PXGE EIGHT SIEDFOED MAIL TRIBOTE, MEOTORD, OBEGON, FHIDAT, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933. f 1 Wreck of County Budget Due to Turmoil DETAILED EXPENSE ACCOUNT IS BY COUNTY COURT To the People of Jackson County: In Justice to the members of the count; court and the taxpayers of Jackson county, we are publishing herewith a, statement of the condi tion of the general fund of the coun ts hiirinet ss of July 31. 1033. which was Just prior to Governor Meier's appointment oi sari o. uy m tv ludae. The total amount In the general fund of the budget ior iuoa I185.054.10. During the seven months ending July J, 1933, there was ex pended $160,44850. With the excep tion of S5.S08.40. a sum equal to the entire budget for the 12 months has been expended during the seven months preceding July 31, 1933. Under the most drastlo policy of economy that Is possible It will ne cessitate an average monthly expen diture nf around alfi.ooo oer month exclusive of roads In order ttiat the county government can function for the remaining live monins oi ine year. thm riAt result of this situation will be a very large deficit at the and of the fiscal year 1033. Inter preted In terms of taxes, It means that It will take several years of In- rmmA InW tO DSV the deficit. Although the budget estimate was Inadequate m some instances w meet, the obligations that were mandatory. .- nrt. nf this deficit with whloAi we are confronted was caused by the conditions that prevailed dur ing the early part of the year and of which the publlo Is fully aware. This statement Is not made with the Intention of bringing up unpleas ant memories, but to present the facta concerning the prevailing defl olt which every taxpayer should know clearly at this time. Signed: . BARL B. DAY, County Judge, : RALPH B1IXIN08, R, B. NEALON, Commissioners. NAMPA, Idaho (UP) P. W. Lowe, modern hand cart pioneer, and his fsmlly of elght.-settled down In Nam pa today on a farm to which they had treked from Kansas City, Mo. Lowe arrived here with his family and household goods, after walking the entire distance, pulling a small toy wagon. His wife carried the youngest of all children, being re lieved sow and then by one of her daughters. The father aald he had tried un successfully for five years to operate a farm In Kansas and decided to move to Idaho. Without money, excepting what little he obtained from sale of their furniture, Lowe and his family started westward. Partners here obtained a small plot of lsnd on which Lowe hoped to make a new start. He was given food and clothing by neighbors and today was apparently happy In his new surroundings. Jackson County, Oregon Monthly Statement of Expenditures and Budget Comparison. County Court snd Corns. . Circuit Court .. J. Court-Medford . J. Court-Ashland .. J. Court-Oold Hill Sheriff's Office , Clerk's Office . Treasurer's Office Coroner's Office School Superintendent's Office , Prult Inspector . Assessor's Office County Agent's Office Tax Rebate . Widow's Pensions Court House Exp. Jail Care of Poor Juvenile Court . Care of Insane ...... County Advertising Herd Inspection ..... Election Expense .... Auditing Health Unit Sealer of Weights , Surveyor's OfIce . Watermaster's Office District Attorney Health Registration -Plre Warden Pi re Patrol-Co. Lands Temporary Licenses Experimental Orchard Bounty ...... ... 3ale-Co. Owned. Lands Sprinkler System ; Commissary Expense ... Total Oeneral Fund Budget 5.345.00 . 8,430.00 . 2,845.00 - , 1,225.00 760.00 12,180.00 10.035.00 8,070.00 500.00 5,120.00 2,000.00 0,342.00 4,308.00 - 1,500.00 8.000.00 . 7,180.00 5,077.00 43,047.00 160.00 6,000.00 .. 1,600.00 600.00 . 1,600.00 800.00 8,570.00 315.70 1,500.00 4,185.00 3,305.00 60.00 480.00 600.00 300.00 3,500.00 4,600.00 560.00 1,200.00 July t 303.05 0,314.20 244.50 107.65 7.80 1,374.73 1.18240 296.21 35.27 397.91 126 00 816.95 1,077.00 620.00 559.97 620.82 6,443.14 22.50 640.00 87.15 2,612.70 174.00 868.62 81.22 83.00 439.44 347.11 8.50 August 684.06 1,659.38 232.00 110.64 16.20 1,18140 058.13 299.18 88.40 508.06 126.00 718.00 1,540.05 605.33 658.70 459.44 3,866.83 88.00 125.00 1,200.00 90.00 640.00 102.28 167.46 253.45 672.87 22.35 62.01 608.85 308.74 281.00 125.00 Expendi ture to Date t 4,009.43 26,452.90 2,166.48 884.08 134.85 10,74245 8,276.26 2,528.50 395.45 ' 3.738.89 1.038.05 8,28825 2,154.00 1,726.01 6.452.33 6,271.53 4.220.40 . 