtract 75c Olive OH , 2 for 40c . 2 for 2lo 2 for 20c 2 for 20c 2 for 30c , 2 for 20c 2 for 70c RUBBER GOODS 75o Roxbury Water Bottle $1.00 Symbol Water Bottle $1.25 Victoria Water Bottle $1.00 Symbol Fountain Syringe . 2 for -70e , 2 for $1.01 . 2 for $1.20 , 2 for $1.01 STATIONERY 75e Aralon-Rydal A Pierre . 50o I.ord Baltimore Paps 50o Marsella Pound Paper H 10c F,nvelopes, 6 . ISc Official F.nvelopes 10c Tablets Ruled L'nrnled , I5e Fountain Pen Ink ,. 50e Correspondence Cards , , t for 7o , t for 51c , 2 for Slo , 2 for llo . 2 for 10c . t for lie 2 for lAo . I for Blc CANDY $1.00 Llggett's Chocolates 35c Cadet Wrapped Caramels . Boo Fenway Cherries Bo Bars, Asst. So tilim, Ass't. i I for $1.01 3 tor 30c 2 for Slo 3 for Ac $ for Oe MISCELLANEOUS 20c Dental Floss 21c Sanitary Napkins 10c Adhesive Plaster, lxl yd. . 35o Adhesive Plaster, 1x5 yd. 10c Handkerchiefs 75c Playing Cards, Rex De Luxe , t-'ie Klenzo Facial Tissue 25c Tooth finishes t for 21o . 2 for 22c , 2 for lie , S for 86c 2 far tie . t for 70c . 2 far 20c , 2 far 20c The above are some of the wonderful bargains. We have many more items not listed for want of space, Come up sometime during these 3 days and look them over. PURETEST ASPIRIN Guaranteed Genuine Aspirin Bottles of 100, 2 for 51c Bottles of 50, 2 for 36c Tins of 12 2 for 16c Orderlies The most perfect Laxative for grown persons and children. 50c. 2 for 51c Klenzo Shaving Creme Large Tube. 35c, 2 for 36c CASCADE POUND PAPER 2 Pounds for 41c Envelopes to match 2 Bunches for 21c Water Bottles Guaranteed for two years, Victoria Bottles, 2 for $1.26 Symbol Bottles, 2 for $1.01 Victoria Bottles, 2 for 76c HTffff" 25c Tooth Brushes 2 for 26c Rexall Tooth Paste 25c, 2 for 26c 7itvteleU' Mineral Oil Russian Type A very heavy mineral oil. 75c, 2 for 76c M Thursday Friday Saturday The West Side Pharmacy West Main and Grape St.