PAGE NINE You Can V Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad Wajrj to sell your nom Want to get tld ot a Iw odd eno nda in household turnlahlngs Do you nd toon toi your gar den? AO inexpensive Want-AO. in the Mali rrlbun Classified Pag will find the answer te chase and many other perplexing problem Hare Are the Rates: Pet word first 1 (Minimum a6o eacn additional ineertloa. per worn ( Minimum lOc? Per Une per month, without l3t cop? enange 75 Phone LOSl rouP Return vo mmj "11 WHIM oremai. 1013 tral, Saturday; name of Trlxle. No. Central COUllCHW ' Shell Oil Co- LOST If do missing, call 1516. WANTED FBMALB . .HELP "? tr.- hieing and hou- .TirtlMW on ranch. Address Box vi. Ma" JXNTED-a womento stay with my wife. 847 Marie 8t. WArmaSuable girl over SO lor general boua. work. cooking, csr. ? -uiirfun- references. Box ior . 13764. Tribune. l:.,-"i.ri.nee.l waitress; must be ableto type; must have refer ences. Diamond Cafe.. WANTED MA Lfc HELP AGENT WANTED Exclusive terri tory for Americas ". socially. Big margin of profit on K er,n will buy. Invest ment of at least 10 required for tock. This is a red-hot oppor tunity for hustlers. G.& N. com pany, 81 Marlon St., Seattle. Wash. WANTED SITUATION HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work, any kind Tel. 1537-R. Everett Brewer. 21 South Peach, Medford. WANTED By widow, home to care for while owner Is away, for shel ter only. Mra. Grace McPheetera, Phoenix, Ore. HIGH SCHOOL girls want to work for room and board and small pay. Call 6-F-22. BOY WANTS to work for room and board while attending school. Box 13731. Tribune. WANTED MlMtTELLANEOCS 8 BOYS want transport"00 tf..8in Francisco. Share expenses. 145 . Central. ,. WANTED To buy wire-haired fox terrier male pup. m-n WANTED Someone to share expenses for two weens- trip 341-R-4. WANTED Party to ahare expenses for 1 weKS inn vo ifw. 341-R-4. WANTED Wood range for cash. Box 13750 Tribune. WANTED Anyone driving to Eugene early this week and can take a young man who will attend U. of O. address C. W., Mall Tribune and young man jvtll call. WANTED Song poems and melodies to arrange for puoucauon ana iw Hin RroftrlrAfttlnc CODVTlsthte se cured. Height Song Service. 318 Liberty Bldg. WANTED Wool, hioes and pelts; pre mium price for lamb's wool. Med ford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape Phone 1062. WANTED Pasture lor cows also want aaddle horse. Chester Wendt. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. So lb. Also day work. Tel 4-F-2. WANTED Laundry completely fin Ished. 8o lb. Phone 4-F-2. WANTED Modern house to rent. 3 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phune H7-J. wanted White Leghorn pullets ire description and price. Box 123. Butte Falls. Or. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to Dsrty with leeo. a. a Howell. Rt 2. Grants Pass. HAY ORINDINO A specialty Brown the hay grinder. '40 so central. PHONE 969-R Have your furniture reupholstered. reamed, reiinisoea Thlbsuit. JUNE WANTED W pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES & R A O I A 1 O 8 S ALUMINUM BRASS COPPER St Itlnk of ail descriDtions MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No Orap Tel 1082 WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or whst hsve you Medford Bargain House. 37 N Orspe St. Tel 1063 WANTED Listings of ralley bomes n exchange (ot choice Cal property Staple Realty Oo. Ashland. r OH Kt.N lHUOBtb FOR RENT droom turn. houw. 3 ar lnd suitable for rhlrken raaca, mieatcd; 12 mo. Tel. 34-J. rOkt BENT HOlitiES POR RENT 5-room modern furnish ed house; hardwood floors, fire place, garage. 28 Washington St POR RENT One of the prettiest and homiest cottages in Meaiora. Beau tifully and completely furnished. Nice yard and flowera. Furnace heal, basement, washing machine. Frlgld alre. fireplace, garage In a aplen dld neighborhood. Available Sept. 16. 43.50. water paid. 630 W. 4th St.. or call 1473-W. Key at 44 N. Peach. HOMES POR RENT Call 098. POR RENT 39 Glen Oak Court. Call H. H. Brown. 105; after 8. 1870. FOR RENT Available September t5. 2018 East Main, lurnisnea. u Plrst Insurance Agency, H. H. Brown. 103; after 5, 1670. POR SALE OR RENT Modern four- room house on sailing v., u..i Crater Lake highway. Hardwood floors, furnace heat, one acre ground. Call H. H. Brown, 105. nv-io pvrMT HmiMi at 203 Summit; 320 North Holly: 38 Summit; 1025 W. 8th: 205 Tripp: 1003 Balling Ave. Call Flret Insurance Agency H. H. Brown 105. After 8 call 1670. FOR RENT 505 Edwards, aurance Agency. 