!JET)FOKD NAIL' TRIBUNE, M"ETTFOT?ft, OITCOOX. FRIDAY, OCTOT5F.fi 13, 1033. PAGE THREE E Barred Doors On Reno Speakeasies Don't Mean a Thing Lid Came Off When Federal Men Left terln t select clientele, composed mainly of the elite among the divorce-seekers, but most places appar ently have no in tern, .en of being too particular. "All we're going to do Is knock out thoae heavy doors, hang swinging ones on the hinges and then Invite all and sundry to come and get It as they used to," one speakeasy owner said. RENO, Nev., Oct. 13. (AP) Re turn of the old-time saloon Is liter- I ally "Just around the corner" lor Reno. ' As a matter of fact, so far as the nation's divorce capital Is concerned, prohibition Is about repealed already. Barred doors to speakeasies don't mean a thing anymore. Strangers in for a lark are as welcome and get Into the deep-hole Joint as easily as do old customers. The lid came off when economies effected by the department of Jus tice resulted In withdrawal of all prohibition enforcement officers from this section. City TJnworrted. Meanwhile, what to do In the event of actual repeal seems not to be bothering the city fathers very much. Actually, they are understood already to have reached an unofficial de cision to permit sale of liquor openly .over bars. Mayor E. E. Robert, who once ad Vieated setting up of a whiaky bar rel on every corner, admitted as much today. "It's my idea," he said, "that we should permit sale of liquor, under hi(jh license, in all of these so-called beer Joints around town. I guess they could be called saloons then, all right." Will Draft Ordinance. The mayor plans to appoint a com mittee of city council members to night to prepare the first draft of an ordinance to control the dispens ing of Intoxicating liquors In Reno A law enacted by the recent legisla ture delegates the local licensing au thority to the city government. Repeal of the 18th amendment would find dozens of speakeasies which line main street and alley in all directions ready and willing to set up In legal business for the first time In 13 years. Some of the more exclusive club might continue ca- PEAR CHISELER IS PUT OUT BY CONTROL PLAN (Contiuued uum Page One.) jiMariSf I Wall St. Report Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 13 (AP) CATTLE 25, calve 35; steady, quiet; quotation unchanged. HOGS, lioo; 10c lower zor ugnt welght butchers; lightweight, good choice, 15.4O-5.05; medium weight, j Today good and choice, M 90-5.64; other Prev. day quotations unchanged. SHEEP, 400; quiet, steady; quota tlona unchanged. Portland Produce Stock Kale Averae.es (Copyright, 1931, Standard Statistic Company) 50 20 20 90 Ind'ls , Rr's Ufa Total 87.0 42.3 76.3 78 2 90.6 43.9 78.8 81.3 89.6 43.2 747 79 8 248 81 8 52.9 107.9 184 8 140 0 Oct. 13: were suffered by the metals, alcohols and specialties. The close waa heavy. Transfers approximated only 1,200, 000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem & Dye J37i Am. Can , , 90 Am. & Fgn. Pow whhhh 9i A. T. & T 117 Week ago Year ago 51.8 3 yrs. ago ....135.7 This committee with membership throughout the entire Pacific North west, ha already Inaugurated an auction control program for Bosc peara which It la hoped will yield a fair return after being properly In troduced through the early sale which are now being made. "The agricultural adjustment act. under the authority of which, the secretary ha acted in this Instance, was drafted by congresB for the pur pose of assisting the fruit growers to solve their own problems. It must be borne In mind, however, that the new effort cannot be fully successful unless It ha the united and whole hearted support of all those who are growing tree fruit. McXary Aided "The growers of the Pacific North west are deeply Indebted to Senator Charles I. McNary and to Senator Borah of Idaho for their strenuous efforts on behalf of this agreement. "The organization Is now in full operation with offices In Portland and Seattle and It la expected that no time will be lost In obtaining the benefit of market control which have now been made possible. "The officials of the agricultural adjustment administration in Wash ington, D. C, have been most active and will do their utmost in assisting from now on. It la understood that a representative of the secretary of agriculture will be stationed In the Pacific Northwest In the very near future. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 13. (AP BUTTER Prints, extras, 22c; stand ards, 21140 lb. B UTTER PAT Portia nd delivery: A grade, 19c; farmers' door delivery, 17c per lb.; sweet cream, 5c higher. EGOS Pacific Poultry Producers' selling price : Fresh ext-a special. 30c; extras, 28c; standards, 23c; me diums, 24c; pullet. 17c dozen. Buy ing price by wholesaler: Fresh ex tras, 26c dor.; first. 21c; mediums. 18c dms.; undergrade. 13c; pullet. 14c. Cheese, milk, country meats, mo hair, caacara bark, hops, live poultry, onions, potatoes, cantaloupes, wool and hay unchanged. Band Rale A verarr (Copyright, 1933. Standard Statistics Chrysler Company) 20 20 20 Oct. 13: Ind'ls Rr's Ufa Today 73.6 75 5 81.1 Prev. day .. 73 2 75.0 80.4 Week ago .. 73.0 73.7 79.1 Year ago .... 63.7 64 5 82.0 3 yrs. ago .... 92.8 107 5 99.6 Anaconda Atch. T. & S. F. Bendlx A via. ........ Beth. Steel . California Pack'g. , Cat a pillar Tract Coml. Soiv 60 Curtlss-Wright . Total DuPont 76.7 ' cn- Foods . 76 2 ' Oen. Mot w 75 3 I Int" Harvest. 7o!o j I- T. & T 100 0 Johns-Man ...... Moiuy wara m. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. (AP) Stocks North Amor. broke today coincident with a sharp Penney (J. C.) slump in grains and deflationary In- j Phillips Pet ......... terpretatlons placed on the admlnls- Radio .. ., tratlon's liberty losn conversion plan, j Sou. Pac While some utilities displayed resist- I Std. Brsnds ..... ance. losses of 2 to 8 or more points St. Oil Csl. . U'4 64'j MH 32 H aii 19J 41', 35?i 2'. 75i 35i 38, 37 ,. 13 .... 19", 10!. 43 15 ... 1Vt 3ti 233, 40 H NEW YORK, Oct. 13. AP) Ruth Roach, worlds champion woman bronco rider, received a broken ankle when she was thrown from a buck lng bronco at the Madison Square Garden rodeo last night. Her home la In Port Worth, Tex. Portland Wheat Oct. 13. (AP) PORTLAND. Wheat: Open High Low May .IS',4 .7614 .71 Dec .70V4 .70', .6614 Cash wheat No. 1: Big Bend bluestem Dark hard winter, 12 pet 11 pet. Close .71 .66 Vi .71 '.i .72 14 .63 ij .61 Vi jSl'.i .61 t .6H4 .61!4 Soft white . ........ Western white ...... Hard winter . ..... Northern aprlng Western red Oats: No. 2 white, 22. Corn: No. 2 E yellow, 120.60. MUlrun: Standard, $15. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 78; barley, 4; flour, 8; corn, 1; oats, 2. San Francisco Butterfnt SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. (AP) Butterfat 20-21C. For Quick Service Phone 688 Don's Radio Shop 423 E. Main a it r-i: : r:i va l ice icuvcrics utxiiy- BUY BEEF NOW! There is a tremendous surplus of BEEF at the present time. It would be a great boost to the grower if everyone would use Beef on their menu as often as possible. We feature LOCAL PRODUCTS at all times and we are offering attractive prices on all beef cuts. -8:00, 10:00, 2:00, 4:00. Phone 603 I si t 1 r i I Beef Roasts, shldr cuts, lb. 9C Boiling Beef, lb 6l2c Shoulder Steak, lb Qc Steaks, lb 15C Sirloin, Rib or Round Beef Tenderloin, lb. . . . 35c Fresh Dressed FRYERS Colored, lb. . 20c Fresh Dressed, Colored Hens, lb. . . 5c Fancy Bacon, sugar cured, lb. . Hams, very mild cure, whole of half, lb. Mutton Stew, lb. Veal Stew, lb. . Mutton Chops, lb. . Qc Shoulder of Mutton, lb. . 7V2C Veal Roast, shldr. cuts, lb. 8 Vkc Veal Steak, shldr. cuts, lb. . Qc Shortening, 4 lbs. ...... 35c 18c . 17c 15V2C Leg of Mutton, lb. - He Leg of Lamb, lb. .-15 WE HAVE FRESH 0LYMPIA OYSTERS, CRABS, ETC. OYSTERS Fancy Willappa P. 30c SALMON Chinook, sliced or piece Lb. 15c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone 603 Just ay: Send us a 25-pound bag of those nice Klamath Potatoes you are selling so cheap. . , . We deliver free of charge. 12 Bell Peppers ...,., , , 7c 2 large Egg Plants . . . . 5c 4 pounds Kentucky Wonder Beans .:. ..... 15c No. 1 Sweet Potatoes, 7 pounds'. . ,. 25c 8 pounds Sweet Spanish Onions . .,.,. .,., . 15c Fancy Lemons, per dozen ... 17c Tune in on KMED Every Morning at 8:15 for Dsily Specials H WITH THE VALLEY TRADE IS THE VALLEY MADE Be Wise Buy Wise And Economize at the RELIABLE CASH GROCERY W. A. H0LL0WAY, Owner Phono 20 Our Individual Code -SERVICE- Service to our customers, that we may be surewsful In holding their business and friendship. Elimination of wante In the operation we may better serve our customers. Radiate happiness throughout our store. with a Smile. ' Value for every dollar our customers spend with us. of our business, that Our motto: "Courtesy E R V I Individual service to every customer, alnnrs willing to do our part. Careful consideration of customer's needs, our customers must be ptensed. E Economical pricing of merchandise, so that customers alwars save on purchases. Phone 20 4 Free Deliveries Daily NOW IS THE TIME to lay away your winter's supply of foods. We will continue last week's quantity prices on Royal Club canned foods while the present stock lasts. See our window display. Peacock Rolled Oats, 10-lb. bag . 