MEDFORD MAIL TKIBUtTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAT 1, 1933. PAGE THREE TAX COLLECTIONS FIFTY PER CENT. UNDER LAST YEAR Tax collections are about SO per cent below lut year, according to figures on file at the tax collector's office at 'the court house, and from. collections of the past two days. Indi cations are that collections are going to be nearly as much as last year. Totals taken last Friday night showed 962,063 collected, as against 162,826 at the same date last year. Southern Pacific had paid their taxes of slightly over $50,000 last year, but have not paid so far this year, cop co's payment of 452,000 Is also to come this year, and If both Copco and Southern Pacific pay, the collec tions will be almost as much as last year. Payments were good Saturday and this morning. It was reported, but no totals had. been taken. It Is expect ed that payments between now and May 6, when taxes become delin quent, will keep clerks In the tax collection department busy. 'S BIT OF PHILOSOPHY A bit of dog philosophy, recorded for "Mike" by his master, Dr. Harvey P. Coleman, who recommends the verse for humans, too, was brought to The Mall Tribune yesterday by a friend of the big American bull ter rier. It. reads: "Some folks make a fuss when I take my own part, ' And I fight for my place in the sun: It pays to be peaceful, they say, but I've found, That It frequently pays the wrong one." The white bull, who calls Dr. Cole man master, recently deserted the ring to 'lead a peaceful life. Occa sionally he breaks over, however, and the poem Is his atlbl. It was mailed to Mrs. Sydney Richardson of the Hu mane society, who remembers well the day that Mike, to avenge an In sult, all but tore down the humane shelter. AGITATOR SUSPECT IS HELD BY POLICE Joe Stinc, 39, an Austrian, Is held by state police on a charge of vag rancy, following his arrest Sunday. Stlne had literature In his posses sion which Is being Investigated by the authorities. Authorities here are keeping a close watch for communistic agitators, It Is reported, to prevent any such out breaks as are oocurtng In Iowa. Oregon Weather. Occasional rain tonight and Tues day; normal temperature; fresh west winds offshore. Inquire about our new 5 percent and 10 percent CASH discount on all purchases. Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann May Succeed Moffett Capt. J. H. Towers, U. 8. N, has been mentioned to succeed Rear Adm. William A. Moffett as chief of the bureau of naval aeronautics. (Associated Press Photo) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Cheap, pure bred Narra gansett torn from prize winning stock at Tangent. Ore. Call 351-R, or address Box 339 Central Point, Route 2. . FOR SALE Agates, cut and polished, at 620 So. Ivy. Call after 5 p. m. TO TRADE For house and lot In town, l'i acres, house, barn, chick en house, good garden ground, fine pasture: 2' miles out. Inquire at Route 4. Box 65, Buckshot Hill Rd. FOR SALE 30 White Leghorn chicks. 6 week old; 1 Black Rork setting on 16 choice Plymouth Rock epgs. Also rabbits, one large doe and buck, and six fine sires. 616 Lib erty St. WANTED Second .hand bird cage. 616 Liberty. WANTED Hlah type man for city or country work. Apply 6-7 p. m. to day. Holland Hotel. FOR SALE 3-room modern house; garace; S500. Call at 145 S. Grape. SMALL furn. house cheap. 801 No. Central. TRADE 1:3 ton Graham truck. 10 speeds forfard, for light car. Phone 1044-X. OPf ,m 11" ' Society and Clubs Edited by Eva Nealon Hamilton McOuat-Lydiard Weddinj: Event of This Morning. ' At a quiet ceremony at 10 o'clock this- morning in Grants Pass, Miss Jane McOuat, charming daughter of P. J. McOuat, and William H. Lydlard dlard, son of Mrs. Margaret Lydlard of the Table Rock district, were mar ried by Judge Grant Matthews, an old friend of the McOuat family. The ceremony was read at 10 o'clock In the presence of a few rel atives and Immediate friends of the couple. The bride, unattended, wore a gray travelling suit and corsage of gardenias. Present were P. J. McOuat, Mrs. Margaret Lydlard and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wahl of this city. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Lydlard left for the south for short stays In San Francisco and Los Angeles before sailing May 13th on the 8. S. Malola. for a honeymoon In Hawaii. They plan to return to Medford In June to be at home to their friends In their new residence at 10 Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Lydlard are well known throughout the valley In both social and business circles, Mr. Ly dlard having been associated with W. A. Gates for many years In the local Groceterias. Their marriage this morning came as a surprise to many of their friends. Miss Green'ifr Betrothal to Robert Mlksche Told AnnminHnlr nffftffeiTunt and wedding date of Miss Faye Green, daughter ox Mr. ana Mrs. w. v. Green, and Robert Mlkscho, son of Mrs. Leo J. Mlksche, Mr. and Mrs. n Dmi ft-. An trtl nflrt n.t bridee Saturday ' evening. In addition to cards, Jlgg saw puzzles were aituno uted and when worked out formed a large wedding bell with announce ment of the wedding date, June 21. Prizes at cards were awarded Mrs. Raymond Mlksche and John Wilkin son, . Guests invited for the evening ?- xxioftM Rnot. Yvonne DeVaney, Lucille Barrett, Faye Green; Messrs. Joe Dugan, iiaroia jiuoier. Bob Wright and Robert Mlksche, and Ktrm Aimn Pnitt.t. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Prultt, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Auwscne. xur. and Mrs. John Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Blyy Byrum. Reames Chapter Has Jolly Birthday Party. The annual birthday party of Reames chapter was held Wednesday, evening at the Masonlo temple and attended by 100 guests. j The chapter room and dining room were beautifully , decorated In bou quets of apple blossoms and spring plowers. The obligation ceremony with dimmed lights was very Impres sive. Mrs.Elsie Carlton Strang and Miss Dorothy Reynolds furnished the music for the , occasion. A large birthday cake, baked for the chapter by Mrs. C. D. Thompson, decorated j with flowers and candles, was cut by the worthy matron, Mrs. Addle Wilson, and served by the charter members present: Mrs. Mary Strang, Mrs. Bessie Lumsden, Mrs. Lottie pickel and Mrs. Mamie Riddle. i The color scheme of yellow, which gave beauty to the hall, was also car ried, out In the ice cream ana taDie decorations. P.-T. A. Card Party Announced for May 0. Many people are now making plans to attend the benefit card party, an nounced by the city council of the Parent-Teacher Association for Sat urday afternoon, May 6, at the Jun lor high school auditorium, accord ing to talk in numerous social groups, Playing will begin at 1 :30 o'clock and those wishing reservations are asxea to set In touch with the committee, composed of Mrs. Drydale of Lincoln school; Mrs. Ramln of Washington, and Mrs. Rlnabarger of Junior high school. They may also phone Mrs. Jack Heyland, 15 South Peach street, for reservations. Mrs. Heyland Is president of the city council. Olive Rebekahs Honor Mothers This Evening. Mothers will be honored this ev en met at the meeting of Olive Re bekah lodge. A special program for their pleasure has been prepared and refreshments will be served following the program. A large attendance Is anticipated. Tonight Is Meeting Time for Auxiliary. The local auxiliary to the Veterans of Foregln Wars will meet this ev ening at 8 o'clock for regular ses sion and cards. Refreshments will be served at the close of the even ing's events. Merrltt Circle to Present Program. The Merrltt circle will present the program tomorrow afternoon at the meeting of the Women's association of the Presbyterian church. The gathering has been called for 3:30 o'clock. Yon Can Have A Lovely Skin New, wonderful MELLO-GLO face powder stays on longer, hides tiny lines and wrinkles, prevents large pores. Banishes ugly shine, none of that drawn "pasty" look. Cannot Ir ritate the most delicate skin because new French process makes It the purest face powder known. You will iove me aeugntrui fragrance. Try MELLO-OLO today. 