PAGE SIX SrEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933. DARING OFFENSE L BE TAUGHT STAN 'Tiny' Thornhill, New Men tor, Plans 'Take Chances That Will Make Alumni Dizzy,' He Declares By RUSSELL 9. NBWLAND (Associated Pres Bport Writer.) PALO ALTO, Cl.. Sept- Wr Clsude Earl Thornhill, J30 pound of brawn and good humor, and miaep proprlately nicknamed "Tiny," la go ing to try to coach Stanford out of the football bluea thla aeaaon with a daring atyle of offensive play he haa eherUhed during the 11 yean he served aa mutant here. Big "Tiny" know It la men-slae Job If for no other re won than he la following in the footsteps of one of football' moat famed mentor. Glenn "Pop" Warner, Few Veteran Left. When Warner moved on to Temple univeralty. he left Thornhill with a handful of experienced player, a wealth of brilliant aophomor talent nd a aystem of football that haa been tried and tea ted over many sea sons. Stanford's new bead coach doe not intend to tamper with the funda mental aa laid down by hi pre decessor, but the modifications and offahoot In yard gaining methods he will Introduce this season mean the 0 Iterance between conservative foot ball and a stunning all-round at tack that probably will aurprlse fol lowera of the big red team. "We're going to get right out and co after the touchdowna," aays Thorn hill. "We may not win all of our games, but nobody will be able to rule u out for not trying. We have to take plenty of chance If we expect to oore. To Han Scoring punch. "You can aay for m the team la going to have punch Inside the five-yard line. That's been one of our troublea In the paat. It Is not first down we want so much aa touchdown. "The basic principle of our offense will not be reverses. That's why I'm o sure w will continue to move forward after we hit the five-yard line. "We are three deep all around, but the chief problem will be whether or not our younger player hold up. Four or five sophomores will be In ths llnsup at all times, so It will b ea question a to how they per. form under steady fire. But no mat er how the score board reads, Stan ford I going to contribute It shire of thrills this aeaaon. We'll take chance that will make some of the alumni dizzy, mark my worda." Stanford meets Washington at Se attle October 28-In It only north ern game. Indian Outfielder Undergoes Knife NEW YORK, Sept. 18. (API Chalmer (Bill) Clssoll, lnflelder for th Cleveland Indians, underwent an appondlcltla operation early today at New York Postgraduate hospital. Afterwards, an announcement at th hospital said his condition waa "very good." 1 BASEBALL Yesterday's Results Coast Leagiie San Francisco 6, Los Angele 9. Hollywood 4, Missions a. Sacramento-Seattle, rain. Portland-Oakland, rain. American Leagut At Washington 4, Detroit S. At New York-Cleveland. (Postpon ed, rain). At PhlladelphU-St. Louis.. (Post poned, rain). Only games acheduled. National Lenin. At .Chicago 4, New York a. (Second game postponed, rain). At Cincinnati 1, Philadelphia I. (Second game postponed, rain). At Plttaburgh-Boaton. Postponed. rain). At St. Louis-Brooklyn. (Postponed, rain). OS HOW THEY sum By the Auorlatrd Pre. Coast. W. L. PO. Lo Angeles 103 07 .004 Hollywood , . 09 70 .SUB Portland 05 71 .073 Sacramento 80 77 .Ms Oakland St 87 .4M San Francisco .. 73 09 .433 Missions , 71 08 .430 Seattle 80 07 .382 National. New York Chicago Pittsburg St. Louis Boston Brooklyn Philadelphia Cincinnati Washington New York Philadelphia Cleveland Detroit Chicago , 1 Boston - St. Loul W. L. PO . 83 S3 .810 . 80 81 .587 . 70 81 384 . 77 88 M2 . 73 85 AM . 58 80 .413 . 53 80 .808 . 53 87 an W. L. PO. . 07 47 .883 , 81 54 .800 , 71 88 Jlta .IS II 111 , 80 78 .488 , 80 78 .488 . 