PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1933. Medford Rogues Win 1 0 to 7 Over Roseburg in League Inaugural LAKE SHINES AT BAT AND HURLS SUPERIOR BALL Good Crowd Sees Close and Exciting Game As New League Gets Under Way Ceremonies Open Tilt . Kt.hlLlt) YEsIEKDAY. Medrord, 10; Roseburf, 7. Klamath, S; Ashland. 2. Coqullle. : Enf.le Point, S. Medford's Rogues mlnttd tha Boenurg Veta 10 to 7 Sunday at the fairgrounds In th opening gama of the league aeason. It waa a laat and exciting battle with the acore tied up. twice, and full of hitting and fast fielding. A crowd of 300 aaw the encounter and got their money'a vorth. Lake, pitching for trie Rogues, got three hits, drove in six runs, scored three ttmea himself, and was the Individual star for the locals. Sand ers, left field for Roeeburg, snared a half dozen long files, that would have been extra baae clouts with ordinary fleldere. Roseburg Scores Early Roseburg started with a rush, and scored three runs In the first Inn ing. The Rogues finally launched lilts In the fourth to tie the score, and took a two run lead. The vis itors however, came right back, and evened things up again. The Rogues In the closing time at bat. put across three runs to put the game on Ice. Roughness of the field hampered good' fielding and allowed several balls which should have been easily fielded to go for hit. Cleorge Harrington caught a bang up ' game for Medford. Shortstop might, who Is manager of the locals, flashed a classy bit or fielding when he caught a sleeping Roseburg run ner at second. The game waa opened with Wil liam Bolger pitching. Joseph Flelgel catching and Mayor Wilson batting. They were awkward, but willing. Court Hall umpired In' a dignified manner. The crowd laughed and cheered. The summary: Roeeburg: AB R H PO A B B. Avery, as. . 5 18 4 1 3 Phillips, lib 0 0 0 1 0 0 a. Avery. 3b It as ... 4 0 113 0 Welch, lb 6 14 8 0 1 Chney, of 8 113 11 Thompson, rf 6 0 1 0 0 0 Sanders, If . 4 1 3 6 0 0 Cedaratrom. 3b .. 6 0 0 1 0 1 Adamson, o ............ 4 13 113 Smith, p 8 0 0 0 4 0 Beck ley, p..-.- 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 41 7 14 34 ft 7 Medford: AB R H PO A E Williams, 3b 8 3 1 3 3 0 Ling. 3b & as . 8 3 3 3 6 0 Halght. as 4 0 1111 Robinson, of 10 110 0 Coy. rf : 6 0 110 0 Clay. If 6 0 1 3 0 0 a. Hsrrlngton, o .... 3 0 0 8 3 0 Ferrette, of & 3b.... 3 113 3 3 Anderson, lb 4 3 1 13 0 0 Lake, p 4 3 8 1 3 1 Total 37 10 13 37 14 4 Three-base hits Welch 1, Lake 1: 3-baso hits Chancy 1, Lang 1, Lake 1; aacrlflce hits O. Avery 1, O. Har rington 1; stolen bases Sanders 1, Thompson 1. Ohaney ran for B. Avery In the 8th Inning. Bases on balls oft Smith 1. Bedtley 3, Lake, none: balka by pitcher Beckley 1. Time of game, one hour and 60 min utes. SUB-PAR GOLF WITHOUT SINGLE PAR; HERE'S HOW KANSAS CITT. (AP) Nine holes two under par without a par on any hole I That la the record of Wea Dunlap, crack amateur of Kansas City. Playing Vie second nine at the Hlllcrest country club, Dunlap had an eagle, four birdies and four holes. . Oregon Weather. , , Oenerally cloudy tonight: Tuesday fair, but cloudy near the coaat; mod erate temperature; moderate north west winds offshore. Taking a tip from the old custom of holding "horee-awapplng day," farm is of Colquitt county, Oa., have Initiated a "bull awapplng day." By the Associated Press. Coast. W. L. PO. Portland s 34 .boo Hollywood 86 36 .583 Sacramento 86 36 .581 Los Angeles 33 38 .833 Missions '.. 33 81 .808 Oakland 37 83 .460 Beattle 33 38 .388 San Francisco 33 38 .881 W1LLARD HOTEL KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 114 MODERN A1UV ROOMS BATH-SHOWER OR COM BINATION. CENTRALLY LOCATED. FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION. GRILLE IN CONNECTION. We Inelta lour Batronag Rate fr-BO Hp HOW THEY. sum National. New York St. Louis Pittsburg Chicago .... Cincinnati Brooklyn -.. Boston ....... Philadelphia Ne wYork .... Washington . Chicago ..... Cleveland Philadelphia , Detroit .. Boston ....... St. Louis ., W. L. PC. ,36 17 .606 .800 .681 .633 .611 . 