irFTDFORD MAIL TRTBUKE, irEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAT 10. 1933. PAGE NINE DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT Want Ad HEBE ABB THE BATES: per word first insertion ...3o . Mint mum 36c Each additional insertion, per word .10 xinlmnm IOC per line per montn, without mm Ahanses 1.20 75 Phone LOST LOST B!clc rnoirThandbag contain iSe S blU. bone rim glasws. silver 'Sfmbl.? 1318 W. Mom St. Phone 1145-M- Reward. rSSfSlllfold.Ko good tj S70ri Sse. Reward. Phone 1232-W. L. T ...jlama. r5sT ' Beemosr. etc RW"T2' at nr Phone 216. L06T II dog missing call 1518. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTBO Housekeeper for small family. CaU 355-R-l. WANTED Experienced waitress at once. Jewel Cafsr , HELP WANTED MALE !i jiTwmroAXwANTraj to d- vsrtise our good, and distribute introductory packages to nm irs. Must be satisfied with 00c an hour at start. Write for full par ticulars ALBERT MIIL3. Route Mgr. 2414 Monmouth, Cincinnati, o. WANTED Representative in southern Oregon for Portland concern; 50 commission. Good repeater. Dis trict manager can assure hlmseir a steady income from repeat orders. Write Box 482. Ashland. , WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERT PAHJTBRwlil do" sign palnt taP 'interior decorating - genera, : paint jobs. Call at 222 So Central 8BWINO, caw of children day work of any kind, 25o per hour Jl.W day.. Mrs. Tharp. 37 "Sulnca 841-L WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED House to rent, unfurnish ed. Must have fireplace, large liv ing room, 2 bedrooms. Will pay "r5 month. call 1081-W after 6 o'clock. WANTED Couple wants small busi ness in or near Medford. Box 13484. WANTED Good fresh Jersey milk cow. Fhons 14-P-23. Call even Ings. WANTED TO BUY Good used auto mobile, give umws'; and price. Pull particulars In first ... v .jj o lonan Medford. letter. Aaartrao ovjv Mall Tribune. HAVS your spring tl"lnS,d cheap. Also floors waxed and pol ished. Phone 774-R-3. WANT to lease farm with 10 or more swws. Write A. P. Townsend. Rt. 1. ) ,' B", 99-A' Costa Kest- cal: WANTED Will pay cash of cheap team O. A. DeVoe. Tel. 623-J-2. LOAN Good security Phone 319-R WANTED Wool, mohair. Wool bags twine for sale. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Tel. 1082 WOOliD LIKE one or two elderly peo p.e r care for In -x. home. Phone 137-X. 8 to 1. Mri Detlor. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools, or what have you. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 17 N Grape St. Phone 1082. ! FOR RENT HOUSES TOR RENT 2 houses. 618 W. 10th: 18. 104 6o. oakdale. 20.. TOR RENT Large 3-room modern tiimUhMl home: lots of shade; close in: 15. water paid: 3 montr.a rent for price of i if tasen mm dlately. Phone 841 days or call at 904 Bliss, evenings. TOR RENT Modern 8-room house. Phone 834-J. . -TOR RENT Well furnished 8-room modern home. 840 00. Phone 728 TOR RENT 5-room modern furnish ed house: vard. garden ground and garage. 641 Pine St. Call for key 637. next door, or see Mrs. White. 48 Quince St. SMALL furn. house cheap. 801 No. Central. TOR RENT 6-room modern house, 2 s'eeplng porches garage, wood shed lawn, shade, all new Interior. Hg.'.t down town 147 North Holly Inoulre at Holly Apte. HOMEJ3 FOR RENT Call 696. FOR RENT Homes Furnished or unfurnished Brown as Wait FOR KENT Partly furnished 5-room house Inquire at 345 No Bartlett 27 WASHINGTON completely furn lsoed. garden spot, and chicken house. Phone 105. DESIRABLE houses always In first clu condition for rent, lease or a Call 105. HOUSES 810. 812 50 and 815, water paid, wood range. Phone 105 rUBM. HOUaiS, . A. DeVoa. fOB BENT APABTMENT3 TOR RENT Furntshe?d apt., 8 room uu, rwuu vis.w, Kiuuiiu 1 block courthouse: garden, fruit, grapes, berries; water paid. 16 Mistletoe fit. APARTMENTS. 118 Almond. FOR RENT 3-room apt.: orewtuffed furniture, lights ano water, w N. ivy. FOR RENT Two a room apartments wen luruioiJCTi. oy w v ........ Inquire at 317 E. Jackson. Tel 749-Y ATTRACTIVE two rooms, furn.; gar age; water paiu. 3 ROOM apt. With garage. 413 No. ivy- FOR RENT Newly decorated nicely furnisned apartment. Aauit. oei o Otkdale. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, overstuffed; hardwood floors, light and heat. Man Tribune. Phone 76 FOR RENT FTJBM6HED BOOMS PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman, close in: bath, garage. 609 E. Main ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape FOR RENT Comfortable rooms: pri vate entrance. One block from Main St. Reasonable rate. 223 8 Central. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOM a 716 E. Main Rates very moderate. FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR CABINS, 82.00 per week. 440 s. Front. FOR RENT Acreage, share crop. Ph 437-X. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR RENT Park store, 4- room house, 3 caoins, garsRe entrance of Ashland park. W. W. Roblson, Talent. Ore. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 teams of work horses, one single norac, Ford truck and drag-saw In good condition; real bargain. Jones Bros., second house past highway overhead bridge south of Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford pickup. Mrs. Skyrmsn, Central Point. Tel 13-X-3. 3-ROOM modern home. bath, laundry trav screened porcr.. duuwj, age shade and 'rult trees; 8700 equity for car, acreage, cabin site or what have you Phone 1638-L. or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR TRADE 3 seotlons .spike-tooth harrow slightly used. Will trade for alfalfa or grain Tel 234-R-4. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse, nuu ids, i mr . Walter Jones, 2nd house below bridge. So. Ashland. WOOD for jay ox potatoes, near 1111 - R O 8kellenger, Trail Ore. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE -prt I'VfiKAKOB Nice little home in Btnd. Ore., clear, for something clear In Medford or miushu. rio ter small acreage What have you 165 7th St., Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE acres Will sell cheap for cash 925 Redd; Ave WHEN you think oi resj estate think of Brown 4t White. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE rrvurNCl LAND AUCTION SALE Choice acreage, fertile garaen iratu. beautiful homesltes, highly Im n...H Hairv nnri stock ranch., all to be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder. Just the land you want absolutely at your own price. A.. fM t V, aalA. T)St TO be announced soon. Walter H. Jones Auction Company FOR SALE City and country homes, AMhavHa afwlr r&nctlMl DSld UD water right. Roberts. Real Estate, 720 w. ana. rnone ioo-j. FOR SALE OR RENT Stock ranch. Mrs. Skyrman, Central Point, Tel. 13-X-3. FOR SALE 10 acres on Hlway, all in cultivation Mostly In clover. Price (450.00. 875.00 cash. Balance 825 a year at 6 Interest. Also: nasn coach, traae ior wooa lot. a. x. Flowere. 112 . 12th. FOR SALE 14 acres. 5-room house, kAa, an irara ai.100: small down payment, balance like rent. V. E. zumwail, ao trcrryaaie FOR SALE OR LEASE Resi bargain for cash, might consider terms to responsible party. 1 acre, house, earaze. hen house; good soli and location. Close in Also electric range. Phone 1119-Y or write Box 129, Rout 1. FOR SALE -UO.MES FOR SALE CHEAP, terms or rent, 4 room house newly painted and kal somlned. near school: nice garden spot, at comer of Sunset and Co lumbus. 909 Sunset. FOR SALE Good 3 room bouse (east frnt) and nice lot close to Berry dale store. A great bargain at 8450 Terms Phone 617-L. FOR SALE ALTO.MB1LES GOOD USED CARS With a written Guarantee. Rea.onable Allowance. 1931 Ford Coupe. , 1929 Plvmouth Coups. 1931 Ford Sedan. 1930 Ford Coupe. 1931 Chev. Sedan. 1929 PontlacaSedan. 1930 Chrysler Sedan. 1931 Chrvaler Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Riverside. Chrysler, Plymouth, Hudson Terra plane. Cadillac, LaSalle Dealers. WILL SACRIFICE OADILLAC V-8 sedan, mechanically perfect, up holstering faultless, finish lustrous, looks snd runs like new, for small er car In first-class condition. Tel. 644. call at 29 8. Grape St. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 head of horses and mi:les. Ray Moran. Central Point RED feeder pigs. AdoU Schuls. Beagle TAKEN UP 6-weeks-old calf. Own er msv hsve by devribing and pay in lor ad. -U A. Daufherty, Bi. 1, TOR SALE POULTRY 714o for highest quality W L. chicks Hansen strain, siay acuvenw and Reds 8'4c Wonderful value Jenka Poultry Farm. Tangent. Ore TURKEY eggs for sale. 15c each. Call 134-K. Meaiora. HANSEN triple ;drlgreed bab? CniCKS, 1U per uiuiumu. hatching. 3o per egg. Eakln Hatchery, Talent. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, laying Strom, mu uuum. Baker Service Station.' DRBSSLER'S Square Deal Hatchery. 1107 E. Main. Phone 1569-Y. TOR SALE snSCELLANEOOS LEATHER PURSES or Soclete Candy for Mother's Day, May 14 East Side Pharmacy. FOR SALE Hay for 85 per ton. Tel. 401-J-l. FOR SALE Cheap. Hotpolnt electric range. Call 364-X. FOR SALE White Bermuda onion plants. Monarch Seed Co. ' , FOR SALE Rowboat, fine condition; mada of Port Orford cedar: Johnson Light Twin motor; like new. Tel. 1140. , 29 S. Grape. FOR SALE One roll-top desk and chair, Dalton adding machine and Underwod typewriter. Call 190-W or 613 So. Newtown. FOR SALE Agates, cut and polished, at 620 So. Ivy. Call after 5 p. m. FOR SALE Yellow dent seed corn. 8c lb O. A. DeVoe. FOR SALE Large electric brooder. 8800: or will trade for feed. See It at Samson's Feed Store. 3UPERFEX oil neater, cheap. Phone 1012 MENK all leather work gloves Chins goat 75o Men & Women's' lackers made to measure Lewis Carpenter 308 So. Newtown, Medford. GET the 'No Hunting" and trespass Ing signs at the Mall rrbune Job office: printed on j'oth to with stand the rain and weather. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes 65 up; terms U desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co 34 N Bartlett FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming Phone 912-J. MISCELLANEOUS LAAINMOWERS SHARPENED for 750 Wjr guaranteed. Call and deliver free Phone 261 Medford Cycle & Repair Shop, 23 No Fir St. GET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mall Tribune Job jfflce: printed 8n cloth tc with' stand the rain and weather. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack srs and movers Spocial livestock moving equipment Prices right Satisfaction guaranteed 619 North Riverside Phone "'044-X BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abttiacts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title, Tltls Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No 83 North Central Ave. upstairs JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, l'be only complete Title System in jacxsor County. Dressmaking and Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking snd remodeling 424 Medford Bldg Myrtle Andrews. Phone 1181 Expert Winnow Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel. 1172 House oleaning. Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty Electrical Service. FLYNN ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Repairs day or nlte Phone 665-Y Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds;. book binding; loose-leal ledgera. and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything in the printing line. 28-30 N Grape Phone 76. ftloney to Lena. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. iv,u u, imt ru,r month on un paid balance. No other charge. See W. E. Thomas, 45 8 Central Ground floor Oraterlan Theatre Bldg. State License no. o-io. Public Stenographer. ILLUSTRATED MIEMOGRAPHINO MAILING SEHVICE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY Grace O. Voss 84 North Central Phone 113 Transfer. EADS rRANuFEB & STORAGE CO Offios 1016 No central Phone 818 Price right. Service guaranteed RE1NKJNG TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone wi. LEGAL NOTICES N'o4lce for Publication. TVDartment of the Interior. General Land Office at Roeeburg. Oregon, Msv 1. 1933. Notice Is hereby given that Harry Lawrence jagzer. oi rrospect, urenun, who. on Mav 32. 1939. made Or'g. Homestead Entry, Serial No. 019097, for NE. Section 9. Township 33 3, Range 2 E, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to - maw final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Victor A. Tengwald. U. 8. Oom misiloner, at Medford. Ore., on the 29th day of June. 1933. Claimant names ss witnesses: Nelson Nye. Victor Chspmsn. Tnve Neville and Paul enook, au oi pros pect, Ore. HAM ILL A. CANADAY, Register. School District No. 57 Warrants Called .for Payment. Notice Is hereby given that there tit fund on deposit at the Medio. d National Bank, Medford. Oregon, for the redemption of School District No 57 warrants Nos. 383 to 334. inc. Interest on above warrant will cease after May 15, 1933. Dtaed this 9th dav of May, 1933. BERTHA COY, District Clerk. TO CLUB E OF BLUE GRASS The Medford branch of the Wom en's Orrater Oregon association met in the club rooms la the city hall Monday afternoon for regular session. An Interesting display of Oregon pro ducts had been arranged by Mrs. T. I. Deck, president, who spoke on Ore gon products, urging all members of the association to demand them when shopping. C. C. Hoover, chief speaker for the afternoon, chose his favorite subject, Poa Bulbosa blue grass, sketching the possibilities of Its extensive use and Its wonderful food values for both domestic and wild animals. Tills grass. It was pointed out. Is an Oregon product, which merit the support of the Women's Greater Ore gon association. The next meeting was announced for June 11, when officers for the next year will be elected. JEWELS OF CZAR Fi LONDON, May 10. (UP) The Dally Herald said toda that a London banker Just returned from Sverd lovsk In the Ural mountains, where Cznr Nicholas and his family were executed In 1018, claims he discov ered the hiding place of Jewels esti mated to be worth 2,000,000. Some of the Jewels, it was said, be longed to the Czar and the others to prominent Russian noblemen who burled them under a house in Sverd lovsk Just before the 1917 Russian revolution. The banker ' revealed, the Herald said, that a syndicate to recover the Jewels had been formed and that after negotiations the Soviet govern ment agreed to the search on & basts of the government retaining three- quarters of the value of the Jewels. Salem Beer Ban Legality Pends SALEM, May 10. (AP) Legal sale of 3.2 per cent beer In Salem termin ated today when a temporary In June tlon halting enforcement of city 11 quor laws was dismissed in circuit court by judge u. o. Leweiung. The Injunction was . brought by Carl Kahle who was arrested for sell ing 3.2 beer. PAPER MILL KEEPS WORKING FULL TIME SALEM, May 10. (AP) The Ore. gon Pulp and Paper company Is op erating on a full-time schedule here to meet an Influx of recent orders. All four paper machines are being operated, In three eight-hour shifts dally. On Sundays the machines are halted for repairs. Paper prices are low but firming, mill men report. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS A mineral and gem Lively danc River In New Hampshire and Maine Mature Variety of corundum English school Monkeys Not so old Scarce Word book Rules AngtO'Saxon money of account Lawgiver Pal Long cylindri cal cigars Heavy nails Large tub Cylindrical Prayer Not of th crow Pronoun Badgs of a noble Japan ese family Wise counselor of the Greeka Pallor Body of water Written ex positions Weathercocks Spirited horse Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzle N) A66 I T EC OH A f RAjALA gEj p-E s. wiEiS.ko My A N K TSE N 0 SflsfnUTlll ipV PPP E T A I L S rf ftWYjC ROOK ATT R Wx H AIS Hjl MAY CIO M E RM P VM S N E SjT A T O g Spjl V ipl MA D E 5L INGS fLMEillXlA antssetsrep 48. Familiar nam for a cios rslstlv 41. Transit Is. Knlfellk Implement IS. Medicinal plant if. Violin of a certain make It. Sufficient! - poet. 10. Exchange for money 1. Article of belief ' I2 I3 P Hip I6 I7 I8 f w " '3 13 lzzzS S -- '7 w i mmm iiiizilii 2T 2f s2" W?. 2? Jo 3i ja ''"fi", "51 "VJ, 34 3S 55 Hp if H:!L vCtosT W,S1 1,3 M ss W ; tu tl- Wmf lit ., I L.-J COTTON DRESSES WILL BE JUDGED THURSDAY MM. Judging for the dress-making con test being conducted at the high school In connection with the Med ford Cotton Event to be celebratsd next week, will take place at the Chamber of Commerce next Thurs day, May 11. at 10 a. nr. and the public is invited to witness the ad judicating, according to Chamber of Commerce officials. The dress-making contest Is being carried out by the retail merchants commltte cof the Chamber of Com merce, and the Judges will be: Mrs. Olive A. I-antls. representing Ethel. wyn B. Hoffmann shop: Mrs. Luy. representing Burelson's Ladles' Resdy- to-Wear: Miss Hansen, representing Cinderella shop: Miss Hopkins, repre senting Adrtenue's; Mrs. Simmons representing Jacque Lennox. The drew, after the Judging Is com pleted, will be exhibited In the vari ous ready-to-wear and dry goods stores of the city. Mrs. Bthelwyn B. Hoffmann has made ararngements to exhibit one of the prize-winning dre&sea together with a photograni. of the successful contestant. Prizes for the event are being donated by the ready-to-wear and dry goods stores of the city. Those who expect to attend the Judging are asked to arrive punctu ally at 10 a. m., as it Is believed that It will not take very much time, and lmmedately It Is completed the dresses will be forwarded to the various stores for display purposes. A report from the Ohambsr of Commerce on plans for solution of Medford'a sewage problem 1b expect ed by the olty council next Tuesday evening, Mayor E. M. Wilson an nounced today. The Ohamber of Commerce com mittee has been devoting much time to study of the sewage problem and mean of correction. The committee haa met with the water board, and yesterday was In conference with members of the city council and E. H. Janney of the budget committee. Following report of the ohambar committee to the Chamber of Com merce, report will bo submitted to the city council. BLIND FORGER GIVEN PAROLE ON SENTENCE SALEM. May 10 (AP) A blind man who pleaded guilty to forging names to a $500 note upon which he secured money, was paroled from a two yinr sentence in circuit court here today provided .he repay the amount obtained. Robert Patzer, middle-aged man. admitted he signed the names of George and Viola Tuck er and Julius and Emily Patzer to the note, In addition to his own name. Gross-Word Puzzie . Fire ex- Ungulshsr to. Calmer 11. Oil of ros petals: var. II. Food atapl 13. Units 21. Ws.p 23. Elector 2K Perched 26. Religious - song 27. Wanderer 28. Fat 29. Animal's foot 30. Acid fruit 81. Expiate 32. Dispatches 34. ilark with different colors 27. Short aur- pllc 38. Possesses 41. Pendent orna ments 42. Spread to drr 43. Crayon drawings 41. Looked to ' 46. By wsy of 48. Stakes for rosstlng 49. Oon. by 50. leeward 61. Only 62. Let It stand (3. Single thing 4. Spaces on a bird's bead l. Oft 18. Cuckoollk. bird 62. Italian coin 63. English river 64. Prepares for rubllcatlon 65. Ke. lain DOWN L Spoken I. Smoking de vice I. Point 4. Injuries 5. Italian city 6. Bo may It b 7. First name of the author of "Ben Hur" I. Northwestern stats Courthouse News (Furn Lb bed by the Jackson County Abstract Co- 121 E. Sixth Street.) Marriage Licenses Germain W. Miller and Lillian R. Karris. Harry L. Meyer and Marlon P. Boussum. Thomas D. Jackson and Jeannette J. Smith. 1 Raymond J. Stubblefield and Vera A. Wallace. Boyd W. Brock and Patsy O. Thompson. Circuit Court Elizabeth Bowerman vs. T. R. ; Leonard- For money. j Pennington Battery Service vs. Chfts. H. Raymond. Chattel lien. Olive Hefflln vs. Walter HeffUn. Divorce. j Avis Aah vs. Wayne Ash. Divorce. ; George High vs. Niagara Fire In- j Ralph O. Jennings vs. R. W. Clan oy. For money. Real Estate Transfers Claren E. Jaqua et ux to Western Loan and Building company, W. D. E'4 lot 1, blk. 3, Gray's Addition to Medford. First Insurance Asency to May Lewis. Deed. Part lot 8, blk. S, Weat Medford Add. to Medford. Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. to May Lewis. Psrt lot 8. blk. 3, west Medford Add. to Medford. j. B. Sutton to Roy Elliott. W. D. Tract In EV& . twp. 37, S. R. t West. Wm. B. Rlsley to Ethel F. Emmett. W. D. 10 acres In SE sec. 6, In twp. 3V, 8. R. 1 E. Esther D. Olson et al to Chas. A. Woods et ux. W. D. Lot 11, blk. 4, Frultdsle Add. to Medford. L. R. Rosa to Andre Chomel et ux. Q. c. D. Lot 1: Eii lot a, blk. 14, City of Central Point. Mary A. Fry et vlr to First National CO. W. D, Lot 8. blk. 1 Davis First Addition to Medford. Walter S. McNaught et ux to Amelia Walker. W. D. S'A of EV4 of B', of EV4 of NW!4 of NWVi sec. 38, twp. 36, 8. R. 4 W. 314 acres. James Abee et tlx to w. K. win et al. W. D. BEVt of SW54 sec. 38, twp. 38. S. E. 3 W. Jsckson County Bsnk to B. M. six. Q. 0. D. of NV, of sec. 35, twp. i, 8. R. 3 W. H. R. Pace et ux to Farmers AS Fruitgrowers Bank. Q. C. D. Lot 3, blk. 1, Knob Hill Add. to Medford. Ola O. Hull to Hugh L. Scovell et ux. Tract on Riverside Ave., city of Medford. P. W. O'Brien et ux to Jacob Lem- ley. W. D. SV4 of BWV4: HEV4 of SWU; NW14 of 8E!4 sec. 18, twp. 35, 8 R. 3 W. A. E. Delsman to Isolene a. Berry. W, D. Lot 68, Southern Home traot In Ashland. Harry E. Leland et ux to Raymond E. Reter. W. D. Tract In B. L. J 88, two. 37, 8. R. I W. Rose City Co. to Portland Trust and Savings Bank. Deed. Lot 10, blk. 1, Lewis Addition to Medford. William I. Vawter to Etta M. Vaw tr. Q. C. D, land In sees. 36, 38, 33, 33 and 34, twp. 33, 8. R. 3 E.: land In sec. 35, twp. 33, 8. R. a E. Land In sees. 1, 4, 11. 17 and 19, twp. 33 8, R 3 E. Land In sec. 36 8. twp. 37, 8, R. 1 W. Land In sec. 33, twp. 37, S. R. 1 E. Tract In blk. 50, town of Medford; Lot 3, blk. 1, Crow- ells Addition and tract In Mlngus subdivision to Medford: tracts 13, 8, and 5, Vawter subdivision. Ada Porter et al to Harold E. Tone t ux. W. D. Lot 4, blk. 5, Hlllvlew Add. to Medford. James E. Edmlston et al to Oregon Breweriea and Hop Farms Affiliated. Deed. Land In sec. 34 In twp. 35, a R. 3 W. Warren O. Bishop to Betty El ma Bishop. W. D. und. A lot 13 and 14, blk. I, Olen Oak sub. to Medford. Oeorge F. Billings to State of Ore gon. W. D. Land sec. 5, twp. 38 8. R. 1 E. and sec. 33 In twp, 38. 8. R. 1 35. Mlna 8. Crawford et al to Floyd O. Lane et ux. W. D. Tract In sec. 33, In twp. 36. 8. R. 8 W. ' A. O. Mlttelstaedt, guardian to J. J. Spltrer et ux. Deed. Land In sees. 3 and 10. twp. 36, s. . l w. Sheriff to H. F. Drake. Sheriff deed. NW4 of NE',?i WVJ of NE of NEV, sec. 33, twp. 36. S. R. 3 W. 60 acre. TARIFF TRUCE TO U.S. FOR APPROVAL LONDON, May 10. (AP) The draft text of the tarlti truce agreement be tween Britain and the United States wss dispatched by Cable to Washing ton today for the approval of the American government. The draft agreement carrying out an understanding reached earlier by Norman H. Davis. President Roose velt's negotiator, and Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald, merely provides that no initiative which might act as a bsrrfer to trade will be taken until the termination of the world eco nomic conference, It was understood. M TIENTSIN. Msy 10. (AP) Chinese dispatches toaay said that four north China cities had been bombed by Japanese airmen participating In the renewed drive which Is expected mo mentarily to force th Chines to xacuat Lwanchow. Lwanchow, th principal city be tween Tientsin and th north cast. was on of th target of the bomb er,. Th other places attacked from the air war Changlt, Funlag and Lu lung. Phon S43 Wail naui away rout rfus. City Sa nliar; Sonic. BY ROOSEVELT ON (Continued rrom Page One.) by administration sources. They are merely trial balloons. The reaction to them will make Mr. Roosevelt look twice before be leaps. It Is a deep dark secret but the Republicans are almost to a man preparing to fight any proposal on debts. They are waiting until the president lifts his head so they can let go with a salvo which will make their anti-Inflation fight look like child's play. There Is every reason to believe now that the Republicans would seise on the debt question a the major Issue of cleavage between the parties. To show you how cautiously the president is working on debts,' the Democratic leaders have been whis pering lately he might not send his promised message to the senate. A Democratic senator, influential in foreign affairs, bounced against the celling when he heard a message was coming. He wanted to know who gave out such a statement. The White House pleaded innocence. He was given evidence Indicating the presi dent had never mentioned the idea. The senator said he had better not if he wanted to get rid of con gress any time this summer. Tehre la no doubt that the presi dent did plan to send such a mes sage. Word about that came from such an authority