PAGE SEVEN You Can V Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad WANT to tell jour nom Want to get fd ol t odd uta and is household turaishing Do you ned tools (or rout gar den? . An inexpensive want-Ao la the Mali mount Claeaifieo Pag mil find the u" te these and many other perplexing problem Here Are the Rates: per word first insertion Baob additional Uuwrtloa mi word ' le (Minimum 10c) Per line per month, without -copy onanges l-" 75 Phone LOST ANU FOUND JSTPemauTscotch fox Wrrler with white breast and paws, on No Cen tral. Saturday: name of Trlxle. 10" No. CentT&L 5SCwheaton gasoline faucet and CTnnectlone. Finder please return to sneu uu w Lost H dog missing, call ii- " WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to do cement work. BOX IJidu. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Reliable woman experienc WedrTnulng & teaching, for per aonal service work along the line of social welfare. Short hours, moderate remuneration. Give detailed address Ind referenoe. Box 13749 Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress; must be able to type: must have refer ence. Diamond Cat. WANTED SITUATION BOV WANTS to work for room and hoard while attending school. Box 13731, Tribune. WANTED MISOSLLANEOUB WANTED Wood range for cash. Box 13750 Tribune. . Anon.. Hrivlncr to Eugene early this week and can take a young man wno wui O. address C. W., Mall Tribune and young man will call. WANTED Circulating heater and small wood range. Tel. 581. WANTED Light car. will trade good cow ana pay - it Lockwood's Milk Depot. 1802 west Main. ; ' ' . Ti-a vnm Board and room. $25; north side. L. Brown, Jackson Hotel. WANTED Song poems and melodies to arrange for publication ana iw rfu Rrnnricastlnff. Copyrights se- cured. Halgbt Song Service, 318 Liberty Blag. WANTED wool. hiae and pelts: pre mium price for lamba wool. Med ford Bargain House. 37 N. Orape Phone 1062. WANTED Pasture lor cows also i want aaddie norae. unesier wenm. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. 8o lb. Also day work. Tel 4-F-3. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. So lb. Phone 4-F-2. WANTED Modern house to rent. 3 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse, pnun iii-a. wanted Whit Leghorn pullers. Qlv description and price. Box 133. Butte Falls, ore. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to party witn reea. a. a Howell, Rt. 3. Grants Pass. HAT GRINDING A specialty Brown tha bay grinder. 40 So. Central. PHONE 989-R. Have your furniture reupnoistereo., reffiuea, reiiaisuca Thlbsult. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES to RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER As unk of all descriotions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE TT No Grape Tel 1083 WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medford Bargain House. 37 N Grspe St. Tei 1082. WANTED Listlnge of valley homes la exchange for choice Cal property Staple Realty Co., Ahland. rOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT One of the prettiest and homiest cottages In Medford. Beau tifully and completely furnished. Nice yard and flowera. Furnace heat, basement, wsshlng niachlne. Frlzid alr. fireplace, garage In a aplen dld neighborhood. Avallsble Sept. 18. 143 50. water paid. 830 W. 4t'.l St.. or call 1473-W. Key at 44 N. Peach. HOMES FOR RENT ClU 898. FOR RENT 39 Glen Oak Court. Call H. H. Brown. 103: after 3. 1070. FOR SALE OR RENT Modern four room house on Sailing are., near Crater Lake highway. Hardwood floors, furnace heat, one acre ground. Call H. H. Brown. 105. FOR RENT Houses at 203 Summit: 320 North Hollv: 38 Summit; 1025 W. 9th; 305 Tripp: 1003 Salllnl u Ave. Call First Insurance Ag-ncy, H- H. Brown 105. After 6 call 1870. FOR RENT S-room furnished bouse Inquiro 333 N. Rlterside. FOR RENT Open for Inapeotlon, 124 Vancouver. roB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT 504 Ed ward. Ftrat In surance Agency. 105. 318 8. NEWTOWN 1 bedroom, din ing room, living room, fireplace, front porch; good condition: 2J, water paid. Call Pint Insurance Agency. H. H. Brown. 