PAGE SEVEH You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here BEDFORD JfXLL TRIBTJXE, MEDFORD. OREGON. MONDAY, .TEXT 31, 1933 Why Not Try a Want-Ad WajrT to eeU your noma? Want to get rid of few odda and ,ndj In household lumlahlngs Do jou need tooli lot jour gar den? ... An Inexpensive Want-Ad in the Mai! Tribune Classified Pane will find the answer to these and many other perplexing problem. Hire Are the Rates: Per word first insertion (Minimum 35c) gach additional InaerUon, per wora (Minimum 10c) Per line per month, without copy ohangta 11 75 Phone LOST AND FOUNP TrS"l If found please return tO maw OUriV Two keys. Inquire Mall Tribune. LOST If dog missing, call 1516. LOST Violin in case. Reward. 1130 miMtiDiu asked. niaaviu. w ?XSrcPOnTdIrkbrown team of oTsea. Otto Fubrman. Route 1. Gold Hill. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Combination janitor and SSSblTman. Must be exper lenced. Valentlne'a. BBLP WANTED FEMALE w ANTIExpeTienced packers only. AoTlyln person at office Craterlan Wry,7 "to 5 Bear Creek Orchard. WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED auto mechanic needs "'So in garage or private , repel lobs Will work for low wSe'E: ".'-Ini"pS7rilJ ana must nvo - v COMPETENT woman with 3 children wlahea position as cook for family wun i .,. Tribune. or crew, mri. " COMPETENT lady 23 wants house work. References. Box 11371. Trio une. "WANTED MlSCbLLANEODS MIDDLE - AGED single man w shea living accomodations in private homf. Write Box 12381, Tribune, stating particulars. LEAVING for Boise, Idaho Auguat la',; room for gentleman passenger references. Phone 293. amy's Place. Jacksonville. WANTED to rent amaU apt. One or two rooms with bath and kitchen ette. Box 12374. Tribune, BUSINESS MAN wants board In nice quite private home where there are no other boarders. Box 12378, Trll une. ' WANTED To rent furnished cabin at Lake o' Woods. Phone 1524-W. 'i REWARD information leading ., i f. hinrle nolice dog. W 11C1P Dean Stacy, HUlcrest Rd. .-..r. n inu'tvm 750-watt electrlo water heaters, 1 electric range, 1 electrlo wasner, i vacuum , cleaner. No junk, have cash wait ing for bargains. See W. E. Thomas. 45 So. central. wtrrm Housework or nursing. Call Mrs. Margaret Waer. 230 Bcat- - ty. WANTED TO BUY A small flock ot Rhode ISiano iwras. uwa " - i.,. M,h Atate number and ' price. Address box 321. Mall Tri bune. . i , -WANTED Listings of valley homes In exchange for choice Cnl. property : Staple Realty Co., Anhland. LOAD WANTED Empty truck going to Crescent City each day next ten daya. Box 11038. Tribune. WANTED to buy old gold, den'.al scraps, placer gold. Cecil M. Jen nings, corner Front 8s Main. WANTED Household goods, stoves, tools or what have you Medford Bargain House. 37 N. Grape St. Tel 1063. HAY GRINDING A specialty Brown, the hay grinder. 340 So. Central. PHONE 869-R. Have your furniture reupholstered, reglued, rellnlahed Thlbault. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity in 5-room house, jxcellent location tsox 1063,. Tribune. WANTED Karry Keen for Model A Phone 479-X. JUNK. WANTED We pay cash for JUNK. BATTERIES RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER 8s unk of il deecrlotlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 No. Grape Tel 1083 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Our home on Jackson. vll'.e Hlrhwsv. Dr and Mrs E. W Ho:fman. Call office 663 or resi dence 73 1 -H. FOR RENT Well furnished 5-room modern home, breakfast nook, fur nace, hardwood floers. fireplace, electric refrigerator. 140.00, water paid. Phone 728. FOR RENT Four-room modern house screened porch, gsraze and work ahop. wood ranee. Will rent either furnished or unfurnished. Phone 575-Y or call s20 Park Are. FOr'best-" em: SWe residence. Tel - - n n. rOB BENT HOUSE! FOR RENT 5-room lurnlihed boue. Phone 934-R. AVAL! ABLE Auttjist 1, No. 8 Holly Court, eleo. range and refrigerator. Call H. H. Brown 105 after 5. 1870. FIVE room turnlahed home. 113 Cot tage. J-ROOM modern house In Phoenix on highway with fruit trees, alfal fa, and three acrea. Plenty of water. 113.50 mo. Room 406 Grand Hotel, or phone 152B-J. I ROOM unfurnished duplex, doae In 237 So. Iry. FOR RENT Partly turn lined 6-room house. 