PAHE BIT MEDFORD UATC TRIBUNE, "MEDFORD, OREGON, 5IOND1T, SEPTEMBER 11, 1933. Ike. HIDDEN DOOR BY FRANK L. PACKARD IYNOPU8! Alter aeeke el trail ing through the Sew York under world dipuied a darkle Lunn. o crook, Colin Hewitt find himtell, by a lucky chance, a member ot one of the gang who matter i th llatk. And it loot the tlatk Colin wa tearchtng tor, becauee it wa th Maek mho had threatened the author Vie. With Buck O'Mara, head of the gang, and Benny Ua lone, Colin Jut ha boarded the echooncr of one Dollatre, rum run ner, who ie to be vui on the epot, Rot a nice tttuatlon or a reepect able vriter, Colin mueee a Buck begin to eveak. Chapter DOLLAIRE'8 TRICK BUCK O'MARA was shaking hands with aomeona and then Colin heard him speak: "I'm Buck O'Mara. Helmle aent me. You're Dollalre, of couree. Glad to know you." "MoT Sure, I'm Dollalre!" There was a tinge ot boaetfnlness In the other's rolce. "So Helmle, he's not here, eh? He said maybe he'd come out." "Helmle out here!"fiuck O'Mara laughed derisively. "He must hare been corned to the toes It be said that He doesn't take any chances ot getting his teet wet, or getting pep pered by the revenue men any more. He don't have to. Helmle'a big bust' ness now and nothing else." "Well, me," said Dollalre, "I don1 give a damn about that But maybe he sent something else besides you. eh? That was the bargain. What you call It? spot cash before a case he's go over tba side. Yes?" . "I've got It here." Buck O'Mara patted his pocket "I suppose you'll . want to count It If you do, we'd bet ter go down to your cabin, badn'l we? You can't count It in the dark. "You bet you I want to count It" Dollalre asserted bluntly, "Do you think, me, I am foolish? Helmle, maybe he Is all right, but the money, she Is talk." "Got your fingers crossed, .eh?" Buck O'Mara Inquired Jestingly "Well, lead on. We're wasting time. The boya'U probably have to make more than one trip tonight to land everything that Helmle said you told , him was aboard. And, say, Dollalre, that goes the other' way too we're counting the cases aa we get them Fair enough, eh?" "That part she's all right" (runted Dollalre. "Come on I" . Dollalre, followed by Buck O'Mara with Benny Malone and Colls trail Ing behind, led the way aft Benny Malone's elbow prodded Colln's side. "Keep your rod handy," whispered Benny Malone. "You're going to see something, Clarkle, take It from me you're going to see that big stiff down on his knees and the sweat pouring out of him like he was a hydrant And when they hear a shot from the cabin the boys'll pllo aboard and mop up the rost." But the sweat at the momont was on Colln's brow not on Dollalre's, In the darkness be wiped It away with a sweep of his sleeve. His feet seemed unsteady perhaps It was the rise and fall of the deck as the vessel rode the swells. The ehatterlng voices around him became the screams and yells and shrieks of doomed men the forms he saw lining the rail and the fig ures that flitted here and thoro about the deck were but wraiths re turned to gibber and haunt the chooner, which once, In tholr earthly existence, bad been their feabltat AND there was no single thing that he could do, no warning he could give that would bare any ef fect other than to precipitate the ilmpendlng holocaust and bring about his own destruction as well, "That goes by me!" Unbelievably It waa his own voice speaking cal lously with even a Jeer In It "It's coming to him. Isn't It?" "Clarkle," said Benny