PAGE TTTTRTEEN You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD WATL TRTBTTXE. jrEDFOltD. OREGON. FRIDAY. 'AUGUST 25. 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad WUTl to Ml) roul hornet Want to get rid of tew odd end ind in household lurnishiogs Do you mad tooU lot roui l-r-dnJ AO --pnl- went-Ad in th Mall rrlbun Clsssitieo Pag will flnJ th mm tc tbeie nl manj other otrpleoni probleroa. Here Are the Rates: pet word tint in ertion .. - (Minimum 26c) eaon additional lert-on, per word 10 (Minimum 10c) Per lint per month, without oopy change ,1J0 Phone 75 LOST ANU rOUNP 'Coar'-emmtnn ult between Twin Plunges and Medlord. Finder kind- E.m to Mall Tribune. Reward. J , i II l-H fUB RENT UUUBM HOUSES HO. 8180 and (16. paid; wood range Phone 101. for RRNT Horns, furnished or unfurnished. Brown St White. CLASSY, modern S-room etucco. eaet (ront Clear ait Pin. FOB RENT S-room houee, turnl-' ed or urn u-nlshed. Call 934-R. HOMES POR RENT Call 688. POR 8 ALE OR RENT .ldny Smith noma corner West Main a Orange exclusive luting W L Vawter Jackson Co Bank Bid. POR RENT A well furnuhed 5-room house. Inquire 817 W. 10th. Five room rum laced home. 113 Cottage. POR RENT a and 3 -room apart- mente; ehade. 818 No. Central. POR RENT Apartment. 425 North Rlvereide. POR RENT Onlumlshed apartment, combination living and dining room. Bleeping room, kitchenette with buut-lns, gas ranfte, reirigerstor, bath and toilet. Heat and water furnuhed. Rent 81B 00 pr month Phone 71 or call at Mall Tribune office. POR RENT Furnished apartment 348 No Bartlett. OURREaJ. COURT 820 No HOUy. FOR HKNT 1LRMHIILD ROOMS 1 J" mill terrier; VwTtrbroVnmaTklng.- Re turn 810 rranquette 8t. toward. cT'strayed from Wln, rench. 8 buck .beep. ". on rump. Reward. V. J. Phlllppl. Orand hotel. lost Horn-rim glasses Monday night, between Sacred Heart hos plial and Riverside. Pleaso return to Mall Tribune. ' LOST 11 dog mlsaing. call 1818. HELP WANTED FEMALE OIRI, assist housework. children", board, room, wages. Phone 1217-J. WANTED MALB- HELP SANTTOResponsWeadiJltto drive our w to Pasadena, transporta tion expense. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, CommuiUtyhospuai. WANTED Young person with ability to meet public, for part time work. Salary. Box 12214, Tribune. WANTED SITUATION WANTED By young woman, position aT stenographer or office work. Ad dress Box 12217. Tribune. WANTED N1HI:ELLNE0CS "TED-Laundry completely fin ished, 4-F-3. waIoTCD Electric washer, cheap for cash. Box 13108. Tribune. WANTED Hand machine for afflx Wg amp. to envelopes. Addre kTb.. Mall Tribune, stating price and where mwhlne can beseen. WANTED House and large barn close to Medford or Jacksonville, j v. Matney, Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED Stock to pasture: e.col lt feed, running water;- 82.00 ; per month. Ed Bechtcl, Myers lane, near S. O. 6. CHILDREN well cared for, day or hour. Good home. Phone WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. So lb. Phone 4-P-2. WANTED Modern house to rent, 3 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phone 'l7- WANTED To rent. Sept. 1. modern r or 8-room furnished house, call 731-X. WANTED White Leghorn pullets. Olve description and prloe. Box 133, Butte Falls, Ore. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to party with feed. H. B. Howell, Rt. 3. Oram Paae. WANTED to buy old gold, den'.a) scraps, placer gold Cecil M. Jen nings, cornei Front 4i Main. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what -have you Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Drape 81 Tel 1062. , WANTED Listings of valley homea in exchange for choice Oal property Staple Realty Co.. Ahland, BAY GRIND-NO A specialty Brown, the hay grinder. 40 So Central. PHONE 999-R Have your furniture reupnoiaire, iwmwi ....-vu Thlbault. WANTED Kerry Keen far Model A Phone 419-X. JUNK WANTED We e cash for JUNK BATTERIES 4, RAOIAlORfc ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER St luck of ail descriottona MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No Grape Tel 1062 rOH KKNT HOUBtS 6-ROOM modern house. Prloe $1800 423 N. Riverside. Phone 319-X. TOR RENT Purntehed houses, cab ins. 86.00, $10.00; water. 812 summit. COTTAOE at 104 So. Oakdale Ave. $1730. 708 Dakota Ave. FOR RENT House rent for carpen tr work. Box 13088. Tribune. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms, ess w. 4tn. POR RENT Nioely furnuhed sleep. Ins rooms with oath room privi leges, garage. $10 per month. $34 So Riverside. FOR RENT Attractive rooms. board at 14 Cottage. good ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 S Grape rOH RENT BOARD AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 718 E. Main Rates very moderate. FOB RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 18x80 feet on Grape St. Suitable for email busi ness Located next door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent. Call at Mall Tribune office or Phone 75. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE addl mare and saddle. epring turkeys, angora rsDotvs. en Pao. hlway, third houee on left d. fairgrounds. POR SALS Rabbits. 731 Beekman. FOR I ALB MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE Kelvlnator. dinette eet, chest of drawers and library table. 117 Mistletoe. FOR SALE A. B. Chase piano, over stuffed davenport, baby crib and Heywood-WakefUld buggy. 402 So. Newtown. FOR SALE Crawford peaches for canning. Bring contalnera. Joe Kantor, Rt. 4. Box 237. FOR SALE Orchard ladders. Laraen type with reinforced steps: 10, 13. 14. 16-ft. lengths. While they last, 30c foot. Montgomery Ward 8s Co. POR SALE OR TRADE 1500-watt rebuilt Western Electric l!ht plant. 8 brood sows, 6 feeders. 1110 No. Central. FOR BALE $8.00 circulating coal neater. u Woodstock. FOR SALE Sweet corn. Special . Prices on quantities. Jake Brown, south end King's highway. FOR SALE (.olden corn, tomatoea, canteioupe. Damson plums. Car penter ranch, Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes. $5 up; terms if desired AU makes rented and repaired White sewing Machine Co. 34 N Bartlett WINTER Cabbage, cauliflower, broc. coll plants. 1203 East 11th. DAIRY FLY SPRAY Kills files and absolutely keepe flies off cows pas ture. Will not taint milk 90c per gallon, bring own container. Jerry Birr. 4th 4s N Bartlett. POR SALE Large 'ce box; also large electric range too Dakota Ave. HODOEN BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy feeds. Jerry Barr. 4th 4s N Bartlett. NEW PEED STORE Buy at lower prices jerry uarr. 4tb 4 saruetc Phone 803. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser ana teaming, phone 913-J. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNIITIES $1200 EQUITY In 8-room house, No. Central; paving paid. Will aell cneap or traoe. rnone 70. OAB1NS 448 So. Front. FOB EXCHANGE DAYBED or 12-guage pump shotgun for l!ht trailer, i-norse corn cul tivator, Other small tools. Apply E. E. Davis, Beagle P. O. $1200 EQUITY in 5-room house, No. imrai; paving paid, will sell cheap or trade. FOR TRADE Old car with good mo tor for wood or work. Tel. 1345-X. FOR SALE Or trade for pigs, model T. Ford truok with Warford trans mission. Ted Fish, Phoenix. WILL TRADE oar. truck, radio for wood. Hlway Exohange, one mile south of Phoenix. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity lu a-room house, ixoellent location box 1063. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 897-R-l. i-RO-iM modern home oath laundry tra' screened poron bullt-lns gar age shade and "rait trees; $700 equity tot car. ao-eage cabin site or what have you Phone 1S38-L or write Box 13337 tribune FOR SALE OR rRADE Good eouno work horse- 1400 lbs. 7 rears old Walter Jones. Ind house below bridge So Ashland WCKJD for jay or potatoes near X'rall R O Skellenger. mil Ore. FOB BtCHANUE REAL CSTATB FOR EXCHANGE Clear bungalow for business location on highway. . 811 So. Grape. FOR SALE OR TRADE A stocked and equipped farm for Medford or Ashland residence property or email acreage. Address Box 33, Wil liams, Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home In Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Aahland Prefer email acreage. What have you. 158 7th St. Ashland. FOR BALE REAL ESTATB 43 A. on Crater Lake highway; 6 A. under ditch, free water: 3 A. al falfa; fair buildings. Ed Pence, Trail, Ore. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 200 R. I. Red pullets also few hens. Blood. Pitt View Ave., near Central Point. FOH SALE AUTOMOBILES. TRUCK FOR SALE Good fruit truck overload springs. Price right; srnsll payment, pay oy weex. s. u Corn, Phone 610-J-8. A BETTER CAR 1933 Chevrolet Coupe. 1930 studebaker Brougham. 1931 studebaker Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1927 Chrysler 4-passenger. Star Touring, new license. $17.30. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Studebsker and Rockne Dealer. FOR KENT No. 8 Holly Court, newly accreted, electric rsnire, refrigera tor, oil heat. First Insuranos Agen cy H. H. 8rofl. Phone 105; after J. 1870. FOR RENT 17 W. llth. 97 Washington. 811 W. 2nd (stucco) 1003 Sailing Ave. joj Tripp. 2i-8 Summit. FIRST INSURANCE AGENCY H H Brown. Phone 105. After 8, 1670. Good Used Cars! Trade: Your Old Car for a Better One A Written Guarantee with Every Car. 1928 LaSalle Convertible Coupe. 1920 Auburn 8 sedan. Wit Desoto Sedan. 1938 Chevrolet Convertible Coupe. 1939 Chevrolet 8 Sedan. Alio othera to'choose from. ; ARMSTRONG MOTORS. 1N0. 88 N Riverside FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Bulck eedan. cheap. Call 630 S Central. TWO BAROA1NS In autoe. Sport model Bulck and Ford. See them at Jackson St. service eta. FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- caoio auto camr. at Alturaa Calif Big Pines Lbi Co. Medford. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Frlgldalre Servio Other uaxes rep Tel 427 Nights 905-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ahitrarta, MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts or nue i-itie insurance Rooms 8 and S. So. 83 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABS'IRACT CO. Abstracts ot rttle and TIMe insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. "expert Window CleanMs. LET GEORGE DO 17 - Tel 1173 Eouse Meaning. Floor Waxing ori ental rug oleaning. specialty. ob Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon printing of all kinds; book binding: looee-leat ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing lines. 38-30 N. Grape Phone 75 Money to Lena. WE LEND vlONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE Ml DEI AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other oharges See W B. rnomaa. 45 S. Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre Bldg State License No 9-157. Painting and Paperhanglng. iL A BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel. 646- W. 818 8 Grape Piano am violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAiOHT. Teacher ol Piano Height Song Service. Arrang ing, Composing, etc. 118 Liberty Bldg. Transfer. BADS VRANSP-8 STORAGE CO. Office 1018 Ko. Central Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RE1NKINO TRUCKING CO. Trans fer .nd Jtorage We haul anything a", a reason tele price. Ill No. Fir Street phone 333. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and tnovera Special livestock moving equipment. Price right Riverside Phone 1044-X LEGAL NOTICE! ult to lulrt Title. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for Jsckson County. The California Oregon Power Com pany, a Corporation, plaintiff, vs. RerJn B. Packard, aleo known a Reason B. Pscksrd. and a R. B Psckard; Eutsh Ann Pscksrd, hla wife, slso known as Kuthann Pack ard, and as Eutha A. Packard, and as Eutha A. Smith; I. M. Smith, husband of said Eutha A. Smith; Nswy Ann Hoxle, also known a Natvy Ann Hoxey: Almr.a Avery, also known as Almlry Avery; R. B. psckard. also known as R. B. Park srd. Jr.: Edward Packard; Ellen Packard; Sally Packard, also known as Sad? Packard; John Packard; Chsrlea Packard; Atty Packard, also known as At.hy Packard: Jefferson Packard: Viola Packard, also known ae Vloley Packard: children and heirs at law of said Rerln B. Pack ard and Eutsh Ann Packard, hla srlfe: John Doe Hoxey, also known as John Doe Hoxle. htibet-.d of Mid Nancy Ann Hoxpv: John Doe Avery, husband of said Aimli Avery: and the unknown heirs of said Resin B. Packard, deceased: of said Reason B. Packard, de ceased, and of said R. B. Packard, deceased; the unknown helra of aald Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, Euthann Packard, deceased, Eutha A. Packard, deceased, and Eutha A. Smith, deceased, and of aald I. M. Smith, deceased, husband of aald Eutha A. smith: also the un known helra of ssld Nancy Ann Hox ey, deceased, and of aald Nancy Ann Hoxle. deceased, and ot aald Almlra Avery, 'deceased, and of aald Almlry Avery, deceased, and of said R. B. Packard, deoeased, eon of said Reiln B. Packard, and said Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, and of said R. B. Packard, Jr., deceased son of said Rezln B. Packard, and aald Eutah Ann Packard, deoeased. and of said Edward Packard. Ellen Packard. Sally Packard. Sedy Pack ard. John Packard, Charles Pack ard. Atty Packard, Athy Packard. Jefferson Packard. Viola Pack ard, and Vloley Packard, the de ceased children of aald Reiln