Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 25, 1933, Page 14, Image 14

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MedfordS Own Slore Jfawi&ltpMlmUdiStOtt. Mtdfotd'i Own Store
Panoramas Studied for
Scientific Choice of Van
tage Points In Spotting
Forest Fires Is Shown
Local Organization Gives In
structions in Obtaining
Blue Eagle Will Urge
Consumers to Cooperate
' i -1'J -i--?
i I
! I
'I I
Location of lookout tatlon on
the national forest In Oregon and
Washington will bt dona scientifically
in the very near future and an ac
curate check on the efficiency of ea
rning stations will be available, due
.n intjmaivM detection nlannlns
project now being completed on the
Rogue River national rarest.
Four modern panoramic cameras. hi William B. Osborne of
the regional office In Portland, have
been occupying the 40 statlona that
comprise the fire oetecrion organis
ation of the Rogue river territory.
Work has been In progress for sev
eral weeks and la now being com--.ij4
k nihrfc t. nooner. experi
enced photographer In charge of one
or the pnoro-eurvey unti.
H ide Angle Possible.
The modern camera used In this
work embodies several original fea
tures. An angle of vision of 130 de
mrm m included In each eznosure
and only three exposures are requir
ed to complete the norison command
ed by the lookout observer. . Each
wart- Hu iiu nhntlW rAOh.H OO It the
aelmutn numerals that pertain to
the particular sector pnotograpneu, as
well as having the land level line
nd depression and elevation angles
below and above this level line photo
graphed directly on the negative.
with aiiol. nlrtnra jiaj.h lookout
observer, dlatrlct ranger, dlapatcher
and supervisor a omce win nave
ready check oh location of reported
Area and an actual record of the
topography directly aeen by. the Indi
vidual lookout statlona, which data
can be utilized In relocating lookout
stations on more strategic points
from which more territory can be
Process Takes Bay.
The photographic process demands
em entire day on a station, because
the aun's position determines the
time at which each of the three ex
posures can be taken. Normally, the
eouthwest horizon Is taken In the
morning, the north horizon around
noon and the southeast horizon In
the afternoon. Perfect clarity of at
mosphere la essential for beat re
sults, although filters and auper
aensltlve film help to cope with haze
and smoke Interference, the forestry
officials state.
Plana call for the ultimate cover
age of all national forest In Oregon
and Wsshlngton. To date field work
has been carried on In the Dea
ehutea. Fremont, Willamette, Ump
qua and Rogue River forests.
The project Is under he field
supervision of Albert Arnst of the
regional forest service office In Port
land, and includes the following pho
' tographers: Lester M. Moe. Robert
M. Snyder, Robert L. Cooper, James
. Rlttenhouae, William Blrchall and
Selno Sarlln.
In an lnter-camp match between
C. C. O. O. camps, Applegate and
Kerby. Monday evening at Kerby, the
Xerby team won two out of three
touts aa well as the bucking con
test. .The first bout between "Speed
Bowera, Roaeburg, 134 pounds, and
r. Marco, Portland, 199 pounds, end
ed In a decision for Bowers after he
dropped Marco In the second. Bow
era had the fight well under control
at all tlmea.
The second fight was a haymaker
affair with both Wofford, Roseburg.
165. and P. Meade, Grants Pass, IBS.
practically out at the end of the
flrat round. Early during the aecond
round. Keryblte Wofford slipped one
through and that waa all.
The third bout between Hoylman.
Merlin, 140, and Lester Beal. Grant"
Pans, 143. started out like a smooth
boxing mstch, but Hoylman, Kerby
representative, became over-anxious
and waa floored for the count.
The sawing contest waa a walk
away for Camp Kerby, with Blurton
and B&rnea winning over Meadora
and Thomaa of Applegate, 03 etrokes
to 90S etrokes, and M second against
00 aevonds on a 14-Inch log. Much
credit la due Brown. Kerby saw tiler,
as the result will show.
DETROIT, Ai. 35. (tPi ClWlnj,
his testimony before the one-man
Detroit buik Jury, the !Ur. Fr. Char
le k. Coughlln. crusading priest, to-
tiny named three former offtclsls of
the Detroit Bankers Co, and declar
ed "It la doubtful If they can Moapf
Indictment by the federal govern
ment." Tht men. he aald, were Peter J
Monoghan, K. D Stair and Wilton W
Will. Monagtisn ) a Detroit attor
ney. Stair a former president or lte
Detroit Banker Co.. and Milla for
mer chairman of the clotted Flrat Na
tional bank. Detroit.
Father Coughlln accused the De
troit Free Preaa of publishing a faked
record to show that ha had e tigged
tn a atock market transaction. The
prleat later admitted under question
lug, however, that tht itock deacrib
ed rue been purchased for an or
gajinvainyi oaiuwcted wiVb Jut cAmca.