Malone open-heartedly, "you're the real goods. I wish you and me had met up before. Now watch your atep, or .you'll bust your neck." The advice was not Ill-timed. The descent to the cabin was by way ot a short steep, ladder-like compan jlonway. Colin, bringing up the rear, negotiated It and stood In the cabin Itself. Ho flung a swift, comprehensive glance, around him. The cabin was not elaborate, nor was It large. Running fore and aft a ibunk was on one side, a settee ot isorts, with torn covoring, on the lother. A swinging oil lamp, lighted, ihung low over a table In the center. A small sate stood against the after bulkhead. There were two chairs, on on each side of the table and, flanking the companlonway, a locker, whose top appeared to be a catch-all for everything from nautical instru ments and charts to bottles and glasses. Dollalre waved his hand toward tb locker. - "Help yourselves," he Invited with a grin; "and then you tell Heimle how many bottles he can make out of one, with the kick she's atill there! By garl Me, sometimes I think I will do that like you fellows before I leave St Pierre." "Thanks!" said Buck O'Mara and, pouring out a still portion, downed it at a gulp. Benny Malone did likewise. The bottle was steady in Colln's hand as he poured for himself. Queer! They were going to kill Dol lalre In hero. And his, Colln's, hand was steady. The Dory three-Angers was like so much water. Dollalre took one ot the chairs. Buck O'Mara took the other, facing Dollalre across the table. Colin, obedient to a nudge, slumped down beside Benny Malone on the settee behind Buck O'Mara. Benny Ma. lone'a hand was thrust negligently into the side pocket ot his coat. Dol lalre was In full view from tbe set tee. ,Buck O'Mara tossed a rubber banded pile ot crisp new bills down on the table in front of Dollalre. "Hero's the dough," he said. "Go ahead and count It." Dollalre reached for tbe money greedily, ripped off the rubber band, and began to count He counted la boriously, steadily, wetting bis fore finger on his tpngue. At the end he snapped the rubber band back Into place around the bills. "Sho's right " he announced. "And Helmle, he's all right, too. I put this In the safe. Yes? Then we all have another little drink, eh?" "I'm glad you're satisfied" there was a purr In Buck O'Mara's voice. "We wouldn't like you to fool when you're sitting In with our outfit that we'd hold anything out on you, or that you're not getting all that's coming to you." ""Sure. I'm .satisfy," grinned Dol lalre as he stood up, moved over to the safe and swung Its door open, "Sure, I'm satisfy! I'm satisfy" he swung suddenly around, a revolver In his hand, his fnce working with fury, his voice a snarl "I'm satisfy, by God, It la a trick. You move one ' of you three and I shoot. This money I got lots like this. I know where she come from. She's counterfeit" 0 one moved. The metamor phosis had been dynamic, almost Instantaneous. In the fraction ot a second, Dollalre, the condemned, had become Dollalre, the executioner. Dollalre, behind that ugly, unwaver ing muszlo, held the whip hand and Dollalre would not have the slightest qualm about uslpg It And then Buck O'Mara spoke. . "Aw, snap out of It!" he retorted coolly, contemptuously. "You sound like you'd got a leak In your dome covor. It you think thoro's anything phony about that dough, slip It back to me quick, boy, tor, say, I can use It, believe me. Counterfeit hell) It's so good It's worth a