MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1933. PAGE TEN COAL OPERATORS IN CONFERENCE OVER CODE Hi NFS INFLATION FORUM LED BY STEWARD Members of the Medford Rotary )ub gln turned their attention to the Increasingly Important end timely queetlon of Inflation at their weekly luncheon today at tha Hotel Medford. Hamilton Patton, chairman of tha program committee, again turned the meeting over to C. T. Bteward who presided orer a forum dlecueslon of the varloua phaaee of Inflation. The Informal dlacuaelon followed last weeka talk before tha Rotarlana by Mr. Steward. After a brief renew of former In flation and reflation period. Bteward presented a formula of authoritative economlta In which price tlmca trade etpiaia quantity of money tlmea lt Telocity. The added velocity, or epeedtng up of money movement la the present great problem of Hoose elfa admlnutratlon, Mr. Bteward aeld. and tt la with thla In mind that the governments efforta are di rected toward releaalng frown bank credlu throughout the United Btatea. The apeaker called the Rotarlana attention to the Initial beneflta of Inflation, but atreaaed the neceaalty of proper control. Experiences In other countrlea have taught econo mlata how difficult the taak la to apply the brakea effectively after the great machinery of Inflation la rolling. Inriatlon haa been termed a "cruel mirage," Mr. Bteward aald In expreaa lng the opinion that the Rooaevelt administration would not reaort to a plan of "printing prees" Inflation. Hamilton Patton, Orln Schenck. Oeorge Henaelman, Olen Smith and other Rotarlana participated In the round-table dlacuaalon which followed Tarney Bteward'a tntereatlng talk. Nu. meroue charte were uaed by the apeaker to clarify and emphaelw polnta In tha forum aeaalon. Glen Bmlth, O. L. MacDonald and W. A. Dates told the Rotarlana about Medford'a participation In the recent meeting of the Bhaata-Caacade Won derland aaaoclatlon at Redding and George Henaelman named the mem ber! of Medford Rotary club'a golf team which will meet the Orante pl Rotaryi club in an Inter-clty match at Granta Paaa. Olon Bmlth will handle tha pro gram for the next meeting, accord ing' to an announcement by Preal dent O. J. 8emon. Morrla Wlibrant of Granta Paaa waa .the vlaltlng Ro tarlaa at today'a meeting. . Two new membera of the Medford Rotary club, Lee Blahop of KMED and K. W. Kendrlcka. dlatrict manager for the Standard Oil company, were Introduced at today'a meeting. 1 . - MetenffWical Report October 10, 10S Medford and vicinity: Pair tonight and Wednesday. No change In tem perature. Oregon: Fair tonight and Wednea day, but occasional foga on tha eoaat. Ho ohange In temperature. Temperature a year ago today: Hlgheet 78: loweat ST. Total monthly precipitation, 0 Inchea. Deficiency for the month, .38 Inchea. Total precipitation alnce September 1, 1033. .31 Inchea. Defici ency for tha season, .30 Inchea. Relative humidity at t p. m. yes terday 36 percent; S a. m. today 8 percent. Sunrise 6:19 a. m. Sunset o:S7 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 A. M., no Meridian Time km k ' rv'i vis i i Mr 4 .dJ ATTEMPT TO E (Continued I torn page One) K 4 W. . . .-. ; ,.. i ...i five bsllot theft trlalj, and hla evi dence corroborated the Sexton broth era' teetlmony of the role Fehl. Jones, Schcrmerhorn and olenn played In the crime. Olenn waa acquitted by a Jury, of which Charlea E. Blaesa of Trail was foreman. All of the ballot-theft defendants, who gave state evidence, were grant- . j i.. u .ti.rir,. Rlrlnwnrth ex cept Wesley McKltrlck, "captain of the Banna guaras. wnw ua m pin vlous felony conviction against him. Th, a picture shows a committee of coal operatora aa they worked ta put final touchea on the eontro. lRSmiupivif, Dyke Norman, Appalachian .roup: Deputy Admlnlatrator Ken. n"h M. Simpson. Standing: Hugh Hawthorne and Scott Stewart of tha Appalachian group. (Aaaoclat- ad Press Photo) I, Ives I or. PORTLAND, Oct. 10. CAT TLE: 13S, alow, qtiotably nUndy. buIIa, good and choice, II. 78-3.00; other quotation unchanged. HOQfl: 300, 10c lower. Lightweight, good and choice, $3.00-5.70; medium weight, good and choice, t4.00-0.75; heavyweight, good and choice, 4 50 0.00; other quotation unchanged. fJHEEJP: 1200; fic higher. Lamb, good and choice ,$5.00-5.56; other quotations unchanged. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Oct. 10. (P) BUT TER Print, extra 33c; standards, 31 '4o lb. BUTTBRPAT Portland delivery: A grade, 19c; farmer' door delivery, 17-? per lb.; aweet cream, Oo higher. DOCS Pacific Poultry Producers' selling price: Overslise, 31c; extras, 20c; atandarda, 35c, mediums, 35c; pullets, 17c doaen. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extras. 36c doai.; first, 31c; mediums, 18c doe.; under grade, 13c; pullets, 14c. Cheese, milk, country moat, mo hair, cascara bark, hops, live poultry, ontona, pots toes, cantaloupes, wool and hay. unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 10. (API Table: Open High Low Close My .78 .79 .78 .7S Dec .71 ' .7114 .70 .70 Caah wheat JIo. 1: Big Bend blueatem .7o4 Dark hard winter, 13 pet .7',4 11 pet .S7',4 Soft white .85 '4 Western whit , .5'4 Hard winter . MM Northern aprtng .......M....H....Mu.on3 Western red .03', Oata: No. 3 white ..... 33.50 Corn: No. 3 B. yellow. ........ 31.00 Mlllrun, standard - 18. so Today'a car receipt: Wheat 61: barley 3; flour 1; oata 3. OltJ 11 n Boston Cheyenne .... Chicago .Tiureka Helena 1oa Angrlea Mrdforci New Orleana New York ..... Omaha Phoenix Portland Peno Ttoeeburg Salt Lake Ban Pranclca.. Seattle . Spokane ......... Walla Walla. Waahlngton, D.O. 68 6t 73 38 63 44 68 4R 83 43 70 80 78 40 74 68 78 50 68 48 00 64 86 60 83 48 83 36 78 48' . 64 80 48 73 43 73 48 68 44 4 Clear Clear Clear Foggy P. Cdy. Cloudy Clear Clear Clear P. Cdy. P. Cdy. Clear Clear Poggy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Chicago Wheat Prer. day 07.8 44.6 77.6 83 0 Week ago. M l 41.5 73.8 76.8 Year ago 60 0 33.6 78.1 81.0 3 Yra. ago..,.139.7 109.7 188.0 143 8 NEW YORK. Oct. 10 VP) Inertia ruled In the atock market today as most trsdera and Investor, maintain ed a noncommltal attitude toward the Hat aa a whole. There were several unimportant dlpa and rallies, but even profeasloBfll activities were usu ally UsLleaa and Indeclelve. The clcee was mildly Irregular. Transfer ap proximated 1.100,000 ahares. Today'a closing prlcea for 83 select ed stocks follow: ... Al. Chem. as Dye .. ..140 Am. Can' 03 Am. A Pgn. Pow 10', A. T. & T .- 110 Anaconda 15'fc Atch. T. tt B. r . 67", Bendlx Avla 16 Beth. Steel 34 Cateplllar Tract. . 30',4 Chrysler 45 Com. Solv. .......... 38 Curtlsa-Wrlght 1i DuPont 78 aen. Pooda 86 Oen. Mot . 30 Int. Harvest -. 8B,4 I, T. As T ....................... 16 Johna-Man .. . 57 Monty Ward 30H North Amer 30 Park Utah 3 . 45 . 18 V, ZZIZZZZ 33 . 35 Penney (J. C.) Phillips Pet Radio Std. Branda ...... St. Oil Cal Bt. Oil N. J.... . 43 43 Trans. Amer, 6 Union Carb 43 Unit. Aircraft . 33 U. B. Steel . 47 E CH1CAOO. Oct. 10. (AP) Table: Open High Low Close Deo 85-85 .8.1 .83 .8414- May 8B- .80 .87 .88- July 87- .88 .86 .88- Snn PrancUcn Butterfat BAN FRANCIBCO, Oct. 10. (AP) Butterfat 30-3IC 4 BIRTHS Wall St. Report Observing National Pharmacy wee which started October 9, Wood Drug company haa arranged an'lnterestlng dlRptay window at their store on Main and South Central. Bflver&l pouters point out tha Im portance of thla national movement on the part of professional pharmacy by showing the relation of the physi cian, pharmacist and patient. Equipment used in the preparation of pills and medicine In the past, aa well as the modern method la Illus trated In Woods' exhibit. H. F. Spll ver. voteran druggist whose practice date back to 1888 when he received hla degree In Illinois, recall the ad vent of capsule In tha early 00 'a when patient would appear at the drtig store with the emptied pills ask ing for a refill. An o;d -style "pill machine" 1 Included In the Phar macy week dlaplay. SECRET PRICES 1 FOODSTUFFS T OF EVILS (Continued from Page One) Henry King, New York; representing the National American Grocer aaso elation, and F. H. Massmann Chi cago, represent! ng organization of chain stores, both said the open price provisions would make It potulble for retailers of food to be protected against advantage of their competi tors. Hector Iazo, Washing ton , spokes man for the National Association of Retail Orocers, contended the exist ing system with no prohibition agalnat secret price haa had effects on the farmer, the