PSGB FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGOX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1533. TRIO WILL FRAME LAWS TO REDUCE ST ALU, Sept. i (AP) OomWcp tlon of state legislation and public ducat Ion In order, to further nurd gsiott forest low will be given by a committee of tnree appointed by Governor Julius L. Meier today. The appointment wa made ai a reiult of the dlautroua fire the past three weeks on northwestern Oregon, O. J. Buck, regional forester; Lynn F. Crone miller, state forester, and Thornton T. M linger, director of the northwtet forest experiment station, Were placed on the committee, In making the appointment the governor said, "I am wondering If In our legislative policy we have lis tened too much to the timber oper ator who want to operate, or the hunter w.ho wants to hunt, or the land clearer who wants to bur re gardless of the hazardous weather eondltians,- or the vacationist who wants to go when and where he please. . "I be.leve It is high Uma we are finding out where our present policy Is leading us and what can be done to prevent man made forest condi tions which make possible ttie con flagrations we have had In different parts of the state during the last few years.' "The disastrous forest fires In Ore gon toe last few years, which have caused destruction of millions of dot lars In timber values," the governor aid, "prompt me to secure a report as to their causes In the belief that public interest demands that every thing within 'reason be done to min imize the recurrence of such fires. "Oregon is reputed to have the most progressive forest laws and the best state-wkto protection organiza tion of any state In the union -yet I can't help believing that some where in our policy of timber p Dera tion and use of the forests for rec reational purposes we have noglected to place that protection around our forests which a prudent and thought ful pflople should demand' 1 Tomato, Garden King, Boon to Housekeeper, Is Nearing Height, of Reign ENJOYS SOCIAL TIME AND PROGRAM SESSION A very delightful social tlm was n Joyed by Jacksonville patron. Fri day evening when the following pro tram ni presented by Miss Dons Conger, lecturer, stunt song, "Under fh. Spreading Chestnut Tree," led by! Sims; two very fine vocal solos by a. J. MaoDonough; orehestra num ber by tb. drove ' and Sturgle or cneatra of Eagle point; questions and answers on literary excerpts, and a rsry interesting aooount of his trip to see "Old Ironsides" by Herbert Clifford. Mabel Sims, chairman of tb. way. and mean committee, gave final report on the returns from the lunch stand at the celebration. Very earnest appreciation was ex pressed for tb. splendid cooperation ' of all members for tfh. work done nd for the liberal donations, and for Shs patronage of friend, and mem bers. After tb. program,, refreshments of to. cream and case were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nledermeyer, Mr. nd Mrs. Geo. Wendt, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semple and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Severance. . The Orange appreciated the music furnished by the drove and eturgle orchestra, members enjoying dancing until . late bour. The country home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Skinner .of the West Sid. dis trict proved a very delightful set ting for the lawn part given to the members of tb. Horn. Economics club and their husbands. The grounds "awe decorated with multi-colored Japanese lantern, and the tables pread for 40 guests. Those given honor, at the birthday table- were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. risk, Mr. and Mrs. rnest Nledermeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nledermeyer and Mr. and Mrs Chester Wendt. The remainder of the evening waa spent with card, and dancing. The next club meeting will be bold September , at the horn, of . Edith Gilford. All member are specially Invited. - RADICALS SPRING TO AID OF NEGRO BALEM, Sept. 1. (AP) More than 100 cards demanding reversal of the eonvlctlon of Theodore Jordan, un der death sentence for murder, have been reoelved at the office, of the state supreme court, It wa lamed bore today. Th. cards war. signed by members of th. Oregon section of th. Inter national Labor Defense league. Jordan was convicted of first de gree murder In Klamath county In connection wltn th. .laying of a Southern Paclflo Pullman conductor. B. Is now In th. state penitentiary pendtng disposal of his appeal. Th. cards charge that Jordan was "framed" because h. 1 a negro and was unemployed at th. tlm. th. al leged murder was committed. Reld, Murdock ft Oo.. eanner. 