TAGE mTJ You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MENFORD MAIL TRrBUM!, MEDFORH, OREGON'. SUNDAY, 'ArGUST 27, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad WANT to tell four ome? Want to get rid ol let odd nd nd Id household fui"!Uning Oo you oeed toon tot your gar dnt Mi inexpensive Wnt-Ad id the Mail Tribune Classified page will find the snswer tc these end many other perplexing problem. Here Arc the Rates: per word ttret insertion ( Minimum 35e) Bach additional insertion, per word ' lc (Minimum 10c) Per line pet month, without oop) changea 75 Phone LOST ANU FOUND TfUr Bunch of keys seven Yale. tcorbln. other, assorted. Reward Leave at Tribune olllce-TJT-.Pemale Boston Bull terrier; "JhTth gmw turn 81B pranquette StBewaro.. toSr" Horn-rlm glasses Monday Jht between Sacred Heart ho., pifal and Riverside. Plea return to Mall Tribune. LOST it dog missing. caU 1916. " help wanted female WMEN-Earn SoSn,." W Havemeyer Street. Broolclyn. N. Y. ir - " " '7."."J Hh'n.iasvnrk. cli I Idre n ; bwrd. rom. wages. Phone 1317-J. j WANTED MAUl HELP " STEADYWOnK GOOD PAY Several choice openings In country and towns for reliable men or wo men. No capital or experience re quired Write Mr. Thomas Supt., 426 Third Street, Oakland, Calif. FALL Season opening up. Need sales men to sell adv. calendars and nov- - eltles. Experience preferable but not necessary Our good, sell to ever, line of business. Commissions paid every week. V. S. Walsh, 156 Second St., San. Francisco, the California house. NATION-WIDE boom In Diesel Indus try Le'arn now in 8 to 13 weeks. Opportunities will amaze you. Free Diesel booklet. Hemphill Diesel En gineering Schools. 637 westlake North, Seattle, 3138 San Fernando Rd., Los Angeies. WANTED Responsible adult to drive our csr to Pasadena, transporta tion expenses. Mr. an Mrs. Fred Walker, community nospltal. WANTED Young person with ability to meet public, for part time work Salary. Box 13314. Tribune. WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED woman wants work as cook and housekeeper; can take complete charge. References. Tel. 853-W. TWO A-l cooks snd housemen, col t ored, desire work. Neat, courteous, reliable. 13113. Tribune, WANTED By young woman, position as atenogrspher or office work. Ad dress Box 12317, Tribune. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .. ," t1. ',.,- inr COWS. BlSO want saddle horse. Chester Wendt. WILL pay cash for good used Model - T Ford Phone 1333-W. 32214 south Central. . HIOH SCHOOL fill wants home for winter. Phone J7B.-J. ANYONB having any canning apricots Phone sei-B-s. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. 8e lb. Also day work. Tel. 4-F-3. WANTBD Reetrto washer, cheap (or cash. Boi laio. WAjrixu -chops w ,--, - lent feed, running water; M.00 per .w uveri lane. jsoata. " - near O. B. CHILDREN "well eared for. day or nour. utw bwjw ' - WAJTTED Laundry completely (In. lshed. 8e lb. Phone 4-F-J. wantrd Uudani house to rent. hirnrani wslklnt distance to courthouse. Phone 17-J. wiHTim white Left-born puller. niT deaarmtlon and Price. Box 133. Butte Falls, Ore. W.OULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to party wit.i ieeu. - " Howell, Rt 3. Grants Pass. WANTED to buy old gold, dental scraps, piscer goto cvu . " nuiga, cornei Front oi Main. . WANTED Household aoods. stove, tools or what have you Uedlord Bargain Bouse. 37 N. Orape St Tel 1063. WANTED Listings of valley homes 'n exchange for eboice Cal property Staple Beslty Oo., Ashland FA! GRINDING A apMlslty Brown the n.y gnndes. s0 So Central.. PHONE ieo-R Have your furniture . rettpboistored, realued, reflnlshed Tblbedlt, I ONE WAJTIXD We par easa tot mm BATTERIES ItQU I OSS ALUMINUM BH.usS. OOPPn fj una of aJ desenpthtn MXDPORO ')V BOUSE II Wo, Orape Tei W3 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Karrj Keen (or Model A Phone tn-X. SOU sts.Nl UOLOtb FOR RENT Furnished 3-rcom apt.. with bath. Also partly turn. 4-rm. house. Inquire 319 Beatty St. SMALL well furnUhed house at 329 . N. Bartlett. Call at 331 Apple. 