B. Packard and Eutah Ann Packard, deceased; Thomas Chavner, also known as Thomas Chavener; and Margaret Chavner. his wife, also known as Margaret Chavener. and as Rose Chavner, and aa Rose Chavener. end a Rosy chavner, and aa Rosy Chavener: and Margaret Thompson. formerly Margaret Chavner, also formerly known aa Margaret Chav ener; Peter Chavner, also known as Peter Chavener, anf aa Peter J. Ohavner. and as peter J. chav- ener; Michael Chavner, also known as Michael Chavener; Mary A. Price, widow, formerly Mary A, Ohavner. also known aa Mary A. Chavener: children and heirs at law of eald Thomas Chavner and Margaret Ohavner, hla wife; W. K. Thompson, husband of aald Mar garet Thompson! and the unknown helra ot said Thomas Chavner, de ceased, of aald Thomaa chavener, deceased, and Margaret Chavner, deceased, of aald Margaret Chav ener, deceased, of aald Rose Chav ner, deceased, of aald Rose Chav ener, deceased, of aald Rosy Ohav ner. deceased, and of said Rosy Chavener. deceased; Iredell J. Phlpps. also known aa I. J. Phlppa: 0. P. Phlpps. his wife; w. J. Phlpps: 1. D. Phlppa. unmarried: D. E. Phlppa. widower: and May Phlpps, unmar ried, also known aa Laura May rnipps. and aa L. May Phlpps, children and helra at law of eald Iredell J. Phlppa and 0. p. Phlppa. his wife: the unknown helra of eald Iredell J. Phlppa, deceased, and of said I. J. Phlpps, deceased, and of aald 0. P. Phlnns. deceased: Hester Jones, formerly Hester Phlpps, widow of said W. J, Phlpps, deceased: John Doe Jones, her hus band; Deli W. Phlppa, Dale Phlpps, a minor; Donald Phlpps, a minor; Alice Phlpps, a minor, and Callsta Phlppa, children and heirs at law of ssld W. J. Phlppa and Hester Phlpps; the unknown heirs of said W: J. Phlpps: and alio all other persona or parties unknown olalm lng any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real mtau described In the complaint 1-ereln, and situ ated In Jaokson conntv. and Southern Oregon Credit Bu reau, a corporation, and R. H. Toft, Defendants. . To Reiln B. Packard, also known as Reason B. Packarf. and as R. B. Packard; Eutah Ann' Packard, his v-lfe, also :nov.n as Euthann Pack ard and as Eutha A. Packard, and as Eutha A. smith; I. M. Imlth, hus band or said Eutha A. Smith; Nancy Ann Hoxle, also known aa Nancy Ann Hoxey; Almlra Avery, also known as Almlry Avery: R. 8. Packard, also xnown ae r b. Packard, jf.; Edward Packard: Ellen Packard: Sally Pack ard, also known as Sady Packard; John Packard; Charles Packard; Atty Packard, also known as Athy Pack ard; Jefferson Packard; Viola Pack ard, also known as Vloley Packard; children and heirs at law of said Rezln B. Packard and Eutah Ann Packard, hla wife; John Doe Hoxey, also known as John Doe Hoxle. hus band of said Nancy Ann Hoxey: John Doe Avery, husband of said Almlra Avery: end the unknown helra of said Rezln B. Packard, deceased; of said Reason B. Packard, deceased. and of said R. B. Packard, deceased; the unknown heirs of said Eutah Ann Packard, deceased. Euthann Packard, deceased. Eutha A. Packard, deceased, and Eutha A. Smith, de ceased, and of aald I. M. Smith, de ceased, husband of said cutna a. Smith; also the unknown heirs of said Nancy Ann Hoxey, leceased. and of said Nancy Ann Hoxle, deceased, and of said Almlra Avery, deceased. and or said Almlry Avery, deceased, and of aald R. B. Packard, deceased. eon of ssld Resin B. Packard, and ssld Eutah Ann Packard, deceased. and of aald R. B. Packard, Jr.. de ceased son of said Realn B Packard. and said Eutah Ann Packard, de ceased, and of aald Edward Packard. Ellen Packard. Sally Packard. Sady Packard. John Packard. Charles Pack ard. Atty Packard, Athy Psckard. Jefferson Packard. Viola Packard, and Vloley Packard, the deceased children of aald Rezln B. Psckard and Eutah Ann Packard, deceased: Thomas Chavner, also known as Thomas Chavener; and Margaret Chavner, his wife, also known as Margaret Chavener. and as Rose Ohavner, and as Rose Chavener. and s Rosy Chavner. and aa Rosy Chav ener: Michael Chavner, also known aa Michael Chavener; son and heir at law of aald Thomaa Chavner and Margaret Chavner, hla srlfJ: and the Unknown Helra of eald Thomas Chav ner. deceased, of said Thomas Chav ener. deceased, and Margaret Chav ner, deceased, of eald Margaret Chav oner, deceased, of said Rose Chav ner, deceased, of said Rose Chav ener, deceased, of said Rosy Chavner, dsneaaed. and of sild Rosy Chavener, deoeased; Iredell J. Phlppa, also knmn aa T. J. Phloos: 