Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 15, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week
Edited by
Eva Nealon Hamilton
Afr. Zogbaum 1$
Guest, Voorhies
Home This Week
With the football eaon dmwlng
Medtord and ot,her folk. first to the
north. then to th outh. oclety lt
tell U rather "on the wing," and
threatens to become more so with
several big gamea In the offing.
Several Interesting gueata, however,
have chosen to conie to Medford to
enjoy the Indian aummer that haa
not yet departed. Among them la
Mr. Biifua Zosbaum. who arrived by
motor Thuraday from Portland wltfi
Mra. Gordon Voorhlea and daughter,
Mra. Bprague Blegel. She will be a
gueat for the weelt t the Voorhlea
country place, and will be welcomed
by a number of aoclety folK.
Mra. Zogbaum la the wife of Cap
tain Zogbaum, In command of the
Saratoga, now In southern California
watere, and her arrival here aroueea
rather varied memorlea far two Med
lord folk. For Mr. Paul Bchere,
thought of war; for Mra. P. Corning
Kenly. pleasant dayi at Dobba Perry.
Mr. Bcherer waa on the deatroyer
commanded by Captain Zogbaum
during the world war. Mra. Kenly
attended Mlaa Maatera' achool with
Mra. Zogbaum at Dobba Porry.
Mre. Frailer of Eugene la alao a
inert In the Wiley thla week end,
accompanied by her daughtera, Bron
nell and Janet. The three are vlalt
lng the Mlaaea Carlton at their home
on the Old Stage road.
Mra. P. E. Gardner of Washington.
D. O, la also a gueat here thla week,
having recently arrived, accompani
ed by her young eon to be gueet
of Mra. W. W. 'd1'
Mrs. Mantz Guest
Of Parents Here
Mra. Robert Mants, the former
Mary Lee Roberts, 1 a gueat thla
week In Medford of her parents,
Mr. and Mra. O. M. Roberta, at their
Some on Crown Kill, and haa been
welcomed tame by many members
of the younger et. She plana to
Jeave Monday or Tuesday for Palo
Alto, where ah will be Joined by
Mr. Mant on hie return from Chi
cago, where the Stanford football
quad, of which he la a member,
played Northwestern to a tie yester-
dT' 1 1
Mrs, Rurd on Trip
Jo Old Family Home
Mra. . H. Hurd left thla wrek for
Iowa where ahe will visit her brother
at her old family home. After a
abort Tlelt with frlenda and relatlvea
ah will go to Chicago where ahe
will attend the World's Fair and
epend the winter with her aon Joe.
Crater take Oulld
Plans Hallowe'en Party
Crater Lke Oulld baa announced
plana for a Hallowe'en party, to be
held at the church next Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. The committee for
th evening's entertainment la com
posed of Mlaa Margaret Kerr, Mrs.
Gerald Barr and Mra. James Orlgeby.
Membera of the Guild are Invited
to bring their frlenda to the party.
Drowns of Portland
Are Ouesls Here
Dr. and Mra. Sherman L. Brown
of Portland wer guesU In Med
ford the past week at th home of
Mra. Brown s alster. Mrs. Laura M.
West. They also vlalted In Oranta
Para at the home of Mr. and Mra.
Perry Frit. Dr. Brown Is a brother
of Mre. Frlte. They were loud In
their pralee of th October weather
in eouthfra C gon.
Auxiliary Annonncra
Monday Card Party
The Auxiliary to the Veteran of
Foreign Ware will give their flrat
card party of trie season Monday
night. October IS, at e o'clock In the
Faglea' hall. Bridge and five nun
dred will be In play. Prlee will be
Btven In each for high and low acoree,
after whlol refreshment wllj be
served. Aa relief work la coming on
again to be carried throuxh the win
ter, tner will be a email charge to
reimburse th relief fund. Everyone
la cordially Invited.
Betrothal Told
a at
- - J
Of Interest to their many Medford
frlenda la the recent announcement
of the betrothal of Miss Eleanor
Hewitt, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
George Hewitt of toe Angeles, to
Nathan D. Newcomb, aon of Mr. and
Mra. N. B. Newcomb of thla city.
Th Hewitt formerly lived In this
city, where Mlsa Hewitt attended
school before entering Loa Angelea
high achool. Mr. Newcomb, now as
sociated with the Porta store In Hol
lywood, attended Medford high achool
and Oregon State college before go
ing south.
