PAGE BIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1933. Ike- HIDDEN DOOR BY FRANK L. PACKARD BYXOPSJB: Captain Dollairt, of the rum schooner Alouette, hi jacked and wrecked the tit. Lauj renoe river counterfeiting plant of the Uaek, S'euj York underworld mar. To avenge the Uaek three men fuel have gone aboard the Alouette 90 Long ieland to murder the ereuj e)nd captain, and with the help of their pang, to eteal the liquor. One is Buck O'Mara, the Maek'e lieu tenant; another Benny Ualone, Songster, and the third the famous writer, Colin Hewitt, disguised as Olarkle Lunn, crook. Colin is track ing down the Uaek, tcho aleo is Sacking down Colin. Dollaire sud mly deolaree the money offered tor the flguor te counterfeit and covers his would'be murderers with his ttstot. Chapter 40 MURDER AFLOAT T-vOLLAIRE wa rocklni on hit feet, hit face waa contorted, hli neetle browi a. straight line, hie Jaw outtbruit, hie yes like black, lu minous pinpoint! glinting through narrowed lid!. "Sol" he flung out through twisted llpi. "Yon think you fool me aonie more, eh? Ton think you make a monkey of Dollaire? So! I ee the whole business now. Tou are frlendi with those fellow! at the Riviere dea Cascades, eh? and that Helmle Schwann la a rati "You come here to laugh at Dol laire, and steal hli cargo, eh? But a gun on ua, so I'll come aerosa. That money'! phony all right, and we had It In for yon for what you did to lome of our boyi down the river, but you're not so hot eren now, Yoa don't get out of this unless I lay ao but, as It standi, if yon want a rain check on your own life I'll give it to you now, and we'll call It all off tor tonight "A shot 11 red down here'll mean Just one thing. It'll be the signal my mob li waiting for to come aboard and clean you np. If any of ua three go out, you'll go out too. Don't Ud yourself about that. But we're will ing to walk out of her to the boats with onr hand! np and puih off. What do yon say? I'm not bluffing. I'm showing you my cards face np on the table. A royal straight flush, Dollaire. Take a look at It!" Colln'a brain was In riot as Dol laire stood there glaring, licking hungrily now at hli lips. Would Buck O'Mara get away with this? Buck O'Mara was lying, of course not as to what would follow on the heel! of a shot being fired down here, for that was true, but as to the bargain he waa offering Dollaire. He had not the slightest Intention of keeping his share of that bargain, even It Dollaire agreed he was merely seising upon what aeemed to offer the only chance to escape hi 'r .. - -.-isS "You think you make a monkey of Dollaire?" you do sot know Dollaire. No! I will show you what Dollaire does to" he broke Into a torrent of vile French epithets "skunks like youl" Buck O'Mara shrugged hlr should den as Dollaire, with pointed gun, backed to the oompanlonway. "You're all wet, Dollaire," he said as patiently aa though he were talk lng to a refractory child. "I don't know what you're yapping about. ' Better put that rod down, and come back here and talk It over." Dollaire had backed nearly to the top ' ot the companlonway. He laughed now In a low, ugly way as, halting, he patted his revolver wlUi hli free band. "I talk with this now," he Jeered through working lips. "Maybe once you go to church, eh? Maybe you remember some little prayer, eh? Well, for me, I do not think about that any more, but I have the good heart I give you one minute, and then I count sot that nice fresh money but one, two, three dead on the floor." Dollaire meant It ot that there (was no doubt In Colln'i mind. Dol laire was In a maniacal rage and ; bollalre had the drop on them. Well, Jt waa merely what Buck O'Mara fcad Intended to do to Dollaire! THE end? Colin waa consoloui ot strange mingling aensatlona and thoughts rushing In a flood upon him that be could not analyse. Bewilder ment? Fear? Numbed resignation? He saw Qermalne and