PAGE XTNTJ You Cant Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFOED HAIL TEIBUNT!, MEDFORD, "OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad W&Hl to eell four some? Went to get rid ot Jew odd end snd ID household turnlshlngsr Oo 70U dhO tool tot roui gll den . " An inexpensive Want-Ad m the UaU Wbune Classified Pago mil And the answer to these end man other perplexing problem. Here Are the Rates: Pet word first insertion , 3c Each additional Inaertlon, per word lc (Minimum lOo) per Una per month, without copy change KM 75 Phone LOST ANU FOUND ZSsr Horn-rlm glaasesl Mond ay Hght between Saored Heart hos Stal and Riverside. Pleas return to UBU LOST 11 dog mlaaing. oall 1618. WANTED FEMALE HELP Wanted Nurae "(graduate or prac ticallrtr personal aervlce work along the Une of Child Welfare. St b. well educated, rellabl , and furnlah character reference. Give detailed address. Moderate salary ' 5 "qualified. Box 12022, Tribune. WANTED SITUATION CAPABLE middle-aged to care for home for employedcou pie or work in restaurant or board ing house. Box 1202S, Tribune. WANTED Housekeeping: small wages. Box 12020, Tribune. BOOKKEEPER General office man deslrea position. Will accept very reasonablTealary. Smith, Rt. 2, Box 188, Beall Lane. ' MAN AND WIFE want position on ranch. Experienced. Riverside Apt. No. 33. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL gentleman in email coupe who found small black and tan sable Pomeranian female dog, answering name Sally, please take her to Jack son County Humane Society? Re ward. WANTED To buy few chickens. 811 Bennett St. WANTED Lambs' wool. Paying high prices. J. J. Osenbrugge, Medford. WANTED Ewes and lamba. Write Box 10, Mall Tribune. FOR general painting and floor wax ing, call 806-L. WANTED Immediately, model T Ford car. Pay cash. 1119 No. Cen tral. WILL SHARE expenses to Salt Lake or Sacramento about Sept. 10. Box 13538, Tribune. WANTED Wool, hides and pelts: pre mium price for lamb'a wool. Med ford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape. Phone 1062. WANTED Pasture lor cowa, also want saddle horse. Chester Wendt. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, 8o lb. Also day work. Tel. 4-P-3. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, 8o lb. Phone 4-F-2. WANTED Modern house to rent, 3 bedrooms, walking dlatance to courthouae. Phone 317-J. . WANTED White Leghorn pullet. Give description and price. Box 123. Butte Falls, Ore. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to party with feed. B. B. Howell, Rt. 2. Grants Pass. WANTED Household goods, atoves, tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Tel 1082. ; WANTED Listings of valley homea in exchange for choice Cal property Staple Realty Co., Ashland. HAT GRINDING A specialty Brown, the hay grinder. K40 So. Central. PHONE 969-R. Have your furniture reupholstered, reglued. retlnlshed Thlbault. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES. te RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER unk of 1) desolations. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 17 No. Grape Tel 1082 WANTED Kerry Keen for Model A Phone 479-X. FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT Completely furnlahed house, 411 Woodstock. . FOR RENT 8-room modern house, east aide. Phono 1858. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 12088. Tribune. HOUSES (10. 812 60 and 816, water Bald: wood range. Phone 108. FOr. RENT Home, lurnuhed or unfurniahed. Brown Whiter OUASST modern 6-room atuoco. east front. Clear 628 Pine. FOR RENT 8-room houae, furnlah ed or un, '.rnlshed. Call 934-R. HUMES FOR RENT Call 898. FOR SALE OR RENT Cldrny Smith home turner West Main s, Orange Exclusive Uatlng W L Vawter jscksuo Oo Bank Bldg FIVE room nualwed bom. Ill Cot- FOB BENT BOOSE FOR RENT 7-room unfurnished house: bedrooms: near nigh school, phone 779-W. rOB aKNl APBTHKM FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooma no, at 137 Tripp, inquire ws w 13th St. RENT a and 3-room furnlahed apart menta. 6le No. Central. TO LET rurnlshed 8 modern rooma; very reasonable rent. One block aouth of courthouae. Wm. P. Campbell, 804 I. Main St. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, combination living and dining room, aleeplng room, kitchenette with bullt-lna. ga range, refrigerator, bath and toilet. Heat and water furnlahed. Rent $18.00 per month Phone 71 or call at Mall Tribune office. URRELL OOUKT 829 No. BOUy. FOR BENT KURNISHtD HUU.UD roil RENT Nicely furauhed aleep lng rooma with oath room prlvi legea, garage. 810 per month. 426 So. Rlveralde. CLEAN rooma, good beda and board. DeGrover's, 718 Welch. FOR RENT Attractive rooma, board at 14 oottage. good ATTRACTIVE rooma. 404 & Orape FOR BENT BOARD AND BOOMS FOR RENT Good board, room. 163 No. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM at 718 B. Main. Ratea very moderate. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 18x0 feet on Grape St. Suitable for amall busi ness. Located next door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent. Call at Mall Tribune office or Phone 75. BUSINESS OPPORTUNI1TIES FOR LEASE New. modern building, 80x25 feet, colorfully decorated, Ideally altuated; suitable for res taurant, drug store or shoppe of any kind; 835 per month. Located ' at 635 S- 6th St., Grants Pass, Ore. See owner, 514 S. 4th St., Grants FOR SALE, TRADE OR LEASE 10 cabln auto camr. at Alturaa. Caltl. Big Pines Lbr. Co.. Medford. Ore. FOB EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head work and saddle horses. Tel. 838-R. '26 CHEVROLET 1-ton truck to trsde for sedan or coupe. 812 Summit, after 6. FOR EXCHANGE I W -ton Graham truck for panel delivery. Phone Flynn Electric Co., 107-J. WANT UVBSTOCK will trade equity In b-room bouse, jxcellent location tiox 1063t Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan in good condition- for truck. Phone 697-R-l. J-ROOM modern home bath, laundry trar screened porch, bullt-lns gar age shade and fruit treea: 9700 equity for car. acreage cabin alte or what have you Phone 1538-L or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse, 1400 lbs 7 years old Walter Jones, 2nd houae below bridge, so. Ashland. WOOD for .-lay or potatoes, near Trail R. O Skellenger, Trail Ore. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 820 acres good farm land In Southern Alberta for Medford property or acreage. Must be clear, owner. Mary E. Gustafson, Star Rt., Medford. Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice Uttle home In Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland. Prefer email acreage. What have you. 155 7th St. Ashland. FOB SALE SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-acre ranch; alfalfa, fruit, walnuts, good buildings. Call 429 So. Front, WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS IN GOOD USED CARS Liberal Trades and Terms. 1930 Bulck Spt. Coupe. 1030 Chrysler 70 Brougham. 1929 Chev. Coupe. 1929 Chev. Sedan. 1929 Chev. 4 Coupe. 1931 Chrysler 8 Conv. Coupe, 1928 Packard Sedan. 1929 Ford Roadater. BUY NOW! ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INO. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Bulck sedan, cheap. Call 530 8. Central. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE: 2 houses, both on paved streets near kiiwi, uiw trade for good country home with smsll acreage. Will assume. Box 13560, Tribune, or Phone 70. FOP SALE New 6-room modern house in Eugene. Will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlanuc St., Medford FOR SALE New 8-room modern house, owner. Will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlantlc St., Medford. 6-ROOM modern house. Price 81500 523 N. Riverside. Phone 319-X. FOR SALE POULTRY 1 FOR SALE 12 black Minorca hens. laying: I year oia. race eiu. Phone 797-J. 175 R. I. Red pullet. Blood. Pitt View Ave., near Central Point. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 100 sheep. Phone 417. FOH 8 ALE -MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE"Apf.les, crabapplea. plume, nectarines. Bsgley Orchard. Talent. FOR SALE Oolden sweet corn, csn taloupes. tomatoes. Damson plum. F. 8. Carpenter, J'rlll highway. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Purebred, pedigreed breeding rabbit! prlae stock: rea sonable lor quick sale. Tel. 841-R-2. TOMATOES for eale at Calhoun ranch, 1 mile southwest Phoenix, lo lb., already picked. Bring con tainer. FOR SALE Tomatoes lo lb. Bring containers. Second white house from crossroad on old Midway road. - Elledge Garden. FOR SALE Crawford peaches, fine flavor, good for canning. Bring containers. R. DeWlt, Fern Valley. DRAG SAW for sale: 3 blades. . Hiway Exchange, So. Phoenix. CUCUMBERS, cut flowers, din pick les. Mrs. Dressier, 1107 E. Main. FOR SALE Pickling oucumbers, all sizes. 216 W. 8th St. Tel. 1645-Y. WINTER cabbage, cauliflower, broc coli plant. 1202 E. ltlh. FOR SALE Port Orford cedar boat, A-l condition. 846 Apple St. FOR SALE Used sewing machine, all makea. 86 up: terms If desired All make rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Oo. 24 N Bartlett DAIRY FLY SPRAY Kill tile and absolutely keeps Tile off cow pas ture. Will not taint milk. Boo per gallon, bring own container Jerry Barr. 4th 8s N Bartlett. FOR SALE Large Ice box; also targe electno range. 706 Dakota Ave. HODGEN-BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy feeds. Jerry Barr. 4th 8s N Bartlett. NEW FEED "STORE Buy at lower price. Jerry Barr, 4th and Bartlett. FOR aand, gravel, sediment, fertlllier and teaming, Phone 912-J. MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Frlgldalrs Service. Other make rep. Tel. 427; night 905-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title and Title Insuranoe. The only complete Title system in tjaruson County. Expert window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning. Floor Waxing. Ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. JobPrlntlng. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Beat equipped plant In southern " Oregon Printing of ajl kinds; book binding; loose -leaf . ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing lines. 28-30 N. Grape. Phone 75. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel. 646-W. 313 S. Grape. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balanoe. No other charges. See W. E. Thomas, 45 South Central, ground floor Craterlan Theater Bldg. State License No. S-157. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc. 31B Liberty Bldg. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guaranteed, REINKING TRUCKING CO. Trena fer and storage We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right. Riverside.' Phone 1044-X. LEGAL NOTICES Trustee's Call for Bids for Sale of rerlshable Stock. In the District Court of the United State for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of Mutual Mill Jc Seed company, inc., a corporation, Bank rupt. Pursusnt to ord.r of the Court, the undersigned, as Trustee In Bank ruptcy, will receive sealed bid up . to 11 :00 a. m. on Thursday, September 7, 1933, for the purchase of the Deni able stock In trade of ssld bankrupt consisting of hay, grains, seed, feed, etc., ssld stock being subject to In spectlon at Its location in the build ing on northwest corner of Eighth and Bartlett streets In Medford, Jack son County, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 of the amount of bid. Right Is reserved to accept or reject any and all bid. Bids may be deposited with the undersigned at the office of J. F. Fliegel, 32 North Central Ave nue. Medford. Oregon. HARRY o. MOORE, Trustee. Notice. Votic Is hereby given that on Tuesday, October 3. 1038. at 10:00 o'clock a. the Board of Directors of the Rogue Rlw Valley Irrigation uiAinct, acting as a board of equal ization, will meet In the office of Jd board, one and one-quarter miles north of Medford, Oregon, on the old Pacific highway, for the purpose of review tntf and correcting the district aaaest ment and apportionment of taxes for the yar 1634, such aaement list as approved and adopted by the Board of Directors of said district 1 now on rile in the office of the Dis trict where It Is open for Inspection by t'l persons Interested. This notke is published by order of the Board of Directors of said District. E. H. JUDD, Secretary. Notice. In the