50c and el .00. Tax free. Jarmln & Woods Dnir Store. CONVALESCENT HOME GOOD CHEEB, GOOD CARE GOOD FOOD 133 Granite St. ASHLAND Ringlette Permanent IVate . . If you iet it here It ntist be good. I9.1S prices TICKIKS BKAL'TT SOI.ONE Hotel Holland Bldf. lei. Wti Elks and Friends to Dance In Celebration of May Day. May Day will be celebrated this evening by members of the Elks' lodge and their friends at the danc ing party at the temple, which prom ises to be a festive affair In keeping with the season of Dowers. Special decorations, In keeping with the old time legends associated with the first day of May are prom ised by the committee for the even ing, which Is composed of Messrs. Bob Strang, Grover Corum, Charles Gil bert, James Daily and Harry Barne burg. Several dinner parties and open house In other homes will precede the dance. Junior High League Celebrates May Day. The Girls' League at Junior high school Is among organizations observ ing May Day today. They will give faculty members nosegays and bou tonnleres Instead of May baskets and the following program is being pre sented: Dance by Frankle Rlnabar ger and Catherine Ford and a May pole dance by 16 girls from the 7th and 8 th grades. Miss Johansen Here From Seattle ' Miss Kitty Johansen of Seattle ar rived by train this morning to be guest of Mrs. Katherlne Heffernan at the E. B.'Hanlcy ranch in the West Side district. -Lady Elks Meet For Cards Tomorrow. Lady Elks will gather at the tem ple tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock for cards. Mrs. G. R. Satchwell will act as hostess for the afternoon. Building Bridge Club Pas pones Meeting. The Building Bridge club will not meet this week, as planned. It was announced, today, the afternoon at cards having been postponed because of the dinner, planned by sisters of the academy for Thursday evening. The club will meet May 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Kelly with Mrs. Paul Greiner as hostess. Mrs. Rnhl and Daughter Home From Winter In South. Mrs. Robert W. Ruhl and daughter. Alicia, 'who spent the winter at Palm Springs. Cal., returned to their home here yesterday, motoring from the south wltb Mr.. Ruhl, who joined them In California a short while ago. Alicia re-entered Valley school this morning. , Mrs. Koppen Hostess" Tomorrow to Missionaries. , Tomorrow afternoon the Missionary society of the First Methodist Epis copal church will meet at the home of Mrs. E. C. Koppen on South Oakr dale. Gnrden Club to Elect Officers Thursday. The Medford. Garden club will meet Thursday evening for election of of ficers In the auditorium of the county court nouse. An Interesting program will also be presented. St. 'Ann's Altar Soctety To Meet Wednesday There will be the regular meeting of St. Ann's Alta society of Sacred Heart church tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Hostess Club Meets Tuesday Afternoon. Mrs. Nancy Horton will be hostess Tuesday afternoon to the Hostess club. Each member Is asked to bring needle and tbjmble for sewing. Card of Thanks " We wish to express our sincere ap preciation to our many friends for the kindness and sympathy extended us during our recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. JOHN U. WILLEKB AND DAUGHTER. Special convocation of Cra ter Lake Chapter No. 33, R. ' A. M Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30 p. m. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors invited. By order of L. O. Stewart, H. P. Geo. Alden, Secretary. See Hubbard Bros, for White Mt. & Arctic Ice Cream Freezers. A few of the cut prices at Heath's Drug Store Guaranteed Alarm Clocks 98c $1.00 Citrocarbonate .'..79c Vicks Vapo Rub 29c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 89c 25c Tish Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c Stop in Roseburg at the UMPQUA . HOTEL The Ic&iling hotel of the L'mpqua Valley . J. A. Harding, managing owner RATES: Single, without bath: $1.00, i.25. 1.50. Single, with bath: $1.75, $2.00. $2.25. WINNIE JUDD KEEPS FELINE PETS Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd, confessed slayer of two women, with her black cat and gray kittens, two of which she Insisted on taking with the mother cat from the Arizona atate prison to the state hospital after being found Insane. (Associated Press Photol FIRS! OF FOREST The first camp In local territory to be established under the reforesta tion program will be located on Se attle Bar In the Applegate river, just below the Copper poetoffice, accord ing to definite announcement brought to Medford today by Hugh B. Rankin, supervisor of the Rogue River Na tional forest, upon his return from the reforestation conference in Port land. Work on the camp will start as soon as the site Is approved by an army officer, Supervisor Rankin stated, and an army man is expected here within the next few days to inspect the lo cation. The camp will be constructed by the army and as soon as It is completed, 300 men will be stationed in the Rogue river forest. E. C. Solinsky, superintendent of the Crater Lake National park, haa also returned from the Portland con ference. E if AS 42 VIMS AGO 25 quncesfpr-25t You Save In Buying KC.... You Save in Using KC At Geary and Taylor the San Fran-1 me-up to the Jaded appetite. On tht ctscoviiltor MndsSanFrancisco'sftnest main floor are two other equally faro hotels Here, those whoappraUtean oys restaurants, the Florentine Room environment 0 to be found travelers retui able atmosphi Clift. physical vol nlri with located In the verjjj irojEareksiyfe thCYJ-4r rfflisai lit n In San at Geary and Taylor, b this fine hotel. Here t warm, per sonal service ll assured each guest Every room outside... each with private bath. Three tan san r ranclsci here theCHftgues the better shops. shops, the more Ini at hand not morel from Its doors. Outstanding In It .to every guest's e management take the beautiful put the structure. ' 1 perhaps San Fran tlve hotel rests u teen floors above famous dining rooms. Garage In connection. Rates... from $3.00 ilnsle, $5.00 double. ,HEC L decorated and rlci nlficient room wh a ts carte serve carta e"H ix j - Ijlil' :o-S ..liltnVS?gSC'Wj i-strewn Bay, the teeming llwwjnif'nodi ofTutlTbosp! the Cisco Ihlo Oakland and Berkeley surging up to the hilts on the opposite shore miles away. The view from here Is truly marvelous. sedative to tired nerves, sUlcjjjtht tiofuudiccdeyeja rlck- 1 I E F Announcement has Just been made by the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland association that during the next three months the organization will film the outstanding scenic and recrea tional attractions of the Shasta-Cas cade Wonderland in the .form of a travelogue In sound and natural color. The contract has Just been made wltb the Scenic Educational Film cor poration for the production of this In the Magnacolor process. Professional directors and camera men aro expected In Medford tomor row morning to start filming of the first pictures in this region. It was announced by the Chamber of Com merce this afternoon. The Medford chamber is now a member of the Cas cade Wonderland organization. The men will probnhly spend four or five days In Medford, the Rogue River val ley and Crater Lake region. use tfiz double tested' double action DUG? lightfully siry main lobby. a &SO guetl room, cacl Francisco umerous suitet ft desired site ant II room furnish light fixtures ar. csigns, especislty t. Msny of the it notice of the ko luxuriously are raitned, best reasons for ! rendered Clift t that both Mr, owner snd Mr, Irer, both reside fhis. of course. h of the manage of the guests it I F T li that no guest to object to the ljfttmosphere of present day bosDltalitv. Al though the Clift la a major hotel of San Francisco, although it is rated as supreme in service and value-giving, yet the rites there are surprisingly Garbo, Pallid, Nervous