Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 20, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    m"edfotid matl tribune, medford. Oregon, Sunday, august 20, 1933.
s Another.
Here are some of the questions
people ask us about the
President's Reemployment Agreement
sometimes called the "blanket code"
Q. Who started all this ?
A President Roosevelt. It's one more step in his big plan that has already put
more than a million men back to work.
Q. What's the big idea anyhow?
A To end unemployment. To wipe out child labor (something the country's
been trying to do for generations). And to restore the purchasing power of
the richest country in the world.
Q. How's he going to do it?
A Every employer is asked to split up existing work so that everybody will
have a job, and to raise the hourly wage rate, where necessary, so that every
body will have a living wage.
Q. And that's what they mean by the' blanket code?
Yes it's called the "President's Reemployment Agreement"
Q. Does anybody HAVE to sign?
A No. Ifs a gentlemen's agreement between President Roosevelt and every
man, woman and child in the country. He is asking you to lend a hand.
Q. Why should the employer sign ?,
Because when everybody goes back to work, everybody will spend more
money. And that will speed up business for every employer.
Q. What does the employee do ?
A You work less hours. You share your job with someone else. But you get
a guaranteed minimum wage.
Q. How eon the housewife help ?
A By signing a pledge to patronize the stores and industries that display the
1 President's sealthey are SHARING to bring back prosperity.
Q. And one more question what's all this talk about
an mdustrml code?
A The industrial code will be the rules and regulations adopted by each
industry for its guidance. But the country can't wait for all these individual
codes to be ironed out. We need the blanket code to put men to work, and
raise wages, right now!
This Advertisement is the Third of a Series Contributed by the Med
ford Mail Tribune in Cooperation With the Medford NRA Committee,
the Chamber of Commerce and Medford Merchants