Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 12, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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Local and
Semon In Portland C. J. Semon oS
tha Medford Concrete Construction
company U spending a tew daya in
Portland on bualneaa.
Mr. Swtfart to VUM-O. A. Swlgart
of southern California la expected
here the last of the week to vlalt
Mra. Swigart and daughter Jean for
several daya.
Warner Glads DUplayed A bou
quet of beautiful peach-colored gladi
oli, grown by W. J. Warner of South
Oakd&le. la on display today at the
Chamber of Commerce.
Graves' Change Home Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Oravea have moved from
314 North Holly to 104 South Oak
dale, It waa announced today. They
are now at home to their friends at
the new location.
Back to Bay City Mra. George
Gardner left last night on the Shasta
for San Francisco, after being guest
here for 10 daya of her mother. Mra.
Cordelia Richardson, and other rela
tlvea and friends.
Makes Highway Bid P. O. Dillard
la In Portland, where his firm will
bid on the construction of the 1.51
miles of the Siskiyou section of the
Pacific highway and other Jobs. The
bids are to be opened September 15.
Get Many Huckleberries Mr. and
Mra. John I. Nealon and daughter
Janice returned 'last night from
Huckleberry mountain, bringing with
them 17 gallons of berries and the
report that there Is an extra large
crop thla year.
Lowry House Robbed Mrs. Burt B.
Lowry reported to city police today
that during the absence of the family
from their home on West Tenth
street this summer, a number of
things were stolen. Including glass
ware, candles, a sweater, a raincoat
and a watch.
Committee to Meet The agricul
tural committee of the Chamber of
Commerce will meet tomorrow even
ing. Chas. Win announced today, and
melon, peach and tomato growers of
the valley are asked to attend the
session, which will open at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Maury 111 Miller Maury, who
arrived a short time ago from the
coast to visit his brother and slater.
Henry Maury and Miss Mary Maury,
at their ranch home In the West
Bide district, was reported very 111
there yesterday.
On Western Tour Mrs. M. D.
Krumholz and daughter, Mrs. W.
Prahm of San Francisco, arrived here
by train this morning on a north
western tour which will Include a
stay at Crater Lake and other scenic
points In Oregon.
Mr. Schollars Improved Aaron
Schollars, who was seriously injured
In a fall July 9, Is still confined to
his bed most of the time, but was
able to be outdoors for the first time
Sunday, and enjoyed a sunbatti while
sitting In ah armchair. Mr. Schol
lars Is nearly 87 years old.
Morse Visits Here M. P. Morse,
county surveyor of L&ne county, Is a
guest In Medford for a few days of
his brother-in-law. County Clerk Geo.
R. Carter. Mr. Morse stopped here
after taking his daughter Elizabeth
to Klamath Falls, where she will be
a member of the teaching staff dur
ing the coming' year.
Gleemen to Meet Members of the
Medford Gleemen, singing organiza
tion, are asked to meet tonight at
the courthouse auditorium at 8
o'clock, James Stevens, director, has
announced. Officers to head the or
ganization for the coming year will
be elected and the season's plans out
lined. Miss Harrer Leaves Miss Virginia
Harrer of Detroit, Mich., who was
guest here for the summer of the E.
C. Koppens, left Friday for the south
to visit In San Francisco, Los An
geles and Hollywood, before continu
ing east, where she will attend the
world's fair, also, before going on
home. While here Miss Harrer, who
la Mr. Kop pen's niece, waa a partici
pant In much entertaining by the
younger set.
CASH PAID for men's secondhand
suits, odd 9oats. bats and shoes
WiU H Wilson. 83 N Front St.
TOP PRICES oald for 2nd hand fur
niture. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store
1603 N Riverside. Phone 200.
WANTED Reliable and unincumber
ed woman for cooking and house
work for small family on ranch.
Address Box 97, Gazelle, Cal.
FOR RENT 5-room modern furnish
ed house; hardwood floors, fire
place, garage. 28 Washington St.
Among them are:
1629 Plymouth 4 -door sedan.
1929 Plymouth coupe.
1929 Durant 6 coach.
1929 Dodge standard 6 panel deliv
ery. Motor completely over
hauled. See these and others at our new
DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer.
WANTED Either man or woman
manager for southern Oregon to
handle La-Finne Beauty Product.
Made In Hollywood and approved
by the stars. Call Mr. West for
appointment. Phone 1878.
FOR SALE Thoroughly dry ahlplap
at a bargain, phone 1492.
FOR SALE Muir and Blberta peaches
Geo. Aiford.
