PAGE NINE You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here BEDFORD MAIL TIUBIINT:, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WAlfl Co mU youj nomet Wust to jet cm ot tew odd. end ,nd u household tumishingsJ Oo you need tool (or your gar den . An mexpenaive Want-AO u, the Mall rnouw Cleseilleo Pig U1 find iu to these and manj other perplexing arobleme. Here Are the Rates: Par word tint onrtion (Minimum 26c) Baca addluonaJ Uuertton. par word Minimum LOe) per Una per month, without copy oh an go 75 Phone LOST AN" IfOUND LOST 11 dog mining. l818- " WANTED FEMALK HELP WANTED Young woman housework, gouo Box 13965. Tribune. WANTED MALK HELP CONTRACTOR wanted to -build .mall " " i. ... hriek building, re- Swing" pay property ciear. oui STEADY WORK-GOOD PAY-Several .TlTl- m tvmntv and towns - nhij men or women. w capital or experience required. Write a.m. Tnlrfl h Mr. Tnomiw. ouHv.t - Oakland. Cal. WANTED SITUATION WANTED General housework. Ref erence, furnished. Call at J33 Tripp HIGH SCHOOL girl, want to work for room ana ooaru ......... r- Call 6-F-23. rtv wiHTfl to work for room and board while attending school. Box 13731. Tribune. 'WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Bicycle. 513 North central. Call evenings, WANTED To rent typewriter by hAh .viini student: Rood care Guaranteed. Address J. D.. Mall Tribune, giving atreet address and phone. vitrmn Modern 3-bedroom fur nlahed house by permanent, reliable tenants; furnace heat desired. Box 108. Tribune. WANTED TO BENT Small furnished house or apartment, close in. .ea sonable. Clements Auto Wre:ker, 95 So. Riverside Ave. GENERAL PAINTING, tinting and floor waxing. Phone 806-L. WANTED Sectional bookcase. West 8th. WANTED Pasture for two young calves. Phone 301-J-2. CASH PAID for small cash register 317 North Riverside. WANTED Pasture lor cows also want aaddle horse. Chester We rid t. WANTED Modern house to rent, 3 bedrooms, walking distance courthouse. Phone 117-J. WANTED White Leghorn pullet. Give descrlDtton and price. Box 133, Butte Falls, Ore. HAT GRINDING A specialty. Brown the hay grinder. ;4U so. central WANTED Listings of valley homes in exchange for choice Oal property- staple Realty Co., Ashland. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES A) RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER & lunk ot all deecnotlone. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE J1 No. Grape Tel 1M2 WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what haTe you Medford Bargain House. 37 N. Grape St. Tel 1003. rOH KENT HOUSES AM ALL furnished house for 3 adults, close In: frlgldalre. Phone 519-R. I $1 R 5-room partly furnished. Call 1 at 45 S. Central. HOMES FOR RENT Call' 698. For RENT Home, turnlahed or unfurnished. Brown At White. FOB SALE OR RENT tldney Stnltb nome. turner West Main 8s Orange fccluilve listing. W L Vawter Jackson Oo Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Desirable 7-room un furnished home; 3 bedrooms, screen porch, flreplsce, hardwood floors, large lawn, with .hade trees: with or without furnace heat. C. A. DeVoe. Phone 523-J-2. RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 13088. Tribune. FOR RENT 6-room unturnlshed Bouse, 1035 W. 10th. C. A. DeVoe HOUSES HO. $12 50 and (15. water paid; wood range Phone 105. FOR RENT Fl'RNISIltD BOOMS FOR RENT Front room close in. hot and cold water shower. 20 So. Fir. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. fOB RENT BOARD AMD BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 718 C. Main Rate, very moderate. FOR SALE MIMICAL INSTHI MEMS KANO FOR 5AL&1010 .Vest I'-U. FOB aE.Nl APARTMENTS FOR RENT i-room duplex apart ment, electric refrigerator and range, breakfast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 443 or call W. A. Gates at Groceteria. FOR RENT Purn. 2 room apt., heat B hot water. 345 N Bartlett. FOR RENT Apt. 625 No. Riverside BUSINESS OPPORTUNIITIES FOR SALE Interest In gold mine. Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Big pay uncovered. Box 03. Phoenix, Oregon. FOB EXCHANGE FOR SAL OR TRADE for cnickens. good family milk cows, now miik lrur: verv eentle. John B. H. Leyen. Rogue River. Ore., 1V4 miles north bank Evans creek. FOR SALE OR TRADE Circulating heater for small wood heater, l Anseth, 4 miles out on Midway road. WILL TRADE '30 Chev. panel dlvy, motor o. k. and pay cash ditrer ence on -28 or '30 "light enclosed car. Address Bx 13003. Tribune. EXCHANGE Stude 1-passenger coupe like new for aedan or small ranch. 