MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 19'i3. PAGE FIFTEEN You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WAN1 to Ml) your oome Wut to gt rid of a lew odds iM and lo nousenold fumunuursr Do you need (ooU (at your car. dent . inexpensive Wsnt-Aa m ths Mall mniiM Classified Pag nll find the uuro to these ud nuj other perplexing problem. Hre Are the Rates: par word flrt Inaartloa mivi dco addition) insertion. lc pet worn ( Minimum iuci per Un pet month, without mot change I-36 75 Phone LOST ANU FOUND FOUND Springer Spaniel dog. Box 629 Tribune. LOST German police pup about IS mche tall. Is light brown, with lsnre paw and front legs; has marklnge of "M over bla eyes. Strayed from 640 Palm. iOST Between Cottage 8t. and Roosevelt achool, on pair. child's glasses. Finder please return to Heath's Drug Store. LOST If dog mlaalng. call 1818. ' WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Olrl or woman to do housework and cooking for famll7 of adults; 10 pet month. See W. B. Thomas. 45 So. Central. WANTED Experienced woman tor cook and general housework. Must have references. Box 467. Tribune. WANTED Young woman for general housework, good wages. References Box 13965. Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE young man with cal wanted to work California terri tory with state manager. Must oe neat In appearance and a hustler. See Mr. E. L. Wilson. Holland Hotel, between 6 and 9. . WANTED SITUATION . CAPABLE woman as cook and house keeper. Local references. Box 188, Tribune. LADY, 30. wishes housekeeping and cooking. Cecilia Cox, 835 W. 13th. WANTED Nursing best references. Phone 341-J-3. HIOH SCHOOL girls want to work for room and board and small pay. Call 6-F-33. BOY WANTS to work for room and board while attending school. Box 13731. Tribune. WANTED MISCEIAANEOCS n.i,,wn Tr.tfwrtv VlfllllinS And tractor work, smith, Box 387, or see Faber, central roini. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING -Lowest prices. Mr. Bennett, iei. WANTED Used bicycle. Must be cheap. Phone 498-K. WANTED Good us ea band Inatru ments. Bring them In and realize CASrTfor them. PALMER MUSIC and ELECTRIC STORE. WANTED To purchase Underwood typewriter In good condition. Ad dress J. D.. Mall Tribune, statins where typewriter can be seen, and price. WANTED Ride to Oakland. Cal., by man and wife. Will shsre expenses 135 So. Oakdale. WANTED Work names. Must be 1c sood condition. KC, care Moll Tribune. tf ANTEDSheep, lamb and goat pelts, fleece wool. 1504 N. Rlv. Ph. 280 WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medford Sargaln House. 27 N. Orape St, Tel 1082 WANTED Modern house to rent, 8 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phone iw-J. HAY ORlNDtNO A specialty Brown the bay grlndei. '40 So Central I WANTED Listings ol valley homes in exchange for choice Cal property Staple Realty Co.. Ashland. JUNE, WANTED We By cash foi JUNK BATTERIES k sinninX ALUMINUM noioa vtopvtr At hink of all description MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No Grape f' 1" FOU BENT HOUSES FURNISHED house In court, nd garage. 804 W. 10th. FOR pr.NT S-room mortem bunga low. 15 Crster Lke. 20 mo. Q. E Pierce. Phone 597-R-2. FOR RENT Boarding house. Call t 414 8. Riverside. FOR RXT Flue. ! furnished home with 6 roesse. sth sji large basement. Double garage, scsren Porch 100 foot frontage with fine lawn and landscaping. Very moder ate rent to dependable family. Tel S48-W FOR RENT Oood 7-room house. clx; la. 820.00 per mo. Phone 417-J-2. ' FOR RENT 7-room house, 413 So Oakdsle. Phone 750-Y. Homes for rent cau spa FOR RENT House rent lor carpeS' V 9tt. Box 12088, Tribune, FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT Small unfurnished house close In. Call 731-X or Inquire 135 So Holly. For RENT Homes, furnished or unrurnished. Brown ft White. FOR SALE OR RENT Mdney Smith uuu.q .iv.Mer nwt Aims O0 urup Exclusive listing, w L Vawtet Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. HOUSES H0. 113 40 and 816, watet paia; wooo ruigo roone luo. FOB RENT BOAKU AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 718 E. Main Rate rery modern. IOR UEN't KtRMSHtU BUUM9 FOR RENT Front room close in. hot and cold water shower. 20 So. Fir. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Drape. FOB BEN1 AfABTMENTS FOR RENT Two 3-roora apartments, nicely furnished, close In: reason able. Inquire 317 'E. Jackson, or Phone 749-Y. 3-ROOM apt. Key 148 So. Ivy. FOR RENT 4-room duplex apart ment, electrio refrigerator and range, breakfast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 442 or call W A. Gates at Groceteria. FOR RENT Furn. 2 room apt., heat 4 hot water. 845 N. Bartlett. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNUTIES F YOU WANT A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY to make $8.50 a day and get a new Ford Tudor Sedan besides, send me your name Im mediately. No contest or lottery. Particulars free. Albert Mills, 2577 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. FOR SALE Interest In gold mine. Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Big pay uncovered. Box 93. Phoenix. Oregon. FOB EXCHANGE EXCHANGE: 40-acre ranch for Med frod property. Box 131, Tribune. WANT LIVESTOCK. Will trade equity In o-room bouse, jxoellent location Box 1063t Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan Is good condition, tot truck. Phone 697-R-l. i-ROoM modern borne bath laundry tra? screened poroh oullt-ins gar age shade and 'rult trees: 8700 equity for car. acreage cabin site or what have you Phone 1638-L or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR rRADE Good so una work horse, 1400 lbs- 7 years old Walter Jones, 2nd house below bridge. So. Ashland. FOU ' EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE TRADE Equity In 4-room house lor acreage close in. 7U3 w. lain et. FORTY ACRES, small house, good creek, wood, school transportation ror Medford property. Box 134 Old Stage Road. FOR SALE, TRADE OR LEASE 10 caoin auto camp at Alturas. Cal Big Pines Lbr. Co., Medford, Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice Uttle home In Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland. Preler small acreage. What have you. 155 7tb St. Ashland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-R. house, 1 or 2 lote. Cash or terms. Add. 1218 W. 10th. FOR SALE--Flve or 7 acres good truck farming land, four miles from Med ford. write Box 179. Tribune. FOR SALE Dandy 5-room modeVn cottage, Just off West Main: fine lot. good garage, and will sell at sacrifice. 81000: terms on part. In quire st Davis Transfer St Storage 29 S. Grape. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown Si White. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Pay As You Ride Have your car overhauled now. 8 to 12 months In which to pay I New, low financing rates. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INO. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE Chevrolet Roadster driven onlv 5500 miles. 125 W. Main Medford Investment Co. RECONDITIONED USED CARS WRITTEN GUARANTEE 1930 Butck Sport Coupe. 1931 Chev. 2-door Sedan. 1P30 Chev 4-door Sport Sedan. 1929 Ford Roadster. 1928 Chrysler Coupe. 1929 Ford A. Touring. 1928 Chev. Coupe. 1P30 Chrysler Broughsm. 1929 Olds Coupe. Better Cars for Leas Monev. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INO, 38 N. Riverside. FOB SALE POULTRY PULLETS 125 White Leghorns, 85c each: 75 White Rocks st 80c each: 12 W. Wyandotte at 90c each: rab bits, pedigreed stock, at $3 each, and White Holland turkey. ' W. H. Rus sell. Rt. 1. 12 Fox St., Ashland, Ore Phone 17-F-2. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Hereford bull. Phone 307. Jacksonville. JERSEY COW Trade for car. 219 Beatty. HORSES FOR SALE 1 00 to 1700 lbs. Rear or iio coun st. FOR SALE; Rambollette rams. Tel. 301-J-l. FOR SALE Purebred Shropshire rams. Phor.e central point ia-x-3 L. A. Salarse, Jr. FOI AaJjft'lia Sherthorn b'lll calves and yasrllng bull. Klrtlsnd Farm. Centrsl Folns. Oregon. FOR SALE 5 dairy cots, half mlie south of overhead bridge at roio. A. B. Dal. FJB SM.E MISCELLANEOUS PHILLIPS Cling Peaches. Oleim ranch, Talent. CUCUMBERS, cut f;-jte:. IL-s. Dressier, 1107 S. Main, FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Two tickets to Chicago via Los Angeles, together or sep arately. Make offer. Tel. 1422. CHOOSE your rose bushes from our complete assortment while they are In bloom. Medford Rose Garden, Orchard Home Drive road. PEACHES AND NUTS for sale. Cosy Nook Ranch, V4 mile west Phoenix depot. FOR SALE Tomatoes. Prunes to be picked nd dried on shares. P. 8. Carpenter. Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE 32 Spc. Winchester car bine, nearly new; King peep sight. Inquire 718 Sherman. FOR SALE Italian and Petite prune. Phone 7-F-14. PRUNES Phone 7-F-13. FOR SALE Seed wheat, heavy yield ing Blue Club, 8185 cwt. Vilas Ranch. FOR SALE Peaches. H. O. Best, Phoenix and Jacksonville road. FOR SALE Circulating heater, good as new. 410 Earhart. FOR SALE Late peaches while they last. 1c, 3c, and 3 a pound. Bring boxes. Meehan Supply Co. cor Or chard Home Drive. Phoenlx-J-vllle highway. Phone 10-F-12. FOR SALE Concord grapes. Tel 597-J-3. FOR SALE Leghorn hens. M. B Glover. Ross lane. PEACHES 115 Newtown. Tel. 1122-R. APPLES and petite prunes. Geo. B Young. Route 1. Phone 7-F4. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. R. O. Skellenger. Trail. Ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machine, all makes: terma if desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 N- Bartlett FOR 8 ALE Large Ice box: also large electrio range. 