FOR SALE Apples, prunes, Elberta
peaches. Bring containers. Mrs.
Luke, Phone 639-J-I.
FOR SALE Motorcycle and aids csr
su west second.
WANTED To buy wire-haired fjx
terrier male pup. 231 "4 Wo. Holly
FURNISHED apartment: uphouster
ed: private bath: garage; p.-loe res
sonsb. 905 w. 10th.
TO TRADE Studebaker touring car
for good light truck. Tel. 833.
Cantetld Returns I. D. Canfleid.
commander of Crater Lake post 1883,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, returned
from Portland, where he waa called
to attend a meeting of the council
of administration of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars. Matters of grave Im
portance concerning the veterans
were discussed at the meeting, he re
ported upon arrival here.
Examiner to Call Again Due to
the ever increasing list of applicants1
here for operators' and chauffeurs'
licenses. Ward McReynolds, license
examiner, and his staff are finding t
necessary to give more time than
planned to this region, Mr. Reynolds
snnounced today. - He wll be in Med
ford for another special stop Septem
ber 16, and will conduct examinations
that day from 1 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Mrs. Pen land injured Friends in
this city of Mrs. Lulu Penland, now
of Marahfleld, will be sorry to learn
that she received painful Injuries last
wekk in a fall into the basement at
the home of a friend In the coast
city, which necessitated treatment at
the North Bend hospital. Several
stitches were taken In a gash in her
head. Relatives were Informed last
night that her condition was much
improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford
Richardson of Beall lane visited Mrs.
Penland at the hospital, while guests
in North Bend over the week-end.
(Continued mm Pag Ona)
Renins plead guilt; to traveling 80
miles per hour on the Crater Lake
highway, with 19 CCO members
aboard his truck.
Mrs. O. E. Lockwood and Jean
Stevens were fined 910 and costs on a
guilty plea to disorderly conduct on
the Pacific highway near Phoenix.
The costs were paid.
Ed Daley was fined 5 and coats,
for no tall-light on his auto, and
Fred Smith charged with drunken
driving, and A. M. Brower and John
Lage, all of Ashland, charged with
drunkenness were cited to appear
Roy Parr, Charles Chapln and Les
ter J. Lance of the Ashland district
were charged with driving an auto
with improper dlcenses. A warrant
was Issued this morning for Lance,
when he failed to appear per promise.
J. Jensen was charged with the same
offense. Jensen had purchased an
Oregon license, but neglected to put
the tags on.
James F. Hollls had no Oregon
license and was fined $5 and costs.
It was suspended on promise to pro
cure ti license. -
Eugene a. Narregan was fined $28
and costs, on a plea of guilty to care
less driving, and the same suspended.
A young man giving the name of
Green was fined 1 for driving past a
stop sign.
Frank Metcalfe was cited to appear
for the alleged theft of 18 cords of
stove wood valued at 20, from Orion
Fred R. Baker was assessed 5 and
costs for no driver's license, and
Cletls Baker was charged with having
no chauffeur'a license.
Eight others were arraigned for
traffic derelictions yesterday.
The state police are conducting a
campaign against minor Infractions
of the traffic laws, and arrests have
started for failure to apply for a
driver's license. ,
Drunken driving on Saturday night
also comes under the vlgllanoe of the
troopers. "There's too much of it"
said Capt. Lee M. Bown today. "We
will try and stop It."
Witnessing the winning by his
studio nf thrM .w.rria nt m-t. 1
Verne Shsngle attended the stste fair
n oatem over tne week-end, return
ing to Medford with Mrs. Sh angle
last nlffht. Hi. .tlMfA wa. f. a-Ih
one In competition to he awarded
wee oaages and was classed as the
best Individual nhofcrtffr.nlil. avhlhit
entered at the fair.
No premiums were offered in the
J '
so awards of merit were the highest
recognition granted any exhibit.
The three pieces of work bringing
the awards to Mr. Shangle are known
to many neonle whA recent.iv t.itji
bis studio here. First honor went to
his nhotno-ranh nf Tlr n.vlrfun.
ond to a colored photograph of a
winter snow scene, obtained on the
ADDlejrat river, anrf thlrrf tn o
ord photograph of Medford pears.
rcn wora nas oesn noted here and
the photograph of Mr. Davidson, par-1
tlcularly, has brought much pra! to '
the photographer In his horns city. 1
Warrants Called.
School District No. 16.
Warrant numbered 16, 17, H, 21
22. 24. 25. 27 and 28 are called for
Davment. Interest vtn .u .....
September 13. 1B33. Present warrants !
niB. ntbiunai Dana, MMroRJ, '
Oregon, for payment. i
School District No. 18.