105. Plrst In- 4i a a tamWTVMlTW ft luvlNVimS' din' Ing room, living room, fireplace. aun porcn; gooa cuumnvu, .m nun First Insurance nrv. h. H. Brown. 105; alter 6. 1670. FOR RENT Desirable 7-room un. furnished home; 3 bedrooms, screen porch, fireplace, hardwood noors. large lawn, with ahade trees; with or without furnace heat. Phone 1145-J. for RENT 5-room unfurnished house. 1035 W. ioth. C. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT To adults or adults with ffrown children. Ideal D-room un furnished bungalow in first-class condition, close In; has built-in fix. tures, heatrola. electrlo water heat' er and tank: new llnolelum on kit. chen floor: laundry tubs, screened porches, garage, wood house, nice lawn. See property at 719 W. 11th and call first door west. Ready for occupancy and low rant to good tenant. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house, close in. inquire m bo, Holly. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 12088. Tribune. For RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown es White. HOUSES 610. 612 50 and 616. water pald:-wood range Phone 105. OLASSV modern 6-room stucco. front Clear 626 Pine. FOR SALE OR RENT Sidney Smith noma turner West Main 8s Orange B-tclussve listing W I. Vawter Jackson Co Bank Bldg. FIVE room furnisned home. 113 Cot tage. FOB BENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment In Mall Tribune building. Large combination living and dining room: cabinet kitchen with gas range; refrigerator; sleeping room; toilet, shower bath; 2 clothea clos ets: built-in cabinet of drawers; ateam heat, hot and. cold water fur nlahed. Rent 618 per month. Call at Tribune office. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. near school. $13.50; also 3-room, sleeping porch, $11.50. 310 Port- Is nd Ave. FURNISHED apartment; uphouster ea: private oatn; garage; price rea- aonaoie. vvo w. loin. BE comfortable this winter by living in one of our unequalled 4-room furnished flats; steam-heated, Frig. Malre. tile kitchen. Every concelv. able convenience plus best of man agement. Rent without garage to permanently employed tenants. $37.50 mo. Holly Apts., 135 No. Holly. Union Ssvlngs 8c Loan Assn . owners, 40 s. central. FOR RENT Apts. 526 No. Riverside. DURRELL COURT. 329 No. Holly. FOB RENT BOARD AMD ROOMS BOARD and room In private family, close to courthouse and nign school. Also want washing or cars of children. Writ Box 13708, care Tribune. BOARD AND ROOM at 716 B. Mala Rates very moderate. FOR RENT FURNISHED KOOMB ROOMS with or without board, one block south courthouse. 609 west 10th. , ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 B. Grape. FOB BENT -MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE or store room. Riverside. FOR RENT Room 16x93 feet to alley 317 North Rlveraioe. FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Studebaker touring car for good light truck. Tel. B33. wm TRADE Jersey cow. 6 vesra old, fresh in December, for late model car. 219 Beatty, after 6 p. m. FOR TRADE Cow or chickens for wood Phone Oentrsl Point. 113, FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head work and saddle horses. Tel. 838-R. FOR SALE or TRADE Young pure bred brown Swim bull. Tel. 417. WANT UVtSTOCK Will trade equity iu a -room bouse, jxcellent location box 1063. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan Is eood condition, for truck. Phone 837-R-l. i-RxM modern borne bath laundry tr screened porch oullt-lns gar if9 ahade snd nut treea: (TOO quit; for car. arex cabin site or what have you Phone 163&-L or write Boa 13337 tribune fOH SA1.B OR rRAUB Oood 90UDO wtrir oorae 1400 ib. 7 rears old witer Jones. Jnd Douse belo (Kid, So, juhiaad. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE POR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10 cabln auto camp at Alturas. Cal Big Pines Lbr. Co. Med ford. Ore. POR SALE OR TRADE Established business In Medford. No experience required. Can use clear ranch or town property. Box 13842. Tribune POR SALE OR TRADE for Medford property: Large lot in luamam Falls, can be divided. Small house, woodshed. Address Box 13833. Trib une. POR EXCHANGE Los Angeles rest- dence for small acreage D. o. a ear hart. Rt. 3. Box 257-A, Grants Pass TO EXCHANGE Nice little home in Bend. Ore. clear tor something ciear la Medford or Ashland Prefer small acreage. What have you 166 7th St. Ashland. PUH SAUl AUTOMOBILES. , BARGAINS USED CARS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT . 1931 Chev. Sedan. 1930 Bulck Coupe. 1929 Ford Roadster. 1927 Packard Sedsn. 1928 Chev. Coupe. 1930 Chrysler 6 Broughsm. 1927 Chrysler 6 Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Riverside. WE HAVE SOME GOOD BUYS IN REPOSSESSED 'CARS Among them are: 1929 Plymouth 4 -door sedan. 1929 Plymouth coupe. 1929 Dursnt 6 coach. 1929 Dodge standard 6 panel dellv. ery. Motor completely over hauled. See these and others at our new location 114 SOUTH RIVERSIDE MEAD MOTOR COMPANY DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer. FOR SALE 1929 Ford sport roadster, excellent condition, $150. Call 44 Myera Court, evenings. FOR SALE '29 Plymouth sedan, ex cellent condition. 615 w. second FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Bulck sedan, cheap. Call 530 8 Central. FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS FOR SALE Cocker spaniels 4 mos old, snd roller canaries. Jackson ville, phone 173. FOR SALE HOMES AVAILABLE Sept. 15621 Dakota St. Excellent home 3 blocks from Senior HI First Insurance Agency. H. H. Brown. Tel 105. FOP SALE New 8-roora modern house m Eugene. W.lll sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlanuc St- Medford FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11 acres, plenty free water, on good highway, house and outbuildings. Small down payment will handle. 300 Edwards St. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & Whits. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Thoroughly dry shlplap at a bargain. Phone 1492. FOR SALE Mulr and Elberta peaches. Oeo. Alford. FOR SALE Apples, prunes, Elberta peaches. Bring containera. Mrs. Luke. Phone 639-J-l. FOR SALE Motorcycle and aide car. 404 West Second. FOR SALE 6 snd 7 Copco stock State highest price. Box 13880. Tribune. FOR SALE Sweet corn. Jake Brown, King's highway. FOR SALE Hotpolnt automatic range. iood condition. $55. 120 Genesee St. FOR SALE Elberta, Mulr peaches. Phone 639-X. ORCHARD LADDERS Cleaning out stock on 8 and 10-it. ladders; priced right. E. R. White, 22 s. Fir St. TOMATOES for canning lo lb. de livered In 50-lb. lug. Phone 1059. FOR SALE Elberta and Mulr peaches ready now. Bring containera. R DeWlt, Fern Valley. FOR SALE Circulating heater, wood or coal. Write Box 13837, Tribune. EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA peaches. Extreme east end Spring St.. then south to first house. Charles B. Rose.- GUNS tor sale or trad. Riversld. 817 North PRESSURE water ayatem for deep well, complete. A real bargain Z. R. White Machinery. Phone 31 GOOD used sheet metal, suitable for siding or roofing on outbuildings Brill Metal Works. ITALIAN and petite prune. Geo. B. Young. Route 1. Phone 7-F4. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. R. C- Skellenger, Trail, Ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 34 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Large ice bo; also large electrlo range. 706 Dakota Ave. POR SALE! Plckllig cucumbers, all atees. 215 W. 6tb St. Tel. 1645-Y FOR sand, grarel. sediment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR ALb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 young, fresh Jersey cows. Williams to SeepmlUer. 2 miles south of Beagle, or address Rt, 1, Central Point. FOR SALE Ramboflette rams. S01-J-1. Tel: FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rams snd ram lambs. L. A. Saiade Jr. Central Point. ' FOR SALE 100 sheep. Phone 417. BUSINESS OPPOMU.NUriES FOR SALE Service station and store. one of the best in the state. Build 'ln?i. tock snd fixturr. lot lOOx 100. Selling on acrcum oi otnei buslnew. flee ornr at Union s'.s tioa at Crater Lake and Spring St. MISCELLANEOUS Authorised Prlgldalre Service. Other max rep. Tel. eat; nignts vua-x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 33 North Central Ave . upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173. House cleaning. Floor waxing, ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance. No other charges See W E Thomas, 45 South Central, ground floor Craterlan Theater Bldg. Stat License No. S-157. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc. 31B Liberty Bldg. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds: book binding; loose -leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales sups and everytning m the printing lines. 28-30 N. Grape. Phone 76. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- nanging. Tel. 646-w. 313 s. orape. BADS TRANSFER 6- STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RFINK1NG TRUCKING CO. Trans fer snd storsge. Ws hsul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEOAL NOTICES Summons. In th Circuit Court or the Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. G. L. Wooldrldge. Plaintiff, va. John P. Davidson; Mrs. John P. Da vidson, wife of John P. Davidson: the unknown heirs of John P. Da vidson; Mahala W. Davidson; John Doe, husband of Mahala W. Davtd son; the unknown heirs ot Mahala W. Davidson; Theodore Basye: Mrs. Theodore Basye. wife of Theodore Basye: the unknown heirs of Theo dore Basye: Cora Basye Lldstone ana More ijiastone, her husband also an other persons or parties uuKuown. claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate .described In th complaint herein, Defendants. To each, every and sit or the &hnw named ueiendants: In the name of the Stat of Ore gon. you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tne complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault on or before the laat day of four weeka from the date of the flntt publication of this sum mona, ana ir you -fan bo to appear Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Type of road 8. Passed l.r. Hard to catch 15. Chide 17. Woolly surface of cloth 18. DeHth 20. Ages 21. Extnt Solution of Yesterday's Purila 22. Organ of smell f XIE weiwooiea birds 24. Secured 2$. Bach part 37. Is able 28. lNcntlv prefix 39. First name of a famous Enslish nurse SI. Do something . In return IS. Flower con- , tatner 14. Things pur posely con cealed M. Inilde 17. Goes swiftly on foot M. Cattle 3?. AUtrMed 41. A son of Noah 43. Not any 43. Rattle 4. Pronoun 49. Meanlnr 61. City In New ,smoh1re M. Alternative 1V1. T.I slit bd - M. Other 15. Cond'nMd atnT-JipJifrlo moisture 1A L ISIEISISHPIEMSUAINITI 8t. Wllllnr to be bribed IS, Morbid brtnth- Inx sound 80. Parent: colloa. 61. Short Jacket 63. Edible tuber 64. Melody 65. Aittrmatlon by denial of the opposite T, Resumed 6f. Siaa sets 10. Prophetess DOWN L Households 2, Thin clftw silk fabric ;T"p'fl 1 il 'Z!LZti:S5Z!! nil 49 ',''l WtiTt " ss t:7e--t ',', v ;. zzzEi--ii.zzzszzz tr psr H 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 nr snd answer said complaint, for want thereof, the Plslntllf will spply to th. court for the relief demanded in bis complsint. succinctly staled a follows, to-wlt: That a decree be entered adjudicating any and all right, title, estate, lien or claim which you or any of you have or claim to have in, to. and upon th real prop erty situated In Jackson County. Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Being a pari 01 me im r. Davidson Donstlon Lsnd Clslm. lying In Section 31. Township 37 South of Range 4 West In Sec tion 36, Township 37 South of Range 6 West; ssctlon 6, Town ship 38 South of Range " West, and In Section 1, Township 38 South of Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, particularly described aa followa. to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the South line of aald Donation Land Claim in Section 6 Townehlp 38 South of Range 4 West of the Wlllsmett Meridian, whenoe th Southeaat corner of ssld Dona tion Land Claim bears East 30 feet, and running thence North 31644 feet to a point on the North line ot ssld OonsUon Land Claim, whence the Northeast cor ner thereof beara East 20 feet, thence West along and upon said North line 1083 feet to a point 1785.4 feet East of the Rsnge line, thence South 2164 4 feet to a point on the south line of aald Donation -and Claim 1800.6 feet East of the Range line, thence East 1092.4 feet to the place of beginning, containing 54 acres, mors or '.ess. And declaring any and all such claims tr be null and void: and aecreeing that the said Plalntlf is the owner In fee slmnle of ssld premises, snd of the whole thereof, free and clear of an and all right, title, estate. Hen or interest of said Defendants, or any 01 them, and that each and all of the Defendants herein, aid each and all persons claiming, or ' claim by. through or under them, or any of them, be forever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempt ing to establish, or claiming any fight, title, estate, lien or Interest In or to said property, or any por tion thereof.' and that Plalntiffa title to aald premtsea be forever quieted an." set st rest. The dste of the order for publica tion of thla summons is Aurust 23rd. 1933 The time prescribed for pub lication of this summons Is once each week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is August 23rd. .933. HARRY C. SKYRMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff post orric Address Medford, Oregon. Summons for Publication. In the Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon for the County of Jackson G. M. Roberts, ss Trustee for Geo L. Haff, T- A. Henderson, o. C. Stan wood, and O, H. Gram, Commis sioner of the Oregon Bureau of Labor. Plaintiff, va. Dlscon Gold Mining Company, an Arizona corporation, A. D. Coulter. Olga Moores snd ueorge B. Clsrke, and G. R. carter, as the County Clerk and ex-o'tflclo County Re corder of Jackson County, Oregon, and also all other persons and par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in and ' to the - premises described In the Complaint herein, Defendants. To Dlscon Oold Mining Compsny, an Arizona corporation. A. D. Coultr, Olga Moores, George B. Clsrke, and also all other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in and to the premises described In th Complaint herein, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You, and each of you, ire hereby required and summoned to appear In the abova entitled court and cause, and answer the Complaint of the plslntllf on file therein against you witnin tour weexs from cn date 01 ma iirat puoiicacion neraoi. ana Cross-Word Puzzie 19. Small Island 22. Merry 25. Automatlo telegraph! receiving - and prlntloc machine 26. At that time 27. Artificial R O S ED ... Dears'. ' 32, Greek letter 32. Made a cer tain colt hot It. Article of belief 17. Ceremony 40. Body of water iU Broad scoops with handles 42. One who re- A REflH U t i""!?- 44. About ii. Rooms under houses 46. Fos 47. Recompenses 49. Sun KO. Place to sit 62. Ecclesiastical 16. Mediterranean sailing ventel St. flhort letter en. Red 62. By 63. Unity 64. Solemn wonder 64. Symbol for tellurium 61. ComparatiTS end in it I. Drlnitlna vessel 4. Like 6. Performed 6. Genua of the oat T. Autobiography 6, Language of the? Scotch Hlarhlanders t. Shelter 10. News orrantia zatlon: abbr. It. DresY the festhera II. Pennltlve I". Kiibterftiee 14. Abandons . you will hereby tak nottos that if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof plaintiff will p.-ay to the court tor th following relief against you and as prayed for In plaintiff's Complsint. a aucclnct state ment 01 which is as follows, to-wlt: war a decree making permanent the preliminary restraining order en joining the defendants, A. D. Coulter and Dlscon Gold Mining Company and Olga Moore, from In any man ner alienating, mortgaging or pledg ing any interest thev might oisim ui the nremlsea which ar th subject matter hereof, and th defendant. Q. R. Carter, from accepting for recora atton or recording any conveyance made by aald defendants, and for a further decree ratifying, confirming an approving the action ot the plain tiff In re-entering and re-possesslng ssld premises, and foreo sing said contract. Exhibit "B" of plaintiff's Complaint, and decreeing that tn Interest of the ssld defendant in and to the premises lying and being situate In Jackson County, Oregon, and described in Exhibit A 01 plaintiff's Complaint and In Volume 193 of tha Deed Records of Jackson County. Oregon, at pages 543 to 545 Inclusive thereof, and apecltlcally re ferred to hereby, be foreclosed, can celled, annulled, set ssld snd hsld for nsught, and further decreeing that the title of th plaintiff b for ever quieted In fee almple aa against ssld defendant, and anyons claim ing nv. throuyh or under them, and ,i,t. uiri defendants be given five dava from the date of the entry of aald decree within which to redeem aald premises by the payment, oi $15,600.00, together with Interest thereon at the rat of six per cent per annum from May 20th, 1933. and tne rurtner aum 01 wiow.vv m uih- tlffa attorney's fees and his costs nd disbursements herein to be tsx- ed, and that the defendant, Olga Moores. be required to make, execute snd deliver unto th plaintiff a quit claim deed conveying any lntereat she may claim to hsve In said prem ises wltntn rive asys irom wie aw of the entry of said decree herein. and upon her failure so to do, that said decree shall be considered in lieu of such said deed, and that In anv event plaintiff do have and re cover the aum ot $1600.00 as hla at torney's fees and hla costs And dls buraements herein taxed, off and from ssld defendsnts, A. D. Coulter and Dlscon Gold Mining Company and for such other, further and differ ent relief aa to th court may seem meet and proper In the premises, oil of which more clesrly appeara from a copy or tne compi&int on in nere- in and apeoincaiiy referred to nereoy This Summons Is published in tne Medford Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general and regular circulation ntintiahMi In tha Clcv ot Medford, Oregon, once each week for a period of four weeks consecutively, and five times, and aald deiendanta are rs- mitred tn annejir and answer SS hers- in proviaeo unoer nna uy w an order dulv made, rendered and entered under date of August 32nd 1933. by the Hon. Earl B. Day. coun ty Judge of Jackson County, Oregon, actlnt In the absence ot the Hon. H D Norton, circuit Judge of the Flrat Judicial District, from Jackson coun. ty, Oregon, and hla Inability to exe cute thla order aa such. The data ot th first publication 01 thla summons Is August i.ira, 11133 O. M. ROBERTS, WM. M. MCALLISTER, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Address: 201-3 Medford National Bank Bldg., Medford, Ore. Notice. To Whom Jt May Concern: Notice la hereby given that (tie Board of Directors of the Grants Paaa Irrigation District will meet Tuesday, October 8. 1933. at 10 o'clock In the district office m the Court House. O rant Paas, Oregon, acting aa Board of Equalisation for the pur pose of reviewing and correcting 1U aMeument and apportionment of taxes. This notice published by ordw ot the Board of Directors of the Grant Pass Irrigation District, this 6th day of September, 1993. FORBES w. fobbery, secretary. Kotloe of settlement of Final Account In the County Court of the Stat of orezon for tne county or jacKson. in tne Matter or tn Halat ot Jull S. Beekman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Carrie c. BeeKman ana Benjamin B. Bees man, Executor, of the Estate or Juili E Beekman. deceased, hav filed their final account as auch Executors, and thst Monday, th 9th day of October, 1033. at 10 o'clock of aald day, and the court room of th abov ntltld Court, in th County Court House, In Meorora. said county and But, hav been appointed by aald County Court as th tlm and plaos for th hearing of objections to and the settlement or such final account. CARRIE C. BEEKMAN. BENJAMIN B. BEEKMAN. Executors of th Estat of v Julia E. Beekman, deoeased Summons, In th Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. Th Stat of Oregon, represented and acting by tn world war veterans' a tate Aid commission, Plaintiff, vs. Calvan N. Evans, sometimes known as C. N. Evans, snd Betty Evan, hua. band and wife; John H. Denlson and Reba V. Denlson, husband and wife; Delroy Oetcnell. and Allc M Oetchel, husband and wife, also all other persons or partlea unknown Claiming any right, title, estate, lien or lntereat In or to the nroo. rty described In th Complaint on in. nerein, ieienaant. To Calvan N. Evans, sometimes snown aa c. N. Evans, and Betty bji.. nusDBna ana wue. uerenaanta in tn nam of th Stat of Or' gon, you, and each of you, ar hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tne plaintiff on fll nernin against you or otharwls plead thereto within four weeka from th date of th flrat publication of this Summons, same being th 30th day of August, 1933. And you will pleas tak notlo vnat ij you fall to so appear and answer or otherwise plesd to said complaint, the plaintiff will tak de em, against you for th relief de manded In aald eomrjiaint. i..n A decree forecloalng plaintiff mort gage and decreeing that th property hereinafter described as follow, to. lot fv. (5). Block two (3), Summit Addition to th city of Medford, County ot Jackson, be sold In satisfaction This summons 1 published by or. dr of Hon. H. D. Norton J,i. th droit Court ni .T...u. H. Oregon, which order wss mad on th o.n nay or August, 1933. O. A. CODDINO. Attorney for PlalnllM. Courthouse, Medlord, Oregon. CTRESS INNOCENT N READ TRIANGLE SAYS EX-AFFINITY Stock Broker Shoulders Blame Women Wear Sardonic Smiles As Ro mance Revealed to Jury LOS ANOELES, Sept. 13. (PI Th masculine "corner" of the Wlnd-sor-Resd love triangle took th wit ness stand today and ahouldered all Ui blam. Alfred O. Read. Jr., whose divorced wife la suing Clair Windsor of the stage and movies for eiOO.000 on charges that ahe stole Resd's love, chlvalroualy affirmed In aupsrlor court that h waa "the one wno ehould be jued, If anybody." Aa th former Oakland stockbroker testified, th two women smiled, sar donically. It seemed, and occasion- illy laughed. Quarreled Often. Read aald he and hla wife. Mrs. Marian Young Read, whom he secret- married seven yeara ago today. had quarreled over other men and women more than a hundred times during their married life. Mlaa Windsor, he said, waa only one of many women hla wife had ac cused blm of associating with. Read testified that he waa the ag gressor la th romance with Miss Windsor, which budded on a cross country train Journey two yeara ago this September. He admitted he had deceived her when he met her. by first telling her he waa unmarried and 'later telling her he really was married but he and his wife wero getting a divorce. I am not anxious to sea Marian win thla .case," he said, "because 1 know I am the one to blame. He Hhould Be Sued. 'If .anyone ahould be aued It should be m and not Mlsa Windsor. This caused a stir In th court room and on Juror asked him to repeat tha statement. Before this trial atarted, con tinned Read. "I told Marian that I could not teatlfy for her that I would hav to tell the truth and that It would not help her." Read said he was reluctant to tes tify too full on intlmst details of hla married Ufe because today waa his wedding anniversary, but never theless he asserted bis win once made admissions regarding another man while they were having a quar rel over Miss Windsor. H reviewed the now defunct re man oe with the actress In detail from it start on th train trip. Bridge was Opener. R proposed a bridge game, h said, to get acquainted with her. H aald b and Frank Trower, hi traveling companion", went to Mis Windsor's oompsrtmtnt for a few rubbers of bridge with her and Mlsa Ruth West erh, who was traveling with her. Later, Mis Windsor and 1 went cut to th observation platform. where I tried to kiss her," related Read, but ah pushsd m away. "She asked me 'if I u married. and I aald no, and then th next day told h.r I waa married, but that my wit and I war separated and getting a divorce. On th second night on th ob servation platform, Miss Windsor let me kiss her." "Did Mis Windsor assault you?" asked Attorney Wilbur Flero. "What?" "Did shs sault you affectionate ly?" "Why, nol" Read exclaimed. ' Brownsboro BROWNSBORO, Sept. 18. (Spl.) Brownsboro school opened September 4. with Mrs. Msrlon M. Barker aa teacher, and an attendance of 18 pu pils. Little Butt school opened lsst Monday with Miss Flttenger of Med ford aa teacher. Leland Dystnger la staying at the Wright horn and attending high school at Eagl point, Miss Margaret Daley, Mrs. Eleanor Johnson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Zlmmerson of Medford were callers at th H. W. Wright and Mrs Imogen Charley home last Monday ' Mr. and Mrs. Reed Oharley and chil dren mad a tnp to Hucklsberry mountain Saturday for huckleberries. They returned home Sunday. Mr. Ellen Charley attended t,he teachers' Institute in Medford last Friday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yorten and chfl dren were dinner guest at th May flell horn last Sunday. Lester Marshall la filling th silo on their rsndh this wsek. Mrs. D. B. Parquharson of San Francisco. J. 0. Rohrer and daughter Janet of San Joss, Cal., Mr. and Mr. J. B. Rohrer and daughter, Mrs. Al Grebblns of Montague, were dinner guest at th horn of Mr, and Mrs L. J. Rohrer last Sundsy. Unemployed Build Cllnle SAN DIEOO, Cal. (P) A commun ity medical clinic I being built of adobe bricks by unemployed as a unit of "Neighborhood House," which It Is hoped, eventually will b en larged to Includ club rooma and an art and craft section for glrla. Gleaning and Pressing, th Camelo serves you right. Fre delivery. Tel 1290. Memlwr N R.A. Card of Thanks. W daslra to express our apprecia tion of th kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent bereave ment. Mrs. W. h. Hslley. Mrs. Annl Msxfleld. Mr. and Mrs. frauit Loder. MANY SIGN NRA CARDS AT GL OF 11 Th call for resident of tu city, not