706 Dakota Ave. FOB sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser sua teaming, rnone 913-j. FOB SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Piano, slightly used, cost 8450; real bargain, call at 211 West Jackson. EXCELLENT Weber Piano for sale, very cheap, see Mr. Suffecool Holland Hotel. PIANO FOR SALE 1010 West 4th. MISCELLANEOUS ASHLAND RIDING ACADEMY 1 mile out E. Main at red brick house. Pack horses for hunters.. 81.60 per day. Good young team for sale cheap. Authorized Frlgldalre Service. Other mske rep. Tel. 427: nights 805-Y PERSONAL GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT and Palmist Truthful advice on business, love marriage. Rainbow Auto Camp cabin 3. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 5. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Tltl and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert ntndim Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning Flour Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charges See W E. Thomas, 45 South Central, ground floor Craterlan Theater Bldg. State License No. 8-157. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of sll kinds; book binding: loose -lea.! ledgers, and blanka. billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing lines. 28-30 N. Orspe. Phone 76. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano. Kalght Song Service. Arrsng- tng. composing, etc 318 Liberty Bldg. Painting and faperhanglnf,. M. A BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel. S46-W. 311 8. Orape. BADS TRANSFER as 8TORAOE CO Offvce 1015 No Central. Phone 818 Pncea right. Service guaranteed. RFINKINO TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and atorage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Pbone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and mover. Special livestock moving equipment. Price right Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEUAL NOTICES No. 13751 Treasury department Office of Comptroller of the Currency Washington, D. C. September 11. 1933 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigued, It ban been made to appear that "Medford National Bank," In the City of Med ford. in the County of Jackson nd State of Oregon, ha compiled with ell the provision of the Statutes ol the United Stales, required to be complied with before an association ehali be suthorlred to commence the business of Banking; Now. therefore. 1. J F. T. O Connot. Comptroller of the Currency, do here by certify that "Medford National Bank." in the City of Medford. in the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, la authorised to commence me business of Banking sa provided In Section Fi!ty-on Hundred nd Sixty nine of the Revised Statute of the Btate. In testimony whereof, witness my band and seal of office this eleventh day of September. 1933. (Seal of the Comptroller of the Cur rency, Treasury Department.) (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR, Liquidation Notice, The Medfrod National Bank located at Medford In the State of Oregon Is closing it alfaira. All note-holdurs snd other creditors are hereby t sti fled to present the notes snd other claims against the association for pavment. Dated Sept. 20, 1933. OEO. T. FREY, Cashier. Reorganization Notice. Medford National Bank. Medford National Bank located at Medford In the State of Oregon re ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep. wuiaer ii, iwas. ana commenced bus ires September 12, 1033. The new bsnk I t continuation of the old bar.k excepting that It l organized under the Banking Act of 1933, and has an entirely new Capital of 8100. 000 00. Dated Sept. 30. 1933. GEO. T. FRET, Cashier. Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ror Jackson County. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. No. 83 of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. J. M. Culpepper, and Ementa Cul pepper, husband and wife: S. A. Kro schel; Max OeBauer. and Myrtle Gc Bauer, husband and wife, and all other persons unknown claiming sny right, title, Interest, lien or es tate In the North Half of Lots 1, 3, 3. 4 and the easterly half of the North half of Lot 5. Block 53 of the Original Town, now City of Med ford. Jackson County, Oregon, ac cording to the official plat thereof, Defendants. "rrv t t r.,.in.n , , ... Culpepper, husband and wife; S. A. ...un.uci, ma uewiuer, ana Mvrtie ripRnilAt hllthonJ mvt .1,-. . aiiu wt.c, una ail other persons unknown claiming any right, title. Interest, lien or estate in kuini uau oi uoia i, 4. a, e. and .., V, bite ,ivt bii nan Town, now City of Medford. Jackson wuni,y. uregon. sccoraing to the of ficial plat thereof, the above named defendants: In the Name of the Bute of Ore gon, You, and each of you are here by notified and required to appear In the above entitled Court and cause and answer the complaint of plain tiff now on file therein against you. before the explrstlon of four (4) weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this Summons upon you, which is the 6th day of October. 