Hurry! It Ends Tonltel
John Ethel Lionel
"Ratputln in 4 the FmprtM
Tomorrow 1Varrn William
In "Employees Entrance"
First Full Meeting of Control
Board in Four Months Re
scinds Five Resolutions
Wanted by Treasurer
SALEM, Sept. 12 W) The first
full meeting of the board of control
In four months rescinded five previ
ous Holman resolutions by a two to
one vote hers yesterday.
Governor Julius L. Meier and Sec
retary of State Hal E. Hoss outvoted
Treasurer Rufus c. Holman In eras
ing the resolutions. Hoss Introduced
the motion, stating that the resolu
tions were being disregarded.
Holman objected to repeal of the
resolution prohibiting operation of
cars In stste servloe except from 8
a. m. to 8 p. m. on working days.
The resolutions repealed were:
Resolution July 0. 1931, relstlng to
the policy of the board concerning In
dustrial farming and declaring that
the farms be opersted only on reform
ative or curative basis, ignoring eco
nomic advantages.
Resolution January 8, 1932, making
anyone subject to discharge who op
erates a car in state service from Sat
urday noon to Monday morning, or
holidays, or before 8 a. m. or after
8 p. m. daily.
Resolution January 13, 1S32. relat
ing to an order that all used tires
on automobiles be turned over to
agents of the board of control.
Resolution on the same date, pro
viding that the stats of Oregon cease
purchasing fountain pens or desk sets
for any state departments.
Resolution June 1, 1932. providing
that a meal schedule of 40. SO and 75
cents respectively for the three meals
a day be allowed.
The last resolution did not tske
the lid off dally expenditures, but did
limit the per-meal maximum. Hoss
stated the 3.65 per day expenditures
was still in effect. He stated with
changing conditions other sdjust
ments must be made, Including the
five cent per mile pay limit of driv
ers of persona automobiles used for
stats service,
S. B. Laughlln. professor of eco
nomics at Willamette university,
urged that the next legislature enact
laws tightening up the marriage stat
utes, the state eugenics act, and pro
vide for closer supervision of pupils
in ins puouc schools.
Laughlln presented a chart showing
that one Oregon family represented In
the state hospital for the insane hsd
cost the state more than 820.000. An
other family with a member In the
state home for the feeble-minded was
reported to have cost the state 812,-
ASHLAND, Sept. 12. (Spl.) A
medium-sized brown bear, perhaps
the "middle sized bear" of the Goldi
locks fairy tale, waa seen In the Ash
land water shed last Prlnmr
along the road. The bear which was
estimated to weign approximately 250
pounds wss seen by Carl Janouch,
assistant supervisor of the Rogue
River national forest. Hugh Rltter,
and Floyd Clark, as they drove their
car along the road In thn
canyon water shed. The bear ran
" oi mi car ior some distance
and then turned Into the wood,.
Ruth Luy Dance Studio. Sparta
now open. Tel. 154S-J-2.
Regular communication of
J?2. E. a., Wednesday evening,
September 18 at 8 o'clock
and Wednesday
The uproarious misadventures of
a mugg who starts a college so his
football team will have a place to
Oreta Maun, Nell O'Day
Arthur Pleraon
"False Impressions
partllght NEWS
Dally Mat 1:15. Eve. 7 p. m.
Society and Clubs
Edited by Eva Nealon Hamilton
Mr. lrsnhoe and
Daughter Visit Hera
A much welcomed guest In Medford
thla week la L. F. Ivanhoe, formerly
of this city, now of Brazil, who sr.
r.ved a abort time ago, accompanied
by his oldest daughter, Oracle Lou.
who will remain In Medford to at
tend high school.
Mr. Ivanhoe will be In Medford un
til about October 1, and on his re
turn to the South American coun
try will be accompanied by his two
children, Roberta and Buster, who
attended school hers lsst yesr.
Mrs. Ivsnhoe, who made many
friends In Medford on their previous
visit to thla city, wss unable to make
the Journey hack to the ststes at this
Mr. Ivsnhoe, who wss with the
California Oregon Power company
here for a number of years, is con
nected with the Electric Bond and
Share company's foreign properties
in Brazil. His stay here will be
marked by much entertaining, for he
will be greeted by numerous friends
throughout the valley.
While In Medford he and his chil
dren are staying at 311 South Oak
dale. Mrs. Newman, Hostess
To Bridge Club Wednesday
Mrs. Frank Newman will be hostess
at her home on the east slds Wed
nesday afternoon to the bridge club
of Colonel Sargent Auxiliary No. 13,
united States Spanish War veterans.
