WEDF071T5 MXTL TTITBWE, MT5T)F0TCn, 0"REGONT, - ! t. The Mail Tribune Is Oregon's Fastest Growing Newspaper! GOOD NEWS For Mail Tribune Readers THIS paper has literally grown up with this community and the southern Oregon country . . . Two years ago complete new equipment was installed,' including a new-type 16-page high speed Duplex Tubular' press . . . New features have been added ... the pick of the nation's writers have been secured to contribute America's most popu lar syndicated features ... the best of the comics . : . the latest continued stories . . , everything that goes to make a GOOD newspaper has been added to southern Oregon's OWN NEWSPAPER ... Again . this paper is offering special BARGAIN DAY RATES in line with the nation-wide "BUY NOW" program. A much finer newspaper than ever before is offered at the LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS . , . These low subscription rates CAN NOT BE INDEFINITELY MAINTAINED EVEN AS BAR GAIN DAY OFFERS as the newspaper code and rising cost of materials will undoubtedly necessitate future price advances . . . So we urge you to SUBSCRIBE NOW, thus getting your newspaper at the lowest possible oostl COMING SEPTEM For 8 Big Days September 11th To 18th Inclusive The MAIL TRIBUNE'S Annual TO) A O GAM Offering LOW RATES that Southern Oregon People can't afford to Miss DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR BY CARRIER A FULL YEAR Where Carrier Service Is Maintained DELIVERED BY MAIL FOR A FULL YEAR-ONLY M50 In Jackson and Josephine Counties Only (Outside Jackson and Josephine Counties, By Mail, $5.00 a Year) The Mail Tribune BARGAIN DA YS this year become a part of the nation-wide "BUY NOW" program, offer ing savings at this time that probably can't be duplicat ed in years to come ...We urge you to take advantage of this opportpunity AT ONCE! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Care Circulation Department Medford, Oregon Please accept my" check or money order of $- -i. In pay- ment of my subscription to the Mail Tribune for one year. I am an old subscriber. Yes... . No (Name) (Address) . You May Mail This Coupon NOW and Receipt Will Be Returned After Bargain Days . , More News! More Features! More Comics! 1933 Smartness at Low 1933 Prices Here's What You Get for Less Than 2c A Day! Associated Press United Press News Service . The Associated Press and United Press with their unexcelled facilities . for gathering news from the four cor ners of the globe, brine world news to Mall Tribune readers . . . Associa ted Press news pictures, thru the media of telephoto and air mall, give Tribune readers actual scenes from big news events thousands of miles away within a few hours time. Timely Editorials Editorial comment on pertinent sub jects and Interesting editorial corres-, pondence from the pen of Robert W. Ruhl, contribute much to the popu larity of the Mall Tribune. Jenkins' Comment Comments on the Day's News, written by Frank Jenkins, Is a popular dally feature. Mr. Jenkins entertainingly discusses the news of the day and tells southern Oregonlans facts they dont know about the country la . which they live. Will Rogers' "Colyum" America's most loved humorist mites for Aiall Tribune readers each day. Ills "colyum." a mixture wit and common sense, Is one of the Tribune's most widely read features, Inside Political News The News Behind the News . . Such famous Washington Correspondents as Paul Mallon, and George Durno give Mall Tribune readers the 'Inside' on affairs In. the nation's capital . . hints of national and world happen ings before they happen Perry's "Smudge Pot" Arthur Perry's "Smudge Pot" Is one of the Paclflo Coast's outstanding laugh columns. Perry's bits of hu mor and philosophy delight Tribune readers every day, City and Rural News News from all parts of the Rogue River valley appear dally In the Mall Tribune. In addition to a capable newa staff, 47 rural and grange cor respondents contribute their news bits daily. An average of 40 columns of country correspondence Is publish ed each month In this paper. Six Daily Comics The cream of the comics appear dally in the Mall Tribune strips that ap peal to young and old: "The Nehbs", "Gluyaa Williams cartoons", "Brings Ing Bp rather", and "S'Matter Pop"' "Bound To Win" and "Tallspln Tommy." Sunday Colored Comics Three full pages of comics appear. In colors. In addition to the regular six comic strips each Sunday. There are: "The Nebbs. "Mutt and Jeff" and "Toonerrllle Trolly." A full page of timely news pictures also appears each Sunday on the Tribune's Illus trated newa page. Flight o' Time Column ' Old Timers and newcomers aa well get lot of enjoyment out of the Trib une's 10 and 20-year-ago-today col umn, taken from old files of the Mall . Tribune. Daily Continued Story Interesting novels, written by such authors as Harold Bell VTrtght and lane Grey, appear dally In serial form In the Man Tribune. Daily Society News Era Nealon Hamilton's dally and Snnday society and elub news Is widely read throughout southern Oregon. Daily Cross Word Puzzle Cross word pnzxle fans will delight In figuring out the cross word puzzles In each Issue of the Mall Tribune. Personal Health Service Br. William Brady. M. D.. gives dally health hints for Mall Tribune read era. Tribune subscribers are Invited to writ to Dr. Brady If they have any health problems not covered In this column. It 14 fi ll i I