County Court of the dtete of Oregon, lo and for the ouoty of Jackson. In the Matter of the titef.e of c. W Pslm (alao known as Charles W. Paim), Deceased, Notice ts hereby given that the undersigned, Callle Palm, ha been duly and regularly appointed by the County . Judge of Jackson County. Oregon, a the Exeoutrlx with the will annexed, of the estate of the above named 0. W. Palm (also known a Charles W. Palm), deceased, and ha duly qualified as such Execu trix. Notice Is further given that all person having any claim against the estate of the said decedent should present same duly, verified in accord ance with Isw to the undersigned Executrix, at the office of F. J. New man. Attorney for said Estate, In the Palm Building, In Medford. Oregon, within atx montha from the date of the first publication of thl Notice. Dated and first published on thl 31st day of August, A. D. 1933. CALLIE PALM, Executrix with the will annexed of the estate of 0. W. Palm (also known as Charles W. Palm), deceased. KMED Broadcast Schedule Friday, 8 :00 Breakfast News, Mall Tribune. 8:06 Mualcsl clock. 8:16 A Peerless Parade. 8 :30 Shopping Guide. 8:45 Royal Club Program. 9 :00 Friendship Circle Hour. 9:30 Another Episode In our Crime Story. 8:46 Morning Melody. 10:00 U. S. Weather Forecast. 10 :00 Fashion Parade. 10:15 Home-makera Bureau. 10:30 Musical Note. 11:00 Key Whit. U :05 The Grants Paaa Hour. 11:16 The Lumber Jack. 11:45 Along Style Street. 12:00 Mid-day Review. " 12:15 Radio Rendezvous. 12:30 News Flashes by Mall Tribune. 12:30 Popularity. 12:48 Monarch Melodle. 1:00 Varieties. 2:00 Classified Edition of the Air. 3:00 Protective Drive. - 3:15 Songs for Everyday. 3:30 KMED Program Review. 8:86 Music of Old. 4 :00 Cocktail of Music. 4:30 Masterworks. 5:00 Popular Parado. 6:45 News Digest by Mall Tribune. 6 :00 Medford Theater Guide. 6:16 Sport and Fishing Flashes by Al Plche. 6:30 KMED Forum. 6:30 Si snd Elmer. 6:45 vignettes. 7:00 "Kiss In the Moonlight." 7:15 A Tour of San Francisco. 7:20 Interlude. 7:30 Billy Murray' Melodlan. 7:45 to 8:00 Eventide. INVADElflTO FREEJAZI LEADER INNSBRUCK, Austria, Aug. 81. (AP) Nail in a midnight raid on the Innsbruck Jail released their Im prisoned Tyrolese leader, Franz Hofer, and raced toward Italy with him In an automobile. An alarm was given out and po licemen along the route tired on the speeding car. One occupant was be lieved wounded. The automobile was finally found abandoned two miles from the bor der at Grles. Reld, Murdock te Co.. canncrs 01 the Monarch brand Bartlett pears will be represented at Medford this season by Myron Root. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Part of & surveying initrument ' T. Seat without backi LI. Given In fulfillment of a vow 14. Scanion or mill onion 15. Plural ending IS That which composes th principal mass of a tooth IS. Myself 13. Border il East Indian peasants 11. Fish eggs !J. Break suddtnly 26. Transmit It. Urged os 18. CorDulenor Solution of Ytttardgy'a PuixU OPAH5fA RS Nil C RATE UIId I PLQMA A RjjR E MOV ALOAs T A ROD I N E R AlG it OPEDggS I RE A MjO S REFUSE STIV I AfZ3 5 T U P O rHf A rTr A R Z3f E PgTE STI V E A p E ?Wr EBs n A p pa dO&lTTsis e re nikG Ami iiiN 1 A O E RSflE R E C T SlElElDlEjlSliRlAlTlEls 41. Blind unrea soning fear 46. Male sheen 4T. He: French 4l. Caeaar's river of derlxlon II, One who holds that the gospel law . suoolanta tli) Mosaic IS, Book of psalms SO. Note of tbs 8S. Saltpeter scale 38. Cereal seeds 61. Stlrk together 10. Princely trtb II. Baffl'i of Israel 66. Wont awav 10. Falsehood 66. Cutting wit IIT III"" iit: l i ruiiiii 2U 17 lip 21 3o JMl iMiu Jiiii. 