103; after 6. 1670. FOR RENT Deelrable 7-room un furnished home; a bedrooms, screen porch, fireplace, hardwood floors. ' large lawn, with shade trees: with or without furnaoa heat. Phone 1143-J. FOR RENT S-room unfurnished house. 1033 W. 10th. C. A. DeVoe. FOR RENT To adults or adults with grown children. Ideal 6-room un furnished bungalow In first-class condition, close In: has bullt-ln fix tures, heatrola. electric water heat er and tank; new llnolelum on kit chen floor: laundry tubs, screened porches, garage, wood house, nice lawn. See property at 710 W. Uth and call first door west. Ready for occupancy and low rent to good tenant. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house, close In. Inquire 141 So. Holly. FOR RENT Completely furnished house, til Woodstock. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 13088, Tribune. For RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. Brown a White. HOUSES H0. 112.50 and 818. water paid: wood range Phone 105. OLASST modern S-room stuooo. fast front. Clear 025 Pin. FOR SALE OR RENT Sidney Smith noma turner West Main as orange Exoluslve listing, w L Vawter Jackson Co Bank Bldg. FIVE room furnished home. 118 Cot tage. FOB AUNT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 8 rooms or 3 rooms. 838 west 4tn et. BE comfortable this winter by living In one of our unequalled 4-room furnished flats; steam-heated. Frlg- ldalre, tile kitchen. Every conceiv able convenience plua best of man agement. Rent without garage to permanently employed tenants, 437.50 mo. Holly Apts., 138 No. Holly. Union Savings 8s Loan Aasn , owners, 45 S. Central. 8-ROOM furnished apartment. Tel 549-R. FOR RENT Apts. 633 No. Riverside FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment combination living and dining room. sleeping room, kitchenette with bunt-ins, gaa range, refrigerator bath and toilet. Heat and water furnished Rent 118.00 Der month Phone 71 or call at Mall Tribune office. DURRELL COURT. 329 No. Holly. FOR RENT BOARD AND BOOMS BOARD and room In private family close to courthouse and high school. Also WAnt washing or care of children. Write Box 13708, care Tribune. BOARD AND ROOM at 718 E Main Rates very moderate. FOR RENT FURNISHED KOO.M3 FOR RENT Nice clean rooms at Fountain Lodge. ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 8. Grape. FOR RENT Attractive rooms, good board at 14 Cottage. FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 18x95 feet to alley 317 North Riverside. FOB EXCHANOB for SALE OR TRADE Equity 28" Nash coupe for light car. 411 8. Front. FOR TRADE Cow or chickens for wood. Phone Central Point, 113. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head work and saddle norsea. lei. ojo-k. for sale or TRADE Young pure bred brown Swiss bull. Tel. 417 WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity in i-room bouse, excellent location box 1083i. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedsn la good condition, for truck. Phone 0U7-R-1. 1-ROOM modern boms bath, laundry trat screened porch bullt-lna gar age shade and 'rult treea: 1700 equity for car. acreage, cabin site or what nave you raone losa-i or write Bos 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood sound wirk horse. 1400 lbs. 7 years old Walter Jones. 2nd Bouse below bridge. So. Ashland. FOB EXCHANOB REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE for Medford property: Lsrge lot In Klamath Falls, can be aivioeo. email nouei. woodshed. Address Box 13838, Trib une. FOR EXCHANGE Los Angeles resi dence for small acreage D. C. Gear- hart. Rt. 3. Box 357-A, Grants Pass FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- csbln auto camp at Alturas. Cal. Big Fines Lbr. Co., Meaiora, ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice tittle borne in Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Mediord or Ashland. Prefer small acreage. What have you. 155 7tb St. Ashland. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 4 ROOMS, hardwood floors, flreplsce very modern, ll-j acres of land. 810 per montn, water psio, on neene Wsy drive, opposite Medford Pub lic Golf Course. Union Ssvlngs ec Loan Ass n., 45 S. Central. WHEN vou think of real estate, think of Brown & White. rOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rams and ram lamba. u A. salade, Jr.. Central point. POR SALE 4 young cows and wagon 837 Pine. , rVK SALS100 sheep. Piione 41.7. r(R SAUS AUTOMOBILES. OOOD USED CARS Trade In your old car on a better on 1930 Bute coupe. 1931 Chevrolet sedsn. 1930 Chrysler Brougham. 1030 Ford Roadster. 1927 Oakland sedan. 1938 Chevrolet coups. 1928 Packard sedan. Buy while prices are low. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 88 N. Riverside. CHEVROLET truck for aale. cheap. See at Valley Auto Wrecking, 1740 No. Riverside. FOR SALE Latest model Chevrolet sedan, guaranteed like new; very small mileage. Take car In trade and arrange terms. Address Box 13642. Tribune. FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Bulck sedan, cheap. Call 530 8. Central. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE R. I. Red laying hens Mra. cnas. Sheiton, Eagle point, ore FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS FOR SALS: Cocker apanlela 4 mos old, and roller canaries. Jackson ville. Phone 173. FOR SALE HOMES AVAILABLE Sept. 18831 Dakota St. Excellent home 3 blocks irom Senior HI. First Insurance Agency. H. H. Brown. Tel 109. FOP SALE New 8-roora modern bouse in Eugene, will sacrince. Inquire 1129 Ntanbo St., Medford FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOMATOES for canning lo lb. de livered In 50-Ib. lug. pnone losa. FOR SALE Elberta and Mulr peaches ready now. Bring oontalners. K. DeWlt, Fern Valley. FOR SALE Small wood range, used about 3 weeks. Call at 839 W. Palm FOR SALE Circulating heater, wood or coaL Write Box 13837, Tribune. FOR SALE White enamel gaa range, Remington typewriter. Burroughs adding machine; cheap. Tel. 144 FOR SALE, Baled atraw, 30c per Dale, c xs. nwacuw;. ruuuc 897-R-l. FOR SALE J. K. Hale peaches. Top Notch Orchard. Phone sio-j-i. EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA peaches. Extreme east end Spring St., then south to first house. Charlea E. Rose. FOR SALETomatoes, Damson plums, Italian prunes. F. s. carpenter, Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE Italian prunes. Phone 7-F-14. GUNS tor aale or trade. 317 North Riverside. PRESSURE water system for deep well, complete. A real bargain. E. R. White Machinery. Phone 21 GOOD used sheet metal, suitable for siding or roofing, on outbuildings. Brill Metal works. ITALIAN and petite prunes. Geo. B. xoung. route l. pnone Y-t1'. FOR SALETomatoes, winter cab bage, broccoli plants. 1303 E. lltn. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. n. c. Skeiienger. Trail, Ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machlnea, all maxes, s up; terms If desired All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Large Ice box: also large ciecirio range, ruo uaxota Ave. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all sizes. X15 w. Uth St... Tel. 1645-Y. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser ana teaming, pnone 913-J. . MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Frlgldalre Service. Other masea rep. Tel. 427: night 905-Y. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Club Cafe. Aahland, Ore gon. Must sell a once on account of poor health. Sacrifice. FOR SALE Restaurant - Confection ery, 88000 value, for 84000. If taken at once. Oood club location. Will tnke car for part. Box 136, Central Point, Phone 21. BE YOUR OWN BOSS I irn WITH a very small Invest- wtDU ment "'P lnto tnls l,u" suburban store snd service station pumping from 70 to 100 gals, per day, besides good oil busi ness and grocery.. Furniture, fix tures, small stock of groceries, pumps, tanks, air compressor sll go for 8450.00. Might tske small stan dard make car as part payment. Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc.. Ex clusive Agents. BUSINESS DIRECfORT Abstracts, MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Rooms S and A, No. 33 North Central Are., upstairs. JACKSON CO. AB9IRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title ft t s t e m In Jarlnon County. Expert Window Cleaners. LETT GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plsnt In southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book hlnHInf InAAJl .lft.f l(lff(n. and blanks, 'billing systems, duplicating caan saiea sups ana the printing lines. 38-90 N. Orspe. Pbone 75. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A BLISS Pslntina; and paper- ( banking. Tel. 640-W. 313 8 Orape. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Money to Lend. WI LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per oent per month on un paid balanoe. No other charges. See W. E. Thomas, 43 South Central, ground floor Craterian Theater Bldg. State License No. 8-157. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc 318 Liberty Bldg. Transfer. BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 815 Prices right. Servloe guaranteed. RFINKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price.. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 333. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers, special livestock moving equipment. Prices right. Riverside. Phone I044-X. LEGAL NOTICES Notice. To Whom It May Concern: Hnt.lM la h.raKu .lun that Board of Directors of the Grants Pass irngftuon LH-irict win meet Tuesday, October 3, 1933. at 10 o'clock In the district office in the Court House, Grants Pass. Oregon, acting as a Board of Equalization for the pur pose of reviewing and correcting Its assessment and arjDortlonment of taxes. This notice published by order of the Board of Directors of the Orants Pass Irrigation niar.H.. ihi. Rw riao of September. 1933. torbes w. FOSBERY. Secretary. Howard District I HOWARD, Sept. 11. (Spl.) School started Monday with a large enroll ment of scholars, with Mi nwian principal: Miss Patay Brock, fifth and sixth grade teachers; Miss Reese, third ana lourcn graae teacnera. and Mra, Guatln. primary grades teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Yarnell of Los Angeles arrived the first of the week and ara staving at. tha. hnm. of Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell'a parents, r. ana airs. ioa Bmiv.. t Mrs. Frank Wldener has been se riously ill the paat week with neu ritis. Mr. Smart and family have moved from the Vtmont house on Howard avenuo to Medford. The Dole family la now occupying the house vacated by Mr. Smart. Mr. and Mrs. Kent and family have moved back to their home on Berry dale. Mrs. Kenneth Rhmvar mi afcia tM leave the hospital and be taken to "n ."vine oi ner parents. Mr. and Mra. Dean, near nenr.m.1 tsint Several from here attended the 4L picnio neid at the Elks picnic grounds Labor day. Among those attending wore xvu-. ana Mrs. cnas. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craurher ina ..hll- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Blair and the Ray lamuy. Mrs. Conner, who has been visit ing her son, Owen Pratt, and family, left the first of the week fop har home at Otis. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jnhnann an children have moved into one of the uroucner nouses on DeBarr avenue. There waa no achool Friday, the teachers from here attending the county Institute. Mrs. Hepler, mother of Mrs. Ime- iitauBC... u, seriousjv ill at a Merifnrrl .hospital. Mrs. Hattie Reames White. Accredited Piano teacher, studio 320 Laurel St. Tel. 449-M. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Guided 4. Lyric poem 7. Women's part of a Moham medan house 12. Silkworm 13. Crony 14. The cream 15. Owns 16. LlRht riven by the a tars 18. STiikes ii. Musical itudr it. Falls back Into a former state 11. Atrreeable: colloq. !7. Gone by ?ft. Ribbed fabric 30. Animal's stomach St. Nlch H. Specimen 36. Salutation 37. KfrDtntlns fish 19. Wave to. Tablland 12. Winks 46. Go by s)to moblla 9. Thin pliable sheets of animal or veRitable tl.'flUS IS. Before Solution of Saturday's Puuia B Q SCHAR5ggPLl01D A B LIE MR A Nl E M ft I D E D O O RpaffiTApfE PEN E L E vTe Ngg sp" qinIs q ris SfllEE $ SgfwiE s gl BlR AC" gawg fflj E D AS rqv ejg mi ar gap i IrIa tf a s e mc m i 2 t NaM ggj V E R NA jHs ElT.MlnEl CjH A TTT E R iSBaDlR A PllR H IE LPPTjLbG O R IE ERtl EMApOREErN WlElTlSlLlElPiElRrflglrf B4. Seed 55. Top place of a spire ".. Grow drowsy Korfls 8. Termlt 69. Es-ay Down L Conipoeer of "Ths Mrry Widow" W,,. w;. ' l 8i Z I if i I fs aa u. a. ia 31 32. JJ WJfr, 34 35 - utLUM -a . MUm. aaaa IIIIlIIIIlIII m m rill W Pi I E E FOR CCC YOUTHS SPOKANE. Wuh.. Sept. 11. (AP) Th timbered wt haa lot Its lur for ame 4500 of th 6500 eastern membcri of the Civilian Conserva tion Corps, and they want to return to thelt homes It waa revealed at Fort Oeorge Wright, district head quarters, today. Seventy-five per cent of the eastern recrutu In this region asked for dis charges at the expiration of the ftrat six -month period, while the other 3, 000 have Indicated willingness to re enroll, Major George Clark, command ant, said. Clark mid hta report waa based on n census of all but five of the 48 camps tn this area. On the other hand, workers from Washington, IdaAo and Montana have re-enrolled for another six- month period almost unanimously, Theso you Vis, with the easterners re maining here, will be nsslgned to 13 or 14 projected winter camps In this area or transferred to other sections, possibly In the south. Thirteen special transcontinental trains will start enstward from points In this district at intervals beginning September 15, bearing tha workers w.hose enlistments have expired. Nine trains will go to Camp Dlx, N. J.; two v Fort Hancock, Va.; one to Fort DuPont, Del., and one to Jeffer son Barracks, St. Louis. About 10 .000 C. C. C. workers are stationed In the 48 camps, scattered throughout timbered areas In Wash ington. Idaho and Montana. CHICAGO. Sept. 11, (;p) A bride groom of aeven weeks hacked to death his bride and her daughter -by a pre vious msrrlsge today. The police, summoned to 'investi gate a turmoil in their apartment, found Mrs. Lillian Kowalsczek, 40, and her daughter. Anna Nicholas, dead of ax wounds. The girl had been killed as she slept. In the back yard the officers found Peter Kowalsczek, 42, still clutching the ax. He surrendered without a fight. Lieut. John Farrell said the man readily admitted the crime, and ap peared dazed or drunk. He aald he waa Jealous of his wife. "Already she go around with other men." Kowalsczek was quoted. "I cant' stand It any longer so I kill her.w TEXAS WOMAN NAMED LAND OFFICE CHIEF i WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. (AP) President Roosevelt today appointed Miss Marie E. Neal of Carthage, Tex., to be recorder of the general land office. i She Is a member of the Texas state senate. 1 Real estate or irisurancv leave It to Jonea. Phone 608 ( Phone 842. Wa'U baui away youi refuse. City Sanitary Service Cross-Word Puzzie f. uutnt SO. Anglo-Saxon consonant 1L Came face u face with 17. Trlcka 19. Wine 'U. Attitude 24. taeerly dr a!rois or anxious 25. Short fur a man's name 18. Sheep XU. Uon by 31. Strike violently 2. Nlglit befure an event 13. Ueiulne of ( "Tha Flying Dutchman" SS. Animal food 28. Fii-Ht name of a famous Americas actor 41. r$v n.-ft 43, Crlmiiftl fabric 44. Mlitake ii. Shabby: colloq. 47. fleawcedt 49. Cut down 10. Character tn 'Uncle Tom'i Cabin" 11. Mir. 2. Take a seat 1. Obliterate I. Puts out of place 4. Qodrlest of the harvest i. Tropical fruits s. vnapping beetle 7. ContMnta t. FortlRil BRIDE, DAUGHTER SLAIN BY GROOM Hardest Holes of Two To Plague Stars in 6U6MORELeXND( f ' , JOHNNY PiCHR.". i Ross Somcrvllle, tha Canadian year ago, fares dauble hazard In the big meet starting at Cincinnati September 11. Tha court has been toughened up to where It'a practically a plot against the player. Including the champion, and the younger stars of the I'nlted States are aronrrf' and determined the nip shall net again go to Canada. Above art Somervllle and Johnny Goodman of Omaha. Just before the start of their flpal match a year ago. Fischer and More land ran be counted up. to give Johnny some strong support In his of fort to keep the trophy t home this time. By ELLIS RAWNSLET , CINCINNATI, O. P) Flva holes out of the IB will make or break the 180 or so golfers, cream of the country's amateur crop, who come to Kenwood Country club the week of September 11 to capture the na tional crown. Veterans and -youngstres who hope to etch their names In fame across Kenwood's heavily trapped and tricky fairways will need a master's touch to keep out of trouble on numbers 1, 4. 