rake-off where you come from anyhow. What's the matter with you? Have you gone craiy or what?" It was an about face and Colin, listening, as he stared at the re volver mtusle In Dollalro'e hand, did not need to be told that Buck O'Mara had no other chance, no other play to make. Counterfeit monoyl So that was It, It seemed as though he could soe again Dol lalre's attack upon the club. It seomed as though he could hear, from out of nowhere, the Mask's burst ot laughter as he had con ceived this Ironto bit ot by-play. But now? Buck O'Mara perhaps had not expected that tbe spurious money would be recognised at once, and possibly not at all, in which lat ter case he bad obviously Intended to taunt Dollalre with It in the end. On th .other hand, should Dol lalre recognlie It of his own accord, O'Mara had undoubtedly expected some sign ot the fact and had In tended to act accordingly the mo ment the sign came. Buck could not have guosscd Dollalre's cunning, or have anticipated th lightning change that came as he turned back to the room from the sate. There was Dollalre's gun, and there sat hla three visitors. (Copyright, 13tt, Frank L, Packard) Tomorrow action eomos aboard the Alouette. Nudity No Crime ALLBOAN. Mich. Bept. U (AP Warrants charging 99 persona with Indecent exposure in connection with th operation ot a nudlit colony near )r were dismissed today and new warrants charging only Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Ring with the same otteruw as proprietors of the colony were substituted. SOUTH POLE TRIP ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 11. ijp) when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd tail from Boa ton September 35 on Hla second expedition Into the Antarctic a full blooded Indian will be Included In hla party. The Indian, who may be the first of hla race to aee the south pole, la chieftain of the Winnebago tribe of cl i left an of the Winnebago tribe ot Iowa, whose name wae r commerced by Columbia University. A graduate of Carllale Indian school, Lebanon Val ley college, and Penn State, Chief Wlnneshelk la a lecturer, a chemist, and metallurglay, a Boy Scout offi cial, the author of two books on scouting, and an accomplished musi cian. He spent the summer playing In an Indian band on a local amusement pJeiv TOLEDO FIREBOYS DO UNIQUE JOBS TOLEDO. Ore.. Sept. 11 AP) Fire men of th local department have discovered a new use tor their pump ing engine during tbe past week, other than that of pumping water onto tires. The newest use la still the pumping of water, but under entirely different circumstances. Earlier in the week, the department was' oalled out and pumped water from the top of a building. The wat er, from a recent rain, was three teet deep snd was threatening the col lapse of the building roof. yesterday, another call came. Thl time it was the ocean-going tug. th Mtrene ol Vancouver, Waah., 'which, was in danger of sinking. The engln pulled onto the dock and after hose were attached pumped the vessel dry enough so that her own pump could be used. S'MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE jfc-T. "VMlik ?(fepyright,i933.byTheBagyTate.