PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933. TIF AND LED FOR Oiioe tOEZXOE aoxiO OESOl 30QO TO EXCEED PLAN U. S. GRAND JURY Ernest Dlefenbacb, 30, of Yakima, Wash., admitted car thief, and hi JT year old girl friend. "Rita" Brown, who found an escape from officer! of the law in a ehee from Yakima to Medford "a bit thrill," ending with arrest here early Wednesday, were taken before United statea commit- loner Victor Tengwald late yester day. Dlefenbach, charged with Yto. Intlon of the Dyer act, waa bound over to the federal grand jury with bond placed at eisoo. The girl, held a a material witness, waa also bound over to the grand Jury with bond Disced at (too. The two. arrested by state and city police, waived a hearing and appear ed for arraignment. They left later last night in custody of Deputy Unit, ed State Marshal O. O. Wells for Portland, where they will be placed tn Multnomah county Jell, each hav ing failed to produce bonds. The grand Jury Is scheduled to meet In Portland today, and the filing of anticipated additional charges against Dlefenbacb remains with that Inquisitorial body. The admitted car thief expressed consld1 arable concern himself yesterday re garding hint of charges of violation of the Mann act. No chargea of that nature were brought by officers here, but can be preferred by the federal (rand Jury, should that body find evidence sufficient to warrant an In dictment. Dlefenbacb admitted bringing the runaway girl acrosa the state line in the stolsn ear, which was Just one of (our, according to his written affl davit, stolen In Yakima one week ago Tuesday night. He also confessed to the robbery of a grocery store In Vancouver, Wash., and theft of two shotguns along the way south. The girl also reviewed the events cf the Journey from Yakima with Dlefenbacb, her flight from home to live with blm In a mountain camp, which the described at "swell," and atgned an affidavit etatng she waa going to have a'cblld. Dlefenbaoh'a past record shows two commitments to state reformatories, one In Oregon and one In Washington. BEER BOHLES WANTED FOR TOMATO JUICE AT "It may be "Just an old beer bottle many mllee from home." but when the Jackson county relief committee Is through with It, It's going to be tilled with wholesome tomato Juice, to bring added sunshine Into the diet of a needy child this winter. That's ths story behind a call today for empty eastern beer bottles. They aren't returnable and the relief com mittee Is anxious to get them for the Armory relief kitchen, where canning operation have been In progress tor number of week. People who are unable to deliver the bottles to the Armory kitchen, re asked to telephone 53. The bot tles will be celled for wherever number of them are to be found. A call wa also Issued today tor Mason Jars. .Anyone with an extra supply around ths horns, not going to be used this winter, Is asked to bring them to the Armory kitchen or report lima to the relief committee. Jackson eounty'a quota of cans wis elO.OOO. with the 17 kltchena In op eration, ie.00 oana of beans bave al ready been preserved and the tomato fanning la enpected to utlllee at least B3.0O0, which wlU exhaust the quota. Meson jars, as additional oontainers, ere greatly desired, to make possible preservation of a greater auply of rood for the winter. . APOUX PIANO STUDIO Class lesson for beginners 39c. Right foun dation. 139 V. Holly. Heating ooeta can be reduced. For complete heating service call Art Cchmidll 418 1MJ. . I Warren Wockner, youthful fugitive from the law, who escaped from the deputy sheriff of Wataeke. 111., after being beld here last December on charges of kidnaping, burglary and car theft, haa been located again, ac cording to Information received by tbe state police here. He was taken into custody In Faragoald, Ark, where he was traveling under tbe name of Robert Ptlener. He made his escape last December 10, while the deputy sheriff was trans porting him from Medford to Wat eeka. Although he waa chained to the deputy sheriff when the two went to bed In the train, when the officer awakened In the morning Wockner was gone. During his stay In Jail here, where he was hsld awaiting officials from Illinois, where he was wanted on the kidnaping charge, Wockner related thrilling stories of hi msny escapes from officials and prison bars. A slight limp In on leg was accredited to a gun wound Inflicted by sn offi cer who "almost got" htm once. WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. (V-Dt A. O. Black. oh!X of th farm ad ministration'., bog section, aald to day government purchase M ptga probably would exceed the 4,000,000 maximum previously aet. The government originally aajd It would pay premiums on the purchase of the pigs and 1,000,000 sows. Ap parently there la no Intention of raising the latter figure. Edible por tions of the swine will be bought by the federal relief administration. Start the day RIGHT. BEAR TREES YOUTH WHITE SALMON, Wash. (UP) After perching five hours In a tree to escspe sn Irate mother bear whose oub he had tried to capture, Bill Marshall, o. O. O. worker, hit upon an Idea to rid hlmael fof the be sieger. He lighted a fire In tbe sur rounding grass below hi tree. He had to summon help to put the fire out, and returning, found the cub up a tree. The party tried to capture the baby, but sgaln mother bruin put them to rout.. She wis finally dispatched with a bullet and the cub made Into a camp mascot. FATHER SLAYS THIEF WHO WOUNDED SON BOISE, Ida., eept. IS. yp) An alleged gasoline thief was shot to death 6n a dark street near Boise early today by en enrsged father who had seen hi son fall before the out law' gun. The dead man was Ouy W. Leach, about S. The wounded youth ws Edward O. Elliott, IS. In Leach's ear wa a woman who gave her name to officers a Mary King. CA1L NOW at BUMMER PEI0ES A car of ROYAI best Utah' coal will be here soon. , Order today, F. E. SAMSON CO. 120 K. Riverside 7 Phone (SI. CITY MEAT MARKET FREE DELIVERY 8:00 10:00-2:00 4.00 121 Ho. Central. Phone 324 FINE MEAT Makei fine mealf. Meat la tbe essential basil of all meals. A meal's success or failure depends upon the quality of the steak, roast, chops, eto. Our consistent effort to set a high standard of quality is why PARTICULAR PEOPLE PATRONIZE THE CITY MARKET Fancy Fryers, lb. . . . . . . . 19c Swiss Steak lb- 20c Round or Loin Shortening, 4 lbs. - 35c Lard, 3 lbs. - - - - - 25c SPECIAL I Home Cured Bacon, lb. . . . 117c BREAD AND CAKED LIKE R MADE Slpeenafl Soap Day HERE is a variety of Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Soap Powders, etc., that will enable all to lay in a supply of the favorite soap at a saving. There is no limit on the quantity you buy, so take all you want. The more you buy, the more you save for prices are bound to go up. Bakery Dept. Medford' Better Quality Bakery Goods. Betty Crocker Cakes. Wide variety. Large, 3 layer 44c Small 2 layer rr iyti; ti , 25c 13-Egg Betty Crocker Angel Cake... . ., 39c BREAD: Finest home quality 1 -lb. loaf, 3 for . . : . ,.r.. . . 20c 1Mb. loaf Vtj'i ! rt'cj i t:i' i 10c Fruit & Vegetables Cantaloupes great big ones, each ; 5$ Watermelons. Come see how big they are, each 22 ''oneydew Melons, lb. tyrf Celery Hearts, 2 for . 25 Sweet Potatoes, lb ...5 Sweet Potato Squash, lb 2 Green Peppers, 2 lbs. 1 5 Large Cucumbers, 2 for 5 Peaches Time to can the finer home grown. Soaps and Other Thrift Items Ivory soap, guest size, 3 bars 10?. Medium bar 5?. Large bar, 3 for Dash, a fine white granu lated soap, 54b. pkg ................ Ivory Flakes, small pkg., 2 for 15e Large pkg - P. and G. White Laundry Soap. 10 bars 25c 38c 18c 29c 25c 25c 15c Twenty Mule Borax Chips. O O A Package tufcl 25c 29c 19c Feldman's Double Refined Borax Soap. Bar .... Bon Ami, bar 10t. Pow dered 12. De Luxe Sapolio. Sure Scours, Bar Rinso. Small pkg. Stf. Large pkg .. . Bob White, a Proctor and Gamble Laundry Soap. 10 bars White King Granulated Soap. Large pkg Super Suds. Small 8. Large - Package . Twenty Mule Borax. 21b. pkg Lux. Small pkg. 10. Large pkg Citrus, granulated. Package , n.M..... Kirk's Hard Water . Castile. 4 bars ..... Wanda Beauty Soap. 4 bars ........ Jap Rose Toilet Soap. 3 bars , . White Eagle Soap Chips. Large pkg Life Buoy. 4 bars Oxydol. Suds in a hurry Lux Toilet Soap. 4 bars .........,... 5c 19c 10c 19c 22c 19c 19c 15c 20c 25c 25c Camay Toilet Soap. 4 bars Lava Soap. 2 bars ....... Del Monte Early Garden Peas. No. l can 12. No. 2 can ; Goody Goody Peas. No. 1 can 10. No. 2 can Budweiser. Case of 24 bottles Fruit Jars, Ball or Kerr Mason. Pts. 79. Qts Asparagus, Eagle brand. No. 2ij tall square cans, ....,.,...,.... Miracle Whip (the new salad dressing) . Half pint 10. Pint 17. Quart jar Jello, all flavors 2 pkgs Log Cabin Syrup. Medium can Minute Tapioca. Package ....... . ... Calumet Baking Powder. 1-lb. can Remodeling Sale oS Kitchen Ware Prices Greatly Reduced On Many Desirable Items ' 19c 15c 15c 12c 32.95 95c 15c 29c 15 c 3Bo 12c 25c Enameled Baby Bath i Dish Pan. Gray enameled. 14-qt. size ............................... Dish Fan. Aluminum. 10-qt. size Decorated Trays; wide as sortment of serving trays. Exceptional value ........... Enameled Saucepan. Extra heavy ware. Two-quart size ...... ...... Sl.49 39c 73c 15c 33c Cake Pans. 10-inch square cake pans. Loose bottom, fine quality O, O m aluminum ware. ! R Now . WUU Pretzel Jars. Usual $1.00 value .... 59c Food Grinders. Rollman. Now Casseroles. Oven proof. Two sizes, 52....... 49c 67c Certainteed Paints. All size cans Varnish, Enamel, Lac quer ONE-FOURTH OFF marked price. Aluminum Triple Saucepan f ftA Set. Cook 3 things on one S I .89 burner. Now 1 Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers, ONE-THIRD off. Garden Tools to close out ' one-half price. Dishes and Glassware. Spe cial table assortment at very low bargain prices. Three exclusive Groceteria Features that in sure satisfaction t Z-MOR-U Coffee Inspected Eggs Home Made Bread And Cakes FOUNTAIN Turkey Dinner. A dandy big meal 25 Bring the family down Saturday night for dinner. Service until 7:30. Huckleberry Pie a la mode 10 Chocalate Angel Cake a la mode 10 Tce cream. Regular 10c dish 5 6th at Grape Lyalnaii?al Delivery of $1.00 Orders 101 XOE3QC 6th at Central SAVING WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL Phones East Side 752; West Side 423 aocaoc: loaoi .oeaoi iociocioc O D o O D o o O 11 o o tl o o D o o s o n o O II o O 0 o o D o o . P