PAGE ETGHT irEBFORD ir&TL TRIBUNE, IfEDFORD, OREGON, SUSDSY, 'AUGUST 27, 1933. 11 7u- HIDDEN DOOR BY FRANK L. PACKARD . t-HIBt Leaving Germain. .altlag, whom he love; walung ui a motor boat. Colin Hewitt has crept through the dark tooodj 10 Ihi "club" a criminal hangout, to warn Joo Latarrc that Dollatrc'o hl-iackert glan a raid. Colin hope for kelp asainel Ike Haek, Arete York underworld Car, from La aire, although the Ifaeb operate thut tame Bt, Lawrenoo river "club." Colin ie too late ; ho e tied to a tree; Dollaire'e men eftoof down tho club "members" and blast their way Into a eecret room, .a earre llee wounded on tfte poroh; now Dollairo eete fire to the club. Chapter it DESPERATE ATTEMPT TTB stood tbera watchlni. Tht Of- ares ran back to the power house. The flames began to mount kyvariL Ana he could see Lasarre making desperate efforts, as the flames licked along the front wall to ward him, to wriggle farther hack from the threshold, winning his way only by a hopeless Inch or two at a time. He could see Dollalre's men com log ont of the power house with arms fall ot little packages and bundles that contained he did not know what And because there wasn't any more firing, he knew that the "members of the club were penned up some where down there on the shore, routed and beaten. A nightmare I It was no night mare! It was real enough. It was only his brain that was reeling with the horror of It To stand here and watchl In another Ore minutes less than that the flames would reach that open doorway that dark object lying there still barely be jrond the threshold. Why didn't La sarre move faster? The man was wounded, of course, but he wasn't dead tike Kennlston. Why didn't fee A low, startled cry came suddenly from behind him. Be jerked his bead around. Someone was standing there on the path within a yard ot him a girl shadowy His mind snapped back into action. "Germalne!" he said hoarsely. "Colin!" She was beside him Bow. "What Is ltt What has hap pened T I beard a lot of shots being fired and then an explosion. And and yon didn't come back. I couldn't itay there any longer. I". "My wrists!" he broke Id tensely. "Undo them, dear as quickly as you can." "Oh!" she cried In a low, shocked Tolce. "I didn't see. Colin, they're they're bleeding." "It's nothing serious. Can you manage ltt" "Yes; in Just a minute. Tell me" "Not nowl There Isn't any time." His words were coming In fast, Jerky sentences. "You shouldn't have come, but thank God you did. You must go back to the launch the Jnstant I'm free. Before you are seen. Don't leave It again. Walt for me there." "Walt for you!" A sudden fear was In her voice. "Colin, what do yon mean? What are you going to do?" "The Are. Lasarre'a over there In the clubhouse wounded." He was till Jerking out his words. "The flames aren't far from the doorway bow. That's where-he Is. Just In Side the doorway. But there's still a chance that It's not too late. I've (ot to get him out It I can." She was working frantically at his wrists. 