A public bearing to consider Med ford's milk problem irom all angles was called last night by Mayor E. M. Wilson following registration of complaints at tiie regular council meeting, regarding new elements of the milk ordinance. The chief com plslnt was voiced by Mrs. Boy Buck ingham, who was accompanied by group of consumers, who object to the provisions of the ordinance de manding that milk be sold In tho original containers, on the grounds that It will force out of business the milk depots. The hearing, aimed to clarify the situation, will be held In the council chambers next Tues day evening. . Committee to confer today with Samuel A. Greeley regarding Med ford's proposed new sewage system, was also appointed laat night at the' council session. It Is composed of 8. A. Kroschel, W. M. Clemeneon, Frederick Heath and Oeorgo Porter of the health r.nd finance commit tees, and C. O. Furnas. i An ordinance providing for the re funding of Improvement bonds of the city of Medford, Issued In 1919, and amounting to 311,000, was passed by the council last night, and the electrical equipment ordinance, ac cepted at the first reading of the council some time ago, passed the second reading last night. It Is aim ed to control the sate of electrical equipment and supplies to the ex tent that no dangerous fixtures or wiring will be placed on the mar kets In Medford. DIES FROM STROKE AT LOCAL HOSPITAL W&ncj Jaiw Hendrlckwm paawd iway at a. local hospital early Wed nesday, after an JllntM covering tin put four year. Bho was taken seri ously ill Sunday evening from a stroke of paralysis. She waa born In Yell county, Arkansas. January 14, 1888 Nancy Jane Phlfer waa married to Vanoe K. Hendrlckson n Knox coun ty, Tenneaee, January 7, 1873, and with relative and friend emigrated from TeneMte to aouthern Oregon In thft fall of 1874, where ahe haa con tinuously resided for the paat 50 wars. Her husband .pawed away In September. 1015. Six children were born to the union with three surviving. Mm. Ada Ire land. Lebanon, Ore, Mrs, Vera Dough erty and Dee Hendrlekaon of Med ford, and 11 grandchildren. 10 great grandchildren, two great -great-grandchlldren. also two brothera and one slater, Oscar Talent. Salem. Ore , Char lea P. Talent, Ashland, and Mrs. John Beenon. Los Angeles, Cal. She united with the Baptist church at Prospect, Roan county, Tennessee. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Talent, now deceased. She was a fine Christian woman and mother, and leaves besides her fam ily a host of friends, Funeral services will be held at tho Perl Fueral Home, Friday at 3:30 p. m Rev. W. H. Eaton officiating. Interment In Phoenix cemetery. f Roof flashings and gutters. Brill Metal Works. fljMarket? Livestock. PORTLAND, Aug. 19 OTj CAT TLE: 30, cslves a: steady. HOQ0: 137; 85c lower for light butchers. Top light butchers. 5.00 B.S0; heavy butchers. 14.75-6 00; sows S3.79-3.00: slaughter pigs, 14.00-4.50; feeder pigs. 4.00-4.50, SHEEP; None; fairly active. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Aug. 18. Ml BUT TER Prints, extras. 31c; stsndards, 30c. BUTTEIWAT Portland delivery: A grade, 18c lb.; farmer's door delivery, 16c per lb.; sweet cream, do higher ZOOS Pacific Poultry Producers' selling price: Oversize, 24c; extras. 33c; staandards, 20c; mediums, 30c; pullets. 16o dozen. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extras. 10c dozen: mediums, 18c dozen; undergrsde, 13c dozen. CANTALOUPES Yakima stand ards, 75-850 crate; Dalles, 85a crste HAY Buying price from producer: Aalfalfa. No. 1, new crop. 817; clover. No. 1, 814: Willamette Valley timothy. 815: eastern Oregon timothy, 818: oats and grain, 815 ton. Milk, cheese, country meets, live poultry, new onions, new potatoes snd wool, unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Aug. 18. (P) Wheat: Open High Low- Close Sept 70',4 70',4 704 '.4 Dec 74 74 74 74 Cash wheat No. 1 : Big Bend Bluestem .77 Dark hard winter (13) . .70 (11) .10 Soft white .87 Western whit ... .67 Hard winter .67 Northern spring .67 Oats: No. 3 white 34.00 Corn: No. 3 E. yellow.... 33.00 Mlllrun standard ... 18.50 Today's car receipts: Wheat , 86; flour 8; corn 3. Chicago Wheat CHICAOO, Aug. 18. (API Wriest: Open High Low Close Sept. .87 .. .. .87 Deo. 001J .90'4 May 04 H .. .94 H Wall St. Report Htork Hale Averages. (Copyright, 103, Standard Statistics Co.) August 16: ' 50 30 '30 90 India RR's Ufa Total Today 87.1 47.8 86.6 81 0 Prer. day... 80.4 40 8 80.4 . 