88 83 .411 , 53 88 311 There' a busy Business Collegs In Med ford ready to help you auoceed. Winter term (day or night) opens Monday, Sept. 18. OWN. ' ELKS AND FRIENDS ENJOY BIG PICNIC By special permission of the weath. r man, th Slki' stag smoker at their picnic ground on Rogue river waa enjoyed by evral hundred members and their friend last evening. There was enough autumn "nip" In the air to aend the. hungry dinar back for second and third helpings of teaming hot dogs whloh were oon- oumed along with cneese, ontona and other high-powered trimmings, and washed down with copious draught of beer. Prank! Monroe, Klamath Fall lightweight, and Ad Cadena, Califor nia flash, went all fast round to a draw In the main event of the box ing card prepared for th evening Kid Pellowa chalksd up a technical knookout over Young Bruggera In the flrat round of their aeml-wlndup, and Ruby and Artl, a pair of Klam ath Falla battlers, went to a four- round draw. Rex Oallnskl, who stepped out of the amateur rank In hi curtain raiser with Young Luh man, waa on te losing end of a second-round technic! knockout. A stirring program by the Elks' band and a huge bonfire, prepared by Chairman Bill Hammett and a corps of helpers, added to the en joyment of the evening. Young Corbett Teaches Police SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 15 (AP) Champion of the welterweights six months ago, Young Corbett 3rd, today prepared to become physical Instructor In the California highway patrol. Corbett, who recently announced his retirement from the ring after being knocked out by Jimmy McLar nln, waa recommended by E. Ray mond Cato, ohlef of the highway pa trol, for the post. MEET THE MERRYMAKERS! hJ4rfc) fhrk ... if j 21 GRIDIN GET After they had learned at finl hand about the remarkable performing ability of the Ford V-8 (pictured above) Frank Gill and Bill Dorm ling, Joint Masters of Ceremonies of the new and greater Ford V-8 Merry maker, returned to the studio of the Don Tee-Columbia Broadcasting System ready to broad rait a whole new line of fun and wisecracks each Sunday night over the Don Lee network 9 to 10 o'clock. WOMAN 'KILLER' JACKSONVILLE, Ark., Sept. 16. UP) Tracked down by bloodhounds. Helen 8pence Eaton, who has killed two men, was back In the state pris on farm for women today, after an other short-lived escape. She was caught four and a half hours after ehe fled from the farm last night. She Is serving a 10-year sentence for slaying Jim Bohots, - a Dewltt restaurant operator. The first prison term five years was for the' spectacular courtroom slaying of Jack Worl. while he waa on tria lfor killing her father, Cicero Spence, on a boat. 1 Real estate or insurance leave It to Jones Phone 606. The high sc. A football squad, held It first football practice of the year yesterday afternoon. Light ex ercises, relay races, and punting were engaged in by th 37 players present. Practice will be held Saturday. The first gam of th year I scheduled with the Weed high school Saturday September 33, 8 week after the opening of school, and Coach Burgher la trying to get hi squad m shape for the opener. The first full turnout will come Monday, as many of the squad are atlll working. India Iced Tea Withstands Melting les An Interesting and rare collection of old coins, chiefly pennies, was dis played at the Tribune office yester day by J. 0. Robinson of th Shorty Hope mine on Wagner creek. Among th pennies, one of which date back a far a 1778, an copper, bras and nickel coins. One bears the words "Etchanga Insurance, col lection and U. S. War Claim Office, Ion. Mich.. James Kennedy, 1863." The oldest, a oopper coin, bears the coat of arms on one side with the date 1778 and the word "Our Coun try" on the reverse. Another coin carries th Inscrip tion "I. O. U. On Cent," with the date 1863. In the collection are 31 of the once popular large copper pennies, dated from 1808 to 1880. one-oent piece mad of nickel and dated 1887 and 1856. pear an eagle, patterned some what after th present poppular bird of the N. R. A. . Other Interesting oolns In Mr. Rob inson' collection Include flv-oent piece of silver, dated 1848; half-dime piece; there-cent plec, dted 