PA'flE FOTTR ArEPFORD MATL TRTBTTNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1933. FLYING A GAINS ; INSTANT FAVOR AD CHIEF FINDS BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. SS. The (login, "Put Action." which Harold B. Deal, advertising manager (or As sociated Oil company, has establish ad aa the keynote of tne extensive advertising campaign ' on the new Flying A gasoline, aptly typifies also bis own methods of travel. rinding his presence necessary at s conference of sales officials recent ly In Los Angeles, be boarded a plane here at 8:25 p. m., Thursday, con cluded his business In the south, and , mm issr-V '- - ' XSfl' ' Harold R. Deal - Vu back at his deak Friday morn ing at 8:30. . - When another Important confer nee In connection with merchan dising of the new Flying A gasoline demanded hli attention In Seattle last week, he hopped off on a 8:80 a. m. plane Monday morning, at tended the Seattle - meeting from 10:15 to 5 o'clock the aame day, and boarded the 8:4.5 plane to arrive home In Oakland at I a. m. Tuesday, hav ing been away lew than 314 hours. Commenting on sales statistics fathered both .In the northern and southern centers of Associated OH company's marketing territory, Deal declared that Immediate public ac ceptance of the new Flying A gaao llne has caused one of the greatest waves of dealer enthusiasm ever to be experienced by the, company. "Reports from dealers In every part of the territory carry news of en thusiastic reaction from motorists who have accepted the Invitation of our advertising copy to -forget mere fllalms and prove for themselves in their own cars the .measurable Im provement In performance afforded by the new Flying A.',' Deal, stated. . The motoring public Is rapidly becoming convinced through expert nee that the new Flying A offers an Improvement In smoothness and quietness, because of Its brand new anti-knock quality,' which can be heard and felt under all driving conditions.' Y WILL SEEK LI Indications that from BOO to 1000 people in this county will bo apply ing for loans under the Home Owners Loan corporation were noted yester day by Attorney Edward O, Kelly, ap pointed attorney for the corporation In this county Wednesday. During his first day of "wrvlte he waa interviewed by 100 people, who called at his office, and in addition answered innumerable telephone calls regarding the loans. The application blanks arrived at the office today, and anyone wishing the form may obtain (t at Attorney Kelly's office. Those calling at his office the first day were owners of homes, ranging in Talus from S3000 to 14,000. It will be possible for persons owning homes valued at up to 20.000 to obtain loans, Attorney Kelly explained today. After the applications are filed throiujh Kelly's office, the property Is appraised by Prank Wortmnn, who was also appointed Wednesday as ap praiser for this county under the Borne Ownera Loan corporation. McLeod McLHOD, Aug. 38. (8pl.) a. I. Car.Tcntur and family of Phoenix have been vacationing on the Rogue. They ma-do some very successful catehea of nteelhead and trout. Mr. and Mrs Defeat of Portland spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn and daugh ter of Dallas. Ore., are guests of the K. D. Hoag family. Mrs, Hoag and Mrs. Dunn are alslere. Preparations are being made for pear picking at the Weeks orcahrd next week. A successful dally vacation Bible school is being conducted at Laurel hurst under direction of Mrs. Bob neeley and Mrs. Mclnnea. Mrs. Nee ley makea her dally drive, picking up SO or more children along the way. Miss Emoiiens Edmondson and Al' ta Abbott of Butte Falls were married In Medford, August 13. AU wish them a long life of happiness. Misses Emma and Lois Olass spent laac week end visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Olaaa at Brownsboro. Danny and Wallaoa Ourt returned Tuesday from a 10-day vacation at Lake o tne woods. Dr. Emmet Carpenter ani cousin spent several days at McLeod last week, where they made soma tine catches of fish. ...... Society and Clubs Edited by Eoa Neaton Hamilton Christian Endeavorert At hie to Oregon Quota Crater Lake Christian Endeavor Union has reached Its quota of the Oregux. analysis plan in vending five representatives co