43,782.26 271.77 4.352.32 , 612.10 183.46 3,190.16 2,650 00 4,301.71 63.57 410.42 2,275.71 3,401.20 49.42 346.41 97.50 ' 3,600.00 2,354.60 1,361.76 1,200.00 14,167.03 a Budget Bslance 1.235.67 18,022.90 478.52 340.04 616.15 1.437.45 1,769.74 1,441.50 104.53 1.381.11 061.95 1,055.75 2,154.00 226.91 547.67 008.47 858.51 735.25 121.77 1,647.68 987.00 318.55 1,600.16 2,050.00 2.288.20 282.18 1,170.58 1,880.20 186.20 48 133.50 500.00 202.50 (deficit) (deficit) (deficit) (deficit) (deficit) (deficit) (deficit) 2,146.60 801.76 (deficit) 14,167.03 (deficit) ..1186,820.70 120,780.61 (16,580.22 6177,030.00 $11,200.30 (deficit) L; JAIL HOUSE NOW SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 18. (p) Arrested on the complaint of his wife that. he had threatened her life, James Lawaon wa in Jail here today, de scribed by police as a member of the notorious Bailey gang of Kansas bank robbers and machine gun bandits. Inspectors Fred Bute and Cornelius Deamond said Lawaon had confeued to three middle western robbertM in which the loot had totaled 1180,300. Among the crimes polio aald Law- son admitted having a put in were: The daylight robbery of the Hutch inson Oaa company at Hutchinson. Knna., 10 months mo, In which 110, 000 was taken; robbery of the Union Oaa company, Cofreyvllle, Kans,, in Which 93,000 was obtained, and burg lary of 170,000 in securities and $3,300 In currency from a Jopltn, Mo., automobile agency. Police said Lawaon confessed he was a member of the Bailey gang of al'eged bank robbers and machine gun bandlU. He has served, term,! the officers said, In Kansas and Okla homa state prisons and Leavenworth I plntenttary. Arrested with Lawaon was hla wife, Mildred, who earlier In the day had sworn to a municipal court warrant, charging him with threatening her life, Lawaon waa quoted as declaring: "So she's squealed! All right, boys, J give up. Sure, I'm Lawaon. You'll send me up the river for life, but my wife's going with me. I Inspectors Fred Butz and Cornelius' Deamond said Lawaon declared hla wife drove the automobile In which he made a getaway after the Union Oaa company holdup at Cofreyvllle. Lawaon declared, officers aald, that hla ! accomplice In the holdup were Glenn Roy Wright and Henry Campbell. Myron T. Herrlck, former governor of Ohio and ambassador to France, once earned money between school terms by selling vinegar. Production of electricity for public use decreased in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota in April and May this year compared with last year. FAVORED POSTS Y Major Paul Hathaway, United States army recruiting officer, 323 New Post Offlco building, Portland, Ore an nounces tn&t in addition to the va cancies recently announced for In fantry. Vancouver Barracks, Wash ington, authority has now been re ceived to enlist men for the follow ing branches of service at the sta tions named: Cosst Artillery Corps. Port Scott, Cal and Port Worden, Wash.; Pteld Artillery, Fort Lewis. Wash.; Infantry, Vancouver Barracks. Wash., Presidio of San Francisco, Cal and Fort Missoula, Mont. En listment will be made through Me Portland recruiting office, and If the applicant Is accepted, all expenses. In cluding trsnsportatlon from Portland to the station selected,. will be paid by the government. Each of the stations named la con sidered very desirable by military peo ple, being close to lsrge cities, with splendid transportation facilities available, presidio or san Francisco, and Fort Scott are located In the city of San Francisco, Cal while Fort Lewis and Fort Worden are within a short distance from Seattle and Ta- coma, Wasn. Fort Missouia is lo cated near Missoula, Mont, .the home of the University of Montana. Major Hathaway also states that there are still a few vacanolea for experienced radio operators and for musicians. Musicians and radio op orators will be required to take ex aminations in musical ability or radio operation before being accepted. The examinations will be conducted un der