1933. and If Vnil fall tj nnn-a- -n -n.-. or otherwise plead to the complaint of plaintiff within the time required. jur warn, tnereoi, me plaintiff will bddIv to the fVtll-f fn. ty,m - ed for In its complaint, to-wlt; rw a aecree or tne court quieting the title In plaintiff as the owner In fee simple of the North half of iocs 1. 2. 3, 4 and the easterly half of the north half of Lot 5. Block 65. of the Original Town, now City of Medford, Oregon; and for a further decree of the Court restraining the defendants, and each thereof from sssertlng. or attemptlng to assert any right, title. Interest, lien or estate In or to said described premises, or any part there of: This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Medford Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation published In Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. In pursuance of sn Order of Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above en titled Court, which order was made on the 5th day of October. 1933. GUS NEWBURY. Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address: Medford Nafl Bank Bldg., Medford, Oregon. Notice of Flnnl Account. In the county Court of the SUte of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Kattte of Elisa beth A. Prescott, Deceased. Notice I hereby given that the Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Droops t. Kind of cheat 9. Deed It Fairy Uli monitir It, Every on In 14. Female deer 15. Expensive 18. Firmament 17. Factory IS. Sew .ooaely 20. Sum 21. Aloft 2X. 24. Dowry 25. Ocean 27. Circumference 23. Great Lake 34. Existed 35. Fruit of the blackthorn 29. Persevering application it. Mountain Id Crete 40. Pa 41 Animal of the deer family 41. Comparative ending; 44. Capital of OietfOD 47. Protective covering 49. Prevaricator 10. Transgreaaioa Solution of Yeiterday'a Puzzl n AiMjEgggo AsjirTsnsHo1y E V I LgU S A.Gligjk E P j v E fl v St1eIp i pMaTm c n eJpIaIs ERjOs i t ti InIg mmlM SbjJ 131 m TSSS PW''0m QPJATE eT a JBBa l sToIn ffuE j? ONElL A T I NHSAIS5 N'E'S TlE DBKE ifcilCpE I iN.S.TlgjllPJJAITiEp m , a TTnMgWp lEiwpno E 81, Baked da hi. Cetacean allied to tli blacklist. M. Knot (ft. Render ae cesslble B7. Etigllil. river St. Wei under obllraMotJ If. Flint that le not wanted ' I3 Y wm I7 ia mr " L"i"lfc" WsW' w u gnn 3 aHS; 3. 3, 3T a 3 W1 - m m TT 3 ja Si) MWM" W7' W3 ir 1P mm Mm HHM UuJJli mmmb MM MMMM. MMMM. MMMM MMMM. MMMMi MBi '4 ;,,,,, SS '"'7S "7 3 S , Sa undersigned. Executor of the Estate of Elisabeth A. Prescott, Deceased, baa filed hi Final Account on the ad ministration of said estate with the County Clerk of Jackson County. Oregon, and the above named Court has fixed ten o'clock a. m. on the 30th dsy of October, 1933, st tne County Court House st Medford. Ore gon, as the time snd nlaoe for hearlnc objections thereto snd allowing and ettllng the same. All persons Int.-- esiea in said estate are hereby noti fied to present their objections. If any. to said account, or any Item bereof. on or before said date. WM. HAMMETT. Notice of Final settlement. In the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the EstaU of John H. Leek, also known a J. H. Leek, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has filed her First and Final Account a Administratrix of the Estate of John H. Leek, also known as J. R. Leek, deceased, in the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, and that aald Court has ap pointed Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1933. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of aald day as the time, and the courtroom of said Court in the Court House In Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objection to said First and Final Account, the settlement thereof, and the dletrl bution of said eaute. All parsons Interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and ahow cause. If any there be, why said First and Final Account should not be approved by the Court, said esute be decreed to be fully set tled, a decree made for the dis tribution of aald estate to the per sons entitled thereto and said admin istratrix discharged from her trust. Dated and first published Septem ber 8tb, 1933.. MARY E. BUNCH, Administratrix of the EstaU of John H. Leek, also known as J. H. Leek. deceased. Summons for Publication. No. 6553 Equity. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for Jackson County. Medford Irrigation District, a public corporation. Plaintiff, v. Henry L. Chrlsman and Agnes K. Chrlsman, husband and wife: Big Pines Lumber Compsny, a corpora tion; C. T. Welte and Opal WelU, husband and wife; Vernon E. Bmm bach and Mabel Brumbach. bus bsnd and wife; Alice V. Hatfield and Robert J. Hatfield, wife and husband; Joseph P. Brumbach and Alda L. Brumbach, husband and wife: Olive C. Everaert and Clifford L. Everaert, wife and husband; Rebecca L. Ross and B. A. Ross, wife and husband; the Unknown Helra of Laura A. Brumbach, deceased; the Unknown Heirs of C. T. Welte: and also all other person or par ties unknown clslmlng any right, title, estate. Hen or Inurest In the real estate described In the com plslnt herein. DefendanU. To Henry L. Chrlsman and Agnes E Chrlsman, husband and wife; O. T. Weltz and Opal welts, husband and wife; the Unknown Helra of Laura A. Brumbach, deceased: the' Unknown Heirs al a. T. Weltz, the abovi named ueiendanu: In the name of the SUte of Ore gon: You. and each of you. are here. by summoned and required to appear In tb above named Court snd cause, and answer the plaintiff's complaint on file therein against you. within four weeks sfter the 29th day of Septem ber. 1933. the date of the first pub lication of this Summons. You are hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and answer within the time aforesaid, for wsnt thereof, the plain tiff will apply to said Court tnr the isllef demanded In said Complaint, a succinct statement of which is: That a Decree be entered In this suit adjudicating any and all right, title, estate, lien, or Interest which you or any of you, or any of the above named defendanu. have or claim to have In. to or upon real Cross-Word Puzzie I. Entrance 10. Oenue of African treea tL Q We Inform tlOB IT DeitructlYt Iniecta If. Take the eve ning meal 20. Summit 1. Secondhand 23. Perilan fairy .4. Distinguished 26, Trouble US. Flowed 28. Biblical prleit 80. Was carried 21. Period of tlmt .3. Kind of duck 37. School of whalea 39. Tree 42. Chinese token of deep re spect 44. Havlns; Mttl velocity 4$. Breexy 46. Fine open- work labile 47. Aaelstant 45. Mature 60. Scatter seed 12. Confederate leader It. Terminal IL Negstloa DOWN 1. Turf 3. Seaion and ripen for ue t. Snatch 4. Pinnacle of glacial fee 6. Scattered over I. Garden lmple tnent T. Very cold 5. WbatT property located in Jackson County, and described a followa: Lot numbered all (8) In Oak drove Tract In Township Thirty, eight (38) South of Range One (11 A'eat of the WlllametU Me rtdlan In Jackson County, Ore gon, a th same Is numbered, designated and described on the official plat thereof, now of rec ord. and decreeing any and all such claim or Interest to be null and void, nnd decreeing that said plaintiff la the owner in fee simple of the whole of aia property, free and clear of any and all right, title. esUte. Hen, or merest of each and all the defend ant in this suit, and that each and all of aald defendanu and all per son! claiming, or to claim, by, or .uroufc-n mem, or any of tnem, be forever barred and restrained from asserting or clslmlng any lien or in terest In or to said real property, and that plaintiff's title to said premises be forever quieted and set at rest; and for such other relief a to the Court my seem Just snd equlUbl. The date of the Order herein for service of thl Summon by publlct- n-u is oepi a, IB33, and said Order filed once each week, for four suc cessive weeks, as the time for such publication. RAWLES MOORE. Attornev for Plaintiff Cooley Theatre Building, Medford, Oregon. NOTICE OF TAX LA YD SAI Public Notice is hf.ebv jrlven thst the undersigned, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, under snd pursuant to a certain order of the County court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made una enierea on tne yard day of Sep tember, 1933. will offer for sale and will sell at the front door of the Court house In Medford, Jackson uounty, Oregon, to the the highest bidder for cash In hand, or on terma satisfactory to the County court In accordance with ChapUr 383, 1933 oession uaws or Oregon, all or any of those certain loU, olecea or narcela of land heretofore acquired bv Jack- ouh wunty, uregon ror delinquent ana now owned by said County, upon which loU. nieces or narcsls of land said County court of aald Coun ty has set a minimum price as indi cated In said order, which said mini mum price la hereby set out sgsln&t each tract of land, lot or parcel of .mm uu oereinaiier described. Ssid property being situated In Jackson County, Oregon. Said sale will commence at ten o'clock A. M. on Saturday the 4th day of Novein- or, a. u., mas. and continue until four o'clock P. M. of said dsv. and In case all of said bronertv I nol old within aald time ald sals will be held and continued at the tame place between the same hours on each suc ceeding day until all said lands so to be sold have been sold or pending further order of the County Court of Jsckson County, Oregon: uutte Fans lot 3. Bik 17, S97.3S. ButU Palls Lot 19, Bik. 17, a.78. Butu Falls, Lot 4. Bik. 19, 180 01. Butte Falls, Lot 10, E'4 Lot 11. Bik 24, (41.49. Central Point lot 8. Bik. 10. 