MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1933. PAGE SEVEN i (3p ara m I. ii DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT Want Ad HERB ABB THE RATES: Per word first insertion (Minimum 35o) Each additional Insertion, per wora Per line per month, without py changes l as Phone 75 copy cnangeo LOST IOSt Between Senior high school and end of Beatty St. abalone ehe.l . iu lTUfln" written with BO. d wire. Leave at Tribune or call 407 L. Reward LOST Large blue Eversharp foun v tain pen Frank DeSouza. LOST If dog missing call 1810. HELP WANT E MALE WANTED 2 men with equipment! who can gruDstaKo wwi . ... a .Vi.-a. (TntlM Mid CUt WOUU W ob,v tove furnished. Write or call on Mrs. Barto. Rogue River. R. F. P. . 1. WANTED SITUATIONS MIDDLE aged man wante work ex perienced In orchard & farm work H. Swanston 242 N. Front St. WANTED By capable young woman, general housework, city or country, experienced In raising chickens and turkevs and other farm work, good cook. Address Box 12609 Tribune. EXPERT PAINTER will do sign paint ing interior decorating general paint Jobs. Call at 222 So Central SEWING, care of children, day work of any kind. 25c per hour 91.76 dav. Mrs Tharp. 37 Quince 041-L WANTED MISCELLANEOUS f WANTED TO BUY Mules 3 to 7 yrs. 1000 to 1200 lbs., halter broke, and In good condition. U. S. Forest Serv ice, Medford. FURNITURE re-upholstered re flnlshed re-glued. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. WANTED Karry Keen for Model A. Phone 479-X. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK, BATTERIES, & RADIATORS. ALUMINUM. BRASS, COPPER is Junk of ail descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 97 No. Grape Tel 1062. WANTED Wool, mohair. Wool bags twine for sale Medford Bargain House, 37 N. Grape St. Tel. 1062 WOULD LIKE one or two elderly peo p.e iiO care for m ta home. Phone I37-X. 8 to 1. Mrs Detlor. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, close in. Inquire 20 So. Fir. FOR RENT Modern 6-room bunga low with electric range, 1105 Wert , Main St , Fire place. 917.50. wawr V paid. 407 E. Main or phone 845-W. FOR RENT To reliable party for three months, attractive furnished home, 3 rooms and sleeping porch, close In. 125 So. Holly. FOR RENT Very reasonable, two nicely furnished four-room houses, close in, modern in every way In cluding garage. Call at 511 South fi Park Avenue. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, newly decorated, .147 North Holly; 30, water paid. FOR BENT Pln modern home, 3 north on Pacific highway; with or without acreage. Tel. 349-W FOR RENT 4-room duplex. No. 610 and 513 No. Bartlett.- Tel. 341-R-l. BMALL turn, house cheap. Central. FOR RENT Home. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown A White FOR RENT Partly furnished 5 -room house Inquire at 345 No Bartlett rOUSES HO, 613 50 and 115. water pun; wood range. Phone 105 FURN HOUSES. O- A. DeVoa. WANTED Household good, ttofee. tools, or what have you. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 M 0 rape 8t. Phone 1083. HO MiS FOR RENT Call 696. DESIRABLE houses always in first clad condition for rent, lease x ate Call 105. FOR KL.NT FUKMSHLU ROOMS ROOM AJ Joining shower. Tel 798-V PLEASANT ROOM (or gentlemin. close in; bath, garage- 609 E Main ATTRACTIVE rooma. 404 3 Grape FOR RENT Comfort a Din rooms; prt t.i entrance One bloc from l Main St. Reasonable rat 233 S f Central FOR RENT BOARD AND BOOMS BOARDER Have nice room and home cooked mea'.s at 14 Cottage. BOARD AND ROOM 716 E. Main s tee jeij aodeia.. FOB BENT APARTMENTS APTS TOR RENT 116 Almond. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment, eu wuinc i. rnone ou-n. MODERN 3-room furn. apt. sleeping porch Si garage. 1190 W. 11th. THOROUGHLY renovated 3 room . bachelor apt. Oas for cooking. Gloria Pan Apts. Tel 37B-R. MODERN 3-room apt., private bath, with frrage. 413 N. Ivy. Bachelors preferred. MODERN 3-room furnished apart ment, heat, garage. Inquire 634 No. Bartlett. FURNISHED APT. 3-room. over stuffed furniture, silk floss mat tress. Priced right, with garage 412 No. Ivy. DURRELL COURT. 829 NO. Holly. FOR RENT Two 2 room apartments well furnished. By week or month Inquire at 317 E Jackson Tel 749-Y for rent Furnished apartment. overstuffed; hardwood floors light and beat. Mai) Tribune rnone- io FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Good place near Eagle Point plentv of wood cheap. W. K. Mann Five ml'es north on Mid way Road. RENT Pianos $2 Month And Up; AU rental paid applies If purchased lat er. Free delivery. Cllne Piano Co Phone 428, Main Riverside, Med ford. CABINS 445 So. Front. FOR RENT Acreage, share crop. Ph 437-X. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Good nop land on Bear creek, well lmpnned. J I, Fenton, Talent. FOR SALE Bargains In city and country properties. Easy term. Roberts, 720 W. 2nd. Phone 1528-J. FOR SALE 6 acres on Butte Falls road z mile from Reese Creek school. House, garage, chicken house, good wire lence. Woods Lum ber Co FOR SALE Locust Grove. Phoen'x. Ore. Inquire of owner. J. W. An drews, Medford. FOR 3ALE Hop land, 32 acres fine river bottom soli. 3.3 miles from G Pass. Inquire 624 N. Central. Tel X387-J. for kxLhanob FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For light car. two light trucks. 1716 N. River side. TO TRADE Large heatrola. almost new. for good cow. Box 182. Jack sonville. WILL ACCEPT Radios, Vlctrolaa and other musical Instruments In ex change on upright, grand or player pianos, (new or used). Cllne Piano -Co; Phone 428, Sparta Bldg. Med ford. iRCKM modern home, bath, laundry trar screened poroh. bullt-lns gar age shade and 'rult trees: 300 equity for car. acreage, cabin site or what have you Phone 1538-L. or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR TRADE 3 sections spike-tooth harrow slightly uspd. Will trade for alfalfa or grain Tei 334-R-4. FOR SALE OR TRADEV-Good sound work horse, 1400 lbs- 7 years old Walter Jonea, 2nd House below bridge. So. Ashland. WOOD for jay or potatoes, near Trail R O Skellenger. Trail Ore. FOR EXC HAN Ob REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres OregOl wheat land for small acreage. R. D 1, Box 111, Central Point. EXCHANGE Oakland and Wataon vllle. 'California property for south ern Oregon real estate. Inquire Tal ent Seervlce Sratlon, Talent. FOR EXCHANGE 4 acres Improved Bearing fruit and crop: for Medford home. A. F. Flowers, 113 E. 12th St. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home tn Bend. Ore., clear, for something cleaj In Medford or Aahland. Pre- 4 fer small acreage What have you 165 7th St., Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE acres Will sell cheap for cash 926 Reddy Are WHEN you think oi real estate think of Brown Se White. OR SALE HOMES FOR SALE fl-room modern house, basement, poultry house, 3 garages, barn. 1 acre berries, peaches and garden. Sacrifice 6th house -jn right hand side Spring St. Write 003 E. J St., Grants Paas. Ore. SALE OR RENT 3-room house, 6400 Terms. 813 Summttt. FOR SALE CHEAP, terms or rent. 4 room house newly painted and kal omlned, near school; nice garden spot, at corner of Sunset and Co lumbus. 909 Sunset. FOR SALE Good 8 room house (eaat frvnt) and nice lot close to Berry dale store. A great bargain at 6450 Terms. Phone A17-L. FOR SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GRAND PIANO MIGHT STORE with responsible party. PrefeT to se.1. however, for balance due; over half paid. Call or write Cllne Piano Co. Sparta Bids., Medford. Phone 426. UPRIOHT PIANO Small size, sold new 275; will sacrifice for baton due, 6119, 61 week. Open evenings. Cllne Piano Co., Main dc Riverside, Medford. PIANO BARGAINS Have three real bargains In Bungalow upright, personal selected, at prices which cannot be -duplicated again. See these at one. 10 Free lessons. Bald win Piano Shoppe, 36 S Grape. GOOD USED PIANO 635 00 casn. You will be s'-irpr.sed when vou see this bargain. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. 26 S. Grape. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY Onnd Pianos Factory Samples Extraordinary Factory Bargains Every sample grand, tiny and tu d:io undent piano must be sold. 145. 6295. 6345. 395. All Mm pi? pianos .-educed AO, payment ov.'i ai wx. C'.:ne P.ano Co, Main tU R-.e;&.ae, Mediort. FOB BALE ADTOMBILES FOR SALE Ford puk-up. good tlree. 615.00. 1040 W. lUh. KARRY KEEN for Model A. 479-X. FOR SALE Trailer. Pat's, prune St. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Crown turkey pellets raise the best and most profitable birds. Monarch Seed Co. 7fto for highest quaUty W L. chick Hansen strain. May deliveries Rocks and Reds SV&o. Wonderful value Jenks Poultry Farm, Tangent. Ore FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, laying strain. 62.50 hundred Baker Service Station. DRESSLER'S Square Deal Hatchery. 1107 B Main. Phone 1669-Y. FOR S ALL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A white faced and Jer sey bull. Phone 1559. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey co, cheap. R. F. Dean Ranch, Central Point. FOH SALE 20 head of horses and mules. Ray Moran. Central Point RED feeder pigs. Beagle. Ad oil Schulx FOR SAWS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Alfalfa. Call 539-J-4. FOR SALE Asters, alnnlaa, marigold at 10c doz.; snaps, petunias 15c. 311 Willamette. ASTERS. zlnnlM marigolds, 3 dor.. 25c. Mrs. Dressier, 1107 East Main. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cream sepa rator Jc milk cans. 2233 Aloah Ave. FOR SALE Electric range, washc, chesterfield set fc other household furniture. Bargain prices 811 West 2nd. St. FOR SALE Velva-tone radio, 7-tube with case. 612. Tel 847-X. FOR SALE Hydraulic pipe and giant. Jesse Richardson, Central Point. Phone 64. FOR SALE Hotpotnt electric range like new. half price. 422 Laurel. FOR SALE Berry cups 67.25 per 1000. Monarch sfeed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Repossessed merchandise Almost new electric range. One Minute electric washer, Brunswick radio, electric refrigerator. Bar gains at easy terms Commercial Finance Cor. Phone 61. FOR SALE Sudan grass, 64.50 cwx. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. THOUSANDS of Indiana Canner to . mato plants, cheap. First house south Tiny Tavern. Talent. FOR SALE Large electric brooder, 800: or will trade for feed. See it at Samson's Feed Store. MENf- all' leather work glovee Chinn g-Mii 75c. Men & Women's' Jackets mane to measure Lewis Carpenter 308 So. Newtown. Modford. GET the 'No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mall rr:bune Jub office: printed on ulotn to with stand the ram and weather. FOR SALE--Used sewing machines, all makes, 66 up; terms if desired All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co 24 N Bartlett SUPERFEX oil neater, cheap. Phone iUlsl, - FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone 913-J. MISCELLANEOUS WILL store upright piano for use of same. Box 13785, Tribune. LACE CURTAINS laundered, 25c up. Work guaranteed. Rear 344 S. Orape M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging. Tel. 646-W. 313 S. Grape. GET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing dgna at the Mall Tribune Job jffict. printed on olotb tc with stand the rain and weather BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstiact. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No. 83 North Central Ave. upstairs JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, Tbe only complete Title System In Jaciuor County. Dressmaking and Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and remodeling 424 Medford Bldg Myrtle Andrews., Phone 1181 Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1173 Souse cleaning. Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. 51 on ey to Lena. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid balance. No other charge See W. B. Thomas, 45 8 Central Oround floor Oraterian Theatre Bldg State License No d-157. Piano and Violin instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT. Teacher of Piano. Violin, and Saxophone, Halght Song Service, Arranging, Composing, etc. 318 Liberty Bldg Public Stenographer. ILLUSTRATED MIEMOGRAFHINO MAILING SERVICE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY Grace O Voss 34 N. Central. Koke-Chapman. Ph. 112 Trans ret. BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1016 No. Central Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed REiNKJNG TRUCKJNO CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable pnoe. Ill No Fit Street. Phone 833 HAWLEY TRANSFER - Export pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices rutnt Satisfaction guaranteed 619 North iUtacae, Pool 1U44-X. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DSPARTMEN1 Best equipped plant tn southern Oregon. Printing oi all kinds: book binding: loose-leaf ledgers, and blank billing system duplicating cash tales slips and everything Id .the printing Una. 38-30 M Orape Phone 75. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State ! Oregon m and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Lydia L. Graves, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that ths undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Judge of Jackson County, Oregon, aa the Executrix wUn the Will annexed, of the estate of Lydia L. Graves, the above named decedent, and have qualified. All persons having claims against said estate sre directed to present same duly verified a by law required, to the undersigned Executrlc. at the office of F. J. Newman, tn the Palm Building. Medford, Oregon, within six months f'om the dat of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 15tn day of May. 1033. FLORENCE B. GRAVES, Executrix of the Estate o? Lydia L. Graves Deceased Talent TALENT, June 5. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masters and family moved to Grants Pass Saturday. Mrs. Fred DeFord of Tillamook and Mrs. Dunn of Medford visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron DeFord Sunday. Mrs. Fred Rapp, Mrs. Ida French and Mrs. William Bruin and Miss Dorothy Crawford attended cooking school In Medford Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Gregg and fam ily spent Decoration day at Trail. Mrs. Gregg's girlhood home. Miss Mildred DeFord spent the week In Medford the guest of her grandmother. Mrs. Edith Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Butler have moved Into the Webster apartments re cently vacated by the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlnkleman and family left Monday for Shields. Ore., on the Eugene-Klamath Falls cut off where Mr. Wlnkleman has charge of the section for the Southern Pa cific. Mrs. Cross and children have moved to Tula Lake, Calif., to Join Mr. Cross who is employed there. The many friends of Joe Barrett will be glad to know that he Is pitch ing for a team in the industrial league of Chicago and enjoying the season very much. Mrs. Ray Colman of Jacksonville spent Tuesday with her slater. Mrs. Fred Rapp. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Hart spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy LeVan der on Griffin Creek. Bible Class of the Baptist church meet with Mrs. Ida French Wednes day afternoon. Friendly Circle met at the home of of Mrs. Myrtle Jacobs Wednesday and quilted. A covered dish dinner waa enjoyed at noon. J. D. Slagel la going to Eugene to visit his daughter a few weeks and will return to spend the summer with his son, Henry, and family. Jim Brown left by motor for Port land Thursday to Join Mrs. Brown, who has been taking care of her father who la 111. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSb L Malfien 6. Containers 10. Hindu queen 14. Prepare for publication 15. Dwell 18. Short lacket 17. Hindu garment 18. Danger 19. Leave an automobile standing 10. Separated metal from ore 21. Soft hats 24. Roman house hold god 25. One under esal ags 26. Compound ether 29. Wine bottles 33. Footless Solution of Saturday's Purxlo ROT AgflA L u r a ITf-fft i OER T RlHAHAlLUISlTHPlAlYl O A P P L E PLAPLAMr:Dj ase1ade1i sMjgg3 S L A T T C R H U RgA R N Effgl P E Al l?EsHusgsyckNT animal 34. Musical sound as. German city 34. Transgression of dlvlns law . if. True 38. You and 1 39. To: Scotch 40. Fun pro us dla- ease of rye 42. Try to s ii. One of an ancient race M. Scorning 48. The one defeated 48. Puff up 50. Turf 51. Frighten suddenly R4. Is present at 68. Volcanlo matter 69. Goddess of peace 81. Rlni-ahapd figure 82. Alighted 63. aubittanc In the gaseous state 84. Volcano (5. Last name of a George Eliot char acter 89. Bring Into Una 67. Back H 11 2o " 21 21 23 " " ' ST" 3 3X 31 H33 IilIiIlliIII II ; illl II . i i isll. JBoL pip 51 S3. S3 WW. 1 SS J 3J : w 1" "III Pr 1 I 1 1 if;7 1 I I Butte Falls BUTTE FALLS, Or., June 5 (Spl) Ernestine Fredenburg la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fred enburg. She Is employed In govern ment work in San Francisco. . Sunday, Butte Falls baseball team defeated the Junior American Legion team of Medford, 13 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberta and family returned to Butte Falls re cently. Butte Falls school orahesta play ed at the Ashland school graduation exercises. Ralph Nelson left for Klamath Falls where he has work at the Wey erhauaer camp. Mrs. "Pert" Rogers waa operated on for goitre In Medford on Thurs day. 1 Ira Tungate returned from Med ford last week. He Is recuperating from his operation and la attending ball games. Mrs. Fred Kuhn went to Medford Friday. Mra. Leona Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of Dead Indian, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Moore thla week. Mra. Leona Moore's brother) also visited her. Hustlers club met at the church met at the church Thursday. Mrs. Marlon had a quilt tied. Mra. George Stewart Joined the club. Mrs. Al Hlldreth spent a week in Portland visiting Mra. Wymore. She took her grandson. Joseph Padgett, to Portland. He went on to his psr enta In Seattle. Mrs. Frank Hllkey I visiting her sons and families in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Jones and sons have moved from the Boughton house to the Bill Kee house. Mr. and Mra. Fred Kuhn have moved into Mra. Mahoney's house. Hustler's club will meet at the church June 8. This will be the regu lar business meeting. Mrs. 'Ralph Nelson la going to Klamath Falls June 15. Guy Moore's sister of Los Angeles visited him recently. They had not seen each other for 30 years. Butte Falls high school baseball team defeated the American Legion Juniors In a game at Eagle Point Thursday, 6 to 4. Lola and Leola Edmondaon. twins, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John Allen. R. Conley and Carl Beckdolth are enrh building a new barn. Mra. Harland Weeka arrived here Friday for a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carson, but was called back, to Washington the fol lowing Monday by her daughter being In an auto accident. Her face was badly bruised. Not Ire I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Doris Leslie. Signed: VERGIL LESLIE. Forty per cent of studenta who en tered Florida State college for Wo men the last 10 years aa freshmen remained for graduation. Cross-Word Puzzie tL Thick black liquid S3. Recipient of a gift 25. Grown boys 26. Relieved 37. Steeple 28. Implement for lifting St. Answer the purpose 10. Park In the Rocky Mountains IL English author IS. Expression of contempt 14. As far as 17. Lonr stick used for walking SR. Week: abbr. 41. Manage 42. Not figurative 43. Number 44. King of B as nan 45. Worker in ths plastlo art T. Mouth secretion 41. Parcel of ground SO. Cubic meter M. Thick niece K2. Narrative S3. Greedy K4. Soon 55. Written promise to psv M. Spanish lady Boa 60. Slender flnlal GIAflNIO W ajdBjT V A RglNlG E R 5HA I US A NH5 0 D E DOWN L Not so much I. First man I. Father 4. SlUncsd 5. Antic . In bed f. Title of respect I. Pretentious bnl Id I nr I. Goddess of the moon 10. Rumors 11. Oil of rose petals: var. 12. Heroine of "A Doll's House' It. Writing fluids Phoenix PHOEN7X. June 5. (Spl.) An of i leer's school was conducted at the Phoenix grange hall Wednesday by Arthur Brown, state deputy organiser, of the granges of Oregon. Reprcsetatlvce of Applegate, Cen tral point. Bellvlew. Eagle Point. Tal ent, Jacksonville, and Roxy Ann grange were present. Roll call of Phoenix officers fo,nd all officers present. I Mr. Brown explained in detail, tie rituallatlo work of the Order. Rep 1 resentatlves of each group waa called I upon to tell something that th-lr grange had done fo their community that waa progressive. After discussing grange work, ofrl cers of Roxy Ann Grange took the chairs. The floor work wa again ex empllfled, and correctlona msde. Announcement waa made that Ray Gill, master of the state grange wou'd be in thla county June 35-26-37, to talk on the aalea tax. Meetings wt'l be held at three place in the countt The meetlnga will bj open to the pub lic. Phoenix grange will meet June IV Lecturer ox the Central Point grange. Miss Eula Benson, will present the program with members of that or gan I ration participating. Neigh bars or Woodcraft met at the grange hall Thursday with a good at tendance. Two ahon playa were given, follow ed by five hundred and bridge. There were three tablea of each game. Prize for high score in flv hundred waa won oy Fred Daugher.y, and for high score in bridge by Mrs. Frank Dancer. Refreshments were served. A good sum was realised. The Circle plana to present two short plays soon, and tha proceed will be used for an assessment sow due. Program for the charter members will prorably be given at the next meeting in June. Laurelhurst LAURELHURST. June 5. fSpl.) Principal Ray Zobel of tha Prospect high school waa In Laurelhurst Fri day circulating a petition for N. F. Ohrt to represent eone 3 on the board of directors of non-high school dis tricts. Mr. Ohrt's petition must con tain 30 signers to place him In nomi nation. According to Tribune report, W. H. Merrlman haa already filed his petition to represent eone 3 on thla board. Mr. Marrlman la a former resident of Laurelhurst. Strawberry picking and haying will be in order soon. Farmera are buey getting ready to care for crops. Laurelhurst Union Sunday school pupils are working on a program to be presented Sunday. June 11, Chil dren's day. Pupils of the Laurelhurst school receivfng perfect attendance certifi cates are: Billy Coburn. second grade; Joyce Nedry, second grade ; Wendell Vaughn, second grade; Carol Nedry, fourth grade; Donald Vaughn, fifth grade and Lola Glass, seventh grade. Kenneth Rodgera successfully com pleted the eighth grade In tha re cent state examination. Kenneth plans to attend tha Prospect high school next year. Jacksonville JAOKAOrTVTLLE, June 6 (Spl.) Fred W. Edena, radlc operator on the U. 8. 5. Aircraft carrier Lexington, who haa been visiting nia parent, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Edena two weeka, left Thursday for Long Btach Calif, ac oompsnied by Roland Merrlfleld, wpo will visit his father at Long Beach Mr. and Mra. Oscar Lewis, Miss Al ice Morgan and Ray Lewis attended graduation exercises at the Trek. Calif., school Wednesday. Robert Sweeney, nephew of Mrs. Lewi and Mlsa Morgan waa a graduate. Mra. George Wendt and Mrs. B. V. Severance entertained Past Hob! Grand club of the Re be k ah lodge Wednesday, at Mrs. Wendt's. The club will meet June 37 t Mrs Jake Shar er' with Mrs. Shafer and Mra. Bar ney Cody, hostesses. Oscar Knox and daughter, Mrs. T. J. Fick and Mra. J. D. Brown made a trip to William Creek eametery Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Keaan of Jack sonville accompanied by Mra. D. 8 Thompson of Dry Town, Calif., and Mia Marie Woodson of Aahland visa ed the John Duggan ranch in Bare Valley Tuesday. Mr. Wilbur Cameron and nteoa Miss Hilda Lyon of Medford pen Sunday at Crescent City Mr. J. D. Brown nd daughter Bet ty of Kings highway spent sever! days last week at peter Fick home. Mr. and Mrs. John Price spent Wed nesday evinlng at Mr. and Mra. S. Z Severance'. Mr. and Mra. Kirold Crump and son Roland were dinner gueat of Mr. and Mra. G. I. Maxwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Smith arid fami ly dined at Mr. and Mr. W J. Eden' home Sunday. Home Economic club of JackaonvlP grange gave a ard farty Friday. Bteve WlUon of 2ami Valley called t C- B. Dunnlngton'e Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pierce of sterling a boy May 39 tn Jackson ville. Raymond Hun sake? end hi eighth grade graduating claa of tha local school attended the county Elghtn grade graduating axercle at Aah and. recently. A number of the stu dent' parent a id friend from he; slao attended. Tom Reed la reported 111 at the home of hi sister, Mrs. S. K. Dun njngton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson recently moved to the E S Wilson home oi north Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Derr and Mr. Amanda Fehl of Medford called at Leonard Lyons' home Friday. Jaackao-ivllle was well represents! at the Medford Mai. Tribune cooking school at the Cracerlan theater. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins of Salem were In Jacksonville Decoration day and are apendlng a few days at the John pernoll nome on Applegate be fore reeurnlng home. Mrs. Jennie Moss and daughter of Grants Paa called here Tuesday. Mrs. Royal Brown and daughter, Mr. Will Brown, of Eagle point were Jacksonville visitor Tuesday. Mtas Ruth Severance who ha been beaching in the high school at Phlla mith, Ore., the past school year ar rived home Saturdav fo? the summer. Mr. arm Mra. Jack Moore from aouth of Medford and Mrs. Oharley Adam of Medford were recent visitor at the Archie Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sleep and son Junior of Fort Jons, Calif, are visit ing Mra. Sleep's mother. Mrs. Ana Ooffman. Mra. George Camp bell's parent of Orescent City spent the week end with her at her home her. Rolay Neighbor lodge will hold Us regular business mvtlng at their hail Tuesday evening. Royal Neighbor ladlea will meet at their hall and w the afternoon of June 7. Mis. Leslie Coke 4nd son John and nephew Ralph Cok- all of Alpaugh, Calif., arrived here the last of the week for a two week' visit with rl Uvea and friends. Ladlea Aid aociety of the Prebv- terlal church held an all day meeting at Mra. Cleora Btxoy's. east of town Thursday. A covered dish dinner wa enjoyed at noon, fourteen ladlea were present. Mra. Fred Butcher and slater. Mrs. Utta Tranta were Medford shoppers Thursday. Courthouse News l Furnish. d bj tht Jsckion Oounlj ADstract Co.. 131 E Sixth Stmt I Marriage Llcn.e. Jamas H. Rodg.ra and Jeasla Li- eotte. John R. O'Connot and HUdreuh Wright. Lloyd Hrdlund sprt Mar; E. Ramos. John C. and Alio Mlt rjestssdt. Willis . Davis and Edna l. Phil lip.. Ellis u. Elliott and Dorothy M. Collins. Ampara Young and Clorta E. Lay Lammual B. Coo and Chslena. B Hamel. Joseph M. Colsman and Ma N Du. Oscar B. Corey and Lucy Fatton. Mauris L. Butt and Laura T. Lot land. Elmar O. Hopkins and Orpha R. Arnold. County Court . R. Norrls rs. J. J. Dealcin, t al, chatMl II. n. EstsU Bdgftr D. Boa. dMaad, probau. Jackson County Bldg s Loan Asa'.i vs. K. A. Stearns. .1 al, forolour. Mary E. Duggan (dc.) estat ad mltud to probau. William Alfnd Town.s (minor) tat admitted to probat. Circuit Court Mabsl f. Holgat .a. Medford Trust Company, an Oregon corporation. For money. A Backer vs. EsUt of Anna 0. Nalley, Delroy Oetchell. administrate Appeal from County Court. Llla Rlobard vs. Russell Henry Hlbbsrd. Divorce. Ralph E Oreen, Jennie 1. Oreen vs. H. L. Moore, Fannie Moor, at Foreclosure. Real Estate Transfera John Nolo to Maud. E. Lamm Deed ai.oo. Lota J at 4 Davlo Sub to Lot 3 Blk. 5 Galloways Add to Med ford. O. B. Eskln, et jx, to A. D. An drews. WD. 1200. S'i Of NW' Of NWVi'sec. M Twp. 39 8. R. 1 W. W. K. Worthlngtnn, et ux to Den nla W. Myers, et ut. WD. a 10.00. Land in Sec. 11 In Tvp. Iti.R 1 E. J. O. Ray. et u to Noel V. Kellogi. at al. WD. 1.00. Land In DLC SI In Tirp. S7 S R. 2 W. Samuel Mathla to Rogue River Olrl Scouts. WD. ajn.00. Lota 17. 18. 19 part of 20. Blk 1 Mathla A Bagley Addition to Rogue River. United statea to slice Merrick. Pat ant, of NE'i: ke of be',: Nwy, of KEV. Sec. 37 Twp. 37 S R. 4 W. Sheriff to Elsie L Butler Tai Deed Ml. 13. Lot IS Pepper and Taylor Sub division. Sheriff to Charles Tsylor. et al. Tax Deed 91. 3 acres In Sees. 31 as Hi TT. 87 S. R. 3 W. Sheriff to O. E. Oook. Tax Deed. 4.73. Lou 1 St 3 Blk. Mountain Vie Addition to Medford. Sheriff to Robert Murray. Tax Deed tl.87. I-t 17. Blk. 8 Berrydale Addi tion to Medford. Sheriff to Mary Sweeney Tax Deed 118 53. Land in Sec. 13 In Tvp. 8T S R. 3 W. Bertha L. Tlmmerman to A. J. El monda. Cor. WD. 10 00. Lot 18. Blk. 5 Hillvlew Addition to Medford. 8. R. Isrsel, et ux to Joseph T Brewer QCD. l.OO Und Vt Int. In W"4 of NEK of SEK; 8E' Of NE'4 of ME1;: T.'f, of SEit of 6E!4; SW", of 8E4 of SE'i: S'i Of S'4 of SW-i of 6Ei: See 38 T-p. 37 S. R. 3 W. S'i of 8WJ4: ttW'A of 6E',4 Sec. a Twp. 37 8. R. 8 W N'4 of N14 of Eli See. 7 Twp. 38 8. R 3 W.; N4 of tt'i of WWK of NW' See. 1 Twp. 31 8. R. 3 W. Sheriff to Jackson County. Tax Ded. Deed on 103? Tax foreclosure. Jackson County to J. P. Dallam. QCD. 1.00. LOU 8 4 . Blk 3 Tuttle's Pint Add. to Medfnd. Albert Stevens, el ux to Emer A. sterena. WD. l.oo. Lou 1 ft 3, Blk. 3 Laurelhurst Add. to Medford. Myrti pankey to Fid C Wail, at ux QCD. i0.00 Lot I Myers Addi tion to Medford. Alfred Porden. et ux to Msrtln O. Paulson. t ux. WD. lu.O0. Lot . Blk. 1 Page Addition to Medford. Sheriff to School District No. 4. Phoenix. Tex Deed. 3j.oo Lou 1 to 11. Blk. 38 citv of Phoenix. Sheriff to Asa R. Renner at al. Tax Deed. 20 83. S'i of SE'4 of SE"4 Sec. 38. Twp. 34 3. R. 4 W Sheriff to George L. Brewer Jr. Tax Deed S7.78. E'4 of NTfi'i; EH of SSVl Sec. 14 Twp. 14 8. R 1 W Sheriff to T. A. Henderson, t al. Tax Deed 43.J8. N!4 of SB1, See. 34 Twp. 38 S. R. 4 W. Sheriff to George P. Homer. Tax Deed 18.88. NWVi of SEl.; Sac. 31 Twp. 38 8. R. 3 W. Sheriff to J. E. Kllborn. et al. Tlx Deed aio 10. NE14 of NW14 6m. 1 Twp. 38 S. R. 3 E. Sheriff to Ray Davis. Tat Been 5.7S. Lot 18 Blk. 11 Laurelhurst Ad dition to Medlord. Sheriff to W. H. H1U. Tsx De8 130.00. SV4 of NB flee. 18 Twp. 7 S. R. 1 E. Sheriff t J. W. Ragadel. t al. Tax Deed 78.71. I 1: SBK of NE'4 Sec. 8 Twp 34 8. R. 1 W. Sheriff to 0. H. Fredenburg. Tax Deed t35.50. Lot 9. 18. 11, 13 Blk. "Q" City of Talent. Sheriff to J. s. Ball. Tax Deed. 48.43. H Int. in land In ttc IS ta Twp. 38 8. R. J E. Sheriff to Ann R. Gregory. Tax Deed 131.14. NE'i of swi; OT'i of See. 7 Twp. 39 I. R. 1 I. Sheriff to D. 8. Painter Tax Deed 141.47. NJ4 of NWK; LoU 8 4 ' Sec. 18 Twp. 8. R. I Sheriff to Ida C. Roland Tax Deed 8 00. SWU of NT.14 of SW't See. Twp. 39 a. R. 3 W. Sheriff to Frank Dunkln Tax Deed 3.35. Oov't Lot 3 Sec. J Twp. 81 S. R. 1 W. Sheriff to Hamilton Patton. Tax Deed 978.30. SE'i See. 18 Twp. 34 8. R. 3 W: Lou 1 St 3; E14 ot NW4 See. 18 Twp. 34 8. R. 3 W. LoU 84; E'4 Of SW'i te. 18 Twp. 34 8 R. t W.; LoU 8 Ss 1; E',4 of SW'4 See. Twp. 40 S. R. 3 W. N'i of N14: See. SO Twp. 40 8. R. 3 W. SE'A See. 18 Twp. 44 8 R. 3 W. Sheriff to Talent Irrigation District. Tax Deed 79.9.. fflS'4 Bee 33 Twj. 39 S. R. 3 E. M. H. MoCletlan. et rtr. to Fred B. rracy. et ux. WD. ato.OO, t and in OLO 41 In Twp. 88 8. R. J B. W. J. Freeman, ux to Stat of Oregon. WD. 50.00. Traet In Blk. II Olty of Central point. Ssm K. Pollard, et ux to Stat as? Oregon. WD. 0 00. Land la DLO 43 in Twp. 38 8. R. 1 S. Helen watt, et at t Lorln P. Ohrle cean. BWD. 810.00. Land la DLO 48 in Twp. 87 8. R. t W, Sheriff to Stat of Oregon. Sheriff Deed. NW(4 of Seo. 30 Twp, 38 a. ft. 3 V. Peter O. Millar,. t ux to Talent Ir-. rlgatlon Dlttrlot. 8 WD, (10.00. Part of "Aahland Aorta" and land in See. 10 Twp, 89 8. R. 1 B. Meteorological Report Jnne (, 1933 Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Cloudy to night; Tuesday fair; moderate tem perature. Oregon: Generally cloudy tonight: Tuesday fair, but cloudy near coast; moderate temperature. Local Data Lowut temperature thla moral nf, 48 degrees. Temperature year ago tedayi Highest 91 i loweet 48. Total precipitation auto ber 1, 1933, 14.73 Lnchas. Relatlr humidity at 8 p m. day. 33: 8 a. m. today (7. Sunat today, 7:43 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow, 4:38 a, m. Sunset tomorrow. 7:43 p m. Observations Taken at 8 A, M Meridian Tim. uti m - iff! pi ' Boston ... MKT. Cloudy so sa .. p. car. 93 63 .80 Cloudy 88 80 .... Cloudv T4 83 .13 Cloudy .... 83 .44 Rain n 44 . p.ody. .... 73 Clear 81 S3 .14 OleuilT . 93 70 T. Clear " 94 88 P. Cdy. .... 84 Cloudy 73 78 84 P. OdV. TO 50 .... Cloudy .... 80 .03 Rata 74 80 ... Clear 78 88 ... Cloutt 88 88 ... Clear Cheyenn ,,w Chtcssgo Eureka ............. Helena Los Angelea ... MEDFORD .... New Orleans ... New York ...... Omaha ..... Phoenix Portland Rossbura; Salt Lak ......... San Francisco Seattle .... Jpokan ....... CIVIC LEAGUE MEETS CENTRAL PT. TUESDAY The Jackson County Civic tatfu will meet at the Federated Church at Central Point Tueeday, June 8, at 8:00 p. m. The meeting la Important and everybody Interested It urged to make a apeclal effort to b present. Car will be at tha T. W. C. A. to take any who wish transportation. MOSCOW. June 8. fP, The So viet government today acoapted th Japanea government's offer to act aa mediator In th proposed al of th Cl Ines Eastern railway to Mancbu kdo. Pndr and body repairing, ffloaa rlgbt. Brill Bhet Metal work. Real aetata or uoaiane Lsav 9s to Jones. Phone 898 Reddea s Oo. Writ tog hauliag bonds.