PAGE SEVEN You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORF). OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WajJl to Mil four nome Want to IM iU M t Ui odd mo inda la household furnishings! Oo TOO osd tool (or your gar. dsn . . o insxpsnalva Want-Ad in ths easil rrtbuns Cleaeitleo page wUl find ths anew: tc these sue) msny otbsr perplexing oroblems. Here Are the Rates: Far word first insertion (Minimum 35o) Bscs sddltlonsJ Insertion, per word (Minimum 10c) Per Hoe pet month, without copy change -, .. 75 Phone LOST AMU FOUND LOST If 0og musing, call 1516. WANTED rEMALK HELP WANTED Girl for housework ln.,a": Uv with baby, for room, board and till per w. Box 800. Tribune. WANTED Packer. Phoenix. Bert Stancllff. WANTED Young woman for general housework, good wages. References. Box 13965. Tribune. WANTED MAUK HELP BTBADY WORK-GOOD P AY--J veral choice opening In county and town for reliable men or women, no capital or experience req'ilred; ' Write Mr. Thomse. Supt.. 426 Third St.. Oakland, Cal. WANTED SITUATION WANTED General housework. Ref erences furnished. Call at 132 Tripp. WANTED Housekeeping. References. 24 years old. City or country. Care of children. Box 593, Tribune. YOUNG woman want housework. References. Box 13983, Tribune. HIOH SCHOOL girl want to work for room and board and small pay. Call 6-F-22. . .-. . BOY WANTS to work for room and board while attending school. Box 13731. Tribune. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT small furnished house or apartment, close In, rea sonable. Clements Auto Wrecker, 35 So. Riverside Ave. OENERAL "pAINTTNG, tinting and floor waxing. Phone 906-L. WANTED Sectional West 8th. bookcase. 611 WANTED Pasture for two young calves. Phone 301-J-2. W A N T E D Appllcatlone for good home loan In small amounts pro ceeds of which will be ujed to cre ate employment. Southern Build ing At Loan Assn. WILL the person that took our white shoes by mistake from Blden'a Shoe hop please return a soon as pos sible. WANTED Slide 1232-W. trombone. Phone WANTED Late model Ford or Chev. rolet truck In exchange for dentist. ry and some cash. Dr. C. E. Kunz, Holly Theater Blag. CASH PAID for small oaah register 317 North Riverside. WANTED 2d hand S to 10-ton Fair bank or Howe cale. Box 566. Tribune. WANTEDLaundry completely finish ed. 8c lb. Also day work. Tel 4-P-3 WANTED Pasture lor cows, also want saddle horse. Cheater Wendt. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, 8c lb. Also day work. Tel 4-F-2. WANTED Modern bouse to rent, 8 bedroom, walking distance courthouse. Phune U7-J. WANTED Whit Leghorn pullet. Give description and price. Box 123. Butte Falls, Ore. HAY GRINDING A specialty Brown the bay grinder. 140 So. Central. WANTED Listing of valley home in exchange for choice Cal property Staple Realty Co.. A&hland. JUNK WANTED Wf pay cash for JUNK. BATTERIES e RADIATORS ALUMINUM BRAriS. COPPER Si funk of all descriDtion MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape Tel 1062 WANTED Household goods, stoves tool or what have you Medford Bargain Houae. 37 N. a rap St. Tel 1063. FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room house, 214 North Holly. Call. FOR RENT 8-room modern unfurn ished house, excellent condition. 406 W. 2nd. Call 127-J-2. POR RENT Furnished house, modern. 110 00. Phone 1389-Y. C 1 K S-room partly furnished; Call s wl at 45 s. central. 110 TO 22 SO Water paid 130 No. Hour. 808 W. 10th. 37 Washington. H'JMKe POP RENT V.tU 888 ful Kc'-N'T. Home lurmaned or uaXurnitaea Siown m Wait. FOB BENT HOUBES FOR RENT Desirable 7-room un furnished home; 3 bedroom, screen porch, fireplace, hardwood (loo re. large lawn, with shade trees: with or without furnace heat. 0. A. DeVoe, Phone S33-J-3. 1025 W. 9th. Old Elm. First Ins. Agency, H. H. Brown. Call 105; after 5. 