the Christian en- deavo conference at Turner. August 31 to 37. Many officers attended among whom was Norman Fraley, president of Crater Lake Union. To inspire and Intreat the young people of Southern Oregon In confer ence, a rally waa held In the Grant Par park. Sunday, August 0. Such outstanding officers as Viola Ogden and Olenna.Steavens attended and gave talks on th conference at Tur ner. Viola Ogden gave a short talk on the national convention, which she attended at Milwaukee. Wis., the first part of Juiy. Lake's delegates are: Nor man Fraley, Medford; Mynota Oos nell, Awhland; Either Strong, Ashland; Vera Wright, Ashland; Cleans 8p.H- ena. Eurcene Bible College; and Rich ard Freiey, Medford. Mis Metzger, Bride Of Bohert Forbes At a simple service at the Meth odist parsonage last Saturday even ing. Miss Roberta Louise Metsger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ft. R. Meta ger of Jacksonville, became the bride of Robert Arthur Forbes, son of Dr F. E. Forbes of Eagle Point. The bride was charmingly attired In pale blue silk organdie, with cor sage of gardenias, and was attended' by her sisters, Mlses Lula Elaine and Audrey Metzger, who wore organdie frocks m harmonizing pastel shades The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. Joseph Knotts. The groom's attendant was Andrus Smith of Jack sonville. The ceremony was read tn the presence of Immediate friends and relatives of the couple. After a short wedding trip, Mr and Mrs. Forbes will make tholr home at 243 North Holly street, this. city. Mesdames Ends and Wilson on Vacation Mrs. George Eads and Mrs. Wilson of Central Point are spending this week at the Eads cabin at Dead In dian. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Merry weather of Ventura, Cal., who were guests here of the George Eads, left the first of the week for their home. Mrs Merryweather is a daughter of the Eads. - Reynolds-Clement! Wedding Today WILLOW SPRINGS Announcement has been made of the marriage, Au gust 3ft, at Vallejo, Cal., of Miss Mildred Reynolds of Eugene and ID. Clements, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clements of this district. Miss Reyn olds has been a Red Cross director at Vallejo, and Mr, Clements has re-, oently returned from Colombia, South America. Mrs. Gould Hostess To Junior Artisans Mrs. E. Gould, Jr. was hostess on Thursday evening to the Junior Ar tisans of Medford. The evening was devoted to games and winners of the various contests were awarded prises. At the close of games, a watermelon feed was enjoyed. DeArmands, Guests i Of Relatives Here Mr. and Mrs. David DeArmand of Lakevtew, Ore. accompanied by their small sons, Robert and Richard, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Smith during the past week end. Mrs. S ml tii is Mr. DeArmand'a sister. Mrs. Wlllett Home From Summer Vocation Mrs. Rosa Black more Wlllett has returned from vacationing at Crescent City, where she spent two weeks of the summer, and has reopened her classes In Medford and Grants Pass. She Is now preparing student for recitals in September. Pythlani to Picnic In Grants Pass Sunday Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters of Ashland, Grants Paaa and Medford will meet In the Grants Pass park Sunday afternotf for a pic nic. Members and guests are asked to arrive at 1:30 o'clock and to bring their own plcnlo luncheon. Coffee, sugar and cream will be furnished. Women's Bible Class To Review Book of Uanlel The women's Bible class of the Medford Presbyterian church has been holding regular meetings in the classrooms throughout the summer and the very instructive exposition of the book of Daniel, given by Mrs, Maude Chapman, will be reviewed this coming Sunday, Mrs. Chaney, presi dent of the class, announced today All members and anyone Interested In prophesy are Invited to attend the class session, which will open at 9:45 o'clock. 