3) 34 111''5 J4 37 & H WF' wv- S " """"" . I4' A2 43 " 45 B ' ISA 51 S3 Wm S3 S4 Mir I 1 I I I mm l 1 1 Evans Valley EVANS VALLEY, Aug. 31. (Spl.) John Palmer, Jr., la home after a two months' visit In Crescent City, Arils, Stewart and Gordon Hatch vlalted at the Lynden Hatch home on the F. E. Miller place. Mrs. M. L. Hlbbsrd of Copper, J. T. Bsker, wife and children and Clair Cromwell visited Mrs. Catherine N. Law Sunday. Mr. Margerlte Hubbard of Med ford ha been spending a week at th home of Catherine Law and Mrs. Barto, . Mrs. Vivian Norman Barto and mother, Mra. Law. attended the Ne bruaka picnic at Llthla park In Ash land. Mrs. O. H. Smith and small daugh ter, Dorothy Mae. have returned from a two weeks' vlalt with relatlvea In Portland. Hatrv and Mra. Skevlngton have a daughter, Edith Juanlta Mac, born in Klamath Falls July 31. Chas. Skevlngton and wife had a bad wick with their new car one evening last week, cutting Mrs. Skev lngton and Dicky badly. Sandy Blakely has finished his road and I logging from hla land. reoently purchased up Bear Branch. Chas. Turner spent last Friday at the Law's home Olarabelle Jennlngo of Medford has been spending two weeks visiting at the Simpson home and with Mes damea Law and Barto. - 1 Long Mountain LONG MOUNTAIN, Aug. 31. (Spl.) Charley Clngcade has finished thresh ing for this season. George Glvsns, Hugh Rankin and Eromett Kllngle are busy graveling their road and getting it -ready for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holman and fam ily Joined a group of friends at a plcnlo dinner at the Dead Indian soda spring Sunday. Bonny Jean Stowell and Barbara Smith are spending several day 'at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mis Luclle Coy snd Miss Grace Holman spent the week-end In Med ford with Mrs. Nettle Orover. Tim Dugan and Henry Dalley have atsrted picking peara. Those calling at the Bill Holman home the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harhlsh and family, Mra. Sam Coy and children, Luclle and Sammy, Donald Messenger of Fern vslley, Miss Norcross of Ashland, Mrs. Mattle Mlnter, Mrs. Jessie Hammel, Mrs. Marshall Mlnter, Mrs. Hoffman and three children. Gladya, Stewart and Wayne and Miss LaVlda Cul bertson of Central Point, also rfoward Gold, who recently returned for a severala days' visit from Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. George Stowell and Mrs. M. L. Pruett called at the Giv en home Sunday. -Qlenn Lsnnlng and Ross Kline are working In the Bear Creek packing house. a A few REAL BARGAINS in PIANOS at present low prices which can not be guaranteed after September first. BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPE 26 So. Grape. LUIa M. Purucker. Cross-Wcrd Puzzie If.- Otherwise l. Acid fruits .12. Spirited horses IT, As far as 20. Person of influence or distinction 31. Oo In again 24. Pares 26. Slow-moving animal 2T. Small round mark 21. In favor of 29. Exist 30. Metal 32. Former negative II. Guardians of the peace 24. Mariner 3(t. Shirker 37, Full of fissures .41, Unadulterated 42. In bed v 43. Symbol for nickel 44. Frozen desserU 46, Oemm of African trees 41. Color 49. Havd-shelled fruit Rt. Exclamation ti. 601 1, Unwflllna- 2, Being defeated 3. Pronoun 4. Accomplished , Refuse 7. Stsk for roasting meata f. TJnlts of welrht t. Native metal Riviera RIVIERA, Aug. 81. (Spl.) Mr. and Mr. Clarence Dodg. ol th Medlord Riding academy, were Sunday Tl. ltora at the Clay Bile home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MoMarrlck Alice and Dec-rue called at th 0. W Stumbo home Sunday. Clarence Harrison. Leslie Carr and Ervln McDole returned Thursday from a few days spent In California Julia Rucker la spsndln few day In Medford with her sister. Mr. Msry Cotton. Mrs. Clsy Biles and Mrs. OhsrUe MoMerrlclc were visiting Mrs. Cynthia Culbertson In Medford. the Culbert- aon family having lived in the W. M. Carl house on Foote creek. Miss Genevieve Stumbo spent lt week with Lois Johnson on Blackwell hill, returning home August 98. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Biles and family attended the rodeo at Jacksonville. Mr. Biles is the owner of DynamlU, a horse ridden In the rodeo. Mrs. John -Biles returned home August 37, after a week'a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Joelson. Mrs. Lester Bollng and children called on Mrs. Ben Harrison August 19. O. W. Stumbo, Oharll MoMerrlck, Clay Biles and Sherman Eateil of Rogue River were fighting fire Sun day evening, which started from un known cause near th Stumbo home. t Copper COPPER, Aug. 31 (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. Carey Culy vtalted In Medford Tuesday. William Dorn spent Friday and Saturday in Medford on business. He visited his mother In Ashland Frl day night. Mra. Grace Lewis and son Bob and Dow are spending a fow days at Perks pasture. Fred Copple Is riding In th hill's this week. Mrs. Atkln of Central Point 5a visiting at the Floyd McKee home. Miss Carmallta Lewis was taken to Medford Friday to have a fishhook taken from her aide. A small awlmmlng purty was en Joyed at Harr'a Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grove and children, Henry and Frances, .r visiting at the Fred Rouse horn's. Diamond Lake DIAMOND LAKE, Aug. 31. (Spl.) J, S. Clifton and C. S. Myer of Port land were at Diamond lake recently for some good fishing with J. Meyer of Los Angeles and O. W. Keith and Eden of Medford. All of the party proved to be good fishermen and wsnt homft well pleased with the fishing at Diamond lake. All of these men are with the Union Oil company. Alan Fleshback, Richard Lawson, W. T. Howell nd M. 8. Mltau of San Francisco stopped at Diamond lake on their tour of southern Ore gon resorts. W. F. Keenley and fsmlly of Med ford enjoyed their first week at Dia mond lake so much that they hare extended their stay another week. The F. 0. Dlllard family of Med ford are enjoying their third week at Diamond lake. Capt. Bown and Rodney Roach were at Diamond lake Saturday night and Sunday. Game Warden O. A. Lock wood of Roseburg took them flail ing and all there caught the limit fly fishing, but It was still the old story of the big one thst got away. The captain had a fish up to the boat that they estimated at 10 pounds: lack of a large landing net kept th officer from bringing In the evi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Deuel and son of Medford were week-end guest at Dlsmond lake. Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Stebbln and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dunn of Klamath Fall were week end gueats at Diamond lake. All enjoyed the good fishing and the cool weather. Mr., and Mrs. E. P. Shirley of Med ford returned home Thursdsy sfter a pleasant week here. Shell OH men and their wives en Joyed a week-end and banquet at Diamond Iske. The Bend boys were putting on th psrty for the Klsmath Falls office s the result of a con test. Jacksonville. JACKSONVILLE. Aug. 81. (Spl.) Miss Msrgsret Dunnlngton who ha been In nurses' training at the Sa cred rlcart hospital In Medford for a year, left Thursday for th St. Vin cent hospital In Portland where she will be In training for two mor years. Will Zdens 1 picking peers at th Wing ot chard this week. , Liym narunrtii is ouuig ro.a wvr In the Desd Indian district. Mrs. joe Martin of Medford wa a recent visitor of Mrs. Dora Harbaugh. . Wesley Hartman 1 expected to re I turn home September first sfter sev en weeks st Dr. Coffey's hospital la Portland. Mrs Ell Walsh and grandson Al len Kline of Klamath Falls are visit Ing friends In Jacksonville. Mr. and Mr. Sam Babb of Napa, Calif., who sr. visiting In th vslley for a few week called on Mr. Babb' sister. Mr, W. A. Cbllder Tuesday. The old Abbott house on Califor nia and Fourth streets Is soon to b remodeied Into modern partment I houae. The property recently changed i handa. 1 Mu RuVi Severance returned horn Saturday from a week' Ttelt In Port-land. John Sutherland, nephaw of Mr. John Price, who ha been employed at th Pacific state mines this sum mer, left last week to attend col lege In California. Mr, and Mr. John Dunnlngton of Klamath Falls are visiting relatives In Jacksonville thl week. Mra. S. K. Ogle, who has been 111 th paste week, ts Improving nicely now, Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Welsh and chil dren of Klamath county spent the week-end with Mrs. Welsh parents, Mr. and Mra. s. K. Ogle. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Judy of anrfin creek apent Monday at the Fred Clogston home. Mrs. Msrgsret Lewis snd Mra. E. 8. Wilson who recently underwent operr.ons are improving nicely at tne sacred Heart hospital. $1,553 INHERITANCE TAX PAID IN 5 YEARS SALEM, Or. (UP) Every Oregon county has contributed Inheritance taxe to the stat treaaury during the put five years, report Treasurer Ru- fus O. Holman. During the period the state received 83,318,837 from that source of revenue. Biggest year was 1938. when 81.000,- 311 was paid. Multnomah county was principal contributor of inheri tance taxes. Out of the total, 83,808, 607 came from there in the five years. Second lsrgest share came from Wasco county, 801.173. The county psld Inheritance taxes of 803.809 in 1831. Third hlgheat was Umatilla county, 877,360. crook county was lowest, with 8708 paid In five years. Other county psyment Included Bsker, 833.810: Benton 818,137; Clack amas, 8I5.3'-8: Clatsop, 818,908; Coos, 316,883; Curry. 81633; Deschutes, 86013; Harney, 64876: Jackson, 631, 868; Klamath, 814,709; Lane, 310,630; Linn, 316,436; Marlon, 647,387. Chips From CCC Gimps of Area Speaking of appetites, look at what the 300,000 O. O, O, boys In the United State put under their belts every 80 dsys: 1,138.000 pounds of bacon, 8,636,000 pounds of beef, v. 000,000 eggs, 5,638,000 pounds of PO' tatoes, 3,360,000 pounds ot pork, 8,- 760,000 pounds of flour, 1,135,000 pound of coffee, 3,813,800 pounds ot sugar, and 1,135,000 pounds of onions, According to army statistics, the aver se weight gain of the boy ha been 13 pounds. President Roosevelt on August 18 decided to maintain th Civilian Con servation Corps for another six montha, According to press dis patch., the prealdent will send a personal message to the men now en rolled aaktng them to find Job to mak way for other fellow out of work to take their places. If any man, after an honest effort to find a new Job Is unable to do so, he 'xllt be allowed to re-enroll. Mr. Robert Fechner. director of emergency con servation work, has ruled that no more men wlliehe enrolled during the preeent period. Oeneral Malln Craig, commander of the 0th corpa area, and Soreater S. B. Show of the V. S. forest service, have made tentative recommenda tion for some 380 O. O. O. osmps In California this coming winter. These will Include 169 forest service camp and 111 state division of forestry camps. All of the state camps and 63 of th 138 national forest camps now In operation will be continued. These recommendation ar subject to review and approval by th di rector of emergency conservation work In Washington and other high officials. Major Henry B. Barry, army pur chasing officer at Ft. Mason ha aent out bid of 3800,000 worth' of cloth ing for th O. O. O, boy In th tth corps area. Fifty-five per cent or the articles furnlahed will be designed to meet severe cllmstlo conditions, 30 per cent excessive rain, and the balance are for use In sunny region. Among the srtlcles Included In the bid sre 60,000 loggers' Jacket, 60,000 heavy overalls, 369,000 woolen socks. 37,000 winter drswere, 41,000 com forters, 48,00 mattresses and 38,000 mattress cover. Th war department announce that th Army and Navy Journal ha offered gold medal and allver and bronze buttons for the best conducted O. O, C. osmps In each oorp area, rne scheme of retlng for ach cmp will be baaed on leadership and Initiative, camp administration and operation, and quantity and quality or forestry work accomplished. The face ot th gold medal win ahow an oak tree with atara above and oak leave be neath. The ribbon of the medal will n green and brown, the foreac oolora, and the gold clasp will b s replica of th American Eagle. 4 T REI TOKYO, Aug. 31-(AP) Sever! Tokyo nswspepers aaserted todsy that Soviet Russia, confidant ot friendly relation with western neighbors, I now reinforcing the army In far-eastern Siberia. One Journal credited It resort to n unnamed source In th Tokyo war office, which It said wa anxiously watching for development. Broken window glased Dy Trow bridge Cabinet Work. WESTERN GUUIIS GAINING INTEREST Thousand of motorist throughout the west sre showing great Interest In the new, Improved Western olant tire, report 0. J. Prltchett, local man. ager ot the Weatern Auto Supply com pany. "Due to Increased saeed. aiiieks get-away and sudden