1860; 30-cent piece, dated 1830, and a large collection of Confederate currency, ranging In fao value from five eents to 8100. VI '8 WAVE SHOPPK new location Hotel Medford. VI Corby and Edna Brcwold. operator. Tel. 1430. OPEN HEBE SEPT. 20 Announcement was mad today bj Dr. Arthur S. Taylor that th Cm veralty of Oregon extension claw is 'modern social problem." which ni will teach her thl fall. wU start at 7:30 p. m Wednesday, September 30 at the Junior high school. Prelim inary plan will be mad and th class organised at Wednesday meet leg. According to Dr. Taylor, tho ours which will ern colege credit, it cre ating considerable Interest and large number hav signified Intention of entering. xs If you ui gf) uln India Ta( correctly browed for five minutes, moiling Ico will naver weaken tho flavor of your Iced tea. To get India Tea for your Iced tea make sura to look for the Mop-oMndlc trademark (above) on overy package of tee you buy.. .In addition to the brand name. td fff j k"' vot" i"'('u'',io"' IT'S here! Exactly what you've wanted exactly y, hat you've tried so many other gasolines to find! A new Fire-Chief '-n Greater Fire-Cliief with all the snap-and-dash of the original Fire-Chief . . . Plus 100!? "regular" anti knock smoothness . . . And at no extra price! The Greater Fire-Chief is everything that Fire-Chief was, plus much more! It surpasses the official U. S. Government specifications for use as an"ciner gency" motor fuel. It delivers fire-engine speed and power at all engine speeds! But there's this difference. The Greater Fire-Odef is 100 "regular" anti-knock in action. And you know what that will mean to your car! Do this Just this! Give the Greater Fire-Chief a try. Stop at any Texaco Fire-Chief pump. Try one tankful you are the judge andjiir: The Greater Fire-Chief is Flame-Tinted for easy identification for your complete protection. Ask for It by name. THE TEXAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION TEXACO AT REGULAR GASOLINE PRICES! HOME OWNED Phone 9 Tree Delivery Plftly Wlggly price are ilwaya "Right." Not on a few Items, but right down the line you enjoy lower food costs when you shop at these Home Owned Money Sav ing Stores. Try It tomorrow. Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. ...... 19c Water Tumblers, 6 for ...... . 25c Swan's Down Cake Flour 29c Seedless Raisins, 4-Ib. bag 25c Argo Corn Starch, lb. pkg. . . . 6V2 C Clorox, pint botttle, 2 for ..... 19c Welch's Grape Juice, pint bottle . . 1 9c French's Bird Seed, 2 pkgs 25c Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pkgs QC MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Lb. tin - 26c Carnation Premium Wheat flakes Lg. pkg. -19c DTTRKEE'S Mayonnaise Pt. jar - 24c EXTRA SPECIAL Beaver Lobster Every Can Guaranteed Finest Meat Can .... 25c Rainier Beer 2 for 25c Watermelons, good ripe, large 19c each FLOUR GOLDEN BELLS 49-lb. $1.79 Piggly Wiggly Best Grade. Every sack guaranteed. 49-lb. $1.89 Liberty White Soap 5 bars 12c Dr. Ross Dog Food, 3 for 25c Schilling's Vanilla, 2-oz. bottle . . . 22c Wesson Oil, one-half gallon .... (J3c Nucoa, 2 pounds 25c Peanut Brittle, V2-lb. cake 10c Pen Chief Motor Oil $1.29 100 Per Cent Pure Penn, t ial. can Del Monte Red Salmon i uu . . gc 1 cans Me Fels Naptha Soap, bar 5c California Home Catsup, 14-oz. bottle 1 5c Royal Chef Minced Clams, 2 for . . 25c (One-half Size) Crisco, 3-lb. tin 53 c 19c gpatul FREE wl.lle they last Sea Breeze Clams, Nectar, 3 cans . . 29c IKKIKyiMIYri MEAT MARKET 206 W. Main. Free Delivery. Phone 46 Well, At any rate we know where to get good Beefsteak and other First j Quality Meats. The Economy Market cuts only the inest prime Steer Beef. And another thing they take the NRA seriously. Picnics, Su8ar cure(1. lb- - 11c Cottage Butts, lb. - 13c Pork Roast ShoBl,ler cuts. H. 1 0c STEER BEEF, Pot Roast, lb. 10c I R- RED HENS stffr rffp cLrt c;u n, o ' and FRYERS PURE LARD, 3 lbs! . . 25c CHOICE RABBITS FRESH FISH