0. P. Phlpps. his wife: W. J. Phlpps, son and heir at law of eald Iredell J. rnippa, ana C. P. Phlpps. his wife: the Unknown heirs of said ireaeu j. rmpps. ac cessed, and of said I. J. Phlppa. de ceased, and of aald C. P. Phlpps, deceased; Hester Jones, formerly Hes tsr PhlDns. widow of said W. J. Phlpps. deceased: John Doe Jones, her husband: Dell W. Phlpps. Dale Phlpps. a minor. Donald Phlpps. minor. Alice Phlpps. a minor, and Callsta Phlppa. children and helra at law of said W. J. Phlpps. and Hester Phrpps: the Unknown Helre of said W. J. Phlpps; ana also an other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the reel estate descrio ed In the complaint herein, and sit uated In Jackson County. Oregon: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear in the above en titled court and cause and there an swer the First Amended Complaint on file therein against you within ten (10) daya from the date of the service of this summons upon you If served within Jackson County. Oregon: or if served within any other county of Oregon then within twenty (30) days from the date of the -service of this summons upon you: or If served out of the State of Oregon after an Order of Publication, or It served by publication of such sum mons, then on or before the last day nncr!hH In the Order for publica tion of said summons, which last day will be the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1933. This summons Is published In ac cordance with an Order made and filed In the above entitled court and cause, bv the Honorable H. D. Norton. Judxe of the above en titled Court, and which Order has been filed herein, and Is of date the 35th day of August, 1933: It requires this- summons to be pub lished in the Medford Mall Tribune published at Medford, Oregon, once a week for a period of four (4) con secutive weeks, and requires you and sach of you to appear in aald court and cause and there anawer said com plaint on or before said last day for the publication or aaia summons. And you will please take notice that If you fall to so appear ana answer aald Amended Complaint the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff is the owner and entitled to the possession of the for lowing described real property, situ. ated In Jackson County, Oregon, to wn: Commencing at the Kortheast corner of Donation Land Olaim No. 42 in Township 87 South of Range On West ot ths Willam ette Meridian; theno south 88 degrees 66 minutes west 1786.3 feet along th Donation Land Claim boundary to the point ot be--!nnlrtg; theno South 89 de grees 66 minutes west 403.87 feet along th Donation Land Claim Boundary to the easterly bound ary of the old Paclflo St Eastern Railway right of way; aald point being north 89 degree 56 mln utea East 1320.9 feet from th Inside "L" corner of Donation Land Claim No. 43; theno South 13 degrees 38 mlnutea East 872.06 feet along the Pacific Eastern Railway right of way, which fol low the present right of way fence: (henoa south 7 degree 84 minutes East 144.96 feet follow ing th Pacific Ai Eastern Rail way right of way to a point on th present fence line; thence north 88 degree 83 minutes east 39608 feet: thenc North 0 de grees .04 minute Wast 503.90 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.00 acrea. mor or less, all corners marked with a K-lnch pipe set in cube of con crete 12-ln.xl2-ln.xl2in. That all of said property lies east of the center line of the stream known a "Bear Creek." Together with all the tene ments, hereditaments and ap purtenanoes belonging to or In any wise appertaining to said real proDsrty, and That none of th defendants herein have any lien upon or right, tltl or Interest In and to any of said real property; and That none of the helra, known or unknown, of any of the defendants or ptirtles named as defendants here in, nor any of those Included In the title ae "also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest In th real estate described in the complaint herein and altuated In Jaokson Coun ty, Oregon" have any Hen upon or interest of any kind In any of aald real property, and that each and all of the defendant herein and the unknown heirs of. all of th defend ants herein, and all other oeraons mentioned aa defendants herein, be and they ind each of them are ex cluded from any right, title, or In terest in or lien upon anv of aald property, and for a decree quieting the plaintiff title m fee simple In .um vu mi oi Mia properly; And for a judgment for plaintiff's cost and - disbursement against such defendant as appear and an swer herein: . And a decree for auch other and further relief as shall be lust and equitable in tn premise. The date of the first publication of thla summons la th 38th day of August. 