8-ROOM modern houae. Price 81500. 923 N. Rlveralde. Phone 318-X. FOR RENT Furnished houses, cab Ins. 88.00, 810.00; water. 813 Sum mit. COTTAGE at 104 So. Oaltdale Ave.. 17.50. 706 Dakota Ave. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter WWK. OU t.UtKI. FOR RENT No. 3 Holly Court, newly dcorated. electric range, refrlgera tor. oil heat. First Insurance Agen cy. H- H. Brown. Phone 105; after S. 1670. FOR RENT 917 W. 11th. 37 Washington. 811 w. 2nd (stucco). 1003 Sailing Ave. 205 Tripp. 208 Summit. FIRST INSURANCE AOENCT H. H. Brown. Phone 109. After 5, 1670. HOUSES (.10. 113 60 and 915. water paid; wood range Phone 103. For RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. Brown a White. CLASSY modern 5-room stucco, east front Cleat 63S Pine. FOR RENT 3-room house, furnish' ed or urn trnlshed. Call 834-R. HOMES FOR RENT Call 696. FOR BALE OR RENT tldney Smltn nome corner west Main At urange Exclusive listing w L Vawt.r Jackson Co Bank Bldg. FOR RENT A well furnished 8-room house. Inquire 817 W. 10th. FIVE room rurnlsned home. 113 Cot tage. FOIl SALE HUMES FOR SALE New 8-room modern house, owner, will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlantlc St., Medford. rUH dtN'l APAKTMBNTS FURN. 3 and 3-room apts. and gar age. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apart ments; shade. 616 No. Central. FOR RENT Apartments, 829 North Riverside. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. combination living and dining room, sleeping room, kitchenette with butlt-lna. gas range, refrigerator, bath and toilet. ' Heat and water furnished. Rent 11800 per month Phone 7t or call at Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT Purnlahed apartment Bo no sartiett. DURRELl COURT 829 No Hetly. FUR KENT FURNISHED KOU.MS FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms. 636 w. 4tn. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing rooms with oath room privi leges, garage. 810 per month. 329 So Riverside. FOR RF.NT Attractive rooms, good board at 14 cottage. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S Grape FOR RENT BOARD AND ROUMS FOR RENT Good board, room. 193 No. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E. Main Rates very moderate. FOR Kt.NT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 16x60 feet on Grape St. Suitable for email busi ness. Located next door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent. Call at Mall Tribune office or Phone 79. fOB EXCHANOB FOR EXCHANOB 1 "4 ton Graham truck for -ton truck. Phone Flynn Electric Co, 107-J. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Register ed Guernsey bull. Phone 697-J-3. DAYBED or 13-guage pump shotgun for light trailer, 1-horse corn cul tivator, other small tools. Apply E. E. Davis, Beagle P, O. FOR TRADE Old car with good mo tor for wood or work. Tel. 1349-X. FOR SALE Or trade for pigs, model T. Ford truck with Warlord trans mission. Ted Fish. Phoenix. WILL TRADE csr, truck, radio for wood. Hlway Exchange, one mile south oi Phoenix. WANT UVBSTOCK Will trade equity In 3-room bouse, ixcellent location Box 1093i Tribune. FOR EXORANOE Light Kdan In good condition, tor truck. Phone 807-H-l. J-ROiOa modern Dome bath laundry tra. aoreeoed porch bulll-lns gar age attad and rult tree: 1700 equity for ear. acreage oaoin site or wnei nave you mono 1030-1 or write Box 137 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse, 1400 I be. 7 year old Walter Jones. 