1610. FOR RENT On of the prettiest and homiest cottages In Medford Beau tiful!; and completely furnished Nice yard and flowers. Furnace heat, basement, .washing machine. Prlgld aire, fireplace, garage In a splen did neighborhood. Available Sept. 18. 143 50. water paid. 630 W i'.h St.. or call 1473-W. Key at 44 N Peach. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 12088, Tribune. FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished bouse, 1035 W. 10th. O. A. DeVoe FOR RENT To adult or adult with grown children, ideal 6-room un furnished bungalow In first-class condition, cloee in; ha built-in fix ture, heatrola. electrlo water beat er and tank; new linoleium on kit ohen floor; laundry tubs, screened porches, garage, wood bouse, nice lawn. 8ee property at 719 W. 1Kb and call first door west. Ready for occupancy and low rent to good tenant. HOUSES (10. 812.50 and 815. water paid: wood range. Phone 105. FOR SALE OR RENT Sidney Smith home, corner west Main at orange Exclusive listing, w I. Vawter Jackson 00 Bank Bldg. FOB REN! APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4-room duplex apart ment, electric refrigerator and range, breakfast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 442 or call W. A. Gates at Groceteria. FOR RENT Furn. 2 room apt., heat & hot water. 345 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Apt. 625 No. Riverside DURRELL COURT. 329 No. Holly. FOB BENT BOAUD AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 718 B. Rate very moderate. FOB RENT r'UHNISHfcD HUUMS FOR RENT Front room close In, hot and cold water shower. 20 So. Fir. FURNISHED 3 4:5 rooms. Inquire 223 N. Riverside. ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 S. Grape. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIIT1ES FOR SALE Interest In gold mine. Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Big pay uncovered. Box 93, Phoenix, Oregon. FOR EXCfiANOE TRADE 1937 Chevrolet ton truck for model A car. Box 91, Jacksonville J. H. Patrick. WILL TRADE '26 Chev. panel dlvy. motor o. k. and pay ca6h differ ence "on '28 or '29 light enclosed car. Address Bx 13963. Tribune. TRADE '29 Bulck sport coupe for light car. Phone 1267 evening. EXCHANGE dentistry for wood. Dr. C. E. Kunz-. Holly Theater Bldg. EXCHANGE Stude 4-pasaenger coupe like new for sedan or small ranch. 817 North Riverside. VRUCK to trade for wood or what have you. Tel. 539-R-l. rOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head work and saddle horses. Tel. 838-R. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity in o-room bouse, excellent locatloo 1 riox 1063c Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, tor truck. Phone 897-R-l. J-ROOM modern borne, bath, laundry trar screened porch, bullt-lna gar age, shade and fruit treea: 8700 equity for car. acreage, cabin site or what have you Phone 1338-L or write Bos 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse, 1400 lbs. 7 year old Walter Jones, 2nd bouse below brtdce. So. Ashland. FOB EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE FOR TRADE 17 acres of good soil and first grade buildings now pro ducing A grade milk. Want large acreage, will assume indebtedness. This place Is clear of debt. Box 596 Tribune. FORTY ACRES, amall house, good creek, wood, school transportation for Medford property. Box 134 Old Stage Road. FOR SALE OR TRADE New 4 -room modern furnished house, $1650. Make your own terms. 308 Ashland Ave. FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabln auto camp at Alturas, Cal B:g pine Lbr. Co, Medford. Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little noma In Bend, Ore, clear for something clear ' In Medford or Ashland. Prefer small acreage, what bave you. 165 7th St. Ashland. I'OH 8ALfc AUTOMOBILES. GOOD U6ED CARS WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 1930 Chrysler Brougham, speed trans. . 