MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD. OREGON, THTRSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1033. PAGE SEVEN Local and Returns from North O. O. Aln dsrter returned to Medford thu morn "ing on tha Oregonlan from the north. !" Go to Bandon Mrs. O. W. Plm snd Mr. Clyde EaWn drove over to Bndon today to epend the week- end in Mre. Palm's cabin. In Medford Harold Cooley ot . orot Pass, who U with the Grant pise Pharmacy In that city, wu . business visitor In Medford on Tues : day. Mri. Barnwell Here Mre. Charlea - h. Barnwell of Port Snelllng. Minn., hu arrived In Medford to Join Cap 1 tain Barnwell, who la stationed at the C. 0. C. headquartera In Med ford. Unemployed to Meet The Medford Unemployment association will meet tonight at the county courthouse at 7:45 o'clock for regular session. A large attendance was urged yester ' day by K. J. Knutson, manager. Mr. Burns Improved Jack Burns. who sustained a. broken back In an auto wreck on the Jacksonville high way Saturday night, was reported In m much Improved condition at the 6 ax: red Heart hospital this afternoon. Undergoes Operation Jack Roberts ; underwent a major operation at the Community hospital last night. He was brought In as an emergency case, and was reported getting along satisfactorily this morning. Leaves Hospital E. N. Llndgren. who underwent a knee operation at the Sacred Heart hospital, where he had been a patient since August 6. left for bis home this morning, his condition being much Improved. Badge Is Found A chauffeur's badge, No. 7145, has been turned In to the state police office, according to Captain Lee M. Bown. A xnaKi oolored Jacket has Also been turned in at the station. Returns East Joe Hurd of Chicago. Who has been spending the past week . here visiting his mother, Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Is leaving today by plane for Chicago, where he Is manager of the Mateon Navigation company's offices in that city. Pined One Dollar Mrs. R. R. John son appeared In city court thla week, . representing he; son. Dr. J. P. John- son, and paid a fine of H upon a plea of guilty to dumping garbage on the south end of Keene Way drive. Accident Reported Elise Elizabeth Reld of 1221 East Main street re ported at the city police station that she bed a collision at that place Wednesday noon with an automobile driven by Elbert Robinson of route ' four. To Jacksonville Mrs. Z. J. Medltz of Kansas City. Mo., and her children, - Edward, Blanche, Rosemary and Mar . garet Ann, arrived here today oy . train from flan Francisco, to spend ; the day at Jacksonville, visiting W. :H. Luther. T Chaplain Arriving Chaplain Rsy : mond James Hore of San Pranclsco Is : expected In Medford thla week from . the south, to assist Chaplain Willis ; Bergen of Portland In the religious - anj welfare work of thla C. C. C. dis--trlct. - At Diamond Lake Among local people who visited at Diamond lake -during the past few dsys. were R. J - Simpson and J. A. Burton of Med- - ford, who had as their guest J. P. ' Phelps of San Pranclsco. Mr. and .' Mrs. E. P. Shirley of Medford were also among the guests. ; Z Visit the Whitelawa Mr. and Mrs. . Rufus TurneT of Whlttler, Cal., are Z the guests In Medford for several - days of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whltelaw. The Turners are en route south from ; Albany, where they attended the ; wedding of their daughter Mary to ; Ted Young, both of whom are well known here. ' Age with Carter, Rice Z. N. Agee, for many years with the Zeler- - bach Paper company as southern Oregon salesman and later as man ager of the Eugene branch of the Zellerbach organization. Is now with Carter, Rice and company, printing paper wholesalers of Portland. Mr. Agee will make regular .strips to Grants Pass and other sotfth ' ern Oregon points. Orsnts Psss Dally Courier. RCA PERFECT SOUND TODAY and FRIDAY FIRST SHOWING IN MEDFORD His Crime Was Too Perfect To Succeed "As the Devil Commands" with ALAN DINEHART. MAE CLARK NEIL HAMILTON ALSO Nlrk Kenny Radio Act Battle Life New, pally Mat. 1:15. Eve. 7 p. m. Personal Home from Bay city Tom Emmens and Bob Hayes have returned from a trip to San Pranclsco. Rectors Return Mr. and Mrs. Prank Rector returned yesterday from more than a weekTs trip through the north. i ... Visit Court Halls Mr. and Mrs. Seely V. Hsll and sons. Seely and Owen, arrived today on the Shasta from San Diego. Cal.. to visit Mr. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Court Hall, for a few days before continu ing to Seattle, where Mr. Hall has been promoted by the United Air Lines. ... Wreck on Evans Creek A collision between csrs driven by Sara Skevtng ton of Rogue River and a Mr. Wil son of the'same place, occurred Tues day night on the Evans Creek road, records st the city police station show. The report of Sara Skevlng ton shows that a truck and car were traveling on the road, without lights. ... Boys Run Away According to word received by city police this morning. Duane Hogue. 15, and William Rum- baugh, 13. both of Garden Grove, Cal., have run away from home, sup posedly to come to Oregon. Hogue's mother requests In the letter to Chief of Police Clatous McCredle that the boys be held here If apprehended. and returned south. . . Join Husbands Here Mrs. Lewis T. Ross and Mrs. George A. A. Jones, both of Corvallls, arrived In Medford Wednesday to Join their husbands, who have been stationed here during tne summer at the C. C. C. head quarters. Following a brief vacation trip, the four will return to Cor vallls where Captain Ross and Lieu tenant Jones are with the R..O. T. C work on the campus. Stars Of Craterian Picture Are Parents Of Adopted Children Both Slim Summervllle and ZaSu Pitta, who are now appearing at the Craterian theater as co-stars of the universal comedy. "Her First Mate." ar parents of adopted sons. And both, It so happens, have consist ently striven to avoid any publicity in connection with the adoptions. Summervllle and his wife adopted a baby boy from' an orphanage more than a year ago. but It was many months before the public learned that the little fellow was not a nat ural son of the couple. . Then the secret wsa revealed by a newspsper writer who had promised to respect tne confidence of the comedlsn. snd not to publish the facts of the case. The boy, a little more than a year old, has been named Elliott. ZaSu Pitts was the flrat screen star to adopt a child, and did It as the result of her great friendship for the mother, who died. She had long been a close friend of the exotic actress, Barbara LaMarr, and on the .death of the latter many years ago, Miss Pitts and her husband. Tom Gallery, adopted the young Don Mike LaMarr. as a companion for their own little girl. Dripping radlatora repaired. Metal Works. Brill Phone 642. We'll haul away youi refuse. City Sanitary Service. Shows at pH VBsVTVbaTVHMiHHH Mnts 15c 2'" R '1 r.lspW ! Eves 2Jo 7:15 9:15 I.Mmf T 1 WORLD'S FINEST SOUND .... TONIGHT is your IN HE WAS SHE DONE FRIDAY and Your favorite Western star in a thundering dra ma bristling with action and smash ing conflict . . . . the thrill you've been waiting fori Iam Grey's George I O'BRIEN I laffV Claire Trevor I rtJSlC Greta Nissen PAJFoxPicture WHEAT GROWERS ADVISED TO GET REDUCTION DATA Every wheat grower, no matter how extensive hit operations are. should get the Information available on tfte wheat adjustment program, states County Agent R. a. Powler. Ono feature of the plan that ap pears to loom large In the minds of wheat growers is what to do witn the land taken out of wheat pro duction. This Is answered In the contract as follows: 'Summer fal lowed; planted to soil building or erosion preventing crops; or to