3nd house below bridge So. Ashland WOOD for jay or potatoes near Trail R O Skellenger. Trail Ore. rUH EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FRUIT CANNERY, well located for residence or ranch. Phone 987-X. tlSOO EQUITY In 9-room house North Central, paving paid, wilt sell cheap or trade for cabin site, acreage. Phone 70. CORNER lot, business, modern home, combined for ecreue. Mr. Zeeta Soom. Twin Fall. Idaho. P"H flALl OB TRADE S20 acres gxMd farm land la aouthera Alberta for Madfurd property or a-rrane. Must be ear. o.ner. Marr t. Oustafson. Stsr :. MertrcM. Ore. IdO-ACRB fsrr la lalsKufl far trad, rrtotw M7-X. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE A etocxeo and equipped farm (or uediora or Ashland residence property or email acreage. Address Box 33. Wil liams, Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home In Bend Ore., clear for eometning ciear In Medford or Ashland Prefer smsll acreage. What have you. 198 7th St. Ashland. rOB SALE SEAL BSI'ATB WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown SB w n i wj fOB SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Young horses, some broke to work and ride, j-none sas-j-e. FOR SALE 100 sheep. Phone 417. FOR SALE Saddle mare and saddle. spring turkeys. Angora raooiie. so. Pao. hlway, third bouse on left S. fairgrounds. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 300 R. I. Red pullets, also few bens Blood, Pitt, View Ave., near central Point. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: New 60 Winchester shot gun, cheap. 603 N. Bartlett. mw aat.it. PmrhM. arinles. Damson I plums. Phone 539-J-l. Mrs. Luke. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, solid oak, white porcelain top. 812.00. Call 843 West Second St. FOR SALE! Tomatoes lo per lb. Cal houn ranch, 1 mile 8. W. of Phoenix. FOR SALE Port Or ford cedar boat. A-l condition. 846 Apple St. FOR SALS 3-wheel trailer. 3nd house west Marymac Orchards, J'vllle Phoenlx Road. FOR SALE Kelvlnator, dinette set. chest of drawers and library table. 117 Mistletoe. . FOR SALE Crawford peaches for canning. Bring containers. Joe Kantor, Rt. 4, Box 337. FOR SALE OR TRADE - 1500-watt rebuilt Western Electrio light plan. ft brood sows, 6 feeders. 1119 No. Central. FOR SALE 8.00 circulating coal heater. 411 Woodstock. FOR SALE Sweet corn. Special Prices on quantities. Jake Brown. south end King's highway. FOR SALE uolden corn. . tomatoes. canteioupe. uamson plums, car penter ranch, Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all mixes, eo up: terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co, 24 N Bartlett DAIRY FLY SPRAY Kills file and absolutely keeps flies off cows pas ture Will not tslnt milk 90c per gallon bring own container Jerry Barr. 4tb St N Bartlett. FOR SALE Large ce box; also large electrio range 706 Dakota Ave. HODOEN BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy feeds. Jerry Barr. 4th es N Bartlett. NEW FEED STORE Buy at lower prices Jerry Barr. 4th As Bartlett Phone 803. ?OR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer uu teaming, pooue vn-j. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIITIES FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10 cabin auto camr. at Alturas. Calif Big Pme. Lbi. Co. Medford. Ore. 81200 EQUITY in 8-room house. No Central; paving paid. Will sell cheap or trade. MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Two-pump service sta tion, water system, air compressor. Low rent. Box 168, Central Point. Authorized Prlgldatre Service Other Manes rep. Tel. 437 Nights 009-Y FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE 30-passenger school bus. Inquire Jacksonville Service fits. FOR SALE Model A Ford truck, late 1830, long wheelbase, dual wheels and In A-l condition. KermJt Thlede. Eagle Point. Good Used Cars! Trade: Your Old Car for a Better One! A Written Guarantee with Every Car. 1928 LaSalle Convertible Coupe. 