The Blue Eagle !a positively flap
ping his wings over Med ford In hie
enthusiasm for apeed theae days, and
the most intensive drive of the Na
tlonaJ Recovery Act campaign Is
scheduled for August 28 to Septem
bar 4. It was announced by the ex
ecutlve committee of the local or
ganisation today.
Then the war aalnat depression
will be fought In the front line
trenches with a Blue Eagle In every
business house snd home as the aim
of the workers.
Consumers throughout the city wjll
be urged to buy only from those
businesses signing the President's Re
employment' wage agreement and
complying with the aame.
Three ways of obtaining the Blue
Eagle were explained today by the
committee, for the benefit of those
persons who are still in doubt about
the matter. Thousands of telegrams
from employera are still pouring In
to national headquarters, and the
following answer to the queries has
been issued by Gen. Thomas 8- Ham'
mond. executive director of the Preal-
dent's re-employment program;
To all employers who are not work
ing under codes approved by the
President and who ask: "How can 1
obtain the Blue Eagle?" the answer
Is. there are three methods which
may be pursued.
1. Sign the President's Re-employ
ment Agreement as Is without
change or modification. Msll It to
the district office of the Department
of Commerce at Portland, Oregon.
Put Its provisions , Into operation.
Sign the certificate of compliance.
Hand It to your local postmaster.
who will post your name on tne
honor roll and hand you your Blue
3. If your line of business has sub-
mltted a code and the N. R. A. has
temporarily approved hours and wages
to be In effect until the code Itself
Is approved by the President, do this:
Sign the President's Re-employ
ment Agreement. Mall It to the dla
trlct office of the Department of
Commerce. Comply with lta pro
visions as far as possible. Now, if
a specific code has been submitted
by your Industry and Its wage and
hour provisions accepted by a K. R.
A. deputy administrator, sign the
certificate of compliance with - this
endorsement: "To the extent of N.
R. A. consent as announced, we have
compiled WHh the President's agree
ment by conforming with the ub-
etltuted provisions of the code sub
mitted for the (blank) trade or in
d us try." Hand this to your local
postmaster, who will post your name
on the honor roll and hand you the
N. R. A. Blue Eagle.
3. If neither 1 nor 3 applies and
you feel you have to file a petition
for relief, do this:
Sign the President's Re-employ-!
ment Agreement, mall It to the dli-!
trlct off lc of the Department of Com
merce. If you find you cannot com
ply with most of Its provisions, then
prepare a petition to the N. R. A.
asking for a atay or postponement of
those provisions which would produce
"unavoidable hardship." Submit
this petition to a (trade association
of your industry, or, If none, to your
local Chamber of Commerce, or such
other organisation as can properly
vouch for the facts. If officially ac
cepted by one of the above, add the
following to the face of your certifi
"Except for those lntcrem provi
sions regarding wages and hours
which have been approved by the
(blank) association or organisation."
Then the poatmaster will authorise
you to use the N. R. A. Blue Eagle
This last procedure may take some
time and Is, of course, subject to re
versal when your petition is reviewed
by the N. R. A.
It's t K
to feel fit!
Everybody has dayi when
very waking hour is packed
with teat of living. Why not
make et-ery day like this?
A frequent drawback to fitness
Is constipation. It may dull your
energy, steal your appetite,
lower your vitality. Yet it is so
easy to overcome.
Try eating- KellogR's All
Bran, Science shows this deli
cious cereal supplies "bulk" to
exercise the intestines, and vita
min B to promote appetite, and
tone the intestinal tract.
Ths "bulk" In Am-Bban Is
much like that of lettuce. How
much safer than taking; patent
medicines so often harmful.
Two tablespoonfuls daily will
correct most types of constipa
tion. If not relieved this way, sea
your doctor.
Aix-Biun has
Iron for the blood.
At all grocers. In
the red-and-green
package. Made by
Kellogg In Battle
Long Wearing
Coat Style
Men. If you are looking for
fine Work or Sports Sweater
see these new all wool coat sty
les now on sale at Mann's. They
come In Oxford Blue and Tan
and have two pockets, sizes 38
to 48.
. $2.50
Knit Packing .
Fruit packers tell us that these
knitted reversible packing
Gloves are the best they ever
used. Try them this season I
8 lzes for me n a nd women.
They are selling fast.
Two pair for 15c
Blue Chambray
Work Shirts
The best work shirt value In
Medford. Men'a two pocket coat
style blue chambray ahlrte at
49c each. These are In alzea IS
to 17 and every one guaranteed
full cut.
"Can't Bust 'Era"
Our stock of genuine "Cant'
Bust 'Elm" corda now -complete.
Buy these famous long life
corduroy pants at Mann's and
know you've bought the beet
that a made. Idealfor work and
$2.95 pr.