1928 Chev. Coupe ..1400 00 125 00 150.00 1929 Ford Roadster . 1931 Chev. Sedan 1928 Chrysler Coupe 375 00 385 00 1929 Olds Coupe . 289.00 1P29 Hudson Coupe - 325.00 1938 Hudson Victoria Coupe. 185 00 1630 Bulck 40 Spt. Coupe 450 00 This proves thst our prices are lover. - ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Rlveralde. 1P31 Ford Coup 1 Luie. 1931 Ford Coupe Standard. 1937 Bulck 4-door Sedan. 1935 Bulck ft.passener. !ass closed, will trsde for model A Ford pickup. SKINNERS GARAGE Bjlck. Ponllac sales and Servlc. 6. Riverside. Paone 103. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE PAYINQ DAIRY FARM Al stocked and equipped, 3!-j miles from Medford. free sou, is acre ox excellent alfalfa, 8-room modern, plastered home In excellent condi tion, 2 barn, room for 200 tons hay. atanchlons for 25 cows, modem milk cooling system. 8 automatic pump furnishing water for stock and domestic purposes, all appli ances for complete dairy; own mar ket for milk; present Income, 8300 per month; 84500 down, balance 75 per month, Including Interest at 6. See CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC., In new location at LOOK AT THIS 180. 820 or 640 acre STATE LAND along STATE hwy, near Florence, Aria., at low price. Two dollars per acre will handle; 35 years balance, and not much of that. A. E. Bliss, 1006 Sunset, or Phone 814. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Whits. FOB SALE HOMES FOP SALE New 6 -room modern house in Eugene, will sacrifice. Inqrlre 1129 Nlani.c St, Medford FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Milk goats. Tel 63S-W. FOR SALE 33 head of stock cattle. Elmo Throckmorton. Applegate P. O. HORSES FOR SALE 1100 to lbs. Rear of 1140 Court St. FOR SALE Rambollett ram. 301-J-l. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Tomatoes. Italian and Petite prunes. F. S. Carpenter, Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE Peaches. Elberta now ready. R. R. Ouches, Orl'fln Creek Phone 857-L. FOR SALE Miscellaneous wood ranges, tables, bed. 20 So. Fir, Call before 12:30. GOOD used glszed aash at bargain price. 109 E. 8th St. '23 CHEVROLET delivery 25. Bicycle 610. 703 West 13th. PEACHES 415 Newtown. Tel. 1122-R. FOR SALE Wheel chair, water motor washing machine. Phone 539-J-2. FOR SALE: Kingabury piano and rxigiaaire. neaaonaDie. ioit west loth. SACRIFICE new Lapln fur swagger coat, alze 16. 825. 613 So. Central. PEACHES For canning. O. E. Car penter, mue west of Phoenix on Houston road. Bring boxes. 75c for 50-lb. lug in orchard. BARGAIN Short time, Master lncu- nator. with oil burner. 270-egg: brooder stove, canopy 1000-chtck capacity. 1 mile west of Phoenix on Calhoun road. Mrs. Schermer horn. FOR SALE Baled and loose hay. vetcn, wneat or oat for your cover crop. V. Bursell, Phone 353-J-3. ROOMING HOUSE furniture. Front. 33 So. FOR SALE Large sl "Tlleona" cir culator heating stove, burn wood or coal. In good condition. 79 Baum treet, or phone 384-R, Ashland. RANGE and kitchen cabinet, $50 for Doin. Hi so. Holly. FOR SALE .30-30 savage at a bar- eu, m. rnone oo-w. Address 417 N. Oakdale. FOR SALE Italian and petite prunes. 'Phrtn- f-Wn r SUGAR and Petite prune. Phone TOMATOES for canning i0 lb. de- ITALIAN and petite prune. Geo. B ... . uvuw 4. rnone I -r 4. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. - w- cngmser. i rui, ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machine, all makes; terms if desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co, 24 N. Bartlett FOR SALE Large lea box; alto large electrlo range. 706 Dakota Ave. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all sizes. 