1939 Auburn 8 Sedt'M. 1939 DeSoto Sedan. 1928 Chevrolet Convertible Coupe. 1939 Chevrolet S Sedan. Also others to choose from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 88 N Riverside FOR SALE One Federal truck, one auick sedan, cheap. CaU 630 8. Central. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. A Detract of ntl. iltle Insurance Rooms nd a. No. (3 North Central Av upstair. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title nd Tl'l Insurance. Tbe only complete Tit lei lilttn to J season County. Expert Window Cleaner. LET OEOROS DO IT Tei. 1173 House Hanin. Ploor Waaing. Ori ental rug clesnlruj. specialty. ob Prlntlni. MAIL TR! BUNTS JOB DEPARTMENT Best .quipped plant id eoutbern Orerun Printing of tl iDd; book binding; looa-le.f ledger, sod bunas, hilling system, duplicating easb aales allpa and everything in the pnnttng lines 38-30 N. Orape Phone 76 Minting and paperhanglng. at A BUSS Paintint ano paper aasflnf. JL Md-W. Ill B. Orf. BUSINESS niRECTOBT Money to Lena. WB LEND iONSY ON FURNITURE AND LATE W DEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charges See W. E. Thomas. 49 S. Central around floor Oraterlan Theatre Bldg S'ste License No S-197. Piano ant violin Instruction. FHED ALTON HAiOHT. Teacher of Piano Haigbi Song Semes. Arrang ing, Composing, eta 318 Liberty Bldg. Trausrer. BADS VRANSP.J4 & STORAGE CO Office 1016 No central Phone Sit Prices right Service guaranteed. RE1NKINQ. TR0CKINQ CO Trans fer .nd .Storage We haul anything a', a reasonable price. Ill No. FU Street Phone 333. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Price right Riverside Fbone 1044-X LEGAL NOTICES Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the Jackson County Court will on Au gust 30, 1933, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., receive bids for the furnishing of 40 cords of body fir to be delivered by October 1, 1933, at the Jackson County Farm. JACKSON COUNTY COURT. The Epworth League met In the parlors of the First Methodist church Thursday evening for the purpose of electing officers for tho ensuing yesr. After the election a social hour was enjoyed, closing with light refreshments. - The following were elected to or flee: President, Joyce Banish; first vice president, Hugh Shurtleft; sec ond vice president, Mildred Walker: third vice president, Margaret Bate man: fourth vice president, Marvin Burke: secretary, Jean GUllngs; treasurer, Bill Walker: chorister. Florence Neumann: pianist, Helen Power: assistant pianist, Juanlta Wilson. TAX EXEMPTION PLAN GET BALLOT TITLE SALEM, Aug. 36. (API The Inltta tlve proposing to exempt Oregon tax payers from 81300 assessed property valuation received a ballot title to day and will go on the November, 1934, ballot provided sufficient signa tures are obtained prior to July 8 next year. '- - " - - r The exemption applies to all kinds of taxable property, Including atate. county and municipal taxes, and would become effective December 31, 1934. . . Bandits Get S6000. SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 26. (AP) Four bandits traveling In an auto mobile bearing Montana license plates bound four employes of the Sugar house branch of the First National bank here today with mop strings and adhesive tape and escaped with ap proximately $6,000. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Altogether 6. Kemunerata 9. Fragment 14. Subdued pitch of voles 18. Magnifying glasa 17. Three-toed sloth - 15. Gait of a horse It. Northern Eu ropean 31. Oil: sufllx 22. Twist i 25. Punish by a fins 27. Fall or ret on the knees SB. Devour 10. Trail 31. Mctrlo land measure S3. Zeal 2. Home 35. Insect 7. Dried gT" 25. Edibls roots 41. Sun god 12. Contented murmur 41 Parcel of ground 44. Exclamation 45. C7lglnator 4S. r.mal doctor. -Mloq, 4. ! a So, Rodent 61. Fan. n (3. Symbol for copper 14. Eatt Indian division of society 16. Pallid Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle F I RjTgC M o r eIJa I R puL 5 ET A NES I D E SHP R MIU OJJ SLA AtRaF L A T OB ERA T E ATiR R I V EE PTA R C E i i RElDfi,j.5N IT. Cut or tear Into -long narrow plcs HA. B prennt at (3. lamentably 44. Japan'! measure II, Bar of wood or metal B7. Condiment 68, Forward 49. Important ee currence 71. Word which Imitates the eound of wl.st It uroea 14. Tight 71. Was vlctorl out 7-U 3 U i Wt 7 Is WJti " l' " ffi mZZlWZZZZ. WW IJi J3 W 1 41 -Pjt 43 YM, 44 s sr S6 st , k LL, i 4 laalM- I " -- H.i i Hill ur w trr St. Mark's Church No service will be Sunday morning because of absence of Father Hamil ton. Main Street Methodist Church South N. D. Wood, pastor Services for Sunday, August 37tn; 9:49 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Communion service 7:00 p. m Young Peoples service 7:00 p. m. Union service at the park. Rev. W. R. Balrd la the apeak- er. Phoenix Presblerisn Church Sundsy school, 10 s. m. J. O, N. Poling, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 . m. Rev. Ralph 8. Peterson, pastor. Christian Endeavor (or adult and young people, 7 p. m. Evening church sen-ice at 8 :oo. Tne pastor Is planning a series of biog raphies of the Bible chsractcrs. and the first chsraeter chosen la Adam All in the community are cordial ly Invited. fit. Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) E. Main snd Portland Ave. H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday school at 9:49 o'clock. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock. Theme of the sermon: The Sin of Exalting Oneself. No evening service. Adult, class meets Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to the church which believes In "a changeless Christ for a changing world." Church of God. Cor. Raven and Holly Sti. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Subject: What It means to take up the cross. Mr. Charles B- Williams and Miss Eva LoulM Crocker will be united In marriage at the close of the 11 o'clock service. Rev. H. W. Burch at the 8:00 o'clock service. Subject: "When Ood Speaks. The public is cordially invited. H- W. Burch, pastor. 2101, English Lutheran cnurcn. West Fourth St., at Oakdale Ave. Geo. P. Kabele, DD pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes for all ages. Morning service, 11 a. m. Sermon by Martin Q. Kabele. son of the pas tor and student for the ministry, who will preach his first sermon Sunday morning before going to Chicago. 111., to continue his studies. The general public heartily welcome. Union service In the city park at 7 p. m.. In the city park with Rev. W Balrd In charge end speaker. Church of the Nazarene John T. La Rose, pastor "Unified Sunday Morning Service." 9:49 to 13 noon. Messsge bjr the pastor on "Caterpillars." Young People'a Society groups meeting at 7:00 p. m. Class meeting In the annex at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Ser mon by the pastor on "Life's Em phasis." Mid-week prsyer meeting In the church Wedneadsy, B:00 p. m. You are welcome at thla church. Cross-Word Puzzie 11. Byrnbnl for ruthenium IX. Certain icrlp tursl writ Ings which some regard as non fat! on inl All R TE R N sTlje Jt E E EttPLUME PL A NE Dfl II. Volcano In Martinique II. High pointed hill JO. Sixth net. of the seal. II. Orderly 34. Mournful IS. Hindu qucsn in. Little child II. The En,llh flower wake- robtn II. Governed 35. Part of a curve J. Rtory 17. Smsll rud. nous. II. Decay j ,0. Male child T. . Model. . Dlrectloa S sT. Tier 4K. Flesh of desr 49. Restrain 13. Hlrlk. lightly I. Talkatlva It. Mark of omis sion II. Growlnr