01 the Monarch brand Bartlett pear. Will be represented at Medford this Season by Myron Root. . -4- By Bureau of Bom. Economics, II. S. Department of Agriculture, There come, a tlm. of year, when all this country, and not just the south, may enjoy trash tomatoes at their best. That time :. cere as you do not need to be lemlnded If you sr. lucky .nough to bav. garden space In which you grow your own. But city folks, the gsrdenless, may forget that the vlne-rlpened, home grown tomato Is a much more flavor ful fruit than th. on. which 1 grown many mile, away, picked for ship ment when still green and ripened In storage. All th. fine nutritive values of the tomato, as well a the flavor, says th. bureau of bom. economics of the U. B, department of agricul ture, are at their best when the sun has bad full opportunity to do It work on vines and ripening fruit. The season for home-grown toma toes 1. now neailng Its height. All over the country family gardens are yielding commercial growers are get ting tiietr crops to market. Canning factorld are bUT produc ns the to mato juice, the canned tomatoes, the catsup or chill sauce that may appear on countless thousands of family tablos next winter. Housewives are canning from th. family patch, com munity canning centers are putting up tomatoes for relief supplies later on. Last year th. tomato crop that wa. sent to market amounted to more than 18 million bushel of fresh toma toes, and the canneries put out more than one and a half million tons nearly all used In the United States. It Is evident that Americans appre ciate tomatoes. Th. United States 1 said to be the largest per capita con sumer, and there seem, to be, liter ally, nothing that could take the plaoe of tomatoes. The characteristic color and flavor, "refreshing quality, adaptability to any'part of the meal, make them god-send to the house keeper. When you consider their nu tritive value. In addition, tomatoes are unique. Modern science finds them on.' of the very best of the "protective foods," because they are a good source, not of Just one, or two, but of three of th. vitamins. Then there are those very Import ant qualities of the tomato which make It unusual for cooking and can ning. Vitamin O, for vjhlch the to mato la Dartlcularly valuable, I easily destroyed by hoat, but the acidity of th. tomato help reduce tnis loss.. To a less extent, th. same thing is true of vitamin B also. Again be cause of tbelr acid content, and their Juiciness, tomatoes are eaaler to can than other vegetable. A pressure cooker Is not needed. In fact, 1. not desirable for tomatoes, although nec essary in canning the non-acid vege tables to Insure th. prevention oi spoilage. For tomatoes, says the bu reau of home economics, uae the hot pack method of canning 1. .., heat th. tomatoes to. boiling and pack them hot Into th. containers then process them in th. hot-water bath. Canned tomatoes canned when tne fresh tomatoes are at their best are so important as a winter food that nutritionists recommend a serving in aom. form three time a week. This amount, to about ft pint week for each member of the family, or 18 to 30 quart, per person for eight montlu of winter. It takes about i to 3ft pound of raw tomatoes to make one quart canned or, roughly, a bushel of raw tomatoes to make an eight month' supply for on. person. Hardly any other article of food can be used In a many way a the to mato. Raw, cooked, or canned, In some form tomatoes may appear In j any part of any meal. The baby has hi tomato Julc. for breakfast, but you may prefer your tomatoes sliced and broiled or fried, to be eaten with your hot biscuit. A fresh tomato, sliced or quartered, may be on. of the vegetables on your plat at luncb or dinner or nipper. Perhaps It Is hollowed out and stuffed with chop ped cabbage, or with chopped meat salad, for your lunch or supper. Scal loped or stuffed and baked, toma toes fit In admirably with potatoes or corn, or ric. or beans at dinner. Broiled