consumer and the trade, and prevents stabilization. Condition In the trade have reached such a pas that food stuff a are being sold In many instance on every single appeal except that of wholcsomeneas and quality," Lazo aald. The hearing proceeded today with out a rultng from the farm adminis tration a to whether It will grant the request of numerous manufacturers of food product to be exempted from provision of the code which, In addi tion to requiring open prices by manufacturer and wholesaler, would prescribe minimum markups in prices by wholesalers and retailers. TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY CASH PAID for men secondhand suite, odd eoate. nata and shoes Will B Wilson 33 N Front St. Good Used Cars, No Cash Down ' 1! your old car oovera the down payment. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Down pay. 1030 Cher. DeLuxe Sedan $120.00 10,10 Chrvsler .Sedan .. 125.00 192S Chevrolet Coupe .e... 03.00 1299 Ford Roadster 80.00 1931 Chevrolet Bedan 130.00 1928 Chrvsler Coupe - . 85 00 1920 Bulck Stand. Coupe 90.00 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe 150 00 BETTER CARS FOR LESS MONEY Armstrong Motors, Inc. 38 Nortn Riverside. FOR SALE Springer Spaniel; train ed; cheap for cash. Harry Stewart, Griffin creek. FOR RENT Nice modern home on Bcrrydale Ave., H0 per month, renter pay for water. C. C. Chap' man. FOUND Came to my place Monday, roan calf. 3 months old. Call at 610 McAndrewa road, and pay for ad. WANTED To sell you carefully re jected potatoes and onion for your winter supply. Peerless Market, 12 14 No. Bartlett. Phone 603. FOR SALE 2-year-old thoroughbred Jersey bull; hound pups; a few A-l milk cows. D. P. Duggan, Rt. 1, Central Point. PLENTY of prunes and tomatoea at the F. S. Carpenter ranch, Jackson ville highway. WANTED Application for good home loans in small amounts, proceeds of which will be used to create em ployment. Southern Building & Loan Assn. WILL care for elderly elck people In my nome. pnone 4J7-A. WANTED E-flat clarinet, Bough m system. Phone 440-Y. 350 HOLLYWOOD White Leghorn pullets, laying: doz. or more. L. M Hughes, Fern Valley. Easy Now to Get Rid of Dandruff No longer need you be embarrassed by fleck of dandruff on your shoul ders or Id your hair. No longer ned thla menace to beautiful hair and a healthy uralp bt tolerated, for Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic will easily and quickly eliminate it. It will frlv rich, lustrous hair with the natural she-m of life, and vitality. A single bottle usually eliminates dandruff, and the first application stops that uiinernuis iitriiing. ; 1'or a healthy scalp and beautiful i hair una Lucky Tiber's Three Paste j Products Lucky Tlprrr Hair Tonic 1 'or dandruff and scalp Irritations l.ucky Tiger Mngio fihiimpoo for lean hair and scalp Luckv Tiger lUir Pressing for lifeless, dry, un- I riily hair. At drutr stores and bar. ber shops. Money bad; guarantee. I FALL OPENING Oriental Gardens SATURDAY Bond Pale ATernxes. (Copyrliht, 1033. Rtsndarrt statistic, Co ) October 10: jo jo ao o Inrt'ls RIV Ufa Total Todsj .' 7S S 14 4 SO.t 7.1 a Ptv. clsy 73 1 74 I 70 4 78 5 Wlt SdO ... 7.1 1 73 0 7 S 74 Yfar ago "3 S "4 4 J t 70 0 3 Yra. ago ... 83 .1 107 90 4 100 1 a.tnrk Hal ArrragTS. (Copyright, 1033. Standard Atatlatlos Co.) (Mobrr 10: M SO 20 B0 India nn'a Ufa Total Today 00 9 44 0 . 78 S 81.9 'KING OF JAZZ' SHOWING AT ROXY "Klnn of Jar." the most gorgeous nd melodic of all muslo pictures In color, opened at t he Ooxy theater thla afternoon. "King of Jars" consists of seven big spectacular revue number. In ad dition to several comedy sketches, blackouts, and Individual song, dance and novelty specialties. The music for the entire picture la supplied by Paul Whlteman and his famous or chestra and they have a prominent part In all of the musical number. The production 1 filmed entirely in technicolor, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Town send are tha parent of a daughter weighing 8) pounds, born Sunday at Mr. C. ' E. Stanley'!, 343 North Ivy. (1 8acrd Hrart church will lv bn flt card party at tha Pariah hal!. Wadnaaday trenlnf at 8 o'clock. Ba frenhmrnts, prlnva for high acora ana a gtntral good time, for J4 cents Ererybody welcome. Light structural steel fabrication Brill Metal Works. BODY-FIR r.r Tier In l oad l.ota mm quality and Measure, a I n Guaranteed I O. Medford Fuel Co. I 11JJ N. Central. Tel. 31 Eleo. Wiring & Repairing Call M. No Job Too Larta or Too Small MEDFORD ELECTRIC B. M. Bash, Owner Baaement, Medford Bld. TURKEY FEED You should nrranpe now for your TURKEY FATTENING FEED CORN NEW LOW PRICES We are now offering best quality Eastern Yellow Corn at new low prices. Let us quote you a price on corn in ton lot delivered to your ranch. F. E. Samson Co. Phone 833. 