Playing will begin at 2 o'clock and
all members of the auxiliary are cor
dially Invited to attend. An invita
tion is also extended persons wishing
to become members of the auxiliary,
the president, Carrie Averlll, an
nounced yesterday,
Loyalty Club Meets
Tomorrow Afternoon
The home of Mra. Alma Pries on
East Jackson street will be the meet
ing place Wednesday afternoon of
Loyalty club of the ladles' auxiliary
of the Eagles lodge. A card party will
be enjoyed with Mrs. Lillian Hueston
assisting Mrs. Price as hostess.
This evening a card party will be
held at the Eagles' hall and prizes
will be awarded men and women
holding high scores, playing will be
gin at 8 o'clock.
Eagle Point P.-T. A.
To Meet Friday
There will be a meeting Friday,
September 15, of the Eagle Foipt
Parent-Teacher association, and an
Invitation Is extended all parents
and patrons of the school. Officers,
who will head activities of the or
ganization this year, are: Mrs. w. H.
Young, president; Mrs. A. Tingleaf,
vice-president; Mrs. C. Hlckson, sec
retsry, and Mrs. Hazel Stover, treas
urer. Mrs.' Rosenberg and
Children Home
Mrs. David Rosenberg and children
returned this morning by train, from
Seattle, where they were guests for
the past six days of Mr. and Mrs
John R. Holmes.
Shows at
7:15 - 9:15
Starts Today for 3 Days
Back By Popular Demand!
The Miracle Picture of 1933
Swimming and Dancing
Enjoyed, gbady Cove
A no-host swimming and; dancing
party was enjoyed last evening at the
Swearlngen cabin at Shady Cove by a
number of girls and boy from the
local younger set, who were chaper
oned by Mrs. R. w. Stearns and
daughter Dorothy.
Enjoying the evening were: Misses
Msdeline Schade. Mary Kem, Mary
Elizabeth Reddy, Catherine Ford and
Patricia Young and Messrs. Seth
Bullls, Luclen Smith, Bob Hsyes, Cleo
Hicks and Bob Conroy.
Edgells Entertain
Honoring Carpenters
For the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred s. V. Carpenter, who are leav
ing Thursday to spend several months
in the east, Mr. and Mrs. Corbln
Edgeli entertained at dinner Satur
day evening, covers were arranged
for 24 at the attractive table and
dinner was followed by bridge.
.Messrs. Emmens
Returning to School
Among members of the local school
set. stsrtlng back to campuses this
week are Messrs. Tom and Bob Em
mens. sons of Dr. and Mrs. J. J.
Emmens. Tom left yesterday for the
University of Oregon and will be
Joined there by his brother In a few
Altar Society Card
Party Tomorrow Evening
Members of several social groups
are making plans today to attend the
card party to be sponsored tomorrow
evening by St. Ann's Altar society
at Parish hall. Playing will begin at
8 o'clock, with arrangements in charge
of Mrs. Naumes and her committee.
Mrs. Roberts and
Daughter to Return
Mrs. G. M. Robert and daughter
Dorothy, who have been visiting for
several daya In California, are ex
pected home from Palo Alto today,
Miss Field Home
From Oakland Visit
Miss Barbara Field, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. D. Field, returned this
morning from visiting her aunt in
Oakland, Cal,
Mrs. Andrews Oucst
At Fabrlrk Cabin
Mrs. will Andrews wss guest over
the week-end of Mrs. Olen Fabrlck
at her cabin on Rogue river.
"Rackety Rax," a roarlngly funny
football riot, opens at the Roxy thea
ter today. Victor McLsglen, Greta
Nlssen snd Nell O'Day have1 the prin
cipal roles. It depicts the hilarious
adventures of a group of sport rack'
steers who muscle their wsy into col
lege football with results that are
unexpected and disastrous.
Brosdway showgirls, night club
habitues and the co-eds of Camarsle
college all provide plenty of interest.
0. S. Rose for Elbertas.
14 Great Stars!
200 Glorious Girls!
4 Smashing ' Song Hits!
I a ksiv
in a Reelful of Melody
Paramount News
An honorary certificate conferring
authority to act In the capacity of
District Roslcruclan commissioner has
been received again by Dr. O. ft. 81m
klns of 643 South Ivy street, local
member of the order.
Thla reappointment to district
commissioner by the Grand Lodge of
the Roslcruclan Order, A. M. O. R. C,
carries with It numerous duties and
responsibilities as veil as honor. The
Roslcruclan order. A. M. O. R. C. with
national headquarters In San Jose.