tomato on toast, with a bit of melted cheer and a curl of bacon In th. center of th. alio., 1 an at tractive supper dish. And there are the countless use of tomatoes In soups, In scalloped dishes with rice, macaroni, potatoes and oean, in to mato Jelly, In preserves not to men tion th. aver popular Tomato-Juice cocktail Later on, green tomatoes that come too late to ilpen on the vines before frost comes will be used for pickles, for broiling or In green tomato pie. - LOW COST MENU FOR ONE DAY. Breakfast. Cereal Toast Tomato Julc for Youngest Child Coffee (adults) . Milk (children) Dinner. Meat Loaf Bio. Tomatoes Stewed with Cucumbers Hot Biscuit, (add extra fat to seme of dough and bake a. shortcake for aupper) Supper. Creamed Carrots, Potatoes and Onion. Whole Wheat Bread and Butter Peach Shortcake Milk for All RECIPES, r'resh Tomato Cocktail. 8 to 10 ripe red tomatoes H teaspoon onion pulp Salt and pepper to season Grated horseradish. Wash and chop the tomatoes. Press through a .fine sieve rejecting the skip and seeds. Add the seasonings. Chill and beat well before serving. Stewed Tomatoes' and Cucumbers. 1 quart tomatoes, fresh or canned 1 pint pared and diced cucumber. 3 teaspoon salt Pepper 14 small onion, siloed 3 tablespoon, fat 3 tablespoons flour. If fresh tomatoes are used, skin and out them Into small pieces. Cook the tomatoes, cucumbers, and onion together for 15 minutes or until th. cucumbers are tender. Add the salt and pepper. Blend the flour and but ter, mix with a little of the hot to mato juloe, then pour this thickening Into the mixture and cook until thlokened. . Serve at once. Codfish, Spaghetti and Tomatoes. 14 pound salt codfish, diced. 3 cups spaghetti, broken In .mall piece. 1 quart tomatoes, fresh or canned 1 onlonsllced 3 tablespoons chopped parsley 3 tablespoon, of fat Salt If needed. Soak the codfish In cold water to cover for 3 hour, or longer, until suf ficient .alt ha been removed, and drain. Cook the spaghetti In boiling salted water until tender and drain. Simmer the tomatoes and codfish for about 30 minutes. Cook the onion and parsley in the fat for a few min utes, combine all the Ingredients, and cook for a few minute, longer. Serve hot. M. O. WILKIN8, LAWYER. Now located In Medford. StlS W. Main St. DANOB Saturday night at But rail. Big$375 PINE BLOCKS and SLABS VALLEY FUEL CO. JHow to make good coffee everyttme mm Use . Drip Coffee Maker in which boiling water drips through a specially prepared coffee and a filter paper. Specially prepared Schilling Drip Coffee. Schilling Drip Coffee is specially blended, specially roasted and specially ground for the immediate extraction of all its rich, fragrant flavor. Coffee intended for a percolator is not adapted for the drip process in which the water drips through the coffee but once. A filter pupcr rests below the coffee to let through nothing but the delicious healthful amber drops. Real Drip Coffee cannot be made otherwise. For your convenience, filter papers are faded in each Schilling fin, introductory Otiert 9"B!0 Special model Drip Coffw Matter and 1 tb. jl Schilling Drip Cofff, at your yroccrs If hm cannot tupply you, send hit nam. and $1.30 to A Schilling A Company, San Franc t tea. Ivloneyback in llher com If you aro not tatitfiad. Il SchilliJt For Percolator use Standard Schilling Coffee COMMITTEE EYES MANY SOLUTIONS FOR JOB RELIEF (Continued nora Paga One) dlapenivea In this tta-te with no regu lation or tax other than that Im posed by municipal! t lea. One group suggested an arrange ment whereby delinquent taxea could be paid through money borrowed from the federal home owners' loan corporation, the federal home loan bank, the form credit administration or the agricultural adjustment ad ministration. It the delinquent taxes are paid, It was explained, Oregon would have plenty of money for re lief work and other necessary pur poses: non-payment of taxes having placed the state In Its present finan cial muddle. Warrant System Offered Ray GUI, master of the state grange, recommended a county war rant system based on Issuance of small, "hort-term bonds by the state up to 26 per cent of delinquent tax es, tbe state to do the collecting of the taxes A csmps-nton proposal from the ame source urges borrowing from the gasoline tax; fund, the mon ey to te repaid by