PAGE TEN MEDFORD MSTTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1933. HIIHIIIlltillMI OF HIGHWAY LEDGER Jackson Receives $1,944, 300 More in Road Work From State Funds Than Contributed List Others PORTLAND. Ore, May 13. (AP) your counties Multnomah, Marion, Washington and Linn i&ve contrib uted more money to the state nign way lund than they have taken out In road work, according to a chart prepared by the Oregon atate high wav commission. The graph, aa explained by Leslie U. Scott, chairman of the commit elon, shows that Multnomaji county, lor example. Is S34.100.uuo "Denino. while Douglas county Is 7,363.600 "ahead" In the matter ol contrlbu. tlon and benefit. Marlon county has paid In $4,246, 400 more than It has taken out. Washington Is 623,10O behind, and Linn S190.60O behind. Boott explained that the 7,8S3.500 which Douglas county has gained marks the difference between the 08.830,890 spent In highway con struction or maintenance In that county, and the 2, 168.401 it has con. trlbuted to highway funds through license fees, gasoline tax and motor transportation lees. Among the 32 counties which have secelrcd In highway work more man they have paid In, with the amount pi excess, are: Lincoln, 5,045,800; Curry, S4.033. 800: Wasco. 3, 826,000; Lane, ea.siBv 100; Umatilla. 12,829,600; Klamath 3,870,800: Baker, S2.710.600; Jose, trtllne. 3,6S8,200; Union, (3,143,000; Jackson, 1,944,300: Polk, 1.028,700 Yamhill received only 538,100 more than It contributed. ROSEBURQ. Ore. May 12, (AF) Oommentlng here today upon the distribution of state highway funds as announced by the highway com. mission, showing Douglas county beading the list In contributions pro portionate to the amounts paid In, Douglas County Judge W. 8. Hamil ton called attention to the fact that Douglas, largest In area In western Oregon, contains one-third of the en tire length of the Pacmo highway within the state of Oregon, and more of th Oregon Coast highway than any other county, which In a large measure accounts for the apparent extremes In the scale of receipts and expenditures. Because of favorable routes, two roads from the Pacific highway to the coast are maintained by the state, one from Roeeburg to Ooos Bay and the other between Drain and Reedsport, In addition to Wieae highways maintained by the state, Douglas county hss a longer system of Im proved rosds than any other county in western Oregon. 1 TO Its It exp acted that several thou and people will witness the second annual review and presentation of medals, and demonstration Which will be held at the Medford armory next Tuesday night. Elaborate plans for the event are going forward and over a hundred Invltstlona have been mailed out to military, atate and county officials throughout the state. Recently the army adopted an entirely new meth od of drill and this will be displayed o the public for the first time. An entire battalion of troops will be on the drill floor of the armory, comprising the unite from Ashland, Grants Pass and Medford. Major William H. KUenburg Is In charge of the event, assisted by Captain Carl Y. Tengwald. t ' ON MOTHERS' DAY Mothers Day program for worship service of penersl assembly period of Sunday school. May 14, Presbyterian church school. Program: Organ prelude, Dorothy Reynolds. 8ong by school. No. 108. Responsive reading. No. 444. Song, selected, by Mary Olaacock. Reading, by Edith Hodgktns. Organ tribute. Dororrty Reynolds. Song by school, No. 314. Prayer, Rev. w. J. Howell. Par across the continent to Chary. N. V.. fragments of a KMED broad east on Crater Lake traveled last month, a letter recently received by D. 8. Llbbey, park naturalist and assistant superintendent of the park, reveals. On April 20 Mr. Llbbey spoke over KMED. A response to the address was recently recelTed from Lillian Francis of Chircy. asking tor more Information on winter conditions at the lake. Mies Francis stated In the letter that she had visited Medford and Crater Lake and would like more facta concerning the geology of the park. The April Issue of Crater Lake Nature Notes was forwarded her on May 10 by Mr. Llbbey. ilMIMIIItl(IIIIIMIIIMI(lllltllllimlltlll Silk Underwear : for Mother GOWNS A delightful gtfe for Mother Lovely all-sllg French Crepe Gown In tailored and lace trimmed styles. Shades are white, tea rose and pink. Special for Mother's Day tomorrow at Mann's $198 ' $098 L and W SLIPS A beautiful new slip for Mother. These are of fine qualltq, all -silk crepe In the popular Clinch bias cut style. Tailored and lace trim med models. Shades are tea rose, pink and white. Choice $1.98 Underwear Section Main Floor IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIilltlllllllllllltMIMIIIIIIMl Sunday, May the 1 4th IT'S THE day the really reaps definite expression of the devotion and ten derness you feel for her throughout the year, but too seldom manifest. How can you better express your tribute to Her than with a lovely Rift? A gift that need not be expensive, a gift for Mother from this fine store. We Suggest These Gifts for Her Fine Quality Stationery in Attractive Boxes 50c to $1.00 New Metal Powder Jars for Mothers dressing Table $1.00 Yardley's Old English Lavender Soap and Perfume Sets $1. Perfume Atomizers in Lovely Bed Eoom Shades at $1.00 Gift Perfumes and Toilet Waters by Coty, Burjois and others Beautiful Costume Jewelry,. Earrings, Bracelets, Necklaces Lovely All Linen Handkerchiefs, ideal for Mothers day Gift Complete Assortments of Attractive Mothers day Cards Silk Hosiery in all Weights and Shades for Mothers Day Gift Beautiful Pieces of Silk Underwear for Mothers Day Gift New Bags for Mother We suggest you see these newest Hand Bags before you buy Mother her gift. New shapes and shades In the smartest leathers. Some metal trimmed, oth ers plain. You'll find Just the one she'll love In this 91.98 group. $1.98 each JUJi.VS MAIN FLOOR tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Gloves for Mother We can suggest no better gift for Mother than Gloves. Especially these new arrivals In "BACMO" washable cape skin. A lovsly white number for summer wear. Also many new atyles In beige, gray and cream In fine kid. Plain and novelty cuff and atltohlngs. $1.98 pair B V W Mann's .Main Floor Mother Would Love a Scarf complete Mother's costume with a colorful new scarf. These of rayon taffeta give Just that youth- rui enio trmt every woman wants. They come In almost an colors in patterns that are checked striped and plaid. Your choice tomorrow at Mann1 $00 Emb. Handkerchiefs for Mother K you are ahopplng for an inexpensive gift for Mother we suggest these lovely all-linen hand embroidered Handkerchiefs at BOo each. These have a hand rolled hem and are In the NEW Costume ahsdes for summer. Also white with touches of embroidery. 50 New All Linen Handkerchiefs at 3 for $1.00 IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHHMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIItitlHIIIIIUintlllllMllllllllUIMKIMMIHIIIII lUKIHIIIIMMItlUIHIllllMIIHMIIIII THERE'S A STYLE IN HOLEPROOF HOSIERY FOR EVERY MOTHER! Rtrntmbtf your mother with lemtrhins per sonal on this day of dayi. A sift box of Holeproof Hosiery, for Instinct, eontalninj (hi kind of stockings she likes. Something conservative like "Fosgy" and "Clear" in I medium weight if she's so inclined ; ; some thing deshlng like "Sun-up" and "Sun-down" In cobweb sheerness if she's young and fashion conscious. Whatever her tastes, you'll find Just what suits her best ; ; ; in Holeproof- $l0.0nd$p5 pr. Mcwitt&tpantmuit&ctt Ask to tee Holeproof Color Ensemble Boole II ttt I Htll'ttt tltttt MS 1 1 11 It 1 1 HM 1 lit ll II 1 H l I mitl t)l SM rltSIHS 1(1 Htttl II II II St I H HI IS Mtttt IHtt lltatltHHltttl MtHHt) Hi illillllliiiiiHMititiiiltliiiiMliiHHIimriiiMMiiimmMmii milium Any Mother Would Love to Receive One of These New Crepes - Straws $29.5to$5.0 A gift that will still be recalling your thought fulness long after Mother 'st Day , . . for these ajra hat to wear now and all summer. New Silk Crepes, smart Straws. Brim with gracious dignity or younger "daah" , . . tur bans with becoming height and wdlth. " Keadslzes that rang up to 24 Inches. Millinery Second Floor lliiiiiiiintiMMiiiitteiuiiMtniiiiiitiiitiitiiiiiiMMttiiiiMmmiiiii ituriitimiiiimiiiuiisuiiiiii itiiiHitmitiimimimiimiimtimMMiiimmiii miiimmiMMrt Nat'l Cotton Week Sale DOMESTICS 36 inch Unbleached Muslin it 5c yd. 36 inch Bleached Muslin at, only 5c yd. 21b 72x84 White Cotton Batt, only 49c 18inch Turkish Toweling for, yard 25c 18 inch Boots Toweling for, yard 17c 54x54 and 58x58 Linen Lunch Cloth $1. Ironing Board Covers. Special, only 19c Bordered Linen Hand Towels, each 15c Martex Bath Towels 35c ea, 3 for $1.00 39-in. Emb. Organdie. Per yard $1.00 39-in. Emb. Batiste. Per yard, only 98c. 26 inch Eyelet Pique. Per yard 59c (iitMiiiMinntattirttiiiiiitmiiii HOSIERY SPECIAL For Mother's Day A Mother's Day Hosiery Special! Purs silk Horn In different weight Cbiffon. Seml-Chtffon and HeaTy Service. Good summer shade to elect from. In fact, these are values from 11 35 to 91.05 pair. Your choice 39 87nr. 3 nair 2 pair MEDFORD '8 OWN STOKE FOR MOTHER, A NEW Coat, Blouse or Dress GEE, but Mother would think it won derful if some son or daughter would say. Come on, Mother; let's go and buy a new coat or dress! I want you to have one or both for Sunday is your Day, Mother o' Mine; put on your hat; let's gol A DRESS FOR MOTHER A marvelous group of Dresses suitable for Mother! Dresses of "Chulla" Crepe Wash eilks. Printed Crepes end Summer Sheers In both print snd solid shades. In this selection you will find sll the advance style notes and a complete run of sires. Many of these frocks have been much higher J r Iced. But out they go for Mother's Dsy. Another interesting group of lovely dresses for both young and older mothers. These are In long sleeve Jacket styles ss well as one- piece short sleeve models. Printed and plain silks, chic combinations and summer pastels are Included at thla low price. Regular values from $12.50 to H8.00 and they come In half and regular sizes. Also Wash Satin Crepe Dresses in Sizes to 42 - A PRINTZESS COAT FOR MOTHER PRINTZESS," the Ideal coat for Mother a conservative stylish coat well tailored from the finest of woolens and lined throughout with lovely silk. These fine garment come In Navy Blue. Black, Tan and mixtures. The sizes are 34 14 to 48. Buy now while thla ssle la In progress. $139At$197.5 Also Polos, Tweeds and Dress Coats for $8.85 Knit Suits and Dresses for "Her" $995 Also a Griup of Knit Dresses at $5.95 - $C75 $995 $12.50 Mother would love one of theee smart Knit Suits or Dress. These we are showing at $9.95 are In sizes 14 to 40. The dresses are one piece style. The suits In two and three piece. Many lovely shades and weaves to select from. New Organdie and Net GRADUATION DRESSES Daughter! If you are about to graduate and want a darling, Imresslve graduation dress . . see these. Adorable Organdie and Net styles with chic puff sleeres and little Jackets pastel shades and white. See them tomorrow at Mann's. $395 in Sizes 14 to 20 Buy Mother a New BLOUSE The Blouse shop on the sec ond floor has Just unpacked shipment of new silk blouses In large aires. They are In eggshell, white and beige of lovely quality silk crepe. Sizes 40 to 44. $250 Mother's Day Sale of SUITS A Mother's Day sale of tweed and mannish mixture Suits at $10.00. These are In short Jacket and swagger styles In "olid shades and mixtures, both light anJ dark shades. Sizes 14 to 30. $10. imiimtiHiitituNMiiiHioir tMIIMHIIIMMtlllM New Club Cloth For Men and Young M Men, we lnvits you to compare "Club" Suits with ethers costing far mors than this modest price) We ak you to shop around. W know that no better ahult could be mads for $19.50 than these new Club mod els for summer 1933. Come In and try on one or two of these good looking suits. All ilses and patterns are now ready. $ 19 Extra Pants $3.00 pair " iimmimiiiiiiimiiHiimiimn nimMiiiiiMHimiiiiiMMii esl Men's Dept. Main Floor r. e 1 ' --. ." r-'-. Buii j . . ... , pa, Idaho. , -