215 W. 8th St. Tel. 1645-Y. FOR sand, gravel, aedlment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone 912-J. rOR SALE MUSICAL INSTKUMENio FOR SALE Small bungalow piano, very reasonable. Oall 1430-J-2. PIANO FOR SALE 1010 West 4th. PERSONAL CLAIRVOYANT as PALMIST Aorur ate advice to all. Rainbow Auto Camp. Cabin 8. MISCELLANEOUS GET YOUR Fall Coat at Adrienne'e. Special sale group of Tweeda and Dreas models. Some with fur trim. Only 919.95. Authorised Prlaldalre Service, other maaea rep. Tel. 427; nlhu 905.Y. BUSINESS niBECTOBt Abstract. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title, Title Insurance. Room S and 5. No. 33 North Centra) At.. upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Tltl and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System la Jarkson Connty. Espert Window Cleaners. LET OEOROE OO IT Tel. 1173 House cleaning. Floov Waxlnst- Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per montb on un paid b&lnnce No other chargea See E rhomae. 45 South Central ground floor Craterian Theater Stat License Ho. 6-157. BUSINESS DIRECTOR! Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNB JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kind: book binding; loos -leaf ledger, and blank, billing systems, duplicating cash sale slip and everything in the printing line. 28-30 N. Grape. Phone 75. . Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc. 818 Liberty Bldg. Painting and raperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel, 646-W. 313 8 Orapa. Transfer. CADS TRANSFER As STORAGE CO. Offlo 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Price right. Servlc guaranteed. RFINKINO TRUCKING CO Trans fer and atorage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipmeu'.. rhrlces right Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEGAL NOTICES No. 13771 Treasury Department Office of Comptroller of the Currency Washington. D. C, September 11. 1933 Wherea. by satisfactory evidence presented to the upderalgned. It ha been made to appear that "Medford National Bank." In the City of Med ford. in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, ha compiled with all the provlslona of the Statutes ot the United States, required to be complied with before an association ahall be authorized to commence the bualnea ot Banking; Now, therefore, I. J. F. T. O'Connor. Comptroller of the Currency, do here by certify tnat "Meniord National Bank." in the City of Medford. In the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, is authorized to commence the buslneaa of Banking a provided In Section Fifty-one Hundred and Sixty nine of the Revised Statutee of the United statea. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this eleventh day of September. 1933. (Seal of the Comptroller of the Cur rency. Treasury Department.) (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR. Liquidation Notice. The Medfrod National Bank located at Medford In the State of Oregon Is closing It affaire. All note-holders snd other creditors are hereby noti fied to present the notes and other clalma against the association . for payment. Dated Sept. 30. 1933. GEO. T. FREY, Caahier. Reorganization Notice. Medford National Bank. Medford National Bank located at Medford In the state of Oregon re- ucivea cnsrver no. 13771 dated Sep. tember 11, 1933. and commenced bus. inesa September 13. 1933. The new oanx is a continuation of the old bank excepting that it la organized under the Banking Act of 1933, and ha an entirely new Capital of 8100. 000.00. Dated Sept. 20. 1933. - OEO. T. FREY. Cashier. Notice to rveriltnra. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. ui tne Matter of the Estate of Ar. thur S. Wells, deceased Notice la hereby given that I have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an or der of the County Court of Jackson Liouniy, Oregon, duly made, render ed and entered unon August lath 1933, and all creditor having claims against said deceased are hereby notl- Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Ths eighth part of a circle T. Placed at Intervala 15. Drawing-room It. Edible tuber 16. Opposite of aweather II. Praia It. Utke brief note of II. Ildelong (Lance 20, Feathered vertebrate IL Imallest whole number 22. Reliance 2t. Short for a man's name 25. Conditions 21. Consumed I. Oo furtively S2. HI win St. Thinly scattered St. Amount for which a thing may be bought 2s. Imitate ST. Japaneae coin St, Myself l. Klip L aisle of cer tain animals Solution of Yesterday's Puizle AVE RjS AISHSE A s i r EjH t rkj e Pas P A R LIT rWBR EjA T H iiAEglsfaEAfe!! T U N Al 1 TlAfgj R E I Yl a n t sInIe Ri5 s eTeI P I pIN T He It spp fsTElpklL 5 ag bfjjsfr IdioIraIc 41. Food fish 41. List 41. Tears of one's life . Allsvlate to. F.nxllsh river 6L Refreshed br repose IS. Take umbras at St. Bristly &a. Cublo mstere 7 z 3 4 5"""" J 8 ? io a m MWM H2 PS is a-j? ii28 W 32 33 H 34 """ill!!"! 11 12 ill! 4, 41 ;;- 43 44 45 4j 47 Z z I II I I I m 111.. 1.1 fled to present the same, duly verified with ' voucher thereunto attached, and all person owing said estate ar notified to pay their said indebted ness to me at my office, Rooms 301- 3 Medford National Bank Building. Medford. Oregon, .within sli. month from the date of thl notice. Dated at Medford. Oregon, thl 29th day of August, 1933. G. M. ROBERTS. Administrator of the Estate ot Arthur 9. Wells, deceased. Notice. In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Susan E. Whltten, alto known a Susan Elizabeth Whltun, also known a S. E. Whltten. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undtrslgned has filed hla Final Ac count and Report In the above en titled matter, and the above entitled Court has fixed October 20th. 1933. at 10 o clock a. m In the Countv Court Room In the Court House in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing ob. jecuons ro said Final Account, and for the settlement thereof. HARRY C. BKYRMAN, Administrator. Laurelhurst LAURELHURST. Sept. 26. (Spl) Laurelhurst school opened September 4th with the following pupils pres ent: First grade, Jack Rodgera. Rich ard Peyten, Alvle Peyton, Leatha Mclntlre, Reglna Smith, Alvln Train: second grade. Raymond Train. Nancy Peyton: third grade. Wendell Vfui?hn, Billy Coburn, Robert Harold Peyton: fourth grade, Joyce Nedry, Lester Trsln, Billy Peyton. Juanlta Peyton. George Hopper; sixth grade, Robert Edgar Peyton, Betty Coburn, Carol Nedry: seventh grade, Bobby Ohrt, Cecil Rodgers, Donald Vaughn: eighth grade, Lola Glass, Jamea Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DIUworth spent several daya In the mountains look ing after stock laat week. First meeting of the Laurelhurst Parent-Teachera association will be held early In October. Mrs. Roy Vaughn la president of the associa tion. Harry' Harding la driving the bus for high school student of the community attending Prospect high school. Pupils of the Laurelhurat school will play Shady Cove a game of vol ley ball at Shady Cove next Friday afternoon. Miss Erma Glass will ref eree. Phoenix PHOENIX, Sept. 38. (8pl) At tention of all Woodcraft Circle mem bers and any others desiring to at tend la called to the card party to be held on the evening of October 6 at the Orange hall, at the close of the regular Circle. A small fee will be charged which will entitle each to the evening of cards and fun, and refreshments. A number of the ladles of this community attended the home ex tension meeting at Medford Sntur day. Those attending were Mesdames P. J. Denaer, Vaughn Quackenbush, O. C. Maust, L. O. Caster, R. O. Ward. Alt report a profitable meeting and a good time. A social meeting Is being planned at the Presbyterian church on Wed nesday night, which will be of In terest to all in the community, and especially to the congregation of the church. Short talka will be given by representatives from the Ladles Missionary societies. In reference to Cross-Word Puzzie t. Pan S. Body of water 0. 