she smiled wistfully at him. Be was alive, full of vitality at this Instant what would death be like the next? The musile ot Dol lalre'a revolver was like a magnet from which one's eyes oould sot be Iragged away. Would one both aee the flash and hear the report? Which St the two, light or sound, traveled the faster? Was there Ua heard Buck O'Mara speaking again but there waa something aharp. Imperative In O'Mara's voice now: "Listen to me, Dollaire. You've got from the Immediate perH la which he himself stood. N O MATTER what happened here In the cabin, neither Dollaire nor one ot his crew would escape tonight. That was certain. But would Dollaire fall for this? It meant his, Colln's, life, too. Would Dollaire "Bah!" Jerked out Dollaire. "I take a look and I laugh. It Is like the money, your cards they come from the same place! You got some boya on them boats, and they come out to fight, and steal my Alouette, eh? Well, me, I got big crew that tight plenty good. I show youl I finish with yon first When I shoot that Is the signal, eh? Well, my fel lows they hear that quick, too. So" he grinned ferociously "I give that signal like this!" There was a flash and the roar ot the report In the confined space dinned In Colln's ears. He was con scious that Buck O'Mara, anticipat ing the shot by a spilt second, had flung himself out ot his chair to the floor. But neither Benny Malone nor himself bad been so prescient An other crash another report What sounded like a deep sigh came from Benny Malone. Seconds that aeemed to span eternltyl Dollaire, like aome great ape, waa crouched there on the topmost atep ot the oompanlonway, still firing down Into the lighted cabin, There waa one chance, only one. Colin flung himself from the settee. leaped for the low-hung lamp that was scarcely two yarda away, and brought It amaahlng down, a shat tered thing npon the table. The cabin was In darkness. "Good boy!" Buck O'Mara's voice called out and from the floor earns the flash now ot Buck O'Mara's gun. But the companlonway was empty now. The slam of the cabin door pro claimed the fnot that Dollaire was gone. (Copyright, ISM, Fran 1. Pachord) Tomorrow sets the end of ens Doltlr-., . Ullee Kill Honey Bees BOMS, Idaho yp) Heavy mortality cT honey beee on she Minidoka Irri tation project In Idaho was traced by (be government experiment station to a wild lily commonly known u "death eamas," wbtoh la declared to be also poisonous to sheep and soms Umee cattle. Swimmer Finished Second, FORT WORTH. Te. (UP) Com petition -waa not keen enough for Babe Dlllard, young feminine swim mtng star, In her own sex. so she went over and entered the men's tsce in the annual city swimming meet. She finished only a few Inches behind the masculine winner In the 400-yard dash. Tolo TOLO. Sept. 13 (8pl.) Mrs. Al Stevens visited in Oold Rill recently with her daughter. Mrs. Josle Force, an4 family, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tracy and their daughters, Ernestine and Arlene, and Iris Oaye Rush attended the i-L pic nic Labor day. School opened Monday with an enrollment of lfl pupils. Harry Hamor'a left eye was pain fully Injured recently when a piece of wall plaster fell on him. necessi tating a stitch In the syebaU. He U under the care of Dr. Thayer In Medford. A fire In the "horse shoe" which had gained enslderable headway waa brought under control by Copco and government employee Labor day. Copco Is repairing the river bridge at Oold Ray dam. 8. S. Tula underwent a minor op eration on his throat Wednesday. It Is hoped this will help In Improving his general health, which has been poor for some time. Mrs. Vera Rlchman of Upper Ev ans oroek visited her mother. Mrs. Qrace Kathan, and family recently. Fishing at Diamond Lake this week are Johuny and Edythe Bohnert. Carl and Ruth Hover of Central Point. They pjan to kipper trout for winter use while there. t California has more airports and landing fields than any other state, 31. Golf Ball 103 Years Old. NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (UP) Geo, C. Paris Isn't Scotch, but he has a goll ball that Is reputed to be 103 years old. The ball, fore-runner of the modern ball, has a leather cover and la stuffed with feather. 