Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 30, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Ponderous Primo Takes Heavyweight Title in 6th Round Kayo
Former Circus Strong Man
in Climax Which Baffles
Fans Bostonlan Out
boxes Foe in Early Stages
Associated Press Bports Editor
NEW YORK, June 80 (AP) Un
der circumstance! that etlll seemed
baffling and somewhat Incredible to
day to at leat a share of Vie fight
fraternity, Prlmo camera, we ao-year-old,
360-pound Italian giant,
who waa Juit a atrong man" in a
circus sideshow a few years ago, stood
astride the boxing world like a mod
. era Colossus as the new heavyweight
champion. '
With one mighty swoop of his
hem-like right flat, Camera took the
title from Jack Sharkey, 201-pound
American, on a knockout In the sixth
round of a 18-round match last eve
ning. Dramatic Finish
The finish came with a sudden
ness that waa as dramatic as it was
startling to a crowd of 85,000 specta
tors, Uttle more than half filling the
Madison Square Garden bowl. An
Inside right uppercup, brought up
swiftly aa the giant came to gripe
along the ropes with his foe, felled
Sharkey as though be had been a tree
hit oy the woodman's final blow.
The champion fell to the canvas,
faco down, scarcely moved except to
lift his head once and drop his
mouthpiece to the floor, while Ref
eree Arthur Donovan finished the
count of 10, after 9 minutes and ST
seconds of the sixth round.
It marked the second time In his
arratlo career that Sharkey had lost
- an international battle, with the
til at stake, and U baffled most of
thoss at the ringside who had watch
ed the Bostonlan drop after outbox.
tng, outemartlng and outpunchlng
Camera by a wide margin in the
first five rounds.
"Secret" Punch"
. There waa no question about the
power behind Camera's final thrust,
the climax of a spectacular closing
flurry that saw the champion floun
der auddenly, lose almost complete
control of his defense and crumple
under the ponderous punches of the
blggess man who ever scaled the
world heavyweight heights. It was
an uppercut tnat had everything
Camera could muster in his huge
frame behind It and Sharkey looked
' "cold" It ever a tighter did aa he went
down, It was his "secret punoh," Car
nera exclaimed exultantly, after the
tight, and perhaps be was right, for
Sharkey didn't see it coming and
may not know yet what hit him.
It required several mlnutea in
Sharkey's corner to bring him around
to the point where he could stand on
his own feet and acknowledge the
wild enthusiasm of his conqueror,
who had been tossing his squad of
managers and seconds around like so
many bags of sand. But except for
pains In his chest and stomach,
Sjharkey showed no after-effects nor
was there any evidence of a concus
sion more luting than that always
connected with a knockout.
. started Well
Yet up to the finish, Sharkey was
the master of his gargantuan rival.
The champion started slowly and lost
the first round, taking at least one
hard right-hand clout on the ohln,
but he eeemed unhurt and for the
next four rounds gave Camera a
boxing lesson. He feinted the big
fellow off balance, he hooked him
dlezy with lefts and tried desper
ately at tlmea to apply the "crusher"
with a looping right to the head.
In the second and fifth rounds,
Sharkey staggered Camera with right
handere to the head. Prlmo, when
mt flustered, resorted to bear-like
wrestling tactics and employed back
hand blowa that drew warnings from
the referee In the third, fourth and
fifth rounds.
The Italian took many of the
champion's punches on hts huge arms
but up to the sixth round he did
not appear to hurt Sharkey eerlously
with a single swish of his massive
Confident In Sixth
Aa If confident something was go
ing to happen, Camera came out for
the sixth round with a wide grin,
almost fearsome in the expanse of
teeth It revealed. They grappel along
on aide of the ring, when another.
Sharkey tumbled half through the
ropes, going to his kneee after re
bounding from a left to the head.
The champion tore back at Prlmo
without a count and eonneoted wlw
a right that shook th Italian. For
the third and last time, then, they
went Into the ropes and Camera
applied the final stroke
Ringside opinion differed some
what sharply as to the circumstances
of the flnlah, but boxing commis
sion ftfftclals said they saw no rea
son to doubt th genuineness of the
outcome. Skeptics pointed to the
shift of betting odds to to 8 In
Camera favor, ahortly before the
bout, marking the first time a title
challenger ever had crawled through
th ropes a favorite. But there has
been skepticism of Camera actual
prowess ever sine he came to' the
United States three yeara ago to push
over downs of opponent, from
Broadway to Main strest, in on of
tfw most amazing roads to th cham
pionship aver traversed by a profes
sional pugilist.
To probably most or the onlookera
In the sunken bowl Isst evening, this
fighting mammoth eeemed unbeat
able, loo strong for any rival con
ceding him nearly 00 pounds In
weight, along with all th other phy
sical advantages attached to Prlmo
alee. Unquestionably he waa a bet
ter fighter than when Sharkey
knocked him down and beat him
decisively two years ago, yet none of
hi punches, until th final blow,
and llttl of his tactic, earned con
vlctlon to flstto expert.
At any rat, this Ooilatb rule the
Highlights in Heavyweight Bout
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Tough Time Ahead for Local
Outfit Ashland Faces
Eagle Point Rogues
Lithians' Tangle July 4th
By BUIy Bulen
Southern Oregon League standings:
W. I.. Pet.
Yesterday's Results
Cosst League
At Los Angeles 11, San Francisco 7
At Mission 8, Hollywood 7.
At Portland 0, Oakland i.
At Seattle 9, Sacramento 3.
American League
At Chicago, Boston. (Postponed,
At Detroit 8, Washington 4.
At Cleveland 3. New York 9.
At St. Louis 1, Philadelphia 4.
Katlonal League
At Broklyn 2, Chicago 7.
At New York 3, St. Louis 7.
At Philadelphia 6, Pittsburgh 4.
Only games scheduled.
Los Angeles .
Missions .
Oakland ,
San Francisco .
. 63
. 47
. 47
, 48
, 41
. 38
, 33
. 33
Washington .
New York
St. Louis
New York
St. Louis .
Brooklyn .
Cincinnati .
Roseburg .
Klamath Fall -Medford
Here's an Associated Press Telephoto showing Jack Sharkey against the ropes in the first
round of the championship fight. he lost to Primo Camera in Madison Square Garden howl in
Long Island, N. J., last night. Sharkey, defend ing his heavyweight title, was knocked out in
the sixth round of a scheduled IB-round bout by the challonger, Primo Camera.
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Jack Sharkey on the floor, knocked out, in the Blxth round, after being hit by Camera
heavyweights, the biggest man to
hold the world championship alnce
Jess Wlllard, the Pottawatomie giant.
The Italian dwarfed all of them that
could be mustered tonight, towering
above Jaok Dempaey, the "giant
killer," and Ocne Tunney, as they
shook hands with Prlmo In the ring.
Just before th battle.
Fight by Rounds
Round 1
The huge Camera moved majesti
cally out of hts corner like an anolent
broad-benmed whaler under full sail.
Sharkey dove for him but Prlmo
caught his left hook on his hig right
As they came together Camera
bounced his ponderous right flat
twice off Sharkey's side but took a
hard left hook to the head. Sharkey
ripped back In with both hands to
the body but as he pulled away Csr
ners's left hook caueht him off bal
ance, hurled him across the ring,
and nearly drove him through the
ropes. Incensed, the biasing champ
Ion flailed back In again with both
hands, landing a left and right to
Camera's heed but again th tre
mendous Itsltan heaved him across
the ring as though he were a child,
and Into the tar ropee. Sharkey
took Camera rbiht to the body and
banged a beautiful right oft the
Italian's long chin, the best punch
of the round as the bell sounded.
Kminri 3
Boxing carefully Camera led with
his long left and smothered Sharkey
as the chnmpion drove to close
quarters. Sharkey bounced hie right
off Prime's broad cheat and grunted
so he could be heard all over the
ringside aa he flung a long right
that mlased. Another terrific right
to the Jaw didn't mlas and Camera
bounced back Into the ropes as Shsr
key followed him with a hard left
hook to the head. Lunging In after
feinting like a fox darting In on
Its prey. Sharkey lungrd again and
hts right cracked on Camera's chin.
Prlmo enveloped the champion In
hts huge arms as Sharkey (tried to
get a punch at his body. Hhsrkey
was sneering at the tremendous
Itsllsn a he feinted, searching for
an opening, with Camera pinned
against the rope aa th gong sound
ed. Round 9
Shsrkey was fighting a verv care
ful, very heady fight, moving con
stantly around, feinting for openings.
He got Camera set but his right
bounced from the Itallan'a defend
ing left arm aa though It had hit
a lamp post. Again Sharkey flung
himself In and aa Carnera'a arma
flailed about, missing him with a
dozen punches, the champion drove
a furious right to the head and a
left hook to the body. Camera was
falling back more and more on the
defensive aa Sharkey looped over a
left to the head, feinted to bring
Carnera'a arma up, and smashed his
left Into the huge Itallan'a side.
Sharkey wove In with a hard right
to the body but Camera roughed
him with both handa about the
head as he pushed him along the
ropes. The bell caught Sharkey tear
ing back for more.
Round 4
Camera stuck out hts long left
hand but Sharkey slipped under It,
pulled away from three more stabs,
and shot Inside for a quick volley
Into the Itallan'a body. The champ
Ion was away again before Camera
could awing hla huge hands into
action. Standing back with his left
poised, waiting constantly for Shar
key to come to him and missing
often. Camera took two hard lefts
to the head and a right to the body
before he managed to rough In close
to draw a warning from Referee
Donovan. They paced around the
ring, matching left jabs and Car
nera suddenly swung a hard right
to the heed. Camera grabbed Bhar
key's left hand, pulled him In and
belted his hesd with both hsnds.
drawing a warning for holding and
hitting, then another for back hand
ing. He threw Sharkey Into the
ropes again as though he were toss
ing a volley hall aa the bell rang.
Round 6
Shsrkey poked at Camera body
with a left and drew the giant's
fists down but Prlmo put his hsnds
up In time to block a hard shot to
the chin. Aa Sharkey banged a left
to the body Camera grabbed him.
held him and banged him with hla
free hand, drawing another warning
from the referee, but Sharkey mere
ly sneered and amaahed hla left to
the Italian's ribs again. Camera
hooked two lefts to Sharkey's Jsw.
but th champion followed him
around th ring, feinted hla hands
down and amaahed a terrific right
to the giant Umple. Camera wob
bled like a brick chimney that la
starting to com down but h held
and recovered quickly aa Sharkey
failed to fight clear of hla tremend
ous arms. But Sharkev was right
back on him, swinging left hooks to
the head with his right cocked for
a finisher. He chased Camera to
a comer, but the bell rang before
he could do more than fire a long
left to the Jaw.
Round 6
Bending low, keeping close to Csr
nera's waist, Sharkey stabbed up into
the Italian's face, then hooked two
lefts to the body. Camera drove in
with both hands, catching Sharkey
off balance and aa he thumped the
champion around the ring -Sharkey
slipped to the floor. He waa caught
off balance and came up without
a count to weave in on the Italian.
Camera held the champion off with
hla left and ripped four ponderous
rights to Sharkey's body. A right
uppercut floored Sharkey and he whs
counted out, the round lasting two
mlnutea, 27 seconds.
Eagle Point ....
Where they play Sunday:
Medford at Klamath Falls.
Ashland at Eagle Point.
Roseburg at Coqullle.
Southern Oregon Baseball league
will hit Its halt way mark next Sun
day with three teams, Coqullle, Rose
burg and Klamath Falls, In a triple
tie for first, place. Medford's Rogues
rest In second place with Ashland
close behind and Eagle Point In the
Medford at Klamath
Manager Height's Medford Roguea
Journey to Klamath Falls Sunday
for what will probably be the tough
est game they have played all year.
From the very first of the league
season, Frisco Edwards and his Klam
ath Pelicans have been the most
feared team In the circuit. Edwards
has rounded up a claasy club in the
Pelican city, aprlnkllng smart veter
ans In with a bunch of fiery kids.
And the result has been a team that
la very hard to beat. In the box
for th Edwardltes win probably be
the ace of th staff, Lefty Molatore,
the fost balling portslder. Edwards
will do his own work behind the
Prltchett for Medford
Height will start Charles Prltchett
on the mound for the Rogues If the
big right hsnder's arm Is complete
ly recovered from the Injury receiv
ed at Coqullle. In case It isn't Bill
Lake will do the hurling. Hara-
worklng George Harrington will do
the catching. The rest of the Rogue
team will line up aomethlng like
this: Coleman, first base; Lalng, sec
ond base; Height, short atop; Wil
liams, third base, and Forrette, Lake,
Caldwell and Clay In the outfield.
One Game In Valley
Only one game , will be played in
the valley Sunday and that will be
at Eagle Point where Ashland Jour
neys to tangle with Paul ."Hocsler"
Hoffard's Cheesemokere. Hofferd and
hla club have yet to taste a South
ern Oregon league victory and will
be In a fighting mood for the re
juvenated Llthlans. According to
reports, Eagle Point will present a
greatly strengthened line-up In an
attempt to chlk up their first win.
Conlln and Ivan Harrington win
form the Cheesemsker battery while
Marvin Montgomery will pitch to
Beers or McLean for Ashland.
Crucial Game at Coqullle
Coqullle and Roseburg meet In the
most Important game of the league
so far as standings go. They both
are at present sitting at the top
of th heap and the winner Sun
day will be at least still tied for the
lead. If Medford knocks over the
Pelicans, the Coqullle-Roseburg win
ner will be in the undisputed top
July. Fourth Games
A holiday double header will be
played at Ashland July Fourth be
tween Medford and Ashland. A large
crowd is expected to attend the game
due to the fact that cool Llthla
park draws many parties and pic-,
nlca. The first game of the twin
bill Is scheduled to begin at 1 :30 :
p. m., with the second sffalr going
seven Innings. The gamea will be '
played at the high school athletic
field. . i
Cow Is Found The email Jersey .
cow belonging to Clyde Mercer, of
Court street, which wandered off
some tome during the night, was re-!
turned to It owner today after be
ing found by Wesley Coffeen at hts :
place on Stewart avenue.
j ifl wrz ' H0ME oWNED H
ifi JinH CiV Phonf9
4th of July Specials!
OSue Ribbon Malt can 63c
Bliss Coffee lb. . . 27c
COFFEE lb. . . 27c
IPS siv NX
:'f : Something New! M
Just th. thing for that fc I
I 4th of July Trip gl
.V x 1 chocolate Covered jg
ht.;v cake n
y 1 QC
Chocolate Covered
-i aTVC
J A dozen
On Sale Saturday at your grocer's or
Penn Chief Motor Oil 2 gal. can $1 .39
Sardines North Star 3 for 25c
Corn Minn. Val. no. 2 can 3 for 29c
Wax Paper 40-ft. roll each 9c
Vanilla Ex. Ragsdaie 12 oz. 29c
Salt Diamond Crystal 3 for 25c
Post Bran Flakes package 8c
Camay Soap 3 bars for.. 15c
Deviled Ham . . . . . 10c
Picnic Specials
Eitter, -16
oz. can
La Fiesta, 9Q
10 oz. jar CSJC
La Fiesta, fancy, QC
quart 03C
Piggly Wigffly OC
Eagle or Libby'a, OC
H size 6 for 3C
Large, 4 oz I U W
Not So Sweet,
2 for
Myrtle, Lb.
Cal. Home, assorted 4 P.
6'A oz. jar
BEER 1f-r
Blue Ribbon '
El Campo, 9Q
2 for Ci3i
Symp Vermont Maid
12 oz. 23c 26 oz. 45c
Salad Aid pint ..... 19c
H. & D. Punch all flavors . 5c
Olives Laoga Ripe 9oztin 2 for 25c
Cabbage, lb 3c
New Potatoes, 6 lbs 19c
Hot House Tomatoes, 2 lbs. 25c
Economy Meat Market
206 East Main.
Free Delivery.
Phone 46
Saturday Monday
Pot Roast, lb Qc
Nle Tounf Bf
Short Ribs, lb. gc
3 lbs. 23c
Lb. 5c
Each 15c
Lb. 6c
Rome Rendered
3 lbs. 29c
Lb. 11c
Lb. 13c
Tsry Bst Home-mid.
Lb. 15c
Nice assortment ocean caught Fish Pickles Lunch Meats
. Cheese of all kinds Olives Relishes
W. L. PC.
, 43 38 .633
, 43 36 .832
. 34 81 .623
, 34 34 .600
. 34 38 .488
. 33 38 .478
. 27 40 .403
, 28 45 357
W. L. PC.
, 40 24 .825
. 38 29 .687
. 38 32 .529
,38 34 .514
, 33 35 .485
. 30 35 .482
, 30 39 .435
, 27 43 1391