arEDFORD MAIL TRTBTJNT5, MEDFORD. OREGON. MONDAY, MAT 1. 1933. PAGE SEVEN DON'T FOKGET TO PHONE THAT Want Ad HERB ARB THE BATES: per word first insertion , (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word Minimum 10c) Per line per month, without . copy cnanges 1JS 75 Phone itfi .. i in LOST tost If dog missing call IS1 LOST Plumb double-bit axe in Table Fock district. Tel 13-X-3. Central "Point. GUARANTEE 1.00 Wj14"! solicitors to buy old gold. Bos 13200. Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS wrED Experienced '1" warS TworkT reference furnished. BOX 13343, Trlbuns . J WANTED-Bookkeeplng and colleo ttnnwrite Box 1331B. Tribune orBoorn 210 First National Bank Bids. , kxpert PAINTER will do sign patnt-mg-interior decorating - general paint jobs. Call at 222 So. Central SEWING, care of children day work of any kind. 25c per hour. JJ.75 Say Mrs. Tharp. 37 Quince 641-L. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4700 shakes, 30 In E. E. Foss, Talent. ...,.-,,-. G l7bape. and cheap. Box WM8 Tribune. . . t. wavt? a client who wants to ' - ... months, with option w,, ; .nod residence, with four bedrooms, two baths, and furnace. MTbTa bargain. Knight & Upp. IB N. Bartlett. HAVE your furniture re-upholstered. Th'toaull, wou-n.. WAST to leate farm with 10 or more a. res. Write A. F. Townsend. Rt. 1. Box 109-A. Costa Mesa. Cal. DRIVING to Tacoma: want 2 or 3 patsengers, share "Penses. Tel. 739 WASTED Stock for new green pas ture: first place north Airway Radio Station. Chas. Isaacs. WANTED Will pay cash of cheap team O. A. DcVoe. Tel. 523-J-2. WANTED Call at our office for latest and lowest Golden Anniversary prices on all types of wire products for all wire requirements. Spec al Annlversay prices now P"' Write for details. We cut rolls. Ship anvwhere & save you money It Its made of wire Ask us. Volney Dix on, Pase Fence since 1898. 134 N. Riverside avenue. Phone 268. Med ford. Oregon. , LOAN Good security. Phone 319-R WANTED Wool, mohair. Wool bags tw:r.e for sale. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Tel. 1062 WOULD LIKE one or two elderly peo p.e m care for in r. homo. Phone 137-x. 8 to 1. Mn Detlor. WANTED Household goods, stoves, tools, or what have you. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Phone 1062. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 5-room unfurn ished house. 1023 W 9th. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 2 deeping porches garage, wood shfd lawn, shade, all new interior, rig.-.t down town 147 North Holly. Inoulre at Holly Apti. noxns FOR RENT Call 696. POR RENT 5-room furn. house. s:5. 214 West Jackson. Inquire 713 Cedar. FOR RENT 5-room rt.-mse. '4 a. land rearfv for Harden. 86 mo. 4th hou V left side Ross Lane north Baker's ' Serv. Sta. STUCCO 5 rooms, furnace, fire place, m-xlern. 4 rooms, reflnHhed. large slewing porch. Inquire 531 Spencer. FOR RENT Furmshee 4-room house, cliee in: garage. Call 504 8. Oak da Ave. POK PENT Small furnished 3-room house; lights, water and phone; s9 pe- month. Tel. e0C-X-2. FOR RENT 331 Marie St. good con dition, reasonable rent. 1033 West 11th St. 5 rooms, good condition. 112 summit. 5 rooms, furnace sx.-ellent condition. 1025 West 9th. very attractive, hardwood fl"Ors. fireplace. ci.e In: reasonab e rent. 908 10th. rooms. 810 00. See H. H. Brown, ir Tel. 105. ) FOR RENT Tart furnished house, c .se In. Ask 444 N Front. FOR RENT 6-room house, modem close in. lots of shade. Von Zun del. Phone 102. POR RENT 3-rom nouse. city water. one sere Irr'jated land, mile from tua-srir city limits. Van lundeL Tel. 102, FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5-room modern furnUh- ed bow, yard, garden ground ana garage. 