that it cannot pri vately be denied. However, presi dents have been known to change their minds. Mr.' Roosevelt has quietly out smarted congress on the debts. Nothing has been said about It yet, but he may be able to get along with out any further authority on that subject or on tar If re. What he Is known to have in mind is the acceptance of sliver payment from the debtors. That means a re duction up to about 30 per cent for those who have accumulated the sil ver payments from the debtors. That means a reduction up to about 30 per cent for .those whl have accumu lated the silver at the existing mar ket p'rlce. On tariffs he can make treaties .mbject to senate ratification next year. Of course, it -would give him greater leeway If he could get con gressional authority, but his advisers have already tipped htm he can strug gle along without It. The Inside of the MacDonald-Hor riott -Roosevelt confabs may now be told more fully. The gush of hlgh-eoundtng official statements has subsided and It Is evident to anyone near the Inside that nothing was accomplished that you could put your finger on. The meetings were typically Euro pean. Everyone agreed In principle but no one agreed on details. There was lots of good feeling, hands-across the -sea and that sort of thing. But every time Mr. Roosevelt tried to push an Idea across the European statesmen always asked: "Well, that's all right, but how about war debts?1 The result ts an undercurrent of pessimism in the highest quarters here. Our officials are talking as If it was all very nice, but are ready to admit confidentially they could not get the Europeans down to brass tacks. The Perkins Bill accomplished Its main purpose before they tossed It out the window. Nobody will admit It. but th big Idea was to kill the Black 30-hour week bill. That was done effectively. But the house hearings exposed weak nesses In th new legislation which made It also too hot to handle. INDIGENTS ASKED TO GIVE UP DOGS DALLAS, Texas. May 10. (UP) Welfare officials of mllaa have re quested all families dependent upon charity to dispose of their dogs be cause of the danger of rabies, and the expense to the city. Dr. J. W. Bass, city healtti officer, pointed out that within the last few weeks the heslth department has had to give rabies serum to eight persons dependent upon the welfare depart ment for support. The treatment cost the city 120 each, he said. Many dogs have been killed by po lice here during recent weeks and hundreds have been ordered con fined. AMERICAN JEWS ARE BATTERED BY NAZIS VIENNA May 10 -(AP) Nine Am erican students filed protest at th American consulate today , saying they had been struck by Nails In th antl-Jewlsh noting. The complainants were Hated a Issdor Ooodman, Henry Eanes, Nath an Shapiro, David Welnstock, Harry Dlener, Hsrold Rellert, Msxwell 811 bermann. Ell Starr and Leonard Perl- mutter. Th disorders started at th Vienna Anatomical institute, where a down persons wer Injured, and later In volved the university. British movl-irora in 1033 paid 8316,000,000 tn admlMlona, TOURISTS LIKE MAY FOR OREGON VISIT An increased number of tourists are choosing the month of May for traveling this year, according to an nouncement of L. C. Oarlock, local manager of the Oregon State Motor association. The registrations of out of state cars so far thla month, he stated this morning, have exceeded last year's record. Many of the travelers have been disappointed this week at finding their anticipated trips to Crater Lake blocked by the storm. Several Call fornlans are remaining over In antici pation of visiting the gem of the Cascades later this week. AUTHOR OF WAR TIME PHRASE SUCCUMBS SAN FRANCISCO. May 10 (AP) Author of the ringing war-time phraae "Lafayette, we are here. Col onel Charles E. Stanton. 74, was mourned here today. The veteran retired soldier who was chief dis bursing officer of the United Stated army In France during the world war, died last night from a heart all ment. TNOPalS OF ANTtt'AL STATEMENT OP THE Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Naw Tortt. In ths tt of New Tertt. e the thlrtr-flrit day nt n.ef mber. 1933. mflt tn it,. Ininnnn rommlti oner of U. fitst of Ortgoo, puriuant to law; Income. Total j pnmlum Inccm. lortht XnUreldlvii.endrai.d Vents . reriva durlnt the year . . lT0,80.T3a.Ja Income iron, other loiirrei re- ceivra aunnpt ma deal and health income. . . . afl,30.3&t.H Total Income 1921, 953, 100. T Ptehnrfrmenle, Pali for lowee, endowment;. Amount returned to, policy hnldert In conilderatlon of direct payment ot premium! S,M3,0oT.TS Dividend, paid to policy hold . eriaunniT in year . . . ... .. Commlfiioni and aalarlu paid , . u Gunnx me yrir ........ ... .,.--- Tt. Vlcemea and fees paw dulnjc the year (excluding B.Vl A wellirt work ..... l3.S..00l.4 Amount of all other PK51- Turee. fncludlnc IU.86f.- T38.0S In scctdent snd health deDSrtment 86,388, Ssa.s TStal expenditures 8731,183,420.11 Asset, Value of real tats owned (market value) ...... ...I 1M.I1MM.8 Value ot stocKs and bonds owned (market or sonor- tiled vsluel' ,. l,80,J10,IT.a nr.r.Tm.?r,fv?.c.1:i,..i..i Pr.!r. ,T' ' ' "a .".'. Cs.h in banks and on hand M,00.88.M Net uncollected snd de terred premiums (includ- Othtr Mits (net) 7. . , . . . . 18.flM.97S.5t Total admitted aneti... 3, 7 69, 372,425. 28 tlabiutiei. Wet reiervsi. txcl. diiabll- ' tty and double lndemnlty.l,19o,044,lS4.M aroBS claims lor loeeee un paid t 16,934, T81.H Mtio. ititement reiervt for-' dividend! payable In 193.1. dust Jl.M,Wa.0t Mi, etatiment llabllltlu In sccldent and nealttt dl - vi-ion. al. divioende.... 3-$-4a Conllnnency wrv iiSWytT'S All other llabtlltlea ias.430.lS7.39 Total liabilities. tepi capital , 13,028, M0, MS. tl BunFovsr all .laBllitlei.t 240.811.739.4? Burpni-e aa naarde Pfjfwj; holdere ,240.S11,I39.4T Total S3,7fl9,373,425.M BaelMM la Ore soa for the, Tear. Qros premiums received during- the fear .H.JlO.Sll.Jt Oron premium! received during . the year. Accident and HealtS Mm JM department M.190.1T Premium ana dlvideflda re- ... . turned during the year tOS.OTS.of Premlumi and dividends rij turned drulng the year, AmH ... department e BM,H Carl E. OOrCsnt, Manager. Medford, Oregon. BTNOPaii OF ANNUAL STATE MBNT OF TH15 Mauachutttti Mutual Uf Inturanct Company ' made to the Inturartce Comminiloner M tb State ot Oregon, puriuant to law; Capital. AT!!."!.!t.?r" PtteJr ttoalf Iaeocns. Total sreztium Income for th year 8 8T,T31.O30.M Inlereit, dividend! and rents ,A . ... received during th year. .. 80.899,888.11 Income from other aoureee re- tmt itm celvtd during the yaar . . . . lt.481.IU.8t Total income 3107. 891. 288. 04 DUbvmaieats Paid for loeiee, endowment, annuities and iurrander Dividend! paid to pollCThold aM ... M ere during the year ....... 14.830,198.11 Commiinlone and ilarli paid durtn the year ..... i.23t.988.2 . Tax!, licensee and fees paid m ... during ihe year t.888.008.88 Amount, of all other exptndl ... MMtt tuxes 18.1B1.8S2.44 Total expenditure 8 87.840.184.9t A4t Vain of rJ sut owned Tmarket value) j.-i 14.338.984.08 Valua of stocks and bonds owned (mauktt or amort lied value) v 111.578,137.88 Loans on mortgage asd col- lateral, etc 184.849.599.41 Premium notes and policy ... loans , , 9. 181.917. 88 Caih in hanks and on hand. . 9.4S3.411.37 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 11.483,744. 18) la If rr it and rents due and ... ... accrued Other asset (net) 18-248.0 Total admitted assets ... .1449.921.07.1.91 LUMIItles. Net reserves 8389.891.808.08 GroM claims for loese un- Airothw'lUDiriu'e' . iMuisalfll Total lUbllttU. ept ep- maft -4 fUl 843t.580.T81. 81 Surptue over all liabilities. . . . 18.080. 291. 20 5uioPlair....:!K.fiV)5.'5o Total S449.831.07t.8i BsetrwM at On-raa far (to Tear. Oroes premiures race I red duts ... , Ing the year 8i0.183.Ta Premiums and dWdende rt- ...... .. turned during th year... , J37.3M-4J Losses paid during th year. 105. 795.08 KASfl A CITt'RrTni MTTTAT. LIT" I.NHlBANt X COMPANY. W7T.LT AM H. 8A ROE ANT. Preitdeat. 8AMt;EL JOHNBON. Secretary. J , Statutory resident attorney Tor enie, Mr. Philip Engelhart. 291 Morrison street. Portland. Local RepreientaUTMl Karl K. UeUlDg, Cdward L. Magutn. FOR SALE COFFEE ANN'S LUNCH ROOM CECIL M. JENNINGS Cor. Front and Main i