an Issue of bonds by the state highway commission. Labor organizations are said to be back of a plan to Impose a "capital" tax. placing the burden on Wealth and property. Although details were not available, It was believed Increas ed taxes on large Incomes, or Increas ed scope of Income taxes wae contem plated In connection with this Idea. Other groups were back of a modi fied 'ales tax, differing from the sales tax defeated In the July elec tion In that It would be Imposed for the specif lo purpose of relief and for lifting the grade schols out of their present precarious plight, The Taxpayers' league of Portland wants an Income tax to abolish tax on real property, end O. A. Hunting ton pt Eugene, member of the last legislature, Is urging a graduated gross income tax on salaries, wages and eBusinesses. Whatever the plan, it , must be found to be generally acceptable throughout the state by all classes, Governor Meier has told members of th committee. They may, of course, develop any of those already sug gested, or find some other method of "painless" taxatlex The governor and the legislative leaders and others agree the proposal finally accepted by the committee must be such as to merit general approval among the voters. Otherwise the euggeetlon might be enacted Into law at a spec lal session, only to be challenged and defeated on a referendum. Income Tax Proposed. The two Income tax proposal were the object of considerable specula tion In advance of the meeting. The taxpayers' league proposes to release all taxea on farms, ranches, homes and all real estate; help the farmers and stockmen; help eveyon become a home owner; abolish real estate and intangible taxes; collect taxes from the earnings of real property instead of levying a tax on It ques tionable value; levy 7 per cent on All transactions. Including the sale of real property, but not Including charges for labor performed or serv ices rendered; leave Inheritance tax as It now stands. Real Property Tax Burden. The league believes that by re moving real property taxation, work would be given thousand of labor ing people in making repairs to prop erty which cannot be Improved now due to the real property tax. The proposed Income tax would exempt single persons up to 3,500 and mar ried persons up to $5,000, with a WOO exemption for each dependent. The league explained that "where there Is no Income there is no tax. If the farmer, the sheep and cattle man, the tlmberman or the home owner, has a bad year, real taxes are not looking him in the face and placing him on the verge of bankruptcy." A great, new Investment In real estate would result, the proponents of the Idea believe. Tax on Wages Advocated. i Huntington, in his income tax plan, proposes a graduated tax on all sal aries and wages, to be collected at the source and paid each month. "It would," he said, "simply result in a reduction in payrolls, which reduc tion would be paid into the tax commission. There would be abso lutely no exemptions. Second, there would be a graduated privilege tax on all business, Including whole sale and retail merchants, manufac turers, contractors, hotels, estaur ants, amusements, etc., In the form of a license. Third, all business men such as insurance agents, bond brokers and all professional men, would be licensed and pay a gross in come tax each month. Pourtfe, tx all dividends, bonuses, gifts and In heritances as Income." HIGHWAY SYSTEM GROWING RAPIDLY SALEM, Or., (UP) Oregon', state highway system has grown to 4,174 miles. Only California and Idaho of th. far western states hav. a larger net work of state roads. Callfornla'a mileage la reported to bo 7.347, and Idaho 4,813. Total mileage of state road. In th. United states Is 368,310. Pennsylvania leads with 34,020 miles. Washington has 3.711 miles of state roads, Arizona 3,899, Nevada 3,783, Utah 4.133, and Wyoming 3.380. Ore gon also has more mile, of state road, than Delaware Main. Massa chusetts, New Hampshire, New Jer sey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. 