food crops for home consumption on tnis farm; or to feed crops for the pro duction of livestock product for home consumption on this farm." The government contracts to mane benefit payments for three years in return for acreage reduction for two years, as the first payments apply to the 1033 crop with no reduction re quired. This Is in contrast to the cotton situation In the south where contract called for actual plowing under of part of the 1933 crop. Local meetings called for during the next few days are as follows: Thursday, Aug. 24. Talent com munity hall, B p. m. Friday. Aug. 25. Sams Valley school house, 8 p. m. Monday. Aug. 28. Central Point Grange hall. 8 p. m. Local meetings are being well at' tended and actual signing of appli cation for contracts will begin next week. EGGS AND BUTTER PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 24. (API Egg prlcea went unchanged today as a preference for storage stock waa Indicated. Best quality was generally at list pslce while a wide spread waa noticed In pullets, compared to printed values. Make of butter showed a slight de crease again. Trade conditions were steady, but more or less Influenced by cold storage stock for sale. But terfat waa unchanged. With an acute shortage of offetlnge of fresh stock, both alive and dressed, market price of turkeys was higher. Slightly better demand for klllera in the hen market, but no change suggested In the price list. Light broilers were In rather good call. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness, sympathy and floral offerings during our bereave ment of our beloved father. Mrs. Florence DavUi. Mrs. Blanche Kitchen Mra. Dorothy Payne. Mrs, Catherine Hefler. Ends Tonlte Irene Dunne In "The Secret of Madame Blanche" Tomorrow Ernest Truex In "Whistling In the Dark" 1 aVJaaalg Kiddles a Dime RCA HIGH FIDELITY. WIDB RANGE last chance to HER MAN... BUT WRONG" SATURDAY Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 34. (AP) CATTIE: 17. cslvea 12; steady. HOGS: 640: ateady. SHEEP: 119: ateady. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Aug. 34. (AP) But ter: Prints, extras, 22c; standards. 310. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A grade, 18c lb.; farmer s door delivery. 17c per lb.; sweet cream, oe higher. BOOS Pacific Poultry Producers- selling price: Oversize, 24c; extras, 22c; standards, 20c; mediums, 20c; pullets, 16c dozen. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extras, 20c dos.; mediums, 16c dos.; undergrade, 10c dos.; pullets 10c dozen. COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 7'iiaBc. vealers, 70 to 100 lbs., Oqioc; spring lambs. lOUffliic lb.; yearlings. 4$6c lb.; heavy ewes, 2 a 3c lb.; medium cows, 5?6c lb.; canner eows, 2 3 3c lb.; bulls. 4H3 5c lb. Cheese, milk, live poultry, new on ions, potatoes, cantaloupes, wool and hay, unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Aug. 24. (P Wheat: Open. High. Low. Closo Sept ,73 .73 .72 .72 Dec 77 77',, .76 '.4 .76 ;4 Cash wheat No. 1: Big Bend Bluestem ... .80 Dark hard winter (12)....,. .82 (11) .73 Soft white Western white Hard winter ....... Norther nspring .............. Western red - ., .70 .u .70 .70 .70 . .68 24.00 35.50 18.50 Wheat 68; Oats: No. 2 white Corn: No. 2 E. yellow. Mlllrun stsndard ..... Today'a car recelpta: flour 11; corn 2; oats 6. hay 4. Chicago Wheat CHICAOO, Aug. 24. (AP) Wheat futures. Open , .87 ',4 High Low .86 Close .853; Sept. 8 bona at 2:00 7:15 - fl:15 (QZESSHETl- WORLD'S FINEST ROUND . . . RCA Until Saturday Night He Wanted A Deep-Sea Liner .... But It Turned Out To Be A Ferry! -swv Here's the panle scoop of the year . . . with 811m as a dry-land salt water mariner and Zasu as the wire who thinks ferry boats are as good as fairy boots when It comes to making dreams come true! Mm, ZASU in 4 a.MIMT II UNA MERKEL WARREN HYMER IWton CHURCHILL HENRY ARMETTA GEORGE MARION . A UNIVERSAL PICTURE .Ml PUS "INFLATION" ' tpA fthat tt, l.U KRI. HARIIV ( nufpihw, sf.w Dec. iO May 94 .92 ij .98'. .88 'I .93 88 53', . F. B.itterfat. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 24 (API Butterfat, 21 32c. Wall St. Report Bond Bale Average,. (Copyright, 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) Ailgu.t 24: 20 20 20 60 Ind'ls RR's Ufa Total Today 75 8 80 9 84.8 80 8 Prev. day. 75.7 81.1 85 2 80 8 Week ago. "9 1 81 0 85 5 80 9 Year aso 69 7 75 5 85 6 76 9 3 Vra. ago... 93 9 108.7 100.8 101.1 Stock Sale Averages. (Copyright, 1933. standard Statistic Co.) August 34: 50 Ind'ls Today - S4.0 Prev. day ...- 93 3 Week ago. 92.3 Year ago 64.5 3 Yrs. ago .164 0 90 20 90 RR's Ufa Total 51 9 87.7 86 4 51.5 86 5 86 6 50 3 90.5 85.5 34 9 99 8 66 2 117.6 217.1 166 0 NEW YORK. Aug. 24. (AP) At- ' though grains aaggd under renewed selling pressure today, stocks gener ally Ignored this weakness and moved quietly up to higher levels. Gains in most categories averaged a point or more, with several specialties advanc ing considerably farther.. The close was Eteady. Turnover, much smaller than yesterday, approximated 1,750,- 000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 select ed stocka follow: Al. Chem. tfc Dye 136V4 Am. Can 01 Am. & Fgn. Pow 12 Va A. T. & T 127 Anaconda 18 Atch. T. tfc S. P. 64 Bendlx Avia 18',i Beth. Steel . 41 California Pack'g 27"JB Caterpillar Tract. 23 Chrysler 43H Coml. Solv 38H Curtiss-Wrlght . 84 DuPont 80 Gen. Foods 37J Gen. Mot . 32 Int. Harvest 3914 I. T. Sl T. 16 Johns-Man 53 Monty Ward 26 North, Amer. - 33 Penney (J. C.) ........ ........ 46 Phillips Pet . 14 Radio 8 Mats 2Ao ilie KlUdlrs a Dim HIOH FIDELITY WIDE RANGE PITTS iff. Sou. Pac. Std. Brands St. Oil Cal St. Oil S. J. Trans. Amer. Union Carb. United Aircraft U. S. Steel 29 28S 37', 39', 7i4 48 , ... 37 , 55 , Challenging Fred Wahl, who claim ed yesterday to be the wearer of the f!rstNatlonal Recovery Act consumer button in Medford, Mrs. Agnes I. Merrell. manager of the Real Silk company In this district, appeared at the Mall Tribune, with button shin ing1 and the statement that she had been wearing same since Monday. Mrs. Merrell also announced that the men at the Western Auto Supply company have also been wearing consumer buttons since Tuesday. Mr. Wahl returned to Medford wearing his yesterday. Until someone else appears with another challenge Mrs. Merrell will be accepted as wearer of the first button in Medford. George O'Brien In Rialto's Thriller "Life in the Raw." the latest ro mance from the pen of Zane Orey, comes to the Rlalto theater on Fri day, to remain for an engagement of two days. It ta the Fox picture In which George O'Brien, premier west ern star, returns to the screen after an absence of about six months. The atory that Zane Grey has writ' ten for this O'Brien vehicle combines the elements for which his wrttlngs have gained world-wide fame. There la romance, adventure, danger, acta of undauted heroism all set against the dynamic background of the west, It ts reported as a story of humans whose emotions are laid bare by the unrelenting pressure of arid wastes, George O'Brien has a new leading lady in this production. She is Claire ( SO WHY TAKE CHANCES Y . WHEN YOU CAN GET f BLOW-OUT PROTECTION J pffi FREE '' THIS TIRE IS A LIFE-SAVER ! I -?60. n uo-10 II 4.40M.50-11- I 1 4.15-19 9q0 1 I 5.00-W--- l0 00 I I 1 5 w-18 ll.50 mm : i t w rm fi 0 i In the Immediate Future! Due to substantial increase in Rubber and Cotton Cost Also Cotton Process Tax, effective August 31st, will be added to the price of tires! BUY NOW AND SAVE! Liberal Trade-in Allowance on Goodrich Safety Silver towns. LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STATION Trevor, beautiful newcomer to the screen, who has been recruited from the dramatic stage. Her last