1931-1. The date of the last publication of this summons 1 th 32nd day of September, 1938. Dated at Medford, Oregon, thla 35th day of August, 1933. A. E. REAMBS, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 413 Liberty Building, Modford, Oregon. Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzie ACROSS I. ivergrtm tree it Presiding offi cer of an assembly I. Elite . II. Uurstlnid metal 18. Passageway II. Small peg uad in wait 15. Beat or drlva back IT. Long hand some feathtr 11. Misfortunes 20. Escaped by cleverness 51. Narrow roads SI. Smoothed with a carpen ter' tool 34. Roman data 21. That (or which a thing- may b bought tt. Pronoun th Mlrs 2. List of can didal! for nomination 89. Transgrasalon tl. Fx1t 12. Puff Up St. Intellect Si. Chide vehamantly Solution of Yesterday'a Tuzxls A ftAfS A B O TglR OlW 18. Organs of aarlal fllarht 17. Reach a des tination It. Resound 19. Ezsarerated comedy SO. Vast worker: colloq. 41. Devoured U. Wak . Highest Tints &f Ouldo's scsls ST. Scarlet 41. Espreeilon of contempt 41. Immerse DOWN 1. Tn place of 3. Anger I, Complained 4. Short visits 6. .Sibilant sound 8. Ibsen char acter T. He: French 8. Put back 9. Musical study 10. correcting II. Poverty 16. Mexican' rub ber trees 11, Crennent- shaped flg , urs 10. Ths chosen 21, Kind of lican ?2. Hliadow forth JS. Talk Idly 2S. Table dish 27. Purposes ' 29. Ktave ships 10, Made a ont- bnse hit It, Maacullne name 21. Aromatic herb SB. Was In error 36, More sega- - cio'i- 27. Dlmant :s. stra'agem 40. Color 1. Yale 42. Kuork 45. In contact with from above Oregon, duly made, rendered and en tered Upon Auguat 10th, 1933, and all creditors having claims against said deoeased are hereby notified to pre- ni tn earn amy vtruied. with toucher thereunto attached, and all person owing ssld estate are noti fied to pay their eald Indebtedness to me at my office. Rooms JOl-3 Medford National Bank building, Medlord, Oregon, within elk months from th date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 11th day ot Aturust, 1933. OBOROE M. ROBERTS. Administrator with the Will Annexed or tne Estate of Prank o. Pratier. deceased. toivrv court ruoi'KnuiMis. (Continued from Pag Ten) Pensions Beth Abel ...... Edwin Pierc ... C. T. Pine , , Mary Price Wm. F. Rathburn B. H. Taylor Al Rohten .... Jess M. FTenk RlKglna Roesler W. b. Hobliuoi. .. Jae. D. Rupe Anna O. Schmidt .. John 8. Fewell ....... JrVin Shoup ...., Helen O Skldmore ...., Luolntla Btevens .... W. H. Stewart ....... 1. D. Stubblefleld .. Jo bulllvsn .......... John Bt John -.....-. Mrs. Ottl Scholer Louise Schepflln .. ... Jesse Searing Q. B. dexton ........ Bruce Shaddock MH. J. W. Slater .......... Slla 0. Smith ..... . lill-o. A. Smith ,. ... Mollle flotikren Marlon Sowash ..., Carrie A. Bergenl . Bart Summera S. A. Swan . Chas. Schwart& . H. D. Taylor Ada Kne Taylor -..... John D. Tellon Mra. Ouy Tex, care chlld.. Cleo, Thompson ., Mary A. Torrenc ..,... O. K. Pursell .. Mrs. John Wolgamott ... Anna Watklna . Ida Jane Watklns ... Lucy Wilcox Mr. O. A. Wilson, oar child Ed Worman ,........ Z. Wolgamott .... Anna L. Worden Margaret Vaster Total ... is.oo uoo 10.00 8.00 12 00 S0OI B 10 00 13.00 0 00 10.00 u.oo 10 00 1000 10.00 8.00 1000 16.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8 00 10 00 10.00 6.00 10.00 ao.oo 8 00 a. oo 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 13.00 13.00 8 00 1000 10.00 34.00 2.V00 8.00 8.00 1300 800 10.00 10.00 1000 1S.00 10.37 1300 10.00 Oeo. Kills, labot . . , C. P. Slek, labor , O. O. Bulllran. lebor.. O. A. Andrews, auper. O. A. Andrews, super. ... ohas. Anderson, powder man Wm. J Ehrke. labor ... L. J. Iverson, labor L. J. Iverson. labor Victor Zbsralskl. labor Adolph Miller, labor . A. T. Cooley, labor ., C. O. Crosslin, labor . Geo. Htlnta. labor , , , Elmer Orow. labor r, , Fred Henry, labor . Jack True, labor Jae. Brownlee, lfibor Wlllnrd Wiles, isbor J. E. Randies, labor H. A. Antry, labor A. C. Uwls, labor .. Lyal Harlmaii. carpenter Wesley Hartman. supt. , , Ted Helmrolh, super. A. M Williams, lnbor Tom Carlton, super. C. j. collier, labor L. Tollo, driver H. Moulton. driver Harold Tolle, driver Gale Moulton. driver