'By 10. Persuasion through flattery IL English school 11 fjove to eictss IT. Qo up 25. Epecd contest 54. Literary fragments 2ft. Toung demoo 26. Betnote 2T. Moat alender 29. Hastened SO. Ibsen char acter SL ftanga of knowlerigf 55. Congealed water St. Natural nemlea of files IS. Word ef sorrow SS. Screen frnrr the light 49. Obliterate 41. Sailors 42. S-shsped molding 4S. Perceives 4S. Above 44. Musical sound 47. Insects S2. As far ae 14. Symbol for ethvl Wl Kl E gjaV A AN M SEJER RE ij T aTr" N D gj wa S IIS i dIsyn e DOWN 1. Kind of gem X. Variety ot cabbeget var. I. Larae woody plant 4. Vlallant I. Word of refusal I. Money pal by virtu of treaty URSCHEL WITH mm ... iv . TT CharlM F. Urschtl and hit wlf, central flgura In tht kidnaping :rlal at Oklahoma City, are ahown aa they appear In federal court. Both iava been threatened for their part In attempting to convict Harvey 3riley and hla codefendanta. (Associated Prema Ph their plans for the winter. An hour of games and recreation will be con ducted by Mri. O. C. Maust. Fol lowing thla, refreshments wtll be rv- I ed by the Ladles' Aid society. All the church members and others de siring to attend are Invited. A meeting was held Wednesday night at the Presbyterian church here for the purpose of organising church council. It wsa thought advisable not to make a full organi zation at this ttme. but only appoint a secretary, who would record the activities of the various organlwttom and thus keep all Informed so there would be no two having entertain ments or parties at the same time. Tolo TOLO, Sept. J. (Spl.) Student attending high school at Gold Hill are: Marjory Davis, Violet Morrow, Victor Anderson, George Takao and Wiley Davl. A Gold Hill bu cornea around by the Old Stage road through by Willow Sprlnga and here. Arlene Inmann Is staying with her tstr, Mrs. Edyth Bohnert, and at tending Central point hlgn school. At a meeting of Tolo Community club, September 31, Mrs. R. T. Whet stons was chosen a oelegat to the annual convention of the District Federation of Women' club. This meeting will convene at Kogue River, October 7. Grant Pas and Tolo club will be Joint host with Rogue River. Ted and Dick Anderson, with Tracy Muse, left on a hunting trip ' laat week to the Greenaprlruta mountain. If unsuccessful there, they will con tinue on to the Klamath Falls coun try. Bads eolds ar prevalent here. Mr. Thompson of Pine Tree aervtc sta tion, one of the lstest sufferers la unable to wait on cuatomera at pres ent. . T. A. Mum haa an attack of erysip elas and whil he 1 suffering In tensely, hi condition Is not con sidered serious. P. A. Tracy and son Edward re turned Sunday from a hunting trip upper Evan creek, with a two- point deer. Edward Inmann haa returned to Central Point high school where he Is a senior student. Parent and friend are invited to program Friday night at 7:30 o'clock, to be given by Mr. Thuri- ton and pupil at school. Denver Davl and aon Wiley were deer hunting over the week-end. After touring the United States and visiting hla brother here and In Medford, the Wm. Green family had an auto accident within a few miles of their home at Palaelos, Texas. Mrs. Green and daughtera were badly bruised snd shaken. Mr. Oreen re. celred back injuries which caused hla death a week later. A tire blew out and almost Immediately after they struck new gravel which caused the car to turn over. 4 Phoenix Grange Meets Tonight PHOBNIJC. Sept. 38. (Spl.) pnoenig orange will meet alt the Orange hall tonight. The lecture program will be given at S o'clock