4- CUT RANKS HIGH SALEM, Ore.' (UP) Oregon cut more than 3,500,000,000 board feet of softwooa In 130. according to fig ures re. eased this week. State of Washington led In total softwood cut, with more than 5.000, 006,000 board feet.. California, Ala. bama, Mississippi, and Louisiana cut more tnan 1,000.000,000 feet each. Texas' cut was 888,080,000. Idaho L Protect Your Rooj Against Leaks with FOR All TYPES OF ROOFS NOT AN ORDINARY ROOF COATING FIRE RESISTINGLONGER LIFE For Sale by Lumbar, Building Mate rial, Paint and Hardware d. alert. MANUFACTURED BY PIONEER PAPER COMPANY ESS Established IBS trw Los Angeles, California UJ and Florida cut more than 800,000,000 each. Total softwood production for the United State, was estimated at 31, 323 786 000 boaru feet. California was the largest user of softwoods, the es timate being 3,373,338,000 board feet. Louisiana led In production of hardwoods, the cut amounting to 549.348 000 board feet. Wisconsin, Mississippi, Michigan, Tennessee. West Virginia, Arkansas and Virginia fol ia wed in order. M. O. WILKINS, LAWYER. New offices over People Electric. 313 W. Main St, Medford. Blind Dog Likes Ice cream. SEW AN EE, Tenn. (AP) Dean Ba ker of the University of th. South owns a d:g which he allows to "buy" an Ice cream cone dally at the corner drug store. The dog. now blind from sge, appears dally at 10 o'clock for his treat. Hunts Gold lu Ames. CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) Rob ert Shlroda, prospector, la wjorklng th. ashes of the closed Carson City mint for gold. Tbe ash has been deposited by 60 year, of gold refining process. When you see Niagara Path m tbe package, you KNOW you bavi SS Sill ALONG WITH HfOUTH! ITS always smooth sailing for those whoW young! And you can feel young ai any age if you get plenty of the things thu youth is mad of: proteins and minerals carbohydrates and vita, mins. That' what the food authorities call these vital elements. You can call them something simpler just ask for Shredded Wheat. For Nature stores all these) youth-building elements io ber richest cereal grain, whole wheat. And Shredded Wheat is whole wheat with nothing added, nothing taken away. It's whole wheat with all its vital elements, all the bran just as Nature measured it; Won't you try this vitally dijjertnt food si.for at least 10 days? It's ready cooked, ready to cat. Serve it with milk or creami Add the fresh or preserved fruit that you prefer. And watch it wake your appetitt and your youth 1 SHREDDED WHEAT A product of NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY "Uneeda Bakers'? Says O. W. HUNSAKER-FORD DEALER: ftOWS AMD rZ7..r OUIl SAMTA ROW ?-"'"-ee0 m T0OH A icunVE 0AVS J'S & MUAB MOW. IT .FOP. W C. mm mn?llF THAT'S HOT OF AO Milt rc ' cc TO THE GAU.V" HAT lS . . . Sicrtt . 10,97, ""JJJXcV wrr row olwmM." WE'RE Ktuvt"'" S7 wi do our nuir 1 " K-A ' 1 f v 1 e. r $ 4. . Vn it V e Each week more thousands discover Super Shell now without former It premium You hear a lot of people talking about tlie new Super Shell. About extra mile age they're getting from it. Easier start ing; better pick-up. And the way it makes a motor run more smoothly, with increased power on the hills. , These qualities are all Super Shell qualities that motorists formerly paid a 3r) premium for. Now that entire 3 pre mium is knocked off. Premium Super Shell performance costs you no more than what you'd pay for ordinary "regu lar" gas. There's Eka.benzol in this new west ern refined Super Shell, to give it extra mileage and extra anti-knock qualities (no other first-grade fuel ranks as high in anti-knock). It is especially volatile, for hair-trigger pick-up, easy starting, and still more mileage. And because all the waste parts of ordinary gasoline are removed from Super Shell, every drop does a 100 job. If you're looking for a real improve ment in gasoline performance, try Super. SMI today. . Cental nt IKA-BINZOL swr. petreleew rest kith la -knock md mlleeea evslltin AT SHIIL SIRVICI ITATIOMS INC AND SHELL DIALIRS BiktiTr-iri TH 1 "1 ff' " 4pftsiy titer " It's a great gaso line i" writes Lieu tenant Governor Victor A. Mayers or Washington. ar A 11 ALL WASTE PARTS REMOVED CASSV PARTS -th.t evaporate loo soon and are w axled. Removed by SHELL. OUICK -STARTING PARTS thit eliminate m rOWCIt ART-triit gtvssyour enirine grrnr . Pick-up ind power. Kept at by SHELL. " 2 AMTI-KNOCK PARTI 3 (hut prevent knocking; In traffic nd oo htU. Kept by SHLLL. SLUGGISH PARTthlt dilute 01L Hemovaxi by SHELL. SUPER SHELL IS HIGHER IN ANTI.kWOrK tuau ANY OTHER GASOLINE AT A NON-PREMIUM PRICE 1 I. W ' jf 1