Jack Fortln. driver ... N. P KelloRe. driver D. O. Mcntrell, driver., Marlon Train, driver , .in. Bill Lewis, driver .. Karl Ulrlch. driver H. w. Mdntyre. drlver. H. C. Dooms, driver .... H. c. Dooms, driver Percy Haley, driver Ci. H. Hchermerhorn, drlver Chos. Dooms, driver .., Ed Btllhvkell, driver Peter Snndoz. driver Marcel Ssndoz, driver .... C. Z, Boyden, chalnman... Byron Reamen, chnlnman..... o. H. Tlce, chnlnman Paul B. Rynnlng, engineer. bina uneiardl, secretary ., Percy Haley, motorman . L. X. Blrthnm. motorman Thos. poseiierry. meohanlo.. w. j. utirnidge, mechanic. R. J. Hlnnbarger. mechanlo. O. O. Modrell, mechanic. . R. N", plnney. blacksmlth. C. C. Collins, driver .. Harold Tolle, driver Ed millall, driver Chaa. Dooms, driver .........-... . 81,426.40 Rotinty Ferments. Oil Angerl. ,....,.. Mr. L c, Fields .,,.. Oeo, Mosler , Paul Phlnney O, P. Oray ,. T. W. Melton w-i , - ,s "ii r"? ' j.Uttit - I ! " Mill i3 '....--5 :;.-;.:'" '1 " '' V'"'' "I" IT" ' 1" 1 . t . -T Pr I I 1. 11 4 11 I I t iii ii 1 1 Notice of Bond sale. Notice la hereby given that ieJed bids wilt b received by the under signed until th hour of 7:30 p. m on th ISth day of September, 1931. and immediately thereafter opened by the City Council of aald City, for th purchase of City of Medford Re funding Improvement Bonds, in th turn of Three Hundred Eleven Thou sand (8311.000) Dollars, aald bonds to be dsted aa of January lat, 1934, and to matur serially follows: January 1, 1939, Bond No. 1 lo 13 Inclusive. January 1, 1940, Bond Ko. 14 to 37 Inclusive. January 1. 1941, Bond No. 38 to 43 inclusive. January 1. 1943. Bond No. 43 to 98 inclusive, January 1, 1943, Bond Nos. N lo 79 inclusive. January 1, 1944, Bond No. 18 to 93 Inclusive. January 1. 1949, Bond No. 94 to 113 inclusive. January 1, 1948, Bond No. Ill to 133 inclusive. January 1, 1947, Bond Not. 188 to 1(3 Inclusive. January 1, 1948, Bond No. 1S4 to 178 inclusive. January I, 1949, Bonds Ncs. 177 to 200 Inclusive. January 1, 1990, Bond No. 301 to 220 inclusive. January 1, 1991, Bond No. 937 to 3(3 Inclusive. January 1. 1993, Bond No. 394 to 381 Inclusive. January 1, 19(8, Bond No. 383 to 311 inclusive. Each of said bond shall be In th amount of tlOOOOO, eald bonds to bear interest at the rat of t per annum, payable semi-annually. Eacn bid must be In writing and unless the bid It made by sinking fund of th City of Medford, or by th State of Oregon, shall be accompanied by a certified check on a bank doing busi ness In tkl stat, for not less than 2 of the par value ot the bonis ortered for sale. If any bids offered are not aatis- factory to the City Council, aald Council reserve the right to rejeat tne asm. m. l, alford, City Recorder. Notice to creditors. In th County Court or the Stat of Oregon for the County of Jsckson In the Matter of th Estate of Prank D. Frailer, deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that I have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator with th Will Annexed of th above entitled estate under and by virtu of an order of th County Court of Jackon County, J. K. Burnaman Chas. Humphreys E. R, Vlckera ... Jame D. Morgan Total .'. Jackson County Library. E. fay Woolsey. salary .. Helen Klnsey, salary Katrine Runt, salary Dal Roberta, salary J. County Llbary Expense.. Amer. Library Assn., book Mr., P. A. Pratt, mags Natl. Rabbit Sup, Co. book. K. W. Wilson CO., Indexes... 8.00 8.00 9.00 13.00 8.00 8.00 13 00 8.00 8.00 9.00 808.00 30.00 80.00 30.00 13.00 19.00 1.29 08.(0 1.00 81.08 Total 8383.80 Dog Llcans Fund T. M. Rowden, sheep killed ny aogs i-.uu C. J. Haas, sheep killed by dog ......- 10.00 933.00 Fair operation rand. Modern P. S. M. Col, re-' pairs ............. 88.18 Redden tc Co. In. prem. 83.40 R. A. Holmes. Ins. prem. . 83.31 Ja. Ricks, caretaker 90.00 Com. Finance Corp., Int. premium ... 89.40 Emergency Fund. Jeasl Msstln, postage, Clr. Court -.. W. J. Olmicheld. postage sheriff O. R. Carter, postag clerk. 6, A. Codding, postag dis trict attorney 0, R. Bowman, postage B. supt. ..,... 363.37 19.00 30.00 89.13 Road Fnnd. Wm. Burg, wood . Welter H. Heflln, labor Bwlhart es Zimmerman, ma terial ....,........ 