39f Quirk or Rejrular Alber's Flapjack Flour, 10-lb. bag J 53 Carnation Oats, large paekage . 19 Cove Oysters, 2 cans 25 Kraut, Royal Club, 2 cans 25 t No. 2J4 cans. A Big Value. Maraschino Cherries, large bottle, 2 for 25 A BIG DEAL ON CRISCO 3-lb. can 59c 35c Mixing Bowl FREE I Budweiser Beer Case $2.59, doz. $1.33, 2 bottles 25c Cliquot Club Ginger Ale, full pint, big value, 2 for 25c Schillings Drip or Regular Cor rPf ''J0, can 60c' pnn(i 310 American Club, 2 1-lb. pkgs 35c Crystal White Laundry Soap, 10 bars Peet's Gran. Soap (small pkg. Free), lg. pkg 33c 27c Palm Olive Toilet Soap, 3 for 19c Toilet Tissue, Waldorf, 6 for 25c Hard Wheat Flour. (Money 4 Q back guarantee) 49-lb P I I W NEW CROP BEANS Small Whites and Reds 25-lb. $1.18 50-lb. $2.25 100-lb. $4.40 SodD St. Oil N. J 41 i Trans. Amer. , - 5T, L'nlon Carb 41 Unit. Aircraft , 30 T, U 3. Steel announced by the treasury as C3063, a decrease of 39 centa an ounoe as compared with Wednesday, the last previous quotation. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO. Oct. 13 (AP) Table; Wheat: Open High Low Close! Dec. .83'i .83S .7814 .78?, May .BO1 .864 .831, .83 July 84 4 .84'; .80', .80 1 4 Gold Price Drops 29 Cents Today WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. (AP) Today' newly mined gold price waa SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13 (AP) Oold. mining operators will meet nere today to organise the First National Association of Oold Producers. 4 Bank Gets Charter SALEM. Oct. 13. (AP) A charter waa Issued today to the new State Bank of Albany, which opened for bualne&a today. State Banking Super intendent A. A. Schramm announced. Rogue Hirer Publicized Rogue river, the valley and southern Ore gon in general were given a full page of pictures and stories concerning this section of the country in the outdoor section of the Los Angeles Times on October 8 of this year. Pictures and sketches of interesting points ajonj the Rogue river were Impressions -celved by Charles ft. Owens durlnf his recent trip here. The stories wsra written by Lynn J. Rogers. Grant Pass Dally Cocrler. California's 60 state parks have sj total acreage of 378,000 and repra sen, an Investment of 13.00',000, dedicated Ingredient of Vick VapoRub in Convenient Candy Form VICKS COUGH DROP FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES LOCAL CABBAGE For Kraut 40 pounds 5Qc Green Peppers, large, each lc Local Jonathan Apples, 8 lbs . 25c Sweet Potatoes, extra fancy, 6 lba 25c Extra fancy Celery, per bunch -...12c Fancy Local Spinach, 3 lbs , 25c EGG PLANT Nice Sue 2 for 5c Phone 252 for Good Food WIMOUKMIT Five Free Deliveries Saturday Personal Attention Prompt Service CHEESE The Aristocrat of Desserts The dainty luncheon, afternoon bridge "snack" or after theatre supper is not complete without cheese . , . The proper cheese service simple or elaborate should include a variety of classio cheese favorites, crisp crackers and, of course, irreproachable coffee. Here are a few cheese suggestions Cream Brick Imported Swiss Kraft Limburger Camembert ' ld English Tillamook Cream . . . Phil. Cream Imp. Edam American Swiss Velveeta Eagle Point Kraft Pimiento Kraft Brick Imp. Roquefort And Star of Italy Genuine Imported Parmesan Cheese 1 SATURDAY MONDAY SPECIALS Tillamook Cheese, 1 lb 20 Eagle Point Cheese, 1 lb. .: 19 Eagle Point Cheese, 5-lb. loaf .: 90 Wadham's Sweet Dimple Peas, 2 No. 2 cans 29 wadham's Drip Grind Coffee, 1-lb. Glass jar 30c Heinz Rice Flakes, 2 for 25 Tea Garden Syrup, y2 gallon 65 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES HOME GROWN WATER MELONS AND CANTALOUPES NRA CENTRAL MARKET Phone 81 Free Delivery Specials for Saturday Fat R. I. Red Hens and Fryers Choice Steaks, lb. 15c Beef Pot Roast, lb. 10c Fresh Side Pork, lb. - 10c Home Rendered Lard, 3 lbs. - - - - 25c W1 DO MM MT If You Are Looking for REAL BARGAINS Check Carefully . . the Ads In . . Today's MAIL TRIBUNE 5tm