0. 13 and 18. in the opinion of those who have laid out the course for the event. But that does not mean that any of the holes is a place for the man who now and then lets a loose one sneak frmo the narrow path to the distant green. Kenwood's two courses were rated dlflcult before, but those who made plans for the national amateur want ed something even more of a test. So they put the worst of the holes of the two Kenwood courses together, scrambled them up a bit, ornamented them with a few traps here and there and declared themselves "ready." Welta entered the grounds and, aftor a brief conversation, drew a- pistol and shot Grace. Miss Roberts said that Miss Welts was disarmed by servsnts and In re ply to questions declsred: "I had my own reasons. He didn't do what he promised to do." Police said they learned that Miss Weltc, under an assumed name, oc cupied a hotel room for eight daya from which she could watch the gar den and entrance of the Grace home. Waited "Chance. District Attorney Murphy ssld the woman admitted to him that she had "waited for the chance" and had at tempted to kill Orace eight months ago In hie Ban Pranclaco hotel apart ment, but waa disarmed and ejected. Murphy aald she would be charged with murder. Members of the Oraos family, In cluding his widow and eon, Prancls Orace, Jr., told police they were un able to account for the tragedy. Miss Welti wss registered with the San Francisco county Nurses' asso ciation as a graduate of the nursing school of the Kensington Hospital for women In Phllsdelphla. The regis tration gave the address of her mother. Mra. Ida Welti, as Connels vllle. Pa. 4 IM OF PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 11. yPl The heroism of Leslie Wisnard, 1, saved Sally Mae Moslsr. 13. St. Jos eph, Mo., from possible death by drowning yesterday, but he wss frus trated in sn attempt ot aid Herbert Pace, 40, his companion In th res cue, who became exhausted and died of a heart stuck, sinking Just at Wlshard was pulling him from th water. Riding on a raft at May Lake, near parkros. the two men aaw th girl apparently becoming exhausted s she swam toward their raft. B-ith Jumped Into the water and swsm to her assistance. 4 Vl'S WAVE SHOP11C new location Hotel Mediord. VI Corby and Edna Brewold, operators. Tel. 1430. NURSE REFUSES 10 COW ON HIGHWAY HOPE FOR SILVER REVEAL MOTIVE IN CAUSE OF DEATH HELD BY PITTMAN (Continued rrora Page One) who sneaked In and grabbed this conntn'a prized amateur coif crown A Psfk of Trouhle. 1 RAhe la the otflclsl description oi the "fearsome lire": No. 1404 yards, par 4. Tee slight ly above the fairway. Old orchard and rough on left from 130 to 300 yards. Nest of traps on the light at 300 to 23ft yards. Shot to green must be pitched to avoid two traps In the left approach and the high-banked trap on the right front of the green Itself. Putting surface moderately small. Seven traps. No. 4438 ysrds, par 4. A high premium la placed on this drive be cause a tricky slope tn the fairway at 300 to 335 yards la likely to run a ball Into the heavy rough at the left. A, Jutting corner out-of-bounds on the right at 139 yards Is close to the line for the best drive, which will leave a wide open shot for the green. The large green Is trapped at both sides and rear. Seven traps. 