stop, th safety factor In tlra construction la of vital consideration to present-day suto owner,' ne ssld. "Thl demand for greater safety ha led to th ooncena nation of Western Auto'e manf yeara or experience In tire merchan dising toward the perfection ot a tiro inai would meet thl need. "Motorists who have seen this Im proved western Olant realm it glsnoa that one of the features of tha tire Is Its thicker, longer wesnne non-skid tread surface, which ha been designed to give mora mile ana greater Safety Under today's mnfnrlna conditions. Its aclentlflcslly designed, center traction tread provide sturdy snouiaers and center blocka of rubbei correctly alternated with slots to de crease the danger of lde-aklds ana slipping, and to assure a poslttv oiw on the road surface when brake are spplled. Thl Increase ot traction ha been aocomnllahed with out sacrificing steering esse. wane tne moioriat cannot see, Mr. Prltchett continued. "U tv mv structure, so he will be Interested to know that our engineers were no content with Improving the outsld alone, but turned to the development of a stronger carcass. By strength ening he piles egalnst blowout, through the use of long staple cot ton, each layer of cord fahrln he.vllv impregnated under pressure with pure iswx gum robber, they offer much greater safety to Western Giant users." That tha company' slogan "Save) With Safety" has been carried out by giving Its patrons mora tire satlafao. tlon per dollar invested l. the hii of Mr. Prltchett. "An additional aav. Ing has been mad possible by ous) liberal trade-In offer on old tlr to purchasers of Weatern Giants." BLOND TIGRESS 4 GETS 199 YEARS CHICAGO, Aug. 81. (AP) Mr. Eleanor Jarman, called th "blond tigress" by police because of hr al leged participation In holdups, waa under a 190-year prison sentence to day following her conviction on charge of murder In connection wltn th recent allying of Guativ Hoth, 71, In her hiberduhery. Mrs. Jarman' companion, Oeorgsj Dale, her alleged aweethesrt, and Leo Mlnnecl were convicted it the aim time. Dais, accused of being tha actual slayer, was sentenced to delta In th electric chair, while Mlnnect received a 199-year prison sentenc when a Jury In criminal court re turned Its verdict lsst night, Th 39-year-old divorce, who Is th mothr of two children, took th stand during the trial and den 13 any connection with the shootlna, asserting she wa th Innocent vic tim of her two co-defendant, whom ah socused of slaying the aged mer chant without her knowledge, YANKEEAlSERS WASHINGTON. Aug. 81, (AP) A, A. Berle, Jr., legal- adviser to th farm admlnltrtlon on sugar mat Mrs, and John Laylln of th treaaury, will be sent to Cuba as sdvlsers to the American embassy In connection with Cuban economic reorganisation. Formal announcement of the mission was mad today by Secretary Hull. Berle 1 on of President Roose velt's professional counaallor Lsylln 1 special assistant to Under-Secretary Dean Acheson ot th treuury. Their functions, Hull ssld, will b to analyze th Cuban financial and economlo situation tor th guldano of th American government. They expect to atay but 18 day, assisting Ambassador Sumner Welle, nd be back In Washington befor th new ambassador, Jefferson Cat tery, tket over th post. Bright Spots inv TTntbul s-u I Investment Company of America! report net profit for first hlf of thl yar at 833,183, compared with Iom ot 848,601 in tint halt of 193. Chicago, et. Paul, Minneapolis j Omaha railroad report July net In come of 3157,840. compared with a net loss of 3381,093 in th asm month- last year. Draper corporation place It toc on a 33.40 annual dividend basis, oompsred with 33 pud previously. F. E. Myer 4s Brother company resume common dividend of 98 quarterly on dock after lapse ot mor then seven month. Reynolds Spring company report July sales of 8331.184. -. 8108,340 in July, 1939; sale In th nrst n osys of August wer mor than 100 per cent above th asm period In 1833. Emporium Capwell corporation re port for th first year ended July 31. a net profit of 3180.447, compared with a net lo of 89,330 In th pr-' ceding year.