8ucn balls were used until 1848, when the Qutta percha ball made Its appear ance. A good drive would carry It from ISO to 185 yards. It wss said. Blow Killed Boxing Referee. WALLACE. Idaho (UP) A blow On the larynx by one of the boxers In a bout he waa refereelng caused the death of George L. Kleptnger, 34. The blow caused a general Infection that resulted In death. I The home of Schuyler Colfax, onoa vice-president of the United States, has been razed at South Bend, Ind. - S'MATTER POP- By C. M. PAYNE TT imk veiy W it count ot I'm (A EXeW6IVE,M Suit ) 0. MOCtr-. ivy r m i x i 1- w a'y L ml' ra,TOU AT ITS By GLVYAS VrTUJAMS W-&O0ND CARS, RETURNING TD THE CITY At THE END OF VACATION . MEET AN OUT- B0l)HD CAR SETT.M6 OUT FOR A LfiTE HOLIDAY (Copyright, 1983, ty The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) WlLUAfq TAILSPIN TOMMY The Ocean Take. Command By GLENU CHAFFIN and HAL FOBBEST PSIIIIII1P ftOWAT CAN TWV WTHAT JUT tT J ZZZZZT P US1TH A DCAO MOTOR? - " egS 'xz i bxpect to M twr motcr-s dead --zyY 1 JT j ftir I not unless the 'U$&!24&ryL..- TJzZ' - accomplish JST-Thev cant sgt r Xs" jg V ocean umlls it, J -r, - CLICK I jgO 2T -g OI6TANCC 3Sl FOR OCEAN .'J HAVE J A l -THtRE TUG TOMK.IMS 15 84S?m,S & THERE'S, ,, ?XT- S .7H,S 9) CURRENTS ARE 1 CAMASetS S iXlP NemiM' UUCKW AS 0ET&.TEO ZZZZX Q SOMETHING J&A, 'fe, Ck!-3 ROI.LIIN6 DRIFTING Trt THglg PLANE S -JSZ-S tot tAN L1S-1TS AU " -"'T,LL BOUND TO WIN Ben Take. Charge JONATHAN'S SO EXCVTEO OVER BVEFtVTHIr4Q,3LJO.THAT I RECVCOM WE'D BETTER TAKE THINGS IN HAND LET'S 5TARTtD-WBl GOTO THE yiLLAse FiR&-ltwVs MiMurve, K,Y-,r. 'tw tarn . r am w 1 I 3 est By EDWIN ALGER I MUIt3 TUao C&CKAV VTCIK.T OFTEN NE'UMS GIT INVITAT10)JVk oz, look r rZZrv cLJxA SO IS SONIE LAW ME.VJHENl AND I NON UMOER6TAT40 ) ITHIMKO' Vsl.HAT ME'UN3 DID ) OH. EVeKVTHIMG AND We y , TO VOli BOTH, AM' HERE THE UFORGEtI KNOW WU WERE ONl.v--iN tvjo o vou ace mot hondim' 11 it. tonima -m ootpr.T Aucdhi 0 I I - - - i , I . . ,w . - . . , r,wrv i i i , i n i i i . nj , t ovjti n j I I i ' t. , OUT, BUT 6HQVEUN' OUTSOOD I I JUD- LOTTA COME ON, LETS I Be A CROWD! 6EEM AS IP VW C5 Uil a a FER EVIL r--' ZVr HIKE DOnnT r?1 - ( MESS O' -Mjl,Tc s I EVER-yOMB b JOINXS -CZ THE NEBBS Those Were The Day. By SOL HESS 'Ji V" "T BUOV. 1 UJAMT VOU 'aSme ;Vto Meet mstVats I AT-1 W i-Ov- -l y 1 a II I WELL, OLCSS VrV'SOUU.-LVOIA Pt-UMi VOU OOkjT REMEMBER Me I USED to CALL. OIO wouu&er sister, dot-.twe Owe AJHO WORKED AT THE LEADER AWD SOLXl OADOV DROVS A VWASOW FOR. VWltOTCRSONj MAtJV A RIDE WE SAVES ME Liseo U5EU TP HOLD TWE HORSES LOHILE. "yMTOSORA P-AIL- 10U(i OAO VSEO TO BRAS A LOT ABOUT VOU. ME SAID VOL WERE ALIO AYS A BIT UOPISM -We USFM TO SAV MV OLDEST DAUSMTER. LVDIA -Sum ll ri uvcr SEEM BORM OP RIOM FOLKS. SHE G.ETS rare TWF. STREET CAR TEW a LOCKS FROM HOME EVERY MIGHT TO KcOW-b. 8EUEVE. SHE LIVES IM ASLOELL joui--i.i-jlji- .THOSE. ttEJ5E OAVSV vrTEHLVOlA-" Ift'l BRINGING UP FATHER , mE si a, . , -riA-i . -1 By George McManus t VlfcW OINTV WOULD HufiRV BACK fROM CHICAGO I tiuRE WIM' pleae don't oivnjRa Vt MOW, OADOV-1 HAVE A LOT OF LETTERS To WlTTL MOTHfR H AA AKCim n,iki TMi DEK ALL MORMING- T LOOK9 AS iP OINTT ILL BE HOME BEFOne I GlTA CHANCE TO WRITE HIM ri . I li VS.LL-TWEKJK GOE 1 I ll . . . - " i - l ill I HOPS 5HS DOEWT QT 1 MnOBV Bifv KROM T ay Jl . S"?1Z"i ' "'S1,M MY Chicago i -iure w.m- rfflasfESS THFT I 1 ST Th Ta - n V 11 M 1 -TW 1 Ub II N . J I 1.. I I II I -m i a sfMass. : J? i I . L 5 I I I sssl at f. ? v - u JUr. I XI U II L There's No .Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation