MEDFOTID MAIL TTIIBUXE, MEPFOTCD, OKEOOX, MEMBERS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S NEW SUPER-CABINET POWELL MARITAL BARK HITS RIFT -V 1 i I if ft MM MORGAN 4 A MJAw I kA vi : r k ; . lit J. MVSi.;::7 t; . r-v a . . va. I . . .1 i - i .cwi vv. JQStPH B. EAbTMANt " , , I IQUGLAS 1 Eg.'t'l'S-V'"' - jUff' -1H & JlT ' HULL REPORTS TO PRESIDENT An executive council to coordinate the drive against the depression has been created by President Roosevelt. The group, composed of the chiefs. of various extraordinary agencies set up to cope with the depression and members of the cabinet, will meet each week supplanting the regular cabinet meetings. Some of the members of the group are Henry Morgenthau, jr., governor of the farm credit administration; Hugh S. Johnson, administrator of the national recovery act; Jesse H. Jones, chairman of the reconstruction finance corporation; Arthur E. Morgan, chairman of the board of the Tennessee valley authority; Lewis W. Douglas, director cf the budget; Joseph B. Eastman, federal railroad coordinator, and George Peek, administrator of agriculture adjustment. (Associated Press Photos) William Powell, debonair screen actor, and Carol Lombard, actress, will be divorced In Nevada, her mother disclosed in Los Angeles. (As. sociated .'ress Photo) NAMED IN CHICAGO RACKET INDICTMENT TROOPS IN PENNSYLVANIA COAL STRIKE AREA a, u...,. . -rj i ''Mmmmm ' ft to In efforts to preserve peace In the Pennsylvania coat strike area, Gov. Qlfford Plnehot sent troopi Into the territory. Here a company from the 112th Infantry of the Pennsylvania national guard Is shown detraining at Brownsville, Pa, (Associated Press Photo) KANSAS CITY KIDNAPER GETS DEATH PENALTY ft 1 N ' J If. A t satsfe .1 e -j' , - . n,.w,Wlv,.'n-itW-fcir. - &Sfi Walter McGee (left). Is shown in Kansas City court where he was tried and convicted on a c of kidnaping Mary McElroy, daughter of the city manager. The father paid $30,000 ransom. Under ouri law McGee was sentenced to death. Seated beside McGee Is a stenographer for the defense coi Across the table is John V, Hill, assistant prosecutor. (Associated Press Photo) Aaron Sapiro, New York attorney and labor organizer, Alderman Oscar Nelson (upper right), repub lican leader of the Chicago city council; Dr. Benjamin M. Squires (lower right), University of Chicago lecturer and federal labor mediator, and Al Capone (lower left), were named in a Chicago blanket Indict ment charging 24 men with bombing, acid throwing and restraint of legitimate trade through terror ism. Sapiro in rliown .center talking to reporters In a New York court after he had been arrested as fugitive from 'i and released on bail. (Associated Press Photos) HERE'S ACTION IN NEW YORK MILK STRIKE AREA Walter McGee (left). Is shown in Kansas City court where he was tried and convicted on a charge of kidnaping Mary McElroy, daughter of the city manager. The father paid $30,000 ransom. Under Miss ouri law McGee was sentenced to death. Seated beside McGee Is a stenographer for the defense counsel. WHITE HOUSE MOVES TO HYDE PARK FOR AUGUST 4 m - -'imii F:Va - -S &ti i Thi. unuiual action scene was taken near Rochester. N. V- as a crowd of striking milk producer! were attempting to disarm guards protecting milk trucks. The strikers, using clubs and pitchforks. - dumped the milk. This section also was the scene of clashes between striksrs and state troopers. (Ass " -. A hi slated Press Photo) GREAT BRITAIN SENDS TONS OF SILVER i" - " Vf TV. ft - u 1 Hiilltl , Pi ''f. - 1 ' ' ;rf-wrv .T"aB". 1 JLS To escape the heat In Washington during most of the sultry month of August, Prejldent Roosevelt has moved the seat of government to coder site on the banks of the Hudson river. Intent upon his recovery drive, the President took with him an office staff to maintain full command of governmental (fans from Ut family reiidenct at Hyde Park, N. Y, .lAiieeiated. Press Photoil rii illPlr-Jrrcr JV 1 Sfa'wWr- rf'Mifr'fh These 9000 bars of silver from India, worth 15,000,000, wers placed In ths 6an mint upon arrival. The metal represents part of the payment dut from Great Britain on war debts. Each bar weight between 73 to 75 Bounds, (Aici;td Press Photo Secretary of State Cordell Hull Iriahti i. ihown a. ha rennrtarf developments at the London economic conference to President Roose. velt on the verardah of the summer White House at Hyde Park, N. Y, (Associated Press Photo ROOSEVELT CONGRATULATES POST y i On a hurried trip to Washington, Wiley Post received the con gratulatlons of President Roosevelt for his record breaking solo flight around the world. The President warmly praised the aviator's "endur ance and courage." (Associated Press Photo) RECOVER BANK ROBBERY LOOT s' . , -al: . If II- J Los Angeles police reported that $155,000 In stocks and bonds, stolen In bank robberies In Oklahoma and Kanaas, had bssn recovered by detectives who took Into custody a man giving ths name of Elmer 8. . Wagonsr (left), who said he was from Oklahoma City. Lieut. Frank James of the Los Angeles police department Is at the rlghL (Associated Press Photo HARRY WOODRING AND BRIDE rJ 1 m.--V Mi 1 1 ' - Harry H. Woodrlng, assistant aecretary of war and former governor of Kansas, and his bride, the former Helen Coolldge, daughter of sena tor and Mis, Marcus A. Coolidgs, sre shown aftsr their weddhg at the Coolltlio homo In Fitchuurg, Mass. Thsy sailed from New York for honeymoon In Europe, .(Associated Preis Photo)