3 eleeping porches- Inquire at 34S No. Bartlett. AVAILABLE Auguat lit No. 38 Olen osk Court. H H Brown. Phone 105. After live phone 1670. FOR RENT Clean, partly furnished four-room house at 808 Dakota Oas range. Inquire 812 South Newtown SOUSES $10. I2S0 and 15. water paid: wood range. Phone 105. FOR SALE OR RENT Sidney Smith noma (.orner west Main & orange Exclusive Hating, w. . Vawter Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Homes, furnished or unlurnlshed. Brown S white. HOMES FOR RENT Call 896. CLASSY modern 5-room stucco, east front. Clear. 625 Pine. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room house. 618 E. 9th. 812.00. Phone 1382-J. FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Inquire 264 Eeatty. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Clean furnished apart ments. 8-room 815; 2-room. sleep Ing porch 811.50. Inquire 310 Portland. FOR RENT Furnished apartments and cottagea. shade. 610 No. cen tral. FOR RENT Nicely- furnished two- room apartment. 317 E. Jackson. FOR RENT Purnlsned apartment. overstuffed; hardwood floors light and heat. Mall Tribune. Phone 75 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 340 7o. garuetc. FURN. Apt. Key at 148 So. Ivy COZY turn. apt. Tel 349-Y. DURRELL COURT. 829 No. Holly. MODERN 8-room .urn apt, sleeping porch 8s garage. 1190 W 11th. FOR RENT FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed sleep ing rooms, with Batn room privi leges, garage, 810 per month. 335 So. Riverside. FOR RENT Attractive rooms, good poard at 14 cottage. 3 ROOMS, clean, cool, fully turn., ground floor, private bath, garage, lights, water. Adults. 344 South Grape. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S Grape FOR RENT BOABb AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E. Main. Rates very moderate. FOR RENT Room and board. 153 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS OAB1NS 445 so. Front. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RITSTVEKS OPPORTUNITY 1 A - m Splendid going little service SB 5 U station and grocery, subur- 5an, on main pacnic nign- way. Reasonable rent. A money maker If properly handled. Present sales about 8200.00 per week. 8650. cash takes furniture, fixtures, stock and equipment. See Charlea A. Wing Agency, Inc., Exclusive agents. BEER garden for lease or sale doing i i niiD hm other hust- gWU WUB...C30 - ness. can't manage both. Phone 8-J-2. Gold Hill, for appointment. THE PINK ELFPHANT CAFE for sale Inquire at 105 E. bid. suooo TO INVEST In small business partnership preferred. No beer. Box Vi&iv 'irinune. FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabin auto camo at Aituras, iaus. Big Pines Lbr. Co.. Medford, Ore. FOB EXCHANGE TO TRADE New guitar for boys' bicycle, can la-r-aa. TRADE Spuds for Red hens, turkeyi or what nave you. w. umuiu 1. Oid Stage Road). FOR SALE OR TRADE Piano, rug, dresser, uorary tauie. on n. nun FOR TRADE Plaver piano for radio . ' . -. n ImiA ana ainuig win u .vwv. Tribune. HAVE 150-em electrlo incubator In perfect condition to trade for table model separator. Box 11242 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Royal Anne cherries. What have you? Weeter- lund Orchards. Phone a-r-a. FOR TRADE Wood or labor, carpen tering or painting for hay or gram Phone 976-W. i-ROUM modern home. bath, laundry tra screened porch, bullt-lns gar age shade and 'rult trees; 6700 equity for car. acreage, cabin !! or what have you Phona 1538-L or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR TRADE 8 sect lots spike-tooth tisrrow illghtly usd. WIU trade for alfalfa or grain Tel 334-R-4. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood sound work horse. 1400 lbs. T yean old Walter Jones. 2nd bouse below bridge. So. Ashland. WOOD for jay or potatoes, near Trail R O Skelleneer. Trail Ore. SOK EXLHANOli RtAL ESTA1B TO EXCHANGE Nice little boms in Bend. Ore., clear tor!i; ucai In Medford or Ashland. Prefer imall acresge. What have you. 155 7th St. Ashland. FOR KALE REAL ESI A1E WHIN jou tamk of real Mist thin 1 Ja WhltS. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 41 young turkeys. . 