83 .3 Week ago. 91.8 60.9 94.1 69 9 Year ago..... 60.3 29.6 01.8 61.0 3 Yrs. Sg0....161.3 119.0 313.8 164 0 Bond "ale Averages. (Copyright, 1933. standard Statistics Co.) August 16: 30 30 30 60 Indl's RR's Ut's Total Today 78 9 80 8 S4 80.7 Prev. day..... 76.0 81.1 85 6 80.8 Week ago..... 75 9 81 8 85.8 81.1 Year ago 66.0 88 3 8S.3 72.4 3 Yrs. ago ... 93.9 108.0 100 8 100.0 NEW YORK, Aug. 16 (API Slocks dropped sharply today In ft selling flurry that lasted less than an hour, then regained their com posure and recovered considerable of their losses In a late rally. The close. 7F Pre Excellent Pre-Cooling and Cold Storage Facilities 0 We Shall Appreciate an Opportunity to Serve Those in Need of Such Services! Frank W. Truitt Manager however, waa rather heavy, with many leaders off 1 to 3 or more points. Transfers epproilmsted 1,. 800.000 shares, about double yester- dsy'a turnover. Todsy's closing prices for 33 sel ected stocks follow: Al. Chem tc Dye . 129 Am. Csn . 83',; Am. 44 Fgn. Pow. - HVi A. T. T .124 Anaconda 18!, 58 18V. 37 25', 21 Atch. T. lc S. F. . BendU Avis. Beth. Steel Csllfornla Paek'g. Catapillar Tract. Chrysler ... .. 361 J Coml. Solv ., Curt Is-Wright DtiPont . 34 H 3'.i 73!, 35'4 29 T, 33 V, 14', Oen. Foods Oen. Mot. Int. Harvest. . I. T. 6t T. Johns-Man. ..... Monty Ward . North Amer. ..., Penney (J. C.) Phillips Pet Radio Sou. Pac. . 48 23 ..... 22 43 ,i 13 . 36 . 26 . 35", , 36', . 814 . 43 !4 Std. Branda . St. Oil Cal. . St. OH N. J. . Trane. Amer. . Union Carb. Unit. Aircraft . U. S. Steel 33 60 FIRESTONE TIRES An entire carload of Firestone truck and passenger tires was celved In Medford yesterday by the Firestone Service Stores, according to O. h. Hopkins, manager of that con certi. This la one of the largest tire shipments ever received In southern Oregon, a large-size automobile freight car being necessary. The val uation of the shipment la In excess of 910,000, according to Mr, Hop kins. The Firestone Service Store haa made an exceptionally fine sales rec ord for truck and bus tlrea during the paat few months and the big shipment will replenish the stock of the Medford store. TRIMS WINEGLASS Don Ballard, star pitcher for the Upper Rogue CCO camp team held the Wineglass camp CCO lads to one hit In Saturday's game at Prospect, and the Wlneglasaers we white washed to the tune of 7-0. The game waa ftotly contested throughout and no runs were chalked up until after the seventh Inning. The Upper Rogue outfit haa yet to taste defeat this year nnd are point ing toward the district championship. SQUAD OF 3-C BOYS A squad of CCO men from the Upper Rogue river camp Journeyed to the sea Saturday and remained over Sunday, many of the forest soldiers getting their first view of the P ctflc. Cots and blankets were taken along and camp pitched at the beach at Crescent City. According to camp officers the Jaunt waa very much enjoyed by the boya aa a welcome interlude In the forest camp life. rare - Coollng MACHINERY SET UP FOR COUNTY Organization machinery for mak ing the benefits of the wheat adjust ment program available to Jackson county farmers Is well under way. according to County Agent R. a. Fowler. An organization committee consisting of Fred Homes, Ashlsnd: Frank Wortman. Medford; Arnold Bohnert. Central Point. Dick Straus, Sums Valley and Miles Cantrall, Ap plegate. has met and made tentative plans for getting the necesssry In formation to wheat growers. Meetings have been scheduled for the following ptacea: Same Valley achoolhouse Friday, August 18, 8 p. m. Ashland city hall, Monday, August 31, 8 p. m. Medford courthouse auditorium. Tuesday, August 22. 8 p. m. Meetings In other communities will be announced later. AH wheat growera should attend the meeting scheduled neareat them. The time Is short In which contracts will be available and It is Important that all wheat growera get their ap plication blanks ' at once. These blanks can be obtained at the meet ings and at the county agents office. The allotment of money to Jackson county wheat growers amounts to around 836,000 for this year, two thirds of which la to be paid this fall and the balance next spring. CHEESE DROPS AS PORTLAND. Aug. 16. (AP) Weakness In the cheese market which finally forced the 2c cut In selling prices by Tillamook yesterday, waa the direct result of continued con gestion of offerings and increasing cold storage holdings through the country. While the latest cut In the eastern price waa but lc lb., there have been several slashes there since Tillamook made a change. The lat ter, continued the highest priced cheese market for like type In the world. Trading In the egg market con ttnued generally unchanged aa to character and price locally. Weak ness dominated the undergrade with strength In the top sorts. Receipts were again decreasing. A rpeclal session or the produce exchange simply to follow the further decline of prices at Seattle was held with the expected low of lc lb. here for butter, while butterfat waa off 3c lb. The Missouri state highway patrol began a 'safe driving" campaign after 59 persons were killed and 877 were Injured in motor accidents in Mis souri in one month. Palisade glacier in Inyo county, Cal., the most southerly Ice moun tain on the continent. Is seven miles long, a mile and a half wide and la ertlmated to be 7,50 feet deep. Portable gold mills, capable of be ing trsnsported by airplane Into re mote mining areas, are being uaed in northern Ontario and other sections of Canada. 4 Approximately 15 per cent of the automobile drivers applying for a state operator's license In Washing ton fall. War TELEPHONE 154 llth and 12th Streets on Front Meteorological Report August 16, 1838. Forecasts. Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Thursday; slightly cooler Thurs day. Oregon: Fair tonight and Thurs day, but overcast on coast; slightly cooler interior west portion Thursday. Local Data. , Temperature a year ago today: Hlgheat, 85; lowest, 5.0. Total monthly precipitation, trace. Deficiency for the month, .08 Inch- Total precipitation since September 1. 1832, 14.88 tnchea. Deficiency for the Mason, 3-04 inches. Relative humidity at 5 p. m. yea terday, H; 5 a. m.' today, 43. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 5:21 a, m. sunset, 7:09 p. m. TO TEACH AGENTS IE1 Carl Grant, district manager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company here, returned yesterday from San Francisco, where he de ceived appointment to Seattle aa agency sales instructor for the Northwest. His territory will include Oregon, Washington and possibly Montana. He will make headquarters In Seattle. The transfer will be made within three weeks. Mr. Grant said today, stating that he did not know who his successor here would be. In accepting the new promotion, he stated that he regretted to leave Medford. where he has been located for the paat three years. During that time Mr. Grant has played & prominent part in the civic life of Medford. He Is a member of the Rotary club and chairman of the vocational -service committee of that organization. He la also a member of the chamber of Commerce and an active worker In the Methodist Episcopal church, where he la chair man of the finance committee. Mrs. Grant and daughter Zella Mae, who will also be leaving Med ford to make their home In the north, are now visiting In the east. They expect to return, about Sep tember 10. Mr. Grant's appointment to the northern territory waa made by the head oil.e of the Insurance com pany In San Francisco. L PORTLAND. Aug. 16. (AP) Dele gations to the annual Oregon State Federation of Labor convention here, In session blnce Monday, planned to day to speed up their program so as to conclude the meeting tomorrow. The resolutions committee, which handles most of the work, waa ex pected to report a multitude of reso lutions which have been showered on the group since the opening day. The delegates adjourned early yes terday afternoon in hope of finding some relief from the record heat, in which the city sweltered, and most of them were guests at a river resort here where the afternoon waa spent in water sports and other play. Cold Storage BLASTING HEAT OREGON SECTOR (Continued from Page One) caped the flamea. The flames cut through most ofyl,500 acres of nine year alashlnga of the Frossett and Western Ixgglng company near the Oalea creek camp before apreadlng Into green timber. Flying brands, lifted by the wind from desd snags, caused several "spot" fires which added to the general difficulty of bringing the flames under control. The Osles Creek Logging company lost about 600 feet of railroad trestle. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. (API Fog tempered the heat wave at some Pacific coast points oday, but Inland various forest fires raged un checked and the prospect waa for more hot weather. Nine deaths directly attributable to the high temperatures were re ported. In California eleven forest fires started by lightning In the Sierra national forest were fought by mem bers of the C. c. C. Thoussnds of acres of forest, land were burned over on the Coast range summit near Forest Grove. In northern Oregon and 350 men were fighting the fire today. The flames were made treach erous by shifting winds. In British Columbia fires spread over a mile and a half front In slashings at Sooke on Vancouver Ia land. A high wind drove another fire through slashings In East Koo tenay. The Alaska territorial treasury had a cash balance of 860,000 more at the end of the fiscal year than :t did June 30. 