641 Pine St. Call after 5 p. m at north door or other house 837. next door. FOR RENT 5-room houae. hardwood floors, fireplace, rtiinisnea. von Zundel. Phone 103. FOR RENT Homes. Furntshed unfurnished Brown White POR RENT Partly furnished 5-room houae. Inquire at 345 No Bartlett. POR RENT Well furnished modern houae, Call at 817 W. 10th. 57 WASHINGTON completely furn Isaed, garden spot, and ohlcken house. Phone 105. houses 10. ai2 90 and water paid: wood range. Phone 105. POR RENT 5-room modern home, breakfast nook, lots of bullt-lna. hardwood floors, fireplace, hot air furnace, well furnished, electrto re frigerator, overstuffed set, M0, wav er paid, pnone iw. POR RENT 4-room oottsge. unfurn. lshed: two 2-room apartments, well furnished. Bv weea or montn. in quire at 817 E. Jackson Tel. 749-Y DESIRABLE houses always In first class condition for rent, lease or sale. Call 105. PURN. HOUSES. O. A. DeVoe. POR RENT i-room duplex with as range and heater. 510 North Bart lett. Phone 341-R-l. HOMES POR KENT Call 798. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM furn. apt; overstuffed: els trio range, oi no. uaxaaic. PURN APT. Oas. Rates to evangel ists 616 N. Central. POR RENT Two 2 room apartments well furnished. By week or montn Inquire at 317 E. Jackson. Tel 749 -Y ATTRACTIVE two rooms, furn.: gar- age; water paid. 111.50 Tel lao. POR RENT Modern 3-room apart ment, furnished, heat: garage. In pulre 534 N. Bartlett. ROOM apt, Ivy. With garage. 412 No. POR RENT Newly decorated nicely furnished apartment. Adult. 327 So Oakdale. POR RENT Furnished apartment, overstuffed; hardwood floors, light and heat. Man Tribune, Phone 75. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1, 2. 3 and 4-room. 1205 East Main. FURNISHED apartment. Durell Court 829 N Holly, phone 1232-W FOR RENT FTJKMSHED BOOMS FOR RENT leepln? rooms. 2 blocks from courthouse at 957 Pearl St. Eugene, Ore. PLEASANT room, separate entrance 220 No. Oakdale. EUGENE ROOMS Convenient to courthouse. 1139 Pearl St. LOVELY room, reasonable. Must be seen to be appreciated. 16 North Orange. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms; pri vate entranoe. One biook trom Main St. Reasonable rate. 822 S Central. FOR RENT BOARD AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM a 716 B- MalD Rates very moderate. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ROOUE RIVER summer home for wnt for season: large acreage: good fishing; shade. Box 13181, Tribune. BACHELOR CABINS. 445 So. Front, POR RENT Acreage, share crop. 437-X. Ph FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE POR OAR 10 acres of land. 2 miles nortn oi itsu on Trall-TIUer highway. C. P. Fry, 3-ROOM modern home, bath, laundry t.rAv screened norch. bullt-ins. gar. era', shade and fruit, trees: 8700 equity for car, acreage, cabin site or what have you Phone 1538-L. or write Box 13337. Tribune. FOK SALE OR TRADE Tractor disc .Tel. 1068. FOR TRADE 3 sections spike-tooth hirrow. slightly used. Will trade for alfalfa or grain. Tel 234-R-4. FURNITURE upholstered, re-flnlshed and cabinet work. Will exchange for what have you. Phone 969-R, Thlbault. FOR SALE or trade for wood, Pord trucks and Fordson. Med. Fuel Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound . work horse, 1400 lbs. T years old. Walter Jones, 2nd house below bridge. So. Ashland. WOOD for jay or potatoes, near Trail R O Skellenger. Trail. Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHY' To Settle Estate 50 ACRES Bear creek bottom Fine gsreen land. 15 acrea of pears. 820. 000 place for 812.000. 30 ACRE pear orchard: deep free sou. Best In valley, on paved road: bungalow and barn. Some equip ment. 618.000 place for 610.000. lu ACRE pear orchard, fair house and barns, lrrlgsted. Essllv worth 62)00. Price for qul';k sale at SI (XX) Rock bottom. No lnflstlon yet. Terms to suit. J. C. BARNES Phone 773, 910-Y. 16 8. Central. PLACER MINE Old Channel Dlst. 40 acres and outfit. Address Box 13433, Tribune. FOR SALE S'i seres, pertlv watered. 6-roora bouse, other buildings, cot chickens, garden, e fruit, 6 berries, walnuts, chesp for otsh; no trade, B"X 141, Jacksonville, Tools. POR SALE OR LEASE Re ai bargain for cash, might consider terms to responsible party. 1 acre, house, garage, hen house; good soil snd location Close in Also electric rsnge. Phone 1119-Y or write Box 129, Bouie 1. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE POk TRADE Clear farm land IP Kansas or houw in Kiamin ran for home, business or what hare you In or around Ashland or Med fo'd. Box 13195. I-lbune. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home In Bend. Ore., clear, tor wmowuns clear In Med ford or Aahland. Pre fer small acreage What have you 155 7th St.. Ashland. POR SALE OR TRADE 5 acres Will sell oheap for cash 825 Reddy Are WHEN you think oi real estate think of Brown It White. FOR SALE HOMES TWO HOUSES One furnished, three lsre tots. 1850 for quick saio. u S Butterfleld. Medtord Bids. POR SALE CHEAP, terms or rent. room house newly oslnted and kal somlned, near school; nice garden spot, at comer of sunset and Co- lummu. uu euBMt. FOR SALE Good S room house (east frunt) end nice lot close to uerry dale store A great bargain at 450 Terms. Phone 517-L. FOR SALE AUTO.MB1LES USED OAR SALE Some Real lsrgatns. 60-Day written Guarantee. 1931 Ford coupe. 1923 Pontlao sedan. lefC Ford coupe. 193i Ohrysler sedan. 1929 Plymouth coupe. 1931 Pord sedan. 1QV. chrvsler "8" convert, coupe. Alan several earlier models to choose from. Chrysler - Plymouth - Hudson Terraplane - Cadillac - LaSalle Sales and Service. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 No. Riverside. ' Phone 18 Open Evenings. RECONDITIONED CARS Every car cleaned, repaired and ready to go. eo-aay written guaranw. 1930 Pord coupe. 1929 Ponttac sedan. 1929 Essex coupe. 1930 Dodge ooupe. 1930 DeSoto sedan. 1931 Ford sedan. 1929 Plymouth coupe. Also others to choose from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 36 N Rlv. Open Sun. and evenings FOR SALE POULTRY POR ftALE 6-weeks-old cockerels, 7c. ft ml. westt raient scnooi. OR SALE White Leghorn chicks: sis i started chicks Chesp prices lor May delivery Blood-tested stock, J. McCoy, Medford. phone 334-J-4 POR SALE Young turkeys. 35c each J. e. Hannah, 2 miles above uoage Bridge on Old Crater Lake high way PUREBRED Narragansett and Bronze tu:key eggs. 10c etcn. L. o. pen' land. Talent. 371-R-l. BRONZE turkey eggs. 10c each. Elmer Harris, R. 1. Box 435, Medford. S. W, Phoenix. .. - llAo for h'ghest quality W. L. chicks Hansen strain. May deliveries. Rocks.1 and Reds B'ia. Wonderful value Jenka Poultry Farm. Tangent. Ore. TUHKTY egirs for sale, 15c each. Call 132-R, Medtord. HANSEN .triple pedrlgreed baby chicks, 610 per aundred. Custom hatching. 2c per egg. Eakln Hatchery. Talent. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, laying strain. 62.50 hundred Baker Service station. DRBSSLER'S Square Deal Hatchery. 1107 E Main Phone 1569-Y. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Cow snd 2 heifers R. Stump. West of Howard school. FOK SALE 20 head of horses and mules. Ray Moran. Central Point RED feeder Beagle. pigs. Adolf Schulr FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS FOR SALE German police dog. Hasenfurter, 1 ml. south Phoenix. Ptclflc highway. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A most complete set of Tinners' Tools Including sn extra good tinners' table, shears, etc. If Interested win furnish list of pieces. A bsrgaln. Lucas Furniture Ax Ha.dware, 195 East Main 8treet, Klamath Falls, Oregon. FOR SALE House plants. Mrs J. P. DeWItt, R. 2, Box 217. FOR SALE Oeneral Electric refrig erator. Phone 370-W. FOR SALE Hot water heating plant cheap. 