50c each: la oio turseya. e eui Chester Whirs brood sow: team of horses. 1600 lbs. each. Inquire E. K. Davla. Beagle, poatolflce. FOB 8ALB lUlOMBU.r.8 USED CARS ' 1018 Ford sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Lan. Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan. 1939 Chevrolet Coach. 1939 Plymouth Sedan. 1830 DeSoto Sedan. 1930 Bulck 6 Deluxe Sedan. 1935 Bulck Coach. 1831 Ford Victoria. 1830 Ford Deluxe Rdatr. 1928 Ford Std. Coupe. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 6th & Bartlett Good Used Cars! Trade: Your Old Car for a Better One! A Written Guarantee with Every Car. 1930 Bulck Deluxe Sedan. 1930 Ford Torn Sedan. 1928 Hupmoblle Roadster. 1938 Chev. Sedan. 1831 Chev. 4-door Sedan. 1938 Chev. Coupe. . 1938 Ford Sedan. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 N. Riverside USED CAR SPECIALS FOR MONTH END SALE 1831 Chevrolet Pickup. Looks and runa like new. 1939 Pontlac Sedan. New rubber and paint. 1931 DeVaux Special Sedan. Free wheeling. 1930 Ford Coupe, rumble seat. Per fect. 1 ton Graham truck, stake body. Ideal for fruit hauling. 1932 Chevrolet Coach In excellent shape. PIERCE ALLEN MOTOR CO. Phone 150 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1930 MODEL Mcly. A-l throughout. Upholstery ic original llntsn line condition, gooo rubber. '33 He. Driven as family car. Owner must sell. Mr. Roberts, 114 So. Slverslde. DODGE 6. 4-door sedan 1930, run nua miles, uwner win sacrmce. oec Mr. Roberta. 114 So. Riverside. FOR SALE 1831 Bulck 4-door Sedan. 1930 Peerless 4-door Sedan. 1929 Graham Paige 4-door Sedan. 1929 DeSoto Coupe. 1929 Pontlac Roadster. 1927 Bulck Sport Roadster. 1929 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan. SKINNER'S GARAGE Bulck - Pontlac Sales Service Phone 103 USED CAR PRICES SLASHED Six Months to Pay 1927 Studebaker 1928 Pontlac , 1828 Chevrolet w.,.. , .8160 00 . 80 00 . 160.00 1927 Oldsmoblle . 75 00 1827 E..ssex 85 00 35 00 35.00 Star Coupster . Ford Touring ARMSTRONG MOTOR CO. Chryaler - Plymouth Dealer AUTOMOBILES WANTED SPOT CASH for used cars. Cash for your equity, or will sell your car for you. L. L. Roberts, 114 So. Riv erside. WILL pay cash for light used car. Glenn Darby. Kings Highway. FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS CRIME IS INCREASING. Don't be stolen I Police pups for sale rery cheap. Monarch Seed Co. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 calves, 1 milk goat, rabbits, cheap. N. of R. Valley Golf course. Rt. 4, Box lot. GOOD HORSE Works single. Want windmill or electric washer. H. B. Ellis. Beagle. BIG black Poland China boar and five good sows, weaner pigs, Jersey Ouernsey nelfer. Baker, mile south of Talent. FOR SALE 8 high grade milk goats, fresh. Phone 12. Jacksonville. "WHITE" HOGS, all ages. Exchange for Hereford bulL saddle or grain W. W. Large, Williams, On. FOB SALE HOMES WANTED 81250 cash for my equity of 82700 in two new modern houses, close in. Phone 1382-J. FOR SALE CHEAP, terms or rent. 4 room bouse newly pslnted and kal omlned. near school: nloe garden spot, at comer ol Sunset and Co lumbus. 808 Sunset. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APRICOTS Phone 539-J-2. FOR SALE Apricots at Top Notch Orchard. End Kings Highway. Tel S10-J-1. FOR SALE Apricots. Oeo. Alford. FOR SALE Haywood Wakefield baby buggy. A-l condition. 1021 w. utn. FOR SAL' Apricots, 2c and 3c lb. Dtiti Stacy, HUlcrest Rd. FINE Royal Ann to Lambert cherries. 528 S. Fir St. FALL CABBAGE, cauliflower 8c broc coli plants. 1203 E. 11th St. FOR SALE 18 ft. boat, outboard mo tor and trailer, like new. 606 Cath, arlne. Tel 778-R-l. FOR 6ALB Deed sewlnf machines, all makes. 19 up: terms U desired. AU makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co, U N Bartlett. FOR SALE auger pine shakes. Writ A. C. Larson, Trail, Oregon. POR AALE Apricots, food size asd quality. R. O Ward. 1D-F-31. UNN ORCHARD. Eajie Point. aprU cots of the usual fine quality, no scale. Will last until Aug. 10. Prl as advertised. DAIRY PLY OPRAY Kills flies and absolutele keeps flies off cow, pas. turo Will nor taint milk, eoc per gallon, brine on container. Jerrj Bui, itti as If, BiUetfc FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Cherries Late Blngs 3c on tree, 4c picked 823 Taylor. PLUMS for je'ly 3c lb. 341 Haven St FOR SALE Large 'ce box: also large electric range. 700 Dakota Ave. FOR SALE 816 00 electrlo range and water heater. 106 S Ivy. BERRY CUPS. 65o per 100. Jerry Barr, 4th i N. Bartlett. HODGEN-BHEWSTER Poultry and Dairy feeds. Jerry Barr. 4th 81 N. Bartlett. NEW PEED STORE Buy at lower prices, jerry Barr, 4th & Bartlett Phone 803. Sd. A BLISS Painting and paper- nanging. tel. oto-w. aid urape FOR SALE Bing and Royal Ar.n iuvtnra. a b. ttCUOgg, DIOCX lOUU. No. Rlvenlde. FOR SALE Hotpotnt electrlo range FOR SALE OR TRADE Tabernacle tent 30 by 70 ft. roped and crosi roped. C. A. DeVoe. 623-J-J. FOR SALE Large electrlo brooder 8 00: or will trade for feed See It at Samson's Feed Store. FOR nnd. gravel, sediment, fertiliser and teaming, phone 912-J. M1SUEIXANCOUS CASH PAID for guns, flahlne tackle, store, orrica equipment. 317 Nortn Kirerame. Authorised Frlgldalra Servloe Other manes rep ici. tsi. mgnta vos-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ot mie. nue insurance. Rooms 8 and 5. No. 32 North Central Ave.. upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title 8 y 1 1 e m in jacstson County. Dressmaking and Remodeling, THE FASHION SHOP Davenport slip covers made to order. Phone 1181 for information. Expert window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 House jleanlng. Floor Waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, apectalty. ob printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing lines. 28-30 N. Orape Phone 75. Aloney to Lend. I WE LEND HONEY ON FURNITURE j AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. lum uer rout ucr uivubu uu un paid balance No other charges See W. B. Thomas. 45 S. Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre Bldg. S'ato License No 8-167. Publlo Stem srapher. ILLUSTRATED Ml EMOGRAPH1NG MAILING SERVICE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY Grace Voss 34 N. Central Koke-Chapman, Ph. 112 Piano ant. violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAiGHT. Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, Composing, etc, 318 Liberty Bldg. Mail Tribune Daily across . 1. Boy 4. Artificial waterway 9. Central por tion of an ear of corn 13. B under ob ' ligation It. Solitary 14. Silkworm 1. Happened 17. Approached 9, 81ck SO. Italian oper atic com poser 21, Close and open the eyelidi quickly ?S. Make firm 24. Continent 27. Exist 25. Number i9. Deputy 30. As far 31. Dlamon.- Iiaped figure 18. AccompUin 34. Kinlihed 36, Turn to the right 17. Wrltinf Im plement SS. Oulflfnsc Ktrnp of a. bridle S. Plack bird 40. Wily Solution of Saturday's Pun la ip,r1e.siu1mepi Mi ok SJ TN p E IPtT R ' T I Epliig ofs E S fP 1 D AISiPM iRljT gA R R ET5 T E D sTp R E EEgUILE sjFRy t P I Els5NiAP5gPA I S C.R SPLIEJA T ptPE N A TrATJl E KgR E FN N E R SlLOVE M SjjE ROD E N T sInIeiaIkTdIeIpIaIrIt 41. Saw for iquar Ini; the edgeg of a plank It. Sm 44. Kind of dreet in for food 4C. Official In cer tain gamea 4t. Mexican rub ber tree nnnlni fi2. Monirre. S3, River bottom M "3 ile .:',. n -.3, ;'0.;, I152LZli!lZ ZSI 00 0',, 3" N W J2 '70, 3 ''0- "0 J . 3i -ffr.lZ 33 '.i,. J? ,:. la '0: irz7 0:"0-. r-r-rL M IS 0, 1 43 1 "0, ij-" ' T" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tra utter. BADS TRANSF-R 8s STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. central Phone sis Prices right. Service guaranteed. RE1NK1NG TRUCKING CO Tram- fer -nd Jtorage. We haul anything a", a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special uvestocs moving, equipment. Prices right Riverside. Phone 1044-X LEGAL NOTICES PROCLAMATION WHEREAS bv Ordinance of the City Council of the Cltv of Medford, Ore gon, there was duly submitted to the legal voters or said city at tne spec ial cltv election held in and tor said City on the 28th day of July, 1833. the question as to wneiner vne ioi lowtnsr ordinance should be adopted or relected bv the lesal voters of said city, said ordinance oeing as follows: -..ti.n I The Cltv of Medtoro i- hmhv fllven full power and authority to avail Itself of the provisions of Chapter 389 of the Laws of Oregon lor iwm ntiwt7d and empowerca vu niM nwn. construct, equip, oper ate, and maintain either within or without the corporate limits oi city, a piw-troatinent unit of a sew age disposal plant, and an extension of a trunk sewer thereto. In accord ance with plans, specifications and estimates of cost thereof heretofore caused to be prepared by the City Council and deposited with the City Recorder and which said plans. u:ui rijtiAn and estimates may be ex amined by any qualified elector of m mimic nantv. ana tuo- uikj rnuncil of sntd Cltv la hereby author ized and empowered to Issue and sell self-liquidating bonds of the City o! Medford. the Drlnclpal sum of which shall not exceed 8100.000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of providing funds for the construction oi tne aioresn.m sewaae facilities. The City Council of the City of Medford la authorised to provide for the payment or ootu principal and Interest of said bonds from service chargea to be Imposed by It for the service to be extended through the employment and use of said sewage facilities, and the bonds hereby sutnonzed snail oe seu Uquidatlng In character and shall be paid from the chargea to be Im posed ny tne city uouncu ror ssrv ices extended to the employment and use of such sewage disposal facilities. And whereas, the Council of said City has. In my presence on the 29th day of July. 1933. duly canvassed the returns of said election and it has been determined thereby that the total number of votea cast at said election was 783; that the total num ber of votea cast In approval or saiu ordlnancs was 570: and that the total number of votes cast for objection to the same was 213. And it further appearing that the said proposed ordinance received an affirmative majority of all the votes cast in said election: Now, therefore, by virtue of the power and authority In me ns Mayor OI the City OI Meaiora, uregon, i, E. M. Wilson, do hereby Issue this Proclamation to the people of said City and do hereby declare that the votes cast for approval of said ordin ance and for rejection of said ordin ance was as hereinbefore set forth, and that said ordinance received an affirmative majority of all the votes cast at said election, and I do hereby declare the above ordinance to be in full force and effect In snld City from and after the publication of this proclamation as required by law. E. M. WILSON. Mayor. Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 20th day of July, 1933. Attest: M. L. ALFORD, Recorder, Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. Mrs. Frank Llndley. Plaintiff, vs. H- D. Schuler and Mlllicent Schuler, husband and wife; H. C. Graves Cross-Word Puzzie t. ndelong glanc t. Cherry color 10. Native metal 11. Invite 19. La rite animal of the deer family It. Proverb 20. Sour condi ment 11. Irrlgata 33. Odoriferous principle ot violet root St. Turkish cap , 2$. The foreflnsei it. Want of vita energy 1. Bush 29. yearn of one'a life 31. Olvea for tem porary una 31. Recently ac quired 15. Ate sparingly 37. (Jertl(lat of Insurance Si. Station 40. Dude 42. Klrearmi 43. Kind of durk 44. Voung bear 45. Liquor 4ti. Kmploy 47. IWret 4S. Islntorlral period II. OtUrwlie 84. Scatter U. Afflrmatlvkt vote DOWN 1. Tennla atrnke 3. Reverent fear 2. Give the meaning: of 4. Summon 5. Entirely ft. Negative 7. Subsidiary building & Mae A. Crrava. nuaband ajv) wife: Christian H. Chrlatner and Eita beth Chrlttntr. buaband nd wlM: Elton Oravaa; W. A. Bauar. Dafand anta. To H D. Sohular and MUMcant fk-huler. huabau'1 and wife; h. u. Oravea and Maa A. Oravea. biuband and wife; and W. A. Bauer, defend ant nereln: In tha Nam of th StaU of Ora gun. You and each, of you axa heraby required to appear Ui the abova an titled Court and cauaa and thera ans wer tha complaint or plaintiff on ftla therein aalnt T n or before the taat dav of rour week from and ifter tha dau of in nr- pu-.w-tiAn thia lummona. Tha data oi the first publication of this aum mona Is July 3rd. 1933; and tf you fail U so appear and answer aaJd com- ptatnt for want mere i pt' at-ply to tha above entitled Court for the relief demanded in tha oomplalnt. to-wit: , , t That aha have Judgment aalnt and recover from and off the defand anta H. D. Schuler and MlUlcent khulcr the sum of sixteen hundred dollar ($1600 Q0 and interest there on at the rate ot an Pr cent per annum from January 2nd. and one hundred sev-inty-flve dollara ($175 00) attorney a tee; ana u r.rt.. mH dubursements aaalnat ail the defendant except defendant fhrUner arul Tliat said amount be held to be a specific Uen .igalnst the rouowin a scrlbed real property situated in Jack son County, Oregon, to-wit i Commencing a. a poms and twentv-flve hundredtha (11.95) chains East of the Northeast eor--ier of Donation Laru. Claim num iv,e FVrtv-nlne (49) in flection Eight (8) in Township Thlrty-El&nt (38) South of Ranga One (1) West of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence North Fourteen and Fifty -Five uuaareatn nvsoi chains; thence Eat Eighteen and Fiftu Hundredth (18 501 chains; thence South Fourteen and Fifty- Ftv Hundredths (l.55) cnaina: thence West Eighteen and Fifty Hundredth (18.60) chalna to the place of beginning, containing acres more or leaa, Tocether with all tenements, here ditaments, and s-ppurtenanoee there unto belonging or in any wiee p DortaintruE. And nrior and uperlor Hen to any ana k ciaim, ngnt, tuie. or in terest, uen. or ee re oi ny oi in defendants herein thereto, and That the morUr.uie upon the above described real property recoraea in volume so Page iv, wu, and oi oi the mortitage recotva of Jackaop Oountv. Oregon, be foreclosed, and Tli at the above entitled Court ap point w. A. Brlcknr receiver to take charge of aald premise and cultivate the same and harvee the crop ana advance such money aa t necessary, to b repaid for hi services and ad vancements from the proceeds of said crop, and Adjudging that said premises sold In the manner provided by law and the proceed be applied to the j costs and expenses of this and eaid receivership proceeding and In ac cordance with thr order of tha Court, and That the purchaser at aald aale be adjudged the owner sf aald premlsea In fee-simple, free and clear of all right, title, Interest, Hen. or estate of the defendants herein or any of them, except such right of redemp tion a they may have, and for such other and further relief a may seem to the Court just and equitable. This summons la published and ser ved under d in accordance with the orde of the above entitled Court in thla caune of date Juty 1st, 1933, which direct that aald eummona shall be published In the Medford Mall Tribune in Jackson County. Ore gon, once a week for four consecutive weeks, and that the dat of tha first publication la July 3rd. 1938, and that said defendants axe required to appear and answer aald summon and complaint on or before four weeks from And after the date of the flrat publication. OH AS W. RE AMDS, Attorney-for Plaintiff. 411-413 Medford Building. Medford, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of uregon ror tne co-inty or jaexson. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Wlcha, deceased. Notice la hereby given that on June 37th, 1933, the County Court of tne State ot Oregon for the County of jaexson appointee unnie K. ttapp administratrix of the estate of Frank Wlcha, deceased, and all person hav ing any claim against said estate are required to present the same proper ly verified k.o the undersigned at the office of Cha. W. Reamea, attorney lor aaia estate, u Meaiord Building, Medford, Oregon, within six (0) months from th date hereof. Dated thla 38th day of June, 1933. LINNIE E. RAPP. Administratrix of the Estate of Frank Wlcha, deceased. Will Annexed. Noli of Final Account In the County Court oi the Stats of uregon ror Jackson county. In the Matter of the Estate of Eu pnemia J Warner, Deceased. The undersigned. Administrator with the win Annexed, of the Estate of Euphemla 3. Warner, Deceased, baa inea nia final account on the ad ministration of said estate with the uounty cierk of Jackaon County. Ore son. and the above named Court baa rued 10:00 oclork A. M.. July 29. 1833. at the Court Room of aald Court, Courthouse, Medford, Oregon, bii. vimt ana discs ror near na ob jections thereto, and allowing and ' one esiii., KAWLES MOORE. Administrator with the Griffin Creek ORIPFIN CREEK, July 81 (Sp!) Mr. and Mra. A. J. Hornby ar rived Monday to make their horn here after being gone for two years. Lester Taylor and children of Esgls Point, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mra. W. J. Randall. Community was saddened to learn of the passing of Wm. McKay Sat urday. He was a resident bars for many year. Everyone Joins In ex pressing sympathy to tha bereaved family. Mrs. Randall and daughter Georg ette and aon-ln-law Lester Taylor, of Esgle Point, left Wednesday for Sacramento to get Mra. Taylor who has been visiting there for some time. They plan to return Sunday. Mr. and Mra. J. D. Brown visited Sunday with Mr, and Mra. L. J. Knox of Medford. Miaa Beulah Vogel (pent Tuesday night and Wednevlay at guest of Btt:e Brown. I sir. lad Mia, Oeorge rub and Riviera RIVIERA. July 31. (Spl.)--Mr. and Mra. Oeo. Lance, who have been liv ing at their home here, have re turned to their mine on Foot creek. Mr. and Mr. Dick Hunsley and family, Rebecca, Dorothy. Doris, Mar Jorle and Harry, of Table Rock, spent July 23 at the Clay Bllea home. Mr. and Mr. Lester Bollng and family apent July 3(1 with his mother, Mra. Beasle Anderson, on Missouri Flat. Mr. and Mra. Frank Elliott and son Donald and Mra. paulin Wahl, who spent a few day at Diamond lake, have returned home. Julia Rucker apent July 34 and 35 with her nleoe, Mr. Scott Ham mersly on Galls creek. Mr. and Mra. O. W. Stumbo and family were vlstlng at Olendale July 33. Clay Biles made a business trip over on Applegate July 19. Mr. and Mra. Oscar Joel son and son Leon were visiting Mra, Jeol son' parent. Mr. and Mra. John Bllea. They left Tuesday for Port land while Leon will spend a few day here with hi grandparents. Pauline Champlln and Jean Miller attended Sunday school at Foots creek Sunday. v Mrs. Jeasle McDole la now stay Ing at the Riviera plantation, help ing care for Mr. Frank Tompkina. Mr. and Mrs. George Haye and Gecrge Taylor of near Horn brook, Cal., visited Mra. Julia Rucker July 2d and 37. Gordon Wooldredge and son Earl of Applegate called on Clay Bllea July 30. Arthur Bllea and Arthur Joelaon left July 30 for Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mra. Albert Long of Riv erside. Cal are the proud parents of a new baby girl. Mrs. Long will be remembered aa Miss Mildred Stone, who was visiting with Mra. Clay Bile last summer. - Mr. Bertha Poyer, Alice, Betty and Wallace Bollng, Mrs. Clay Biles, May and Bonnie Jean and Homer Har rison apent July 31 on Blrdseye creek. Trail TRAIL, July 81. (Spl.) Mra. O. W. Cuahman gave a party last week for her little daughtera' birthdays. Melba was four on July 31 and Iverene will be fire on July 39. There were ten present besides Mrs. Wllmer Ragsdale, who assisted Mrs. Cuahman with the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young of Los Angeles are spending their vacation at flunaet-on-the-Ftogue. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hammond and children of Willow Springs spent the afternoon and evening visiting at the Harry Merrlman home Tuesday. Mrs. Hsmmond and Mrs, Merrlman are alsters, Alwln Tllton of Prospect la spend ing a few daya with Lee and Ouy Merrlman. Mra. Ralph Watson visited Mrs. Irvln Howe Tuesday. Mrs. Oeo. Saltsman of Medford apent the week-end visiting friends her. Blllle Money of Marrsvllle. Cel.. who has been visiting relatives and rrlenda at Prospect, aocompanled Lee Merrlman on a fishing trip to Pish lake. Mr. and Mra. S. E. Ash, Mrs. Harry Merrlman, Evangelist Sadie Porter. Mr. and Mrs, 8. W. Hutchinson and Miss tnes Burk attended the funeral of Orandma Tucker In Ashland Sun day. Mrs. Harry Merrlman and Mrs. A. W. Hutchinson drove to Eale Point Wednesday to attend the meeting of the ladlea of the Orange when they met with Mra. Grace Walker. Mr. and Mra. R. Ryans and two sons of Medford spent Sunday here, visiting with friends, and fishing. Mr. and Mra. R. Morgan were din ner guests at the Jim Payton home Wednesday, While there they caught a 37'-lnch aalmon. daughter Mary, and Mrs. Jossle Mln ear and family were among the many who were picnicking ounday In ths Llthla park at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Judy spent Sunday at Jacksonville visiting Mrs. Judy's parents. Miss Wilms Hood of Central Point Is visiting this week with her cousin, Velma Thomason. Miss Clara Harris and Gertrude Bhadrlck, were dinner gueata Friday of Mrs, Leon Brown. Small Store Room FOR RENT Size 17x60 feet J block off Main Street 32 North Grape Thil room was formerly occupied by the Maytag 8tore, next door to the Mail Tribune Job Shop. A splendid location for a email businew of any kind. Will lease for one year or term of years to right people. RENT VERY LOW! 'Apply: Mail Tribune Office Beagle BEAGLE. July SI. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cass and family apent Sunday visiting friends In Eagl Point. Mr. and Mra. Luke Ryan entertain ed relatives and friends from Med. ford last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sollee and daughter Mary of the Meadows, and Thelma, Sanderson, were Wednesday shopper in Medford. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Springer home In the Mead ows by the neighbors and friends, Saturday, July 33, the occasion being Mra. Springer's birthday. Games and dancing were the features of the event, with a birthday lunch to and the good time. Lawrence and Thelma, Sanderson spent last Sunday visiting at the Eskrldge home in Sams Valley. Those who enjoyed a picnic on Rogue river below the Dodge bridge last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Rob. ert 81ms and son Cleo, Mra. Nelson and aon Prank, Mra. Bennett and little Billy of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen, and family of Ashland. Freddie Stephens of Ashland and Charles Nelson of Medford are visit ing this week at the home of their grandmother. Mra. Nelson. Frelda Young of Willow Springs la apending thla week-end at the San deraon home. . Clinton Blslne ot Medford spent Sunday with home folka. Mr. and Mra. Rlx and family of Medford war guests at the Blaine home also. Mr. Lucaa spent Tuesday In Med ford attending to business. Mr. and Mra. Loyal Abbott ot Table Rock were Sunday guests at tne nome of Mr. and Mra. Luke Jen-, nlngs. Mr. and Mra. Herman Terrlll and ' Haden Terrlll of the Meadows wers business visitors at Beagls the first . of the week. Mr. Juck was hurt to tha extent of having to use a cane for several days when cranking hla car Sunday, the crank flying back and striking him on the leg. The Malhorn brothers from near ths airport were buying sheep hers tne rirst or ins week. Ths sheep belonging to Mr. Davis of the Dodge bridge have been moved from ths Mulhollen ranch to an other pasture. Mrs. Chas. Sanderson and children spent Tuesday visiting with friends In willow Springs. Mr. and .Mrs. Dennlson have In stalled a new radio In their home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and small son were Medford visitors the last of ths week. Dorothy strau of Sams Valley apent ths week-end with Marls Seegmlller. Luclle Knox of Medford spent the week-end visiting her friend, Eliza beth Ryan.a Mr, and Mrs. Zuck and daughter Payor were Medford shoppers Wed nesday. f- RUCH, July 81. (Bpl) Mr. and Mrs. Plercs moved to Ashland where) they will realds on Granite street. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are now liv ing in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Irene and Lillian McDonough mad a three-day visit at the home of their aunt, Mra. Allot Wllllta In Ashland. Chester Kubll started a gaa fir on hla car hood while lighting ft cigarette. It was quickly extinguish ed and no harm done. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgea have moved across tha river on the Buckley ranch where ha will be engaged In min ing. . , Raymond Fierce made a trip to Ashland July 39. Erneet Armprlest and Curly John ston apent the weex-end at their homee. They are logging near Roxy Ann. Mrs. Louisa Ray fell from the porch July 35. receiving several bruises but no broken bones. A large hawk became to Intent on eating a chicken that It was pos sible to kill It with a stick. Ths hawk measured 48 Inches from tip to tip of Its wings. Mrs. Llllla McDonough called on Mrs. Ray July 37th. Olen Smith came out from Dia mond lake and apent Sunday sett hla parents. -Phone 75 I Ruch