out 17. ' Marnar" II. Run away to marry s. Units of fore. .1. Doubls: prefix II. Head covering U. Not loud 7t, Tvp. measure 73. Word of r. fuial 71. Correct! eolloej. I C EDYIt mm i TIEJJ 5 l N EflM I KJ D Ejw IN G 5 RT N UlS T LlElRl EERU 74. H.ral41e (oun tains DOWN 1. err of the duck i. Combination I, Small fish . Skin dls.ss. I. Town In northern New Hamp ahlre 9. Csrthanware 7. Article S. Word of eon- ssnt f. Closes forcibly 10, lolcmn egTH m.nt Mr. and Mrs. ,,i,. ww ,. , r"T'" -l When Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manta alighted from a giant Boeing plne at the Chicago municipal airport on August 11th., after a honeymoon flight from Medford, a Plymouth De Luxe convertible cabrolet was await ing or them, a gift from Mrs. ManU's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Roberts The First Methodist Church Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday BChool, 0:45 a. m, 'Mr. E. J. Neumann, superintendent. Come and study the Bible with us. W have classes for all ages. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Ser mon theme, "God's Evangels." Mrs. Irene Roba of Grants Pasa will be our guest soloist. The Misses Corn, Neumann and Banish will also sing. Epworth Leagues meet at fl p. m. Union services in the city park at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at i.au p. m. Medford Company of Jehovah' Witnesses. The Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses are broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford over KMEO every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:19. These lectures are given by electrical transcription and will be repeated on Thursday at 4 p. m. The subject of one to be given Sunday. August 37, la "Where Are the Dead?" Jehovah' Witnesses meet for study every Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at No. 103 Mlatletoe 'street. All Interested In Watch Tower Bible study are welcome. First rnrtsttan Church, Ninth and Oakdale streets. W. R. Balrd. minister, Bible school at 9:4ft a. m. t,. O Oentner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible class In court house auditorium at 9:45. Morning worship begins at 10:55 Sermon subject, "Doing More Than Others." Musical program as follows: Prelude "Berceuse" Godard Offertory "Monastery Bells" Wely Anthem, "The Hesrt of Ood "....McAfee Postlude, "Coronation March' Meyerbeer Union church services In the park at 7:00 p. m. The pastor of this church will be the speaker. Flrtit Presbyterian Church Sunday school, 0;.A . m. Morning worship, 11 . m. Prelude: "Song Without Words, Wrlgley. Doiology: Invocation nd Lord' Prayer; Gloria Patrl. Hymn. Scripture reading and prayer. Hymn. Announcement. ' Offertory: "Song of the Seraph.1 Solo Selected; Mr. Nandle. Sermon: "Religion That Is Mere Utility." Rev. Robert B. Cooper, pas tor first Presbyter!. n church of Ala meda, Calif. Benediction. Postlude Festival Poetludlum. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The Plret Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mas. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for' Sunday, August 37: Christ Jesus. Sunday school at :. Applicant under the age of 30 may be ad mltud. Wednesday evening meetings, which Include testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings, at S o'clock. The reading room, which I located at 401 in the Medford building. Is open dally from 7 a. m. to S p. except Sundaya and nolidaye. The librarian 1 In attendance from 10 to 4. at which time the Blbl, and all authorized Christian Selene, litera ture may be read, borrowed or pur chssed. The public I cordlslly Invited to attend the service and visit the reading room. CLAUDETTE COLBERT'S APPENDiX THAiLVTENS HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 