Calif., la a non-sectarian, philosophi
cal organization devoted to the disse
mination of practical knowledge of
the fundamental laws of life aa are
found expressed In the various phases
or nsture and whtch pertain to the
progress and welfare of man. Ita ac
tivities and membership are world
wide. The center of its cultural and
scientific Interests are at Roslcruclan
Park. San Jose, Calif., where the order
maintains a Urge experimental re
search laboratory, the results of tta
experiment being contributed to the
scientific world., as the organisation
la non-commercial. There la also
maintained there an Oriental and
Egyptian Museum, housing a large
archaeological collection and an ex
tensive reference library.
In oonformlty with Its humanita
rian and educational program, the
district commissioner la requested to
arrange for the order'a gratis pre
sentation of Roslcruclan publications
to public libraries, prisons and hos
pitals In the community. It la the
plan of the Roslcruclan order to con
tinue Its extensive, dignified, news
paper advertising campaign, and It
Is one of the duties of the dl-itrlct
commissioner to suggest to the- ex
tension department of the order, the
newspapers of each community that
should receive these advertisements.
The district commissioner alleges
that the Roslcruclan Order. A. M. O.
R. C. Is one of the oldest cultural
movements In the world. Ita tradi
tional history states it originated dur
ing the reign of Amenhotep IV, 1350
B. C, famous father-in-law of King
Tut. It first came to America lit
Special sesslona for district commis
sioners are conducted t the annual
Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Tablets Relieve and
Control Periodic
Clinical tests prove It. Take them
today for welcome ease and comfort.
Take them regularly for permanent
No narcotics. No dizziness. No
unpleasant effects.
Sold by all druggists. Small box
Doe. Larger size, If you prefer.
Mats. , , 15o
Eves. . , 25o
Kiddles a Dime
"42nd Street"
Ginger Rogers Is ona of the chor
ines In "42nd Street" that help make
the picture the hit that It la. It
shows at the Rlalto theatre for three
days starting today. One of the most
successful pictures of the year, "42nd
conventions of the order at San Jose.
Calif., at which time plans are made
for the order to further the cultural
Interest of every community where It
Is represented.
Thick chest muscles saved William
Moedl, ore heard worker frdm death.
or serious Injury, when he was as
sailed In the dark at his home Sun
day, by Robert Sherman Smith of
Hilt. Calif., with a pocket knife. It
was a surprise attack, according to
authorities, and due to nursing of a
grlevnnce over a labor dispute of lone
Smith was arraigned In Justice
court this morning. He waived pre
liminary hearing, and was bound
over to the grand Jury with bonds
at ISOO.
Moedl, who Uvea on the Jackson
ville highway, on the Walter Jones
Shows at
7:15 8:15
W f
Tomorrow and Thursday
Part Squirrely
A family of nit-wits . . . going
around in circles . , , wondering
why they're dizzy I
'A (4?
V la.O
Returns to Rialto
4 A"a "f1
Street" has a cast of 14 stars. 50 ad
ditional featured performers, 200
beautiful girls, four smashing song
hits and -several lavish stage settings.
Through It all runs a story of back
stage life replete with human Inter
est. orchard, sustained a cheat wound
and cut on the arm. He was awak
ened about 11:30 o'clock Sunday
night, and when he arose he waa
greeted, he alleges, by Smith who ut
tered a curse, and stabbed him with
out warning. Moedl fled into th
Smith, It Is asserted, waa frenzied
with liquor at the time.
Dry, Unruly Hair
Needs This Dressing
If your hair Is dry and hard to
manage; If It Is dull and lifeless,
it needs Lucky Tiger Hair Dressing.
This new draslnff corrects the
conditions and gives a natural lustra
nnd sheen to the hair. Lucky Tiger
Hair Dressing is unexcelled after s.
shampoo, swimming or undue ex
posure to wind nnd sun, as It sup
plies the necessary oils that hara
been washed or dried out. It guards
ngatnst free dandruff, Improves per
manent waves and makes the hair
easy to dress In any style. It la
never greasy or sticky.
tFor a healthy scalp and beautiful
tmlr tine Lucky Tiger's Three Basle
Products Lucky Tiger Hair Tonle
or dandruff and scalp Irritations
Lucky Tiger Magic Shampoo for
clean hair and scalp Lucky Tiger
Hair Dressing for lifeless, dry, un
ruly hair. At drug stores and bar
bar ahops. Money back guarantee.
Mimic WE DO
Mats. . . 2M
Eves. .... S5
Kiddle Dims
and 100 Nuts!
X i