Th wedding will be a social event
of the near future In the southern
city. Mr. Newcomb'a mother and
brother, Peyton, are visiting In Los
Angelee thla week.
Alnh Slima riaaa
Enjoys Dinner Party
Alpha Sigma clus of First M.
church held a get-together dinner In
the M. B. church parlor Tuesday eve
ning. Mra. Katherln Satterle alt
ed by Mra. Taylor and Mra. Welch
wer in charg of th dinner.
Mlsa Myrna Barrett directed th
impromptu program, which was much
enjoyed. Next October there will be
a reunion of the claea and each mem
ber will find out who lis been his
pal for the year. ,
Sunny Bisters Enjoy
Luncheon, Perry Horn
A pleasant affair of th week waa
the covered dish luncheon of th
Sunny Sisters of th Presbyterian
church at th home of Mrs. J. A.
Mr. Perry waa assisted by her
daughter Mra. D. L. Flynn, Mra.
Ralph Sweeney, and Mrs. Maude
Following th luncheon business
meeting waa held, after which each
member of the circle told In atory,
Terae. aong, or sermon how ah am
ed her pledge of on dollar during
th vacation.
A large attendance waa present
and several gueat enjoyed th hos
pitality of th circle.
Bridge Tea
F riday Announced
By Altar Guild
St. Mark's Altar Oulld of th Epis
copal church will spousor bridge
tea Friday afternoon In the Women's
club rooms of the city hall. Playing
will begin at a o'clock and an Invita
tion la extended all women, who en
Joy an aftornoon nt carls.
The committee for the occasion Is
composed of Mrs. Jack Porter, chair
man, Mrs. Porter J. Neff, Mrs. Aletha
Vawter, Mra. John Moffatt and Miss
Marjorle Kelly.
Those wishing to make reservations
for the party arn nuked to phone Mrs.
Moffatt or Mini Kelly.
Degree of Honor Group
Conducts liltunllMIc Work
Degree of Honor Juvenile club met
October 7 at Labor Union hall, with
President Cherokee Bcller In the
chair. Rltunllstlo work was pre
sented and Marjorle Ooddard receiv
ed the sunshine camp, the first In
the local organisation. Cherokee Sell
er received her major atrtpe and
Ernest Smith end Ruth Nutter .also
received atrlpes.
The next meeting will be on Nov
ember 4 in the hall. Mrs. H. O.
Wlleon, director, has requested that
all membera attend.
Hally Pupper Enjoyed
At fftpttt Church
A rally supper was held at the
Flwt Baptist church, Wednendaj eve
ning with the Ladles' Auxiliary in
Over 160 people enjoyed the sup
per and program following.
Announcements were made In re
gard to tho rummage sale to be held
October 10, 30 and L probably in
the Medford Center butldlng. Cook
ed foodi will be sold Saturday, Oct
ober 91.
The women report they have cro
cheted rugs, quilts, and clothes,
for father, mother, brother, stster,
nd the baby, stove, tires and tubes.
They will be glad to call for any
thing anyone has to donate,
A number of "get to-gether" songs
were sung end the following program
Vocal solo by MUs Doris Rose.
mute solo by Mtss Thelma Fowler.
Vocal solo by Miss Helen Judy.
All responded to the demand for
an encore.
If yon want a really ilUtlnctlve
wove that leaves your hair soft
and liittrons. make nn appoint
ment for a
Permanent Wave
41 S. Central. Tel. SOS
Th Store s( Happy Wadding Rlngf
White Rose
Wedding Ring
RuUant ai Diamonds
Larry Schade
M edical Auxiliary
Enjoys Luncheon
At Sweeney Home
Mrs. Chaa. T. Sweeney, president
elect of the women's auxiliary of the
State Medical aoclety, entertained on
Tuesday at luncheon at her attrac
tive home on the Pacific highway
for a group of auxiliary members.
Her special gucsta were Mrs. Oeorge
H. Merrymnn. Mrs. Wurren Hunt, Mrs.
a. A. Msssey, Mrs. E. D. Johnson.
Mrs. F. O. Adams, Mrs. D. H. Osburn,
Mrs. Ralph Stearns. Mrs. O. H. Auler,
all of Klamath Fall, and Mrs. B. O.
Bailey, Mra. B. O. Wilbur, Mrs. B.
J. Moser and Mrs. O. L. Ogle of Grants
Pass. Offtcera of the Jackson Coun
ty Au:ilary were also present. Lunch
eon waa served In the party room
In the basement, when a cheery open
fire and the bright colors of sut
umn flowers snd follsge formed an
inviting setting for the occasion.
Following the luncheon few
speeches were msde snd the Klsm
ath Falls auxiliary held a ahort bust
nese session, after which the party
adjourned to the living room above,
where a program waa given In which
the different auxiliaries partlclpsted.
Tea was served Inter to those pres
ent and sddltlonal members of the
Jsekson county auxiliary, who called
during the afternoon. The societies
are making plans for their winter's
work and are looking forward to the
meeting of the state auxiliary In
Portland October 28, 37 and 28.
Mrs, Daniels and "
Otlest at Mnpleton
Mrs. T. E. Daniels, accompanied
by her house guest, Mrs) Ethel wnit
ted, left Friday for Mapleton. where
they will apend several daya visit
ing the H. b. Walthera.
Thursday club
Mrs. O. W. Luke was hostess laat
week at her home In Orchard Home
Drive to members of the Thursday
Women's College Club
Has Pleasant Meet
The Women'a College club met
Saturday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. A. B. Clements, 1223 Weat
The meeting waa called to order
by the president, Mrs. Laura West.
After a short business meeting. Mrs.
E. M. Boot gave a book report on
"Looking Forward." ,by President
Roosevelt. k
Mrs. M. B. Coo then played "Vol
rlck" D by Mokreye and "Wood
Nymphs," by John Orth.
Mrs. Olcn Arnsplger, assisted by
Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Chlrg
wln and Mrs. Clnrk, served delicious
refreshments, while Mrs Tujior and
Mrs. Chaney poured.
Johnsons Honored
At Anniversary Party
CENTRAL POINT More than 30
friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. John
son arrived at their home on Monday
night In honor of their birthday an
niversaries, occurring on Saturday
and Monday, Oct. 7 and 8th. Group
singing of familiar hymn and a duel
by Meodumes Frances Wyatt and Lola
Young were enjoyed.
An out of town guest was Mrs.
Maud Boswell of Ventura. Calif., who
haa long been a member of the local
Mothodlst church. Gifts of flowera
and silver were presented the honored
couple. Refreshment were served by
a committee from the church group.
Erer Ready Circle
Plans Rummage Pate
Membera of Ever Ready circle spent
last Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mia. Emma TrowbridRO. The de
votional were led by Mra. Hugerty,
who took them from First Corinth
ians, lath chapter. Final plana were
made for ft rummage sale to be held
Friday and Saturday, October 20 and
21, in the building at 132 West Main
street, next door to the Rexall or
West Side pharmacy.
Those having donations of cloth
ing, shoes or curtains, or anything
else useful, are aeked to donate them.
After Vie business meeting at the
Trowbridge home, refreshments were
erved by th hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Jaqua.
if; , ; )
George Herbert "Pete" Bo it wick, noted steeplechase rider, la shown
with hie bride, the former Laura Curtis, following their wedding at
Rosiyn, Long Island. The couple will spend a honeymoon In Honolulu.
(Associated Press Photo)
Miss Williamson
Dinner Honor ee
For the pleasure of Miss Louise
Williamson, who Is a guest here
from Salem of relatives, Judge F. L.
TouVelle entertained at dinner last
evening at Jacksonville.
Mica Wllllanuon Is a sister of
Lloyd Williamson of this city and
has many friends In the valley, hav
ing visited here frequently.
Hallowe'en Party
Plan of Itcbekahi
A hard times Halloween party
will be given by Olive Rebeksh lodge
No. 38, I. O. O. P., Monday night
at Odd Fellows' hall on West Sixth
street, beginning Immediately after
the business session at 7:30. Mrs.
Carl Stuart and her committee are
planning a novel program of enter
tainment and many of the features
will bo In keeping with the spirit
of Hallowe'en, as the meeting will
be the last one of the month. All
families of Rebekahs and all Odd
Fellows, and their families are In
vited, and a large attendance la an
ticipated. Refreshments will be serv
ed following the entertainment.
Mrs. Belknap Host cm ;
To Missionary (.roup
Mrs. W. F. Belknap of the SouCh
Pnclflo highway, waa hostess Tues
day afternoon to the W. H. M. fl.
tf the Flrat M. E. church, with Mrs.
Emma Whelden and Mlsa May Phlppa
as assistants. During the business
ncsslon. with Mrs. Win. Uolloway in
the chair. It was voted to send a
j barrel of canned fruits to "Manly
Center," Portland, and all women
wishing to contribute, are atked to
i bring donations to "Home-coming" at
i the church. October 24. Mrs. Chas.
' Hollowsy led the devotional period.
; Topic: "Safety Signs," with scrip
ture found In Matthew, 4th Chap. 1
11. The president, Mrs. Hollowsy. de
voted a short period In tribute to
the memory of Mrs. Emma Mlnear,
closing with a duet number. "Beaut
iful Isle of 8omewhere,N by Mea
dames Lyman and Hollowsy,
Mrs. Darby conducted the study
hour with Mrs. Kunzman presenting
the subject, "Movies a Social Force."
This theme was further stressed with
I Mrs. Holloway giving a paper on
("Christian Citizenship
I- A solo waa sung by Mri. Lyman.
I The cloning number, dealing with
j labor problems, was given by Mrs.
Refreshments were served after ad
journment by the hostess and her
assistants. -
Wedding Is Told
Th marriage of Mrs. Everyl Paul
aerud of Ashland to J. I. Oore of this
city 1 announced In the following
social not In the Aahland Dally Tld
Inga: "Of much Interest to their many
frlenda la the , newa of the recent
marriage of Mrs. Everyl Paulserud to
J. I. Gore of Medford. Mr. and Mrs.
Oore are at present living In Ash
land." '
Both bride and groom are well
known here. Mr. Oore la the aon of
Mr. and Mra. W. H Oore of thla city.
MerrlU Circle Has
Enjoyable Meeting
Merrltt Circle of the Presbyterian
church met the home of Miss
McKey on the Jacksonvllle-Phoenlx
road for an enjoyable session Tues
day. Luncheon waa served on the
spacious porch overlooking the val
ley. A business meeting followed
luncheon and two new membera were
added to the circle. The next meet
ing will b h,eld at the home of Mrs.
Ghss. T. Sweeney on the Central
Point road, at which time & covered
dleh luncheon will be served.
Reception for Lincoln
Teachers Friday
Combining charm of detail snd
setting with a delightfully prepared
menu of tasty dishes, the dinner
being given by the Lincoln School
Service club for the teachers of that
achool promisee to be one of the
nicest affairs of the fall season, com
petent women compose the various
committees preparing the event,
which will take place In the lunch
eon room of the school building Fri
day evening, October 20th, at 8:00
o'clock. A southern style chicken
dinner augmented by several other
appropriate and appetizing dishes,
each with It own particular eouth
ern charm and flavor, la being plan
ned for the pleasure of the guests
with Mrs. Hugh Scovell directly In
charge. Table entertainment will be
under th direction of Mrs. chas.
Luman and Mr. Arthur Adler and
their committee.
Th patrons of the school and
general public Interested In civic af
fairs are Invited to the reception
for the teachera of Lincoln achool.
which will follow the dinner on Fri
day evening In th Lincoln achool
building. An enjoyable program of
muale and entertainment Is being
prepared, one number of which will
be a short address by City Super
intendent E. H. Hedrlck, on a choeen
Punch and wafer will be served
following the program.
Reames Chapter
Entertains for
50 Guests Here
An abundance of fall flowers added
beauty to the dining room and lodge
hall of Masonic temple Wednesday
evening for the meeting of Reames
chapter, attended by AO gueata from
Lakevlew, Klamath Falls and Treka
Plaoes were arranged for 160 at
the festive table and guests were
entertained with a solo, aung by
Mrs. Garrett, accompanied at the pi
ano by Miss Dorothy Reynolds.
Following dinner a very beautiful
emblem ceremony was exemplified by
the worthy matron, assisted by ber
The program arranged for the eve
ning by Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang
included a song by Mis. Everbard.
formerly of Lakevlew, and a piano
solo by Mrs. Alma Hoefer of Klam
ath Falls, ,
Oulld Sponsors Lovely
Party on Friday
Hallowe'ep decorations added a
cheery note to the Guild hall Fri
day afternoon for the party given
by St. Mark's Guild. Prizes at carda
were awarded Mrs. Alden, Mrs. Mc
Dougal and Mrs. Ochleffelln, Fol
lowing games, refreshments were
Weekly Bible Class
Has Interesting HrsMon
The weekly Bible class, which meets
every Tuesday evening at the Y. W.
C. A., had an Interesting session last
week. Mrs. Oertrude Doran brought
the message In song, and was ac
companied by Miss Joyce Doran.