3d. (UP) Claudette Colbert, motion picture star, waa removed to hospital last night sfter sudden Attack of sp ot nrilcltta. Miss Colbert wm to htve tailed to. morrow on film expedition to Ha waii, but her departure will b. delayed until September 3. LANCASTER. Pa, Aug. 2d. ( API Flv. persons were killed and another prohnbly fatally Injured today a a special Pennsylvania railroad Inspec tion t.aln rraahed Into their auto mobile at Brooks Lending, along the j 8iquehnna river a mil. south of Columbia, Mantz Receive Plymouth Coupe of thM city. The young couple will return to their new home In Palo Alto, California In their new Ply mouth after touring in the east. The accompanying photograph shows Mr. and Mrs Mantz seated in their new car with the United Air Lines pilot In the foreground and the plane's stewardess In the background. The GOVERNMENT FOR E TO PORTLAND. Aug. 56. (API The United States cannot afford to be come a nation of tenants. This statement was made her. to day by Frank A. Chase, director of field service for the Federsl Home Loan Bank board, who came to Ore gon to tell residents of this state that the federal government has de signed a program to make home own ership feasible and possible for U earners. 'Every Industrious and thrifty American family should be sbie to buy a home at a price the family csn afford to pay," Chase declared, "and so flnancsd that the home can be purchased without undue sacrifice." He related that the government ha created the Federal Home Loan board with this Idea In mind. A federsl .reserve bsnk for savings and loan associations was organised. Then a system of federal savings and loan associations was developed for mort gage loan service In districts not al ready sufficiently aerved. The fed eral home owners losn corporation, now being organized In Oregon, was the third step. Chase la here to determine the need for additional savings and loan associations. Congress bss appropri ated 1100.000,000 to be used In as sisting new Institutions to open and to atrengthen existing associations :n need of further financing. The gov ernment will match local funds, dol lar for dollar, up to 100 ,000 limit. It la Chase's plan to Interview many local and state officials, sav ings and loan association executive nd thrifty citizens who desire to go Into the savings and loan busi ness, as he csn meet bor-v today and tomorrow. 4 SALEM, Aug. 3d (AP) The old ge pension Isw. operative at the first of next yesr, will be administered by the board of county commissioners In Multnomah county. Attorney-Gen eral I. H. VanWInkle held In opinion handed down today. The county court will administer the law In other counties. Applications for old age pensions must be hesrd within a reasonable time and commlaslons have no eu thorlty to arbitrarily refuse to grsnt applications when they are presented In proper form, stated the opinion wnicn was requested by William Eln tig. secretary of the state board of eontrol. The maximum pension I 30 month. Courthouse News (Purnlahed by th Jackson County AMtraet Oo 131 B Sixth Street I Marrtsge License Max A. Water snd Portia Hubbard. Harold B. Cox and Isabel Pes ante Charles B. William snd Eva L. Crocker. Charley D. Spenoe and Kathleen Lemmon. Floyd W. Arlington and Berth C. Whlteny. Hsr-y H. Phillip and Eugenia V Derrick. Albino OrovanlnnI and Helen Hef ner. Probate Court Estate of J. B. Olfford, deceased- Admitted to probate. Estate of Elmer H. Oreb, s minor Admitted to probate. Circuit Court Jackson County Building As Loan Aasn. i. W. O. Cooksey t 1 For.