Khaki Pants
Many fruit workers will be in
terested In this bit of newal
Men'a heavy weight Khaki
Pants at 13 SO pair and every
pair M6anforlred" which means
they cannot shrink. All sizes.
$2.50 pr.
Work Sox, lOo Pair
Overalls at 95c Pair
JrT? New
i l ' 1 I 1 V oaia 'A ,a - i imp
I , ' : 1 V " "' 1 IIIIHtniinei.M
Grosgrain Facings
arc the under-lying
idea of the newest
Tou Just have to try them on to
know why everyone la wanting a
"faced felt." For this touch of
color next the face makea felts
twice aa flattering.
Rlatk with IVhtte
Rionn with Pelf
Nary with Uhlte
Millinery Second Floor
Theme Silk Hose
Tomorrow In the hosiery dept. a sale of
beautiful quality Theme" Silk Hoe in
both chiffon and service weight at H.3S
pslr. These fine stockinet are full fashion
ed and feature all the style notes of a real
ly good hose.
Hosiery Main Floor
What are the fashion headlines for fall? Vou'll find the answers at Mann's. New Fab
rics, New Styles, New Colprs are here ready for the fashion-wise women of southern
Oregon and northern California. Below we quote a few of the outstanding; values in
Saturday Sale of
Wash Dresses
Tomorrow in the Wash Dress section a feature sale
of new "Betty Baxley" Wash Frocks. Smart wrap
around dresses and many other summer styles at
these low prices. These dresses are in fine Prints,
Organdies, Dimity and other fast color materials.
Hundreds to choose from in all sizes.
88c $10.0 $ 95
New School
The Ji:nlor shop on the second
floor offers for tomorrow a group
of lovely new fast color school
frocks for only S1.95. These fea
ture smart puff sleeves. Chic col
lars and S-lnch hems. Sites are
from 7 to 16.
Others Priced at $1.00
Olovea that the well dress
ed woman will wear this
fall are now ready at
Mann'a. Smart 4-button
auedes. adorable cuffed kids
and clever new allpona In
ahadea to match or contrast
any autumn costume. These
tine gloves are priced
$3.98 pr.
Glove Section
Main Floor
Coats and Dresses, with the suggestion tnat you
prices will be as low later in the season.
In these beautiful new "Betty Rose" coata for fall and winter. you'U
find better woolens . . . finer detailing . . . more style and nicer fure
than you'd dare to expect anywhere within $ft.00. In fact these lovely
new coata will without a doubt sell for 135.00 before the fall season
Is much older. Select your new coat now and save.
Fashion's Smartest Dresses
Batlna the headline this fall and these beautiful
Black Satin Frocks at S10.9S are headllnera In
value. Lovely long sleeve models, elbow length
styles and Jacket numbers are among these new
arrivals and every one featuring the popular new
shoulder line. ,
First showing of lovely Inexpensive Silk
Frocks for fall. New prints In dot, cross bar
and floral pattern over rich dark grounds.
These are in one piece and Jacket atylea.
Sized for the Miss or Matron. 16 to S4. On
sale tomorrow at Mann'a.
Suede Models
The Coat shop announces a
new shipment of Suede
Jackets for the fall season.
These are lined and In the
Cossack style. Three shades
of Brown to select from.
Sizes 14 to 40.
Full flannel-lined
leather jackets in
the popular, hip
length style.
New Smocks
We have Just unpacked these
lovely new Smocks. New Black
Satin with a floral trim, and
colorful cretonnes with solid
trims. Oood range of sizes.
New Wash
Frocks For
Little Tots
They're Just arrlred. these
new wash dresses for gtrls 3
to 'i years. Darling little
affairs of fast colored prints
In clever puff sleeve Jump
er styles. Just the drew for
the little Mtas about to start
to school.
1. and 1
buy now aa we cannoi guarauo
u fa.htnn I Hp. nf n. SCa&On WlU
be found In these glorious dresses for falll Dresa
ea of corded Georgette. Faille and Talbeta from
such fine dress makers an "Korrect" "Paramount"
and "Nicholson". They come In half and regular
sizes In fall and winter's newest shades.
New Leather & Suede
y fcsSfc V av. 1
Mann's Second Floor
New Knitted Suits
For Fall and Winter -
From the Sportswear section on the second floor comes
this good news; Mew two piece Knitted Suits for only
1055. They are in colorful combinations and solid
shades In zipper and sllpon styles featuring Navy, Brown,
Green and Black. The size range Is from ii to 48.
Mann's Second Floor
1 Saturday
of ALL
1 Spring and
I Summer
i Coats and
I Dresses
I At New
! Low Prices
A sale tomorrow of women's
and misses hand made figured
batiste and plain shade nain
sook Oowns at II 00 each. Thew
all hare touches of hand em
broider and come in all tires.
$ 1 00
'H h mi 1 1 mi) mit 1