The lesson covered a review of the
history of Israel to the Captivity
the Judgment for lack of faith) first
by revolt of the ten tribes and fol
lowed 133 years later by the disper
sion of the two tribes through the
Babylonian kingdom.
This brought the Instruction to the
beginning of the study for thla year;
the return from captivity under Ze
rubbabel, Ezra and Nehemlah, all of
which was prophesied, by Jeremiah,
who died in Egypt during the 70
years of captivity.
Ezra was written after the return
to Jerusalem. The book Is In two
parts: (1) from the Decree of Cyrus
to the Restoration of the Temple,
and (3) the Ministry of Ezra.
Nehemlah led a company to Je
rusalem 14 years after Ezra's return
and his work was to rebuild the
walls and establish civil authority.
The moral state of the dime la dis
closed by Malachl. Many Instances
are given of Individual faith acting
on the written word.
The story of Esther, the Jewish
queen of the Persian kmgdom, and
God's use of her position as a means
of saving the Jews brought out many
leraons in these days of stress.
The lesson for Tuesday, the ITth,
will be the Book of ob. why are
God's children mace to suffer so
much discomfort and unhapplness In
this age will be one of the questions
discussed, and It la believed that Job
answers this fully,
The class is undenominational and
all Instruction Is taken only from
the Bible. All are Invited to attend.
Loyal Women'a
Class To Meet
The Loyal Women'a class of the
Christian church will meet for reg
ular monthly business and social
session Tuesday arternoon October
17, at 3 o'clock. The meeting will
be held in the church recreational
hall and visitors will be welcomed.!
Gardner Drugs
escH roll oi
(Urns printed.
Chiropractic and Phystottieraphy
Oregon License 281
California License 303 f) ,
. 12 Years In Medford, Ore.
"Perfect Heat For The Home"
Approximate heating capacity 9.000 cubic feet with
28 degrees outside, or 7.000 cubic ft. with 8 degrees
outside. Oil rate from 1 pt. to 2 qta. per hour.
Maximum of t'i qts. recommended... The Spark
mil burn any Pacific coast stove oils or Diesel oil
running 30 degrees rtaume or lighter.
( Plus Moderate Installation Charge)
Comfortable warmth, with a mere
turn of a valve, is now possible with
this new Spark Oil Heater . . . and, at
very low operating costs. For over
30 years, the name 'Spark has repre
sented quality. This quality has been
built into this new oil heater . . . De
signed especially for the Pacific Coast
See Them in Operation at
People's Electric Store
212 W. Main.
Phone 12
Alluring News
Hand Made
l.lnen Mock prints In colors for
our fall en.enihle . . .
15c to $1
"Modart", "Youth' "Camp
rienne s
Dear Mothers:
i '
1 4 S a
. -' )
flurry. Iwrry with ynur entrlei for
our bl 3rd Annual Kennell-tllls
"Meet Attractive Child- contest which
la now In pmuresa.
This bli event Is open to all babies,
bovt. utrls, twins, between the ages
of S months and S years.
Ton receive t free ajttlnc for each
You mar enter more than one child.
You hare an equal chance with others
to win one of the lovely merrhandlM
(ward flven by:
Aa th time for slttlnr. Is limited,
hurry Into the studio for your ap
pointment. Call the studio ... we
are flad to give you any additional
Artist Photographers
32 North Central Ave.
Telephone 329
In cooperation with the Federal Government in its ef
fort to rehabilitate Agriculture through the "AGRI
CULTURE ADJUSTMENT ACT" the milk distribu
tors of Southern Oregon have adopted the price list
stated below to become effective Oct. 16, 1933.
1 quart ... ..r.-t-r.T.-. ...... .... . . .,.,...,. 10c
1 tlint . ,.,.r., . r.1 . . r.low r. i.v.x.i . i-l .1.1 DC
I Dint ....,'l3c
1 pint .- , , 25c
1 quart ...v.-.-. .,.... i... . . ..: .45c
i pint ...,.r.-.. ...... .T...:.r .if
1 pint .
1 quart . . .r ...v.....-.r
Clover Leaf Dairy
Gold Seal Creamery
Crystal Springs Dairy
Campbell's Dairy
Gilman. Sanitary Dairy Wendt,8 Dft!ry
Meaaow urooK jersey
Snider Dairy & Produce Co.
Collins Dairy
Madrona Dairy
Van Dyke's Dairy
Nansen's Dairy