1040 West 11th. FOR 8 ALE Federal truck. 314-ton, damp body. Price 6700. Central Park subdivision on Jscksonville highway. Whole or part. Call at Jacksonville Exchange. FOR SALE Yellow dent seed corn, So lb C. A. DeVoe. FOR SALE Large electric brooder, IS 00: or will trsde for feed. See It at Samsons Feed Store ORCHARDISTS Don't neglect your oronara. setter daya are ansso For Pear, Trees. Cherry, Apple Peach, Apricot, Almond, Plum. Walnuts, Filberts, Grapes. Roses, Shrubs, etc., call at W B. Bar- . num. Medford, 8 miles south on Paclilo highway or phone 851R2. Carlton Nursery Company, Carlton. Oregon. SUPERFEZ oil neater, cheap. .Phone 1013. MEXfct all leather work glovee China gnat 75c. Men & Women's' Jackets msde to messure. Lewis Carpeace: 308 So. Newtown. Medford. GET the "No Hunting and trespsss- tng signs at the Msu Tr-bune Job omee: printed oo cloth to witn stand the rain and weather. FOR SALS Used sewing msonlnes. all makes. 85 up; terms 11 desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sawing Machine Co- 34 N Bartlett POR send, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming. Phone. B13-J. MISCELLANEOUS LA WN MOWERS SHARPENED for 76o Wjrs guaranteed Call and deliver free Phone 2B1 Medford Cycle 4t (-Kaii aajp, a no. fir ot- MISCELLANEOUS LET ME do your sprsylng for you. Apnis. pesrs, apples ana corx cims Call 258-W. WALL PAPER cleaned good ai new P. M Call 26U-J. Reasonable rates. Goodman. QET the "No Hunting" and trespass ing signs at the Mai) Tribune Job office: printed on cloth tc with stand the rain and weather HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack- ra and movers Spools! livestock -moving equipment Prices right Satisfaction guaranteed 619 North Riverside Phone' '044-X BUSINESS UIKKCTOKY Absfiects. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance Booms and 8. No 82 North Central Ave upstairs JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete T 1 1 1 r system in sstssar County. Dressmaking and Remodeling. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and remodeling 424 Medloro Bias Myrtle Andrews. Pbone 1181 Expert Window cleaners. LEI' OEOBOB DO 11 Tel. House oleanlng Floor waxing ori ental rug oleanlng,' specialty Electrical Service. PLYNN ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Repairs day or nlte rnone ooo-x Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPAKTMEN1 Best equipped plant in southern Oregon Printing of all kinds: book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything ID the printing line. 28-30 N Grape Phone 75. Money to Lena. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS. Three per cent per month on un paid baianoe No other charge See W E Thomas. 46 S Central Ground floor Oraterlan Theatre Bldg State Lloense No S-167. Public Stenographer. ILLUSTRATED M1EMOORAPHING MAILING SERVICE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY Grace C. Voss 34 North Central Pbone 112 minster. BADS rRANbFER 8 STORAGE OO. Office 1016 No. Central Phone 815 Prices right Service guaranteed RB1NKING TRUCKING OO. Trans fer and Storage. We haul anything - at -a reasonable price, ill No Fir Street. Phone 832. LEGAL NOTICES Notlce of Sheriff's Sale Bv 'virtue of an execution on fore closure duly issued out of and under the seal or tne uircuit (jourt oi tne States of Oregon. In and for the Countv of Jackson, to me directed and dated on the 12th day of April. 