8162.30. Central Point LoU 19-18, Block 19, 881.04. Central Point iot 8, Bik. 38. 843.41. Central point Oak Park Add.. Lot id, buc. 1. an. 87. Central Point Shield Add., Lot 8, Bik. 3, 843.13. Central Point Not Platted, describ ed Deed Record 137, Psge 304, 3 1-3 Eale Points Central Addition. North 4 Feet of Lot 38, all Lot 39, Block 0, 339.19. Eagle Point Central Addition North 4 feet Lot 38. all Lot 39. Block 9. Per sonal tax applied. 8338.47. Eagle Point Fryers Addition, about 3 acres part Lou l-a, assoc. Eagle point Not platted. Lot des cribed Deed Record 183. Page 487, ueea Record 181, page 830. 864.43. Oold Hill Lot 1, Block S. 833.13. Gold Hill Lot 13. Block 14. 8.17.36. Oold Hill. Lot 9. Block 18, 8M.63. Oold Hill Lot 13. Block 18. 868.77. Oold Hill LOU 17-16, Block 14, 8161.30. Oold Hill lot 1-3-8, Block 19, 36.03. Oold Hill lot 7. Block 80, 884.38. Oold Hill Dsekuma Amended Ad dltlon. LoU 6-8, Block 19, 838.71, Oold Hill Deekums Amended Ad dition, lot 13. Block 19, 830.136. Oold Hill Deekums Amended Ad dition. LoU 1-3-3-4. Bik. 30. 631.43. Oold Hill Deekums Amended Ad dltlon, LoU 11-13. Block 30, 633.33. Oold Hill Deekums Amended Ad dition, Lots 3-10, Block 33, 617.74. Oold HiU Not Platted, land des cribed Deed Record 110. Page 867 In section is. Township 36 Range 8 West, V, acre. 897.07. Phoenix LoU 11 to IT Inclusive Bik. 39. 638.30. Phoenix JHIlslnger Sub-Dlvlslon, 1 acre. Lot 3, 630.43. Talents Lot on Wagner Ave St Plrst Streets. South of Block J, described Deed Record 160, Page 313, Block J, 379.18. Talent LoU 13-14-18, Block K, 61S.1.09. Talent LoU 17-18-19-30, Block M, 1O?.B0. Talent Gibson Tract. Lot described Deed Record 117, Page 839. 663.39. Ashland Summit Addition, LoU 1-3-3. Block 81, 6108.70. Ashland Ssxmsn's PennsylvanU Addition, lots 4-0. Block 68, 6128.91 Ashland Allendale Addition, LoU 18-19-20. C276.30. Ashland H. B. Carter Addition, BV, Ashland H. B. Carter Addition. H Lot 30. Personal Tax applied. 612.84. Ashland Railroad Addition. Lots 33-34-38-36, west 3 Feet of th 8J4 Lot 37. Block D. 6366.73. Ashland Oranlu Street. Esst end Lot described Deed Record 108, Pegs 603. 6S.1 foot front near Main street. Ahland Oranlu Street. East side tract described Deed Record 186, Page 477, corner Mill Street as Hsrgadine Street. 130 foot front. Personal Tax applied, 639869. Ashland Pin Street, tot described Deed Record 78, Page 373, USA foot Aahland Taylor Street. East Sid. heginnln- at Southwest Corner Lot described Deed Record 134, Page 167-8 ooutn aw reet; csst 148 feet. North 3W reet; west 148 feet to beglnnlwt, described Deed Record 134, Pages 187-8. 6143.00. Ashland Section 16, Township 39. Range 1 Fast. Land described Deed Record 97, Page 878, 16 w. tent. 6358.03. Orchard Tract, Rtrl H!g;-,u Fruit Farm, 10 acres. Lot 38, 637.87. Orchard Tract. Monitor Orchard. LoU I to 73 inclusive, 363 acre, 61.894.18. Orchard TracU. Rogue River Valley Orchard Company, Lot 4, Block O, 8 49 A.. 6196.70. Orchard Tracts, Rogu River Vsllsy Orchard Co., 3 6 acre described Deed Record 110. Page 899. part Lot 18. Block ,1 S, t sores. Lot 17, Block 1. VMS, . . Orchsrd Tracta. Roams River Valley Orchard Co.. 6 acrea Lot 18, Block 1. 6117.05. Orchard Tract. Rogue River Vallev Orchard Company, N. 8 acres Lot 20. Bik. I, 6106.69. Medford Kenwood Addition, des cribed Deed Record 14S, Page 331; North 13 5 feet Lot 13, Block 3, South 37 5 feet Lot 13. Block 3. 613 81. Medford Mary Place Addition, Lota 3-4. Block 3, 638 13. Medford Medford HelghU Addition Lot 10. Block 1. Personal Tax applied. 653.76. Medford Walnut Park Addition. Lou 1-3, Block 4. 627.33. Medford Walnut Park Addition. Lot 5. Block 4. 617.10. SW'.i, Section 3, Township S3. Range 1 East, 160 acre, 8310 37. N'i of NWH. SW'i of NW'i. Sec tion 33, Township 33, Range 1 East, 130 acres, 6263.20. SW'i of SF'i. SE'i of SW'i, Sec tion 29, Tov-nahlp 34, Range 1 East, 80 acres, 683.28. NWti of SB'S. Section 38. Townahlp 34. Range 1 East, 40 acres. 640.96. E'i or NW'i. sw'k of NW'i, sec tion 6, Townahlp 35, Range 1 Esst, 131 acres, 6101 23. SWU. Section 9. Township 38. Rmge 1, East, 160 seres. 6163.07. B'4 of NE'i, NE'i of SE'i. Section 13. Township 35, Range 1 Cast, 130 acres. 690.87. B'i of NW. SW'i of NE'i, NE'i of NW'i, Section 34. Township 85. Range 1 East, 160 A . 6131 35. 1-3 Interest In SW'i of SW i. Sec tion 14, Township 36, Range 1 Esst, 13 1-3 A., 611.44. N'4 of SW'i. SW'i of SW14. See- tton 5, Township 38, Range 1 East. 12U seres, rs.o. Lot No. 1. described Deed Record 81, Page 486. Section 29, Townahlp 38, Range 1 East, S.33 acros, 814.65, Land described Deed Record 153. Page 616. Section 31, Township 88. nange 1 &at, .10. 