317 North Riverside. TRUCK to trade for wood or what have you. Tel. 530-R-l. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head work and saddle horses. Tel. 838-R. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity In ti-room house, excellent location box 10331 Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 697-R-l. J-ROOM modem home bath laundry trat screened porch bullt-lns gar age shade and Tult trees: 1700 equity for car. acreage cabin site or what have you Phone 1538-L or write Box 13337 Tribune FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse, 1400 lbs. 7 years old Walter Jonee. and house below bridge. So. Ashland toll EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE FORTY ACRES, small house, good creek, wood, school transportation for Medtord property. Box 134 Old Stage Road. FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabln auto camp at Alturas, Cal Big Pines Lbr. Co, Medtord. Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little borne in Bend. Ore., clear tor something clear In Medtord or Ashland. Prefer small acreage. What have you. loo 7tb St. Ashland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CITY and country acreage homes; stock and dairy ranches. Roberts, 720 W. 2nd. Tel. 1528-J. . FOR SALE 324 acres cutovcr land, $750. See Clarence Pierce, Medtord.. H. C. Oaley, Ashland. PAYING DAIRY FARM Al stocked and equipped, 3i mile. from Medtord, free sou, IB acres ol excellent alfalfa, 6-room modern, plastered home In excellent condi tion, 3 barna, room for 200 tons hay. atanchlons for 25 cows, modern milk cooling system, 3 automatic pumps furnishing water for stock and domestic purposes, all appli ances for complete dairy: own mar. ket for milk; present Income, (300 per month; $4500 down, balance $75 per month. Including Interest at 6. See CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC., In new location at WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 50 R. I. pullets. 5 mos. old. quality stock. Mrs. Wm. Cum- mlngs, 6 mi. out Midway road, Cen tral point. Route 1, (OH DALE AUTOMOBILES. GOOD USED CARS WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 1930 Chrysler Brougham. 4- speed trana. .....(400 00 1928 Chev. Coupe 125 00 1929 Ford Roadster 1931 Chev. Sedan ..... 1928 Chrysler Coupe , , 150.00 375.00 265 00 265.00 1929 Olds Coupe ......... 1029 Hudson Coupe . 325.00 1928 Hudson Victoria Coupe.. 185 00 1930 Bulck 40 trpi. Coupe 450.00 Thl prove, that our prices are lower. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INO. 38 N. Riverside. 1931 Ford Coup De Luxe. 1931 Ford Coupe Standard. 1927 Bulck 4-door Sedsn. 1925 Bulck 5-passenger. glass en closed, will trade for model A Ford pickup. SKINNER'S OARAGE Bulck, Ponttac Salca and Service. S. Riverside. Phone 103. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 Ouern.ev and Jerney milk cows. Emery Butts, provolt. FOR SALE 5 good dairy cows. oray, Rucn, ore. FOR SALE 33 head of stock cattle. Elmo Throckmorton. Applegate P. O. HOR5E3 FOR SALE 1100 to 1700 lbs. Rear of 1140 Court St. FOR SALE Rambollett rams. 301-J-l. f)H HALtv MIHCKLl-ANKOLS FOR SALE Concord grapes. 597-J-3. FOR SALE Leghorn Olover, Rons lane. hens, M. B. FOR SALE CHEAP Windmill and tank with tower. Phoenix Oarage. 16-F-ll. FOR SALE Siwl pears, 25-lb. crate 23c. 620 South Peach SU FOR SALE Chairs, couch, gat leg tab, radio table, dining chairs, buffet, bedntead, matra, chlf ronler. e:ectric cleaner, mlac. house hold goods. Phone 681. THE PETITE PRUNE has more food value than any other fruit on the market. Plenty of them at the F. S Carpenter ranch. Jackson-ille highway. 1 PE.CHi 4i5 KtTlova. Tai. lUi-fi. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Flat top mahogany desk. 3 chair, to match; reasonaoie. 'i-vi 304. FOR SALE Pine tomatoes. 50o hun dred, you pick them. Bring boxes. John Mace, Central Point. FOR SALE; 010 credit card. Good at first-class San Francisco hotel. Hut price. Phone 301. LETZ HAY MILL In good condition, capacity 3000 to 3000 pounde per hour. E. R. White, 22 S. Fir St. Phone 31. FOR SALE Miscellaneous wood ranges, tables, bed. 30 So. Fir. Call belore 12:30. FOR SALE Wheel chair, water motor . wa&hlng machtde. Phone 630-J-3. PEACHES For canning. O. E. Car penter, i mile west of Phoenix on Houston road. Bring boxes, 75c for 50-lb. lug In orchard. FOR SALE -30-30 Savage at a bar gain. (23. Phone 676-W. Address 417 N. Oskdsle. FOR SALE Italian and petite prunes. Phone 7-F-14. SUGAR and Petite prunes. 7-F-13. TOMATOES for canning le lb. de livered in 50-lb. lug. Phone 1059. ITALIAN and petite prune. Geo. B xoung. Route i. Phone 7-F4. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. R. o. Skeiienger, Trail, Ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms it desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 34 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Large Ice box; also large eiectrio range. 70s Dakota Ave. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all aizea. 21a w. atn St. Tel. iQ4o-Y FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer ana teaming. Phone S12-J. CLAIRVOYANT As PALMIST Accur ate advice to all. Rainbow Auto Camp. Cabin 3. MISCELLANEOUS GET YOUR Fall Coat at Adrlenne's. Special ssle group of Tweeds and Dress models. Some with fur trim. Only $19.95. Authorized Prlgldalre Service. Other makes rep. Tel. 427: nighte 905-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, The only complete Title 8 y s t e m In Jackson County. Expert window cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning. Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charges See VI E Thomaa, 45 South Central, ground floor Craterlan Theater B'.dg. State License No. s-157. Job Printing, MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing ot all kinds: book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing aystems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing lines. 28-30 N. Grape. ' Phone 75. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc. 318 Liberty Bldg. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel. 649-W. 313 8. Grape. EADO TRANSFER tt STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RFINK1NO TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reasonaoie price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 333. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movera. Special livestock moving equipment. Prlcea right Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEGAL NOTICES No. 13771 Treasury Department I Office; of Comptroller of the currency Washington, d C .September 11. 1937 Whereaa, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been made to appear that "Medford National Bank." in the City of Med ford. in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, has compiled with all the provisions of the Statutes ol the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorised to commence the business of Banking; Now, therefore. I, J, F. T. O'Connor. Comptroller of the Currency, do here by certify that "Medford National Bank." in the City of Medford, in the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, is authorized to commence the bubinebs of Banking as provided in Section Fifty-one Hundred and Sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the Un-td States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office Uiia eleventh day of September, 1933, Seal of the Comptroller of the Cur rency. Treasury Department.) (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR, Liquidation Notice. The Medfrod National Bank located at Medford in the State of Oregoo la closing Its affairs. All note-holders and other creditors are hereby noti fied to preaent the notes and other claims against the association for parment. Dated S-pt 20. IP1T C0. T. FBT( Reorganization Notice. Medtord National Bank. Medtord National Bank located at Medtord In the State of Oregon re ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep tember 11, 1033, and commenced bus iness September 13, 1933. The new bank U a continuation of the old bank excepting that It 1. organized under the Banking Act of 1933. and has an entirely new Capital of (100,- 000.00. Dated Sept. 30. 1033. GEO. T. FRET, Cashier. Notice. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, in and tor the County of Jackson. In the Matter ot the Estate of 0. W Palm (also known as Charles W Palm). Deceased. Notice la hereby given that me unaersigneo. came palm, nas been duly and regularly appointed by the county judge of Jackson county. Oregon, aa the Executrix with the will annexed, of the estate of the above named O. W. Palm (also known a Charles W. Palm), deceased, and has duly qualified as such Execu trlx. Notice 1 further given that all persons having anv claims sgslnst the estate of the said decedent should present same duly verified in accord ance with law to the undersigned Executrix, at the office jf P. J. New man. Attorney for said Estate. In the Palm Building. In Medtord. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication ot this Notice Dated and first published on this 31st day of August, A. D. 1933. CALLIE PALM. Executrix with the will annexed of the estate of c. W Palm (also known as Charles W. Palm), deceased. Warrant Call. Notice is hereby given that School District No. 49, Jackson County, war rants No. 4170 to No. 4267 Inclusive are called for payment. Interest to cease on September 29, 1933. War rant to be presented for payment at the office of the District Clerk, City Hall. Medtord, Oregon. REBECCA JENSEN. Clerk School District No. 49. Notice of Taking I'p F.Mrays. Taken ud at Btz Oaks Service Rta. tlon on the Crater Lake Hiehwav. on Sept. 24th. 1933, the following de scribed stock: One bay mare. One brown mare, One mule colt (yearling). One brown colt. No marks or brands by which thev can be Identified. owner may have same bv savirur costs of keep and advertising. twiea tni aotn dsy of Sept., 1938 LEW BLOOM, Constable of Medtord District. Eagle Point EAGLE POINT, Sept. 38. (Spl.) Last Wednesday the following group composed an all-day surprise party nn Mra. Nettle Grover of Medtord: Mrs. Wm. Perry, Mr.. Rosa Smith. Mrs. Percy Haley, Mrs. Wm. Holman, Mrs. Sam Coy, Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Mable Harnlsh and Miss Helen, of Eagle Point, Mrs. Susie Stewart of Medtord and Mrs. Harriett Allen of Portland. The occasion was Mrs. Dro ver's birthday. Eaci carried a cov ered dish from which a bountiful dinner waa spread, and birthday cards and other birthday offerings were presented to th ehonored guest. Mrs. w. H. Young motored to Grants Pass to meet and return with her uncle, Mr. Hill of San Vranclsco. who spent the week-end with them. Mrs. I. R. Kline waa delightfully surprised on Monday. September 25. to nave her cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stuckland of Los Angeles, whom she had not seen for 25 years, drop In on her for a short visit. Mr. Stuckland Is a retired major of the Cuban war, and lived originally Li Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS U AnlmaJ'i foot i. Sharp 9. Entirely 12. Vale 13. Acted out of pirlta 14. Grief 16. Part between ths shoulder bones of an animal 17. Custom 19. Cards hld at a deai 10. Tallies 2L Cutting weapon IJ. Turf 24. Nots 25. Inclined trough 18. Llks 28. Skill 29. Pronoun 10. Mexican rub ber tree 11. Exist 12. Carry nearer 22. Large knife 14. Goddess of feaca uca If. Withdrew, aa from danger 15. Be afraid M. Sharp and Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlt MORlEl O V ElRjjj 40. Eloquence 43. Conjunction 44. Of greater age 46. Billiard stick 47. Action at law 41. Knots 49. Sheep-billing parrot DOWN L Sat Id chorea V EElP ugjo gjEF I NJE H I TA yajo y d fflfi n t eTLT IR1E NElD S"P d esc eTn d s m s UM eee i h eikIiiIdIoIdiee ' ia i3 w r r r w- r t 'l 1! is lb HI q 8 m fe Zl 23 Wa i3 W fM , . ' Ma -w, ZSl Ml 2 Ml S.4 4 ':, Goshen, Ind., the former home ot Mrs. Kline. They were on the last lap of a long vacation trip which took them to many parta ot the east ani to Canada. Last Friday night the freshmen of the high school held their annual initiation, with refreshments and all the usual activities. Mrs. Millie Tlngleaf. who recently purchased the old Frank Lewi, place from Wm. Perry, has had the old house torn down and la building a new bungalow. Many nethbora and frlenda are assisting with volunteer labor. Mrs. Tlngleaf and family ex pect to move Into their new home by the flrat of October. Mr. Ting leaf, brother of Los Angeles, who has been helping Mrs. Tlngleaf for the last three months, has charge of the building of the new home and will remain here until the family are moved. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd V. Barrett spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the Crater Lake home of Mr. and Mra Buford Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Clsrk are en larging their home by having a bath rcom and a fruit and vegetable room added. Herbert Carlton and family of Pros pect, taking a load of potatoes to Med ford, stopped a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, leaving their little twin daughters, Elva and Seldi. with their grandmother until their return. Mra. Floyd V. Barrett Is In receipt ot a fine box of European grapes from her grandfather, who has a large vineyard at Escondldo, Cal. All of the teachers went Into Med tord after school on Tuesday on busi ness. Mrs. N. B. Newcomb waa attending to business In Medtord Tuesday. The local unit of the home exten sion work held a meeting to outllno the coming year'a program. There was a good attendance. Vegetable cookery will occupy the major part of the program, with Chrlatmaa gifts In October and dressmaking In the spring. All ladles Interested are urged to attend these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd V. Barrett were dinner guesta of Mr. and Mra. W. Ertckson of Reese creek Tuesday even ing, September 30. 4 Holcomb Springs HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Sept. 38. (Spl.) Glen Koger has returned from Crater Lake, where he la employed on the rim-road. He reporta about 300 men at work on the Job and the weather cold and windy. H. Van Hoevenberg la busy with a large force, picking, packing and ship ping carload lots of fruit. He re ports a heavy cdop of peaches, and fine quality. W. w. Edlngton had the mlefor- tune of having one of his valuable horses badly crippled last week. Fred Anderson, caretaker of the springs, had a very pleasant surprise on the 16th, when his friends called to celebrate his birthday. Lunch was served in the park. Present were Mrs. Clint Walker, Mrs. Lowe, Dick Walker of Gold Hill: Mr. Webster, Los Angeles: Sam Darby, Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. George Hoi- como. Among visitors at the springs last week were: Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Clark Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Gunderman. 6 H. Harnlsh, Eagle Point; O. R. Gun derman. Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Olsen, Mrs. Bruce Bauer, Mrs. Fred Dutton, W. D. Welch. T. H. Smith, A. o. Bishop and Mra. Carrie Thomason, Medford. Auto glass, plate and shatterproof Brill Metal Works. Cross-Word Puzzie I. Bestow aa au 10. Theater box 1L Drega 16. Difficult 18. Sensitive 20. Turned on a Klvot or Inge 21. Thick slice 22. Withstood usa S3. Give light 2ft. Small opening 28. Toward the sheltered side 27. Prophet 29. City In New Jersey 30. Deprive of prltstly privilege S3. Chaffy part of ground grail 12. Placa to alt 34. Planta or the I tit family AS. Raises .IK. Box 37. Sharpening tone XI. Without cost 40. Singular 4L Regret 42. Affirm tits 4a. H eh old I OB 5 LEA J N G O 0 A Hi L1C OPE III WE & OLE 05E DEl 2. Baba" 2. Lacklng 4. Improve 5. String I, Pro? pe roue periods T. Symbol for tellurium I. Develop by systematic Instruction A, C TPCI FILMS PLAYERS ELOPE TO MEXICO vKV Aril V -V William Caoney, actor, and hie bride, Patricia "Boots" Mallory, actress, a. they returned to Hollywood after an elopement to Ague Callente. Mexico. (Associated Praae Photnt CLARA BOW GROGGY DURING FILM FIGHT HOULYWOOD. Cal.. Sept. 38. (V) Clara Bow, the red-headed film star may be more careful In the future about obeying literally her script In structions. But last night she proved she could take It" on the chin and come up smiling If a bit groggy. It was a free-for-all fight scene In her new picture. Clara, as a circus iwrformer standing on a platform, waa supposed to leap from her com paratlve safety Into the scrapping mob, to the rescue of a fellow player. She leaped and connected with the list of an unidentified battler. Clara reeled but the camera kept grinding. When they carried her off, witnesses said, she was reciting lines from her last film. She was sent home to bed, but was expected at work again today, 1 PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 38. (AP alt him above Industry, above bust invested wealth fallea of recom mendation by the Olll subcommittee of the governor's relief committee of 32 when a tie vote resulted at yester day a meeting here. The vote waa 3 to 3. A majority vote waa neces sary In order to effect the recom mendation. Ray W. GUI, chairman of the sub committee; Ben T. Osborne, executive secretary of the state federation of labor, and Harry Gross voted for the recommendation and Bert Haney, John F. Logan and D. M. Webb voted against It. Jack H. Lulhn, seventh member of the committee, waa Ab sent. Previously, however, he had expressed his opposition to such a measure. 