-i'nc.) KEY TROUBLE By GLUYAS WILLIAMS q COSES A5 SftRtS SEARCHES POCKETS TSR FOR OTV. WIFE CANY BE- TRDHf POOR RE MEMBER W1E1HER SHE LOCKED BEDROOM WTrf VStt. GOES BBCKT5SEE II SHOWS "CO SEMP OUKlOR BACK WrM 1HE KEV, SHE MUST" HAVE IT 10N6RRr6EftR6UMENl' WaOWS, 6EftiN6 A UlttE BITTER, Wirf OWMIN6 SHE HF6W SEEN THE KEY SWSBRCKJbCftR.MEEf IK60UMOR HALFWAY WllH KEY, WHICH WIFE HAS 4CLSY REMEMBERED HE6ftE HER 10 KEEP IN HER &A6 FOR TEN MUJ- RUSHES BACK To CAR ures win key1 calukg wdd 6Rief this is the 6ara6E kptI WHERE'S The fight one? (Copyright, 1933, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) RETURNS Wlfrl CORRECT KEY AND OPENS DOOR, SHE JU&T REMEMBERED SHE DID LOCK THAT WINDOW TAILSPIN TOMMY Isabella Is Defiant! By GLENN CHAFFTN and UAL FORRESX ORCD TO tIAO 'V TW& OfVA AJOCO F4C6- yt 0tS) y4VOKSIAD 77VS aOS VOU KNOIO JOLLA . MOW H6 REASONS" HES PB06ABLV DOPED IT OUT THAT OJB'LU PART WITH THGT TR.EA3UR.6 RATHER. THAN RISK A CLO&6-UP SU1N FISHV-IOITH A 5IRI rs OUR. SHIP THERE o ONE ) TO SHO10 A 5-?-' JVZ- S. V? WOULO THING I CANT 1 V lOrtrrs FLAS" Zj Vr THEY SET y 1 HEARD VDU.TOMC1V--I DON'T THINK VOU INTEND TO DO IT, BUT I'LL TELL VOU . riHIS-JiEFORe I 61V5 UP ONE D0UeU30N TO THOSE BANDITS I'LL, ' UUP OVeRBOARD--S I MEAN IT; "5pl BELIEVE I VOU I ? AND IT'S A U.1U QCCnDE I ID S WO f.U A ONE DOUBLOON TC J EVEN FOR 'A :WtHOSE BANDITS I'LL f60O0 SlOlMMER A tjuriP overboard-- irso we'll trv MEAND I MEAN IT! jyJffTO KEEP VOU BOUND TO WIN Everybody's Party By EDWIN ALGER - - . ' SAW SECM GOINGS ON T VJHV, ALL O'jL ' DETAILS O' THIS WEDD1IM' CftREOF AS A STARTeR--! if MOSM k'JSr JSP Y2R INVITED, ToO- A HUNDRED FOLKS OR MORE r7 PART V FER MECAUSE I'LL. ( THINGS t RECKONS vSe-D QL.LT SSK 7u IEL KNOVMTHAT 1 AJ"M VOLl 3E9TD1DNT lg ' THE NEBBS And That's That By SOL HESS ANJO DO VOO KJOLL, MRS. WEBB, 2,' I VM SIAO TO SET AVAJA.V A BIT Cj AT HOME MV SOCIAL. DUTIES ARE SO eVACTltOG -tOMEM OME WAS ATTA.1MED t-N SOCIAL. POSITIOM VOO ARS AFRAID Tb-tURvJ.DOLOfs) ASOCIAL.) JfOVlTATlOIJ.LEST T-5?s FOLKS TWlMK HALKrry, CJ W'Ak Is WHEeL LlkS SHE PLANS MORSES .SUE'S GOT" EVEQ-V WUPieER OM THE VWHEEL AMD EVERV WORSE ISJ A RACE . SHE SETS MAD VWWENJ TWEY WOWT TAKE A SET, OKJ A MORSE THAT'S SCRATCHED. TUATS A OOMMOW FELLAH -1 LlkTE PEOFLE TO BE DSMOCRATC 6LT UIWEMTWEVJ SEEM TO PREFER. THE COMPAJoV OF THE HELP TO THE IT SHOOS o-ack op 6ooo eceeoiuG r-rt1-' NOU CESTAIWCV EMBARRASSetJ ME : I'M OUT WALK1KJO WITH MRS. 3TRO.TS AMD HEREVOO ARS eALK OF THE HOTEL FRATEQMrZVMG. WITH THE HELP IT MUST BE TERRIBLE LOWEM A PERSOKJ IS SO l-ULL. Of COKWEHSaTIOkJr'i AMD BAD MAWvJERS I (tpT"EV HAVE TO lUFUCT'-'. IT OSJ THE WEV.P---SHE REMARKED, ABOUT l"TL TOO.' i euc rMi . mn cue ? urn I 1 VOU' TELL HE'R I'M UP HERE FOR THE HELP MORE AMUSIU&THAU THE QUESTS THAT3 MV BU3IN&S5 ..AMD TELL HER IF i AGGRIEVE HER Fll-JE 5EWSE OF PROPRIETY 1 VkILL HAVE AT ATTRACTED HER ATTErsiTIOM AKJD THAT '5 OMETHItOS ; (OgrrrtsU IS9S. T Tk W trMal, tm.y Tnia Hut hf D.SM Offlj. Cj A C.LS A LEA wr r I French Whet Ylrtd PARIS. Sept. U. (AP) The iecond cciuecuttve bumper French wheat crop wu offlclAlly estimated today by the ministry of agriculture at 341.000.000 biuhtli, ThU teavee an expected turpi u of 30.000.000 buahela I of which the ministry hope to ex port 7.240.000. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus The Guv that vjrote "HOME- ?WEET HOME' MEVER 'sA.'w MIME- -7 LET& pull together I II I ffl X 1 1 II I I .o- ..y, T I 7 7) I To OIMTV IM CHICAGO VE BEEN Tr-rJ K 1 TZ 1 f. KMOW VOO VERE IM- V -I POSTPOMIM- .T FER A WEEK- " M !-T W-HOW t ' LJfh ' I'VE GOT WME TMIMQ V I' I Sll II II UVJIM V wwi ' U 5T I II I irf.i Al I SHUT LIP- COME. I II It jit I ill n v r . ni n nil ii iiiii vmi t t 1 ii i .. l r .s There's No Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation