f JTEDFOHB MAIL' TRIBT71TE. HEDTOUD, OREtJOlT, The Fastest Growing Newspaper In Oregon Outside of Portland A Circulation That Is Increasing Daily! LO O K At These Sparkling Tribune Features The MAIL TRIBUNE A Finer Newspaper Than Ever Before Now At a Lower Price Than Ever! Reduced Subscription Rates FOR A LIMITED TIME! BY An If More Convenient To Subscribe By Phone CALL 75 X i ' jj i - " i , 1 1 1 1 -V' ... a-v MAIL For Entire Year Delivered To Your Door By Carrier lUdfeH, OiHW Ii onlr to teka adTuUf of ywnr ipeW offer, plMN rtort th by nail by wrlr (PI mm ehtok th wy to bar th ppr deli Tar!), lolottd 7M will find Check or t orar the nbtoriptloa (Nam) (AddrMt)-. New OlfL. Remember! This Offer S3 .(tab or ADTurcnr) Is For a Limited Time ACT NOW! SO In Jackson County (fa(l)r AMonth f " In Jackson County Mill Tribune), 70)1 intend Monty Order Clip TN$ Coupon Mail It Today J Associated Press and United Press Service The Aseoclated Press- and Unite Press, with unexcelled facilltlea foe fatherluf news from th four corners of the rlobe, brings world news to Mall Tribune reader! . . . Associated Press news pictures, thra the media of telephoto and air null, gin Tribune reader actual scenes from bit- news eente thousands of mllea away within a few houra tlm. Timely Editorials Editorial oomment on pertinent sub jects and Interesting editorial corre apondenca from the pen of Robert W. Buhl, contribute much to the popu larity of e Mall Tribune. O. 0. Mclntyre. Thla famoua columnist writes "New York Day by Day" for the readers of the Mall Tribune. Start reading , this feature and you'll not mlsi single onel The Washington Whirligig Paul Million's "inside" en politics and world affairs a widely raid feature copyrighted by the McClura Newspaper Syndicate, Jenkins' Comments Comments on the Day's News, written by Frank Jenkins. Is a popular dally feature. Mr. Jenkins entertainingly discusses the news of the day and tells southern Orefonlons facts they dont know about the oountry la whlrti they lire. Will Rogers' "Colyum" America's most loved humorist write for Mail Trtbnne readers each day. His "col yum," a mixture of wit and common seme, ii one of the Trib une's most widely rend features. Perry's "Smudge Pot" - Arthur Pcrryl "Smudge Pof fts caw ef the radflo eoaetl atetantlnf laugh column. Ferry! bite of humor and philosophy delight Tribune read ers every day. City and Rural News News from an parte of the Rocue River valley appear daUy 1b the Mali Tribune. In addition to a capable news staff. 47 rural and gran re corre spondents contribute their news bits dally. Aa average of 40 columns of country correspondence Is published) each month In this paper. Six Daily Comics The cream of the comics appear dattr In the Mall Trlbnne strips that ap peal to younr and old: "The Nebbs", "Oluyee William's Cartoons". "Brln( tnI XJp Father", "Scatter Fopr-, Boand Te Win" and TsJlipla Tommy." Sunday Colored Comics Three fun pares of eomtcs appear, ta' colon. In addition to the rerular six comic strips each Sunday. There are! "The Nebba", "Mntt and Jeff" and "Toonerrllle Trolley." A full pare of timely news pictures also appeara each Snnday on the Tribune's Illus trated news pace. Right o' Time Column Old Timers and newcomers m well fat lot of enjoyment nt 1 to Tribune's It and IO-yearsHo-today column, takes from .id file, of the Kaa Tribune. Daily Continued Story Interastlnf norels, written by rack authors as Harold Bell Wright and Eana Orey, appear dally In serlai form ta the Mall Trlbuna. DaUy Society News Ben Meaton BamDtow daily eatd vniMmy aoaety an cine widely read ttuouflioat eoatna Orefon. Daily Cross Word Puzzle Cross Word punk tans win delight B flfnrlnr out the cross word pnr.ile a earn Issue of the Mall Tribune. Personal Health Service Uasa Brady. M.D. sin. n health hint for Mall Tribune Trad er. Tribune subscribers u lnrlted write ta Dr. Brady If they have any kealta problems not eorered s thla eoruma. "" k. r''rs v I h ; 'i ')' t'. El