- cloaur. COUNTY COURTS TO HANDLE PENSIONS car was purchased from Clyde E&ktn of Eahln Motor company. Medford Dodge and Hy mouth dealer, and da live red by a Chicago representative) of the Plymouth corporation. Mr, and Mrs. Mnnts arrived In the Illin ois metropolis Just twenty-four hours and twenty minutes after leaving the Medford airport. Elmer B. Phelps vs. Mary J, Phelps Divorce. First National Bank of Medford vs. J. O. Cass, Olllle Csss. t E. Elsert snd E. F. Elsert Foreclosure. Pleroe-Allen Motor Co. vs. B. . Bailey Chattel Uen. Wm. M. McAllister vs. F. W. Town- send Certificate of attachment. Roy M. Parr vs. Paclfte Record. Herald Publishing Co., Earl K. Feh Certificate of levy. Ruth Davidson vs. L. O. Davidson--. Divorce. Dally AuLo Painting Co. v. A. D. Collier Chattel lien. Nellie T. MerrUan, Myrle M. Merrt. man and Thomas Francla Merrlmaa Incorporate as Merrunan'a Shop, Inc, capital 5000. Place of business, Medford. Ore, Real Estate Transfer aherlff to O. L. Hammond et el Tax deed to NW1, of Sec. 33, Two, 35 8., R. 4 W. Sheriff to Orln R. Adamson Tax deed to lota 15 to 39 inclusive. Cen tre! Add. to Eagle Point. Sheriff to Harley and Grace Hall- Tax deed to tract In Seo. 10, Twp. i 5., R. 3 W. , Sheriff to Hamilton Fatton Tax deed to lot 3: SWVi of NE'i; WH of BEY, of Sec. 3, Twp. 34 8., R. 1 E. Sheriff to William Lewis Tax deed to lot l; SEVi of NE,4: KV, of SE'4 of Seo. t, Twp. 33 8., R. 3 E. Sheriff to Veils H. King et 1 Tsx deed to 8EV, of NW4: E' of SW4l SW14 of BE of See. 34. Twp. 34 R. 1 W. Sheriff to Robert O. Tan Vslzah al Tax deed to NW4 of See. 10, Twp. 41 8., R. 4 W. Sheriff to W. H. Milton t al Tax! deed to W'4 of 8W(4; BEVi of SWli of Seo. 13, Twp. 85 8., R. 4 W. Sheriff to Glen Brennei? Tax deed to tract In Bees. 15 and 33, Twp. 38 8.. R. 4 W. Sheriff to S. W. Blakeley Tax deed to NEK Of Seo. 80, Twp. 35 S.. B. W. Sheriff to city of Medford Tea deed lo lots 1 and 11, block 1. and lot 3, block 3, Kenwood Add.; lot 13, block 3. Newtown Add.; lot 14, block lot 4, block 4, Oak Orove Sub4 lot 7, block S, Page Add.; pert lot block 1, Riverald. 6ub.; part lo4) Short'a Add.; lots 7. 8, 8. block 3: lots a, 7, B, 0, 10, 11, -block 4, Walnut Park Add.; lota 81, 83. 30 Olenn Oak Sub.; lots 18, 18. Laurelhurst Add. block 1, all in City of Medford. Sheriff to O. w. Walker et al Tax deed to part of SE!4 of SE'i of Seo. 10, Twp. 30 s.. R. 8 W. Sheriff to J. W. Wright t ux-JT deed to lot 8, block 3, Lewi Bub. tj Jacksonville. J. H. Young et ux to S. L. OullU ford Deed to part block 3, Wllleka) Add, to Medford. J. C Barnes et tlx to Frank JL Hansen et ux W. D. to lot 1, block 1, Summit Add. to Medford. Mary J. O. Smith to Wendl. M. Smith et si. D. to lots 1, a. 8. 4, i, 8, 7, S, 9, 10, block 3, Queen Anus) Add. to Medford. Esther Brashear to Ernest J. Rein king et ux W. D. to land In DLO 38. Twp. ao S, R. 4 W. John B. Hair et ux to Esther I Braatuar Q. C. D. to land In DLO 38, Twp. 39 8., R. 4 W. Wallace Wood et ux to Jackson County Building it Loan Assn. W. D. to lot 3, block 30, City of Med ford. Florence F. Dean et vlr to Paul M. Janney W. D. to tract In DLO 78, : Twp. 37 8, R. a W. i Edwin O. Warner t 1 to Edith W. Pat ton W. D. to tract In SW14 of Sec. 35, Twp. 37 8, K. 1 W, la Medford. John B. Peter et ux to Ruby a. Ranney W. D. to lot II, block S, Shady Cov., unrecorded. Oherlff to Intermountaln Building At Loan Sheriff deed to lot 33, Maple Part. r;ub4 unrecorded. ' Tom Clngcade to Lottie Clngcarte W. D. to undivided half Interest In tract in DLO 46, Town of Eagle Point. Clyde R. Oalbreath et ux to Mile B. Harper et ux W. D. to lot , P'eassnt Valley Farm Tracts; part of NI'.j og NE4 Ol Seo. 31, Twp. 35 8, R. 4 W, lying east of Evans Creek. Kenneth B. Bannister to D. F. Fu son W. D. to tract In Sec. SO, Twp. 37 S, R. I W, I'adeout. LOS ANOELES, Aug. 38. (AP) A romance which began when Eugene V. Brewster was a weslthy magaaln publisher and Corliss Palmer, th "Oeorgla Peach" of a beauty contest, ended today with Alls Palmar filing suit for dlToroe.