1 "But you can't reach him," she protested anxiously. "There are a lot of men around that other building. Tea would be seen the moment you tepped out from these treee here." "No," be answered quickly. "I'll keep among the trees and go around this end of the clearing. It's scarcely any farther, and I can get in through the back ot the clubhouse that way." "Then I could go too," she as serted. "I might be able to be of some help. There that awful thing is off at last!" THE! only way you can help any more now Is to take care ot yourself!" He was rubbing the bruised skin ot his numbed wrists tp restore the circulation. "Any (jitng else Is Impossible, Germalne. .Ton must get back to the launch at once." "But, Colin, I" her voloe broke in a hslf sob "I csn't "Germalne," he said huskily, "ev ery second Is counting. You've al ready done far more than your share don't let that go for nothing now. for God's sake, dear quick!" "Oh, Colin!" ehe whispered, as she dung to him desperately for an in stantand then, turning, sped back along the path. And then Colin was running too ui ..uiuuuug at times as he made the short circuit ot the clearing. Lazarrel No, It wasn't Just Lasarre. Any man! He would have done It for any man who was trapped there as Lasarra was. There was nothing herole about It Just to get In through the back of the clubhouse. Germalne! God, her courage ... I And so he ran, keeping close to the outer edge of the trees, the flames and the moonlight helping him to pick his way. It was not far. He was at the rear of the clubhouse now. There was a back veranda steps close to the trees not much clearing bad been done here. He broke through the trees and ran up the veranda steps. The back door was unlocked. He flung It open and stepped Inside. A glare ot light from the front of the bungalow showed blm the way. He raced for ward. A swirl ot smoke choked him stopped him. The smoke cleared away. He went on again. Leaping shadows carica tured a radio, lounging chairs, a table, and a settee fantastically. This was the living room. There, be yond, was the front door, open, that gave on the veranda and, Just In side the doorway, a dark shape huddled on the floor. Lasarre! That was Lasarre, ot course! He lunged forward. A wave ot heat that scorched his lungs, rob bing blm of his breath, drove him back. Queer that ha could see out through that open door! No ons seemed to be coming and going In and out ot the power house any more. He lunged forward again reached the huddled form on the floor. ."Lasarre!" he called ont "La sarre!" There waa no reply. He dragged the man a foot or two back Into the room and bent down to pick blm up In his arms. ' He cursed his wrists again. His hands seemed to be detached from his arms. Lifting the man In his arms, be staggered across the living room and ont onto the rear veranda. He sucked In the fresh air avidly as be staggered down the steps. TUB man In his arms stirred mumbled deliriously: W.P. W.P. Tell the Wine Press to get Dollalre. Tell the Wine Press d'ye hear tell "em! It's Dollalre damned scum tell 'em , . .1" The words were thudding at Colln's brain as ha reached the bot tom ot the steps and laid the other on the ground. W.P. Yes, that stood tor Wine Press hut what waa tbe Wine Press? What did that mean? But that could watt Where was the man wounded? How badly was be hurt? The flames from the side of the cli'bhouae threw Into fitful relief a white, ashen face, a blood- soaked shirt and the man waa still mumbling in delirium, but Colin could not catch the words now. He tors the shirt open. Ot course It was Lasarre. Bouchard had said so. And there was the scar on the right shoulder to which Reddy had referred a long, Jagged cicatrice running parallel with the shoulder blade. But be had not torn the man's shirt open to look for that scar. He had not thought