Instead of at th regular hour. All member ar urged to he on time, a the meeting will begin promptly. Several number of Interest to all will t presented on the program. At th close of th buslneaa ses sion which will follow the program. refreshment win be served. COMMUNIST LEADER DECLARES INNOCENCE LEIPZIG. Oer., Sept. 38. (AP) Ernst Trogler, former communist leader In th relchatag, who I the only Oerman among th five defend nts on trial for the incendiary relch. stag fire laat February, passionately declared his Innocence today and proteated agalnat involving hi party In "thl monstrous and unspeakable deed." Florence Orsves, accredited piano instructor, studio 330 No. Oakdals Phons 1043-W. Phone 843 We'll oaul away roui eel us. Cut Sanitary Serrios. WIFE AT TRIAL TELLS SOI ON I CHICAGO, Sept. 28. (AP) Mary McCormlc, petit opera singer, sued for divorce by Prince Serge M'Dlvanl In Los Angeles In a bill charging an affair with Samuel Inoull, Chicago utilities king, until he went broke, said all the charge would be made to fade as snow In sunshine when the est went to trial. Irtull, now 74, la lighting extradi tion In Athens on ctnrgot ot fraud- He ust-d to be father of grand opera In Chkngo. McCrml:. said In- still red been and still wos her friend nnd flnsnclsl adviser, that her hus br.nd had depended on money she had made under advice of Instill anal that ins charges ot drinking and phvscal brutality n.lght better have been made against hln-.sclf. She said her friendship for Insull wns "perfectly wholesome," and the prince wns trying ta ".wist It Into a whip for use In th's divorce case." "It's a shame to bring that eld gentleman Into It. Hes dotng thla Just to hurt me. I'll prove to the world at th trial that he ha tried to use my friendship with Mr. Insull and othera to advance hla own fi nancial interests. It' wholly absurd. "Serge never had a red cent that I didn't give him. He drew huge euma out of the treasury of Cali fornia! OH company I had a half In terest In. He took $10,000 when he started for hie father'a funeral and then stopped off for a week to see New York." 1 Meteorolofical Report September 26, 1938. Forecasts. Medford and vicinity: cloudy with showers tonight and Wednesdsy. Mod erate temperature. Oregon: Cloudy tonight end Wed nesday: showers west portion. Mod- ersto tempersture. Local flat. Temperature s ' year ago today: Hlgheat, 84: lowest, 40. Total monthly precipitation, SI Inch. Deficiency for the month, .04 Inch. Total precipitation alnce Septem ber 1. 1933, .3 Inch. Deficiency for th season, .08 inch. nelatlv humidity at A p. m. yci. terdy, M; 5 a. m. today, 88. AuniiM tomorrow, fl;04 a, m. duiiMt tomorrow, 0:00 p. m. ObMrratlon Taken at 6 IZtt Meridian Time. a. m. Is 9 71 ! Olty Boston . . 70 68 .01 Foggy Cheyenn H 68 36 Rain Chicago SO 68 .33 Rain Eureka 60 84 .33 Cloudy Helens 63 80 Clear Lo Angeles -. 73 58 .... Cloudy MEDFORD 83 83 T. Cloudy New Orleans . 00 78 .. Clear New York 84 66 ... Cloudy Omaha . 0 48 .84 cloudy Phoenix 3 46 .... Clear Portland 63 84 .01 Cloudy Reno 68 40 .... Clear Roselrurg 63 84 .01 Cloudy Salt Lake 60 46 .30 Clear San Francisco 64 88 ... Cloudy Wattle ... - 64 63 .01 Cloudy Spokans 86 36 . Cloudy Walla Wall 60 46 T. Cloudy Washington, B.C. 3 88 T. Cloudy 4 Heating coats can bs reduced Pol cumplet nesting service call Art ScbmldU 418 1663. SINCE WAR TO BE HELD CHICAGO (UP) Men who II yeara ago were fighting on the war torn battle front of Franc meet la Chicago. Oct. 3. for what Is expected to b the greateat American Legion convention ever held. It marks one of th mlghtteat aa-' aemblagea of war veterans th nation has seen. President Franklin D. Roose velt, himself. Is the legion's most dis tinguished guest. More than 150.000 veteran are ex pected to Jam th city, attraoted by the central location of the conven tion and A Century of Progrea ex position. Another hundred thorn snd people will com a friend, relative and apectatora. The unofficial opening will come Sept. 30, when legionnaire gather to watch the Big Ten football gam be tween Iowa and Northwestern at Sol dier Field. Governors Clyde L. Herring of Iowa and Henry Horner of Illinois will be present. . On Sunday. Oct. I, memorial serv ice to men alaln In war and veterans who since have died will be conduct ed. The convention proper open Oct. 3 In the Chicago atadlum on the weet aide, wher the Democratic and Re publican national convention wet held laat year, Here, wher he we nominated for the presidency snd wher he ended his dramatic, flight to make hi pech of acceptance. President Roosevelt will address th veterans. For many, th motthrtlltng event comes Oct. 3, when the Legion march es in parade. It will be s mighty event 138. 00ft men marching 18 abreast. It will take 10 !4 hours to pass s given point. Business Sessions Principal buslneaa session occupy Oct. 4 and 8. Question of veterans legislation, national defense, Internal policies, and resolution will be dis cussed Oct. 4. on Oct ( th Legion will eleot It new officers snd com plete the bualnea duties. Miami, Fie., J expected to bs chos en for the next encampment, and Los Angeles, Cel., also has entered s bid. Ed Hayes, Decatur, HI., national committeeman and vice -oh airman of the national Legion committee on re habilitation, la leading other candi dates for the post of National Com mander to succeed Loula A. Johnson. Conourrent with ths American L. glon convention, three other gather ings will be held. Thee are of th American Legion Auxiliary, the So ciety of the 40 et 8, and their auxil iary th S and 40 Society. 4- VATICAN. Sept. 38. (AP) The hop that th lessons of th cnsla will not soon b forgotten by tfio peoples at tn woria wss expressed by Pops Plus today In an audtenos with Car dinal O'Connell of Boston, Ths pontiff said hs sincerely trust ths people of th future will bs mors careful to preserve) th fruits of prosperity will avoid luxury snd will sccuatom themselves to psy ss they go. Pops Plus commented thus follow ing th cardinal's observations that ths depression seemed to hav brought religion homo to th Amer ican people a never before. Following ths audience w.hlch last ed sn hour ths cardinal aaid th pop disclosed astonishing knowledge not only of economls conditions la ths United But hut also of th monetsry situation. Cardinal O'Connell gave th pon tiff statistics showing sn appreciable growth of th Catholic population and actlvltlea In Boston. Mors than 138 new perishes wer established during his tenure, hs ssld, snd there sre now 1,380.000 Catholics in ths Boaton ares. Many new high schools snd several colleges hav been built, he said. His eminence found th pops ss tremely busy with his calendar full for ths dsy, but th pontiff told th Amerlcsn that he was feeling fit snd not at all tired by ths sdded duties of ths holy year. The pops wss quoted as saying that h Is stimulated by th larg pilgrimage to Vatican City. , ( Card of Thanks. W wish to express our slncers ap preciation to our many friends for th acts of klndne and sympathy extended us during our recent be reavement; also for th beautiful floral offerings. Mr. Harold L. Runnels. Mr. snd Mrs. M. B. Runnels, Mr. snd Mrs. R. I. Hughes. Mr. snd Mrs. E. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Runnels. Mr. Cap Runnels. Miss Hops Runnels. Mr. snd Mrs. W. H. Dark. Broken windows glsxed by Trow bridge Osblnet Works. Res sstst or insursnoa lssvs M to Jones. Phons 696. WANTED Gultsr snd banjo players for Junior string band of 80 pieces. Instruments furnished. Frsklne Music Studio, Spsrts Bldg. Phons 1348-X. POPE HOLDS HOPE DEPRESSION WILL CONTAIN LESSON