229 N. Riverside A New Idea In Shirts The Arrow Mitoga Look a new kind of shirt the Arrow Mitoga. It follows the lines of your body, drapes in at the waist . . . conforms to the shoulders. It tapers with the arms. The Mitoses perfect fit la made possible by Arrow's Sanforlc InR process which makes thia ahlrt stay form-llttlng makea It keep It rlsht elr through a llfotlma of IsunUertngs. MITOGA Comes in most Arrow styles and patterns. Come in and look it over. $2. i I Mannls Mens Section , Anniversary Sale of Stitched Cotton Batts k marvelous value tn 72x00 Inch three pound stitched Cotton Batta. These standard quality Quilting Batta are reg ular 69c each but out they go tomorrow for the anniversary price of 43 Ea. Anniversary Sale White Outing Another Anniversary special for Wednes day. Fine soft finish 2 T-Inch whit Outing Flannel selling regular for 13 yard. Ideal for any flannel need. 9c Yd. Anniversary Sale ' Ruffled , CURTAINS 33rd Anniversary clean-up sale of fine quality Ruffled Curtains. Thla group consists of curtain selling regular up to $1.49 pair, Including many good 'look ing patterns and colors. The Anniversary price Is less than today's wholesale cost. Your choice 73 Pr. MIIMIIlHMMtlMltllllHMII New Shipment of Vl' Georgiana Wash T 1 1 r rocKs For Fall we Will A 'Georgiana", the wish drees supreme. now on dleplsy and sale at Mann'a. New dot and print patterna In the season' smartest colors. 200 To Choose From in All Sizes And Every One Fast Color $1 95 New Brushed Wool Sweaters $350 The Brushed Wool Sweater you've been looking., for 1 here. Navy, frreen, white and red. Slip-on styles. Crew and turtle neck. Anniversary Special On Womens Outing Flannel Oowns inlMHitMHItimillllHIIimim Illllllllllll IIIMIMtlMtUIIIIIMMIIIMI Anniversary Sale of Kiddies Flannelette SLEEPERS Anniversary sale of Women' and Misses' fins quality Outing Flannel Ntght Gown. A warm winter gown with long sleeves. All size In this special In white and colors. Regular 89c values. Your choice In the Infants' dept. tomorrow. A sale of Flan nelette Sleeper In one-piece styles only. These i are made of printed flannelette In sizes 2 to 8 years. And sell regular for 89c garment. Your rhotce while they last 1 i 3C Ea. 73 Ea. There's real economy in this perfection of detail rfrjuf : 1 IfrT-Js ' f 7 Oecorotlve pkot edge. ttea (IV Ungsaalry eloitic wait. . -.. :::::::::: :.;y.;.v..' ( j Afterwstt with .decorative mn-::::: .' stop features. (" ""i A ,5) Specially reinforced lisel cornsr. ; j ,l8r J 6 Elastic beol . - ' .'.v."."v.v.-.v.v.v.v.v47. Reinforced wle Iranifer.-v.v.v.v.-.v.vv-. . j (S) Comfeteam in loo) f t I 9) Special cradle tele. ' SrA " " - tlOUx Toe reinforcing. " - I A " H011" 0,BI y ' I noos ::.naV JjpV: HOLEPROOF HOSIERY No other women's hosiery has all these fea tures of our famous Holeproof line features of quality, comfort, service, beauty. That's why smart Holeproofs are so satisfying -so distin guished in value, as well as in style. See them!... particularly our popular "walk ing sheers" in colors to harmonize with every costume at $10.0 M$125 JL and JL pr. MEDFORD S OWN STORE Order Your Personel Christmas Cards Nowl SOAP Tha Toiletries dept. offer for Wednesday a sale of boxed French milled Toilet Soap at 83c box. Each box contains 40 bars of assorted odor of flowers. Reg. (tl.00. Special 83cbx. New Neckwear New Neck Tear of fine plqua anil linen In A.cot, Jabot . and Peter Pan sty La. These new plecea win fit either the hlgn or low neckline dresa and are In white only 59c 2 for $1.00 FOOT STOOLS The Notion section offers for tomorrow a cretonne covered one compartment Foot Stool for only 83e. These are made of well seasoned wood and are a II 00 value. Special 83c Main Floor