of the scar, or had any doubt In his mind but that It was Lasarre; he had torn the shirt open to look tor Lasarre'a wound. And now his Hps tightened. There were a good many wounds. Shotgun wounds. Lacarre's body was pep pered with them. He did not know how serious they were. What was ha to do? It Lasarre He rose suddenly to bis feet From the back ot the clubhouse here he could not see the power bouse; but shouts reached blm now, volleying English oaths coming nearer. That answered his question. There was nothing more that he could do tot Lasarre now except leave him to his friends. Yes, and ha smiled grimly it would be Just as well, not only foi the sake of Lasarre, but for Qsr maine's and his own, If ha were not called upon now to explain hia prea ence here! He stepped quickly, back In amongst the trees that were only tew yards off, and waited. They would salvage what they could, no doubt and the only way they could got Into the elub at all now waa by way of the back door, so they were bound to sea lAsarre lying there. But he must at least make sura ot that tor the (Ira would His mind swerved oft at a tangent Dollalre must bare oollectod his loot and es caped. fCopyrVAt, IMS, Pro A. JtootamV Golfn, tomorrow, overhears eoeje t tffe "club members ENGINEER FLIRTING SAY CM VICTIMS BURUNOTON, N. 0., Aug. aa (AP) The allegation that the engineer ot freight train which struck their automobile was busy flirting with a girl by the roadside and neglected to sound a warning signal Is contained in a suit for damages tiled here by O. L. Michael and O. W. Shepherd. The oomplatnu ask each of the Southern railway for Injuries and damages. twld, Murdook 6) Co. oannors 01 the Mora area brand Bartlett pears. will be represented at Mediord this en aeon by Myron Root LONG BEACH, Calif., Aug. 36. (UP) Workmen excavating for . a ewer in the Signal Hill OU field to day stumbled upon the fossilised re mains of two giant prebtstorlo mam male, one a mammoth and the ober a camel. Museum experts aald the remains possibly were 300,000 years old and constituted the most Important scien tific discovery since the famous Brea pits In Los Angeles were explored several years sgo and wielded nu merous prehletorto bones. The mammal, of tbe Imperial group, stood 16 feet high, scientists said. They had not unearthed enough of tbe remains to determine Its length. It was of the type which roamed this region until becoming exllnt 40,000 years ago. Scientists said the mammoth and camel may have died In a battle or were swept together during the glacial period. Tbe bones wra found at a depth of 3S feet. Tan Winkle Goes Eaat. SALEM, Aug. 36. (AP) Attorney general L H. Van Winkle left today to attend a conference of attorneys at Grand Rapids, Mich, where the constitutionality of various state laws authorizing Interstate ssle ot convict-made goods will be considered. Klamath Pelicans Feast On Dead Fish KLAMATH PALLS. Ore, Aug. 36. (UP) Pelicans and seagulls infesting. Klamath and Cwauna lakes were en Joying a "Roman holiday" banquet today on fish killed by a strange mal ady In the mters of Ewauna lake and Link river. Tbe disease has taken a huge toll of cattish, mullet, suckers and chubs. Trout seem Im mune to Its ravages. BANTOUU IU., Aug. 38. (AP) Fire of unexplained origin swept throueh ths photographic and radio equipments buildings on Cbanute tleld today, causing damage wmcn air corps officials estimated at (1,000,-000. S'MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE f let ' - A. eCL " - ' XII I i"PTlTinal II f xf- ) . v (JM f t vA5 ( i J f yTrv S. A4, Ttoo - FAELY By CLUYAS WILLIAMS vfiOSS BWIMM HAMES OMR) Rto. trtic basket tERf- QUOTA, ft? SOS A MXflO HE MIND 6PEMW6 OPftWCrfHER BCflttEOF 6M6ER US, SH5 SCti. unset 685 UP, OPENS BOTTLC, RETURNS AND TAKES A STE OF Hhrt SftKDWca AlwfSDSAN SHRIEKS TQ COME QUICK, A SPIDER'S CWSrVLWfc OH HER RETURNS FROM RE5CUIH6 AWTSU&fiW fROM SPI DER, as witt cms hh m HELP w nwiKfe PEPPER AND Sfttf . rrfflS 1HEM AKD IS A- Bocf tbsrrpowN whdJ JUNIOR REQUIRES HELP m 6ETM3 DtSENTAN6LP TROM Dr8EP VWRE fENCE SEflLES "to UTS HAM REftfRKS fb RHP JOKMR SKtoWICH ATLASJtEf HAS EATEN HIS SAND AS WIFE DISCOVERS KO WlCHES, 1HINKIN6 friEr' ONE HAS HAD ArV OUVB, WERE LEFTOVERS. WW. HECPEN'tol PLEASE HAKES A MEAL ON 0LNS,5APLY (ftyvrlght, 1988, by The Ben SyndVate. Tag) TAILSPIN TOMMY Changing Tide And Luck! By ULKNM UUAfgllt and UAL FORBt&X NO, YOU HAVEN T-- HERS . ONUV AM OtlTSlOE- CKANC6 AGAINST TfloSt I CA5 TDRNADOSS- BS SrGtTtf AT mm? w .that's sN-r wj 1 ism?3' mmiM- v ' tfuess old . C there's 'NcfruiNS Klstt's so -vcSTS it is ,vou havs V y-1 , 7 JOLLA'S WISE S ? 106 CAN DO ABOUT I VI vCP. AN TAKS U&?M IN NOUk HEAO "r B whV tom ' A i--J L 'KL pasco: 'K hunck that, y BOUND TO WIN Just In Time! Wp -THE TIDS ICHANCSltMS, J SHEaTS L5HV I L AND U3S'R5 -nS SOINU TO ?MTi SC TAKel OFP OR NOT' 8v EDWIN ALGER LOOKrfRLpuT DOVSIM VcXlR PPiPPYsV LO-TTAT HOWD VOU tfoH, LCfTT1 "ben . HAVE T ii out, feTHAT6UN,oij fe HERe.LcrrTATlEVERsrr heretclearI 3 jone:W4 vou'ue. Mm WSSSsSSm Just Wsonb bugs t do IJ p 1 THE NEBBS Pardon Me By SOL HESS SO NOURe SCUTllOiK)0U?V'VWWV, MSS .PAUCETT. SOU DiDKJT" STOP TO TVI1KJK TXE MftWftSERS WIPE, TWA.T I MIGHT MOT APPROVE KHAPEROWEO ME- IW OP IT - WOO CARE A LOT. lfCT, SHE SOT Me VWMAT TWE IMVITATIONJ. VWMATS UJROMS VUTTM . that r V VWMAT l APPROVE OP.' I Oil I It I IUJII II I Ihnrtitl 1M. kr tk I l.l I 111'"" ft 'DO sn i ) a a TrJ, Mark Sr. g. AKJO VOO COOUOM'r WAIT AT THE HOTEL BUT YOU CAMg DOWM TO THE DOCK LOOKMOO Like A -SCARE OKI A I iVACATlOtvl AKJD APTER IVEBEEJO BRAS&IMG ABOUT UU1-IAT A SWELL DkESER SOL V ru. Offke . . I VE5.SOO ACTeO UeiE. L WAS A STAItvl OK) A HEW I DRESS, VOU WERE II SO PLEASED TO 7 t COUUDKtT BELIEVE! MV EVES 1 THOLJcSWT VOL) WERE AWAV PISHIMf3 AMO THERE VOU STOOD WITT-( MORE WR1MKLES 1M VOUR CCOTHES THAM THtBE ARE IKJ A VAASHBOARD AMD A FACE REDDER TMANJ AIO AUCTTOtsJ PLA& AMD f -N.Ujt-tlSK05S THAT CO ERE I :0UST 8ETWEEW A , SUAVE AMD A BEARD. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus wt'm I'M JO CLAD VOU AftB 1W CHICAGO MASB. EBM lyiRV TWlMC AT THS fAlR- ) OM1 IT l JOVT WONDERFUL- I I T3A.W THE MOVrj t3R-i'i- IT VA 1 A CRtPE FROCKll WITH A BCAVJVAlt, TYPE EMSROIDERV- WA) IT IM FRENCV BLUE OR -L THE ALLROOMO OOK PLAITED K1RT 1 ON A BUllT-UP SILK CCE.PC RCMr-C TOP , - , T II I I rr r I ui I'll HM1 AMO SUCH FROCKS-1 AW Mi BEACUM vnTH A ORE- )HORT SLEEVED- SURPLICE BLOUSE- BOX PLEATED SKIRT ON A SuiLrr-uP CREPE OE CHINE BODICE- AND A BOUTONNE THAT MADE rf LOOK I LoVE THE. COTTON MEH FROCK "WITH SHORT LtCVEl I BOLERO m T7.. ' 1 111 WTl AMD THE MOST EXQUISITE PAJAMAS ETC-. ETC- RTC ETC ETC- ETC- ETC- ET C- ETC- WW NELL- IVE BEEK1 ALL OVER THE FAIR GROUMD'S SUT 1 GUES)S I MISSED ALL. THAT- I t1 III O WW. K if rVww Sftviitift. nc. Cmt BirUjrf nghn itwwj There's No Guesswork in Tribune A. B. C. Circulation