Returns Unobtrusively From Homeland Visit By Alanson Edwards , United Press Staff Correspondent. HOLLYWOOD, May I. (UP) Ore to j Garbo, the exotic "ay tank ay go j home1' girt of motion pictures, re- j turned from her native Sweden to-1 day after an ocean voyage that left ; her pallid and nervous. The traditional Garbo secrecy at tended her hasty departure from the steamer Annie Johnson at San Diego, from where a limousine brought her back to Hollywood and the firm career she deserted more than six months ago. A crowd of 500 gathered at the dock saw a pale and somewhat bored looking young woman In gray clothes hurry down the gangplank and enter the automobile assisted by a liveried chauffeur. She wore a gray suit, gray hat and yellow scarf and carried a gray coat 'B.O.GONEA FAVORITE WELl,CIRLS, WE'VE BOUGHT THE HOUSE SO I'M HERE FDR KEEPS. I SPLENDID WHY, THE BRIDGE CLUB COUlDAir GET ALONG WITHOUT YOU. CAHT YOU Se A UTTIE NICER TO MRS .5 .DEAR.? HER HUSBAND SAYJ THEY'RE THINKING OF MOVING. $HE SO LONELY HEftt. Vt I TRY TO BE NEIGHBORLY SJ2&. BUT THE OTHERS JUST fp&-' if, WONT! THEY CAN'T over her arm. Her hair fell almost to her shoulders. She was pale and tired looking, and there was a pimple on her nose. As she walked past newsmen lining the gangplank she paused long enough to answer two questions. "Did you have a nice trip?' "Yes, it was very nice." "How long will you stay this time?" 'I dont know. One never knows about life, does one?" Dr. J. W. Tappaan. one of the quarantine officers who Inspected the ship, reported Miss Garbo "looked as If she has not been well." But from Capt. C. O. Holmberg, skipper of the Annie Johnson, it was learned that she was "the only pas senger who didn't get sick." "There were reports that she came aboard at Gothemberg, Sweden, MRS.S. I could ee so HAPPY HERE If PEOPLE ONLY WERE A LITTLE MORI 9 FRIENDLY. NOW! I, W1 plexjon soap. See how quickly yourskin responds to its gentle, yet thorough pm-dap cleansing. Watch dullness freshen, 1 A raoDUCT of lsvee biothku go. KEEP HIS FOOD SAFE 1 you realty tcnew the facts yoo would own an electric refrigerator. The food saying elorx will pay for the refrigerator and electric refriger ation ts the one sure way to keep the baby's milk clean and pure. No chances must be taken with his food end grown-ups live better and healthier if their food h also pro tected from moisture, germs and dirt Invest In an electric refrigerator. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY n rtoiiit dressed In men's clothes, but thst Is) not true. She had on women's! clothes except she wore a slicker and) a man's hat. "In the tropics she wore a sweater and shorts. Then coming up the coast it got cooler and she wore dun garees and an officer's cap." The actress was the only passenger given the freedom of the ship's bridge, Capt. Holmberg disclosed. ALIEN NO! SEEKING SEAT IN CONVENTION Announcement, made Saturday by the Joint committee of Democrat and Republicans In Jackson county favoring dry repeal, listing the name of W. W. Allen as a candidate for the position of delegate to the state convention In July, was described to day as "premature." Mr. Allen hat not declared his candidacy as a dele gate. Fred Coivlg, temporary chair man for Jackson county, stated Those who have are Edward C. Kelly and Rawles Moore of Medford and A. O. Nlninger of Ashland. WHAT A LOT OP LIFEBUOY IN THIS WINDOW ! I'VE ALWAYS MEANT TO TRY IT, I'LL GO IN AND GET SOME NOW. "B.O."is a problem we (body exior). ALL have to face! IADY of leisure of busy "tram morning till sight" j no one of us is Jife from "B.O." (body odor)! For every norms! person mmit perspire. Fores give off a quart of odor-csuair.g wxste duly. We don't know when we offend ttbtn Jtl Play safe bathe regularly with Lifebuoy. Its clean, fresh, quiddy-vanishing scent tells you Lifebuoy is no ordinary toilet soap. Its richer, more abundant lather purifies and dfa&r ha pores removes every trace of "B.O." Want a radiant skin? , Make Lifebuoy your com