0 Wind a Factor. No. 9 448 yards, par 4. A carry on this two-shotter of anything short of 300 yards will find a hog-back foe landing and may run the ball to the rough on the right or Into traps on PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. II. m A victim of third degree burns, Esrl Wood of Boise, Ida., died In St. An- htony' hospital here yesterday, after being brought her Saturday night when a gasolln truck In which he waa riding overturned and It con tent Ignited, on the Columbia River highway near Arlington. Report received her ssld Woods was fatally burned after Edward Orubba, driver of the truck, had at tempted to avoid atrlklng a cow. causing th truck and a seml-traller to overturn and Its Inflamabl load burst Into flames. f 10 HELP PAY BILL LOS ANGELES, Sept. 11. (UP) Olorla Bwanson's too prosperous sp pearance In court cost her a 12000 diamond bracelet today. Haled to court aeveral weeka ago for financial examination In connec tion with a 37,000 Judgment held against her by Maurice Cleary, the atrlcal agent, Miss Swanaon contend. ed all her property waa pledged to secure other debts. Clearly noticed the bracelet, a gift of Mis Bwanson'a husband, Mlchsel Farmer, and claimed It. Mis Swanson protested It was wear. Ing apparel and not aubject to debt execution. Today, however, Commis sioner Kurtft Kauffman of superior court ruled It was subject, and It will be sold to help satisfy th Judgment. i Central Point CENTRAL POINT, Sept. 11. (Spl.) Mis Eula Benson snd Mra Bruce Powell left Friday morning by motor for Eugene for a week visit among relative and friends. ' ! Mrs. R. M.' Wyatt will b hostess I to th ladle of the Berean Bible I class on Thursday afternoon, Septem-1 ber 14. I 4 I 8ALEM, Sept. 11. UP) William Ward. Portland negro, and restaurant worker st the stst fair, waa released front Jail her when a fair patron de clined to sign a complaint of short changing against him. Police said Ward paid th sum In question to th patron. Courses National the left. From the h Mr-buck, torn fairway flattena out to a wld valley witn tne green at the top of the far slope. Two traps on the left at 431 yards are a factor In reaching home. The green Is well-trapped at n right only. Against the prevailing wind, this Is a troublesome par. Four traps. No. 13444 yard, par 4. A very steep and nearly unplayable, ravin runs directly in front of the tee and continues along the right aide of the fairway for 400 yards. The oarry from the tee will depend on the player, with adequate saving In distance for tne danger of playing to th right. The large green Is untrapped except for one at the left rear. Two shallow traps In the fairway at the left about 400 yards from the tee make th ahort carry Inadvisable, seven trap. A Man-Slzed Carry. No. IS 344 yards, par . A man slsed carry over two very sever trip at 310 yarda to a large and open green. An alternate rout to th right must be played close to two traps at th right ld about 330 yards and leave a chine for a ship shot to th green. Pour traps. RENO, Ner. Bept. 1!, (UP) United States Senator Key Plttmsn. leading authority on silver, left her lata yesterday for Washington, whir he will confer with President Roose velt and treaty officials on a plan, which, If carried out, may rata th price of .liver to 1.1 an ounce. The silver program, as revealed by the United Press on September . contemplates an executive order di recting all United State mint to coin silver Into dollars and return th dollar to ths producer after de ducting lo per oent for mining cost. SUICIDE DISCOVERED IN SALEM CITY PARK SALEM, Sept. 11, -yp) Th corps of a well-dressed unidentified men about 45, clutching a revolver with which he had been ahot In th head, was found In the city park early yesterday, police said. His clothe bora Seattle label and he carried a Seattle newspsper. Po lice said hi pocket had been mp- -tied, apparently by himself. He car ried a fountain pen and a small knife on a watch chain. Finger prints were sent to SeatU tor pos sible Identification. GOLD PRICE DROPS 2c UNDER SATURDAY WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. (AP) The treasury todsy announoed th) gold price aa 133.10, a drop ot two cent as compared with Saturday' figure. 4 Heating cost can be reduced. Tor complete heating errIo call Art Schmtdll 413 loot. Crab Apples Cooking Apples at Wing Orchards