1032. The crop-reporting service estimates California will have Its smallest grspe crop In five years In 1033. GRAIN SACKS AND SACK TWINE We are now offering good grain sacks at 6c and 8c each. We have a very good lot of sacks see us before you buv. We will sate you money. F. E. SAMSON CO. Phono 833 229 N. Riverside llll v I HOT SPRINGS elnioiuiseSc me LA GRANDE AREA LA ORANDB, Ore., Aug. 18. (AP) Mrs. Lee Blusher, middle aged La Orande woman, died at a hospital here early today from a bullet wound In her head, which Coroner Oeorge Walker aald waa self-lnfllcted. Mrs. Blusher, officers ssld, pre viously hsd attempted to commit sui cide, but unsuccessfully. . No motive was known other than a temporary despondency. Her husband wsa on the front porch of their home last night when he beard a shot Inside the house, he told the coroner. LA ORANDE. Ore.. Aug. 18. (AP) Mrs. Sarah Harvev of Powwatka. community In Wallowa county about TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 81.60 per week. 837 No. Ccntrsl. MOTHER and daughter want trans portation to Los Angeles between Aug. 21 and 25. Phone 1438. FOR SALE Baled atraw 30c per bale. E. H. Niedermeyer. j-none osi--. P1CKL1NO cucumbers, cut flowers. Mrs. Dressier. 1107 E. Main. WILL TRADE table radio set or port- aDie raoio tor ucoa. WILL TRADE Hudson coach and Star pick-up for light 6 in good condi tion. Box 12138, Tribune. WANTED Late model typewriter; nrefer oortable: oay cash. ' Box 12130. Tribune. PEACHES for aale. Cozy Nook ranch. 'A mile west phoenix. FOR SALE Team bay mares, wagon and harness. Cozy Nook ranch, 14 mile west Phoenix. VACATION CABINS 82.00 per week Convalescent home grounds, facing park. Free vegetables. 153 Granite St., Ashland, Ore. WILL PAY CASH for late model light car. Phone 1041-M. or see Olenn Darby. King's highway. America's Carlsbad Offers Ton a Friendly Welcome f you are tired, run down, troubled with Rheumatics or kindred ail ments, you can obtain -whatever treatments you need at this Epa. Healthful Climate Ten til Flnhlnrj, Kirlmmlnaji DniirlDi, tstc M Miles from San Francisco Open All Year. Fumed for ft Sulphur and Mineral Prlnkinir Wat era. its Mineral and Mud Baths, with courteous and effi cient technfetani. Excels European Spas for the treat ment of Rheumatism. Gout, Arth ritis, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Heart. Kidney and Skin Dtseaje.i. Nerves or PIsreNtlve Orsyana, Revives your Vi tality and Spirits. Fireproof Class A Hotel Delicious Food fWl One. Meet)! rottaiM M dar. 934 week. Hotel: A day, 930 week. For Maervntlons and foMfr iddresi Bjron Hot flprlnji. Contra Ceta County, Calif., or Rich el lea Hotel, 8. F. (under tame management). P. Fred Clark Vice-President 10 miles south of the Washington border, shot herself through the lelt tempi with sa automatic pistol Mondsy afternoon, according to re ports received here todsy from Enter prise. No motive for the shooting nmiirf h advanced by her huaband who saw her leave the family home, apparently to go to a neighbors pisce, officers reported. TRAVEL IN NEW TODAY tho new high ipeed Boeing multi motored mono, planes were placed in service on United Air Lines' Pacific Coast line from Seattle to San Diego. These ships reduce United's previous fast schedules by about one-third. The same fast service is now available be tween Pacifio Coast cities as travelers have enjoyed on 1 United's coast-to-coast route.' World's Fastest Multi-Motor Service 2 Pilots. ..Stewardess.. .Roomy, Suiet cabins . . . Lavatory . . . oth day and night schedules. Vi Hrs. Portland $14.58 2Yi Hrs. Seattle 23.40 , Sacramento Oakland San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego - VA Hrs. 2Vi Hrs. 2 Hrs. 5'4 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 15.78 20.58 20.58 39.53 43.53 Fastest service to Chicago. Detroit, New York, Washing ton and the East. 10 Off on Round Trips Far Includes Lunches Aloft MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, TEL. 24) Hotels; Postal snd Western Ualoa Office! Phone 1300 for Towing or Wrecker Service Anywhere Anytime Lewis Super Service SEVliHl.N battery service Medium Made Batteries 6 volt 13-plate Of 1 yr. guarantee''"-" Recharge, nur make. 35c 1522 No. Riverside. Plume 3'J!) oaaaMasleuMe SPEED PUIS