appear ance was In the leading role of "The Party's Over." the Broadway success which recently completed a success ful engagement in New York. LEAVE TO PLEAD County Commissioner R- E Neslon, represent Ing the county, and 8- Sumpter Smith, representing the Chamber of Commerce, will leave this evening for Portland, where they will Join delegation from Ashland. Grants Pass, Roseburg and Eugene and ap pear before the Joint meeting or the state high-way commission snd the bureau of public roads, and will en deavor to get an agreement to ad vertise for bids and let the contract In September for the construction of the Paclfte highway in th Slakl yous, the sllocatlon for which wis made June 30. FIRST RUN FILM OPENS AT ROXY The most lovable villain, the most villainous lover ever a girl had U on view at the Roxy theater In "As the Devil Commands." with Alan Dinehart. Mae Clarke and Nell Ham ilton featured. It la an exciting story of the crime that was too per fect to succeed, bringing to the screen an entirely new type of film villain. NEW FALL DRESSES. 93.95 to 12.45. Swagger Suits and Coats, 13.45 to 924.96. Hats, 05c and up. New Fall Shoes moderately priced, THE BAND BOX St SHOE BOX. "The store that saves you money." The North Carolina corporation commission has ruled that truck drivers may not work more than 14 noura a ay. YOU never can tell when you'll have a blow-out with ordinary tires on your ear. The way to be aafe U to make sure you get the new Goodrich SUvertown, with the Life-Saver Golden Ply. Because this amusing invention makes you 3 times safer by eliminating the CAUSE of blow-outs beforehand. And Just Imagine you don't pay a single penny Tit nw Goodrich 3 n 01X fP JJ 7 WITH - . 1TT.11 KrirAc Will as ivvu w i ass x Jkv v uiivv "WE NEVER CLOSE" Next to Hotel Jackion NEW FALL DRESSES, 13 93 to 12 45. Swaer Suits and Coats. 13 45 to 34 95. HsU. 95c and up. New Fall Shoes moderately priced THE BAND BOX & SHOE BOX. "Tiie store thst saves you money." Warrants Called, brhool District No. ".. Warrant numbered 372. 376. 4'.4 415, 418, 420. 422. 423, 425. are called for payment. Interest will cease after September 1. 1933. Present warrants at First National Bank, Medford, Oregon, for payment. BESSIE SNYDER. Clerk Dlat. No. 3 TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY CASH PAID for men's secondhand suits, odd oats. hats and shoes. Will H Wilson. 32 N. Front St TOP PRICES naid for 2nd band fur niture. Be rr yd ale 2nd Hand Store. 1603 N Riverside. Phone 266. FOR SALE Orchard ladders. Larsen type with reinforced steps; 10, 13, 14. 16-ft. lengths. While they last, 30c foot. Montgomery Ward t Co. FOR RENT Furnished houses. cab- Ins, so. 00, 10.00; water. 812 Sum mit. LOST Female Boston Bull terrier; white with brown markings. Re turn 579 Franquette St. Reward. WANTED By young woman, position as stenographer or office work. Ad dress Box 12217, Tribune. 6-ROOM modern house. Price 1500. 523 N. Riverside. Phone 319-X. FOR SALE Or trade for pigs, model T. Ford truck with Warford trans mission. Ted Fish, Phoenix. WANTED Young person with ability to meet public, for part time work. Salary. Box 13214. Tribune. FOR TRADE Old car with good mo tor for wood or work. Tel. 1345-X. FOR EXCHNQE Clear bungalow for business location on highway, 511 So. Grape. LOST Swimming suit between Twin Plunges and Medford. Finder kind ly return to Mall Tribune. Reward, WANTED Electric washer, cheap for cash. Box 12105, Tribune. extra for this Golden Ply protection! Thanks to the Goodrich crusade to save lives, we can give you this new Safety SUvertown for the same price as any standard tire. Why take chances? That blister that blow-out In the making may be In your tires right now. Come In today while prices are still low, LIFE-SAVER COIOEM FUf 4 1. AH van Phone 1300 j.N Dlrecle1 fcy Loui Kin ix? zsx Front and Eighth Sta.