37 18 . 36 18 . 34 33 . 38 33 , 18 34 .429 .. 30 38 .417 ......... 17 81 .364 W. 38 18 37 IB 34 19 It. PO. ,690 887 , 36 31 .653 , 31 30 .513 . 1ft 36 .433 , 17 30 .383 , 18 3S 310 EYES FOR QUEST TRIBUNE T Quito a number of shooters turned out Sunday morning for practice tn anticipation of the annual Medford Mall Tribune ahoot, which will be staged et the Medford Gun club traps June U. Tills la the main tournament of the aeason for the local club and has grown In popularity each year until It now attracts shooters from this entire section of the state.. The program calls for 100 18-yard targets, 50 handicap and 13 pair of doubles. There will be a 100 In purses In addition to the special trophies. The main event for The Mall Tribune trophy will constitute the loo tar gets from 10 yards. . This trophy is placed In competition each year and will finally go to the shooter winning it three times.. Following are the practice acorea made Sunday at 60 targets: R. R. Lamport ..,..-....., 49 8. O, Mendenhall ,..........,.- 48 George Porter 47 Elmer Wilson 47 Ray Coleman ......,......,.,.....-. 47 W. W. Bates 40 Chester W. Wood - -- -,, 46 Fred Hull 46 Dr. a. Earl Low .. 43 H. Crolsnnt -,-. m 43 J. F. MOOre .ee...., . 43 Fred Kick ...... 39 R. B. Miller .... 37 R. L. Edwards ...... . 80 At IS Tarirts. Clarence Kadi 34 Sam Jennings ...... 33 Cheater Hubbard 15 Handicap at 35 Target. Chester Wood, 31 yd 33 8. O. Mendenhall. 33 yds 33 Clarence Eada, 18 yda 31 Ray Coleman. 31 yds 30 H. Crolsnnt, 31 yds .,...,...... 30 W. W. Bates, 31 yds. ...... .... 30 Dr. Low, 30 yds ...... 30 AS OF LOCAL COURSE Surprising everyone including him self R. w. Ruhl, champion dub" of the Medford Golf rlub, retained hl title and the tin-can trophy pr tented by a local inn of plumber, when he defeated p H. Reum In tnn 38-hole final mato one up, yester day morning. On the first 18 holes Saturday, Reum clicked along steadily with an even 100, while Ruhl shot 107, put ting the former four up, and 18 more to go. Aa hooting under 100, according to trie rule of thla tournament, coata the shooter $3. the Mooeejaw .Scotch man, abot the sam acore on Sunday the beet score tha can be made free of charge. Ruhl threw discretion to the winds, let out the reefs in his canvas pint, donned his fur-llned mittens, opened his purse strings and shot a 03. On the first nine he ah at a 45, which evened the contest and the second nine a 48, which proved to be a terrific struggle, the reiu't not being decided until the two vene rable maahle wlelders, halved the lai hole with a pah of 5'a, putting ".urtl 1 up, and nothing to go on except an overdraft. Reum made a gaL'ant effort to win this hole, hie putt for a four Just rimming the cup had It dropped, the match would have been tied, the club wou'd have gained another $2, and the two duba would have been compelled to play another 18. So it was probably Just m well from tho standpoint of Insolvency and harden ed arteries. This la the second time the niblick editor haa won the dub title, and in tlmate friends (particularly his bank er) are urging him to retire, from the dub list and enter the amateur na tlonal in September- Ruhl, however, who had his picture taken by Shang'e in a fighting pose yesterday, ques tions hta own amaur statu He not only had to pay 3 to win yesterday, but 93 during thi tournament to beat Walter Leveret te and now th dub committee ha sent him a bill for 7.50, for Incidental. Urged for public statement, an ar ticle and "tlpa on tee shots" for the V B. Oolf Magaclne, Ruhl when con tacted today said ne had not mi le up hla mind. "I ahall either retire 'T turn pro." was all he would ay. Hla defeated opponent, "Moose J aw" wm more communicative. "Look over the acore." aald he "and figure out. who la the better golfer. X ahot two 100' a total of 300 had a good time and It didn't cost me a dime. My opponent shot 107 and a i)i also a total of 300 (the same acorn) and It cost him 83, a cup of coffee and two packages uf Camels." 4- tlonal driving contest follow; Archie Hambrlek, Zanesvllle, O., 277.6. 8150. Charles Lacey, Great Keck, N. T., 370.9. 876. Ed Dudley, Wilmington. Del., 384.3. 850. Willie Ooggln. Woodland, Calif., 360.3, 835. Bobby Crulckshank, Richmond. Va., 358.6, 816. Walter Hagen, Detroit, Mich., 358.4, 810. Ralph Guldahl, St. Louie, Mo., 358.3, 810. George Von Elm, Los Angeles, 354.8, 810. Sam Parka, Unlontown, Pa., 349.4, 810. Olln Dutra, Brentwood Helghta, Calif., 345.4, 810. Longest Individual ball, Archie Hambrlek. Zaneavllle, O., 281.7. CHICAGO, June 5. (UP) Craig Wood of Deal. N. J., won first prize of 8700 today in a golf driving con test In which more than 36 players were entered at. Soldier Field. Wood drove three time for a to tal of 736 "4 yard. Ky Laffoon of Denver waa second with three drives of 363, 232 and 245 1 yard. Joe Klrkwood waa third with drives of 335, 238 and 337 yards. ,9-2, ADOPT SCHEDULE 1 UIAL KLAMATH KaLLS June 5. Behind the four-hit pitching of Lefty Molo tore, Klamath Pelicans defeated Ash land, 9 to 2, in liw opening game of we southern oregou league here Sun day afternoon. The battertea were: For Ashland, McFiddcn and Belco-' vlch; Klamath Falls, Molotore airtj Edwards, ' BASEBALL LEAGUE The following official schedule baa been adopted for the Southern "Ore gon baseball league. June 11 Coqullle at Asbland; Med ford at Eagle Point; Klamath Falls at Roseburg. June 18 Roeeburg at Ashland: . Med ford at Coqullle; Klamath Falls at Eagle Point. June 35 Coqullle at Klamath Falls: Ashland at Medford; Eagle Point at Roseburg. July 3 Medford at Klamath Falla; Ashland at Eagle Point; Roseburg at Coqullle. July 9 Klamath Falls at Ashland: Medford at Roeeburg; Coqullle at Eagle Point. July 16 Roseburg at Klamath Falls: Ashland at Coqullle; Eagle Point at Medford. July 33 Eagle' Pt. at Klamath Falls; Ashland at Roseburg; Coqullle -at Medford. July 30 Klamath Falls at Coqullle; Medford at Ashland; Roeeburg at Eagle Point. August 6 Klamath Falla at Med ford: Eagle Point at Ashland; Co qullle at Roseburg. Approximate dlatance traveled by each team to games, for season: Ml. Coqullle . 771 Klamath Falla '. 639 Roseburg . 603 Eagle Point . Ashland ...... Medford 401 382 360 277-YARD DRIVE 6T. PAUL, Minn., June 5. (UP) Archie Hambrlek, Zaneavllle, O., won the national driving contest held yes terday In connection with the St. Paul open when be had an average for three balls of 377.8 yards. Hambrlek also had the longest sin gle drive of 381.7 yards. Charles Lacey, Great Neck, N". Y., was second with 370.8 yard with Ed Dudley, Wilming ton. Del., third with an average of 304.8, The price winner In the na- FREE A Beautiful Propel and Repel Pencil and Fany Gift Box, with the purchase of one "Onward MONOCO Fountain Pen, with 14k Gold Plated Pen Point. YOU SAVE ON THIS Clip coupon below, RIGHT NOW, mall to ua; send no money, then pay postman In a few daya. only D8 cents for our beautiful, unbreakable, self -filling fountain pen, valued at 83.00: choice of three eolors. We give you a propel and repel pencil to match the pen and a beautiful two-tone color gift box, FREE I FIVE-DAY FREE TRIAL It la guaranteed to be In perfect condition and at the end of five days If you are not satlafled, return the pen and we will replace It with a new one. or refund your money. A guarantee with each set. Ideal for graduation present, bridge prize and personal use. It IIIMIIItMlillll uilitlll COL PON IIMIIIIMIinilMMIIMIIIIIIMKt MONOCO PEN CO. 410 13th North, Seattle, Wash. Please send me a MONOCO pen and pencil set In gift box as checked below. I will pay post man 08 centa for each set. with a five-day free trial. Colors: Black and White ( ) Mottled Burgundy ( ) Sea Oreen ( .) Right NOW check your color, print your name, clip coupon. Limit, 3 sets to' a customer. Name , ; Street Rural Route., ; city ..... - State BASEBALL Yesterday' Reults Coast League. At Portland 3-0, Loa Angelea 3-11. First game 13 Innings; second 1 In nings. At Hollywood 13, Oakland 5. Second game postponed; rain. . At Mission 10-5, Sacramento 15-7. Second game 7 Innings. At Seattle 5-10, San FrancUco 13-1. Second game 7 Innings. National. At Chicago 3-D, Pittsburg D-J. At Boston 0-9. Philadelphia 1-6. At Brooklyn 0-1, New York 3-t. At Cincinnati 3-, St. Louis 4-3. American League. At Washington 4, Boston 3. At St. LOUIS 6-2, Chicago 13-10. At Cleveland 3-3. Detroit 1-4. At New York 3-8. Philadelphia 9-0. Vesuvius Lava Spares Village NAPLES, Italy, June 8 (AP) A lava wave from Mount Vesuvius was halting a few feet from the precipi tous edge of the valley of inferno today, and aa the flow gradually stopped It was believed danger to the town of Terzlgno wss over. The fireworks display, with shoot ing flames and rocketing burning stonee, still continued. Private automobllea manufactured In Great Britain during the year end ed September 30. 1833, numbered 166.115. an Increase of 5.655 over the previous year. San Francisco's Newest AND MOST MODERN Downtown Hotel! 600 OvUlde 223 room 3.V) )T9rooui 14.00 198 room at S4.S0 ao4 up Uauiuatlf Attracu Mill W j. Ptrmiuit jfi mm Ifaiial Private garage in base ment of hotel building with direct elevator ser vice to Lobby and all guest-room floors! Hotel Sir Francis Drake just off Union Square most conven ient to theaters, shops, stores, business and financial district Only California hotel offering Servidor feature-thus enabling; you to combine "maximum pri vacy with minimum tipping". All rooms in the Tower with Western exposure have ultra-, violet-ray (sun-bath) windows. In every room connection for radio reception, running filtered ice tyater, Dolh tub ana shower. Dinner in Coffee Shop from75J up in Main Dining Room front 81.25 up. Also a la carte service. StgEs? Hotel Sir Francis Hucusi-Nkwcomi Hotel Co. Powell Street at Sutter San Franciso 3-Piece Bedroom Suite An exceptionally serviceablo walnut-veneer bedroom suite with bed, dressing table and chiffonier. See this mite In enr windowj, specially priced at County, school and City Warrants accepted on furniture purchases. $19 .95 1 IX BEAUTIFUL HOMESPUN TAPESTRY Bench $1.95 $5.00 Down $5.00 a month Davenport Sets Brand new sets Genuine Home spun Tapestry and built for many years of hard service. Just look at this astonishingly low price, for davenport and chair $32-50 Jacquard Velour Davenport Sets Yes sir, these fine sets are well made and finished in good qual ity Jacquard velour. Blue and Old Ross to select from and what t bargain at this price. Another attracts davenport. Milte. finished In Jacquard Velour. Spec ially priced at $34-95 $39 .95 Particular Builders Always Specify 'BEAVER BRAND' PORTLAND CEMENT USE A HOME PRODUCT Beaver Portland Cement Co, GOLD HILL, OREGON Sold in Medford by Medford Concrete Construction Co., Porter Lumber Co., Rogue River Lumber Co., Standard Roofing & Building Supply Co., Wallace Woods Lumber Co., Big Fines Lumber Co., Medford Lumber Co. MAIL TRIBUNE vol. 41 j nitl1 PHONE your want-ads YOU have something to sell, trade or buy. Let our intelligent Wantad takers help you word your message for best results. You'll like this courteous service. Simply lift the re ceiver and ask for mi Kami m i Phone 75 mm i WILLAR.B. WOTEfc $500 Dovm$500 a Month ta Mala. Klt falla O M O al.JIKItreMIMMn.eSIgyt - u" w - w aasweaMsBMpBtarifa i .null in