the supervision of the Portland recruiting office. SHOES NEEDED 10 PERMIT CHILDREN School bells will soon be ringing and winter days sre not many months ahead. Which means a lot of feet are going to have to go Into shoes. What shoes? . . . That's the question the managers of the Wel fare Exchange la asking and they want It answered soon. An appeal for shoes and other clothing to sup ply the shop, which opens tomorrow on the third floor of the city hall, waa Issued yesterday by Mlas Helen Carlton, chairman of the exchange, which was so successfully operated last winter and spring. Shoes and other clothing for chil dren and for men are needed above everything else this week. There are many children who muat have shoes for the opening of school, and they can't afford to pay the price of new ones. Many men with families will also have to have new ahoes If they continue with the little work forth coming this season. The opportunity to work for sup plies, extended by the Welfare Ex change last year, proved a very satis factory one and many people wel comed the opportunity to obtain aid by paying for the same In labor. Practically the same program will be worked out this year with the Ex change operating In connection with the Jackson County Relief commit tee. All persons with clothing, which they nave discarded for the season, are therefore urged to make It avail able to persons who are less fortunate than themselves. The Exchange this year Is located on the third floor of the city hail. Persons who are unable to deliver bundles to the Exchange are asked to telephone 624 and they will be called for. lans said, were not serious. Euppa waa slightly Injured but Spencer was unhurt. For Sale Strictly lresh Chinook salmon eggs. Valentine's Cafe. I HOLLYWOOD, Cal.. Sept. 15 (AP) Maurice Chevalier, French film star, had a narrow escape from possible death In a spectacular automobile crash here early today. Chevalier, returning from Santa Barbara with hla manager, Max Ruppa, and an actor, Robert Spencer, who had accompanied him to a re view of hla latest film, waa taken to a hospital after hla heavy car, which he had planned to take with him to France, had collided with an auto mobile driven by Charles Miller, 27, a cook. The star's Injuries, physic- Lnfoertly Food Stores Alexander Grocery, Inc. PHONE 143 FREE DELIVERY E. 7. ALEXANDER, Gen. Mgr. Battle Creek Health Foods Richlieu Canned Goods 29c Hale Canning Peaches Your last chance to buy' these fine peaches at Q)c per box 10 BARS SUNNY MONDAY SOAP Two lOo pkgs. Ivory Flakes Free. TOMATO SOUP. C cans '. TIP TOP COFFEE. Pound LARGE NO. 2 CANS GREEN BEANS. Two cans ROYAL CLUB JELL0 POWDER. Six packages ............. . 29c 17c 23c 29c LIBERTY BLDG. HOME OF PURE FOODS IT'S ALL IN WHERE YOU PLACE IT It's of the utmost Importance, whether you're referring to a golf ball, or your patronage. Speaking of the latter, you KNOW your patronage Is not misplaced at the LIBERTY MARKET. For 10 years we've served the families of Mcdford with QUALITY, government Inspected meats at fair prices. HENS Nice and Fat ea. 45c HIGHEST GRADE BEEF PORK VEAL-LAMB Colored Fryers Hens, Lunch Meats For Your Picnic The Home of Good Meats Swift's Gov't. Inspected Meats IS yfiunsfiitipyi 1Tlilk ani14tmey GRAHAM CRACKERS containing TTLLLkarici Never before such, wafer crispness . . . Never such smooth texture in a graham cracker Milk, honey, specially ground graham flour and the skill of Sunshine Bakers ...all combine to make Milk and Honey Graham Crackers distinctively different from any you ever tasted! Graham Cra ckers m wt eo can put I.OOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. PORTLAND '' :;vNMrV Just a Reminder! The MAIL TRIBUNE'S Annua Days Will End MONDAY, SEPT. If Not Convenient to Call at This Office, Use This Coupon MEDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE care Circulation Department Modford, Oregon Please accept raj check or money order of $ In payment of my subscription to the Mail Tribune for one year. I am an old subscriber. Yes , No (Name) (Address) The Mail Tribune Office Will Remain Open Till 9:00 P. M. on Saturday and Monday for the Convenience of Bargain Day Subscribers pmv w rH