8EA1TLE, Wash.. Aug. Frank Hawks, famous speed filer, flew uon-stop from Minneapolis to Seattle yesterday, averaging 176 miles an . hour on" the 1,460-mlle Journey. He arrived at 1:45 p. m. (P. 8. T.) after leaving Mlnneaepolla at 6:1ft a, m. (C. T. O.) He nonchalantly got out of the cockpit of his plane and remarked: "Oh, no that's nobbing," when someone at Hoeing field suggested he had made quite a flight. He planned to leave Seattle at fi p. m. today for Vancouver, B. C, and will leave early this evening on a nrm-stop flight to Quebec. Howard School Vacation Bible Study Is Ended The daily vacation Bible school In the Howard district was closed yes terday ns the 18th school completed under the supervision of Reverend Randall of the American Sunday School, union. Teachers were: Elsie Howell, Lois Speaker and Nellie Greg ory. A total enrollment of 4ft was rea lized at the "school and an average dally attendance of 30. The students memorized 90 verses of scripture dur ing the school, and read 0313 chap- ters of the Bible. There were two other vacation Bible schools still In session In the county yesterday, bringing tho total for the season here to 20. HER FACE TWISTED LOS ANGELES. Aug. 38. (UP) As the aftermath of a traffic accident lost March, Mae Clarke, film actress, brought suit for $21,000 damages to day against Phillips Holmos, actor, charging his negligence caused the mishap. 1 Miss Clarke claimed she suffered a fractured Jaw which has left her speech Impaired and her face "drawn Into unattractive, .lnbecDmlng and unnatural lines when" Temperature a year ago today: Ullghest, 92; lowest, 53. Total monthly precipitation, trace. Deficiency for the month. .17 inch. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, i932, 14.88 Inches. Deficiency for tha season, 3,18 Inches. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday, 13 per cent; ft a. m. today, 87 per cent. a : Sunrise tomorrow, 8:30 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 6:55 p. m. GERMAN WOMAN IN CHANNEL ATTEMPT CAPE ORIS NEZ, France, Aug. 38. (Jfy Lu Koch, the German woman who holds a mark of 02 hours for endurance swimming, today plunged Into the channel at 11:37 a. m. (3:27 a m. Paclflo Standard Time) In an attempt to swim to England. Oregon WatJicr. Fair tonight and Saturday, but fogs on the coast; cooler Interior west portion; modertae northwest winds offshore. Fire weather forecast for Oregon; Low humidity today and Saturday, but fogs on the coast Saturday; mod erate to fresh north and east winds, becoming changeable and decreasing. Total valuation of property in Utah for assessment purposes was decreas ed more than i-i 8,000,000 or 8.4 per cent for 1033. Near Birch lake, Alaska, airplane pilots found clouds of forest fire smoke at an altitude of 0,000 feet. CAN YOU TAKE THE 'UPS AND DOWNS? START each day with Shredded VTbest i , nd you won't worry so much which way things gol It's the food that furnishes the vital elements youth Is made of proteins and min. ends, carbohydrates and vitamins. They're all la whole wheat. And Shredded Wheat it whole wheat, with all the bran measured by Nature. Nothing added, nothing taken away I Just crisp-baked biscuits .. . ready cooked, ready to eat. Serve them with milk or cream, with fresh or preserved fruit. But serve them for at least tea days Tbtn you'U know why Shredded Wheat is known to happy million! as the Ss VITALLY DIFFERENT food Yd v-f llpj ITS. ym m. KUfr Ttlh M I. pdkm, nm KNOW t SkmUtd ttut SHREDDED WHEAT A product of NATIONAL. BISCUIT COMPANY "Unooda Bakor". IN INITIAL YEAR One year ago today the Sparrow Memorial Clinic for children, found ed In honor of Judge Alex Sparrow, who gave his life In county service, was opened to the publlo In the new Jackson county court house. foaay observing the first anniver sary of It founding, tne Jackson County Publlo Health . association, through Its president, Miss Mildred Carlton, released the splendid record of achievement realized In that one year of time. There were 100 Jackson . county children, coming under the Ciippled and nervous case classifications, ex amined at the clinic by Drs. Dtlle hunt and Dixon, specialists brought hero from Portland. Thirty-seven children were examined for preven tion of tuberculosis by Dr. Bal linger, also brought here as a specialist in the campaign under way to check the apread of tuberculosis among the young. Children numbering 10S were cared for at the monthly baby clinics and 3P0 were treated at the dental clinics. Photographs of the modern and at tractive rooms of the clinic have been rent out, bringing praise to Jackson county from all sections of the oat Ion. All delegations visiting Jackson county's new court house are Inspired to apend additional time in the headquarters of the county health unit, where the health of Jackson county's children, ever the concern of the late Judge Sparrow, la the perpetual aim of Dr. c. I. Drummond, county physician, his staff, and the Jackson County Pub lic Health association. Meteorological Report . August 38. 