10. Land described Deed Record 142. Page 134. Section 33, Township 38. Range 1 East, 100 A., 8642 04. Land described Deed Record 163. Page 438. Section 3-3. Township 39, Kange i case, ao. a acres. S44a.94. Land described Deed Record 87. Page 456, less 7 acres ditch right of way, less Deed Record 165. Page 458. Sections 2-3. Township 39. Range 1 cast. 3c-.o acres, Land described Deed Record 106, Page 532. Section 3. Township 39, Kange i East. 13 A., 39.04. W4 of SE'i of SE'i Section 16, Township 39, Range 1 East, 30 acres. 17.85. Land described rcd Record 137. Page 336. Section 18. Township 39. Range 1 East. 6 A.. 665.73. S'4 of SW'i. SW'i of SE'i. lew Deed Record 154. Psge 168, section 36. Township 39. Range 1 East, 73 acres. 677.68. NE'i. Section 36. Township 40, Rsnge 1 Esat, 160 acres. 6310.01. SE'4 Section 3. Township 41, Range 1 East, leo acrea. 57.39. N'4 of N'i. Section 13. Township 41. Range l East. 160 acres, a70.99, lots 1-3, e 4 of NW'i, section 19 Township 33, Range 3 East, Personal Tax applied, 218 06. &eva, section 14, Township 33, Range rase, idu acres, eJtjo.itf. SE',4, Section 32, Township 36, Ranee 3 East. 160 acres, 681.37. SE'.i, Section 33, Township 36. Range 3 East, Personal Tax applied 637.38. S'4 of NW'i, N14 of OW'.l. Section 18, Township 37, Range 3 East, 160 acrss, V97.33. NEU, Section 33, Townahlp 40, itenge 3 East, ico acres. 6ii7.oo. Lot No. 1, S',4 of NE'i, SE'i of NW'i, Section 4, Townahlp 33, Range a East, joo acres, V440.90. NE'4 of SE'i. less timber. Section 33, Township 35, Range 8 East. 40 acres, BEVi of ew'i. SW'i of SE'i. less umDer, section 33, Township 85, rtange s Esst. eo acres, as 1.10. N'i of NW'i. SW'4 of NW'i. NW'i of SW'i, Section 8. Township 36. isnge a oast, lou acres, v;imuo. Land described Deed Record 161. Psge 639. Section 16, Township 39. Range 3 Esst. 60 acres. 626 88. N'4 of SW'i. SE'i of SW'i. ffEVi . Section 38. Township 39, Range 3 East, ou scree. .4SS.73. 8E'4 of SWV,, section 19, Township nnnge r.t, eu seres, 7B.or. NW'i of NE'i. E'4 of NWU. Sec. tlon 30. Township 33, Range 4 East, wu acres, esio.oi. SE'i of NWVl. SW!i of NE'i. B',4 of NE'4, Section 36, Township 34, Pngm i went, lou acres, 619I.7S. S',4 of SW'.J of SF.'i. Section 34 Township 34, Rsnge 1 West, 30 acres, 3676. NE'4 of SE'4, Section 1, Township . iwnge t west, au acres, S43.40. ttW'i of SEVi. NE'i of SW'i, SE'i oflNW'l, Section 6, Township 35, Range l west, iso acres, 686.13. "C" land described Deed Record 86, Pae 284, Sections 23-25. Township 17, Range 1 West, 336 acres. 323.35, "D" SV4 of OW'f Tract In SE'i described, beginning st southwest cor ner of SE'i, thence East 14 14 chains: North 30 chains: thence West 14.14 chains: thence South to beginning. Section 33. Township 37, Range 1 weat, 108 seres, 576 50. W'i of SW'4. Section 38, Township 37. Range 1 West, 80 acres, 8113.23. "A" Isnd described Deed Record 104 Psges 7-8. Section 36. Township 87, ttange 1 weat, 131 acres. SB50.02. "E" land described Deed Record 86 Pages 386-7, Section 36. Township 87. nanee 1 west, 96 99 acres. 4231.87. Land described Deed Record 136, Pages 849-350. Section 26, Township 37, usage 1 west. 65 3 acres. 6111.93 Land described Deed Record 136. Page 349-330. Section 36, Townahlp 87. Rsnge 1 Weat. Personal Tax ap plied, 6404.99. "B" lend described Deed Record 104. pages 0-6 As "C" described Deed Rec. ord 104, Psge 8-4, Section 27, Town ship 87, Rang 1 west, 201 acres, ei.iirj.n, . SW'i. of SWW, Section 19. Town hip 38, Range 1 West. 40 acres. 633.18. NE'4 of NE'i, Section 7, Township ww, roaiiftv 1 went, wyj seres, .2(1.3., "Sterling Mine Ditch" diverting tr from Little ApplegeU River In NW'4 of NW'4. Section 33, Township 39, Range 1 West of w. at. 4c running Northwesterly direction conveying wa ter from the said "Little Applegau River" to Section 4-6-9-17-1B-19, Township 39 South. Range 3 West of W M said ditch it flumes being 37 mile in length. 61,139.83. Lot NO. 1. SE'i ttt NR1U Jh T.L orvtion o, -township 83, Range 3 West, 138 acre, 8334.71 NW", of NE'-J, Section a, Township 3. Range 3 Weat. 40 acre, 71.63. SW', of SE'i, Section 10. Townhlp 34. Range 3 West, 40 acres, 641.90. LOU 3-4. E'i of SW",, Section 18. T?,n,"i,lp ,4, R,n 2 WMt- acrM. 233.20. B'4 of '. Section 34. Township 64. Range 3 West, lao seres. 6148 97. S'4 Of NE'i, Section 34, Township 34. P r, A- 1 I,'-., mn i.....; " scree. eiui.ej. JJt."' Sl ' WWW. "I'i Of WH. NW'i of SE'i, Section 14 6246'()4h'P 34' a W,tl 800 acrfs, 4 acres In SE'i of NE'i. described Deed Record, 41, Th 143, Section 2 Township 38. Range 3 West. 613.68. Nti of NW'i SW'i of NW'i, Sec tion 6, Township 36. Rsnge 3 West, 130 seres, per-sonal tsx sppUed. 644 98. N'4 of NWi;, Section 30. Township 36, Range 3 Weat, 80 seres, 6387,07. Land off Oliver Tract, described Deed Record 116, Psge 338. Section 1, Township 37, Rsnge 3 West. 6 acre. rersonai Tax applied, 2 r,7. Land described Deed Record 181. Page 130. less Deed Record 164. Psge M3, section 36, Township 37. Range 3 West. 6 86 acres. Personal Tax ap- puru, toiiiM. Land described Deed Record 83, Psge 141, Section 1, Township 35, Rsnge 3 Weat. 8 acres. 612 38. Land described Deed Record 103, Page 403, Deed Record 135. Pace 30. Section 3. Township 38, Range 3 West, 40 acres. Personal Tsx applied. 6960.11. NWli of SW'i. Section M. Tow-.. ship 38, Range 3 West, 40 acres. 663.89. riE',, section 36, Township 40, Rsnge 3 West. 160 acres. 6189.73. SB', of SE'i. Section 10. Township 33, Rsnge 3 West, 40 acrea 973.31. E14 of NE'i. N'4 of SE'i. Section 14. Townshln 34. Rsnff. X Wm ISA acres, 268 35. SW'i of SE'i. Section 89. TVtwn. ahlp 34. Range West. 40 acres, Per sonal tsx applied. 867.79. SE'i & SW'i. Section 3, Township 35, Range 3 West, 320 acres, 303.53. SW'i of SW'i. Section 13. Town, ship 33, Rsnge 8 West, 40 acres, 44.43. 8E', of NW'i. W'4 of 8WU of NEVi. WH of NWy, of SE'i, Section 13. Townahlp 33, Range 3 West. 80 acres, 877.83. E14 of NW'i. N'4 of NE'i. Section 34. Township 33, Range 8 West, 160 acres, .127.73. undivided 'A InUrest In E't at SW'i, Section 34, Township 88, Rang. w nmi, u scrcs, .(3.7U. NE'i of SE'i. Section 35. Town. ship 35. Range 3 West, 40 acres, 694.34. wv, or SW'i, Section 36. Township 35. Range 3 West, 77 acrea, 8173.94. !4 Interest In E'4 of SE'i of NE'i. Section 3 Township 36, Rsnge 3 West, iv seres,, SE'i Of NW!4. SW'4 of NEW. Lou 1-3-3-4, part Lot 8. described Deed Record 143. Pages 438-9. Deed Record 162. Page 398. land described Deed Record 143, Pages 428-9. Deed Rec ord 162. Page 396. section 3-10, Town, ship 36. Range 3 West, 381 acre. 35 acre off South end of SWti of NWli , Section 38. Townshln 86. Rant S West. Personal Tax applied. 8135.59. O'., or WY4 or NEti, SE' of SW'i, W'4 of SE'i, W',4 of SEVi of SE'i. Section 33. Township 37, Range 8 meat, lou acres, eej.ou. N'4 of SW'i. Section 36. Townahla 37. Rsnge 3 West, 80 acre. 61 15.14. NW'i less 7 acres sold. Section 30, Township 34, Range West, 133 acre, 302.61. S' of SEU. Section 83. TOwnshtn 34. Range 4 West, 80 acrea, 130.93. NE'i. SEVi, Section 34. Townshls 34. Range 4 West, 320 acres, 435.18. S'4 of SE'i, Section 33, Township 33. Rsnge 4 West, 80 acrea, 630.03. OK'i or NE'o WV4 Of NE'i NE'i of NW'i, Section 26. Township 33, Range 4 West, 160 acres. 673.43. N'i of NEVi, Section 37, Townahlp 35, Range 4 West, 80 acres, 656.43. SE'i, Section 30, Township 85, Range 4 West, 160 acrea, 6318.61. WV4 of NW'i of SWVi. Section 33, Townahlp 35, Rang. 4 West, 140 acrea, 383.70. E',4 of NWli, Section 83, Township 38, Range 4 West, 80 acres, 94.83. N'A of NE'i. SE'i of NEVi. NEVi of SE'i, section 18, Township 84, Rang. . wesc, ico seres, sus.9s., SEVi of NEH, Section 30. Township 36, Range 4 West. 40 acres. Personal Tax applied. 840.09. SEVi of NE'i. Section SO, Township 36, Range 4 West, 40 acres, 116.33. SE'4, Section 83, Township 84, Rsnge 4 Weat, 160 acres, 9310.98. N'4 of NE'i, SE'i of NE'i, Section 24, Township 37, Range 4 West, 129 acres, 164.87. Lsnd described Deed Record 167, Psge 868, Vi inurest In ditch from Applegau, Section , Township 88. Range 4 West. 39 acre. Personal Tax applied. 8334.35. KE' of SE'i, SWVi of NWVi, Sea. tlon 16, Township 38, Rsnge 4 West, 80 acres. 54.74. E!4 of E'4 of NE", of SE'4. Section 36, Township 40, Range 4 West, 10 acres, 69.76. Property Listed In Registered Titles ' Medford West Walnut Park Addi tion, lot 13, Block 3, 27.38. Medford Walnut Park Addition, Lot 3. Block 4. 817.10. Medford Wallnut Park Addition, Lot 4. Block 4. 817.10. Medford Walnut Park Addition, LoU 13-13-14-16-16, Block 4, 4237.06. Medford Walnut Park Addition, Lots 17-18, Block 4. 6593.70. Medford West Walnut Park Addi tion, Lots 7-8-9-10, Block 1, 889.43. Medford West Walnut Park Addi tion. I its and 30. Block 3, 648.30. Medford West Wslnut Psrk Addl. tlon. Lot 13, Block 3. Personal Tax applied, 8636.64. Medford West Walnut Park Addl. tlon. Lot 9, Block 3, 6193.90. Medford West Walnut Park Addi tion. Lots 3-5-6-12-13-14-13.14-17, Block 4, 118.36. Medford Wlldwood Addition, East 16 feet Lot 1. Block 8, 610 43. Medford Nlckell Addition, desert, ed Registered Title 3094, Psrk Lot 8, Block 1, 639.06. Land described Registered Tttu 3010, Section 13. Township 87, Rngej 3 West. 8 acres, 136.66. Dated st Medford, Oregon, thl 4'.B day of October, 1933. WALTER J. OLMSOHE1D. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, CAR VICTIMS PAY LITTLE TO MEDICS SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (UP) 1 Automobile accldenu are poor pay to th medical profession. Dr. Lewis, president of the American Medical Association, told a convention of that group here. PatlenU taken to hospitals from automobile accldenu are usually re tained for longer period than otfier sick people. Dr. Lewis ssid. Yet the ' revenue from such patlenU It far below diseases, maternity cases snd others. JH CHARLES A.x TO BUY YOUR UtUf 109 Eajt Main .