contacted In their homes, to ap pear at th chamber of commerce and sign th consumer pledge of the Nstlonal Recovery act, Is meet ing with a wonderful response, cham ber of commerce officials stated to day. Yeaterday afternoon between 80 and 40 people called at the chamber and aigned the pledge. Others wer appearing thta afternoon. Th Cham ber of commerce building la open from 5:00 to S:30 o'clock each eve ning to accommodate those person working until 5:00, Bell view BELL VIEW, Sept. 18. (Spl.) Bell vie w school opened Monday with th largest enrollment In the history of ths school. Elghty-slx pupil wsr enrolled In the entire school, with 34 in the seventh snd eighth grsdes. taught by Wllllsm Ford: 30 pupil In Miss Doris Hitchcock's room snd 33 in the primary department, taught by Mlaa Eunice Hager, Upper Valley Community club will hold Its flrat meeting In th club house next Wednesdsy, September 13. Mrs. George Andrew, Mr. Robert Bell, Mrs. C. A. Brown and Mr. Ed win Dunn will bs hostesses. Sep tember 36 there will be another meet ing for those wishing to take advan tage ot the aewlng Instruction. Three hundred can of bean and tomatoes were csnned at th club- hous lsst Frldsy. This Is th great est number csnned In one day and brlnga the total number to 848 can tor this district. There Is still a great need for wood and gasoline for the stoves. All those wishing to can tomatoes are urged to phone to Mra. Fr4 Homes. All tomatoes should b can ned In September, aa tomatoes ar at their best this month. Mrs. J. E. Oowland and Mra. Carl.y will assist Mra. Home this Friday. Miss Dorothy MoKnsl of Medford wss visiting Susann Home Carter last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Steam .and children, Jeanette, Wallace and Bob by, were dinner guests at th Homer Moor hom last Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Frank Horns and son Bernard hav been visiting relstlve In this district. Parent-Teacher association of th Bellvlew school will hold iu first meeting Friday, September 18, at th schoolhouss. Mrs. George King, pres ident, will appoint all her commit tee for th coming year at thla meet ing. Olady and Fern Brantley returned to their hom Sunday from Grant Pas, where they hav ben camping. Gladys entered the high acbool and Fern will attend Normal school thla fall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard 0. Joy re turned Thuarday from Ssn Francisco where they were married at th horn of th bride's mother, Mrs. May Wil son, Wednesday. Th brld wsa for merly Jeanne Wilson, a well-known student at th Southern Oregon Nor mal. Mr. and Mra. Joy will b at horn to their friend at th Ladlno dairy farm, formerly th Kllngl dairy. Harry Moor of Portland, son of Mr. snd Mrs. W. L. Moor, spent last Sunday -.nd Monday visiting his par ent in thta district and with hi sister, Mrs. Adrian Wolfe. In Med ford. Monday, Mr. and Mra. Moor, Mr. and lira. Wolf and on Roger, and Harry Moor motored to Crater Lake. Miss Doris Hitchcock, Mis Eunle Hager and William Ford attended teachers' Institute in Medford Friday, Trier was no school in Bellvlew that day. Mr. and Mra. John nsisenauar w.r dinner guest at th hom of Dot William last Thursday. Peach harveat Is on In Bellvlew. Homer Moor began packing Wed-. nesday and the early Crawford hav been going out from th Martin ranch for several days. Louis Psnkey enjoyed a visit from his brother and family from Klamath Falls Labor day. Mr. and Mra. William Kerr of Ash land wen dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Oeorg King Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin ot Myrtle Creek and Mr. and Mra. Park of Grants Psss wsr visiting at th W. L. Huxley borne last Sunday. Mra. Martha Phillips, who has been spend ing th summer at ths Huxley bom, returned to Myrtl Creek with Mr.' and Mr. Martin, when sh will visit for a few daya. Mr. Martin I a nephew of Mr. Huxley. Mrs. Rufu King spent several daya . last week visiting at th J. H. Wil liams hom. Mr. and Mn. Castnar, who hav been living on th Cyeata plaos, hav moved up to th Dead Indian coun try, when Mr. Caatner will b em ployed at th Kalgl mill. Mr. and Mr. Parmon and small daughter from th coast hav moved Into th Cyeater nous. Their littles girt hss entered th prlmsry depart ment of th Bellvlew chool. Miss Alberta Thomae apent last week visiting with Mollis Helm. Crab Apples Cooking Apples -- at - Wing Orchards