1933 Forecasts Medford ana vicinity: Fair and cooler tonight and Saturday. Oregon: Fair tonight and Satur day but fogs on the coast. Cooler Interior of west portion. NEW FALL DRESSES, 3 03 to $13.49. Swagger Suits and Coats, $13.48 to $34.98. Hats, 93a and up. New Fall Shoes moderately priced. THE BAND BOX & SHOE BOX. "Tne store that eaves you money." E TO BE AT An opportunity to voice protests or recommends tlons regarding the truck and bus bill and the producers' and peddlers' act will be given all truck owners and farmers of this locality tonight, Oeorge S. Barton announced this morning. A meeting has been called for 8 o'clock at the Chamber of commerce and all persons concerned with the outcome of the laws and their enforcement, are urged to be present. The meeting was called upon rec ommendation of A. C. Anderson chairman of the Truck Owners' and Farmers' Protective association. In a letter to the local branch ol the association, Mr, Anderson states' "In our Injunction, 'act held void the decree has not been entered and at present it Is impossible to tell Just how far-reach rng it will be." A mass meeting for discussion of the situation has been called In Sa lem for August 38 and on the follow ing day an open meeting has been nrranged at the state house to dls mss the rates and charges to be adopted by the state. A representation from Medford la urged In the letter from Ur. Ander son, which states, "It Is very Import ant that operators attend this meet ing, too, with some kind of rate and charge In mind." All persons, who can arrange to attend the northern sessions, are asked to Inform Mr. Barton, who urges all truck ownera, dealers and Interested farmers to be present at tonight's meeting. Salem Fire Code Brings Criticism SALEM, Aug. 99. t Charges that that proposed fire prevention code before the city council would prove ruinous to many businesses and that Insurance rate reductions promised If the code were made law would even tually be evaded, were flung by at torneys and businessmen at a public hearing here last night. year-oicie aa their laboratory ship ment. ' Pine Lumbering Business Grows PORTLAND, Aug. 35. (IP) A slight gain In new business in the western pine country for the week ending August 19, compared with the previ-, ous week, was reported by the West ern Pine association today. New j business totaled 88.088.000 feet, four per cent above the week before, but about 36 per cent under the three year weekly average for August. Students in a child development class at Louisiana Teoh have six 4- . DON'T WAIT . Until Winter's Cold Bring Bock those Rhenmatio Paini C0EEECT THE CAUSE NOW SEE DR. H. B. KNAPP 149 E. Main Ashland Ground Floor i Travel by Train at bargain 'prices this season with comfort, Speed and batety. Fiv0 different round trio fares to Eastern United States and Canada are now on sale, with return limits from 21 -days to the'A II -Summer excursion returning as late as Oct. 31. Four low fares to Chicago giving you plenty of time to visit .the Century of Progress Eihlbltion. When you travel Canadian Pacific you have, the advantages of unex ceiled scenic features through the famous Canadian Rockies stop over where you please fine train service and cuisine all at no extra cost. Special literature and Infor mation, reservations and itlneror lesat our local offices. W. H DtAcON. Gwjt Acekt Pass Dtrr. W-A Bwdny Anif lis y TvdtU tSJwy 0637 miles to the gal- I Ljpsijf I ion on Super Shell tJ . j) I -ane record for my Chevrolet" fey g ,1 sasG.D.Young fe flf J , 1 of low c z-kL ZmUton JWJIc rr.Mfte-1 CO.o Coorf Worti Onr Contains Elca-benzot, a pure petroleum pro duct high In o nil. knock and mileage quoli lies I WITHOUT FORMER Zt PREMIUM iiiiR n 7 tieseChederfieMfl- l w"v K 1 law asner Aj Tieire W&ilder Theij Taste better l . A &&&& A Wt, liessn M ill Iosscco Ox