4- SALEM. Ore. (UP)-Whether Thom as Hughes, of Altursa. Csllfornla, con duct, hi logging operation In Ore gon or California would be rather dif ficult to determine. Hughes Is engaged In logging an 80-foot tract of timber situated Just along the boundary line on the Ore gon aide. Many of the tree, though cut on Oregon territory, tall over Into California. Aa result, many times Hughes finds himself in the peculiar poaltlon of cutting timber In Oregon, but log glng It out In California. EAGLE POINT SCHOOL EAOLE POINT. Sept. 38. (Spl.) Owing to the large enrollment of high school pupils, it haa been nec essary to remove tha partition be tween th e music romo and the room occupied by Floyd V. Barrett with his advanced grades of the high school building, in order to har ea larger ftiuty room. The former study room will bJ used for the music room. Mr. Barrett haa been moved to a room In the old school building. If the enrollment in the high school continues to increase as It has for the last few years, it will toon be necessary to build an addition to the high school building. Heating uosU can be reduced. For mplete heating terries call Art ScbmldU tiB 1002. CHICAQO. Sept. 28 tVP) Preal- dent Roosevelt telegraphed the na tional association of life underwriter in convention here that the insurance policy plays an Important part In the background of the American fam ily. "Insurance, and particularly Ufa insurance, playa a very important part in our national picture. It affords to the individual a margin of safety for his loved ones, thus enabling him to go about his business unhampered by fear for them In the event of ac cident or death and giving him wider latitude in hla undertakings. "The merits of life Insurance have now come to be well recognized and the Insurance policy playa an Impor tant part In the background of the American family. In bringing this about, you have rendered an out standing service, and. by the same token you have contributed a large part to our national progress, ARRESTS IN AUGUST 8ALBM, Ore. (UP) Violation of fish and game lavs In Oregon during August resulted In 105 arroste by state police. Thirty-four persona were arrested charged with fishing without a 11 cense, 18 for Illegal possession of deer, 8 for hunting without licenses. Other charges Included Illegal pos session ot fish 4, Illegal fishing 7, selling fish without license 6. Illegal operation of nets S, exceeding limit of game blrda 1, using artificial light 3, hunting In closed season 4, hunt ing game blrda In closed sesson 8. hunting with Improper license, illegal poaseaslon of game birds 3, killing doe and fawn deer 3, possession of un tagged deer 1, Fines collected for game Isw viola tion during August totaled (2,800. FORD ALLEMBLY PLANT AT CHESTER IS CLOSED WASHINGTON, Sept. 33. IIP) S-nator Wngner, chairman of the na tional labor board, was Informed to day the Ford Motor company's as sembly plant at Cheater, Pa., had been closed down Indefinitely. Wagner said hla Information came from J. F. Dewey, of the department of labor, who had been sent to Ches ter as a medlstor to adjust labor troubles that had led to a walkout of several thousand employes. EAOI.E POINT, Sept. 38 ffipl.) Some of the younger married people have formed a roller-skating club, using the Luke Klncald hall for a rink. The club la open to ail who enjoy this sport and the rink la open overy afternoon and evening. All fur nish their own akatea. Mra. W. H. Young dislocated her knee Joint by a fall on the floor of the new akating rtnk Monday after noon. She 1 unable to walk at this writing. "Steno" Hare llnrse Owner. BOSTON (UP) The hobby of Mlsa Mary Power., 31. Boston sten ographer, la horse racing. She own Coming Back, which recently won at Rockingham Park and paid (10.40 tor .very fa ticket in th mutual Courthouse News 1 Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co. 131 E sixth street) Marriage Licensee. Olenn I. Epperson and Mabel Mot- gensen. Cyril a. Holt and Gail E. Badger. Miller W. LeValley and Audrey Hays. Arnold M. Cheever and Katharine Cneever. Jack D. McNerney and Dorothy Bounds. Richard U. John and Paula Link. Circuit Court. L. F. Buckingham, Laura L. Buck :ngham assume the business name of 'The Creat." Orants Pasa Irrigation Dlat. v.. Ladd Estate Company; tax foreclos ure. Gold Hill Irrigation District . Frederick L. Champlln et .1; tax fore closure. O. O. Furnas n. Rogue River Cheese & Products. Inc.: chattel Hen. Fred Tracy. Anna E. Tracy ve. John Heseenauer et ux, Leo 0. Huff et ux, foreclosure. John c. Thorson ti. Arnold Bonn er t; for money. Probate Court. Estate of Edwin Bradford Shaw (aec.j aamitted to probate. Estate of David Danlela (dec.) ad mitted, to probate. Estftto of Jesae Walton (minor) ad mitted to probate. Real Estate Transfer.. Sheriff to Inter-State Fidelity Building le Loan Association: aher !ffa deed to land In DLO 43 In Tp. 3B 8. R. t W. O. w. Davla et ux to Union Sav Inga eV Loan Aaociatlon: W. D. to Nij of Lot 3: a. 12(4 fe. of Lot 3, Blx. l. City of Medford. J- W. Fish et ux to Ida E. Jonei; W D. to Lot 8 and 7, Riverside Sub. division in Sec. 34, Tp. 38 S. R. 4 w. Nober Gottlieb to Selma Oottlleb: Q. C. D. to land In DLO 43, Tp. 8T S R. I W. and Lota I to 83 Inclusive and Lots 65 to 71 Inclusive of Win chester Place Addition to Medford. Martin J. Love et ux to B. M. Nix: O. D. to LOU 17. 18. 10. Han,,. Hollow Sub., unrecorded, in See. as. Tp. 38 S. R. 8 W. Margaret Burroughs to Kate lc.n. hor; W. D. to Lot 18, Blx. 8, Cltv of Medford. ' John O. Ktnkade et ux to s spuriock: w. d. to aw;, of tmi ot N E 1 i . Am. lit ,M . w . ... f au U- IV, , VV. B- Williams et al to Paulin. Rnh. arte: w. D. to land in Sec.. S3, 34 and w. in l-p. 00 o, K. 3 W. Pauline Robert to A. B. William. et ux: W. D. to und. H Interest in inu in sec. ie and 18. To. 37 s R. 3 W. A. B. William et al to Pauline Robert; w. D. to land In Bee. ia and 19. In Tp. 37 a. R. 1 w. rauun Robert to A. B. Willi.. et ux: W. D. to und. l-.l inf., and In Sec, 33, 34 and in Tn a. R. a w. Pauline Roberta to A. n toiih. et ux; w. D. to Lot 8. aiv. i Addition to Medford. , A. B. William, et ux to pi.n Roberta; W. D. to Lot 8, Blk. 7, Ron Addition to Medford. Wilbur F. Robert to Hilda Roh.ri.. W. D. to 8E!4 of SB!4; Government Lot 3, leu west 10 acre la See. 10. Tp. 30 S. R. 8 W. H. B. Nye et ux to Alrln Km. iaa; w. u.. to Lot 3, Blk. 80, ol Medtord. City Mr.. K. L. Cookaer to A. w nih. eon; W. D. to tract In Block 33, Sis kiyou Height Extension Add. ot Med ford. Olare W. Shore et ux to Rolllen a. Dickeron et ux; W. D. to land In D U3 70, In Tp. 37 0. R. 3 w. United State, to Oecar A. 0and ford: patent to 8E4 of NW!4. Bee. . in Tp. 40 a. R. 4 B. v A. W. Mason, to J. B. Andrews et ux; W. D. to Lot 30. Howard Park Unrecorded eubdlvlalon. . E. K. Hall to Lulu M. Wlleon; W. p. to Lot 8 and 4, Matthew. Add. to Ashland. Fred 0. Home et ux to Susanna Home, carter; Q. o. U to land In Sec. 33 and 34, In Tp. 80 S. R. I B Sheriff to J. T. Brewer; tax dead NW!4 of BE14. See. 88, Tp. 87 8. li , 8,',f HoraM,: r i w ' KW,4' 8e0' M' TP' Sheriff to Samuel K. Morehouse al: tax deed to Lot 3, Blk. 18. city of Butte Fall. Sheriff to Frederic W. Kant; tax deed to land In Sec. S3, Tp. 38 a. R. 1 B. Fred H. Dondart to w. B Peck Q O. D. to prt Lot , Blk. a, Mlngu eubdlvlalon to Medford. Ella Leaverton et rlr to Solomon A. Leaverton et ux; w. D to 1 ' 1 acrea In DLC 60, In Tp. 37 8. R. 3 W MODERN, FLIES PLANE VISALIA. Oal. (UP)-tias Pansy Bowen. who claim to be a direct da. eeendent of the Indian princes., Po eahonta, today could claim th nam Olrl-Who-Fllea-ln-the-Sky. Ml Bowen held a federal airplane Pilot license, the only woman Is outhsrn central California to quail fy. ahe became Interested in flying; while head of the weather bureau at th municipal airport, took lesson, and finally passed examinations for a license, she own her own airplane. Mis Bowen said she ha hope of flying across the Pacific. Judge Banned Dance Hall. KELSO, Waah. (UP) Judge L. K. Huntington aentenced Devon Toot' Bailey to stay away from dance halls for alx month. To be sure be did, the Judge Instructed him to spend the next four Saturdays in the city Jail, Bailey waa convicted of slap, ping a lrl at a dance recently. (