1933. In a certain, action tnerein. wherein First National Bank of Med ford, Oregon, Trustee ae Plaintiff, re covered judgment against josepn a Johnston and Eleanor Madallne John ston, husband and wife, the defend ants, for the sum of One thousand eight and no-100 (6108000) Dollars, with interest at tr per annum wttn costs and disbursement taxed at Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Hastened 6. Dishonor 10. Monkey 14. Existed 16. Claw 16. Piece bitten out 17. Vocal aolo 18. Path of a heavenly body 19. Presently 20. Childish 32. Region In northern Europe 24. Foe 26. New: comb, form 27. Appointment! to meet 10. Any animal or plant 15. Course of travel 18. Seed covering 37. Silkworm 31. Direct a run 19. Caused irrita tion I. Knack i3. Scheme 45. Set out on a voyage (C. Fasten again If. General sketch or outline , M. Force f-U Front of the foot It. Poaseaelve pronoun 54. Holds back Solution of Saturday's Puzzle E E RD O O MP AME 5 T TIE 15 2 35 5 E R IllDlOlLlSHftlLlAlWAltlRl OTNTAV E T ,C NAlRlATD E SPA R E C A 5 A N Tg0Vl oLm RoTFe w1eriem1e1lItIstient it. Moderate and flowlnc mu sical move ment t. Single thing S3. Village! IS. Tall kn leap ing am phibian 61. Greater quan tity 67. Rub out 61. Biblical char acter 69. Impressed with solemn wonder 3 3 -1 WAS ( 7 5? WAi0 I" Ia "l'3 " m . m :l 1 1 m m . 2o XI Hp 2i 23 Mmm .m III m Jm : WWW P33"" WMW- S 5(. Sj WZst 3 TZrti 1 I I li i ntl I 1 I I Uuil 1 ' 1 Elghleen and 03-100 (l8onl Dollars, snd the further sum of One hundred and no-100 18100 00) Dollars, as at torney's fees, which ludgment was en rolled snd docketed in the Clerk's of fice of said Court In said County on the S3th day of March. 1933 kj-v.. u herebv ilven that, pur- susnt to the terms of the said execu tion. I will on me . 1933. st 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at tne front door of the courthouse In the Cltv of Medtord. In Jackson County. Owon offer for ssle and will sell at pub'.ln auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, to gether with the costs of this sale, aubl'ct to redemption as provided by law. all of the rlaht. title snd Interest that the ssld defendants, Joseph B. joh-ision snd Eleanor Madsline Johnston, husbsnd and wife had on .k. m.v, lv of June. 1927. or now have in and to the following descrlb-. i . -t.,,., in th Cnuntv of Jackson. State of Oregon, to-wlt: Bern? part of lot Number Seventeen (17) containing acres more or less, of that certain tract known as Crest broo Orchard Tracts, ss the ssme Is platted and delineated upon the rec ord of plats In the office .of the Coun ty Recorder for Jsckson county. Ore son, and further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner Af roe 17. nrwstbrook Orchards, as tne same is recorded in the Book of Plats In County Recorder's Office of Jack son Countv, Oregon, running thence North 6459 feet: thence East 399 feet: thence South 543.9 feet: thence West 399 feet to the place of begln nlnj snd containing five (5) acres of, more or less, save snd except a strio of land Thirty (30) feet wide onrf Thre hundred and nluety-nlne (309) feet long, running parallel to and a ong the south line or ssia n acre tract, containing .275 of an acre, n. less, reserveo as a road and In h rieHlrated to the County Of Jackson and State of Oregon, for satd purpose. All of the above being altu sted in Jackson county. Oregon Dated this 14th day of Aprii. mas. WALTER J. OLMSOHEID, Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By O'.ga E. Anderson, uepuiy. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. ltv virtue of an execution of fore-' closure auiy issuea out oi jiu u the esi of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the Coun ty of Jackson, to me nirectca aim dated on the 26th, day of April, 1933, in a certain action tnerein, Ralph O. Bardewll. as the Adminis trator of the Estate of Charles M. English, decessed and Letha English, as plaintiffs, recovered Judgment against Walter H. Jones. Individually and a Administrator of the Estate of Tollta M. Jones, the defendsnt, for the sum of seventeen Tnousana rive Hundred and no-100 ( 617,500.00) Dol lars, together with lntere t thereon at 6 per annum from September 5th, 1939, with costs and disburse ments taxed at Twenty and 65-100 (630.65) Dollars, and the further sum of One Thousand and no - 100 (61000.00) Dollars, as attorney's fees, which Judgment was enrolled snd docketed In the Clerk's offloe of said Court in said County on the 22nd day of April, 1933. Notice la hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of the said exe cution. I will on the 3rd day of June 1933. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Medford. in Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for caah to the highest bidder, to satisfy ssld Judg ment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as pro vided by law, all of the right, title snd Interest that the said defendant. Walter H. Jones, Individually and as Administrator of the estate and sole and only heir at law and next of kin of Tollta M. Jones, deceased, and Jessie Jones, his wife, Mabel S. Jones. Southern Ore gon Credla Bureau, Clyde A. Melvln, R. - S. Smith and American Fruit Growers, Inc., had on the 5th day of September. 1929. or now havo In and to the following described property, situated in the County of Jackson, Stato of Oregon, to-wlt: Cross-Word Puzzie 11. The pineapple 12. English school 12. Transmit 21. Bury 23. Vegetable 25. Supporter of the houae of York 37. Snare 7S. Turbid 29. North Ameri can Indian linguistic stock XI. Rivulet 32. Wrathful 33. Asiatic tree 34. Things that match 36. White ant 40. Acquiesced 41. Ancient Celtlo priest 44. Put into notation 47. Kccentrlo 49. Hawaiian food 50. Thicker CI. Merchant guild 64. Former Rus sian parlia ment 65. Sufficient. poet, 66. Weary 67. Morbidly tender 69. Town In Alaska. .. 69. Sailors 6L Supervise s publication 64. Bames pagoda C HsaaP L A T 70. Restrain 7L Girdle DOWN 1, Trade: colloq. 2. South Ameri can country t. Oreet bake 4. Most costly I. Long fur neckplecei I. Retinue of wives 7. White vest ment t. Toll hard 9. Snarl 10. Shellfish Beginning at the southeast comer of Land Donation Claim No. 57 in Township thirty-seven (37) south. range two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian In Jsckson County, Oregon, thence West 2193 43 feet to the south west corner of Donation Land Claim No. 57: thence North 1736 feet, thence East 722 feet, thence South 987 feet. thence East 1471.45 feet, thence South 749 feet to the point of beginning. and containing about 04.03 acrea of land, more or less. Together with the tenement, her editaments snd appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise apper taining. Dated tnis 37tn day of April. 1933. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jsckson Countv, Oregon. By OLOA B. ANDERSON, Deputy. 1 2 KITTEN BALL AT High school boya to the number of 180 have signed up for kitten ball. A .selection, or placement commit tee, placed the boya on various teams, according to ability, and In such a manner that star players were evenly distributed among the various teams, so as to equalize and make competi tion as close as possible. The selec tion committee, composed of boya of all classes In school: M Scheel, C. Latham, J. Trill, W. Colbaugh, seniors. B. Kindred. J. Pierce, W. Harris. R. Brown, Juniors. 8. Kunzman, O. Severson. T. Camp bell, W. Lowry. sophomores. After placement of players on teams by the committee, each team organ ized, selected a name for their team and elected a captain, who placed members of his team In their respec tive positions. The captain la also responsible for his team being pres ent and prompt for games. Four diamonds have been laid out so that four games may be played at the same ttme, and thus avoid the necessity of any team having to wait their turn to play. In other words eight teams, or 06 boya. are In ac tion each evening after school, and play every other evening. A round robin schedule has been drawn up. whereby each team plays every other team In the league. After the league schedule has been played off an all-star team will be selected from each class. These teams wl! play a series of games to deter mine the class championship of the high school. Games played to date and scores: Homebrewers. 20; 3.3 Percenters, 18. Muffors, 22: Bagmen. 18. ' All-Stars, IB; Sophomore Sluggers, 20. St. Louis Blues, 38: Ramblers, 10. Black Hurricanes, 11; Flat Feet. Vi. Red-Heads, 20: Trojans, 11. Klttenball Imps, 31; Cardinals, 9. Home Run Kings, 10; Rlnky-Olnks. 9. There has been more Interest and enthusiasm displayed by the boys this year in klttenball than In any other year In history of the school. High school klttenball team: .Mil f for s. L. Htcka, captain: L. Kuehule. H. Croucher. A. Crausse, W. Ludwig, O. Hall. O. Murphy, L. Smith. It. Morris. R. Murphy and K. Dawson. - Hlnck Hurricanes. J. Rawhauaer, captain; P. Baum-! gartner, P, Ben ford. H. Kingaloy. N. Cope, B. Weltz, J. Buckley. J. Koppen, D. Applegate, H. Plnley, C. Brewer and E. McQraw. Rlnky-Dlnks. Zi. Hubler, captain; V. Campbell, H. Williams. H. Harper, R. Rtndt, R. Of ford. H. Gilford, L. Bullis, D. Gray. J. Brewold, M. Llttrell. Fiat-Feet. L. Ghelardl. captain: G. Andrews. B. Lumen, R. Brown, J. Vandever, T. Schatr, W. Caaebolt, E. Gould. W. Meyers, W. Sheets and J. Wood. Home Run Kings, B. Kindred, captain: C. Hicks, D. Stewart, K. Estes. L. Reich, F. Younger, J. Corliss, A. Holzgang, H. Nellson, p. Sparks and W. Howard. UflRmen. J. Pierce, captain; H. Grove. S. Kro ne hell, L. Northcroft, B. Walden, D. Porncrook. I. Doty, R. Holzgang. J. Nellson and N. Spencer. . Red Heads. D. Sleeter. captain; A. Knox, H. Curtis, L. Williams, A. Hooper, W. At kins. O. Ollbreath, P. Loom Is, C. Overmeyer, A. Wntson and M. Walters. Tro Jans, B Simmons, captain; O. Knox, A. Randies, A. Gebhard. O. Cook, N. Benson, B. Gentry. W. Liggett, R. Ottoman and W. Walker. Cardinals, W. Prenttoe, captain: P. Shafer, P. Shaw, R. Sherwood. E. Moffatt. M. Anderaon, C. Gould, S. McKlnney. R. Reum, L, Whiteside and D. Stlnson. Klttenball Imps. W. Harris, captain; B. Matthews, B. Bates, B. Hlnman, R. Greaves, U Clement. E. Fitzgerald, L. Klein, O. Oliver, R. Ulrlch and A. Merrltt. Alt-Mum. L. Hammack, capaln; B. Cummings, A. Fraley, R. Higgens. R. Love, B. Merrick. D. Moore, P. Quen berry, A. Santo, H. Shurtleff and H. Wood. Ramblers. J. Col bough, captain: W. Colbaugh, L. Cook, J. Cowden, C. Latham, M. Rae. E. Scovtlle, J. Sparks. W. Turn qulst, R. Wee tr field, E. Bennett and R, Younger. Home Brewers. J. Trill, captain; R. Hogue. R. Jor dan. D Lowry. J. Paxton, Bob Pren tice. M. Putney, D. Roberta, M. Scheel. B Slead, C. Walden and P. Petty. Boph Mugger. 8. Kunzmsn, captain; L. Campbell, E. Coats, R. Hurd. O. Higgens, L Bragg, p. Lowry, W. Lowry, J. Horner, F, Snyder and E. Parks. St. LouU Blues. O. Severson, captain; K. Harrison. F. Brown, B. Young. H. Pitts. E. Owen, E. Cowgill, D. Short, D. Bar- i rett, D. Fraley and L. Pay. ' 8.2 Percenter. ' U. sKobn. uptajo; D. Dudicy, B. "Old Ironsides" Passes the Gate J(r- A wweJTf'-s.. " v , , . r ' ,v .. 1 v , . . 5 . v i K 4 t 'I'hrnuirli llm ffimniia (.nlilffll .nlft Frlgalr Cnti.lilulion, to be wclcomerl nl Sun Trnnclaco by thomsnds ol srhool children end olhrr viailora. Tills ri-mnrlcsble plrlure, token from the Aasoplnlcd Oil company plane, allows "Old Ironsides" Inst off tins Ireatle llmt la alretchlnR out from Old Fort Point for the building of the ' Golden (into brlilue. Tho mlnulrness of the Rallant frixote that came victorious throurth about 55 engagements nt the hcirfht of her career, Is emphasized br comparison with the Associated Tanker Frank H, Bock. 425 feet in length, outbound from San Francisco bay. The Constitution will continue up the coast in the near future to make stops at all principal harbors. . KMED Broadcast Schedule Tuesday. :00 Breakfast News. Mail Tribune :05 Munlcal Clock. :15 A Peerless Parade. :30 Shopping Guide. o :00 Friendship Circle. :30 Today. - 45 Meeting of the Martha, Meade society. ;00 U. S. Weather Forecaat. :00 Fashion Parade. 18 Cheerful Cherub Club. " 30 Morning Comments. 46 The Pet Program. 00 Quartettes Parade. . 16 Martial Music. 30 song and Comedy. 00 Mid-day Review. 19 Pyroil Parade. 30 News Digest by Mall Tribune. 30 Songa of Yesterday, ;4B Golden West Program. UVVartetles. 30 Granta Pasa Hour. :48 Interlude. 00 Dance Matinee. 00 Songs for Everyday. :30 KMED Program Review. ' 35 Music of Old. :4B Siesta Hour. :00 Across the Seaa to Hawatl. 30 Masterworks. :00 Popular Parade. 48 News Digest by Mnll Tribune. :00 Medford Theater Guide. :05 Stlvertown Sidelights. 20 Vignettes. 00 Butte Falls High School Or chestra. :30 Crowi Cuts from Log Day. :30 Eventide. . :00 U., 8. Frost Forecaat. the TALENT HIGH SCHOOL ILL PRESENT PLAY The senior class of the Talent high school will present a play, "Listen to Leon." Friday night at the school auditorium. It will be a three-act comedy and will feature the follow ing student players: Ha Hill. Alice Hill, The ma Stevens. Leta Logan, Edward Learning, David Wlnkteman, Howard Work and Herbert Nichols. The play la under direction of Es ther Spangenberg. 1 ' An Instant, accurate credit report may be obtained from the Southern Oregon Credit Bureau while your cue tomar waits. Phone 54a. Well haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Broken winaowa glazed rrowbridge Cabinet Works. ay LMtrell, r. Ettlnger, 0. Ayrea, O Ben son. R. Baize. J. WatU, B. Prince. C Frye, and J. Tucker. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two front apartment in the Mail Tribune building with fireplaces and hardwood floors. Both are fur. nished comfortably. Right in the center of Medford ' down-town district , . . Moderate rent. Apply at Mail Tribune office, No. Fir street. .i v 4 V-vr-'l " On Mlirrll 24 CAITie the hl,tori Meteorological Report May 1, 1933 Forecasts Medtord and vicinity: Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday. Normal temperature. Oregon: Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday. Normal temperature. Lowest temperature this morning. 47 degrees. Temperature a year ago today: highest, 67; lowest. 47. , Total precipitation slnoe September 1, 1032, 13.32 inches. Relative humidity at A p. m. yes terday, 30 per cent; 5 a. m. today, At per cent. Sunset today, 7;09 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow, 5:05 a, m. Sunset tomorrow, 7:10 p, m Observations Taken at .$ A. M 120th Meridian Time hi S 31 City , v. s..- a ' . i " - , Boston . ... 60 00 .... P. Ody. Cheyenne 80 36 .44 Rain Chcngo ...W...H.UHH 74 60 .03 Clear ' Eureka .................. 64 48 ,12 Rain ' Helena 42 36 .42 Cloudy Loa Angeles 64 48 Clear MKDPUHU ..60....47....T.....CIoudy Now Orleans .. 80 .... .... New York -. 60 64 .... Cloudy Omaha . 64 47 T. Cloudy Phoenix 70 48 .... P.Cdy. Portland . .. 64 48 J2 Rain Reno ., 64 40 Cloudy Roseburg 66 60 T. Cloudy Salt Lake City ... 62 38 T. Clear Sal Francisco .... 60 .... Cloudy Seattle . 66 49 .14 Rain Spokane ....... 48 36 .01 Clear Walla Walla 66 46 .02 Cloudy Washington, D.O. 76 60 Cloudy "KUBOK" a specific, remedy for treatment of poison oak. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Oraoe Laboratories 209 Liberty Bldg. 1 Special Olant Parules, 23o dorea. Rogue Valley Floral Co., Tel. 1040. 1 Don't extend credit to Mr, Near Customer until you find out from the Southern Oregon Credit Bureau how he paid the other fellows. SEE CHARLES A. TO BUY YOUR HOME IIIUgUBJgJ