0. P. Seek, labor .. W. B. Cook, poet . Joe Dusenberry, labor ..... Lewi Dusenberry, labor .... John Perdue, labor . . State Ind. Acc. Com,, Ind. Insurant Trowbridge Cabinet Work. suppllee - Swihart As Zimmerman, lum ber Tom Carlton, material Cel. Or. Power Co., service for ehop Ted Helmroth. sup. travel... Wm. Bruin, sup. travel Wm. Fox, driver E. Osrvln. driver C. M. Chapman, labor A. E. Edmondson, super A. E. Edmonston, super Frank I.ind.trom, labor R. E. Edmondson. labor . R. B. Baker, grader Henry Francois, taoor , Veon Ncrrla, cat man , Jeu Phillip, labor B. P. Hllkey, labor A. J. weaver, labor John Vincent, labor.. 3. ). Poole, labor .. John Matney, auper. 1113.13 9.08 7.17 02.04 90.06 34.00 14.34 14.84 S.97 183.13 328.19 8.(0 43.89 4.(9 8.28 11.16 19.99 4.49 71 82 1434 11 96 14 99 1484 88.09 81.07 4.78 9.98 4.78 7.17 89.89 W. R. Bement, tractor jack Fortln, mechanic . jack Frost, hammerman... Harry Powell, electrician . Gale Moulton, driver W. M. Tethrow. super. nenry Meyer, driver B. J. WrUht, .liper. . Harry William, labor H. R. Williams, labor Joe Dusenberry, driver Tom Perdue. . labor Elsworth Btowell, driver ..... Lester Throckmorton, super, John 0. Btllle, labor ........... E. A. Walton, labor .. Dean Whitman,, labor Ralph Hoaklns, labor dorm Hoskins. labor ... William Cottrell, labor . h. Hnrnisn. team ,1. W. Smith, labor . H. c. Doom, drivr Harold Toll, driver William Hurst, labor Hubbard Bros., supplies Thos, H. Simpson, supplies. Lester Throckmorton, travel Chet Parsons Garage, supplies B. J, Wright, travel O. A, Andrew., travel . W. O, Clements, supplies....... Air Reduo. Seles Co.. supplies Thos. H. Simpson, supplies.. John Matney, travel ... Nelson Purse!!, supplle City Water Dept., servio . Edward P. Wbber, aupp!le Med. Fura. Al Hdw, Co., sup plies .. ....... Plero Auto Freight Lines, supplies .. Loggers St Contractor M. Co. suppllee O.-O. Lbr. Sale Co., supplle Med. Con Cone, Co.t supplies 0 E Gates Auto Oo., supplle Gabriel Powder At Supply Co., supplies . Madden Tlr Shop, supplle E. rt. Whit Machinery Co., supplies ...... ........ Medford-Klamath Fall Truck Lin. aupplle ...... Whlttlo Transfer . Storage. auppllea . Ltttrell Part Co. supplies. Firestone Service, supplies... Med. Service (Station, supplle Carson Fowr Lbr. Co., sup plies ....,..... Home Tel. Tel. Co., servio Med. Plat Olas St Mirror Co., supplle -. Standard Oil Co., uppllee. Standard Oil Co.. supplies... Wltham Service Station, sup plies . L. c. Grimes, supplle Burloy Sexton, labor Th Texas Company, supplle Med. Con. Cons. Co., supplle Office Stationery Ac Supply, supplies Consolidated Freight Lines, supplies ...... ...... Volney Dixon, supplle ... Homo Tel. It Tel Co., service J. E. Hazeltln Co., supplies Pierce Auto Freight, supplws Woodbury Company, servlje Medford Lbr. Co., supplies... Lewi Super Servio, supplle Miller Sanford Co., supplies. Hubbard Bros.. supplKs ..... Ashland Iron Works, supplle Med. Service Station, supplies Wltham Serv. sta. supplies. Edward F. Webber, supplies. Western Union, service .. Llttrell Part Co., supplies... Cal. Ore. Power Co. service to ahop . Ballou St Wright, supplle... E. P. Houghton Co., supplle E. R. Whit Machinery Co., supplle ..........-Owen-Oregon Lbr, Co., up- Suniterd" Oil Co., supplies... City band Gravel, supplle Thos. H. Simpson, supplies. 4.71 18.78 8.(3 8.00 94.78 89.78 (7.11a 40.63 19.12 (9.78 55 85 31.31 40 63 21.(1 88.34 33 90 23.90 40 63 10.73 1(1 73 16.73 14.34 43 89 49.34 87.89 2(09 98.78 21.91 87.44 (7.44 68 21 61. OS 38.73 tit 39.9 11.98 26.91 3.19 2092 1.79 (2.08 87.83 40.0S 62 37 39.40 1.19 I. 19 19.1)8 18.98 10.06 111.88 28.00 9.97 9394 149.78 89.69 80,76 (7.86 99.66 46.67 3.13 1481 11.32 4V9T (9.86 81.87 10.98 3.(9 87.7 68.98 87.86 17.74 14.81 3M 3.39 8340 88.78 9.30 40.6 26.84 7.17 0.66 13.17 3.00 9.86. 14.88 14.86 4.78 7.30 26.08 31.70 3.38 II. 48 80.00 3.60 102 63 56 18.30 99.44 8.00 18.00 .71 in 88 97 7680 8.7 17.41 .78 47.00) 6 44 ' 138 43.10 .90 11.78 9.49 8.88 ' .M 804.78 891.8S 8.48 1.80 10.09 13.C8 97.80 1190 1.91 82.86 6. (8 37.14 7.63 21.13 108.00 1.87 1.(9 9.10 8.6 3.78 3.00 7. (4 -1 49 At 88.09 20.(0 10.61 47.00 , 9(0 796.48 8.60 199.64 ..86 .989.7 O. R. CARTER, County Clerk. (Something For Sale) SO Acre Pear Orchard $160 PER ACRE WITH PRESENT CROP Solid block pear trs, planted about twenty years, continually operated by present owner. DeAnJou, Bartletti, Bote, Howell, Nelis. Deep free soil, woit side of valley. Present orop inoluded. No buildings nor equipment. All goes for less than bar .land originally cost. Buy it for only $160 per acre. Pay $2-00 cash for possession. This offer will b withdrawn September 1st. EARL TUMY-310 Liberty Bldg. (Please call at this office if interested No information over phone.)